TurbulenceChapter 6 free porn video

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The minute Ryan and I got inside the door of Spike’s pub I heard sarcastic jubilation. Just as I expected, it was the mates at their customary corner table. Over the rapid clunking sound of pint glasses hitting the table and several hoots I heard Nigel say, “Well let’s hear it again for Axe-wound Arthur.” I knew I was in for a drubbing, at least a grilling for what kind of details I could provide about my weekend with the “woman in the sporty MG” with whom I spent the weekend.

“Ryan told us about what the room was like the night you spent with her in the dorm,” Giles said.

“That wasn’t the woman in the MG. That one was a student at the Uni,” Ryan clarified.

“REALLY,” Giles said as the mates laughed and beat their beer pints on the table. “So, the plot thickens, there’s more to the story than just the MG lady? But I want to hear about the MG lady and where she kidnapped your teenage body to Axe-wound.”

I knew I was in a corner. While I had no intention of telling my experiences in detail, I realized I would have to tell some kind of story to get the wolves off my back. What made it more distracting was that while looking around trying to come up with an answer I noticed four girls sitting at a table across the room. All of them appeared to be interested in what was going on at our table. At least they were all looking our way with questioning smirks. I am sure it was because of the noise. But it had as much to do with the fact we were five males sitting together and the girls might have been looking for a little action.

Anxious to center me in the group I said, “You guys wouldn’t believe me about the woman in the MG, even if I told you.”

“Give us the opportunity to determine whether you’re a bull-shitter or not,” Ryan said. Apparently, I hadn’t satisfied him with the answer when I came back from Bourne on the Water. He wanted clarification of my actions for himself. But the best that I could do was to repeat what I said to him at the time. I had to do that for him at least so he wouldn’t think I wasn’t a pathological liar.

“I told you about her in the room Ryan.” I hoped he wouldn’t share the details with the others but knew that was a desperate hope at most.

“That you did A-W (he was already abbreviating Axe-wound which I knew would be my permanent moniker) but I want to hear more, at least about how you and she met. Why would a sexy woman like that go for a young kid like you.”

Relieved, I got the feeling that he wasn’t expecting me to give the nitty-gritty to the mates the same way I had told him about it in the room. I related how this “deadheading” airline stewardess sat next to me on the plane ... how she settled me down when we went through a rough patch of turbulence and how she made sure I got all the amenities of a first-class passenger. I didn’t mention anything about sex on the plane, just that she made my flight much more comfortable. I noticed Ryan smirking as I told that part of the story. “Then we got to London. She took me to her flat where we had lunch and she took me on a quick tour of the town before dropping me off at the Uni.”

“That was it?” Nigel said.

I was pleased to see the sparkle in Ryan’s eyes. Apparently, he was okay with spreading the word about Sioban, a university girl. But for some reason he wanted me to keep what went on with Colette under wraps. I never did tell him Sioban’s name. All he knew was that I spent the night in the room with her, used two of the three condoms he’d given me, and had sex in his bed where she soaked his sheets and that I replaced them with mine from the top bunk. I didn’t understand why he wasn’t pushing me to tell the details of my weekend with Colette at the Cotswolds. But after being so forthcoming with the unnamed British Airways stewardess on the way over and being with her in her flat after we landed, I felt it would be wrong not to communicate the details of sex with the unnamed university girl that I fucked in his bed. When I considered why I was so generous with any of these details I found that I was just eager to brag to my peers about my sexual experience as they were to hear it. I felt uncomfortable about being a “kiss and tell” but I was still a teenager looking for approval from my upperclassmen. From the way Ryan was acting within the group, I got the feeling that he was playing the part of a worthy confidant, a quality I was just learning to respect.

Answering Nigel’s question, I said with a chuckle, “She’s the same age as my mother Nige. Maybe I brought out the nurturing female in her.” With the exception of Ryan, I saw sarcastic smirks all around. More emphatically I said, “She’s really cool. She gave me the ins and outs about airline travel and even gave some pointers about how being nice to stewardesses and how it might get me some extra perks.” Seeing the disbelief on their faces I continued, “like better meals and extra treats along the way.”

“Yeah I bet,” Nigel said. “So where did you sleep when you were at her cottage in the Cotswolds?”

“She has two bedrooms in her cottage,” I said.

“And you didn’t sleep with HER?”

“Come on Nigel,” I replied, “I told you that she’s like my mother’s age. She has a guest bedroom, for crying out loud.” At his eye-rolling grimace I went on, “I told you before that she is a nurturing female—a motherly type—who has taken a liking to me. I don’t know why. Maybe she always wanted to have a kid like me.” I laughed as I saw Ryan smirk and his eyes light up. I could hear the words he was thinking: “What a bullshitter you are Arthur.” He was not disputing anything I said though, so I gathered that he was on board with me.

“But Ryan saw her when she picked you up,” Nigel said. “He said she was hot.”

“She IS,” I said, “but so’s my mother.” I gave derisive laugh. “And I sleep in my room at home by the way.”

“Likely story,” Nigel replied.

With an aggressive edge to my voice, I said, “Are you accusing me of anything with my mother?” stiffening and bunching my fists.

“I’m sorry,” he said quickly, “I didn’t mean to imply that you were involved that way with your mother. I was talking about the airline stewardess.”

“She’s my mother’s age Nigel,” I emphasized. “And she has taken a parental kind of interest in me. I didn’t sleep with her.” Joking I added, “It’s not that I wouldn’t like to but it’s not in the cards.” Taking Ryan’s lead, I kept the lie alive. “Actually, it’s pretty nice being so far away from home and having an older woman caring about me like that.” Then I reinforced the image of my male braggadocio. “You already know that I was with a girl in our room Nige. Ryan spent that night with you and Willie for crying out loud.”

Willie who was the least argumentative of the mates said, “That’s enough Giles, why would Axe Wound want to deny getting laid with a hot stewardess if he really was? Most guys lie about getting it even when they are not scoring.”

I was happy to have the emphasis of my weekend with Colette put on the back burner. Deep down when I kept saying she was the same age as my mother I kept thinking about the things I had already done with Colette. Once again it stimulated thoughts of any possibility of doing the same things with my mother. Hypocrite, I thought as I remembered Colette’s bedroom in the Cotswolds imagining being naked with my mom with ALL THOSE MIRRORS. You would think with as much sex as I had over the weekend that I wouldn’t get aroused easily. But here I was with a hardon pushing against my pant leg just thinking about those things.

“What do you think about those girls at the table in the corner?” Giles said.

I noticed Ryan smirking when he said, “Why don’t you go check them out Giles and see?” Smugly looking at me he raised his eyebrows playfully.

Everyone but me commented about how cute they were.

“They might not want us to shag them,” Willie put in, “but maybe they’d like to share a pint with us.”

It turned out that Giles was the most overly confident one in the group who didn’t know how to talk with girls as well as he thought he did. Taking the bait as he usually did, he sauntered over to the girls’ table with his pint in his hand. As he talked to the girls I could see dubious looks forming on their faces and kept shaking their heads and forming the word “no”.

As Giles was coming back to the table, I noticed the girls laughing and shaking their heads. “So, what did they say?” Willie asked.

“They’re cows,” Giles said. “Not only that, they’re townies (local working girls who were not going to the Uni). They said that they have no interest at all in college blokes.”

Ryan asked, “What did you say to them?”

“Well, I introduced myself and asked them if they would be interested in a little action.”

Willie, Nigel, and Ryan looked at each other and shrugged. “We’ve been at this party before,” Willie said. “Giles strikes again.”

Even at seventeen still learning the ropes I knew Giles was crude. I hadn’t approached Colette or Sioban, they let me know they were interested in me. I had yet to piece together that I had the kind of charisma that attracted females enough to do that kind of thing. The mates were having another pint while I was still nursing my first one. Ryan made it clear to me that he might get in trouble with Spike (the pub owner) if I had too much to drink and made an ass of myself. But I noticed that two of the four girls that Giles had spoken to were getting up from the table to leave. The two who stayed looked like mirror images of each other. They could have been twins. Both had long blond hair that made them look like they could have been California surfing girls. They appeared slight and while they were not as foxy as Colette or as drop-dead-gorgeous as Sioban, I thought they were really cute, not “cows” at all. They seemed to be glancing over at our table. The one on the left appeared to be eyeing me. Feeling prickly and a bit uncomfortable at her scrutiny I wondered what she might be looking at.

All the mates except Ryan were draining their pints ... said they had to get back and study. Ryan still had more than a half-pint left. Having nursed mine, I still had at least a half-pint. Ryan reached out his glass as if to toast. Not understanding what he wanted I reacted by reaching mine out and clicking against his. What? I thought. “So, A-W,” he said, emphasizing my new nickname,” you seem to be holding up pretty well to the hazing the mates are putting you through.”

“I’m still uncomfortable with the vernacular and have a difficult time figuring out their sarcasm. Maybe I shouldn’t have lied about Colette and the Cotswolds.”

“You did the right thing,” he said, “I was trying to give you a signal to make sure, but you did it all by yourself.”

“I caught your looks,” I said, “but wasn’t sure what you were trying to communicate.”

“They’re good chaps, all of them,” Ryan said. “Giles is a bit light in the I.Q. but a good bloke just the same.” He laughed. “He sure laid an egg with the girls. He’s noted for those kinds of fuck-ups.” Chuckling he looked over at the two girls then asked me, “So do you think they’re cows?”

“No way,” I said, “They’re not raving beauties but they’re cuter than hell in my opinion.”

“Mine too. All four of them were cute. Giles was just tweaked that they turned him down. He is used to rejection by females though. Some guys never learn.”

“So, what’s wrong with being townies?” I said.

“Nothing. Giles is just a bit of a snob. He comes from a ghastly rich family. Those girls are not just working girls either, they’re nursing students.”

“How do you know?”

“When the two girls who left got up, I noticed they were carrying binders that had St. Anne’s Nursing School printed on them. The two who are still there have the same binders. Nurses are hot Arthur and are more likely to fuck than most girls.”

“Why do you say that?”

“It’s common knowledge A-W. I guess because they are so accustomed to looking at naked bodies and touching guys’ dicks in their jobs. Anyway, it looks to me like those two want us to come over and spend some time with them. I was hoping the mates would leave before somebody else caught their interest.”

“How can you be so sure?”

“The one on the left keeps giving me the eye and smiling. And her sister—I’m sure they are twins—can’t keep her eyes off you. What do you think about going over there and introducing ourselves?”

“Giles already tried that.”

Shaking his head and “tsking” me Ryan gave me a look like I had lost touch with reality. He was already getting up as he said, “Giles turns women off A-W but I’m becoming convinced that you bring good luck. Let’s strike while the iron is hot roomie and see if you can live up to your nickname.”

When I got up and joined Ryan in the walk across the pub the girls had already lowered their heads as if they were demurely hiding from us. “Hi,” he said, “I’m Ryan and this is my roommate Arthur. You girls seem to be enjoying yourselves. Would we be out of line to ask you to join us in a pint?”

The one on the left looked up and smiled. “You’re not out of line at all,” she said, “I’m Meghan and this is my sister Corey.”

Corey raised her head, smiled warmly at me, and said, “You and your friends seem to have been enjoying yourselves. But what’s with your friend, Giles is his name? He completely freaked us out when he came over.”

Ryan laughed and said, “Giles is really a good bloke but sometimes he is his own worst enemy. He made the comment that you were a hot group of ladies and went on a quest to win your hands.”

Giggling and looking at each other, Meghan said, “He made a bust of that.”

“Miserably,” Corey added. They looked at each other, rolled their eyes, and laughed. “But.” Looking at me she added, “you two seem very nice, “Could we offer YOU a pint?”

“That was supposed to be our line,” Ryan said looking at me. Looking back at the girls and shrugging his shoulders he went on, “But it appears you don’t want to be obligated.”

“That means you’ll have one with us?” Corey said.

Ryan said, “Full disclosure?” The girls looked questioningly at each other and nodded. “If you buy pints for us, you’ll be putting yourselves in jeopardy.” Perplexed, the girls eyed one another. “Arthur here’s not eighteen yet. He’s a yank, still in high school in the U.S. So, he’s kind of my responsibility.”

I felt strange, embarrassed by his condescending introduction. Except for Sioban’s initial concern about me being so young it hadn’t hurt me. “Don’t worry,” I confidently said, “I’ll be old enough to get pissed (drunk) in a couple of months.”

Corey scanned me from head to toe then got up and said, “I’ll get the pints. Is Guinness good for everybody?”

By the time we were half finished with our pints Ryan and I established that the girls were twins—Meghan born first. They were both in nursing school. Their father was a physician and their mother a nurse. They lived at home with their parents, just around the corner from Spikes, and went to St. Anne’s which was less than a mile away. It was apparent even to me that the girls were on the prowl. While both originally seemed to be centering their attention on me our conversations had gravitated to Meghan talking with Ryan and Corey with me. When our pints were almost finished Meghan who seemed to be the dominant twin said, “Mummy and Daddy are currently at a conference in Lucerne. They left this morning and will be back on Saturday. Would you like to see where we live?”

I should have been stunned by what was occurring but for me, things like this had been happening regularly since I got on the plane. For a boy who had led a sheltered life with nothing happening sexually other than stumbling, fumbling “dry-hump” adventures things were falling into place like the script of a James Bond movie. My life in London was a nonstop dream. Colette, Sioban even Ryan, my roommate and appointed advisor all seemed to have been written into my story. So, I just accepted that my status as a visiting high school student was something of a novelty that provided me with incredible social benefits.

With a serious look of consideration, Ryan said, “That seems like an invitation that would be foolish to refuse.”

“So,” Meghan said, taking Ryan’s hand as if she were claiming a prize and standing up with him, “we’ll take you home.”

The house was one of those townhomes you might see in an old English movie. It looked like a brownstone in New York City except for the entrance below the main steps with a sign pointing to “Surgery.” The twin’s father still had patients visiting there. We walked up the stairs and entered a wide hall with a staircase going up the left side. There was a wide door to the right which opened on a parlor, behind which was the dining room then the kitchen. The girls pointed those out to us before Meghan said, “Let’s go upstairs.” At the second level where the stairs turned there was another wide double sliding door behind which Meghan pointed out the upstairs “reading room” behind which was “Mummy and Daddy’s” bedroom that was connected to a bathroom.

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Kainene did not think she had ever danced as hard or well as she danced that night. Maybe it was a result of the kiss she had shared with Rufus but she was certainly on fire. Siobhan said as much. ‘Whoa, tiger! Where have you been hiding? You truly saved everything for the last day and by jove, is it all paying off.’ Kainene grinned at her as she wiped some sweat off her brow. She only had one more dance to go and there was an interlude now. Two other sets of dancers in which she was not a...

4 years ago
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Discovering Our Housemaids Secret Part 2

It was Friday afternoon and I managed to escape from work early again. My wife Brenda was busy at the gym focusing on her usual long afternoon workout and I knew she wouldn't be home for at least two more hoursbecause she texted me that she was heading to the gym just as I was finishing up at work. What happened Wednesday was... completely unexpected and yet very much a turn on! I had been thinking about our housemaid Kim a lot for the past two days and I was anxious to know what she was up to...

2 years ago
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Master PC Mind MagiEpilogue

Sally and I were sitting in the back yard of our new house. A table just big enough for two was laden with a very delectable meal. The sun was just grazing the western skyline of the city as we began our meal. Music drifted to us through a small stereo I had setup on the back porch. A warm breeze swept only a minute portion of the Texas heat away from us. We both sat there eating and sweating. It had been months since my trip to New York. My interview in the early morning hours on the...

3 years ago
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The Making of a Slut Part 2

I admit I was deeply confused about my new place in the family. Within a few weeks I went from daddy's little girl, to daddy's little slut. I suppose you could call that first time a rape, since I had no choice but to spread my legs wide open and admit him into my cherry cunt. It surprised me to discover that he could be so crude and demanding. He was so educated and professional, but then he'd come home and take off his tie and jacket and yell up the stairs, "where's my little...

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Missed oppportunity

I was on a bench on the promenade at Playa Las Americas with my coffee and the latest English language newspaper. Looking out over the beach and the clear blue Atlantic. Enjoying the warm morning sun. A vacation in Tenerife was just what I needed. A week away from a stressful few months at work. We'd intended for my wife to be there, but at the last minute she'd had to cancel because of her job. But she told me I should go on my own, anyway. Knowing how much I needed a break. As I sat there I...

2 years ago
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124. SARAH AND THE SILVER MASTER PART 4Her e mail said; I am no stranger to being restrained to a St Andrews cross and receiving punishment and would welcome the opportunity to revisit this experience; I have also experienced the pleasure of being restrained on a "working table" for inspection and experimentation with surgical instruments.One of my all consuming thoughts involves the use of surgical needles. As you are aware, I have some experience of short needles being inserted in my...

3 years ago
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Vijay Prince Of Pleasures 8211 Part 2

Hi busty babes and fellow jerkers. Please read the previous story to catch up. In the 15th century there inside the most powerful kingdom Kamaran , Raja Samrat and Rani Devi rejoiced seeing their only son and heir Vijay who was just 18 years old take down his tall bulky opponent and teacher the chief of his army Gajaraj in sword fighting. Next to the royal couple their chief minister dushtabudhi gave some half hearted claps. Vijay extended his arms. V: need a hand, master? G: you are getting...

4 years ago
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Lucky StiffChapter 31 Limits

Talk in everlasting words, And dedicate them all to me. And I will give you all my life, I'm here if you should call to me. You think that I don't even mean A single word I say? It's only words, And words are all I have, To take your heart away. --Words (Bee Gees) As Harry predicted, there were no rape counselors or police officers to take me into custody. Kristen came back out, being wheeled by a nurse and accompanied by June. Actually, Kristen looked in better spirits. "I...

4 years ago
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ReplayChapter 3

That evening, as was his wont, Jerry went to the Trout for dinner. As usual it was good. He chatted with the usual Friday evening customers. On Saturday he was up at his normal time, collected his newspaper from the village shop and settled down with a mug of coffee to do the puzzles. He found his concentration wandering. His mind kept going back to the previous day, Emma and the fun they had had. He was tempted to ring her and see if she wanted to walk the dogs together again but realised...

1 year ago
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SacrificeAnja The Jungle Queen

Sacrifice?.Anja The Jungle Queen ?Jungle Peril Chap 1 by Enigma This story contains bondage, torture and sexual theme?no minors Anja awoke from a fitful sleep, she stared at the sun and the new dawning morning knowing that this day would be like no other. Today the proud jungle queen would allow herself to be captured by one of her mortal enemies. As Anja rose and stretched her thin muscular body towards the new day she shuddered to think of all the torments and tortures that she was sure...

2 years ago
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The GiftChapter 31

I thought about our police officer... the one that I had taken to Spain, and placed back into the past. What did I know about him and the other guy who was with him? Nada. So I went back in time about a year, and starting trailing the good officer, from in the 'between'. I learned that he was definitely as corrupt as the day is long, and so was his friend. My guess had been accurate. They were both part of an enforcement arm for the 'council'. By tracking these two, I was able to...

3 years ago
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Anita cuckolds me with a BBC

My sensual wife rose her body very slowly, before lowering herself down his dark shaft again. Anita’s head tipped back and she squeezed her firm boobs, teasing her own nipples. She opened her eyes, lustfully admiring the chiseled ebony body of her lover beneath her spread thighs. Balancing skillfully on her black stilettos, Ana began picking up the tempo as she rode him. Gently biting her red lips, she slid upwards slowly almost to the end of his length, before plunging herself downwards,...

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I have explained to him that he will be an extra man in our relationship, though not necessarily the third man today. I told him you are French, bi-lingual, a very talented performer with high expectations and what the rules are, though you just might vary them if you are inclined at a special moment. I also explain to him that you love being teased and licked and that I like watching you receive sexual pleasure. You tell him to undress and we both watch with great anticipation, you...

3 years ago
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Raaz The Secret For A New Beginning

Hello friends!!! Myself rudhr. I am divorced & I am from delhi. Story thodi lenghty so read it with patience. Jab mein 21 years ka tha jab meri shadi ho gayi thi mai. 1 months tak sub theek chala but uske baad pata chala ki she was in love with someone & usko usi se hi shadi karni thi. Aapko toh pata hi hoga aaj kal ke parents. Unhone usko chutiya bana ke uski shadi mujhse kara di. Shadi ke 1 months tak sub theek chala but uske baad kuch theek nahi tha. Wo jada se jada time aapne ghar pe hi...

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White Balance

1. Summer in Ridgewick was hazy and idyllic. The city had the down-home atmosphere of a Norman Rockwell print; a sleepy patchwork of tree-lined avenues and painfully green lawns. The streets droned with cicadas and the ponds with dragonflies, their streamlined bodies glittering like emeralds in the morning sun. Its picket-fence suburbs were perhaps the most American of the regional townships. On a fine, clear day, you could smell the heady aroma of apple pie drifting down the sidewalk;...

2 years ago
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Getting it right

husband) This is a story originally published on another site by a " writer" that calls himself Noah frog. The first part is what this purveyor of brutal humiliation porn the second is my answer to Noafrog. Noafrog in my estimation is a weak , lilly livered control freak, who doesn't have the balls to practice in real life what he writes about. To all those of you who enjoy this kind of rape and humiliation and wimp cuckold husbands. This is for you . I hope you enjoy the...

1 year ago
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Spizoo Jessica Jaymes Got Caged

Jessica Jaymes is a mature woman with many sides to her. Over the years she has learned to love completely surrendering to a powerful man. She starts in a cage only to be released for one reason…using her tight wet pussy to please a long, solid cock. and feed on its juices. This beautiful milf pulls out her perfect round breasts and pierced wet clit and allows her handler to use her in whatever way he sees fit. When feeding time cums she is ready to eat all his man juice off her feeding...

3 years ago
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How I had scrued by my own boss

Friends my name is Sangay Sangma m from Meghalaya well I had been in Bangalore for many years and done a lot of sexual experiences well m a reader of this site for about 2yrs let’s come to my story directly cus it’s better to be in action without all this Bakwas! Well just a month ago I had come back from Bangalore cus of my elder sister get married and for Garo Rituals in Meghalaya the Husband was the owner of the wife father property. So after hand over the property to my Sisi Husband we left...

1 year ago
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Futa Naked In School 12 Futa Changes the Program 1 Birdies Naughty Desires

Chapter One: Birdie's Naughty Desires By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 President Birdie McTaggart, Monday “And here is what you have all been waiting for!” I boomed into the microphone in the auditorium of Rogers College, my school. I was the president here. The architect of one of the most successful Naked in School Programs in the country. “The final four chosen to go naked for this year!” Cheers erupted through the auditorium. The cheer squad, led by Tatyana Naumov their captain, were...

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My mom8217s sister

A few days ago, I remembered that My mom’s sister, Aisha, and I have been flirting a lot more together. Don’t get me wrong, it’s all very innocent aunt – nephew relationship; a longer-than-normal touch as we pass something across the table, a slight foot brush underneath said table. I like to give my Aunty a hard time. When I was a kid I always messed with her and even now that we’re both older, she likes to pretend that she disapproves of me. In reality, I am better than her...

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Following my misfortune in Amsterdam (please read “An Honest Mistake” under my Posts & Stories) although misfortune is perhaps the wrong word to use to describe my visit to a rather special boutique and experiencing the most intense arousal and sexual orgasm to date in my young twenties, my next few days off were entirely spent in local settings of East Anglia in England on my bicycle.As a means of staying attractive and apparently sexy according to my friends, I have found that a long...

2 years ago
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Altered Fates Freefalling Home

Freefalling Home By Elliot Reid I smoothed my skirt and looked nervously at Natalie. "Do I look, uh, okay?" "You look fine, Jo. Stop worrying, they won't bite your head off." Natalie looked relaxed, in a navy skirt and simple jacket over a soft black sweater, her glasses hanging from a chain; very conservative. She was an attractive forty-something with sharp cheekbones, a strong nose and smiling eyes, framed by a cascade of wavy, dark hair. I'd already come to trust her...

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MOMS journal 5

Sorry for not adding in a while, been traveling for work and very busy, just got home saturday. I keep Moms journal locked in my gun safe when I'm not home, Saturday night I got it out to read some more when I noticed 1 side of cover was separating, I spread it apart a little and pulled several written pages out, I hadn't noticed this area before and figured the dryness in the safe had caused it. I opened the folder papers, they weren't brittle and was a little shocked at what I read. Seems dad...

3 years ago
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15 years Straight Part one

It had been nearly 15 years since my last meet with Harry and his friends, I had had a fun afternoon at his place not knowing it would be my last tea party,and was so happy, but everything changed, when I got had home, my wife told me she was pregnant,I could not have been happier, I was going to be a dad,but I also knew that had to change everything. I knew had to be free of Harry's control, I called him and, he knew why I had to be free,and he agreed to release me from his control. I was...

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Mysterious Lover

Amanda was a forty four year old married woman who worked as an estate agent; usually she hardly ever left the office but occasionally she was allowed to show prospective clients around properties; there were built in safe guards ever since the now famous murder of the single female estate agent Susie Lamplou. Amanda stood five foot two inches tall medium build with extra sensitive nipples on her 36 C breasts; her black hair neat shoulder length always looked immaculate; Amanda had two...

1 year ago
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AllGirlMassage Kristen Scott Lacy Lennon Who On Earth Hates Massages

Lacy Lennon is manning the front desk at the massage parlor when Kristen Scott nervously enters. Kristen explains that she got a gift certificate from her boyfriend for a massage and that she’d like a refund. She doesn’t like massages, having not had good experiences with them in the past. When Lacy inquires about it, Kristen admits that she’s only been massaged by men and it’s always left her more sore than what she started with! Lacy insists that she’s not...

2 years ago
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Forever Yours

Forever Yours Ch. 01 This is not just a sex scene story but my concentration is on love so if what you are looking for is numerous sex scenes then this may not be the story for you. I hope you will like it and I do hope I get higher ratings. Thank you and enjoy. ***** Ramon opened the door to the house shouting for his father. Ramon Castillo is an 18 year old high school graduate who lives with his father Ben Castillo and his brother, Eduardo Castillo. They lived near the sea shore where they...

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Fucking the Blond Across the Street

This is based on a true story that happened 25 years ago.It has been six months since my wife and I had split up. Winter turned to spring, and living back with my parents at 25, was no picnic. It wasn't that we didn't get along, it was just that my parents felt that their grown c***dren shouldn't be going back to live with them. They had to deal with my oldest brother when he and his wife split up, now it was me. There was one day I was waiting at the bus stop. This blond haired girl was also...

1 year ago
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فاتن امرأة جميلة مصرية صميمة فى التاسعة والثلاثين من عمرها .. متزوجة وزوجها مصاب بالشلل وهو أكبر منها بنحو خمسة أعوام ولها منه ابن وحيد هو أحمد والبالغ عمره 18 عاما .. اضطرت فاتن للعمل تحت ضغط لقمة العيش والكد على عائلتها الصغيرة وتعليم ابنها بعد إصابة زوجها بالعجز الكلى الذى أقعده عن العمل وحصل على معاش قليل لا يكاد يفى باحتياجات الأسرة وابنها الذى تدللـه وتحبه كثيرا .. كانت فاتن من مواليد 7 يوليو بينما أحمد من مواليد 15 سبتمبر .. وكانت فاتن تعمل كخادمة فى البيوت لأنها ربة منزل أصلا ولم تنال...

4 years ago
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Sex Trafficking Part 2 Jeff and Barbie Doll

This is one part of another project. It gives information for events that will occur later on in another part of the project. Fall semester was finished and spring break was a month or two off. During spring break, Jeff knew the good looking sexy female population would jump from very few to an abundance. The past summer and 2015 Christmas season had been quite good for Jeff’s end of the sex trafficking business with Morris. By himself a total of 16 packages had been delivered to Morris. At...

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Surprise Ending

Written By Justlookin4fun99 December 12.2011 A SURPRISE ENDING I was well aware of her striking features from the first day I saw her. They moved in next door to me in a quiet urban neighborhood not far from the largest lake in the area. I introduced myself to them and helped move some of the larger items in place in their new home. After we finished we sat and got acquainted over cold beers. His name was Adam and hers was Sheila, I introduced myself as Tom and welcomed them to the...

2 years ago
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Dana Jeff Ch 01

YEAR ONE DAY ONE A knot of nervousness wiggled and weighed within Jeff as he walked Dana up the stairs of her brownstone. Just before they reached the top step, he grabbed her hand. She turned and smiled up at him. He felt an answering flutter of happiness. From the first time, he saw her at work, he felt a stirring of attraction. She cocked her head to the side, curly brown hair falling to the side and he noticed a small dimple in her left cheek. ‘Yes?’ She looked up with a flirty...

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