DreamweaverChapter 74: Action! free porn video

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I found Rene kneeling by his cot, praying in a language I didn't understand. I huddled quietly below the bunk and waited for him to finish. I don't know how long it really took, dream time and all that ... but eventually I heard a word I recognized, 'amen', and he began to rise.

"Amen," I said into the silence.

"Sebastian?" he said, turning to face me and sitting on the cot. "My friend, why did you not tell me you had come?"

"You were busy," I said.

"But I was only..."

"It was important," I said, interrupting. "Rene, my friend, have you made your peace?"

"Yes!" he said confidently. "I have spent much time in prayer and meditation. My future is in God's hands. What will come, will come and I face it boldly, for the Lord is with me."

"Then prepare yourself," I said. "Because I know what has troubled you of late. You know that I am working with others to catch you? I know what felt so different to you. He has indeed taken another, but not as a plaything but as a means to an end. He has kidnapped the sister of the agent that I have been assisting, to use her as bait to lure her sister from the safe house she was staying in. Before we go further I must ask you, do you know this woman?"

I created an image of Rebecca's partner. His reaction told me what I needed to know as he leaped to his feet and drew back defensively.

"Dahrinka! My God, Sebastian, what have you to do with her?"

"Then you do know her?"

"Yes," he answered. "Yes, of course I know her, we trained together. For a time I thought I was in love with her, but she..." he shook his head. "She is poison that one. From the beginning there was something cold and distant about her. Even in passion you knew ... there was the sense that she was ... toying with you, studying you. I spoke to Deryk of her once. He confessed to being with her. She had come to him late one night, long after the time we were supposed to be about. She had awakened him and urged him to silence, coaxed him, and mounted him. The thrill of the forbidden act gripped him and he let her take him. She was his first and only lover, for he died shortly after, but even so he regretted allowing it to happen, for it unnerved him the way she watched him throughout the encounter, staring into his eyes, studying him moment to moment, starting and stopping and always watching his eyes, until finally he spent his passion into her. Something in her terrified him, and yet still he could not deny her as night after night she came to him, each time watching him with that dark intensity."

Something about the way he said it told me this wasn't all second hand knowledge.

"And when she came to you?" I asked.

"I was ready for her. Having been warned by both Deryk and Lucia to be wary of her should she come in the night. Unbeknownst to her, Lucia and I had been lovers for some time and I was not unversed in the bedroom arts. Lucia had warned me that she would come, not that she may come, but as a certainty that she would for she had come to both of the others already. First Deryk, then Lucia. Lucia was at first grateful for the attention, finding it satisfying in a way that I was not, though she claimed to care for me and was always generous in her praise when we were together. Still there was a part of her, a separate part in a way, that craved something more, something that I knew I could never provide. Apparently Dahrinka could, speaking to that part of Lucia that I could not and bringing her a gift I could never bear."

"I understand," I said simply.

"No," he said emphatically. "You could not unless you had been with her. I was prepared; warned by Deryk and Lucia, and still, when she came to me ... I cannot describe it, but when she left, she took a part of me with her. It was how she got her nickname, how she became known as..."

"The Black Queen?" I offered, interrupting.

"Lord save you, Sebastian, you do know her!"

"Yes and no," I said. "She was sent to assist in your capture, in your other's capture, but a few weeks ago she disappeared. We thought she had been taken, but..."

"That is not possible!" he swore, coming to his feet. "No! He could not take her unless he did not know it was she. There was a hierarchy among us, and she was the leader. We deferred to her in all things lest we bring punishment upon ourselves."

Now we were getting somewhere! "In all things?" I asked.

"No," he said, his voice changing slightly. I thought maybe I detected a hint of humor in there somewhere. "In truth, not all. She was preferred by those who trained us, because of her insight and grasp of complex situations, especially politics, but still I could best her within certain established parameters. This drove her crazy and sometimes she would fall into the most destructive of rages."

"She hates to lose?"

"Yes, very much."

"And you were better than her?"

"In many things yes, but still she insisted on leading and I had no desire to push the issue. She led well and I preferred not to be responsible for the others."

"But she knew you were better and it irritated her because you both knew it?"

"Yes," he said and now I could hear the smile in his voice even though I could not see it through the mask. "But how do you know her?"

"Apparently, just as you did, she works for Interpol and she was sent to assist in catching you. She was the partner of the woman I work with. When I stole your money they put guards on both of the women in case you tried to retaliate. A few days later her guards were murdered and she disappeared. Due to the circumstances, everyone assumed that you took her. Shortly after that an attempt was made to kidnap me. The attempt failed and we caught one of them, but before we could question him he was killed. After that they apparently decided to study me, watching and testing. Eventually they were ready to try again. They abducted a girl I was seeing and used her as bait. That time we caught five of them. The leader was attached to a foreign embassy and we had to let him go. Well, they had to let him go. I had other methods available and after a few days I finally got him to tell me who had hired him. Normally it wouldn't have taken that long, but he was very afraid of whoever it was. He claimed he did not know her and never to have met her, and I believed him. All he knew was that she was known as the Black Queen and that she would kill him if he talked. Apparently he was right, because he's dead now."

"Yes," he said. "To cross her was a dangerous thing, very dangerous. And you say she was after you, why?"

"Apparently she learned of my abilities. We're not sure but we think she is hoping to be able to learn how I do it or force me to use my gifts on her behalf."

"Is this gift something she could learn?"

"I don't believe so, no. My greatest fear has always been that the wrong people would learn of it. As I'm sure you can appreciate, the potential for harm is..."

"Yes," he interrupted. "Forgive me, my friend, but I have often thought, in the quiet of my prison, that you would be a source of great evil should you desire it."

"I don't need to forgive you for thinking the truth. At any rate, it is now clear that Dahrinka staged her disappearance, arranging for the blame to fall on you. We think that, just as you did five years ago, she has gone rogue and is using this situation to cover her tracks. She has apparently been in contact with your other self, warning him that I would find him so that he was prepared when I did."

"You have been captured!"

"Yes, that is why I came to you. I think the time is near when we will bring this to an end and I wanted you to be ready. I am hoping that freeing you will provide enough of a distraction to allow us to escape and..." I didn't want to say it.

"Kill me?" he asked, filling in the blank for me. "Do not concern yourself with me, Sebastian. I have known since this began that to stop him would mean my death. If killing me would stop him, I would have done it myself years ago, but there is no guarantee that it would be successful. Kill him! If you can indeed free me from this prison, then I will do everything I can to regain control, but one way or the other, you must kill me or, sooner or later, he will take me again. Promise me, Sebastian, promise me you will end my suffering and I will help you."

"You don't need to explain, Rene, I have known all along that this was your desire, and that it was the only way to be sure he is destroyed. I promise if it is within my power, I will end your pain."

"Thank you, my friend."

"Don't thank me yet, but prepare yourself because I believe the time is fast approaching."

"I am ready."

"I wish I was," I said to myself as I returned to the van to see how Jamie was doing.

"You wish you were what?" she asked.

"Ready," I answered. "You're not free; I was hoping you had found something to pick these cuffs with."

"No, it's fucking bare to the walls back here. I'm thinking we need to plan better next time. I was thinking a pair of Mylar picks hidden inside the belt would have come in real handy right about now."

"And they wouldn't trip things like airport scanners. I like it, but it doesn't really help us right now. Sis, we have to be ready when he comes back. We don't stand a ghost of a chance of taking him with our hands tied."

"How did it go with Rene?" she asked, changing the subject.

"He's ready," I answered. "And he confirmed our suspicions about Henslith; she is the Black Queen."

"Great," she said sarcastically. "Just what we needed, not just one of the world's greatest killing machines, but two. We really do lead a charmed life. I think we've got one shot and it all comes down to how much of a distraction Rene is going to be able to provide. Here's what I'm thinking..."

We didn't have that long to wait. The back door of the van opened, as soon as he tripped the release for the second door Jamie kicked hard, driving my legs out from their tucked position, slamming the door open and catching him full on in the face and chest. As the impact drove him back I tore the mask from Rene's face, and the shit hit the fan.

It's hard to describe what it was like, have you ever seen those old black and white movies of the H-bomb tests back in the 50's and 60's? You know how they would show the shock wave hitting a structure and it would just sort of shudder? You could actually see the wave front move past it and then suddenly, WHAM! The whole thing just disintegrated from the force of the blast. It was sort of like that, like I was watching on a camera, safe from harm as the world fell apart around me.

Then I was back in the warehouse, where the Sandman screamed and fell to his knees, his body twitching and shaking. Blood starting to drip from his nose where the door had hit it.

Rene had warned me not to try and help at this point, "Whatever you do, do not fight him at this point. Do not try to help. If you do it will only make his control that much stronger as this is how we were conditioned to respond. The greater the threat, the more he will be in control. If I fail then you may do whatever you will for it will no longer matter to me.

So instead, Jamie slid out of the van and started hopping across the room to where Rebecca was tied up. It took about fifteen seconds just to hop there, and as I turned to reach for the knife the Sandman slammed into me, knocking me to the floor and scattering the contents of the table. I flipped onto my back to try and ward him off with my feet and found myself staring down the barrel of a nine millimeter as he stood frozen above me. I took a deep breath and tried to brace myself as best I could but the shot never came as suddenly he threw the gun away and screamed again, curling in on himself as if someone had punched him hard in the gut. Then his hands went to his head as the screaming continued.

Seeing an opportunity I slid forward and kicked out as hard as I could at the nearest knee. There was satisfying pop and he crashed to the ground next to me, but as he hit the ground his head came up, eyes focusing intently on me and suddenly he rolled forward over my outstretched legs his elbow slamming into my abdomen, knocking the wind out of me. My body instinctively curled around the blow and stars danced before my eyes as his next blow landed on the side of my head. Once more I found myself helpless and defenseless, waiting for death when again he screamed. Before the scream died he had rolled clear and was once more twitching on the floor.

As I lay gasping for air I noticed the knife only a few feet away and began slowly inching toward it, keeping a constant watch on my enemy.

"Okay," Jamie said. "No more hitting the bad guy or doing anything to attract his attention. If he looks at us, freeze and try to look as helpless as possible. Apparently all he needs is the perception of a tangible threat to regain almost total control. As soon as we are helpless again, Rene rushes in and stops him but we're not helping."

As she was speaking his body convulsed and suddenly he was curled up facing away from us. Instantly I rolled over on top of the knife and then froze as the sound of my movement caught his attention and he spun once more toward me. I moaned loudly and made a show of trying to curl away from a blow and suddenly his eyes lost focus once more as the inner battle resumed. As I lay there trying to relax and wait for the next chance to move I started catching images of the struggle going on within him as the two halves battled for final supremacy. Rene wasn't doing well. It was a titanic struggle, resembling one of those Saturday afternoon Kung Fu movies, all blocks and missed punches and kicks except that you could see the strain on the combatants faces. See the pain and blood when a blow got through. Suddenly something changed, perhaps he knew he was losing and decided it was all or nothing, but Rene suddenly went totally on the offensive, forgoing any pretense at defense he landed a flurry of blows on his opponent. Several got through but then apparently his enemy realized what he was doing and tucked in just long enough to look for an opening. It didn't take long before he apparently saw what he wanted and as Rene threw yet another kick at his head he dropped and swept Rene's feet out from under him, causing him to crash hard on his back. The wind exploded out of him and he lay momentarily defenseless at the Sandman's feet.

"Now Jimmy!" Jamie cried. "You have to buy him some time."

Holding the knife in one hand I rolled and pulled my cuffed hands over my tucked feet so that they were now in front of me. Flipping the knife open I made one quick slice through the duct tape binding my feet, splitting it neatly. Before I could do the back Jamie rushed forward and threw us into a roll to the side. As the foot that was aimed at my head sped past my perspective changed and the battle started in earnest.

As she rolled to her feet Jamie slashed through the remaining tape, freeing her legs. My hands were still cuffed but now at least I could move. Without hesitation she threw the knife as far away as she could and dropped into a half-crouch, waiting for him to make the first move. He had the experience but we had the better perspective. I still wasn't sure how it worked, but somehow Jamie was able to take advantage of my outside perspective. She could see the muscles tense as he began to move and was well prepared for the weak kick that came flying toward her head. Even before she blocked it she was moving to duck the second kick that was the intended to do the actual damage.

Maybe facing a sixteen year old high school kid made him over-confident but he was not prepared when she didn't just duck but squatted and kicked hard at the knee that was now holding his weight. It was the same knee I had kicked previously and this time something gave and he went down hard. He recovered quickly but Jamie was already moving to the next attack, stomping hard on the closest hand, trying to make him to lose his balance as he instinctively pulled it back. Instead he turned the fall into a roll, using it to put some distance between us. He surged back to his feet. His balance was off as he now favored the damaged knee and he was shaking his hand in a pained motion. The look in his eyes said he had learned from his mistake and would not be taking us for granted again. Jamie used her cuffed hands to block the crane kick coming straight at her but it was a feint and a fist crashed into the side of my face. Pain exploded above my left cheek and I momentarily saw stars. Hours spent sparing with Carter Malloy told me where the next blow would logically come from and I blocked it automatically, feeling his hand hit the steel edge of the cuffs as my wrists blocked his punch. That had to hurt, slamming your hand into the edge of the hardened steed cuffs.

That gave me time for my vision to clear and I stepped away to buy a little more time and a better view of the next attack.

"Time to try something else," Jamie said, and suddenly my view changed again and I was looking a killer in the eye as he stepped forward for the next attack.

He was choosing a more conventional attach, playing to his strength and my handicap. You can't box with your hands cuffed together so as soon as he threw his first jab I blocked and snapped a kick at his midsection.

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

The kick was a mistake, he was ready for it, blocking the kick upward, causing the leg to extend and then sweeping my support leg from underneath me. I did my best to roll with the fall but it still hurt like hell. The kick that caught me in the ribs as I tried roll away hurt even more and I was pretty sure that was a rib breaking. This was not going well.

Same as Dreamweaver
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Second Extraction

“Mayday! Mayday! Mayday!” Crack! “Come on baby, stay in the air,” begged John Harkness as he fought for his life. His A20 bucked and squealed its distress as bits fell off and smoke belched out of the starboard engine. John had one hand wrestling with the controls and the other frantically trying to switch systems around to keep him in the air. ‘Where’s ‘R2’ when you really need him?’ thought the Star Wars fan hysterically as he struggled to do too many tasks at once. Boom! John flinched!...

2 years ago
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No Distractions

No Distractions Hamlet 45 Writing a dissertaion is so fucking hard Jenny thought as she stared at the blinking cursor. She had been staring at the screen for days without writing anything. All she could do was peer at the little cursor and delete sentence after sentence. This was her final chapter and she wanted nothing more then to be done. But this chapter was impossible. Distraction dominated her life and she loved them. Whether it be movies, tv, her boy friend or internet porn she couldn’t...

4 years ago
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Sexual Interaction

Hi this Adi here, I m recent reader of Indian sex stories and I came to know through web site. I m a mechanical engineer working for MNC in Mumbai handing services for entire Maharashtra. I often travel out of Mumbai and have travelled all across India. Here in this web site I could read so many sex stories their experiences so I could not resist myself by sharing my sex experiences. Here is the one of the experience I would like to share with you. About my nature I m shy for outside world by I...

4 years ago
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Lights Camera Action

By Veronica It was a perfect day to lie around and watch movies. After a couple of boring tapes on the video cassette recorder, Sean and Maria decided to spice things up a bit and pull out their x-rated movies. They watched as attractive, large breasted women and long-cocked men kissed, fondled, pinched, probed, licked and screwed on screen. Sean said to Maria, “Wouldn’t it be a kick to make these kinds of movies for couples who wanted to film themselves?” Maria thought about it and...

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Ready Camera Action

“You’re so full of shit!”“No man. Not at all.”“I don’t believe you for a single second.”The man chuckled. “I’m telling you the truth, Alex.”“It just isn’t possible,” Alex said for the third time in less than five minutes. “I’ve known your wife for at least fifteen years. We met when my family moved and I changed schools. I sat next to her in biology class. I’ve known her a long time, and I don’t believe you.”“Do you need to see the proof?”Alex was surprised at the offer. He had known Blake...

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Walking in to the living room she sees him sitting on a chair watching television.  Noticing her entrance his gaze slides over her tight crop top, short skirt, and bare feet, a smile slowly crosses his lips.  Sidling over, moving her chest back and forth, she stands over his legs.  His hands wander up her body, causing her to catch her lower lip between her teeth, he slides her shirt off tossing it towards the television.  Wandering slowly back down her body, his arms settle back against the...

Quickie Sex
3 years ago
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Threesome with foot fetish action

I love my wife Sofia’s feet and she enjoys it when I worship her feet. I'm not only about feet. I like lovely feet if the woman is beautiful and has a nice body too.We are into MFF threesome as you can see in our introduction. We’ve had a few over the last couple of years. Sofia is bisexual. We only fuck complete strangers if we get lucky at bars/nightclubs. Just one night and we go on our separate ways. Not interested in dating or getting to know each other. We don’t try to hit on friends or...

4 years ago
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Office action

I always work until 7pm, since my job entails more on me talking to people form outside the company than the rest of my team. We have pretty open office space, so you can always see when there’s more people still there: I face the large corridor that connects both sides, so I always know when there’s someone in the male bathrooms. Being the naughty self that I am, I used to take advantage of that to “catch” the guys I find hot pissing, sometimes I have to take extra time washing my hands, so...

3 years ago
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Me and my cumslut in MF action

I'll relish the moment my tongue first tastes your wet sex and when my lips tug gently on your pussy, making you squirm and shudder. When the tip of my tongue brushes against your clit, your head rocks backwards and your eyes close to savour the intensity of your most personal pleasure Then I'll stand in front of you, watching as you slowly remove my briefs and un-curl my pulsing length and draw it towards your mouth. You lick your lips and look me straight in the eye as my cock head...

3 years ago
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First time black cock and gloryhole action

I recently visited my old seaside home town to hook up with some old friends and after a long night on the beers I started to make my way home along the promenade using the cliff paths to get back to the hotel I was staying at. It was about 7am and the sun was about to rise. having made my way to the top of the cliff face I started to feel the need for a piss and knowing that further along the pathway was some public conveniences I decided to head that way back, the path passes through some...

4 years ago
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Witness To A Neighbour8217s Hot Action

Hello all beautiful people. I have another story to narrate, but first of all I would like to thank all those who have given good feedback. As always a small intro, I am 32, married, a gentleman and residing in Bangalore. This is not my story but a good fuck session which I saw. Few years back before getting married we were staying in a rented house in the ground and there was a young couple staying in the first floor. To describe they were good people basically from northern part of India. The...

4 years ago
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Lights Camera Action

Mickey was suddenly woken by a couple of light knocks on his bedroom door."Fuck man, What do you need?""Sorry dude, I need your help," Donny answered through the door."Mickey, annoyed, rolled out of bed and cracked his door open."Is everything okay?" "Yeah yeah everything is cool," Donny assured."Jesus man, are you fucking naked?""Yeah hahaha... Dude seriously, Michelle wants to make a porno but I'm too drunk to hold the camera and you know... Fuck her too.""You want me to hold the camera? Are...

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Lights Camera Action

Lights! Camera! Action! By Cassandra Morgan So this was what it was like to live in the fast lane. The autograph hounds hovered few feet away, wanting for Luke to acknowledge them so they could approach and beg him to scrawl his name on paper. The photographers from the paparazzi stayed to the outside, restrained by two beefy looking members of his security detail. The servers flitted about him as if he might die without his precious sparkling water. He was wearing sunglasses, so...

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Bhabi in action

Hi dosto, kia haal han? Main iss k regular reader hon or kafi dino sa apni pehli story submit karna k bara soch raha tha. Main pak k ek chota sa city sahiwal sa hon. Pehla main ap ko apna bara batata chalo mere height 6.9″ hai color fair or body healthy hai. Muja girls k tu soro sa he shok raha hai pr main aj tak kase k sath bed share nahe kiya tha sirf oral sex he kiya tha hamsha. Now come to the story…. Main jab matric main tha tu mera sath mera ek class fellow tha jis k naam ehsan tha wo boy...

3 years ago
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NFL preseason action

I was watching home shopping network one morning and Valerie Stup was hosting and she was wearing a Tampa bay buccaneers t shirt and blue jeans. "so football season is finally here" I told her,. "yep just around the corner." she replied as she was going through these large NFL throw blankets."you're checkin me out aren't you?" she asked "no no no" I'm just lookin at these NFL blankets." i told her she smiled. "c'mon don't lie I know you're checkin out my tush" she says. "I can't believe...

3 years ago
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A dark rest stop to look for some action

That late evening I was driving back home from a rock concert out of town. My wife looked tired, snoring in the passenger seat.Anita suddenly woke up, asking me to stop at any rest place.Once there, my sexy wife got off the car, asking me to follow her. She whispered she was so fucking horny that night…So I followed her swaying sexy hips and fucked Ana in one of the stalls in the ladies’ room. It was pretty cool, especially with other women coming in and out of the restroom the whole time. We...

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Missing in Action

Flick (Felicity) Caterham was standing when I entered her inner sanctum.  My agent was, quite frankly, one of the best, and, largely thanks to her, my career had flourished.  I was well off, in demand and happy, despite a long yearning to find a lifetime partner.  My friend, Marilyn Foster, had told me that lifetime relationships were for the dull or the unimaginative or those who left their libido in a left luggage office.   Well, I may have been dull and unimaginative but I hadn’t lost my...

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Missing in Action

Dr Alan Johnson re-reads the notes that had been passed to him. Subject: Mrs Rebecca Lewis Age: 31 Marital Status: divorced Military status: Captain, National Guard Air Force aircrew Recent deployment: Six-week tour of Middle East Comments: Aircraft shot down. Listed as Missing in Action for eight Weeks. Found by British troops on scheduled sweep. Physical condition poor. Malnourished and sexually and Physically abused. The Doctor put the notes down, trying to imagine what this...

3 years ago
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BSC06 the Jennifer EffectChapter 11 The Jennifer Effect in Action

If Jennifer understood nothing else about what had gone on that day she understood this – right now she was going to fuck and be fucked! That’s what the Jennifer Effect was going to mean to her – sucking this Batman’s cock right off his body then getting him to screw her to within an inch of her life and she didn’t care if she orgasmed and squirted all night long and flooded the whole house out. That would all just be part of the Jennifer Effect! The Jennifer Effect in Action, she...

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Picking Up the PiecesChapter 4 Amandas Mom in Action

"What's the knife for?" Brian asked. "I'm going to measure you," she said, matter-of-factly. He let her undress him. She got down on her knees, knife in hand. "How should I go about this? When a guy says he'd nine inches, where does the measurement start?" "Just don't stab me with that," Brian laughed. "It's a butter knife, Silly. There are no sharp edges," she said, patting the underside of his cock with the blade. "That's cold," he said, feeling his cock twinge in...

4 years ago
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Dream MasterChapter 28 A Break in the Action

"Damn!" That was all Bob could come up with when I told him the situation I had suddenly found myself in, which was – in a nutshell – over my head and sinking fast. I'd spent part of the last week taking Lizzy around to meet some of the other girls. It was just as hard on her as we expected it to be, but she managed to tough it out long enough to confirm what we suspected: all but two of the girls in Samantha's age group had split. Okay, split is the wrong word – all but two had...

4 years ago
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A Beautiful MessChapter 18 Action

Sheila had definitely done her homework. She'd taken the script I'd written and drawn an entire storyboard for it in a notebook. Every single shot was blocked out and numbered. There were 264 shots in all. It must have taken her days. "My god, girl! Have you even slept this week?" "Not much," she replied. "Every time I closed my eyes, I got a thousand new ideas and had to get up and sketch them out. I maybe got three hours' sleep all week." "How come they're not in order?"...

2 years ago
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The ContractorChapter 8 Back in Action

Once we quit pretending that I was just a visitor and here to enjoy the Baynes hospitality, things got a lot less inhibited. For instance, we ate on the patio, topless. Not just me, but both women. They started it and insisted I join in. Then Ros dipped the tip of her right breast into the guacamole dip and insisted I lick it clean. I did my duty, willingly ... and slowly. Sally decided that I would enjoy the special sour cream she had prepared for the baked potatoes and stuck both her tits...

4 years ago
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Play It Again SamChapter 9 Action

Two days later, just before civil dusk with the sun about 3 or 4 degrees below the horizon when objects are still distinguishable and a spattering of stars and planets are just becoming visible to the naked eye we put our plan into action. Everything was going just as planned without a snag. Jen and Pat having satisfied themselves that the house was unoccupied gave Kim and I the signal and then they quickly headed east on foot toward the Caddy which was parked at the corner of the cross...

3 years ago
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Free Trader Marys DreamChapter 12 Mary sees Direct Action

Mary Donovan: Attacks on 12 separate planets across eight systems, in four different regional sectors. The medium estimation of all those killed? Three point one five million dead. And the worst thing is, it should have been so much worse. That’s what made it worse then it was. The knowledge that this was deliberately done to LIMIT the number of casualties. Because that was a number that was only going to go up. The average detonation killed over a quarter million people. However, these...

2 years ago
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Desperate Actions

DESPERATE ACTIONS By Geneva Simone, a middle aged woman, comes into possession of a magic book. She uses it to foil a gang that tries to stop her geologist husband's work, but finds she has to take steps to keep the book secret. This story is a kind of sequel to my earlier stories, "Mrs. Braithwaite, parts II and III" and refers to events in these, where Simone was a main character. START The drive really didn't take that long. Once I had got onto the A1 the scenery passed...

2 years ago
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A New Transaction

A NEW TRANSACTIONI had just received my new real estate license last week. I was getting settled into my new office when my phone rang.This gentleman said he was interested in a house for sale listed by our office. We made an appointment for 3:00. I would meet him at the house.When I got dressed that morning I knew that I was meeting a girlfriend after work for drinks and dinner, so I had worn my black mini skirt with a nice slit up the center of the left leg, matching black top with long...

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Transaction By Lisa Lovelace THURSDAY The grandfather clock in the entrance hall struck six. I had half an hour to change into my evening uniform and prepare for my nightly meeting with Ms. N, after which I would set the table for dinner at eight. Just her tonight, no guests. I climbed the rear stairs to my quarters in the attic, shed my gray two-inch pumps and wiggled tired toes in momentary relief. I stripped off the ruffled work apron, the mob cap and the gray cotton dress...

4 years ago
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A/N: Welcome to my second, Luka/Miku fic, my first with a story because the other was a poem. This is the disclaimer, Kahoko and I do NOT own the characters Hatsune Miku and Megurine Luka . . . we simply make them do naughty things :PNow let's get to the good stuff eh? ^_^ Miku sighed, it sounded like her parents were fighting again, and by the stream of curses coming from downstairs, it was going to be a big one.  She turned over so that she was lying on her back.  Brushing back a lock of...

3 years ago
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Castlewars faction

FlamingFury7 Dionicic xXCodeKillaXx Sven_Mc Het is een warme zomer dag. Een meisje loopt over straat. Ze is helemaal rood van de hitte. ze ziet een man met een lange jas. Ze loopt naar hem toe. De man trekt zijn jas open en hij vraagt: Mag ik mijn sneeuwblazer in jou sneeuwnetje stoppen? meisje"in mijn sneeuwnetje?" "Wil je?" vraagt de man "Ja hoor, dan heb ik het tenminste niet meer zo warm" De man en het meisje lopen naar een oud schuurtje. Ze gaan naar binnen....

2 years ago
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A Nice Distraction

    Ann knew Pearl had been working very hard in school. It was Pearl’s second year in college and she was feeling a little overwhelmed with everything. Too much to do and not enough time to do it, she heard Pearl say more than once. Ann hoped she could take her mind off of school this weekend. Ann was a few years older than Pearl and already out in the “real world” as Pearl called it. She was a teacher so she was off on the same days as her lover was.   They were able to spend most of...

4 years ago
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Lucindas New Life Part 1 Dissatisfaction

Monday 7th JulyIt was Monday afternoon and as the long, dark, chauffeur-driven car sped through the London traffic away from her office in the City, Lucinda, or to use her full name, Lady Lucinda Estelle Spencer, was once again convinced that she had made a mistake in her marriage.After spending another strained weekend with her husband, for her, the start of the working week had been a relief.Five years into what was supposed to have been wedded bliss, she now realised that marrying a man...

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