Her Sensuous SearchChapter 6 free porn video

Hub didn't touch Sue for the next few weeks. In fact, he was hardly ever home. It was no secret where he was spending his nights. When he brought his laundry for Sue to do, he would stay a few minutes and talk to Doug, bragging about what a "hot piece" his divorcee girlfriend was. Sue couldn't help overhearing the vulgar conversations. She tried not to show it, but she felt resentful and angry at having to wash his dirty clothes when he was obviously shacking up with another woman.
"Why can't she wash his damned clothes for him?!" Sue yelled at Doug one evening, after Hub had gone. "I suppose she's too good, the whore!"
Doug was a bit taken aback by Sue's unexpected outburst. He didn't know what to think. All outward signs indicated that she despised Hub and was glad to have him out of the house, so he had no way of knowing that his lovely young bride was actually jealous of Hub's girlfriend, and hating herself for it.
When college let out for the summer, Doug got a job as salesman for a correspondence school. After a few days of training, they sent him out of town to work. His first sales trip would keep him away from home for a week to ten days. Sue was left alone in the house. This made her feel uneasy, and with good reason, for about ten-thirty on the first night of her husband's absence, Hub moved back in. Sue had already gone to bed. She was reading when she heard him come in.
"Suzy," he called from the front room. "Oh, Su-zy Baby."
Just the sound of his voice made her tense up. The slight slurring of her name told Sue that her stepfather-in-law had been drinking, and the way he sing-songed it out left no doubt in her mind of his intentions. He was in a sexy mood.
Hoping he would go away, or at least leave her alone, she ignored him. But he was not to be put off that easily. Her heart quickened as she heard him walking through the living room, coming nearer. Being alone in the house, she hadn't bothered to close her door. Suddenly he appeared in the doorway, a half-smile half- frown plastered on his coarse-featured face.
"So there you are," he muttered, pausing just inside her bedroom, his eyes dancing devilishly as he drank in the youthful beauty of the nineteen-year-old blond lying in bed clad only in a pale blue nightgown. The covers hid her from the waist down but the pointed pink nipples of her lovely breasts were clearly visible through their covering of wispy blue nylon. "Didn't you hear me calling you?" he demanded.
Sue nodded nervously.
"Then why the hell didn't you answer?"
"Because I didn't feel like it!" she snapped. "What are you doing here anyway?"
"I live here, remember? It's my house."
"But why now? You know Doug is out of town," she whined.
"That's why," he chuckled. "Don't want you to get lonesome, Suzy Baby." As he spoke, he moved slowly toward her, unbuttoning his shirt.
The magazine in Sue's hand began trembling.
"Stay away from me," she warned timorously. "I don't want anything more to do with you."
"Need some pussy," he said with a grin.
"Then get it from your divorcee girlfriend!" Sue shrilled. "I heard you bragging to Doug what a 'hot piece' she is. Get out of my bedroom. Go back to your slut!"
He laughed mockingly as he tossed away his shirt, baring to Sue's reluctant gaze his hairy, superbly muscled upper torso. "Why, Suzy Baby, you sound downright jealous."
"Jealous!" she shrieked. "Don't flatter yourself. I couldn't care less what you do, or who you do it with, just so long as you leave me alone!"
Again he laughed. As he unbuckled his belt and dropped his pants, he told Sue it was all over between him and the divorcee, that he'd broken it off because all she could think about lately was getting married. "Now with you, I don't have to worry about that, do I? Being as you're already married. Nice of Doug to take that job, wasn't it? Gives us a clear field while he's on the road. And from what he was telling me, he'll be out of town most of the time. Ha. Ha, ha."
"Maybe he will," Sue admitted. "But it won't do you any good."
"That's horseshit and you know it."
"It is not!" Sue whined, hurling the magazine at him and then jerking the covers up to her chin. "If you so much as touch me, I'll scream."
"Will you, Suzy? You're all shook up, aren't you, baby? Why are you shivering? Cold? Scared? Excited maybe?"
Hub had merely ignored the magazine as it sailed harmlessly past him and hit the floor. All his attention was riveted upon Sue. He was pleased by the fearful yet fascinated expression on her pretty face as he tugged down his shorts and allowed them to slide down his powerful legs.
An involuntary gasp escaped Sue's tremulous lips. She didn't want to view his exposed sexual organs but couldn't seem to look away. His huge prong was in a state of semi-erection, yawning lazily to one side and drooping slightly. Below it dangled the wrinkled, hair-covered skin bag containing his walnut-sized testicles. Absently the tip of her tongue touched her upper lips at its midpoint.
"Looks good to you, does it?" he chortled.
"No, damn you!" she spat. "Next to you, it's the ugliest thing I ever saw!" But she was lying and they both knew it. God help me, she thought, it does look good to me!
Sue would've rather died than admit this to Hub, however there was no denying it to herself. The sight of his rising, thickening penis brought back the memory of how wildly she'd responded to this brute of a man when he'd so callously raped her. She felt defenseless and vulnerable as, against her will, a sense of unbidden excitement welled up in her at the prospect of her husband's stepfather once again overpowering her and taking her by force.
"G-Get out of here," she whined, when Hub, completely naked, climbed into bed with her.
He grasped her wrist and drew her hand to his loins, forcing her slender, feminine fingers around the hard, hot shaft of his massive member.
"No!" she protested, even as her fingers encircled him with an eagerness that surprised them both. "Oh, nooh," she whimpered when, unable to control herself, she began stroking his blood- engorged prick for him.
"Feels good to you, huh?" Hub asked.
"Yes, yes... oh, damn you, it does!"
"Sure it does," he laughed derisively. "And we both know why, don't we? Because you're nothing but a slut. Isn't that right, Suzy baby?"
It was too much, having him laugh at her and call her a despicable name just when she was about ready to give him anything he wanted. Tears of shame and humiliation filled her baby-blue eyes.
"I'm not a slut," she wailed, jerking her hand away. "All I want in the world is to live a normal, decent life and to be a good wife to Doug. Now get out of here. Leave me alone. Please, Hub, please!"
"Huh-uh. Can't do that," he replied. "Don't know what it is, but there's something about you that brings out the beast in me. Spread 'em, Suzy Baby, you're going to get screwed."
But Sue meant what she said. When he grabbed her and tried to roll atop her, she fought him frantically. This amused Hub. His bursts of raucous laughter filled the room while, for moments that seemed like hours to Sue, he wrestled her around in the bed, attempting to wear her down and overcome her resistance. He succeeded in ripping her nightgown off her and, during the struggle, the covers got kicked clear down to the foot of the bed.
"No, Hub!" she panted breathlessly, her heart hammering like that of a captured wild fawn, when at last Hub managed to get on top of her and pry her legs apart. "You mustn't do this awful thing to me! Not again! Oh, damn you... don't rape me! Please, please don't rape me!"
Hub was also out of breath, and his narrowed eyes had that glassy look of lust about them. Determinedly he reached down and took his aching rod in hand, skinned it back and, squirming into a better position, guided the forefront of his bulbous glans into the hair-fringed opening of Sue's unwilling vagina.
"Oh, God," she moaned, because for a second there, when she felt the heated knob pressing for entrance, she had the crazy urge to throw her legs wide apart and let him ram that big lovely thing up into her as deep as it would go. This unwifely emotion shocked her, however, and regaining her senses, she slapped his face as hard as she could, hissing, "Bastard! Bastard! You no-good bastard! Don't you dare put that nasty thing in me!"
"That was a big mistake," Hub growled. "Shouldn't have slapped me! You asked for it, and now you're gonna get it. I warned you the last time you drew your hand back to me; now I'm going to spank that sassy ass of yours, but good!"
In her weakened condition, Sue's desperate but feeble efforts to defend herself proved futile. It was as if she were caught up in a whirlwind, the way he grabbed her and, sitting up on the side of the bed, flung her across his knees.
Never in her life had she received such a sound spanking as the one Hub gave her. Showing no mercy at all to her piteous pleas and outcries of pain, he laid it onto her nude backside with the bare palm of his hamlike, workman's hand.
Splat, splat, splat! came the rapid-fire report of the man's punishing hand as it rose and fell, raining well-aimed blows upon the creamy-white buns of the young blondes voluptuous buttocks.
"Stop it! Stop it! Let me up!" Sue screeched, squirming in pain as she kicked her bare feet wildly about and beat ineffectively at her tormentor's hairy legs with her small fists.
"Do you know who's boss around here yet? Are you ready to mind me now?" Hub demanded, pausing with his hand held high in the air, at the ready if more swats were needed to bring this spirited little filly into line.
"Boss? Mind you?" Sue gasped. She glared up at his ugly, grinning face. The glint of evil sexual dominance in his narrowed eyes scared her, but still she spat venomously, "You're crazy! You know that? It'll be a cold day in hell before I'll mind an old man like you! Go to hell, Old Man! Go to hell!"
As she spoke, Sue was trying desperately to get up off his lap, but her struggle to break free proved useless. He was simply too strong, and he was really angry now, because of what she'd said to him.
"Old man! Crazy!" he bellowed. "Why, you little..." Hub's voice trailed off. He gritted his teeth. His eyes pulled down to mere slits which seemed to glow. The muscles of his jaws pumped in and out. And then he swung into action. Down came his hand.
"AAIIEEE!!!" Sue shrieked, as the smarting pain nearly made her pass out.
He'd smacked her so hard it stung his work-hardened hand. There was a crimson imprint of his huge hand on the soft white skin of her shocked and cringing asscheek. It was good enough for her, the smart-mouthed little shit, Hub decided, going right on with it. If he had to beat that pretty young butt half off her, he meant to do it, in order to master her. All the fooling around was over. No more Mister Nice Guy would he be. Before he was finished with her, she would be glad to obey him.
"Let up! Let up! You're killing me! Please let up... oh, please, please," Sue begged, as he continued to spank her for long moments that seemed like hours. It felt to her as if he were literally setting her behind on fire. She couldn't stand it any longer.
"Apologize!" he barked, pausing again, panting from the effort he'd expended.
"Yes, yes," she gasped. "I'm sorry... for what I said. You're not crazy. I never thought you were. You're the boss. I know that now... and I'll mind you. I swear I will, if you'll only stop spanking me. It hurts. Lord but it hurts!"
Both of her buns were burning, their color having been changed from pale white to an almost neon red. Hub stared down with gloating approval at the reddened rump of the squirming, whimpering, sobbing teen-aged girl. She sounded like a chastised child, whereas only a few moments earlier she had enraged him with her outburst of haughty defiance. This new attitude of hers was more to Hub's liking. Just for good measure, he slapped her rosy- red rear end a couple more times, then he ordered, "Lay down!"
Sue slid off his lap and hurried to obey.
"Not over there, damn it," he scolded and, patting the very center of the mattress, he added, "Put it right here."
He didn't have to tell her twice. Obediently she scooted to the middle of the bed and positioned her feverish fanny on the spot her bullying stepfather-in-law had indicated.
"That's better. Now spread 'em, Suzy Baby."
"His voice sounded amused but his expression told her he meant business and would tolerate no more resistance from her. She spread her long, shapely legs, revealing to him the most intimate of her private parts.
"You're good and juicy now," he commented.
Sue said nothing. She knew her pussy was moist and swollen with unbidden desire. It embarrassed her to lie there with her legs apart, letting this brute of a man lean over her nude body to examine her groin at close range. He moved his face so near that she could feel his hot breath bathing the top of her trembling thigh. For a moment she thought he intended to kiss her right between the legs, and she shivered with a surge of perverted expectancy. But his lips only brushed the sparse blond hair of her mons veneris before he pecked a single quick kiss on her indented belly button then sat back up beside her.
"You're nothing but a hot-assed little cunt," he hissed, as he reached out and began running his hand possessively over her abdomen and breasts, all the while leering down at her as if to say, I'm your lord and master now, girl.
A mixture of shame and humiliation welled up in Sue. Her cheeks flushed and she turned her head to the side, closing her tear-misted eyes to shut out the sight of the man who was abusing her against her wifely will.
"Look at me," he ordered.
She shook her head. "I can't. I'm too ashamed."
Calmly he captured the coral cone at the tip of her nearest breast between his thumb and forefinger and slowly began pinching down on the tender tit-flesh.
"Nnnn!" she whimpered.
"Look at me."
The mounting pain in her nipple forced her to blink open her eyes, turn her head back toward him and gaze fearfully up at him. "Please stop. You're hurting me."
"Sure, hot cunt," he chuckled, and immediately he released her nipple. "Are you ready for me to hose you now?"
"What an uncouth slob you are," she muttered, the words escaping her lips before she could think.
A wicked smile spread over his face. Suddenly he grasped both her tumescent pink nipples, pinching them harshly and twisting them cruelly at the same time.

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