SpiralsChapter 33
- 4 years ago
- 15
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Martian Planetary Guard Base, Eden
June 6, 2146
It was the third day of the basic training program and Jeff Waters was once more seriously considering just giving up. It was 0700 hours, the sun barely up in the eastern sky, and instead of soundly sleeping in his bedroom at home, he was out here on this exercise yard, dressed in a pair of red shorts and a white MPG T-shirt, a twenty kilogram pack on his back and an unloaded M-24 rifle in his hands, running around a damn track. Sweat poured off of his face in rivers, staining the cotton of his shirt. His breath heaved in and out of his lungs, lungs made inefficient by years of cigarette and marijuana smoking. They were only a kilometer into the run and already he thought he was going to die. Nor did he seem to be alone in this predicament. Of the fifty-six recruits partaking in this particular training class, at least forty were badly sucking wind in response to the physical exercise. They were supposed to be running in a tight formation, five abreast and no more than a meter between the fronts and backs, but in practice they were scattered all over, several people actually holding others up.
"Let's keep up the pace here, ladies and gentlemen," intoned Sergeant Woo, the infantry squad commander who was their drill sergeant. He was jogging along to the side of the formation, his own pack and rifle resting easily upon his fit body. He, like his two assistant instructors, had hardly broken a sweat, did not in fact even seem to be breathing hard. "You can't go outside and fight the Earthlings if you're not in shape enough to keep your suit from discharging on you. We need to get you folks up to three kilometers by the end of this week."
Nobody answered him. In part it was because the screaming of "yes sir" or "no sir" in response to a drill instructor's words, while common in the WestHem training system, was just not customary in the MPG. Mostly however, it was because no one had the energy or the breath to answer.
Jeff dragged himself onward, a sharp pain stitching through his side, his fingers starting to feel numb and tingly around the plastic stock of his weapon. He was about halfway back in the pack, running next to Steve Gallahad, a stocky retired gang member from the north downtown part of Eden. Gallahad was the closest thing to a friend that he had made so far in this nightmare. An intelligent, though crude, young man, he had talked Mark out of quitting three times so far and Mark had talked him out of quitting about six times.
"I can't take this shit no more," Jeff grunted out between breaths now. "This running is killing me, man."
"Keep it up," Gallahad grunted back. "You pussy out now and I'll kick your ass."
"You'll kick my ass in your dreams," was the obligatory reply.
Gallahad gave the obligatory laugh in response and they ran on, their sports shoes lifting up and pounding down on the neatly manicured grass. Soon the phenomenon of the second wind kicked in, easing Jeff's suffering a little. Endorphins flooded into his body, quieting the stitch in his side and imparting him with a gentle sense of well-being, a sense that was almost, but not quite, powerful enough to override the misery that he was in.
As they approached the two kilometer mark the majority of the recruits seemed to experience the same effect. The formation tightened up a bit, although it was still a far cry from anything approaching military standards. Even the opposing personalities of the group - and there were many of those in this bunch - seemed to drop their animosity for one another at the moment and run in peace.
Presently the misery came to an end. One by one the group passed the three kilometer mark and were ordered into a gentle walk by Sergeant Woo.
"Very good, people," Woo told them encouragingly as they made their slow-paced trek around the track one last time for the cool-down period. "We didn't have any drop-outs on this one. That's quite an accomplishment for this bunch. Another week or so, you'll be pounding out that 3K in no time."
A few of the mouths of the bunch made a few smart-ass remarks to his words but with the endorphins still flooding their bodies they were mostly good-natured and Woo actually chuckled at one of the funnier ones.
"Let's go hit the water fountain and then the showers," he told them. "And then it's back to the rifle range."
They broke the loose formation that they had been maintaining and started heading in mass towards the bank of water coolers near the entrance to the crew building at the far end of the compound. The recruits swarmed them, grabbing the small hemp paper cups and filling them with the lukewarm liquid and swallowing it down greedily. Jeff waited patiently in a small line at one until it was his turn and then filled a cup. Before he could even put it to his lips a hand grabbed his shoulder and pushed him roughly to the side.
"Out of the way, Capitalist fag," a contemptuous voice told him.
It was Recruit Hicks, a former Thrusters gang member from Helvetia. Though Jeff had never met him before the first day of their training, Hicks had brought the traditional animosity that had existed between the Capitalists and the Thrusters into the MPG training ground with him. He never let pass an opportunity to make some snide remark whenever he ran into Mark in the classroom or on the range or on the exercise yard. Jeff of course, in the great tradition of the Capitalists, had never failed to return an equally hostile remark. Nor were he and Hicks the only members of the class engaged in such behavior. On the contrary, Woo and the other instructors constantly had to break up verbal and physical altercations between former gang members or between gang members and non-gang members. A few of these confrontations had been quite heated, to the point where it was a good thing that the M-24s that they were carrying were not loaded with ammunition.
Up until now Hicks, who was always the aggressor in the confrontations, had kept them on the verbal level only. But now that he had carried things to the next step by putting his hands on Jeff, the code of the Capitalists demanded a suitable response. Jeff didn't think about what he did, he just reacted as his upbringing told him to. He dropped his rifle and his pack on the ground, took two steps forward, and swung a roundhouse into the side of Hicks' face, snapping his head to the side and causing it to slam into the wall. Hicks grunted with the impact and charged at him, grabbing him around the middle and forcing him to the ground. He began to punch at Jeff's face, most of the blows deflected by Jeff's blocking wrists or elbows but two of them getting through. The crowd of recruits immediately surrounded them, like kids on a playground, shouting encouragement to one or the other of the fighters.
Jeff absorbed three more blows to his face before he managed to buck Hicks off of him and onto the ground. He rolled upward, pulling himself to his knees just as Hicks tried to rise. A straight armed punch sent Hicks reeling back to the ground once more and opened up a small cut on the side of his face. Jeff then stood quickly to his feet and prepared to give a kick to his body, a kick that would fracture a few ribs and maybe puncture a lung or lacerate a spleen. Before he could do so however, he was grabbed roughly from behind at the elbows and twisted around. A second later he was facedown on the ground, his arm twisted painfully up behind him. He struggled for a moment, trying to rise and pressure was put on the arm, increasing the pain and compelling him to give up the fight in a second.
"Keep your ass down there, Waters," he heard Woo say calmly from above him. "If I break your arm I have to fill out paperwork."
Meanwhile Hicks, sensing a chance to renew his own attack, got quickly to his feet and started forward. Before he made it two steps Corporal Vasquez, one of the assistant instructors, appeared as if by magic behind him and circled an arm around his neck. With a seemingly effortless maneuver, Vasquez pulled him backward and dumped him neatly onto his back, his arms splayed out to the side. Vasquez's boot then came to rest on his throat, keeping him from rising.
"Are you two done with your little high school scuffle now?" Woo asked conversationally. "If not, Vasquez and I could maybe show you how real men fight. You want to learn that?"
Neither Jeff nor Hicks said anything. Nor did any of the other recruits.
The pressure was suddenly released from Jeff's arm. The boot was removed from Hicks' throat. The two instructors took a step backwards.
"Get your dumb asses up," Woo told them. "And if you lunge at each other again, you're gonna be right back down there and this time you're gonna be visiting the infirmary."
Jeff, panting from the adrenaline of battle, his face flushed with anger and embarrassment, slowly got to his feet. Across from him, Hicks did the same.
"What the hell is the matter with you morons?" Woo asked, although it seemed he was addressing the entire class instead of merely the two combatants. "What the hell are you fighting about?"
Again, like kids in a schoolyard, they stared ahead defiantly, refusing to answer.
"Goddammit," Woo said, stepping forward and putting his face inches from Jeff's, "I asked you a question! Waters, tell me what you two were fighting about!"
"He pushed me off the water cooler," Jeff said.
"He pushed you off the water cooler?" Woo repeated.
"He put his fuckin hands on me," Jeff confirmed. "I ain't lettin him get away with that shit!"
"I see," Woo responded thoughtfully. He turned towards Hicks. "You pushed him off the water cooler? Is that true, Hicks?"
Hicks shrugged. "He was standin in my way. I ain't gonna let no Capitalist faggot keep me from getting a drink."
Woo looked from one to the other, his face showing mild disgust at what he was hearing. "A gang rivalry huh?" he finally said. "That's what you two idiots are fighting over? That's what most of the fights I've broken up these last three days have been over. A fucking gang rivalry."
"They never said they'd be putting me in training with no fuckin Capitalist!" Hicks said.
Woo stepped up to Jeff and grabbed him by his hair, not quite violently, but not quite gently either. He twisted his head so that his face was looking at Hicks.
"Look at this man, Hicks!" Woo yelled at him. "Look at him. What the hell does he look like to you?"
"He looks like a fuckin Capitalist bitch!" Hicks shot back angrily. "And I ain't gonna train with none of them faggots!"
"Why did you join the MPG, Hicks?" Woo asked next. "Why did you put your fingerprint on the line and agree to put on this uniform? Why?"
"To fight the Earthlings," he said defiantly.
"To fight the Earthlings," Woo said, nodding his head. "Tell me something, Hicks. Does Waters here look like an Earthling? Does he sound like one?"
Hicks said nothing, just continued to stare forward defiantly.
"Waters," Woo said, still holding onto his hair. "Where were you born?"
"In the heights," Jeff told him.
"That would be in Eden, right?"
"And where was your daddy born, Waters?"
"In the heights," Jeff said.
"And where was your daddy's daddy born?"
"So your family has been on Mars for at least three generations then, right?"
Woo looked at Hicks again. "You hear that shit, Hicks?" he asked. "Waters and his family have been on Mars for three fucking generations. I'd say that makes him a Martian, wouldn't you?"
Hicks continued to say nothing.
"Wouldn't you?" Woo repeated, raising his voice a little.
"I guess," Hicks finally responded.
"And how long has your family been on Mars, Hicks?" he asked next. "More than three generations as well?"
Woo finally let go of Jeff's hair. "So what in the hell are you two morons fighting each other for? Because Hicks was a Thruster? Because Waters was a Capitalist? Give me a fucking break. You assholes are both Martians! You both have Martian blood flowing in your veins. And neither of you are each other's enemies!"
The two young men said nothing. Woo stepped back away from them, so that he was facing the entire group of recruits.
"People," he said, "we're here to learn how to fight the Earthlings. The Earthlings! They're gonna be here in about ten weeks or so and they're gonna have guns and tanks and hovers and they're gonna outnumber us by at least four to one. The cards are already stacked against us. We cannot waste our valuable training time picking at each other and fighting with each other. We need to work together. We need to be a goddamned team, don't you understand that? If we're not, a lot of you are going to die out there and this planet is going to fall to the WestHem marines. This is our best and only chance for freedom and I don't want to blow it because our soldiers can't put aside their stupid-ass gang rivalries and learn to fight the real enemy!"
Everyone stared at the ground at his words, a few of them shamefaced, most at least thoughtful looking. Even Hicks seemed to be pondering the words he had just heard.
"So here's the deal," Woo went on. "The next time that any of you assholes start fighting with each other over some stupid gang shit or any other petty difference of opinion or philosophy, you're out of here. I've been given the power to dismiss anyone who is not cutting it from the MPG and I will start using that power effective immediately. You hit each other, yell at each other, do any fucking thing at all with each other that cuts down on the efficiency of my training program and I will kick both of your stupid asses out of here. And don't think I'm bluffing because I'm not. I need to get the people who really want to take on the Earthlings through this program. I don't have the time to be acting like a goddamn playground monitor. Do I make myself clear?"
Again, in keeping with the practices of the MPG, there was no return of "yes sir" or anything else. But all the same they seemed to get the message.
Woo looked at Waters and Hicks contemptuously. "You two," he said, "will be my test of the program. I'm reassigning you, Hicks to fourth squad. Congratulations, lovers, you just became teammates."
Both Hicks and Waters opened their mouths to protest this but Woo held up a hand, silencing them.
"Uh uh," he said. "That is my decision and it will stand. If you two want to stay around here long enough to graduate from this training class, I'd suggest you learn to get along with each other real quick."
Less than a kilometer away at that very moment, Jeff's best friend Matt Mendez was struggling not to vomit. His stomach gurgled in a most unpleasant manner as his inner ears and sensory organs insisted that he was falling. He was sitting in the rear seat, the gunner's position, of a Mosquito that was idling in the airlock of the base. Just seconds before he had undergone the experience of lightening for the first time in his life.
"Not as pleasant as a blow job, is it?" asked Lieutenant Mike Dwyerson, who was strapped into the pilot's seat.
"No," he burped, closing his eyes and desperately trying to fight off the nausea and vertigo.
"Just breathe through it," Dwyerson advised as the outer door of the airlock began to slid upward on its track. "And keep your eyes open. The sooner you can convince yourself that you're not really falling, the sooner you'll start to feel kind of normal again."
"Right," Matt grunted into his throat mic, not even offering one of the smart-ass remarks that were his trademark. He tried to stretch a little in his seat but the biosuit that covered his body and the tightness of the restraining straps prevented any motion that would be therapeutic.
The door finished its upward motion and Dwyerson throttled up the aircraft, bringing it out onto the taxiway. It bumped and swayed a little as it rumbled away from the base at a sedate forty kilometers per hour, it's engine humming along at barely over idle. Matt continued to take deep breaths and to focus his eyes on the outside scenery and gradually, little by little, the vertigo and the nausea faded away. By the time they made it to the head of the runway, he felt almost normal except for a last lingering gurgling in his troubled stomach that was probably more from nervousness than anything else.
"I'll keep this first flight as sedate as possible for the mission," Dwyerson told him over the intercom. "We'll work our way gradually up to the more extreme turns and maneuvers. Still, we're gonna have to do some turning and burning when we get to the target area. It's the only way to do it, you know?"
"Static," Matt said sourly.
"Chances are you're gonna puke. Don't be ashamed of it. Almost every sis does on their first flight. But cleaning that puke out of your helmet when we get back will make you fight like hell not to do it on the second flight. Gradually, as you put in more and more hours in these things, you'll hardly be sick at all."
"Hardly?" he asked.
Dwyerson managed a shrug despite his restraining harnesses. "They tell me that it never goes away completely. Looking at a computer display while we bounce up and down all over the place has that effect I guess. What can you do?"
"Static," he repeated, depressed at the thought that he would always be sick when he flew. For the thousandth time since being told what his MPG assignment was going to be he wondered if the powers-that-be had really analyzed his ASVAB test correctly. They had told him that his learning skills, psychological profile, and reaction times were ideal for the position of Mosquito weapons and navigation system operator, or "sis" as the term went. His medical exam had confirmed this supposition as well. And so, while Jeff, whom he had hoped to serve with out in the field, was on the other side of the base learning to shoot M-24s and anti-tank lasers, he had been sitting in a classroom being taught the finer parts of the Mosquito's navigation and weaponry equipment. He had played with the systems in the simulators for no less than two hours of each day. Now it was time for his first flight in an actual aircraft.
"Give me a rundown on your take-off checklist," Dwyerson told him as he positioned them at the end of the runway for take-off.
Matt swallowed a little and looked at the display screen in front of him. He read from it aloud. "GPS is synchronized. Mapping software operational. Main guns discharged and on standby. Cockpit depressurized."
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Gay MaleThe next few days went fairly quietly, and all too quickly, for everyone. They had gone around and met several of the neighbors, and had been treated like visiting royalty, everywhere they went. Melody was, for the most part, remembered well, for the things her and Vera had done in times gone by. The Minister had remembered them as his greatest temptation. HE had been in his mid 20s, and single, at the time. After baptizing the pair of them, and hardly being able to keep his eyes off of them,...
I have been a very ardent reader of all the exciting stories that i enjoy on this site. And I used to always wonder when will I have a real experience like most of you shared with us readers here. So I am motivated to share my sex experience with you all, which is real and it will be shared in parts as we go along. I am doing away with all the ‘oohs’ and ‘ahhs’ when Seema and I had a wonderful time along with her husband Sameer, I am leaving it to the imagination of my readers to visualize and...
Hi folks ... there’s a slight chill in the air. It’s still sunny out but not as warm. The kids go back to school in less than two weeks. Summer is ending. I heard my favorite end of summer song the other day and it started me on this. This one is all one piece. Thanks for all of the e-mails and messages from those of you who got the answer to my blog question. And to the guy who thought the lyrics were from a Beethoven piece ... uhhhm ... Any way. Thanks to Barney-R for editing it. And Thanks...
As I standing there looking at the view, Dave noticed I looked a little cold so he offered me a long sleeve shirt. I said, "no thanks " and that's when he made the next move. He pressed his body against my back side as I leaned toward the railing. He!then said, "then maybe I could help " as he started lightly rubbing the outside of my arms as if trying to create heat. I instantly fell at ease, closed my eyes and leaned back enough to where my pressed against his chest. He was so much taller...
Russian glamour pornstars Kira Queen and Misha Maver go buck wild over their Black Friday shopping goodies and each other in today’s lesbian premium porn video. Both come home excited after their shopping spree to check out their items and try them on for size, as well as try them inside each other would be the more accurate description because the horny duo bought some new vibrators, as well. And of course, they need to test them out to make sure the sex toys are up to their orgasmic...
xmoviesforyouThe name of the website doesn't say much about the content of Pink Fine Art. It sounds like some very innocent stuff may be found in here, but boy oh boy, it's quite the opposite. I mean, not a single girl in here has any clothes on. Well, some have underwear or bikinis on and stuff like that, but you know, they're still trying to expose themselves as much as possible. If they were paid more, the underwear would come off quite easily as well.Now, let's talk about the website itself and what...
Naked Girls GalleriesPicture yourself at eighteen and a freshman at UC San Diego, a fairly modern campus with lots of sunshine, ocean breezes, green quads, and interesting architecture. You have a boyfriend, and both of you a fairly far from home, you being from Northern California and him from Arizona. You are taking in the sights, experiencing your first college classes, and have fun dating with your man, but something else is stirring in you. You’re bi, something you tried to ignore for a while, but now it’s...
LesbianThree months had passed since the incident at the Great River and Alya had seen very little of Talan in that time. The heat of summer was starting to fade and the cool nights of autumn were just over the horizon and Talrinen, the great capital of the kingdom, was already preparing for harvest time when merchants and pilgrims and peoples from all over the kingdom and beyond would come to the city for the great harvest festivals. With summer’s aging, however, the two young nobles had found their...
Straight SexOnce again, Carol and her father were alone in the sun room, both of them nakedly sunning themselves on the large air mattress. They had been kissing each other and now Mike was fondling his daughter's big tits, pinching the long nipples and rolling them between his fingers. "Ever been fucked in the ass, baby?" the man suddenly asked, making his daughter gasp with surprise and excitement. "No!" she cried, feeling both thrilled and afraid at the idea of her father's huge cock tearing...
Friends, you are reading this sex story on indiansexstories dot net Hello, everyone! I’m Kartik (name changed) from Tamil Nadu basically, currently pursuing MBA in Bangalore. Help me to get better with my fore coming stories with your feedback at A short intro about me. I’m slim, tall with a decent cock size (6″). About the heroine of the sex story, her name is Priya (name changed) might be in her 35-40 Yrs. But hot as hell. Stats are 38d-28-36. Jaw dropping boobs and juicy ass. She’s my...
I live in an ordinary street in an ordinary town, and next door to Mike and Nina, who are just an ordinary couple, happily married and doing things all happily married couples do.Now I had known them a few years now, I moved in just a few months after they had next door, and for almost five years everything was just very normal, until one night a few days ago.It was warm summer evening when, as I sat in my back garden drinking a beer I heard voices coming from Mike and Nina's house, they were...
Hello ISS readers. This is Jack from Baroda, Gujarat. This is my first story. This is real story. This is narrating one of the sweetest moment in my life. Ye story real hai, isliye jo apni gf ya wife se paheli baar sex karma chahte ho vo zaroor se padhe. Kyuki dusri stories ki tarah isme koi fake nahi hai. I sway ye 100% real hai. After reading this stories please give me feedback. I am 25 married male from Baroda and working with an MNC. I am 5’7″ and 68 Kg, having attractive personality....
As the old saying goes, familiarity breeds contempt. If there was a person on the planet who knew the true meaning of this adage, it was Terence. Six months before he made the biggest mistake of his life. In an Isaac Hayes version of a Bill Withers song, ‘Ain’t No Sunshine,’ there is an improvised line, ‘I lost the best thing I ever had.’ Terence had done that… and Byron was his name.Byron was the most giving and affectionate person you would ever meet. Terence, coming from an emotionally...
Gay MaleMs Christine Hewson was at her desk in her office going through the monthly reports for Sapphic Enterprise. Rubbing her eye she stretched her arms before using the intercom. "Cheryl can you come in here now" she ordered waiting for her PA to enter. Cheryl entered the office and looked at her boss's face to gauge her mood. The 38 year old Christina regarded her 22 year old blonde haired PA as she approached. "You summoned me Ms Hewson how can i help?" Christina replied that she was leaving for...
BDSMA beautiful woman was sucking my member. ‘What is your name, beautiful cocksucker?’ I queried. ‘Valentine,’ she muffled. ‘And today is going to be a day you will re’member’!’ ‘What’s the word limit?’ I asked Britishly, not knowing how much to say. ‘No limits,’ she fellated. ‘Only lust and desire. Those are my sisters: Lust is the Blonde, and Desire is the midget.’ ‘Have Desire go and make me a pot of tea’, I grunted between thrusts. ‘I find her cross eyed look off putting.’ Even though...
Our family as 4 members, a middle-class family from south India. It’s all started during my sister’s marriage, let me introduce my family.My father shiv Narayan 56 years old,My mother rani 42 years old,My sister Divya 24 years old,And myself rathode 22 years old.My sister’s marriage was fixed to one of my father’s friend son, he is good at earning and he is in good position in his work, marriage as taken place very grandly all of our relatives were so happy to see my sister’s marriage, my...
Sara did not hear the door open downstairs. She was completely engrossed in her “alone time” as Mark entered the house undetected. She sat on the bed nude with her legs open, totally preoccupied and was working her fingers lightly on the outside of her pussy teasing her self. The wetness she felt excited her as the arousal intensified. Mark did not call out as if instinctively he knew what he would find. Her laptop was open and she was involved in a chat that had evolved into a mutual...
MasturbationKit sat with Nichelle at the Sweet Bean and sipped from a tall masala chai. She reached for his hand and they locked fingers. “This was a good idea,” he said. “Live music ... good coffee and chai ... tasty snacks.” “Friday is an open jam session,” she replied. “What kind of music do you like?” “I like about anything that’s done well. I don’t have a favorite genre.” “I’m the same way ... except for country.” “Yeah ... There is some country I can listen to. I kinda like Bluegrass ... in...
Hallo again! My wonderful, considerate employer has given me some free time as a reward for the amount of travel and associated work we have been doing recently, which was extremely generous of him! This has allowed me to continue with my story and to be honest, when I started on this project I was sure three chapters would see me reach the planned conclusion. Well even the best laid plans are subject to change, and as I wrote this chapter my principle characters, Katie and Dean, took me on an...
The doctor stood back, holding the end of the stethoscope in her hand. Shereached forward and placed the instrument above my left breast. Listeningintently she moved it directly between my breasts in my cleavage; thenbelow my breasts on my ribs. Doctor Morgan seemed satisfied with herfindings so far. She hung the scope around her neck again and said:"Now I'm going to examine your breasts."My heart skipped a beat as she continued; "Remove your bra for me, please."I reached behind and my...
Before taking off on business for the three hour drive to Calgary, I always log onto Squirt to see if anyone is playing, either right away in Edmonton, or somewhere along the route. One trip last summer, I wasn’t logged on for more than five minutes when an interesting profile caught my eye.“Secluded estate. Lounging naked by the pool. Anyone traveling nearby.”The profile said Sherwood Park. I couldn’t think of any secluded estates in Sherwood Park, but reading the rest of his profile, I was...
Ab mai aapko aage batata hun ki kya hua. Didi apna pair mere pair pair ke upper lakar daba rahi thi or halke halke apni kamar ko bhi hila rahi thi. Mai bhi didi ke upper chadha hua tha or apni kamar ko hila raha tha. Is ragad se jaise aag lag rahi thi hum dono ke jism se. mera lund didi ki chut par tha or humdono use ragad rahe the. Kiss karte hue hume lagbhag 10 min. ho chuke the par tann ki aag jo bujhne ke bajaye or badhti ja rahi thi. Meri or didi ki kamar ke jhatke badhte hi ja rahe the....
Hi everyone, this is my first time submitting a story on ISS. I have read several stories here and I am excited as I want to share my first sexual experience. So I am a college going guy in Delhi. I am doing engineering in Computer Science. We have a house in Delhi where my family lives on one floor and the other floors are rented out. About 6 months back, a couple decided to take on of the two-room sets available in our house. By the way, I forgot to tell you guys more about me. I am 20 years...
I just looked right at her as both Hope and I were laying there on Hope’s queen sized bed absolutely naked.. “I believe I asked ‘What the fuck?’ Now what the fuck Joe?” Kayla asked. “Well, I was just spending some time with Hope as she was scared and she was alone. Plus it was storming out. So she asked me to stay her. And she kind of tempted me,” I replied. “She tempted you? By doing what?” Kayla asked. Then I was just really nervous. She seemed pretty pissed off. “She got naked right in...
RAVAGEDChapter One It’s past midnight, now Saturday. She’s naked, on the bed, only a rumpled, plain white sheet partially covering her glistening body. The heat wave seems endless, the temperature hovering in the low to mid nineties, occasionally higher. Mixed with the ever increasing mid west humidity, the muggy nights give little relief, if any. The small rotating table fan gives little comfort in the flickering shadows as it whirrs precariously on the sill ledge of...
Susan told me she could give me the prosecutor's name, at least the one she'd dealt with. I told her no, don't bother. I wasn't even sure why I'd made such an issue of it with Brodine, other than to try to shake up his maddening bureaucratic complacency a little. I had no clout at all with the guy, whoever he was, he didn't know me from Adam's off ox and cared about me even less, if possible. There was no reason on God's green Earth he'd even give me the time of day, much less listen...
Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the actual Harry Potter series, its author, characters or book and movie franchises. This story has not been sold or created for profit. Story Codes: mf, grope, hp, magic, oral, unif Harry Potter: Harry Potter And The Legacy Of Hogwarts Part 3 – Lily Evans Is A Slut! by Avatrek ([email protected]) Hogwarts of 1976 was a very different Hogwarts of what Harry and Hermione had ever experienced. It was probably in large part due to the fact that both Harry...