RuneswardChapter 68: Clarification free porn video

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The room was almost silent, which Yren found ironic considering the number of people within it.

Yren looked around the room as the queen and king were getting settled. The room was about 40 feet wide by 20 feet deep. Simple wood panels made of a rich, deep brown and glossed to a high sheen were set in even squares along the bottom half of the walls. The square panels were framed by ornately carved, thin wooden pieces with complex swirls carved in the pieces themselves. The edges of the wood separators were rounded with tiny, gentle leaves carved on them. At waist high was a very small ledge, about the size that might hold a single candle. Above this ledge, the wall was even and painted a soft yellow. The color extended all the way up the wall and the ceiling, which was as even as the walls. To the rear, opposite the doors, were glass windows inset into the wall. The windows were not clear, but the darkened night outside would not have let much be seen beyond them anyway. Evenly spaced around the room were copper braziers, with their iconic darkened discoloration staining the walls above them.

Yren’s eyes narrowed. The wall on either side of the door they’d entered was all made of even, uniform, expertly mortared gray bricks. He yearned to examine the walls and doorway, to try and figure out how the transition was done but he knew it was unlikely he’d get the chance at the moment. He filed it away for later investigation.

A few short feet from the windows was an exceedingly long, narrow, iron-pine table which ran the length of the room. The windowed side of the table had chairs spaced evenly along the table while the side towards the majority of the room had none. Instead, the room was filled with chairs facing the table, arrayed in long even lines around an unmarked aisle leading from the double doors to the table.

The queen and king were moving slowly and steadily behind it, between the table and windows, and they were followed closely by the priest of Tyln. They didn’t seem to be in much of a hurry. The queen and king’s faces partially explained the slowness of their gait. They were deep in thought, frowns on both of their faces. The priest of Tyln looked particularly troubled, his eyes narrowed and his face in an uncomfortable, sour expression.

The elven party of six stood across the aisle off to Yren’s left, the hoods of their white robes once again covering their heads. Yren glanced at them, but none were looking towards him, all of them standing in a rather rigid line facing the windows. Yren had so many questions for them but now probably wasn’t the time.

Yren stood to the left of Ataya, her small hand holding his. He’d not initiated the contact and he wasn’t particularly comfortable with it. He had to admit it did make him feel warm in a way he didn’t quite understand.

To Yren’s right, Teran was wriggling uncomfortably. Yren knew his sister didn’t particularly like dresses and the dark blue gown she wore would be particularly uncomfortable for the young woman. It didn’t matter that she looked particularly beautiful in the gown, she would still hate it. Maybe she hated it because she looked particularly beautiful in it. He raised his arm to lightly touch her lower back and Teran turned and smiled at him warmly.

“Sorry,” she murmured but it was so soft it couldn’t even be called a whisper.

Yren, Ataya and Teran were standing before the chairs in the second row. In front of them, in the first row, were Gillen, Syl and Uud. The three were stiff and unmoving, their chins up and hands held tightly at their side.

Yren glanced back to his mother and youngest sister who were standing behind him in the third row. Elva was frowning and as he looked at her, she merely raised her eyebrows and shrugged marginally. Bena smiled at him, but even her smile was tempered and unsure. Behind Bena and Elva, Issa just looked at him darkly, her eyes angry. Then again, he couldn’t remember the last time he’d looked at Issa when she wasn’t looking at him angrily. Beside her stood Chugad, who looked even more uncomfortable than Teran.

Sir Givens, Bremer and Andowyn were sitting in the last row on the other side of the aisle. Bremer gave him an unsure smile, while Andowyn just gawked at the king and queen. Sir Givens gave him a small, grave nod, which Yren returned.

Sir Kotliss stood just inside the door and ten of his men were spread along the back and side walls.

“Please, sit down,” Queen Synel said as the king pulled her chair back for her.

Yren waited until the queen, Teran and Ataya were seated before sitting down himself. He reflected with a chuckle on Elva’s efforts at teaching him chivalry when he was much younger. He’d always been more than a little put out with it since he considered it useless information; he could never envision a time when he’d need to know to wait for a lady to sit or which fork was for salads, and which was for the main meal. As he’d often found in his young life, Elva certainly knew what she was doing. He’d have to thank her for it later.

There was silence for several minutes as the queen’s eyes drifted around the room while she was sitting forward, her hands folded on the table. Her face was mildly troubled, and her lips grew pinched as the silence went on uncomfortably. Finally, she sat back in her seat and sighed heavily.

“I’ve been trying to determine where to start,” she admitted. Her face was stiff and tight. “I have quite a few questions, not the least of which is why people in my throne room were bowing to someone other than King Drace or myself.”

She waved off any forthcoming dialogue. “However, that isn’t the best place to start. Normally, I’d like to start at the beginning but that doesn’t seem possible here.”

She turned to the elven ambassador’s party. “I know that you are uncomfortable being unhooded in a group of humans. I sincerely apologize but I must request you lower your hoods.”

Ambassador Tryl thought for a scant second.

“Thank you,” the queen acknowledged the six elven women as they, in near simultaneity, slowly pulled the hood from their heads and carefully lowered it to hang over their backs. “I’m afraid that is only marginally better. To human eyes, you all appear remarkably similar. I fear it will take both time and familiarity before I’m able to distinguish you. For example, I recognize the ambassador, but I have not spent enough time with the others in your party to tell them apart.”

“One of you made a rather serious accusation in my throne room,” the queen continued. “Would that woman please speak up concerning her accusation.”

Tryl swallowed worriedly, her eyes never leaving the queen’s. Finally, she took a single breath.

Voryn thought, worry creeping into her mental voice.

Tryl suggested.

Voryn chewed the idea over carefully, readying herself for whatever was necessary. “I am Voryn, your majesty,” she began slowly, carefully choosing her words in the common tongue. She was fluent but not completely practiced with the language and all of its many idiosyncrasies. “It was I who falsely accused the im’ikki’tova’Runeswardenen. I apologize both to you, your husband and the young man. Not only was I wrong but it was not my place to accuse him.”

The queen nodded. “That brings us to the next little knot. What is this ir’ik ... ir’ikk...”

“Im’ikki’tova’Runeswardenen, your majesty,” Tryl interrupted the struggling queen. “Pardon my impertinence for interrupting you, but humans have difficulty with the elven language. It has to do with both the width and agility of our tongues, compared to humans. Also, there is a small cavity in the back of the elven throat which humans do not possess. Ir’ikki’tova’Runeswardenen is the female version of the phrase. However, your ancestors merely called them ‘Runesward’. It is a bit easier for humans to pronounce.”

The queen nodded again. “Okay, what is a ‘Runesward’.”

Tryl looked a bit troubled. “They are – or were – exactly what we recited, your majesty. The elves are born of Shadow, much as the First Gods were born of Chaos. Since we first came into existence, we had the power of Shadow within us but could never harness or use it. Not until the First Gods instructed an elven girl in the use of it.”

“So, they’re mages,” Bishop Renud sneered flatly.

Tryl struggled to keep her face neutral. She didn’t like the man. She considered it possibly a prejudice to all clergy – but then amended the statement. She had no antipathy towards all clergy, just most of the clergy of Tyln and this particular clergyman in particular. “Not as you think of it, Bishop Renud.”

“What else can you call them, if not users of magic?” Renud shot back.

“The Runesward do not use magic,” Tryl explained. “The Runesward use the power of Shadow.”

“Which your fanciful tale revealed as just another word for magic,” the bishop bellowed loudly.

“No,” Tryl said, fighting to keep her temper. “Shadow is the repository of magic, but it is not magic.”

“What you call magic has three forms,” Tryl explained quickly, cutting off the bishop as he was drawing breath to speak. “Divinity is divine magic which is bestowed by the gods. Mundane is regular magic or what the mages use to bend reality. Chaotic is magic which is bestowed by demons or devils to their followers.”

“ ... and the difference is...?” Renud replied angrily.

“Remember the First gods were born of Chaos so they could only actually manipulate Chaos. To a lesser extent, they could manipulate Order because it is Chaos’ opposite – but only as it related to Chaos. Of course, neither Order nor Chaos is magic.”

“The First gods, however, could not touch Shadow as it was an ‘impure’ form of Chaos,” Tryl continued, her eyes showing she was in deep thought. “Shadow is, after all, the product of mixing Order and Chaos. Their followers, though, are born of Shadow; elves directly and the rest of the races indirectly. When mortals worship their deities, they channel a processed form of Shadow up to them. ‘Divinity’, then, is when a god or goddess shares this processed Shadow back to their followers in a diluted form.”

“The same is true in chaotic, but it is the devils and demons who receive and process Shadow to distribute to their followers. Demons and Devils are, after all, indirectly born of Chaos. Thus, they have the same, or more, limitations as the First gods.”

“Mundane is different,” she said softly. “It is the underlying Shadow of the universes, processed by life and natural processes into a form that mages can use.”

“I fail to see the difference,” Renud sniped.

“The difference is that divinity, mundane and chaotic are all processed Shadow,” Tryl bit out. “They are lesser forms of the purity of Shadow. Only the gods and the Runesward can use Shadow itself.”

“I thought you just said the gods couldn’t touch Shadow,” Renud pointed out.

“I said the First gods could not touch Shadow,” Tryl said quietly, her voice hovering on a harsh tone. “This irked them, so when they created their children, the second gods, they ensured this ability was within them.”

Renud rolled his eyes, his face turning heavenward. “So now our gods aren’t even the first gods. Now they’re secondary gods. Whatever happened to the First gods?”

“Actually, the current gods are not the second gods,” Tryl said tensely. “They’re the third set of gods at best and possibly the fourth or fifth. The elves turned their back on the gods during the First gods tenure and we have not kept up with the current gods except insofar as needed to relate to the other races.”

“As to what happened to the First gods,” Tryl sighed. “We have no idea. We would not have kept track of them even if we could. When the last of the Ohl’ikki’tova’Runeswardenen fell – when the last of the Runesward died – we petitioned the First gods to choose another of our number that they might return to our ranks. The gods refused our pleas. After a few thousand years of their refusals, we stopped pleading with them and instead ignored them.”

“So, to amend my words,” Tryl said evenly, looking directly at the bishop. “Only the second or later generations of gods and the Runesward can use Shadow itself, and even then the gods can only use processed Shadow while the Runesward can channel raw Shadow itself.”

“So now you would lead us to believe the Runesward are gods,” Renud laughed bitterly, looking around the room. “The man in the blue armor down there is a god.”

“I did not say that,” Tryl replied angrily. “I said both gods and the Runesward draw from Shadow itself. Gods, since they are all born or descended from Chaos, are limited to using a form of processed Shadow. The Runesward are limited only by their intellect and their mortality. Mortality is the bane of the Runesward because they must channel the Shadow through their minds and their bodies, something the gods find unnecessary. The Runesward can channel tremendous amounts of Shadow, but it exacts a toll. Luckily, the nature of channeling aids them, for Shadow is the melding of Order and Chaos, so it can heal and it can destroy. However, if they channel too much at once, it can devastate them. It caused our immortal Runesward to become mortal, after all.”

“So, he’s immortal?” the queen asked, her eyes thoughtful.

Tryl turned to the queen and raised her eyebrows. “I do not know. I have never met a human Runesward. I have never met a human immortal. I have no way of knowing.”

The queen put her hands to her head and began rubbing her temples. “I think I’m getting a headache.”

She looked at Tryl while still rubbing her temples. “Why do you think this young man is a Runesward?”

Tryl took a deep breath, looking thoughtful. “I do not think he is a Runesward, your majesty. I know he is ... for a myriad of reasons.”

“The least of which is the armor he wears,” she continued carefully. There were things she would not relate to the queen, so she had to walk a fine line. “As you know, mages cannot easily create metal objects imbued with magic. Metals, by their very nature, repel magic. Only the Runesward were capable of so easily empowering metal objects. Like the armor this young man wears, the Runesward could naturally color metal as they desired. Colors such as vivid blues and reds and ... every color. Our greatest artifacts were the various colored armors and weapons created by the Runesward, though not all of these were metal. These artifacts are buried with our greatest champions who wielded them, which is why Voryn, when confronted with the blue armor, thought it had been stolen.”

“Maybe he did steal it,” the queen suggested, glancing at Yren. His face clouded at her words.

Tryl chuckled. “I don’t think so. It is beyond the armor. It is ... difficult to fully explain. It is his ... presence. It is what I felt when he entered the room, even before I saw him. It is ... not something for which I have adequate words. It is what I know, throughout my being. Shadow recognizes shadow.”

Alia thought humorously.

Tryl thought back.

The queen, however, appeared to have no further questions for Tryl. She turned to Yren. “You created the armor?”

“Yes, your majesty,” Yren replied, keeping his anger at her earlier accusation in check.

“How?” the queen asked. “Did you just ... I don’t know ... will it into existence?”

“No, your majesty,” Yren replied. He was going to leave it there. He didn’t need to explain himself, not even to the queen. At Ataya’s gentle nudge, however, he rethought his stance. “I am a blacksmith. I created the armor in a forge.”

“And it just came out that way?” the queen questioned.

“Honestly, yes,” Yren answered with a sigh. He would not share how he could speak with metal. It had been hard enough getting his family to understand what he meant. “I ... understand metal. When I was creating my armor, I just let myself feel it. I knew as I was creating it exactly what the metal needed to ... be complete. I didn’t intend it to be colored blue. It just came out that way. The design of it, adding the glyphs of Kyr and Deia just ... made it whole.”

Same as Runesward
Chapter 68: Clarification Videos

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Wife compromise for money

Hi, i m 29 single yrs, i m 6 feet tall, i m fair and handsome, 32″waist, 72 kg…atheletic shaped body stature and 6″ tool and thick…. This is not my story but i share u becoz i love threesome… 2 male 1 female… If u like my story then mail me As the door bell rang, sandy cursed the visitor. She was halfway through her bath. Just then her hubby john had left and her 5 year old son had gone to her mother’s house for vacation for 15 days to pune. She was all alone in that palatial house. The...

3 years ago
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A Haunted Foot Fetish

In the pleasant town of Greensville, there was an urban legend that all of its inhabitants seemed to know. An urban legend that spoke of the abandoned house in the foothills overlooking the quiet little town, and how no one could spend the night in it. If anyone dared to stay after the sun came down, their own personal nightmare would begin. Everyone in town knew of this. But not visitors. Especially a group of five friends, all who were looking for a place to live over the summer. Desperate to...

2 years ago
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GirlsOnlyPorn Alex Coal Keira Croft Natalia Nix When The Boss Finds Out

Having a hard ass boss like Alex Coal who insists they work weekends is really wearing on Natalia Nix and Keira Croft. When Alex is away one Saturday, Natalia decides that she’s had enough of this. Natalia starts off complaining to Keira. When Alex lets the girls know she’s running late, Natalia goes from bitching to seductive. Keira isn’t as certain as Natalia, but she’s willing to be seduced. With a little bit of encouragement, Natalia eventually gets Keira on her...

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The Clinic

Sara was sitting at the staff desk of the Bangladesh rehabilitation clinic watching the other staff getting ready to leave for the night, Sara had trained as a nurse and at 18 was on duty all night in the 20 bed unit housing teens with drink problems, the unit was a high level secure unit with each of the lads in a cell on their own, all that was in the cell was a bed fixed to the wall with a blanket attached to the bed, the part that Sara loved was that the lads were naked at all times, it was...

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Pool Hustler

We left the bar in a rush; me leading the way, him directly behind me. We walked with purpose; each had only one drink, leaving us with all of our faculties, but just enough inhibition left behind. Once in the dark parking lot, he charged ahead, leading me to his car, a dark and low Japanese model of some sort. He didn’t bother holding the door for me, just clicked the button unlocking the doors and hopped in the driver’s side. I followed on the passenger side. By the time my butt hit the seat,...

Quickie Sex
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The Cum Kiss that turned me on First time swinger

My wife, Mary, and I had been talking for years about doing some swinging with another couple but it never seemd to turn into anything. We would usually discuss this while fucking and we would both cum really hard when we got into the details so it was something I knew would be really fun. Since Mary was hesitant I figured I'd get her into it quicker if we tried a 3sum with another guy first, I mean once shes fucks another guy, how could she complain about me with another woman?After a lot of...

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A WellLived Life Book 8 StephieChapter 51 Friends and Neighbors Part I

August, 1983, Chicago, Illinois In the morning Anala and I ran as we had the previous time, then showered together, carefully washing each other’s bodies in an intimate but non-sexual way. After our shower we went to the kitchen and I made breakfast and we sat down to eat. “Steve, may I make a suggestion?” she asked. “Sure.” “Broaden your circle of friends. Other than me, all of you are white, nominally Christian, 20-year-old Americans. And you don’t invite me to your Sunday...

1 year ago
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Did you have an aneurysm, or did you cum so hard yesterday that you’re randomly seeing gibberish words in front of your eyes? ThePornDude is not a medical professional, but because I am an expert in all things porn, I can tell you that is, in fact, a NSFW (Not Safe For Work) subreddit that exists. Go ahead and click it – you won’t see a subreddit filled with dumb fucks crying over their broken porcelain hentai dolls or cats wearing twelve pieces of toast.It's much more...

Reddit NSFW List
3 years ago
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Julian Part 8

"Wake up!" The voice was distant, almost ethereal. In the half world between asleep and awake I felt so relaxed and happy. I wasn't Julia. I wasn't a 26 year old man trapped in the world of a pre-teen girl, put to bed in a nightie with a teddy bear, blonde hair pulled into a functional ponytail. "I said wake up!" That voice again! This time it seemed a little more urgent, even angry. Was it Fran? I'd always loved the sound of her voice in the morning. I loved her voice nearly as...

2 years ago
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LoneMilf Summer Hart MILF Screaming Orgasm

Summer Hart is a thick, redheaded MILF with a deep understanding of how to channel her inner seductress. Today, she is hanging out in bed in some lacy, black lingerie that is just begging to be ripped off her silky, pale skin. She pulls down her see through panties to expose her trimmed red bush and tight MILF pussy, and then rubs her clit sensuously. Her pussy gets juicy under her fingers as she sticks her legs in the air to show off her tight hole. Summer can hardly contain herself as she...

3 years ago
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exposing Cindy educating our youth Chapter 7

Chapter 7 Exposing Cindy – educating our youth “Stacy’s visit” The situation, while incredibly exciting and pleasurable, was getting out of control. Jim had witnessed the entire scene with Stephen from the bedroom closet, and had cum twice while watching. But rather than being satisfied, this seemed to ‘fan the flames’, he seemed intent on finding a way to ‘join the action’. He wanted to have both Stephen and him to take me on together, to ‘tag team’ me. Stephen, on the other hand, was...

3 years ago
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Tempest of LiesChapter 13

Gedric marched into Vortas' cabin and closed the door with a controlled slam. He paused, let out a single sharp breath, and spun towards the Lord Admiral's desk. He stood ramrod straight, hands at his sides, head held high. "I submit my formal apology for my conduct with the Urisi Ambassador earlier this morning, my Lord," he said in a tense voice. Vortas regarded the young Fleet Captain as he leaned back, the creaking of his chair loud in the silence. "At ease." Gedric folded his...

2 years ago
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Jessica Nigri Truth or Dare

WARNING: The following is a work of erotic fan fiction, the events of which are completely made up and did not happen, and is no true reflection of the persons, places, events, etc depicted within. This material is unsuitable to be viewed by those under the legal age limit of viewing pornographic material in your current country of residence.Featuring: Jessica Nigri (Cosplay and glamour model)Jessica Nigri - Truth or DareA celebrity erotic storyby DaxG2001 ([email protected]) & Mean...

5 years ago
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Just the tip okay dad

This has never been told it happened after my first story about when we got our new pool, but before Labor day, the where did the summer go story. I'm not sure why I didn't tell it? The experience was so intense and looking back on it pretty fun and funny. Amy has such a fun spirit and way about her it's no wonder she's always surrounded by girls and guys. First off Amy had turned 18 so, well you know the rest of that. Second she can also be a sneaky little devil c***d who always gets her way...

3 years ago
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Most Interesting Adventure With My Maid In Pune

Hello all.. Again back with mu new experience at Pune,Kharadi with my maid. From my last experience of hyderabad I got this experience with my maid .. After my engineering at hyderabad I came to Pune for job now also living here in kharadi.. From last year I am staying here away from home and I am a bit lazy about domestic work like cleaning and wiping my flat as I live alone here… My company has provided me with 1 bhk here so it is hard to maintain.. My house owner had a maid for our...

1 year ago
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NSFWonSnap aka NSFW247 aka NSFW snapchats! Alright, no bullshit, how many of you guys have Snapchat for one reason only? Oh, you know what I’m talking about. I’m talking about following all those dirty skanks that always release content of their titties and asses, maybe they even release snaps where they’re being fucked. You know exactly what I mean when I say that these sluts are the only reason that Snapchat still exists. That’s the only reason that they’re allowing this sort of content to...

Free OnlyFans Leak Sites
2 years ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 538

???? ???????? Whilst on their Caribbean honeymoon two young newlyweds are so in love and lust they decide to choose a tattoo for each other. Wendy chooses to have her name tattooed on her husbands dick and Dave decides to have his name placed just above her bare pussy. Still grimacing from the pain, Dave looks down at his freshly tattooed dick and can only see WY, then he glances over to where his wife is disrobing and suddenly his dick reads WENDY. Several days later whilst in the changing room of...

4 years ago
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My Bus Driver pt 3

Come Friday, we were both so horny that the moment the last kid was off the bus Rob pulled down a side street and parked the bus. All it took was one look before we were all over each other, pulling at clothes until we were both stripped naked. I had been sitting in the back row, where there was an individual seat, so it was easy for me to sit down and take his cock into my mouth. Soon his moans were filling the bus. After a few moments of that he pulled away and pulled me up, kissing me...

3 years ago
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Some Things Bear Repeating

Some Things Bear RepeatingBy Brewt.BlacklistJuly 2010Once"I love you.""Hmm?""I said I love you.""I know. Thanks. I love you, too.""You know, when you say it like that, it sounds, well, bored.""Hmm?""Bored. You sound bored.""I?uhh?""Bored. Bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored. Oh my god, I'm boring you.""Uhhh?""All this time together, doing absolutely everything we could together, and you would rather watch TV.""Well, um, not everything.""Hmm?""We haven't done...

4 years ago
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20 Years Of Infidelity Chapter 7

(((((Another re-written chapter.))))) I sat up shakily with Frank's help. I swear to God my pussy had never been frigged so well by anyone. Frank handed me another cold beer and we shared it. Looking around behind my dark sunglasses I saw many around us grinning in our direction. Guess they had no doubt what had just happened. One guy lifted his bottle in salute to us. One woman looked jealous. 'You are feeling good,' Frank asked. I told him I was feeling really good. Wheh... I've never had a...

2 years ago
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Sara was once a good woman

Don't be shy Sara, get comfy have a seat on your big old plump rump tempting beautiful ass baby. So you came here to make some money? that's the whole reason you're here right?yes, sir, she replied.Everything here is done professionally and Every scene will be shot by a professional cameraman. Every digital scene will be shot then edited by a confident person who then will have your scenes shipped on DVD in various stores all over the country. So this is legit as the real thing? yes, Sarah it...

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Spy Swap

Spy Swap by Carol Collins Part 1 The beautiful scantily clad redhead teenager stood poised on the diving board as she waved at her sixty two year old Greek Banker companion. Her designer made green bikini consisted of two tiny triangles of thin silk covering the prominent pink nipples on her gravity defying cone shaped C cup breasts. Another pair of wispy silk triangles concealed the tiny red patch of pubic hair, vagina and cleft between the prominent cheeks of her very...

3 years ago
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Taking Celebrity Jane

For a while, I’ve made it a habit every weekend to visit the club that was run by my new sisters. It was my weekly treat and outlet, and since everything was free for me, I would make sure to go through all the girls and every kink I could think of. Once I met Triss, I would bring him along as well, giving us both a nice little adventure that would stay with us all week. One particular Saturday we came by when it was still early in the day, and they had just had their lunch break business, so...

2 years ago
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Sex In Train With Girlfriend

I’m back once again with my new story. Thank you all for your wonderful comments and yes I appreciate all the comments no hurt feelings for anyone. So this is the story of me and my girlfriend. In this story we both are involved in a sexual relationship that I’m going to narrate you all. So coming to the story me and soniya went for a trip to mount abu.It was a friend’s engagement and we had a lot of fun their and had planned a lot what we want to do their. But unfortunately our all planned...

3 years ago
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The Tides Of War Pt 12

Part 12 Chapter 45 David decided it was time for action after the seventh day. Leaving their horses in the rift, he took the troop out during the night and arranged them alongside of the track. They waited concealed until the aircraft had returned back to its base before edging closer to the track and taking up positions. The ambush was a complete success, at fifty yards the Ghurkhas couldn’t miss. The carts were checked, provisions and fodder were quickly dispatched to the rift to...

3 years ago
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Sex With Peehu My Company HR

Hey this is my recent encounter with my ex-girlfriend’s friend. Well she is a HR in company in Mysore. I had a gf from past 3 years but recently broke up. My ex-girlfriend’s friend name is Peehu who is heroine of this story. Peehu knew me very well and she knew about me and my character that I take care of my girlfriend very a used to gift her a lot. But all of a sudden my girlfriend left me because of her parents. She just sent msgs one night and informed me switched off her phone and changed...

2 years ago
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Sibling Rivalry

Hi, my name is Dan and I’m 20 years old. I’d like to tell you about a very close encounter with someone very dear to me, especially now, my twin Jodie.We are both very sporty people and very competitive, always trying to out-do each other, not just in our sporting lives but in pretty much everything we do; and it’s this competitiveness that brought about what happened that evening just over a year ago.Our parents had hired a cottage for a weekend and asked us to come and join them. Jodie and me...

4 years ago
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Righting Wrongs

Special thanks to Digger for suggesting some of this series Prologue Kenneth Eaton was the youngest child of six, growing up on large farm in central California. His older brothers were all, "Masculine manly men" as they loved to say. Kenneth, however, wasn't. He was smaller, skinnier, and weaker. They favored their father, Kenneth favored his mother. Genetics weren't on his side. She was shorter, skinnier, and had barely any musculature. She was frequently called a, "Waif",...

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