The Honeymoon BluesChapter 3 free porn video

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The message light was flashing on his phone when Bob got back to his quarters. He ignored it. The first thing he did was stroke his aching prick. It didn't take long - only slightly longer than it had taken for him to bring Julie off. In his mind was the vision of her lying on the bed, naked, her bare pussy lips dark and still engorged from what he had done with his fingers. He snatched up a wash cloth and caught his spend as it eased the pain in his balls. She was some woman.

Relaxed now, for the first time since he had heard her cries for help on the beach, he looked at the phone. It was late. Whatever that was about would wait.

He collapsed onto the bed, and then rolled over, setting his alarm for the first time since he could remember. He wanted to make breakfast special for that special woman.

His last thoughts, before sleep claimed his brain for the night, were of having a brand new niece... a naked, lovely niece... and of what he would dearly wish to do with her. His lips curled into a smile as his consciousness faded into black.

When Julie woke, the sun had just cleared the horizon and was blindingly bright. She stretched, feeling the pain in her ankle immediately. It wasn't so bad now, though. Then she realized her bladder was full, and she began to think of how she would get to the bathroom to take care of that. She also felt sticky, probably from the salt water last night.

Her mind approached that memory carefully, like a voyeur, peeking in on what she remembered... the feel of his hands... of his chest against hers. One hand came up languidly and stroked a naked breast. Her nipples were soft now, but the one she stroked enlarged almost instantly. She took her hand away, aware that she was reawakening feelings that she wasn't ready to deal with just then.

She remembered Roger then, for the first time that morning, and felt guilty. She turned her head to see him, mouth open, still snoring softly. His breath stank of stale alcohol and morning breath. A twinge of disappointment wafted across her mind.

Her bladder called again.

She threw the sheet back and sat up. It was a glorious morning. She tried hopping at first, but that didn't work well and she sank to her hands and knees, keeping the toes of the injured foot off the floor. She felt silly crawling to the bathroom, but the insistence of her bladder kept her going.

She let out a sigh of relief as her bladder emptied, and looked around. Her hair was a mess. It was stiff with salt, and matted, mostly dry across her shoulders and back. She looked at the shower, and then at the Jacuzzi. Crawling to the second, she ran water until it looked deep enough to support and cover her. She eased down into the hot water and fiddled with the controls until air bubbles suddenly jetted against her hips and back. She scooted down until her head was under water, and raised it slowly, trying to get her hair to loosen and flow. Then she put her head in the pillowed area of the tub and relaxed, letting the bubbles wash over her.

Bob woke to the unfamiliar buzzing of the alarm, and instantly remembered why he had avoided using it for years. He slapped at it, and sat up. The sun was just breaking the surface of the sea, and he stretched.

He hopped out of bed and ducked into the shower to wash the salt off his body. Then he went to the resort kitchen and started rummaging through the pantry. He had become used to the routine Bahamian diet, that included fish, Conch and various other seafood, usually mixed with the ubiquitous peas and sundry other vegetables, but he didn't want to foist native food on his two important guests. Tourism had brought with it American cuisine, and, though his usual cook was off for the week, the larder was still stocked with everything to suit almost any taste.

He settled for whipping up a quiche, with sliced tomatoes, and a side of macaroni and cheese. The thing that had most surprised him when he settled on the island was the almost constant offering of macaroni and cheese in every place he ate, usually as an appetizer. He sliced some smoked ham and put it on a low griddle, and then put together an assortment of cereal and fruit. It wasn't until he got splattered by hot grease that he realized he was naked. He often went that way these days. People who booked rooms in Paradise Cove were carefully notified that clothing was not only optional, but rare, and he often went around in little or nothing on a routine day.

He ducked out of the kitchen to put on some shorts, and while there, saw the light on the phone blinking steadily at him again. He had time. Everything was on slow cook in the kitchen. He picked up the phone and punched the button that would deliver the message. It was his sister, and she sounded worried.

"Call me as soon as you get this," came her voice. "We have a real problem."

That was it. Nothing more. Initially, he feared that Julie had called someone to complain about what had happened last night. Not about a drunken groom... but about what Bob had done to her in the ocean. Then he shook his head. The message light had already been blinking when he walked into his quarters. She had been happy and sleepy when he left her. He reflected briefly on how hard it had been to leave her, and grinned. No, it couldn't be that. Maybe they had found the missing luggage, and called Roger's mother. That would be odd, but maybe the phone number on the luggage tag was an old one or something.

Bob had stayed in touch with his sister, but only infrequently, and she hadn't really told him all that much about what Roger was up to. It had been her idea for the honeymoon booking, and Bob had been only too happy to comply. His expenses were low, and taking a week off from the grind of making people happy appealed to him too. The staff had been overjoyed to get an unscheduled week of vacation.

He needed to get back to the kitchen. Still, she wouldn't have been that short unless it was a real problem... at least in her opinion. He decided to go turn down the heat. He could keep things warm for a couple of hours. They should be up and finished by then, with the first thing that would be on their minds when they woke up.

He left for the kitchen to make the needed adjustments, and left the phone message blinking.

The quiche had overcooked, and he muttered to himself as he set about replacing it. By the time he got things situated the way he wanted them, and put the fruit back in the refrigerator, almost an hour had passed. Wiping his hands, he left to go call his sister.

Julie didn't know how long she had been soaking when Roger stumbled into the bathroom and stood, weaving slightly with his morning woody in his hand. He missed the stool at first, splattering the floor, and then corrected as she frowned. His urine splashed into the commode and he yawned, wincing. One hand came up to his head and he groaned. He seemed to notice the sound of the Jacuzzi for the first time, and swiveled his head.

"My head is killing me," he groaned. "What happened?"

"We got married and you drank yourself into oblivion," she answered, her voice measured.

"Oh... sorry," he said lamely.

"Brush your teeth," she said, her voice short.

"Yeah," he said, wincing again.

Instead of brushing his teeth, though, he went and pulled the mirror open, looking for something for the pain in his head. There was nothing there. He picked up the complimentary toothpaste and looked around for a toothbrush. Not finding anything, he turned abruptly and went back into the other room.

"Where's our luggage?" came his plaintive voice softly.

"It got lost," yelled Julie, feeling grumpy again.

"Lost?" he said, coming back into the bathroom.

"On the flight down here," she said impatiently. She looked at his penis, which was shrunken and unimpressive, to her mind.

He looked around. "Oh yeah, we're in the Bahamas."

He got a lot more alert, and looked at his new bride.

"What happened... last night?" he asked.

Julie felt anger tightening up her relaxed body, and that made her needle him. "You don't remember?"

"Sure I do," he bluffed, as men try to do so often. "I remember you looked fantastic and you made me feel really good."

"Well, that's what happened." Julie sulked. "You felt good, and I got left out of it."

"Look, baby," he pleaded, wincing again. "I just celebrated a little too much. I'll make it up to you."

"How?" she asked, acidly. "You passed out on my wedding night!"

"Hey," he moaned. "We have the whole week. Let me find something to make this splitting headache go away and I'll be good as new. Then I can treat you to some real loving." He had moved to the edge of the tub, and bent down. "Give me a little kiss, Mrs. Crandall. That will help, I'm sure."

He was trying to be gallant, or at least complimentary, and Julie realized that. But as his face neared hers she smelled the stale alcohol and turned her head.

"Go brush your teeth. Your breath could kill at twenty paces."

He stood back up and put both hands to his head.

"Please, not so loud," he whined. He looked around again. "I can't find my toothbrush."

"Pick up the phone and dial zero," said Julie. "Tell whoever answers you need a toothbrush."

Julie thought about what she'd just said. She knew quite well who would answer that phone, but she hadn't told Roger that she'd met his uncle. She felt a little like she was sneaking around behind his back, and then pushed that guilt away. If he'd have acted like a real husband yesterday, she'd never have met Bob at all, and would be lying, freshly deflowered, in her honeymoon bed.

"Yeah, OK," he said. He turned around and left the bathroom.

She heard his voice talking, and reached for the little bottle of shampoo sitting huddled with other little bottles on one corner of the Jacuzzi. It took the whole bottle, but she got her hair sudsy enough to feel like it would be clean when she rinsed it out.

"Ask for a comb or a brush too," she yelled through the open door.

Bob walked into his quarters as the phone began ringing. Cursing himself for not forwarding calls to the kitchen, and fearing that she had been trying to call him repeatedly, he jumped to the phone and picked it up.

"This is Bob," he said automatically.

"Uncle Bob?" came a male voice.

"Roger," he said. He almost added "welcome back to the living," but decided not to.

"Yeah... hi," came a voice that was too soft to be normal. Bob envisioned Roger holding the phone away from his ear. Bob had suffered his own fair share of hangovers in his youth, and phone voices seemed to cut straight into the pain centers of the brain during a hangover. He grinned. Served the boy right. "Hey, um... I guess they lost our luggage. Have you maybe got a toothbrush I could borrow?"

"Sure thing, sport," said Bob, softening his voice. "Welcome to the Islands. I have breakfast on the stove for you and your bride."

"Yeah, that's great," said Roger. It was obvious that the thought of food right now didn't appeal to him. "You got anything for a headache?" he asked.

"I'm sure I can come up with something." Bob again decided not to needle the boy. "You coming down with something?"

"No, I'm OK. I just celebrated a little too much," said Roger softly.

"I'll whip up a batch of Uncle Bob's patented hangover juice," said Bob. How's that?"

"That would be great," came the relieved sigh of his nephew.

Bob heard Julie's voice over the phone and grinned. If he could hear it that clearly, it must be torturing Roger.

"Julie needs a comb or a brush too," moaned Roger.

"I'll throw everything together and be down... when do you want me to come down?" asked Bob. "I don't want to... interrupt anything." He grinned again.

Roger laughed weakly. "Yeah... right. Just give us half an hour or so... OK?" he said. "She's crawling all over me right now." He laughed again, weakly, and Bob almost snorted. Roger couldn't perform right now if his life depended on it.

"Be there in forty-five minutes," said Bob.

He hung up the phone, and saw the light blinking at him. He'd better call Susan first. If he didn't she'd bitch at him for taking too long. He picked up the phone and flipped through the book to find her number. He felt slightly guilty for not knowing her number by heart, but he only called her every other month or so.

The phone was picked up before the first ring was even done.

"BOB!?" came Susan's anguished cry.

"What's wrong, honey? he asked, concerned now. She sounded positively distraught.

"HE'S MARRIED BOB!" she shouted.

"Of course he's married, Susan," Bob sighed. If all this was about her baby going off and growing up, Bob was going to be pissed.

"NO... BOB?" She was still shouting.

"Yes, I'm here. Calm down Susan. You don't need to shout."

"YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND!" Susan shouted. Then her voice lowered, almost as if she was sharing a confidence, and was afraid someone would overhear her doing it.

"He was ALREADY married, Bob. His wife showed up yesterday. She's English... or British... or whatever you call them. She has two CHILDREN with her Bob!"

"What?" asked Bob, his jaw slack.

"We didn't KNOW, Bob," she wailed. "He never TOLD us he got married in London. Her name is Emily! He has a whole damned FAMILY over there, Bob!"

"Wow!" Bob was stunned. He was completely unprepared for anything like this. "She came there?"

"YES!" shouted Susan. Again, her voice dropped. "She showed up here last evening, saying she wanted to surprise him. It's their fucking ANNIVERSARY, Bob... their third fucking WEDDING ANNIVERSARY!"

"You're kidding me," gasped Bob. "He got married again on his wedding anniversary?"

"What are we gonna DO, Bob?" she cried. Her shaking voice broke into sobs. "We couldn't tell her what happened, but she got suspicious. She demanded to know where he was. Fucking Phillip started drinking when she showed up and he got smashed and blurted out the whole sordid story!"

Phillip was Susan's husband. Bob had met him only once, and hadn't been all that impressed. He'd chalked it up to no man being good enough for another man's sister. He found himself smiling that his judgement had been sound. He wiped the smile off his face.

"What did she do?" he asked.


"You're kidding!" said Bob.

"NO!" moaned Susan. "She left the children here. Oh, Bob, they're lovely children. A boy, three, and a girl who's only two. I have GRANDCHILDREN, Bob!"

Susan was clearly so distraught that she didn't know what to do.

"OK, take it easy. I'll go down to the cottage and do something. When did she leave?"

"She's on the redeye," said Susan, getting control of her voice. "She's a tough one, Bob. She ran Phillip through the ringer. She practically ripped the information from him. She threatened to sue us and murder Roger and everything!"

She was starting to get worked up again.

"Calm down. I'll take care of things here. She can't get a gun onto the island. They're very strict about that down here. I'll make a couple of calls. The cabbies here all know me. I'll figure something out."

"Call me back, Bob. My baby is down there about to be murdered by his fucking wife... while he's probably fucking his... other wife!" Susan burst into tears again.

Bob muttered a promise to call her back and then finally just hung up the phone.

What a miserable mess THIS was! He almost laughed, but got a grip. The first thing to do was delay this woman... this Emily woman... to delay her from getting to the resort as long as possible. He called a friend of his who was the dispatcher for a cab company. He didn't pull any punches, and explained exactly what was happening. The dispatcher laughed, and said he'd cover the bases with the other cab companies. Anyone asking for Paradise cove would get the scenic tour before she arrived there.

That done, Bob thought about what to do next. His first thoughts were for Julie. The poor girl had had enough trouble for any marriage already. This would crush her.

Then, with an electric jerk, he realized that Roger might be trying to pursue his husbandly "duty" right this instant! And Julie, as anxious as she was last night, might submit to him, out of guilt, if nothing else.

Julie sighed. The water was getting cool. She lay back in the tub and shook her head from side to side gently to get the soap out of her hair. She let her face go under the water and blew bubbles as she continued agitating her hair. Carefully, she drew her face up, letting the water draw her hair down the middle of her back. She winced as she automatically tried to stand up and her ankle complained.

She thought about calling to Roger for help, but was still feeling miffed, and levered herself out of the tub to sit on the edge. She reached for towels and dried herself off, letting her hair swing forward to make a thick blue-black line between her breasts. It covered her bald pussy and she patted it as dry as she could get it with more towels. Standing, she gave her head another unconscious flip, and her hair landed down her back again. She put on a robe, intentionally, and hopped to the door, steadying herself with a hand on the wall.

She refused to crawl in front of Roger, so she planned her route, and hopped quickly to the bed, falling heavily beside Roger, who was sitting on the edge of the bed with his head in his hands.

He looked up, possibly thinking she had run to the bed and jumped on it excitedly. Her bare legs stuck out of the bottom of the robe, and there was a flicker of interest in his brain, until he saw the dark purplish color around her ankle.

"What happened to you?" he asked, wincing.

"I went for a run on the beach last night... after you passed out," she said conversationally. "I turned my ankle. I can't put any weight on it."

He looked at her in horror.

"Oh, baby, I'm so sorry. This is all my fault," he moaned.

"Yes... it is," she agreed with him.

"Are you OK? How'd you get back here?" he asked.

Julie thought about telling him, but the perverse streak in her caused her not to.

"I managed," she said simply.

"But this is going to ruin our honeymoon!" he sulked.

The hard little knot of anger in Julie's belly grew, and heated up. If he planned on blaming all this on her, he had better change his plans. She was about to unload on him when the phone rang, jarring the silence.

Roger covered both ears and moaned.

Julie rolled over and the robe flipped up to expose her naked butt. She reached for the phone, which pulled the tie at the front of the robe, stretching the front open until most of her breasts showed.

"Hello?" she answered.

"Julie, it's Bob," came the terse voice on the phone.

"Oh!" she said brightly. "You must be my new Uncle Bob!" she gushed.'

"You didn't tell him we met?" asked Bob.

"No... we're fine... breakfast? That sounds wonderful." she said smoothly.

"I DO have breakfast," said Bob, "but there's been a... development. I need to talk to you both, and it needs to be immediately. You're not... busy... are you?" His voice sounded anxious.

"No, we're not doing anything," she said.

About then Roger uncovered his ears, saw her bare buttocks, and put a hand on one, squeezing it. Julie reached around and batted his hand away, but didn't cover her behind.

"Stop that!" she hissed. "I'm on the phone with your uncle!"

"Tell him to give us another half hour," said Roger, becoming interested despite the pounding in his head. He tried to slide a hand up between her legs and she batted at it again, closing her legs firmly.

"I'm starving," she said into the phone. "We'd like breakfast right away... yes... thank you so much. I can't WAIT to meet you. See you soon."

She hung up the phone and rolled over, exposing her breasts to her husband.

"Can't you behave?" she asked.

Roger stared at her breasts, licking his lips.

"But it's our honeymoon!" he moaned. "Come on, baby, I want to start making it up to you. Breakfast can wait."

"He's already on his way," she said firmly. Now, he's going to come in that door any minute. Do you want him to see me like this? Oh yes, I forgot... our luggage got LOST on the flight down here! Oh well, didn't you say it's a nude beach? I'm sure he's seen lots of naked women around here. Go get the door, honey. His hands will probably be full."

She said all that in a sweet, light voice, but her meaning was crystal clear. She wasn't in the mood. If he was lucky she might be in the mood tomorrow.

"Don't be that way, darling," he tried to say smoothly. "It wasn't my fault that the luggage got lost. That happens all the time. And no, I don't want him to see you like that, nude beach or not. You're MY wife, and I want you to save that for me."

"Oh, you're just being a silly jealous man," giggled Julie, as if his whole speech was some attempt at humor. "We're going to go swimming in the ocean, aren't we? I'll be naked then. I don't even have a swimming suit, darling. Loosen up. It's not like he's going to make love to me or anything. In fact," her voice got suddenly harsh, "NOBODY HAS MADE LOVE TO ME SINCE I GOT MARRIED!"

Roger covered his ears again as she shouted, and moaned. He was about to plead with her again when there was a very firm knock on the door.

Roger lurched to his feet, almost glad there was an interruption. He thought about telling her to cover up one last time, but decided she would anyway. She was a very modest woman.

He opened the door to see a man he vaguely remembered from seeing years back.

"Uncle Bob?" he said.

"One and the same," said Bob jovially. "I have extra strength aspirin, and something that will probably help even more than that."

Roger stood aside and turned as Bob walked past him. He gasped as he saw Julie, who had not covered up anything at all, and was lying loosely on the bed, the robe barely covering her pussy, both breasts completely exposed.

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I Fucked My Cousin On Her Honeymoon

Hello, reader, I am Ajay again with another story. I live in Delhi. I met my cousin Shalu in Delhi after she returns home after completing her college. She is currently 28 and I am 25. She was one hot arrogant bitch. I used to be in my college when I first met my cousin Shalu. She was pretty even pretty is not a good word to describe her beauty. She has the face of a baby doll, silky smooth white skin, she was very curvy. She was petite and could have become a model if she was a bit taller. She...

2 years ago
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Shared Double Penetrated Honeymoon

Like every girl has a dream of the fear & experiences of the first wedding night, I too had been awaiting what was in my share. To tell you about myself, I am Mita, the elder of two girls, brought up in very controlled environ of an extremely orthodox landlord father and a very devoted & religious mother. My initial formative years were spent in a village, where the school and the home were next to each other. I was not allowed to mix around with the other village c***dren. My father...

2 years ago
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Our Honeymoon But NO PUSSY for the New Hubby

The day after I married the love of my life, we flew to our honeymoon destination in the Bora Bora, French Polynesia. Janet and I chose a small honeymoon resort because we were on a limited budget. When we arrived, the place looked old and a little run down but we could care less. Both of us couldn’t wait until we got to our room to relax after the long tiring trip.We went to the front desk to check in and we received our complimentary honeymoon package. The clerk gave us our keys and...

3 years ago
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Wonderful Honeymoon Unexpected Intercourse

Hey everyone thanks for your comments and love on my previous writings.  Thanks to ladies/gentlemen for your approach. Hope you are having fun.  Keep dropping your  views @ I am writing this on behalf of one of my reader and a very good friend ‘ Munira ‘. Hope you like it too baby. Little long but sexy and with lots of emotions.  Time to get back to story It was end of November and I turned 24. Marriage plans were on cards but not specific with time.  I got a proposal with all qualities I...

3 years ago
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My Honeymoon In Goa With My Husband After Marriage

As Rajiv & me were sleeping till late next day as we were busy last night. We were sleeping all nude in bed; i woke up at around 10.30. I covered myself with blanket. Took bra and panty put them on pulled my petticoat and then wore my blouse. And carried my saree in hands went to cupboard and took out new pair of innerwear blouse petticoat and saree and went to bathroom. I did my toilet. Then i went under the shower. Took off my blouse untied the lace of my petticoat. Unhooked my bra and i...

4 years ago
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The Continuing Adventures of Alexa and Jenny 1 The Honeymoon

The Continuing Adventures of Alexa & Jenny: #1 The Honeymoon "UGH! This suitcase isn't going to be big enough!" Jenny exclaimed as she looked at the pile of clothes that was laying on the bed. We were getting ready for our honeymoon trip through Europe, Well, mostly the UK. We were flying to London on Wednesday night and then a few days in London hanging out before taking a little road trip up to Scotland for Jessica and Paige's wedding. After that we were going to Paris for a...

3 years ago
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Another Honeymoon

Coincidence is a marvel, it blows my mind at times. I've thought about and wondered at "Synchronicity" in our lives, Deja Vu fascinated me too. How something can happen then fall into the whirlpool that we know as life and you forgot it totally for many years, then suddenly it rears it's head and becomes the most significant thing in your life. That has happened to me several times but the best was recently. I'm sitting in the living room, in an over-stuffed chair and sipping scotch. Looking at...

Love Stories
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Honeymoon Tragedy

It was a lovely September Saturday and the large church was filled. Danny and the ushers were all dressed in Black Tuxes and the bridesmaids were dressed in Royal Blue. Beth was especially radiant in her White Gown. After a lovely ceremony; the reception was held at a nearby hotel. The young couple frolicked and partied with their young friends and their families until past midnight. Now they made their way up to the Honeymoon Suite. With both slightly tipsy from all the champagne; Danny...

3 years ago
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Second Honeymoon

Introduction: The best laid plans…. Danny? Chris called to her husband as she came through the front door. She practically fell over the two pieces of luggage sitting just inside the entrance. Danny rounded the corner from the kitchen, his arms laden with jackets. A huge grin crossed his face when he saw his wife standing there, looking confused and a little bit miffed. What did you do? she asked, planting her hands on her hips for emphasis. What do you mean? Danny asked, knowing full...

3 years ago
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Token Honeymoon

He had sex on his mind all day. Two hundred days; four thousand eight hundred hours since he'd kissed her goodbye. They'd had an eighteen-hour honeymoon in the airport hotel before her job sent her a few thousand miles away. Eighteen hours and nineteen minutes from when they signed the register to when she got on the plane to New York.He couldn't go with her, it was beyond their means and it would have killed Dan's emerging career as a freelance designer. He had to stay where he was, working...

Love Stories
2 years ago
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A Honeymoon Cuckolding Pa

Sean came from the bathroom following his morning shower and saw her standing in front of the dressing table. Ginny was slowly drying herself as she looked into the mirror and as he drew nearer he caught her reflection. He could see from her facial expression that her mind was elsewhere. He knew exactly where it was as he rested his hands on her hips and pressed himself against her naked body, sun tanned from head to foot. “This time last week, hey?” She looked up at his reflection and smiled....

3 years ago
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Our Adventure Wedding and Honeymoon

Six Months Later… It’s our first night as an official married couple. It’s been a tiring day of sightseeing, exploring and shopping. We rounded it out with one of our good hard fucks that we like so much. Gavin is fast asleep, curled into me, as I stroke his hair. He looks so peaceful, even though I’m tired, I can’t shut my mind off. The last few days keep repeating in my head. When he asked me to marry him six months ago, I didn’t think he was truly serious. I mean, we just moved in...

4 years ago
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Peppers Honeymoon Part 1

Pepper’s Honeymoon – Part 1Sunday, Sept. 2, 1985The alarm went off early Sunday morning. None of us wanted to get up, but we had to take Jerry and Rosemary to the airport early to catch their flight to Cancun for their honeymoon. Ginger d**g herself out to the kitchen to start the coffee while we all showered and got dressed. Breakfast was quick and the newlyweds finished their last minute packing, we loaded the van and headed to the airport. Jerry and Rosemary were all smiles and I noticed...

1 year ago
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Honeymoon Squared

                       Honeymoon Squared - Chapter 01        I could not believe that I had been talked into letting my new bride's mother join us on our honeymoon. Having adjoining rooms really put a crimp in my plans for a nonstop orgy of sex and freakiness. However it might not have mattered since my brand new wife had developed cold feet when it came to delivering the pussy. All I had ever gotten from her were some average handjobs and a few chances to feel her up, but only above the...

1 year ago
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The Honeymoon

By TrueWriter With the moving and school starting we never had a chance to have a real honeymoon. We were able to get away for a long week-end. We went to the Smokey Mountains and stayed in a country lodge. It was a wonderfully marvelous time for the both of us. We were able to focus on each other to the exclusion of everything else. We arrived on a Thursday evening. The desk clerk looked a little surprised when we arrived. I told him we had reservations for the honeymoon cabin in the name of...

3 years ago
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The Devils Pact Side Story Rachels Honeymoon Part 4Sunday

Introduction: Rachel is torn between returning to her husband, Jacob, and running off with Leah, the vivacious blonde Rachel has fallen in love with. The Devils Pact by mypenname3000 edited by Master Ken Copyright 2013, 2014 The Devils Pact Side Story: Rachels Honeymoon Part 4-Sunday Note: This takes place in Chapter 27 while Mark and Mary are in New York City. I was kissing Leah as a group of men cheered us on. We were in some loft with some of the guys from the club. We had partied with...

3 years ago
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The Honeymoon and Plans for Yvonne

The Honeymoon and Plans for Yvonne By Yvonne Kristine Emerson Yvonne was sitting at her vanity. She was fixing her makeup in anticipation of the honeymoon. Liz was still undressing. Liz entered and came and stood by Yvonne. "Oh my love you have made me so happy today. I cannot wait till everything is finished and you are a woman permanently." Yvonne was shed a tear both joyful and sad at the same time. "Let me get your dress darling. You're going to love it." Said...

1 year ago
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Hard Honeymoon

"Holly and Michael are an odd couple. One is a massive sadist, the other extraordinarily masochistic. Their sex life revolves around Holly’s burning need for pain and humiliation. Now the two have finally tied the knot, and the newlyweds are taking their honeymoon to a countryside resort specializing in hosting couples with abnormally extreme sexual tastes. It’s one of the most romantic times of a young woman’s life, and Holly is going to spent it suffering through some of the worst tortures...

1 year ago
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Our Honeymoon But NO PUSSY for the New Hubby

We went to the front desk to check in and we received our complimentary honeymoon package. The clerk gave us our keys and directions to our secluded cabin. We easily found our cabin as it was the last one on the left around the curve. We went up to the cabin door and the porch seemed like it needed some repairs. We opened the door and what we saw amazed us. It was like going back in time, to the 60’s and70s. There was a heart shaped bath tub for two and a heart shaped bed. There was a...

3 years ago
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Biwi Ka Honeymoon In Goa

Hi, mera nam rohan hai me ahmedabad se hu. Me bpo company me job karta hu yaha ahmedabad me. Ye story me 3 saal phele ki batane wala hu me. Meri wife ka nam madhu hai jo face se kafi innocent hai or uska figure uske boobs bade hai or gand b kafi badi hai or rang gora hai. Agar apko kahani acchi lage to aap muje mail kar sakte hai at 3 saal phele ki bat batane ja raha hu me jab me or meri biwi honeymoon ke liye goa gaye the. Meri shadi ke bad mene fir se office join karliya tha or mene phele se...

2 years ago
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Honeymoon With Virgin Resort Recieptionist

This is Raj from Mumbai. I am 21 single 6 ft, fit body, and the business guy and I love to have sex. I have had sex with my girlfriends, neighbor, and her daughter, many friends and 2 hot college professor from my college.I have a 7″ long and 3.5″ thick cock which I know to use perfectly. What a life I am living.Wow, all thanks to Indian sex story. Ever since I started writing my stories on this site, I have made new friends, sex buddies and have had a chance to meet and please some amazing...

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Pamelas Honeymoon

Pamela's Honeymoon by Janis Elizabeth Chapter 1 Sunday morning dawned bright and sunny. To me, it also seemed to have come too early. I lay there in my virginal (not any more) white, long, form-fitting satin nightgown with spaghetti straps that flowed from my shoulders to my ankles fitting over all of my curves, although it currently was not covering that much of anything. Karen lay cuddled up next to me wearing a black satin nightgown in a style...

4 years ago
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Pantyboy Honeymoon

Pantyboy Honeymoon By Gingerfred Man Chapter One -- The Wedding Day "You have to stop crying, Stacey," Daddy said. "You want to look pretty for Mr. Biggenstiff, don't you? The man's so excited about marrying you, he's practically jumping out of his skin." "But, Daddy," Stacey bawled. "I don't want to marry Mr. Biggenstiff! Or any man. I'm too young. I won't even be 18 until tomorrow. And I'm a boy!" Well. Stacey Wigglebottom was right on both counts. But Daddy...

3 years ago
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Honeymoon Hotwife Awakening Part 1

I met my wife Gina the year before our last year in college. It was fate, and chance seating arrangement in a class that brought us together.  She was entirely out of my league. I had never, nor could again, have a chance with a girl like her: hot, sexy, petite, Italian, outgoing, extroverted, friendly, and fun with a fiery spirit and libido to match.  She was seemingly insatiable needing more sex than I thought a woman could want. And yet for some reason, she was interested in or at least...

3 years ago
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A Different Honeymoon

"I do" was my reply, naturally, when the celebrant asked me if I would take Shirley as my lawful wedded wife. "And do you, Shirley, take Terry to be your lawful wedded husband?" the celebrant asked her. To my sincere relief, she also answered "I do". I was 21 years old while she had turned 20 only yesterday, a whole fifteen months younger than me. We were so much in love that we couldn't wait any longer to be married so that we didn't have to be apart. In fact, we had been a couple...

1 year ago
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An unusual honeymoon

Well here we are on the plane and in the air and on our way after the wedding and the reception on our honeymoon. My new wife's uncle had treated us to a three month all expenses paid hotel accommodation on the continent, just a few hours and we would be making love in our hotel room, my wife Bess had long ago decided to wait until we were married before having sex , ( she was a virgin) but had told me earlier on during our courtship that she wanted me to have sex with some of her “selected”...

Adult Humor
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Barton had been treating the kid with contempt from the moment they met. And no one knew how to show contempt better than Barton. John Barton. The terror of Wall Street. Thirty-eight years old, and officially worth three billion dollars. Some people said it was more like twenty times that, that he could buy and sell Bill Gates and Warren Buffett with his spare change any time he wanted to. And he had made every penny of it himself, by out-toughing the other tough sons of bitches on Wall...

2 years ago
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The Honeymoon BluesChapter 2

Roger was breathing normally, and had a smile on his face. Julie's hand was a mess, and it had gotten on her naked leg too. It had been warm at first, but now was cooling and felt slimy somehow. She got up. She realized she was panting, and her loins was on fire. He had finished, but she was left high and dry. Disgusted, she went to the bathroom and cleaned up with a warm wash cloth. She stared at her passed-out husband for a few minutes and, with a frustrated sigh, finally dug out her...

1 year ago
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Adulterous Honeymoon

I am going to describe a honeymoon experience that is beyond anything that I could have imagined even a month ago. Alan and I were married on Saturday, August 1, and immediately, after the ceremony and reception in Connecticut, departed for Belize where we had reserved a resort cottage directly on the beach in a relatively secluded area near Dangriga on the Gulf of Honduras. As it turned out, several small houses and condos lined the perfect beach, but we were far from the typical tourist areas...

2 years ago
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The Honeymoon

For those who don’t know about us, the Quartet House is a group of four lovers, two male (Dave and Vince) and two female (5’7” brunette Kat and 5’10” redhead Justy), who met over a span of about two years, and gradually became a foursome. Kat and Dave were the first to pair up, when they met at a rock concert. Justy and Kat were next, when they fell hard for each other on first meeting at a lingerie shop. Vince was the last to join the quartet, when he and Justy met at the wedding of one of...

Group Sex
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The Dangers of Flirting With Other Men on Your HoneymoonChapter 1

What in the hell have I done?! It was just a little bit of harmless flirting. I just danced with the guy! I'm on my honeymoon for Christ's sake! I was teasing my brand new husband, Mac. Well, that's not exactly true. I was miffed because he wouldn't dance with me. I was going to show him! We flew down to spend a week in Jamaica for our honeymoon. We chose Jamaica for two reasons. We are both under twenty-one. I'm only eighteen. So one of the reasons we chose Jamaica is that we can buy...

3 years ago
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The Devils Pact Side Story Rachels Honeymoon Part 2Saturday Morning

Introduction: Rachels finds herself in the company of the vivacious Leah who is everything Rachel always fantasized being. The Devils Pact by mypenname3000 edited by Master Ken Copyright 2013 The Devils Pact Side Story: Rachels Honeymoon Part 2-Saturday Morning Note: This takes place in Chapter 27 while Mark and Mary are in New York City. I woke up, confused. Where was I and who was I with? Not my husband, thats for sure. Unless he transformed into this beautiful, blonde woman sleeping next...

2 years ago
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Sisters in Slavery The Honeymoon

- - Author's note to readers. Nothing about this story is meant to portray any of the characters as under eighteen years of age. Also this story features themes of rape, slavery, bestiality, and incest. It is intended as fantasy and nothing else. If you do not like such stories or are one of those individuals that can’t distinguish the difference between fantasy and reality STOP reading now. Also don't fill up the comments section with posts about how sick the individuals in the story are...

4 years ago
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Fucking New Friends On Our Honeymoon Is Naughty But Sure Is Nice Part 3

Sue and I were disappointed when Bob and Tina headed home.  We both knew we were lucky to hook up with an attractive, young, wife-swapping couple. It was obvious to both of us that most swingers are much older than we are.  And neither of us has any interest in fucking old people.Our experience in our first week was something to ponder.  Most young couples kept their bathing suits on.  The topless women on the beach were mostly older.  A few topless women appeared to be in their thirties, or...

4 years ago
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Honeymoon Bliss

Introduction: This is a semi-fictional stroy about my honeymoon. Our Honeymoon The day after I married the love of my life, we drove to our honeymoon destination in the Poconos. We chose a small honeymoon resort because we were on a tight budget. When we arrived the place looked a little run down but we could care less. Both of us couldnt wait until we could go to our room and relax. We went to the front desk to check in and we received our complimentary fire log, bubble bath, and champagne....

3 years ago
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Hot Office Receptionist Fucked By Me On Her Honeymoon

Hi, this is Gourab Gupta, a resident of Kolkata, 22 years old, height 6’3″ well-built body and a CA final aspirant. I am interested in aunties and bhabhies. I have been reading some of the in ISS since last 8 years and I am a huge fan of ISS. Coming to the story; as being a CA aspirant, I was undergoing my industrial training in a Kolkata based MNC. The receptionist of the company was Rinki Das (the female lead of the story). Her stats was 36-24-36. Everyone in the office had an eye on her...

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Ramyaranis Honeymoon With 3 Men

Hi All Readers, I am Ramya Rani, back again with a bang to you all. This story is full of my imagination and the way how I imagined my honeymoon to be. In reality, my honeymoon was so awesome and loved my hubby a lot. Ramya – 24 aged cute married girl from Chennai Hubby – 27 aged smart handsome guy with a nice shaft – Specially made for me. I always imagined my hubby to have a nice long shaft that can satisfy my hunger. Location: Coorg – An excellent hotel with bar facilities. I used to dress...

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Honeymoon By Margaret Jeanette Kayla and Josh Hungerford were flying to their destination in the Carribean. It was their honeymoon. Josh thought he was the luckiest guy in the world. He'd always been a quiet type of person who did what anyone told him to do. He knew Kayla was the prettiest girl in the world and that he was lucky to have married her. Kayla was thinking about how she was going to control him. She knew even in high school that she was a dominate...

3 years ago
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Astonishing Incidents 8211 Part III 8211 Honeymoon

Hi, Friends this is sangeeta again. Hope you must have enjoyed my previous stories. This is third incident in series. Frankly speaking this is half true and half fantasy. I ll tell in end how much is truth and how much is fantasy at the end, first enjoy. This incident occurred with one of my close friend, Sukriti. She is nice gorgeous girl and my college classmate. We used to discuss boys during our college days and have fun together. She is about 5’6″ and about 25 yrs old. She is having...

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Honeymoon Inn The Senators Wife

Notes: This is a work of fiction. Any similarity between the characters in this story and any actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. This story is copyright 2011 by Kyrie Hobson. Permission is hereby given to share this story on the World Wide Web, provided that (a) no charge of any kind, including, but not limited to, subscription fees, is made in connection with access to the story, (b) the story is reprinted in its entirety, including this notice, and (c) proper...

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