TandraChapter 75 free porn video

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As I sat comfortably in my chair thinking of my home and family. The home on the river, my wives, children, Mom my friends, and even Dog seemed to beg me to return. Instead, I was drawn to an area outside of the hull. Questing further I saw that it was not the ship itself but rather the direction. I felt a malignant aura which seemed to be to draw me to one side when looking at the galaxy through the sensors. It was off our projected course but it was too interesting to just pass up. Relying now strictly on feel I slowed down and altered course. A short time later I found devastation here too but of a much more recent nature. The sensors told me that this was just done barely two thousand years ago.

I carefully entered the next system and found many destroyed ships and these happened to be Kadork. There was very little of their enemy found but on a rocky asteroid Harriet's sensors found portions of Thonas craft. The formerly inhabited planet was almost completely destroyed. This was not done with the usual vengeance the Thonas had inflicted on the Tandra in the last big war. We searched in vain for a salvageable computer to give us and indication of what had happened. After a few more hours we just left to check other nearby systems.

A feeling grew in me about the importance of this area and I continued my search. After fourteen more systems, four of which showed former Kadork habitation, we happened upon a derelict ship. The transponder was very weak but we did approach.

My senses quested forth along with the sensors and I knew that nothing lived onboard. We approached closely and Harriet used her tractors to manoeuvre us all around the large hull. The ship type was distinctly Tandra and not Kadork as I expected. This time the craft was non-military. Precise hits by weapons had rendered useless the engines, some hull plates were blown inward.

Harriet sent a few small robotic units over and they did a preliminary survey. This was important for our thermographic sensors indicated the wreck to be less than ten Earth days old.

We could see some of the damage inside but it was very little as if the crew had given up instead of fighting. Rather than repair some power connections an accumulator was taken over and used to directly energize the computer. When it came aware it would not take any of the imperial overrides. The computer itself did not have the same type of programming the other computers had. The AI was either not present or damaged in the fighting.

My mind seemed to flow toward the wreck and enter the computer. It went within the circuits themselves and found many changes to the way the Tandra did things. The computer was much simpler than the ones I knew. We had to attribute it to the fact that it was not a military vessel. Harriet assisted and we worked to copy all of its data. There was a seven woman crew when it left on its voyage. The ship had been carrying processor modules, weapons and other equipment. This was all to go to some Tandra outposts and even some was to trade with other allied races. The ship had been attacked and the sensors damaged from beyond their pickup range. Internal video showed the unmistakable forms of Samutz in their battle suits rounding up the crew. Other clips showed cargo being taken from the holds.

Harriet gave a scan of the vessel and working with the cargo manifest. She deduced that the weapons and the processor modules were taken. The latter were not the same as processor crystals for they were made up of many smaller manufacturable crystals for use in computers. This process had been used many times in Tandra's past but was found to be very inefficient and slow. The computer would have serious limitations and was usually unsuited for a military vessel. The only good news was that there was a sizable Tandra presence in the area.

The data showed that there were thirty seven local empires. They were made up mostly of one to four systems in each grouping but three larger monarchies where around twenty systems. This added up to a hundred and forty eight systems and about five times that in small mining colonies and outposts.

The ship's computer had been ravished as well and the computer damaged. Before the system had shut down there was enough residual power in the computer to give us an indication of which way the Samutz ship had left.

Harriet asked, "What are we going to do now Henry?"

"I think we should follow the Samutz and see where they take us. The ship tells us that there is a lot of trade within the various kingdoms and the unsophisticated races in this area. I am sure we will find a lot more destruction as we proceed. Perhaps even a chance to get some help."

We left, trying to track the Samutz and found the energy trail crossed other old flight paths. None was more recent though and we continued on our quest. Almost seven lights distant we slowed down and came to a large asteroid wandering alone between star systems. Beacons around the large twenty seven kilometre long rock attested it to be an outpost of one of the planets about two and a half lights distant. The data stream confirmed to the outpost's dormant status but it was plain to see that this was not the case.

Energy in many different spectrums emanated from the interior. Rather than approach close, robotic probes were again sent. Our own active sensors would surely cause us to be spotted. Ten minutes later we viewed a rough surface that had an uncomfortable and dangerous feeling about it. On closer examination the probes found many emplaced weapons platforms hidden from all but the closest scrutiny.

"Harriet, I can feel Tandra here and they are all very frightened. We are not close enough to get any thoughts. Can you?"

"It is too far for thought. I can feel their emotions though Henry. What are you planing to do?"

"I have no battle suit and few personal weapons. I can't use the energy from the other dimension here or I will destroy the rock and all it contains."

"There will be Samutz there too."

"I think there is too. I will just have to come up with a weapon before we go any further. The one that seems to work the best is my temporal shield. It is just too blunt an instrument though."

"Can you sharpen it then?"

"That is an idea." I began to think of Margaret and how I had to assist her to generate a stronger temporal field. This improvement had been incorporated into the design of Harriet.

My mind worked furiously trying to produce a single purpose computer that could produce a temporal field. This was one of the bottlenecks I had suffered in regards to new missiles. The small ones were too small to project this field. I was coming to an idea when Harriet warned me. A destroyer left the far side of the asteroid and flew off at a military acceleration.

"Henry, there may be thousands of Samutz in that base. That ship was inside."

"If I have my shield up there is no way they can touch me. I just wish that I had a combat suit to give me invisibility and anti-gravity." Jamal had put crystals into my body to give me a personal shield with extra protection on my chest. More had gone in to increase my intelligence and even lasers were placed in my fingers. After my accident they had made me what I was now but some of their original intent was now gone.

Thinking of the shield again brought me back to Margaret's hull. I could see similarities between her body and mine. I visualized some of the crystals I would need and said, "Harriet will you get these for me?"

The crystals appeared and I set them down except one. That one was adapted to form a new shield but I altered it to protect me better. The harmonics would fluctuate very quickly to keep all solid projectiles from hitting me. Massive objects would still kill because of their kinetic energy. I didn't have the inertial compensator to stop that kind of thing. Energy weapons were the same but a massive enough discharge would overload the crystal's capacity to protect.

A second crystal was changed to give me the temporal field similar to what Margaret and Harriet now had. I could generate this field with my mind but the specific crystal would take that task from me. The third and last crystal would be similar but I had no way of controlling the crystal or providing power to it. A fairly simple idea came to me. I made a small circuit in my mind and added an accumulator for power. It was evident that it would do what I needed as long as I did not run it too long. The circuit criteria was transferred to Harriet and she began to make the unit.

The crystals were only a little over a centimetre long. I pushed them under my skin and moved them to where they would reside. Both would be just beneath the metal fabric covering my chest just over my rib cage. I made the connections and tested the more or less standard shield and saw that it worked fine. The other I would only use outside the hull for fear of damaging Harriet.

When Harriet finished with the device I saw that it was the size of a common laser pointer but with no manual button. She said, "It is actuated by your mind only Henry. Do you want to try your improvements now?"

"Yes I do." I set my shield and I was transported outside the hull. The pressors pushed me a distance of a few hundred metres away. My temporal shield was tried first and it appeared to work fine. I took the small device in my hand and energized it. A beam seemed to go out a centimetre and end at the inside of shield. With the temporal shield off and the other shield in its place the energy went out over eight metres. I moved it back and forth and saw that it used a lot of power to function. I shortened the beam to a metre and saw the load to be much reduced.

Harriet pulled me back in when I was done. She said, "It looks like the device works but it still uses a lot of power. My estimates show me that it will last less than six minutes at full power and a little more than four times that at the one metre setting."

"Not as good as I hoped. Perhaps it is good enough this time. I have my shield and I have you to come to my rescue if needed."

"That is not a safe way to proceed Henry."

"I can't tell for sure but I think some of the people in that outpost are being killed as we speak. I am going to have to go."

Harriet threw me at the rock with her tractors and when the time came I used a small reaction unit to slow me down. There was an artificial gravity generated within the rock and I just had to walk to the other side where the ship had emerged almost two hours ago. On my way I found many camouflaged missile batteries ready to take on attackers.

On the far side I found markers written in Tandra guiding me to one of the many personnel entrances. I did not ask the computer for access but slipped through the dimensions as I had learned to do when I visited the Bintuu queen.

The interior in this section was unilluminated. I cast my senses out and could see a corridor almost three metres wide by two high. Four strips appeared to be worn in the hard floor attesting to a continual flow of equipment over the years. I could also now detect the Tandra mindspeech. There were only nine that I could detect but their minds were deeply agitated and almost incomprehensible. More were further off and in a state of shock. I got glimpses of quick and needless death from a creature that had to be Samutz. The blood was pictured very prominently as the creature ate the Tandra before the astonished survivors.

As with ships, I had to take over the computer first. The problem was that I had no idea where it would be. Up ahead there was a lit corridor and I hurried to it with my senses very alert. Just before the junction I stopped and searched again. I could feel no presence nearby. Along one wall in the illuminated area I found a graphical representation of the base and a statement in Tandra stating 'You are here'.

The computer area crew and food preparation areas were grouped together as well as three bays for shipment of ore mined from this asteroid. I took a circuitous route to avoid detection and headed to the computer area. The areas I passed were quieter now but I was constantly on the lookout for Samutz for I could not detect their thinking. The computer had only a shield over the opening and I simply walked in. The room was small and the computer simple in construction. There was still the five dimensional distortion but it was now very negligible. The computer did not have an AI but did have the capability. On an otherwise unused surface there was an assortment of spare parts. A small crystal did catch my eye.

With my PK ability I brought the small crystal only five centimetres long to me. I held it to me but found I had to lower my shield to do this right. I could detect no immediate danger and did so quickly then started reprogramming the crystal into a processor. When I was done I raised my shield again. I took the device over to the area reserved for it and inserted it into an empty socket.

The crystal glowed even brighter as it became aware of its surroundings and I stepped back because of the amount of brightness. A simple voice said "Computer m436589nmits46119076 reporting."

"Hello computer. How about you taking the name Taluus?"

"Thank you sir. My records show it to be a name of a minor Tandra figure from mythology."

"That is good. How did you know that?"

"I have many pieces of information stored in my system and at one time spoke the stories to the crew."

"I am concerned with the new crew you have. The Samutz are a race we are at war with. They have taken over this station and have taken some Tandra here captive. Will you give me a description of their whereabouts and number?"

A vision of the number and placement of the Samutz then the Tandra was given me. A screen came alive and I was able to look through the video pickups to many of the places. Some devices I found had been damaged and not replaced. The Samutz though were all accounted for. There were a total of eighty three in all. Twenty one were sleeping and a dozen were working-out in a gym. Fifteen were working in another area with knives and other weapons to practice their skills. Three were in a control room apparently on watch. Seventeen were taking classes on some of the Tandra equipment that they had to work with. The teacher in this case was another Samutz and a very frightened Tandra. The remaining ten were overseeing groups of Tandra forced to do work for their capturers.

Five more Samutz were sleeping in out of the way spots and I assumed that they were goldbricking while they should be patrolling. This reminded me of the watch and found that it had another hour and a half to finish.

The Tandra had not been counted because they were termed cargo. I got Taluus to search for them. There was a hundred and four of them still alive. Twenty three were doing as the Samutz demanded. Most of the Tandra were in two stasis chambers and some others had already been killed for food. This last part made me hold my emotions firmly in check. Some were working on various jobs and would be hard to take out without killing innocent Tandra.

There were some tractors that I could use but were in areas that the Samutz were not. Weapons lockers were noted and these would have to be destroyed. Keeping the current placement of enemies in mind I raced to the barracks. Along the way I energized the temporal knife and I noticed it made an odd noise in the air as I ran. The barracks had a locked door apparently the Samutz did not trust their brothers very much. The knife worked quickly and fifteen heads separated from their torsos. Before the blood stopped spurting I went to the control room and Taluus opened the door for me.

My reflexes were as fast as I could make them in a moment had killed two and one had just enough time to run a few steps before I sliced him in two vertically.

On the way to the gym I passed three of the Samutz that were hiding and sleeping. One I had to just spear him through the wall and move the knife to assure me that he would never awaken. Again the door opened ahead of me and then closed. All the other ways of getting out were now secured by Taluus. The lights went out at my order to the AI and I began to work my way among the Samutz combatants. They were not unarmed but had improvised weapons that they used or tried to. The knife continued to make the odd noise as it travelled through the air and body parts of the Samutz.

Some relied on their good hearing to find me. The floor was covered in blood now and a sticky noise could be heard. A bench came at me after being ripped from the floor and I simply ducked as it struck a Samutz behind me. Two made it to their clothes. They took out forty centimetre knives and came at me. Another had the same idea moments later and was mistakenly knifed by his compatriots.

These last ones I took out by cutting off their legs. After they fell I did the same to their heads. All were dead now and I had Taluus turn on the lights. The room looked much like an abattoir. After turning off the knife I went into the cleanser to remove small body parts and blood. I did not want tracks on the deck for me to slip or the enemy to detect my presence.

The seventeen taking classes had broken up and they were all travelling in a group down the hall. I was able to get into a side room on a cross corridor and wait. When they crossed this corridor and continued I left and took off heads as I went. The lone Tandra was second from the end and gave a verbal gasp as I passed him to kill the ones in front of him. Some turned and jumped on me partly from reflex but this also gave their mates a chance to flee. I killed all but three that had fled. One was behind a door and I simply stabbed him and with a flick of the wrist cut him in two.

The next had a chance to put out an alarm but Taluus kept it from alerting the other Samutz. I had just enough time to catch this one before they split up. I ran fast now and the Samutz ran to the control room. There was some weapons there and some possible help. He tried to open the weapon's locker as I rushed in. His muscles heaved and the ceramic broke. When he pulled out the type of distortion weapon I was on him. He smiled for a second as he pulled the trigger only to find it did not work. My knife came up and cut the weapon from his hand taking half of his arm. A back swing removed his head. I now remembered a half forgotten scene in a movie when I saw the hand gasping a hand weapon with the odd sound of the knife in the background.

The weapons training class was my next major objective. On the way I took out the remaining two sleepers as they snoozed comfortably probably with a full stomach of fresh meat. There was only one way to the training centre and an overseer and his group happened to be in the way. I was among them as quick as I could and sliced off the tall Samutz' head.

The three naked Tandra just stood with their mouths open.

"Hello, my name is Henry Buchanan. I am part Tandra and want to get rid of the Samutz for you. Just go back the way I came and hide in a room and be quiet. Try not to warn or get the rest of the Tandra upset. The Samutz watch you carefully and will know something odd is happening."

I left to their head movement that said that they understood but I knew that they did not.

I called Harriet now and told Taluus to interface with her. The visions in my head in a moment got a few times better as Harriet cleaned up the information and sent it to me distortion free.

The weapons class had moved to a range with energy weapons and I knew I had to be very careful now. If any got loose they could kill the Tandra in spite. The weapons in their hands would make a new doorway to the rest of the base.

I too made a new opening and killed seven Samutz before the lights went out. The noise of the sword was what gave me away. I was able to get two more before the energy discharges forced me to deactivate the knife and put up my temporal shield. I was able to grapple with four more and they died almost instantly from the effects of the shield. The last two continued to bath me in energy till I ran my hand through each of them.

"Henry, one of the Samutz has heard the fighting and ran to get weapons."

"Where is he?" I got the graphic of the Samutz and where he was running. I knew there was no working matter transmitter so I had to run myself. I could see that he was running to the control room and gave chase. By taking a better route I was able to cut him off before he made it. From seven metres back I extended the knife and sliced his legs out from under him and he slid the rest of the way to the door.

Four more Samutz died in the coming moments without knowing anything. The remaining four deduced something was happening when the Tandra acted very odd. Their queries to the rest of their cohort went unanswered. They now knew they were in trouble. Two abandoned the Tandra to run for weapons. These I got the soonest. The two had met and continued for their personal weapons. I burst into their room and was bathed in energy. One died from the temporal field of my shield the other continued to fire at me till I caught him in a corner. I destroyed almost all his body and most of the wall.

The remaining two Samutz herded their Tandra charges to opposite ends of the base. The Tandra though proved ones downfall for they slowed him down enough that I was able to take another route and get ahead of him. As he ran he simply cut himself in half as he passed my position.

The Tandra behind him stopped abruptly and two tripped over the body. "You may have heard. I am Henry Buchanan and I have one more Samutz to kill. Get a sled, remove this body and all the rest you find. You may be here for a while and I doubt if you want the stink of corruption to add to your problems."

The last Samutz was in the control room trying to get the equipment to transmit a warning to the rest of his race that could be in the vicinity. Taluus and Harriet were sure to keep this from happening.

The three Tandra with him were forced to try to assist him and one died from a set of claws because she was not quick enough. One more Tandra died before I was able to get to the room and present myself. The remaining Tandra managed to flee to one side leaving the Samutz with only inoperative weapons suitable only as clubs.

The Samutz said in his tongue, "Who are you?"

I replied the same way, "I am the person that has killed billions of your race and will kill even more as time passes. Your race will only survive on isolated planets with no weapon better than a spear. You will not be one of them though," I said as my knife flicked out the full eight metres and severed the Samutz head from its body.

The remaining Tandra hid behind a console and I walked around to see the state she was in. This one was a he and was petrified of me as much as the Samutz that had just killed two of his people. "I am not going to hurt you. I am part Tandra myself." The naked form stayed on the floor and I picked him up gently. I sat him on a flat surface and moved close.

I picked up his chin and saw that he was very beautiful like all his race but the symmetry was even more prevalent now. He was indeed beautiful even among the Tandra. I looked within his mind to a deeper level and saw that he was just as beautiful inside as out. "I will not hurt you," I repeated as I held him to me.

Tandra males are much more like human females that I had spent fifty years getting used to. This group of Tandra were not as pushy or demanding as their female counterparts. In a way I felt closer to some males because of his.

His attitude slowly changed great sobs came from his body and his arms came around me. In another minute he was holding me as tight to him as he could. I held his head to my chest and said, "What is your name Sweetie?"

After repeating myself a few times he said, "I am Dola. The Zomma killed my family."

"Well they won't kill you now. I know them as Samutz not Zomma. I have been killing a lot of them recently." I pulled Dola's face back a bit and gave him a small kiss on the lips that he seemed to need and then said, "We have the base to clean up. If you can help me do this I would be happy." He only hung tightly to me. I knew now that he was about twenty five Earth years old but this made him the equivalent of about fifteen or sixteen in terms of Human growth and development. Being a male of this age, he was much closer to what some Human girls would be like.

I backed up with him almost attached to me. He reluctantly stood by himself but would not release one of my hands. It had been quite a while since my last release and I was tempted to take him now. I knew he wanted me to. This was more of a way for him to instinctually find a protector than for love to flourish. From many past experiences I knew that if I allowed myself to continue I would not feel right when Dola went back to the people that loved him. In any case I had to get some Samutz bodies disposed of and some Tandra taken back to their people.

The base did have a way of verbally broadcasting messages and I used this medium to tell all the Tandra that they were now free. I asked them to meet me in a large cafeteria to eat find clothing and discuss their future. I was not sure how many would actually make it to the meeting.

Taluus showed me where some grav sleds were and I took two and made Dola use his other hand to pull one. We went back to the control room and took out all the Samutz bodies and his sled took the two Tandra. An unused stasis chamber held my cargo while the meat locker took Dola's. I tried my best to not look at the surroundings but my feelings leaked out badly and Dola come over to me to give me some support. He was almost petrified with fear himself.

Once outside the room we both left again to pick up more Samutz. On the way I would find hiding Tandra take them out into the hall and give them orders to go to the cafeteria. They were all a sorry lot of naked individuals. They were kept in this state to keep them from secreting weapons I guess. They were dirty and some had splattered blood still on them from when they were originally captured. Their minds told me that they had mostly been taken during the last three weeks while three others had been with the Samutz for up to a year.

Harriet kept tabs on the Tandra. When a few made it to the cafeteria she gave them an update on what we had been trying to do. This was kept short and did not go into how I had killed billions of the Samutz or destroyed Thonas planets. It did though tell them the need to have a strong central authority to fight their old enemies. Apparently their ancient history was not stressed in their education and they felt that I was unduly fighting the Thonas. The acts of Samutz I knew would be unbelieved by the general population. Only these few would be able to give witness to the contrary. If the Tandra in these systems were similar to Humans the truth would not be believed at all.

Harriet sent some of the first group out with orders to retrieve bodies while Dola and I went to the hidden areas to get the hard to find bodies before they started to smell too bad. On two occasions I had to order single petrified Tandra to follow us because they would not be able to function on their own. When the job was finally done I got all the awake Tandra in one smaller room to discuss their future.

There were twenty one present now and it did not look like they had done much for themselves. Some had arms in slings but all were still naked and looked very bad. Even food had remained mostly uneaten when Harriet and Taluus had served them. Dola sat at my feet and hugged my leg as I began to speak. "Hello again. I can see that none of you have significantly recovered from your capture. We are now going to get you cleaned fed and then looked at medically."

The response was apathetic at best. I led them all to a large shower room and helped get them cleaned. No water had been used but it did help them to look better. A hand unit served as comb and brush and I had them do each other's hair. Some seemed to come to some small enjoyment as the hair on their heads and backs was put in place. Some were taken to the latrine and I demanded that they do what was needed. They seemed to need someone to guide them as if they were frightened children.

All this time I was in their minds trying to see how these Tandra were any different from the ones I knew. What I found was the fact that these Tandra had not gone into stasis after the great exodus but had continued as a society. Over the years different political views had separated the various groups into the monarchies that now governed this area of the galaxy. This was mainly done by peaceful means. A central governing body had not worked out well. Each of the groups tried to get their views accepted and would not usually back down from any stance made. They appeared to be at least as foolish as Humans where.

Same as Tandra
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This story is completely true. A while ago i was in a pub after work down my local and after about my 3rd pint a group of 6 mature women walk in so as im male i look over and give them the once over. 1 caught my eye so after a while she came up to the bar to order a bottle of wine so i say the usual chat up lines but none of them worked and my mates laughed. When she walked back to her mates she must of said something because they all looked at me and giggled like a school girls. So after...

2 years ago
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16th Birthday CUM Party

Though I will be 16 years old am still little in body type, but then again big in other areas for being a boy, my jelly Bubble Butt, (BB), evil smile, just the way I like it, am such a sissy bitch, hehehe, on the day of my 16th. Birthday something strange happen that I should had been more aware and paid more attention too, MY SURROUNDINGS, which cost me to get rape by 5 clowns, but thats just getting ahead of this story, thats for the next story, it’s very late in the afternoon, am still...

2 years ago
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The Pass

Getting Ready Hair Removal I stood in the kitchen mixing the sugar, lemon juice, and water in a sauce pan. The cotton strips and the wooden craft stick which I would use to apply the concoction were sitting beside the stove. After looking at and trying many recipes over the past few years, I finally found one that seemed to work well for me. I turned the heat on low and put the candy thermometer into the mixture. I continued to stir gently until the temperature was 250 degrees Fahrenheit....

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It was her mistake

Arlene had been in our wedding party and her and her husband become our best friends over the next 3 years. The four of us were having a dinner at our house when my wife who had a bit to much to drink began crying on Arlene's shoulder. See right from the day we married we started trying to have k**s and just the day before we found out that the chances of us having c***dren was zero. My wife was depressed of coarse and when the booze hit her head the tears started flowing. She had her head on...

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simpsons Edna knows best part 2

art had told Mrs. Krabapple all she needed to know about Marge. After she pumped him for Info of course. That night she told Bart to wait in a closet with a Camera and told him cues on when to turn it on. And she invited Marge over for some teashe put some wine in the tea and soon Marge got plenty tipsy. Marge big blue hair was coming down a bit and she was slurring some words. Some cleavage was showing out of her dress and she spilt some wine showing an outline of her bra. Krapbobbal thought...

4 years ago
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First Love

I thought I would just like to tell you something about myself. I live in thePhilippines and went to a local school. I left school at 15 and went to work in a department store in town to help the rest of my family. I'm 18-years-old now.I am a shy girl. I now work as a sales assistant in the clothing department.Some of my friends at work have had sex already, and they love to tell me about it, so as to make me feel awkward. You see, I am still virgin and I am hoping to stay virgin until I get...

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Steve and Kyle Episode 10

CHAPTER 22The week between Christmas and New Year passed all too quickly as all vacations always seem to do. Steve and Kyle got to know – intimately it must be said and in the widest meaning of the word – quite a number of other guys, but at the end of the day when they retired to their suite Benjamin had become a more or less permanent fixture in their lives. He appeared regularly around nine and the three of them had a sort of ménage à trois relationship in which who fucked was always in...

Gay Male
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Mrs Ali 8211 The Lady Or A Whore

Hello friends, I am sisfucker. I am submitting a hot story of a boy who meets his friend’s mother who is lady to public but is a whore from within. Please email me your comments at Will you take care of my family for six months? Actually mom does not go out and you will have to buy her things she needs and Farha may need to be taken and brought back from college. You know the boys trouble a girl too much. I am depending too much on you, Rishu, but that’s what I would have done for your mom and...

2 years ago
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Close Knit 2 Dirty Little Mom

          I watched Faith, my mother, jogging on the treadmill in our sunporch, her chest bouncing some behind her gray sports bra. Navy blue leggings hugged her shapely legs and her firm, round bottom, and her lustrous auburn that fell past her shoulders bounced, shining healthily beneath the sunlight. With her eyes shut and a pair of earbuds blaring Rock into her ears, Mom was in her own little world, unaware of me watching her—admiring her—from the doorway.          I wondered if she'd...

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Jasmine gets laid

That’s all it for Jasmine to turn around and start talking to Stoner. He was the first boy to show her any positive attention due to her being on the thick side. She started talking and telling him her wildest dreams and desires. Jasmine told Stoner that she wanted to get out of the small town and move to somewhere that no one knew her name and that they would not treat like she was something that could kill them just because of her weight. Jasmine told Stoner that she love his eyes and...

2 years ago
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Escort Number 5

For my fifth bit of fun with an escort, I fancied something a bit dirtier, like a porn star type experience and I knew the exact escort I was going to meet.When I first joined the escort website, there was an escort that I had read a few reviews on and I always wanted to meet her but was too nervous. The reviews always said things like, "You don't fuck her, she fucks you," and, "Not for the faint-hearted."Her profile name was Exotic Elsa. Aged thirty-six, Middle-Eastern, size ten. She had a few...

Straight Sex
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Helping Hands

Liz sighed, watching an especially amorous young couple who had obviously forgotten they were on a public beach. He was gorgeous, and as much as Liz would have liked to live vicariously through the redhead he was pawing for a few minutes, she blew her whistle anyway. The pair looked more than a little embarrassed when they finally realized after the second tweet that the whistle was meant for them. Shaking her head to toss her tawny curls, a few of which were sticking to her lotion-covered...

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ProeliatorChapter 16

When the word spread of the upcoming attack, some of my detractors spent more men to rid their religion or city of me. With my guards out warning the populous, I would be easier meat. If the roles were reversed I too would think so. I had actually left with those giving the warning and waited three quarters of an hour for the attack. It was lucky for Lazeez because he was in the group. I soon found that Lazeez was also a good dancer. When the men started to die silently around him he used...

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Sea FenciblesChapter 8 Deception

After four weeks of waiting the colonel out, he received an invitation to an evening of whist at Maynard's house. Lt. Greves was absent, and Maynard had obviously heard of Anson's card skills. He prepared himself meticulously for the evening. Stevens and Libby worked together to spiff up Anson's uniform. He now had shoes with gold-plated buckles and real silk stockings. Inspecting himself in one of the many mirrors the late Mr. Jarvis had hung from the walls Anson found nothing...

2 years ago
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My BWC and taking my first BBC part 1

A friend of mine was trying to hook me up with a girl. I had been needing a release for some time and he had picked up a guy he knew named Tye that said he could hook me up with a girl who wanted to have a threesome.After getting pulled over by the police and searched and sent on our way Tye was giving directions and led us to a local Inn right outside of town. Well we started talking in the truck and trying to figure out a gameplan. Tye had told me about this girl he was gong to have come and...

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Savanah and her Step Dad

Introduction: Jay enjoyed reading by the pool in his backyard. His step daughter Savanah is a sweet girl who loves her daddy and wants to make him happy Savanah and her Step Dad (Chapter 1) Savanah was a happy girl. She lived with her mom and step dad in Washington State. She liked to hang out with her friends, play volleyball, and go swimming a lot. Her mom had remarried a nice guy named Jay a year back and he loved Savanah like any dad would. They lived in a quiet neighborhood where not...

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Fiannas End

Fianna`s EndThey were a strangely matched couple. The first of the pair was Fianna, the Gladiatrix. Six foot of corded muscle, pride and confidence clear in her almond-brown eyes, her strong bronze-tanned body taut as a bowstring. Her fiery eyes were her best feature, many men said, although Fianna`s interest in male opinion was minimal.  The second was Fauna, a cuddlesome bundle of sexy fun. A foot shorter than Fianna, but just twenty pounds lighter. Most men would not debate for long before...

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Perth To Melbourne 8211 Part I

This is Rajiv and I am currently staying in Melbourne (Australia). I am a big fan of ISS, read most of the stories. Thanks to all the people who have published your stories. Since lot of people has given me pleasure by sending in their stories, now it is my turn to make you all happy. This is a true incident which happened 2 years back in Perth (Australia). Before I moved to Melbourne I was working in Perth. I am never lucky in my entire life. One day when I was browsing, I came across this...

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Perverted Minds

You awoke and saw a plain letter on your desk. Feeling groggy as if you had a tiring dream, you get up anyway to investigate the letter. "To whom it may concern, Congratulations! In a random selection of people, you have become the lucky successor in receiving the power to inhabit another living person's body. Use this power as you wish. In order to use this power, you must first have a strong desire to enter the person's body and then have any sort of physical contact with them. To leave, all...

4 years ago
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Alien Pest ControlChapter 6

"Oh, Shit! Abner, take your squadron after the fighters, and we'll go after the mother ship." Jacob's four ships started to jump almost before Jacob had completed his order. He didn't hear Abner's reply, but Jacob was sure that Abner would know what to do. Jacob's squadron jumped in to help Obgor and Brund with the attack on the mother ship. Obgor and Brund didn't need any help. They had already dumped four nuclear warheads on the enemy and were raking the ship with torpedoes as fast...

1 year ago
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My male experience

This story is Fictional in all ways. My neighbor and I had been friends for 8 years. We had been spending the night at each others house for many years. One night we were innocently in the hot tub. After awhile of talking he said to me. "i have a boner". I didn't care he said it because i had known him long enough to not care. I laughed. He wouldnt stop putting his hand down my pants and sticking his finger up my but hole, which i tried to refuse.then when i reached to throw a leaf out of the...

2 years ago
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Chained in the Basement Please HelpChapter 6

I'm sorry about yesterday. It's hard to keep myself positive in this situation, and I just lost it, is all. Didn't mean to take it out on you, and I hope you're still reading this, because you're really my only hope. Anyway, I realized today that I could make a toilet paper dress. I don't know why I didn't think of this before. I've seen crazy stuff on the internet before about whole toilet paper bridal gown competitions. My dress is not that good, because I only have a few rolls of...

4 years ago
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Me And My Freinds gf Part 1 In a tent

It was Early Sunday Morning (Bout 1 am) , we were at a party me and my best freind John had 2 sleep in a 2 man tent outside he house. Anyway we had 2 watch wat we were doing cuz her mum was outside making sure nuffin happen. Anyway this party was 4 John's Gf's 16th Birthday, her name is Karely, she was hot as, nice brown hair, 5'9, bout 35c boobs and beyonces ass. Anyway Karleys mum (The 1 outside) fell asleep so me and John brought Karely and here freind Jessica in our tent,...

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My Hot Wife Katie Chapter 13 Katie negotiates for

Katie negotiates for the missing file Sweat poured off of Katie's forehead as she felt the burning sensation in her stomach. She increased her breathing and fought through the pain as she kept her fingers firmly wrapped around the back of her head with her elbows facing forward. The beautiful wife continued counting; bringing her knees up to her chest as her upper body moved forward to meet them. After she reached 100 she stopped and stared at the ceiling of her bedroom and let her stomach...

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PART – 36 HE, ME AND NEETA We had been out at a party, where we met Neeta (My lesbian sex fuck partner about whom my husband knows everything because I told him everything) I does not hide anything from my husband and I strongly believe that truth makes life very very happy and enjoyable. The host of the party was one of my husband's friends and indecently he was a client of Neeta's boss and Neeta was instructed by her boss to attend the party on his behalf. It was late when party...

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The lost iPod

‘Damn it’ My sister Chloe had borrowed my IPod again, she always did it without asking me and it drove me crazy. Not just my IPod anything she wanted she would just take without consulting me first and return it whenever (if ever) she decided to. It shouldn’t even be a problem at all Chloe was 21 and should definitely have a house of her own by now where she couldn’t bug me. Then again I was 19 and should probably be looking for one myself however I figured I had at least one more year of...

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Bhudhi Makan Malkin Ko Choda

Hello dosto namaskar mail aapka payara dost sanu alam ek baar for naye kahani leker hajir hu sayad much din late ho gas but yaar kya karu sachi kahani me time lag hi jati hai . By d way mai es se pahle jo bhi kahani likha tha achi response mila mujhe . But jo friend or aurat bhabhi. Chachi nhi padhi ho to jarur padhna bhut maze karogi . Ye mera wada hai .Chalo aab dare na kerte hue kahani per at a hu . Jaise ki aap jante hai mai bahut bada chuddakad ladka hu hamesha lund khada rahta hai . Mail...

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The Priest and I

So anway it all started when my parents invited him out to dinner at our place as a way of saying thank you for all he had done for me, helping me settle into school, being new and all. My parents really liked him and trusted him because they are such devout catholics, they think nothing wrong of priests, thats why mum was all keen to let mike take me out for a driving lesson that night. It was pitch black out side and it was a muggy evening still in the summer time, i drove to the top of a...

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Evas First TimeOf Many

My name is Eva and I am twenty-five years old. I have long brown hair, hazel eyes and I weigh about one-hundred twenty pounds. Standing at about five-foot-tall, I have a very ample ass and perky C cup breasts. My biggest passion in life is dancing. I have done it since the age of five. My mother observed me dancing like a ballerina in the mirror one day, and decided to sign me up for ballet, I thank her for that decision everyday. My life has not been perfect since then, nor could I have ever...

2 years ago
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Today is Saturday and that is my normal day to take care of the yard and any little incidentals around the house. I am a pretty good handyman, even if I do say so myself. Unlike George, my next-door neighbor, who can’t do anything mechanical. Smart fellow, and super nice, just can’t work with his hands. I hate to be disturbed when I am working, so some time ago, my wife and I agreed that she would take the k** and do her weekly shopping, movie with the girl, whatever, on Saturday so as to stay...

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Lollipop For A Good Boy

He fussed with the string. What kind of idiot would design something like this! ‘Trouble?’ Tim saw her leaning in the doorway. She wore a lab-coat that hung to her knees, but thankfully the buttons didn’t go all the way down and when she re-crossed her legs, he got a glimpse of trim kneecaps. He wondered if she might be naked underneath and in a rare moment of benevolence, he forgave his girlfriend for forcing him to make the appointment. ‘This stupid thing,’ he said, hand groping. ‘My...

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Gourmet Love

Jill quickly finished up her makeup and carefully pulled on her lace blouse, buttoning it up slowly, as she imagined what the night would be like. She was anxious to get over to Eric’s house, where he was preparing a candlelight dinner for just the two of them. Once she finished buttoning the blouse, she checked it in the mirror, deciding to unbutton one extra button and adjusting her blouse to show just the right amount of cleavage peeking around the slightest hint of her frilly bra. Eric, a...

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Incestuous Bedtime TaleChapter 5 Daughterrsquos Incestuous Toy

Avalon Young – January 2034 “I hear you’re making friends with my daughter,” Dr. Wilson said as he wielded over the 4D ultrasound to the bed. “Yes, Heaven’s great,” I said as I sat on the hospital bed, both my parents with me. They were on the other side of the bed from my OB/GYN. Mommy held my hand, a bright smile on her face framed by her red hair. “She’s hoping to get bred by her brother. They practice a lot during lunch.” Dr. Wilson, a man my mommy’s age with light brown hair and blue...

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Annas AwakeningChapter 5

First Day/Night — Anna The drinks are on the table when I come back. Since I wasn't there to beg for a glass of wine, I got a fruit juice. I don't always get the wine anyway. When the food comes they ask me if I liked that or wanted to order something else. Looks good enough. I can see my mom is looking at me expectantly. I suppose dad told her about Mark, so I say in a matter of fact tone that Mark and I broke up. My mom squeezes my hand over the table and the look we share clearly says...

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Trafficked Love Ch 5

The man reached up and brushed a few strands of hair from Angel's face. He put a finger under her chin and tilted her head up to look at him. She kept her eyes low, much to his disappointment. He leaned down, gently placing a kiss to her lips, ever so softly. She timidly pulled away from him, but he pulled her back to kiss her again, running the back of his hand across her cheek and down her neck. He pulled himself closer to her, kissing her a bit more passionately. He ran his hands...

3 years ago
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Fantasy Fulfilled

So here I was working away on Friday afternoon, and it's getting closer to end of day. I notice that all of the managers are gone, and pretty much all of the people I work with. Sitting at my desk area I stand up, and notice that I am the last one here. I decide since no one else is around, and I don't really want to go home for a few minutes before going out again, I will just stick around, and listen to some music. I crank it up, and start listening to some Eldamar, Now I am sure no one has...

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Anniversary Party

It was our seventh anniversary, and we wanted to celebrate it in style, so we went to an upscale restaurant in one of the city's plush resort hotels. I wore an evening gown type dress, and my husband wore a suit and tie, so we felt quite elegant. We agreed not to wear underwear, so we would feel sexy. My husband loves the feeling of his penis and testicles moving around freely under his pants, and I enjoy fondling him when I have the opportunity. My dress was revealing enough to give a...

2 years ago
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Host wife

Some years ago when I was Director of Music at a junior college on Long Island, I was leading a tour of some of the smaller towns in New England with our 30 piece orchestra. We traveled in one large bus and stayed with host families in the towns where we played our church hall concerts. One hot evening, after a long ride up the I-95, we arrived in Watervale, Maine, and made our way to the back of the treeless parking lot of the Redlington Funeral Home. At the appointed hour, the kind folk of...

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A Baby for Elise

It has been almost exactly twenty years since my story began, and I hardly know how to tell it. It is not a source of pride for me. It is more a source of shame, something I cannot tell my friends and family about. Yet, these are probably the most exciting events of my life, and they will mean the end of my marriage because I will not be able to keep them secret much longer. I regret what I did those months ago and I have thought of little else since then. Maybe that is why I feel compelled to...

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The Casting Couch Ch 4

"Mmmm, yeah, baby, suck it, just like that."Circling her tongue around the white cock in her mouth, Lisa slid the palms of her hand up the inside of the producer's naked thighs. She was determined to give him the best blowjob of her life. Oh yes, she wanted this role that bad.Lisa couldn't believe her luck. She'd been in Jeff's acting class for about 8 months now, and this was the first big break she'd gotten from him. She'd tried hard to get personal meetings with some influential movers and...

4 years ago
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My first time sucking a cock was when I was 18 and in the Air Force stationed at Hensley Field in Grand Prairie, Texas. I was out on the town and horny, which means that since the drinking age in Texas is twenty one, I’d been to a movie at the Up-Town Theater. I was heading back to base, which since they have no bus service, I was hitch hiking. The local citizens had a fondness for young service men far from home so it was always easy to catch a ride if you’re in uniform As usually I didn’t...

Gay Male
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Jeffry and Billy 4

Summary – Billy and Jeffry get caught! Previous Chapter Summary – Billy and Jeffry play even more sexy games. Note – This is a work of fiction, make-believe and sexual fantasy. It is not based on real people or actual events. You must be 18 or over to read these stories. The author does not condone any sexual activity among persons under 18 in real life. Also, the author does not condone unprotected sex in real life. It is OK to have fantasies, but turning a fantasy into reality can destroy...

2 years ago
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When Moms Away

"Honey, wake up. I'm leaving on my trip, I'll only be gone today and Saturday." My mom whispered to me as she shook my shoulder. Your mom was nearing fifty but still looked amazing, huge tits and a large ass. "Happy 18th birthday, I love you. I left your presents on the kitchen counter. Sorry I can't be here, but I'll be back Sunday Morning. Remember I only have three rules. 1. No Drugs or Alcohol. 2. No more than 5 people in the house at once. 3. If you have sex, use a condom. Ok?" "Jeesh,...

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There and BackChapter 171 Record Keeping

The market in the afternoon in Highever was busy, and I was overwhelmed by the celebration. There were musicians and story tellers on every corner, and it wasn’t uncommon that someone would grab a partner and start to twirl through the streets, laughing and cheering. There was mead and ale for sale from little kiosks, and there were vendors selling meat skewers, pies, and sweets from carts and tables all over the place. People were packed in shoulder-to-shoulder, and there was no way to even...

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10th GradeChapter 39

I called Emily, but only after telling my mother and father that Brenda had agreed on Emily coming on the trip with us. I told her that we'd stop by her house to pick her up soon after one o'clock, when my father was scheduled to leave. When I came back downstairs, Mama told me that dad was waiting in his study to speak with me. I went there and knocked on his door. "Come in Kenny, and close the door. I wanted to speak with you about what happened this morning. I'm not sure what all of...

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The Builder

My name is Sophie. I'm 15. When I was growing up I was always a little behind my friends when it came to puberty, I was always skinny and never really had any boobs, but I caught up fast and now have 32C breasts and a womans figure although a little less curvy than some might like, but my slender hips and tight arse have always been an advantage to me. I have long mousey hair, which falls almost all the way down my back and pale skin, but not too pale and green eyes, the brightest green...

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TNWS01 The Girl With The Voice of an AngelChapter 107 The Nude Section Begins

The whirlwind of events for that final show of the Redsands Teen Beauty Pageant began with the final full nude section of the parade. This was probably the part that had caused the most contention when the Teen Beauty Pageant was first mooted as being sponsored by the National Trust For Lifestyle Nudism. That was almost a year ago now and so much had changed in the little 50,000 strong community of Redsands, Georgia, USA, since then. The original concept of a Teen Beauty Pageant involving...

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