GreeniesChapter 9B free porn video

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And while Jeff Waters was learning to get along with his new playmates and his best friend Matt Mendez was getting first degree burns on his neck from the stomach acid in his vomit, Lisa Wong was enduring a tribulation of her own.

She, along with fifty-nine other members of the special forces training class, were eight kilometers outside the safety of the base, in the wastelands, all of them dressed in full biosuits, their M-24s slung over their shoulders, and all of them lugging large equipment packs that weighed twenty kilos in the reduced gravity. They had been in the training class for two days now and this was their first physical training run. Since the primary job of the special forces teams was to operate outside, far from the protection of the pressurized environment, that was where they were doing it. Since all of the recruits had been regular soldiers before the training all of them were already in better than average physical shape. The eight kilometer run over the sandy hills and rough terrain of the Martian surface had been tiring of course and had been quite a bit more than most of them were really used to, but no one had been forced to drop out of formation. Their oxygen levels however, were all getting low. The physical exertion they were under was causing them to use more out of their reservoirs than the extractors could replace. Even the most physically fit of them had been in a constant state of discharge since kilometer number two.

Lisa's suit was currently at 38 percent in the reservoir, about enough for another thirty minutes of running at the rate she was consuming it. Her legs were sore and her face beneath her helmet was sweaty but otherwise she felt good. She was glad that they were starting them off slowly in the physical training department. The reputation of the special forces school was somewhat notorious for being grueling in this particular category. Perhaps, she thought hopefully, the horror stories about running the recruits into the ground were just rumors.

The run ended a few minutes later at the base of a large hill that rose up from the red soil. It stood about six hundred meters above the ground and the mapping program in their combat computers listed it as a defensive emplacement for infantry troops. Its slopes were about forty-five to fifty degrees. A winding, twisting trail that snaked between boulders and outcroppings of rock could be seen leading to the top.

"Okay folks," said Lieutenant Wilton, the primary instructor of this particular training platoon, his booming voice coming through their tactical radio earpieces, "in front of you you will note a large piece of rock and soil known as a hill. Specifically, it is Hill 607, which is part of the inner defensive perimeter for Eden. On top of this hill is a large trench in which there are ammunition storage containers and mounts for heavy machine guns. You will also note that the hill is quite steep and that it is accessed via a foot trail. Your task now is to climb this hill and enter this trench. You will climb quickly, as if enemy forces are moving in on you at this very moment. Stillwell," he barked, calling out the name of one of the trainees, "let's go back to basic infantry training here for a moment. When climbing a hill to position yourself, do you want to do it quickly?"

"Yes, Lieutenant," Stillwell answered immediately, his voice somewhat breathless.

"Correct," he said. "Wong, tell me why that is."

Lisa took a deep breath of the manufactured air in her helmet. "Because you're vulnerable to enemy fire while ascending," she answered. "Your movement and cover are limited and the enemy can see you and engage you from a long way off." Out of the corner of her eye she saw several of her teammates casting contemptuous looks at her, obviously unimpressed by her military knowledge. There was little she could do or say to impress them. She was the only woman among them, indeed the only woman in special forces planetwide and they had already made it quite clear that they did not think she belonged there.

"Very good," Wilton said tonelessly. "And that is why you will all proceed up that hill immediately and as quickly as possible. You will not stop along the way to rest. The first person to make it to the top will earn himself or herself a twenty-four hour pass and a one hundred dollar intoxicant credit at the club. So lets get going. Up, up, up! Right now! Everyone! Move it out!"

Lisa moved with the others towards the base of the hill, her suited legs and heavy boots treading carefully over the rocky, sandy terrain, utilizing the shuffle step which was how one walked in the reduced gravity. Several of the others pushed in ahead of her. One of them, Stillwell as a matter of fact, deliberately nudged her shoulder with his, almost throwing her off balance.

"Sorry, ma'am," he said contemptuously as she struggled to remain on her feet. "I wouldn't want you to fall down on your little behind now."

Lisa glared at him, a task that was a little difficult to accomplish through the helmet and combat goggles but which she somehow managed anyway. "Do it again, fuckface and you'll be picking pieces of your faceplate out of your nose," she told him, her voice level and softly threatening, the same voice she used when addressing troublesome vermin out on the streets while on patrol.

"Wong, Stillwell," said Wilton, "enough of that shit. Keep the frequency clear for tactical communication."

Stillwell glared back at her for a second and then started up the path to the top of the hill. After a moment, she followed him.

The going was rough as she picked her way between rocks and up the incline. Before she even climbed twenty meters up she realized that there was no way in hell that she could possibly make it without stopping to let her oxygen extractor catch up with the demand she was putting on the reservoir. Each step under the load she was carrying, with her center of gravity shifted about half a meter behind her and the need to twist and turn between the rocky obstacles, was making her heart pound in her chest, her legs scream out under the strain, and her breath tear in and out of her lungs. The discharge warning indicator reappeared in her visor, blinking on and off rapidly. The percentage meter that showed how much oxygen she had remaining dropped from forty percent down to thirty-seven percent in the blink of an eye.

She tried to slow her pace a little bit but it did no good. Each step upward was a concerted effort and an exercise in coordination. The bar graph and the numerical display continued to drop. It fell to thirty percent by the time she was thirty-five meters up the hill and down to twenty percent by the time she made it fifty meters up. She wasn't going to make it up there. She was going to have to stop when she reached five percent in order to keep from suffocating. She would have to stop and the rest of the platoon would all shake their heads at her and tell each other that the woman couldn't hack it out here. And maybe she couldn't. If she couldn't climb a simple hill, maybe she didn't belong in the special forces in the first place.

Nevertheless she pushed on, climbing higher and higher while her oxygen level fell lower and lower. When it reached eighteen percent is when others around began to stop their ascent. One of the larger men - Lavenger was his name - was the first of them. He simply stood next to one of the larger rocks and held in place, his body still, his limbs held limply to his side.

"Lavenger!" barked Wilton's voice over the headset. "What the hell are you doing, boy? You were told to climb that hill! Why the hell are you just standing there?"

"My oxygen level is down to five percent, Lieutenant," he said, his voice shameful and scared. "I'm discharging and I'll run out if I keep moving!"

"Are you saying that you're stuck up on the hill, Lavenger?" he asked, sounding quite incredulous.

"Yes, Lieutenant," he replied, more shame in his voice now. "I have to wait until my tank gets more air in it."

"Bullshit," Wilton said. "You're a dead man now. The enemy spotted you and killed your out-of-shape ass. Hold in place until you get twenty percent built up and then get back down here."

"Yes, Lieutenant," he said, sounding like he was about to start crying.

The rest of them continued to climb, their pace slowed down considerably now. Lisa was about ten meters behind Stillwell, about a third of the way towards the front of the pack. She wondered for the first time what their reservoir readings were. She knew that she was going to have to sit down as Lavenger did in about another three minutes or so.

Corporal Benning was the next to go. He was near the front of the line but had dropped back considerably in the last few minutes. Now he simply stood in place, bent over and unmoving, his profile partially hidden from Wilton's view by a boulder, as if he didn't think their lieutenant would notice that.

No such luck. "Benning?" Wilton asked reasonably. "Are you out of oxygen now too?"

"Yes sir," Benning admitted. "I'm at five percent with my discharge warning still showing. Sorry, sir. I couldn't make it."

"You're a dead man as well. Hold in place until twenty and then get your ass back down here."

Two other men went a minute later. Two more quickly followed. A group of four then dropped out one after the other. Wilton had contemptuous words for all of them.

Lisa's level slipped down to ten percent and then to nine. The warning light began to flash even faster in her vision. She continued trying to take slow, deep breaths, to conserve her air as much as possible, to reduce her pace upward even further, but no matter what she did the discharge stayed on and the percentage continued to drop. Two more people were forced to drop out before she reached five percent and the critical oxygen level indicator began to flash. She took one last deep breath and then brought her forward motion to a halt.

"Wong? Don't tell me that you're running out of oxygen as well?" came Wilton's voice in her ear. "You who challenged the admission standards based on your police experience?"

"Yes, Lieutenant," she told him resignedly. "I'm down to five percent."

"And you told me that you were in shape for this training, Wong. You lied to me, didn't you?" He didn't wait for an answer to his question. "Well, you've no doubt heard what the drill is, right? Hold in place until you reach twenty percent again."

"Yes, Lieutenant," she told him, feeling herself flush, feeling like a failure.

As soon as she stopped her motion, forty-three of the others - Stillwell among them - stopped within five seconds of each other, so many that Wilton was not able to scold each and every one of them. It occurred to Lisa that they had all been running with a critical warning light blinking but that none of them had wanted to stop before she did. Now they could all say that they'd outlasted the female in the group. Wilton noticed this as well.

"All right," he said to the group at large, "you idiots have proved that you could climb longer than Wong. Hold in place until you get back to twenty and then come down."

That left only four men left in the running for the top. One by one they too were forced to come to a halt. None of them had made it even to the halfway point on the hill.

It took the better part of fifteen minutes for Lisa's reservoir to fill back up to twenty percent. Once it did she started back down, her steps gingerly and easy. Her discharge warning light did not come back on. Soon everyone else was able to come down as well. Wilton gathered them around him in a circle, himself standing in the middle.

"You people thought you were in shape, did you?" he asked, spinning slowly around so that he could look each one of them in the eye. "You thought you could just come into special forces and that we'd teach you how to shoot better and do all those sneaky little things that we do and everything would just be static, right?" He shook his head sadly. "Wrong. As you can see by my little demonstration here, not even the fittest of you are even close to being special forces standard. Not even close! Any SF member would be able to run ten kilometers out here with full packs without causing a discharge warning on their suits at all. And any of them would be able to climb that hill immediately after that run and be on top in less than ten minutes and still have better than ninety percent levels in their tanks. That is the standard that we are going to achieve here and that is the fitness level that you are going to have to maintain to be a part of this particular team. It has to be that way because, as you were able to see up there on that hill, once your oxygen reservoir gets down to critical levels, you are effectively stuck where you're at. You cannot move, you cannot fight, you cannot do anything. You are, in effect, as useless as a cock on a cow. We're going to run your asses off twice every day and we're going to come out to this hill three times a week until every last one of you can climb it with oxygen left to spare. Whoever doesn't think they can handle that amount of exercise, drop your biosuit and your weapon off in supply when we get back and go back to whatever assignment you were in before you came here."

He paced around in the circle for a moment, shifting his weapon from one shoulder to the other. He then went back to his slow turn, his looks in the eyes. "Now that was my normal speech for this part of the training," he told them. "Every class that I bring through gets run out here and told to climb that hill and every time they fag out one by one. Never have I had a new SF recruit make it to the top on the first day. Never!" He took a few deep breaths, as if considering what he was going to say next. "This time however, something a little bit different happened. This time we had Wong among us, a woman in a place where no woman has ever tread before. And what I saw in response to her presence here today was very disturbing to me indeed.

"I was watching your oxygen levels on my combat computer," he told the class. "I had a graph that drew from the feeds in your suits, a little tool that the commander of a platoon has to help keep track of his troops." He stepped forward a few steps, his gaze falling directly upon Stillwell, who seemed to shrink back from it. "Stillwell," he said, his voice reasonable, "perhaps you could tell me what the minimum safety standard is for reservoir depletion. What is the absolute lowest that you are allowed to run your tank to before doctrine commands that you cease all activity and let it refill?"

The gulp from Stillwell was clearly audible over the frequency. "Uh..." he stammered.

"How low, Stillwell? How low?"

"Five percent, Lieutenant," he finally was able to blurt out.

"Five percent," Wilton said reflectively. "That's correct. I thought that I'd mentioned that number fifty or sixty fucking times during my lectures. I thought that that was what was common knowledge among every MPG member, among every fucking outside civilian worker who wears the fucking biosuit! So, Stillwell, with that in mind, perhaps you could explain to me why you let your reservoir go all the way down to two and a half percent before you stopped?"

"Uh... well... I didn't really... I mean, I thought that I could... you know..."

"Didn't want to fag out before Wong huh?" he asked. "You just couldn't stand to think that Wong would be able to go further up that hill than you could, right?"

"No Lieutenant," he said sternly. "I just thought I could bring it back you know. That if I conserved..."

"Don't you fucking lie to me," Wilton nearly screamed. "You brought yourself far below safety standards, put your stupid-ass life at risk out here, just so you wouldn't have to admit that Wong is in better shape than you."

He didn't wait for a reply. Instead, he glared at the rest of the troops. "And he's not the only one, is he? I counted thirty-seven of you who were well below four percent on your readings. Thirty-fucking-seven of you! And there were another five of you who were below five percent. And holy Jesus, all of you just happened to decide that enough was enough about twenty seconds after Wong finally had to give it up. You stupid idiots! Do you think we pulled that five percent figure out of our asses? Did it occur to you that you were putting your lives at risk? What would have happened if your bodies didn't recover from the exertion quickly enough to stop the discharge of your suits? You would've died of suffocation out here and there wouldn't have been a goddamn thing we could have done about it!"

The men who had been involved in this all hung their heads in shame at this lecture.

Wilton continued to glare and then shook his head in disgust. "If anyone in this platoon ever lets his or her tank drop below five percent again for any reason whatsoever, you will be dismissed from this training and returned to your regular assignments. I will not tolerate stupidity! Is that understood?"

It was understood loud and clear. Lisa, uncomfortable with all of the chaos that her presence had caused, looked around and saw that looks of hatred were being directed at her from all quarters. Waves of resentment were radiating off of her colleagues almost visibly. What had she done to deserve this? Just because she had signed up for the position that she thought she was best suited for, they all hated her.

"Let's get back to our feet," Wilton told them. "We have a long jog to the gunnery range. I want everyone to shoot off a thousand rounds today before we break for lunch."

One by one they got to their feet and formed up. Soon they were trotting off across the red landscape once again. They kept to a pace that was slow enough that no one discharged their oxygen tanks and thirty minutes later they arrived at the outside gunnery range, a one square kilometer area, ringed with small hills, upon which a variety of holographic targets could be activated and shot at.

For the next three hours they practiced various maneuvers and shooting drills. Lisa, who had qualified as expert with her M-24 ever since joining the MPG, quite easily showed up most of the men in marksmanship. Indeed a few of them were forced to grudgingly accord the smallest amount of respect towards her in this as she placed clean head or body shots on target after target, without benefit of her combat computer, from ranges up to half a kilometer away.

One person who did not give her respect was Stillwell, who was still quite stung from being publicly humiliated by Wilton because of her. His own shooting was near expert and well within the top ten in the class, but it was still short of her own. He took every opportunity to make snide remarks towards her, saying things like, "So she can hit a target with a gun. She still hasn't been in a combat unit before". Or he would remark to another student, "Do you really want a woman backing you up in a firefight? What if there's some icky blood around? She might get sick". Lisa, for her part simply ignored him and went about what she had been told to do. Wilton too, though he could hear every transmission that was made, chose not to say anything to either of them. Lisa wasn't sure what to make of his silence. Was he waiting for her to handle things on her own? Was he perhaps hoping that Lisa would quit of her own accord? She just didn't know. Wilton was a difficult man to read.

At last the shooting session wrapped up and they spent the better part of an hour picking up the expended shell casings that littered the range. Wilton then made them run back to the base at triple time, once again discharging their tanks.

By the time they made their way through the airlocks and back into normal gravity and pressurization, all of them were exhausted. Wilton told them to hit the locker rooms and get their biosuits off and back into their normal clothes so they could spend another three hours in the classroom learning the finer points of movement and tactics.

Lisa followed the men into the locker room that had been set aside for the use of the special forces teams. Wilton and the other instructors had given her access to a small storage room adjacent to the locker room for the purpose of changing her clothing in privacy but she had adamantly refused it, not wanting to have any difference between herself and the other SF troops in training. So far she had only put her biosuit on over her shorts and T-shirt. Now however she would have to strip completely naked and shower in front of them.

The locker room was quite large, large enough for an entire company to dress and shower in at once. A long plastic bench sat before each row of metal lockers. She found the locker that Wilton had reluctantly assigned to her and opened it by placing her fingerprint on the locking mechanism. She released the seal on her helmet and pulled it off, setting it on the bench before her. Her short hair was damp with her perspiration. She took a few deep breaths of the stale air, glad to be breathing anything other than the manufactured variety, and then began undoing the clasps that held her biosuit body in place. She slid it off so that she was standing only in her sweaty shorts and T-shirt. She looked around and saw that the men within view were moving slowly at removing their own equipment. Some were casting glances at her, others were trying their best to ignore her, all seemed very uncomfortable with her presence.

She thought of saying something to them and then decided not to. To hell with it. The sooner they got used to her being among them, the better. She reached down and pulled her shirt over her head, dropping in into a laundry bag in her locker. Her ample breasts were now covered with nothing more than a nylon work-out brassiere. She pulled this off as well, baring them for anyone to see. She could plainly hear the gasp of surprise from those around her. It was apparent that they hadn't thought she'd really go through with this. She continued to ignore them and dropped her shorts and underwear as well, leaving her completely nude. She stuffed the rest of the clothes into her locker and then picked up a clean towel and a bottle of liquid soap. Strolling almost casually she headed for the lockers, passing between groups of men.

"Better hurry up," she said flippantly, speaking to no one in specific. "We only have twenty minutes until we're due in the class. Wouldn't want to be late."

No one moved, no one replied.

She stopped and looked at them, amused to see that many of them - these tough, macho guys who fancied themselves the best of the best - were actually blushing. "Oh come on, you assholes," she said, just a hint of challenge in her voice. "Are you afraid of a naked woman? Surely a few of you have seen tits and ass before. Are you afraid to shower with me?"

She walked off towards the community shower area. Here were a series of showering stations situated above tile floors with drains in the center. Each station held a fixture that featured six nozzles in a circular pattern. She hung up her towel and then stepped up to the first one.

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Linda and Jim

Linda was a short blond little wet cunt hole. He hit her cherry and pushed past it."OH JESUS GOD." she cried.Jim fucked her like a mad man and shot sperm into her receptive hole."AGGGGHHH." she screamed as she climaxed."MAKE ME HAVE A BABY!"They were finally worn out from their efforts and Linda slept with Jim that night like man and wife. Linda was so happy! When they woke in the morning they had beautiful sex again. Linda and Jim got dressed and he drove Linda to her parents house. Linda...

First Time
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Happy To Be Used

I am the average male with the average male libido. That is to say, of course, I think about sex all the time. I also think about all kinds of sex and in my fantasies nothing is off limits.So it should come as no surprise that I walked into a porn shop on a Saturday morning wearing panties and with the intention of buying a new butt plug or dildo and some lube. But before I get ahead of myself, let me explain why I was in the store and what I was doing in the morning.I love smoking pot. I love...

Gay Male
4 years ago
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My Moroccan lover part two

My Moroccan lover part 2Obeying His needs. Mohammed had tekst me and during the next day. His words where making me hot and gave me a kind of fear…I can’t explain, but it was the dominance in a natural way who where hidden in his tekst. Like, “ heey sweet pussy of mine, my manhood will lead you into my world. I am there to submit your love to fulfill my needs . Something to think about, but I felt right.Mohammed said I will visit you this evening, can you receive me? Well Mohammed was more...

11 months ago
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Tommy and His Mommy

100% fiction! Mom’s a dream, a real treasure. I’d gotten in a day earlier than expected and she was out. I’d driven through the night and wanted to get a little exercise in; I was stiff from the drive. Thought I’d swim a few laps then maybe take a nap. So I was in the pool when she got home. Of course she’d seen my vehicle in the drive, she knew I was there but still, I’m her only boy, I’d just gotten home from college for the summer; she was on the pool deck calling to me, “Tommy, come here...

4 years ago
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One Night with Amanda

So my name is Michael and I am in a choir that travels once a year and we go to different places to sing in churches. This year my choir and I traveled to Avon Lake, Ohio and after a concert I got sent home with a family who attended the church. I was the only child that they took. I forgot to tell you. I am 16 years old. Yes that's right.When I arrived back at my host family for the night I got sent into the room where I would be sleeping in. It was already past ten o' clock by the time I...

First Time
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One Afternoon in the Garden

Now, don't get me wrong - I'm not saying my wife, Maria, isn't sexually attractive any more. She is. In fact, for a woman of 43, she's still got a decent figure, and I know that, from time to time, men try to chat her up, wonder if they might be in with a chance - you know, "bored housewife" sort of thing - never know your luck - might be OK for a quick, uncomplicated fuck. Actually, they might be right. One of them might get lucky one of these days. Maybe one - or more - of them has!...

3 years ago
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Tyler and Kyle Kyle caught jacking part 1

Introduction: Tyler catches his best friend naked and jacking off Tyler and Kyle Part 1 Tyler was sitting in math class not paying attention. He was thinking about gym class earlier in the day and secretly thinking of how much he liked seeing his classmates in the showers after gym. Tyler was a very cute, popular boy in his 7th grade class he was 12 years old, a bit on the smaller side, with a nice tan and shaggy hair. He was very popular with everyone the girls went crazy over him, and the...

2 years ago
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LebenChapter 3

Varick could only stare at Alan in shock there had been no sensation at all one moment he was watching with Harman and the next he was next to Angelika. Taken aback a moment Varick asked, “I’m sorry, what was it you were saying?” then felt like an idiot the moment the words left his mouth. “Oh sorry Uncle, I know it can be disjointing it was to me the first time. I said, hello uncle, mother thought I should meet you, I agreed.” Again Alan extended his hand to Varick who was really feeling...

2 years ago
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Sujata8217s Sexcapades On Her Wedding Day

Hello friends this is Sultanasinha, with a story send by a friend to be published. You please read the story and send your comments to or I take this opportunity to tell you about a friend of mine. I loved her story I don’t know whether it is true what she narrated. This is a collection of whatever mails she sent to me or whatever we interacted on net or whatever we talked, the few times when we met. She narrated almost everything, so writing down after combining everything. She told in...

2 years ago
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Menaka Gangbanged By Strangers

This incident took place 6 months ago when I came back to India from USA for good. It had been a couple of days since I got back and I was under the influence of jet-lag. Because of this, I was awake at night and I was too bored, so I messaged Menaka.For those of you who don’t know Menaka, please read my old story. I immediately got a response from her and I told her that I was bored and wanted to do something. She said we could meet as she was also not sleepy and bored. She got in her car and...

4 years ago
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Two Wives 8211 Part 4 After The Honeymoon

Hello friends, this is Sam and I am back with another part of the story. I received much positive feedback for my previous stories and I truly appreciate your responses. Please continue to send your valuable feedback/suggestions to I am eagerly waiting for suggestions. The previous night was amazing and I had the best sleep. Since it was Sunday and being tired of work, I woke up late. Rani was up early and I could hear her humming in the kitchen. I went to the bathroom, brushed my teeth and...

3 years ago
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( Note to the Reader: This story is very short, and it doesn’t have any sex. I wrote it for an online friend of mine who owes me a quiver shot if we should ever meet in real life. ) ‘Tom’s dare will be to give Kelsey a quiver shot!’ Dan announced to the group. He placed a shot glass down on the table loudly for emphasis. Kelsey’s pale peach face turned scarlet instantly. Tom was grinning, however partially from embarrassment. He looked at Kelsey and raised his eyebrows in question. She...

3 years ago
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In the Bathroom Stalls Chapter 1

I’m Nick. I have auburn hair and hazel green eyes. My best friend is Chris. He has light brown hair and blue eyes. Our story started when we were sixteen. We had a similar build. We both had creamy skin and stood tall at 5’8′ (tall for sixteen anyway). We had other friends and all, but we were always inseparable. We both had six packs, and as far as I was concerned, fairly endowed dicks. From what he told me, his was 7.5 inches. I was guessing he was a grower because he had about four inches...

3 years ago
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Dont Be Too Familiar VIII

DON'T BE TOO FAMILIAR VIII Jessica ran to the bathroom and threw up. Rinsing her mouth and gargling, she did her best to rid herself of her failed attempt at punishing her disrespectful minion. Stubs followed her into the room, concerned for her. Brushing her teeth and repeatedly spitting, she just wished everything could be normal again. Standing with both hands grasping the sink, wearing clothes that were adulating unseen by anyone but the wearer, she gathers her strength....

4 years ago
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An Unforeseeable Contract Part 1

The best part of my job is not the 401k, or the amazing benefits, or the stock options. NO. The best part of my job is seeing the CEO’s wife every single day. She is one of my bosses and she is one of the most attractive woman I’ve ever met. Her name, Suzie. The best way I can describe Suzie, well, she’s the ultimate trophy wife. Her husband, the CEO, of course was older, rich, and way out of Suzie’s league which you find a lot of where I live. You see a lot of older rich dudes with sexy,...

2 years ago
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A Quiet Strength Chapters 8 21

Like a frightened creature, changed female attempts to survive on her own. The young warrior Etu, sets out to find his Aponi Spirit. This is Chapter Eight to Twenty One. (This story will be released in chapters because of its length. It could easily be a book - and yes, it is complete.) A Quiet Strength By Anon Allsop -Eight- Each day the young female spent in her sanctuary, high in the hills, brought new changes to her young life. She had managed to create traps, kill and...

3 years ago
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Surprise Affair

My Affair Begins Mostly backstory…but necessary to understand how unexpectedly my affair began. Based on actual events. I really wasn’t looking for an affair, it sort of just happened. All of this started when I met a long lost friend–and I mean really long lost. We knew each other in Junior High, he was in 7th and I was in 8th even though we were exactly the same age by a matter of weeks. We were just friends back then, sit at the same lunch table sort of friends. Now skip 20 or so years...

1 year ago
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To Cuck or Be Cucked

You and Jesse have been dating for six months now. It's been going great on an emotional level, but sexually, there have been some problems. Jesse is fantastic, but she was a virgin when you started dating. You were her first and she always doted on you because of that. She's clearly inexperienced and you've had to teach her most of what you've known, which admittedly, isn't much. She's always been fairly conservative anyways, never liking when you've showcased any dominance in the bedroom,...

1 year ago
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How I became the whore I am today part 11

I was known in my little run down area as a bit of a cock tease, I'd let guys look and even change in front of them. But truth was I'd never even touched a dick. Coming past my 14 though, I was starting to get feelings regularly. I found myself often running to the toilet at school to stroke myself to an orgasm but one day I figured it wasn't enough. It was a hot summers day and I was laying on the sofa in my living room in just a pair of demi shorts and a flowery black bra, I'd just...

3 years ago
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The Warehouse Part 1 In the beginningChapter 12

Jon I must have been dozing after lying down, because the next thing I felt was a small body tucking in next to me. I didn’t open my eyes, but if I was to guess from the small form, I would say it was Claire. Maybe it was the hard, full breast that I felt that gave it away. More likely, it was the familiar feel I got from our intimacy at breakfast. “How are you doing darling?” I asked, my eyes still closed, as I curled my arm under her to pull her closer. She took this as her cue to put her...

2 years ago
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Heirs to the AncientsChapter 3

As he stared at the ford, Taima wondered if he was following the right path. He had successfully followed the directions. From the heights of the mountain he had seen the river and the great bend in the distance. Perhaps he should have kept walking northward and ignored the old man. He said his name was Askuwheteau but he acted like one of the ancient spirits of the mountain. "Great-granddaughter?" Taima asked the caterpillar on the leaf where he was crouching. Scanning the area, he had...

3 years ago
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Car Wash

I was out washing my truck one early Saturdy morning. The Florida sun was already beating down at 9:00 am, sweat was already working down my face as I pulled into the vacum station. As I continued my work, I noticed a silver Accord pull into the automatic wash. As I was finishing up, I went to the vending machine to get a new air freshner, the driver of the Accord was having a difficult time lining up the vehicle. I was walking over to lend assistance, the driver, a very nice 35ish lady, let...

3 years ago
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The Wifes Wild Ass Chapter 8

Darleen had been embarrassed about fucking a dog at first, and had admitted it only reluctantly, and only then because Caroline was denying her a suck until she confessed.But once Darleen had revealed the truth, she seemed to want to talk about it. And it had made Caroline horny as well, she realized. Far from thinking that Darleen had behaved shamefully or disgustingly, Caroline had been inspired to give her some great tongue and had gobbled up plenty of second-hand dog cum, too.After she got...

2 years ago
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Shellys Gangbang

Shelly is such a fucking tease ! She never takes her panties down to be fucked , teasing us poor males with the shape of her little sexy hot ass with her panties on tight , so so tantalising !! Tonight we are at a mutual friends place for a party and she suggests we (myself and 3 of my mates) sit bound on chairs while she does a sexy teasing act . So we agree and sit on the chairs bound up . She undresses nude except for her sexy teasing tight pink panties and a flimsy piece of material...

3 years ago
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Consensual ConsequencesChapter 33 The Next Morning

When Sandy awoke the next morning, she felt as though she might burst from the level of happiness that was filling her. She was lying in a soft, comfortable bed, completely naked except for her collar, which was chained to a bolt in the wall. Still, there was enough slack in the chain for her to be comfortable, and even to move around in the large bed. She even had enough slack to get to the small toilet that she discovered right next to the bed. Sandy looked at her surroundings, and found...

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My gay young boyfriendRenaldo

I first met Renaldo at a company I worked for.The department I ran sometimes needed extra help unloading trucks and helping out in general.The first time I saw him I was immediately turned on.He was Hispanic,much younger than me.I was 35,and he was 22.The weird thing was,he was Hispanic yet he had pale white skin,and very light brown curly hair.What I noticed about him first was the very tight jeans he wore all the time.From the back I could see he had a very nice,tight shaped ass.From the...

1 year ago
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NuruMassage Aidra Fox A Special Gift For Dad

Aidra Fox is happily chatting away with a friend on the phone when she notices a date circled on a calendar. Her heart skips a beat when she realizes that today’s her step-father’s birthday — and she forgot it AGAIN! She hangs up the phone and hurries to a nearby closet in a panic. Thankfully, her mother is a bit of a hoarder, so Aidra desperately looks for something that she can regift, although she pauses briefly when she comes across a mattress and NURU gel. She shakes her...

3 years ago
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El PasoChapter 8

My second week in 1877 El Paso, started Tuesday morning with breakfast with Molly Dean. I’d made arrangements for my morning meal at a later hour, so I could sleep in after working so late. I could tell that Molly was not unhappy that I was there to keep her company. Usually she only saw people during the day when she shopped or ran other errands. Molly was most pleasant company, too. She was witty and had a keen sense of humor. “So, Mister McGuinn, would you be having any visitors this...

1 year ago
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My first male 2 male experience

Many years ago (before gay male experiences were legal), I had my first experience of male to male fun.I was underage and in a church choir, and I was told by a fellow choirboy that… Many years ago (before gay male experiences were legal), I had my first experience of male to male fun.I was underage and in a church choir, and I was told by a fellow choirboy that our vicar had a snooker table in the vicarage, and we could go play on it, whenever we liked. I liked snooker, and thought I...

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The Education of Jasmine Ch 02

Chapter Two – An Evening to Remember The next morning when she saw her neighbor’s son through the window, he smiled knowingly at her. It was then she realized they had not shut the curtains or windows last night. Jim had been watching her fuck George, and he had gotten one hell of a show. She smiled back, a naughty little smile letting him know that she knew what he had seen. He winked at her and turned from his window. ‘Let him look,’ she thought, ‘It turns me on.’ Jim was a good-looking...

4 years ago
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My Life8217s True Incidents 8211 Chapter II Beautiful Journey With MrRakeshji

Dear All, Here I m narrating my true experience which you hard to believe. Incidents & Location is real but names is fake. I am married marwari women age: 26 yrs. from Mumbai, accountant. My husband names is Prakash. Our marriage is arrange and no child yet since we get married before 2 yrs. He is as an accountant but he quiet his job and open a Super Kirana Shopee near our house. I have lots of chapters about my life stories. Whenever I get proper response and comments from you all friends, I...

2 years ago
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Juliettes Journey

Juliette's Journey By Juliette Lima A lover of play in satin and lace Finds the course is laid for an endurance race Now kept confined in lacy things He learns he's tied to apron strings A swish of silk a flick of skirts He makes penance to the one he hurts Had he but been a truthful lover He'd have no need to run for cover? Part One ? Marla lays down the law. "...some of that champagne punch would be nice. Go on don't just stand there get going." I stood stunned...

2 years ago
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Sympathy Pains

Hi guys! Well, my second story is complete. I hope you'll all enjoy it. And please, PLEASE do take the time to leave feedback as I always view it to hear your thoughts and learn what you like and want to see more of! Sympathy pains By Bluedust "So, tell me...what seems to be the trouble?" She asked while looking down at us, peering over her glasses the way only educated women do. She was a tall woman, though most of...

4 years ago
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Fucked My Hot Sexy Senior In Australia

Hello guys, I am Sam once again with another experience. This is the story about me fucking my senior in her room. My senior is one year older to me and I used to call her sister. She has the best structure but her face is not very attractive. Coming to her she has the measurements of 34b-26-36. Her name is Manasvi, she is my senior in my B-Tech. To my luck, she has joined masters in my college in Australia. As she doesn’t know anyone over there and heard that I am also studying in the same...

3 years ago
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Teachers Pet

Lia sat staring blankly at the paper in her hand. She slowly shook her head, her soft blonde hair brushing her bare shoulders. She couldn't believe it, a C on her test! She studied so hard, spent so much time agonizing over this test and she got a C! She really needed this grade to pass and to pass the class she had to get at least a B on this test, no exceptions. She did the math and if she didn't get the B she would fail this class. And if she didn't pass this class she would have to be held...

2 years ago
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Those Innocent Days

It seems surreal to me now, almost as in a dream. Those days of clumsy fumbling, days of exploration, of explosion.I remember the first time she pulled my hand toward her lips and took my middle finger in her mouth. She then guided that hand, finger slick with her saliva, down to her panties and past her waistband. She had taken to wearing sun dresses when we met. Looking back, I believe it might have been to afford me easier access to bare skin and cotton fabric.Her mom had a rule: As long as...

3 years ago
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Enduring LustChapter 8

It was almost Halloween, and in Southwest Florida its arrival was not heralded by colorful foliage and crisp breezes. It was an enjoyable time of year, nonetheless, and the three McKinley children were busy making Halloween pictures. Six-year-old Carly and her almost four-year-old twin brothers were busy putting stickers of ghosts, witches and pumpkins on black construction paper while their pretty, blonde nanny, Hayley looked on. Their mother, Katelyn was in the other room talking on the...

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