The Revenge Of Jolly Roger
- 5 years ago
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There was an odd conversation in the Campoulos family home that night. Nina and Georgio arrived home shortly after ten-thirty, as usual reeking of fried fatty food. Georgio is in his late-sixties and Nina fifty five and as usual, they are dog tired. As usual, Mary had dinner on plates for them after they had had their showers and that was when all normality ended.
"I met a boy today..."
Georgio dropped his fork as if he had been shot in the arm, waiting for the other shoe to drop,
"He's very nice, and very mature."
Nina sees in her mind's eye: mature=dirty old man.
"I asked him here to have tea with me, but he refused, as he wouldn't come in here without your permission."
Nina: good manners, must be a nice Greek boy, mature worries me.
Georgio: why would she think to ask, what has my baby done. My baby is no longer a virgin, I'll ring the police before I kill him myself.
Nina: Maybe he's got money, virgins come, virgins go. After all, I lost mine five times before Georgio eventually took it officially.
"I would like him to eat with me at night, because I'm always alone. I'm sick of always being alone. We'll read some books together, and we will discuss them. After he eats, he will go straight home, just down the road to us. I would like him to eat with us Sunday night so you can meet him.
"Mumma, I'd like to talk with you after you've eaten tea, about woman's stuff."
Poppa got huffy as Poppa does, "What's the secret so secret, you can't talk in front of your Poppa?"
"Okay, Poppa. Mumma my period started early, today, not like last time when it was late and you..."
"You should talk to your Mumma about these things. Have you no decency?" Clever girl, my baby, as smart as her father, I miss my virile Nando. Sigh.
It was after dinner and rather late as usual, "Mumma, his name is Damian and he'd not a boy. He thinks I'm a child but he is deadly smart and I won't be able to put anything over him. Some people are not like Poppa. Damian will not believe what I tell him, because he understands everything, without being told the whole story. I will tell him the truth and you should tell him the truth or he will see right through you and tell you the truth. He wants me, I'm sure, but doesn't need me. I want him to need me. He's very virile, but seeing naked pussy doesn't make him lose his cool."
"Anyway, that's Damian, and it was the truth I was bleeding like a stuck pig this morning, and then it stopped again cold, and I'm not even due for another week. Last month I was two weeks late and you had me checked if I was pregnant and Mumma, I'm still a bloody virgin. You're having next Tuesday off to go the dentist, can we make an appointment for next Tuesday and see the doctor?"
"Yes, baby, and I'll cool your Poppa down. He's a good man, and a good provider, but not very bright."
"Mumma, Damian looks me in the eye and I feel really, really good, then I feel all funny and I've gotta sit down just like when I touch myself only, better, really, really, better. Mumma, I gotta get him to need me."
It was amazing how Mary's accent degraded from impeccable Australian English to her parent's Greek tarnished English, when she was being close to them. Mother and daughter held each other and Mary cried like a thirteen year girl newly in love. Her mother understood completely because the fifteen year old virgin Greek girl, in which her husband believes as a fact, is a myth, perpetuated by the Greek female population from perpetuity. As her female end of the family, and her female friends often say, 'there ain't no such thing'.
They were on the same train next morning, a Friday, they met on the station, and Mary was reading his half destroyed copy of Gordon Dickson's, Dorsai! though she wished she was wearing gloves as she held it. She has decided that the only similarity between a real book and this remnant is this contains every single word of the story. Even the first chapter title, Cadet, is half gone, burnt off, but absolutely nothing else, so this book means something more to him than being, just another book. She is about a third the way through and in deep concentration, now understanding what he means by looking behind what is written rather than the just words themselves, she even had to look up the word 'allegorically' as she thought it had only religious connotations. She realised last night, almost an epiphany of sorts, that this is what her English teacher has been trying to teach her since she first had her class.
He's not a teacher, according to him he's not intelligent, seemingly equating intelligence with education, but he has made her recognise what outwardly is said in all fiction: the timbre, the era when it was written, maybe even the mood of the day in which it was written, was almost as understandable as the explicitly intended story itself. That day she had a talk with her English teacher explaining her dilemma, Damian's explanation about a book, the book, pretty well much trashy science fiction, hell, almost pulp fiction quality which he sees as an allegory of The United States world attitude in the 50's and 60's.
Mrs Heller agreed with him to an extent but not in toto, she actually asked if she could discuss his overall understanding of that genre of fiction itself with Mary's 'friend'.
When Mary told of her friend's opinion of the famous Asimov, she almost busted a stay laughing, "It was a common opinion held when I was in university, where did he do his degree?
"Oh! No education at all, eh?
Mary reiterated, "His education is barely above first class English comprehension level and no Maths worthwhile talking about."
Mrs Heller appeared impressed, "He sounds more like my old English Lit professor, at Cambridge; none at all? Terrified of commitment, hmm? Now he sounds more like my ex-boyfriend."
Mary had one little discreet look around, "He is in total disagreement with the schools', really the Catholic Church's, restrictions on knowledge and literature in general."
"Should you, Mary, have issues with the Church's dogma; keep them to yourself around the school, and most of its students and employees. Frankly I agree with him but I never said that, neither did Galileo, I'm sure." Mrs Heller supplied Mary with the keys to the restricted library, saying "No, I didn't give you any keys. In fact, we have never had this conversation, and don't lose those keys. One day Mrs Heller will discuss with Mary, the similarities between Torquemada and our Headmaster, Mr French; but, for the time being, there aren't walls made thick enough."
Any leanings Mary may have had towards the Catholic religion, just flew out the door on delicate angel's wings. School she feels is supposed to be a place of learning not of repression.
He opened Dune at the torn envelope bookmark, held Mary's free hand with his and felt very content for some reason. She leant her head against his sleeve covered, strong, hard, muscular bicep, and all the little people crowded cheek to jowl on the train beside them, simply disappeared.
That afternoon he had finished the gardening work, using the antiquated scythe on the maintained raised marble lawn graves, dead on time; for a change. There's a knack to using the scythe, it's the angle of the right wrist. That made him on time for the first of the one in three trains which stop at Karrakatta in the afternoon, then three quarters of an hour early to West Perth for the train Mary caught, so he spent the extra time speaking to the people in the main city book store and discovered that Dickson's books are out of print.
To Damien this is one of the reasons why traditional bookshops are going out of existence as they are only selling what the publishers wish for them to sell, not what people actually want, presumably on the off-chance they will discover another author instead of what is currently popular, because that is all they publish. It leaves one wondering if a book becomes less valid as it ages so therefore no one will want them.
Music is popular (sic) because radio stations play it, not because it is good music or even really popular. People buy books on line because they are heavily advertised, like that poorly written, Nine Shades of Grey book, not because you take them off the shop shelf and browsed through one to see if you liked it.
He jogged the three blocks away to the arcade (you should try that wearing steel toe capped work boots), where the West Perth used book and coin collection store was. They did have poor condition versions of Necromancer and Soldier Ask Not. To him the words were important, and were not to be discarded because some child had scribbled through it with a yellow crayon. He smiled at the vast expense, of fifty cents.
He just made it back to the West Perth Station, he's not sure why sign says City West Station, maybe he's being pedantic but all his workmates call it West Perth, anyway he made his train with seconds to spare. The carriage is half empty, so he places himself in such a way that he was taking two seating places and caught some very bitter looks at the next overcrowded station, Perth. That fat lady tried to squeeze in, the same smelly one as the day before, and he just looked at her and she immediately lost interest. Mary came through the train's door at the last second, short of breath, and she looked around; the relief on her face was manifest.
She sat when he made the room and kissed him on the cheek; he smiled with pleasure and she wished she had kissed him on the lips.
'Little steps, Mary, ' Mumma had told her, 'little steps.'
She put the completed book on his lap with a smug look, and he put the two new/old ones in her hand. He said, "Necromancer is the next in order and Soldier Ask Not is the better book." She made a little squeal of joy and went to kiss him on the cheek again, only Damian had turned his head to look at her. They missed their stop unnoticed nine stations later and had to change platforms and return one station.
He made a coffee for her again, just the way she liked it and they sat on his swag against the same wall this time. He told her he missed the view he had yesterday, she giggled and knew he was pulling her leg; she wished. He was deadly serious.
Damian went over the time line of the books, as he made them each a coffee.
She told him about Mrs Heller and about the key and the trouble they could both get into. "Who's Torquemada?"
"Tomás de Torquemada was the first Inquisitor General in Spain and was employed by the then King and Queen, ah, Isabella, of Spain. You should ask for the schools attitude to the Church's Inquisition before I poison your mind against the torture, murder and repression of students in Inquisitorial WA. I'm sure the school will be fair and even handed."
Those little steps of Mumma's went over a cliff and she's had no experience in dealing with her body which was doing back flips and somersaults inside, and she wasn't even moving. Her heart felt like it is trying to punch its way through her chest. She went home earlier than last night, as she no longer trusted herself.
Damian thought the kiss was a little premature in their relationship and that she was having second thoughts. He enjoyed the kiss though as it made him feel refreshed, less used by the world for its football, but it was just a kiss ... just a very long kiss!
Saturday morning arrived and Damian enjoyed the sleep in. This working at a steady job has the downfall that he has to work at a steady job. He's a man who had never been held in continuous employment for longer than two weeks at any time. The hours are consistent but the hours are so consistent. Previously his working hours ranged from sixteen hours at a stretch falling to an hour of clean up three days later.
This suburb has a small IGA supermarket about three blocks away on the other side of the station but most people use the big ones two suburbs over for the specials and home brands and then pay considerably more for everything else. He has little interest in petrol discount vouchers and he doesn't have to make a train journey to buy unbranded lower quality food.
He walked over to the shop carrying his plastic bags that they supplied last time and mostly bought tinned meals, for the want of refrigeration, lots of snack chocolate biscuits which he knew Mary would like (almost every female he knew compared Arnott's Tim Tams favourably to an orgasm), and another bottle of Turkish coffee, which he is going through at a rate of knots.
Mary was sitting on the slightly rickety back porch when he arrived home, the bags weren't that heavy, but by now they felt like they were cutting his hands in two. She had her own ubiquitous plastic shopping bag by her side full of her books and she stood and immediately plastered her lips onto his. No sweet little peck on the cheek for this girl today, nor panties or bra either if he wishes to take advantage of her; fuck Mumma's little steps. Mary felt that she was becoming such a potty mouth.
The kiss is nice but Damian desperately wants to put the shopping bags down. Mary opened the door as he had shown her the trick yesterday afternoon from inside. And he gave a deep sigh of relief as he put down the bags on the kitchen floor. He put some water on, "Have you had breakfast?"
"I don't like breakfast."
"Another kiss like that and you'll run out of energy. I'll make us some baked beans," she motioned sticking her fingers down her throat, "and I bought a loaf of fresh bread. When you kiss me next time I want to have a burn on my lips from that spark of extra energy." She wrapped herself around him again and thoroughly hugged him, her cheek crushed against his chest. What she wanted was to put his thing inside her thing, but the thing which is her insecurity held her back. God, he must think I am such a little girl.
Mary drank her coffee, and she was beginning to like it a bit stronger, while Damian scrubbed out the billycan and put the open tin of baked beans on, to directly heat. They ate them warm, rather than wait an hour for them to get hot. They had bread wiped with very soft margarine with the back of a red KFC spoon. They used the bread to wipe up the food left behind on the paper plates that he used, then tossed them.
They lay on opposite ends of the swag.
Damian thought he must have broken some rule until he realised he was looking straight up inside a very pretty vagina which has seen some continuous use this morning by its moist redness. She couldn't leave it alone last night, then thought about him when she woke up this morning and she imagined his eyes looking at her as she did it.
Mary was glad her door was closed because she made a very loud noise then wet her bed. Forgive me my Lord, she prayed, as my body is weak, and she continually fingered herself to completion until she was rubbed sore. She had limped on her way down here using supreme discipline to not touch herself on the way. She imagined his eyes as she recited The Lord's Prayer the complete distance.
He liked this way of reading. A chapter, look at leaking pussy, read another chapter and she has pulled her skirt up at the back as it is being saturated by sitting on it. The feel of the rough swag under her bare bottom made her feel so sensuous and naked. He looked up at her and her eyes are squeezed together, almost in pain.
He said, "Mary ... come."
Her hips flung themselves up and down vigorously as if she was fucking a naked erection, or having a violent epileptic fit. She cried out, loudly. Then quietly fell asleep. An hour later she awoke, refreshed having missed sleep last night due to her self-abuse, and suddenly she realised where she was and what made her fall asleep and she moaned in acute embarrassment. He saw her wake saw her face fall from pleasure to shame and he joined Mary and cuddled her.
"Mary, tell me what's wrong."
She tucked her face under his armpit, "You saw me and I'm so ashamed." Her voice was muffled.
"Mary, if you sneeze, someone will say bless you. You know there is nothing you can do about the sneeze, as it's the normal human reaction to an irritant in your nose. You gave me the extreme pleasure of letting me watch your naked body. As you know, I get pleasure out of looking at your naked body. You have an absolutely beautiful vagina. You have been masturbating all last night and again this morning, and doing that makes it even more desirably beautiful.
"Displaying yourself like that excited you so much that you were in agony from frustration so I simply told you to come. The only thing which would have been more beautiful would have been if you were naked, as I'd love to watch you make love to yourself like that. There's nothing to feel embarrassed about any more than the sneeze.
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Last Tuesday was an immensely pleasurable erotic experience that I shan’t forget. I remember the kissing and cuddling almost as soon as we got to the room. We seemed to have the same needs and the lingering glances over dinner had conveyed and confirmed the unspoken agreement that we shouldn’t waste time. I remember us undressing. I buried my head between your fulsome breasts as you stood before me and washed my tongue around the delicate softness of their globes. I took each of your nipples in...
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FantasyPart IV Beyonce lay out in the afternoon sun. The island had a hot, tropical climateand although she had been kept in the shade for the hottest part of the day,it was still uncomfortable and humid. The sweat was pouring off her and shehad no way to wipe it off. She had always liked hot holiday destinations andwas therefore no stranger to sunning herself. She had even bathed topless before,but never like this. As part of her acclimatization process, Jen had explainedthat it was necessary for...
So little about myself. My name is Becca. I am 19 years of age. I have long blond hair, light brown eyes and a tiny little body. I'm roughly 5'2" tall, weighing 103 lb. At first glance I may seem like a pretty innocent girl, but the inside is a whole different story. I have a 34C chest, 25 and half inch waist, and a few body piercings. Over the summer, I got my nose studded, barbells on both my tongue and my nipples, and a dangling belly ring. Oh wait I almost forgot, I also had my inner labia...
Group SexShe couldn’t believe it was finally de day of the concert! She was a fan of “The Wonders Rock Band” since she was a teenager, what means 5 years ago, as she just turned 21, but for her it was like since she was born. Jane had everything planned for the concert, she convinced Mark, her gay friend to go with her as security. Lonely girls on hard rock concerts are easy preys and Mark was 6,2” and 198lb enough to keep her secure lol. She also had planned the clothes, a jeans shorts as skirts are...
The music thrummed and the people danced and swayed around me in the large warehouse that had been converted into a concert space. Up on stage, the Foals were doing a fantastic job playing with music, lights, and smoke. The crowd was eating it up, cheering and jumping in time with the beat. Large barn-style doors on either side and at the back of the Goat Farm concert space were open to the clear, cool spring night outside. Bars at either side of the back doors were doing brisk business selling...
VoyeurSometimes, a hobby is more than a hobby. Dominic reflected on this truth while absently rustling through his pockets for whatever change he could find to pay for the bus. Sometimes a hobby is a means to an end. A subconscious expression of deepest feelings. Sometimes a hobby sets you free. The rain seemed to grow heavier as the evening wore on, and as night gathered her skirts and prepared to saunter onto the sky stage, the bus finally came down the street. He straightened his shirt and got up...
This is my first story, so tell me if you like it, I could probably make it more erotic, but I need to know if this is alright for a starting point type thing… ‘Alexis! Are you ready for the concert?’ yelled my friend Mark. ‘Yeah! Sure, just one second!’ I said, applying my lipstick. I checked myself out in the mirror, pulling my pink hot pants down slightly, so they just cover my ass cheeks. My black bra showed threw my white top, so grudgingly, I decided to take off my bra, leaving my 34C...
Kyle and Kylie were twins but only those who really knew them would have been aware of it because they were fraternal twins. Although close to the same height, they looked nothing alike. Kyle had black wavy hair, dark brown eyes and the type of skin that easily tanned. Kylie had blonde hair, green eyes and very pale skin that burned easier than it tanned. Kyle’s face was more square-ish and Kylie’s more narrow and oval. Kylie was a very pretty s*******n year old with a thin shapely body set off...
This is my first story, so tell me if you like it, I could probably make it more erotic, but I need to know if this is alright for a starting point type thing... "Alexis! Are you ready for the concert?" yelled my friend Mark. "Yeah! Sure, just one second!" I said, applying my lipstick. I checked myself out in the mirror, pulling my pink hot pants down slightly, so they just cover my ass cheeks. My black bra showed threw my white top, so grudgingly, I decided to take off my bra, leaving my 34C...
Quickie SexOne of the huge speaker towers stood right left to me and while not exactly being sane, I still had my plugs tightly stuck in my ears. Even though it was a mild night with the moon offering most of the illumination offside the stage, I was beginning to sweat. The heat of thousands of bodies, pressed together in one place without much space for the cool air to flow through just made sure of that. I looked around a bit, mustering the crowd. Because the first band was still busy with preparing...
Hailee Stenfield waited in her trailer after the concert. I won a personal meet-and-greet with her. She didn't bother to change, reasoning that I would love to see her in her concert outfit up close. There was a knock. "Miss Stenfield, your fan is here," said security through the door. Hailee opened the door. Standing before her was a young man. He shyly looked at her and walked inside. Security closed the door behind him. Hayley stuck her hand out. "Hey! What's your name?" she asked. "Josh," I...
The ride home from the concert was one that Kyle will never forget. After having sex with his twin sister Kylie and mom Nora at the concert, he was told on the way home that they wanted more. He asked his mom if she had seen him and Kylie and she said not only had she seen it but it was part of their plan. That news caught him off guard and then asked if they had really planned it, to which Kylie responded by asking him if he wondered why they were both commando and wearing such short skirts...
Note : This story is completely fictional! This past weekend my older sister(50),and myself(47),went to a rock concert. Now my sister is a hot,5'1",100lbs,35b tits,long blonde hair,and has a fantastic,tight,bubble butt. She has been divorced for 11years,and dates occassionaly. I'm single, 6'4",225lbs,athletic build,and have an 8"inch cock. We have always been close,ever since our parents split up when we were young. Over the years,we have partied together,and had a few(close)moments . Nothing...
Incest"Man, I wanna fuck your sister so bad!" I said with a sigh. "Shut-up," Brandon sighed too. "My brain hurts." "Lightweight!" I grinned at him in the darkness of his bedroom. "Are we spinning or is it just everything else?" he asked with a giggle. "Fuck!" "Don't puke!" "I'm okay," he promised, but I wasn't so sure and I eyed his indistinct form suspiciously. We were only sixteen and Brandon was kind of a small guy compared to me, so maybe that's why he always got drunk...
She walked through a throng of bodies, people were everywhere, pushing and shoving, dancing and gyrating. She tried to push through; she didn’t know where she was going but, something told her to get to the other side of the room as soon as possible. For a split second the crowd split and she could see the far door. Just as she was about to turn the knob and walk through, a ringing filled the air. She looked everywhere, covering her ears; it reverberated through her head and her body. Where the...
LesbianDarryl Turner practically broke the Speed Limit racing to get home. He knew that the fight he’d been having with Barby, his newlywed bride was now officially over. Thank God for that! He was ecstatic about that, because he hated fighting with her. From the very first second he’d laid eyes on the pretty 21-year old, he’d been smitten. She had walked into his Drama Class and the 26-year old University Professor was a goner. Barby Hill was sheer, exquisite, compact perfection. Everything he’d...
Darryl Turner was stunned at what he saw going on in his sister’s bedroom. He had just spent a lovely afternoon reconnecting with his sister over lunch and then really connecting with her during sex. Sex he knew that he would want again. Jisel had proven to be an incredible fuck, wild and erotic with a playful sensuality. To date, only two women had proven to be her superiors. One was their mother Deandra or ‘DeeDee’ as she now liked to be called. The other was his gorgeous, sexy pixie of a...
The music thrummed and the people danced and swayed around me in the large warehouse that had been converted into a concert space. Up on stage, the Foals were doing a fantastic job playing with music, lights, and smoke. The crowd was eating it up, cheering and jumping in time with the beat. Large barn-style doors on either side and at the back of the Goat Farm concert space were open to the clear, cool spring night outside. Bars at either side of the back doors were doing brisk business selling...
The wife and I got tickets to see Hinder in concert. She wore a very short low cut dress with nothing underneath. During the opening band we found an empty area in the upper balcony. I sat in the middle of the section and she went down on her knees and started sucking me. Shortly after she started a stranger sat down next to me and just watched at first. After about a minute he took his cock out and started masturbating.The wife seeing this, reached over and offered a helping hand. After...
There are times in a woman's life that never truly make since. Time that make you sit back and wonder, "Now how did that happen". Last night more than qualifies as one of those moments for me. I don't know why I decided I would go to the concert. I guess it's because the girls had begged me all afternoon. But , sure as shit I was sitting on the front row with all the other road whores. I was just sitting there drinking a beer when I noticed the lead singer staring....Wait, nah, guys like that...
Group SexSimon was semi-naked and on his knees with his hands bound by a thick leather belt to a bedpost. The only article of clothing covering Simon was a pair of white, cotton panties. There was obviously something protruding in and out of Simon's butt as the panties kept it in place. It was a thick and long vibrating dildo turned on its highest setting causing sensations of humiliation and pleasure going all through Simon. The only sign of Simon's displeasure was him jerking trying to break...
CONCERNING BODY-HOPPERS A Body-Hopper is a creature unlike any in existence. For the most part unknown to the general public, these strange beings dwell among civilization in secret. A parasite, the Body-Hopper's physical form appears to be that of a normal human male. But, with a mere thought, the Hopper can make himself insubstantial, more gaseous or liquid than solid. In that fluid state, a Body-Hopper can physically meld itself with the body of a normal human. The Hopper flows...
I noticed the girl standing just in front of me in the line. She looked a little young to be there, then I remembered that this was an 18 and up show, not over 21 like most of the ones I went to. She had long, light-brown hair hanging loose around her face, which was extremely pretty - small, upturned nose, greenish-brown eyes, with just the right amount of eye makeup to cause them to stand out. Her mouth had a slight downturn at the corners, looked very sexy, with very light lipstick. ...
There are times in a woman’s life that never truly make since. Time that make you sit back and wonder, ‘Now how did that happen’. Last night more than qualifies as one of those moments for me. I don’t know why I decided I would go to the concert. I guess it’s because the girls had begged me all afternoon. But , sure as shit I was sitting on the front row with all the other road whores. I was just sitting there drinking a beer when I noticed the lead singer staring…. Wait, nah, guys like that...
Great concert. My boyfriend had taken me out for drinks before this show at a medium sized place with a stage and large dance floor. In the back of the room where booths and tables. We had a table, but when the band started we got up to the "mosh pit". I felt very happy after all the drinks. We danced and had a blast. The floor got more and more people on it. I bumped into a lot of people while dancing. A couple of times I felt someone grope my ass, I guess that it was the alcohol, because I...