My Girls II The End Of Cycles The Beginning Of KnowledgeChapter 15
- 2 years ago
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I held Julie tight, close against my chest as she sobbed. She and I were the only ones, except maybe Megan, that were close to Samantha. Once she quit crying, I began to extract details from her.
Several months ago, Samantha had started seeing an older man on the sly. Julie thought he was about my age. At first, it was just a friendship. It was interesting that Samantha kept it secret, even then. Then it began to evolve into more. From the best Julie could tell, the sex had started after he started forcing her to take drugs. As she was giving me the details, I figured Ecstasy was probably one of the drugs. That would also explain, true or not, Samantha's reputation around school that she put out. At some point, Julie seemed to think when Sammi and I started to get closer, she tried to break off the relationship, but it was too late. He began to force her to take other drugs, higher doses of the ones she was on, and began to threaten her with the death of her loved ones if she left. I assumed that meant Julie. He also began at this time to force her into bondage; handcuffs, blindfolds, and started forcing her into multiple sex partners and selling her services to others he would bring along. Most of this information Julie had uncovered in the last few days.
"Do you know where Samantha is now?" I asked her. Maybe we needed to talk to her, confront her, get this out in the open and find out for sure what was going on.
"She's with him now, I'm pretty sure. She left a little while ago. We have to go get her." Ah yes, Julie, the girl who lived in a world where everything was simple. She was right, but it probably wouldn't be that simple.
"I think maybe we should tell the police about this," I told Julie. Her reaction was not what I expected. She grabbed me, holding on tight as she started talking to me frantically.
"NO! We can't go to the police! He said he would kill her if she told anyone. We don't have enough to get the police to do anything and then he will be free to kill her or make it worse. Besides, I don't want her to have a record." She looked at me, trusting and panicky at the same time. "You can do something about it. You used to be an FBI agent. You know what to do." Pretty little Julie, who had never asked me for a thing in her life, looked at me sadly, and begged me. "Please? For me? And for Sammi? Please? I'll do anything you want, just please?"
I was surprised. That Julie called her Sammi. I thought only I called her that. It showed how close the two of them were; that was a special name for Samantha. I was also surprised that Julie would think Sammi would have a record. She had done nothing wrong. I was touched that Julie would trust me enough to beg me to help, to know that I could. I knew I couldn't let either of these girls down. Besides, Julie was right. We didn't have enough to convict him and it would be worse for Sammi afterward. There were also his threats about her loved ones. That could involve my other girls! No choice; Julie was right; I had to do something.
"Do you know where they would be?" Julie nodded her head yes. "Ok, tell me where, then you go home and wait for me." Julie shook her head no.
"I'm going with you," she stated calmly, as if there could be no argument. "I know where they are, and I won't tell you; I will show you." She smiled at me, as if she knew I was going to argue with her. She was right.
"Julie, there is no was I am taking you into this situation. You have no idea what these types of guys are like. I won't take the chance that you would be hurt. Tell me and go home." That came out sounding a little harsher than I intended, but I couldn't take the chance of this precious little girl getting hurt. She smiled at me again. I was finding out that Julie could be really insistent.
"I won't get hurt. You should know by now that your girls can take care of themselves. I have a better idea of what this guy is like than you do; I watched what he did to Sammi." Her eyes were moist with tears again. "Either I go with you or we don't go and poor Sammi is left there with him. She will probably die today." My heart lurched as she said that calmly.
"What do you mean? Why would she die today?" Somehow, I knew Julie was telling the truth, at least as she knew it.
"She said she couldn't take it anymore. She was going to tell him today that she wasn't doing this anymore after today and if he ever bothered her again, she was going to the police. She said she couldn't stand the thought of doing this anymore and her Daddy finding out about it. She knew you would be so disappointed in her. She really thinks he will just let her go today and leave her alone! And they call me simple and naïve!" Julie was crying again. What a choice! Except I had no choice. I did something I seldom do; I said a quick prayer. I didn't like the way this was shaping up. The last time I had done something this spontaneous and unplanned, a pretty girl had died a nasty death. Not my fault, but still. I still saw her face in my nightmares. I hoped I wasn't going to add one or two faces to that gallery.
"Ok, you win. But I need to know where she is. I want Victoria's help on this. We need backup, Julie." I saw she was debating on whether to believe me or not. I pushed the issue. "You said I would know from my FBI days what to do. I have to have backup, in case something goes wrong. Trust me, honey." I touched her cheek gently, trying to convince her. She smiled, rubbing her cheek against my hand.
"He doesn't need anyone but me," she said in a quiet, distracted voice, as if talking to herself. "But he doesn't know that. It is what the FBI would do. It is consistent." She seemed to come out of her funk. "Ok. But we have to go now. She will have to join us there. And she can't know what it is about. We are running out of time." She seemed awfully sure about this. But then, she had figured all of this out when we had missed it all. I dialed Victoria's cell phone number. She answered on the first ring.
"Victoria... I need your help. Don't ask questions; I can't answer them. Wait half an hour and then meet me at the following address." I repeated the address Julie gave me. It would take that long for us to get there. "I need you as backup. Be prepared for trouble. No, I can't tell you what it is about yet. Just be there for me, ok?" That was a needless request. I knew she would.
Once we got out of the woods, I hailed a cab, to get us there faster. I had the cab drop us off a couple blocks away, to minimize any connection to us if anything went wrong. I really felt uncomfortable with this. There was no way I should be taking my 13 year old daughter/friend into a situation like this. This wasn't a fantasy story. She had no business being here, but I had no choice. Megan and Victoria were going to kill me when they found out she was with me for this. I couldn't blame them.
When we got to the 6th floor of the warehouse Julie led me to and opened the door, I forgot all about that. He was so sure of himself he left the door unlocked. My rage built to incredible heights as I took in the scene.
A man about my age was sitting in a chair, in the middle of the room, facing away from us. Samantha was sitting in his lap, naked, obviously with his cock up inside her. She was handcuffed, with her hands behind her back. There was a blindfold pushed up on her forehead, obviously having been used earlier but not in use now. Another man was behind her, his arms around her, playing with her breasts, his cock obviously buried in her anus. They were fucking her hard. Samantha was responding to their movements, moving against them, apparently physically enjoying what they were doing to her. At the same time, she was crying steadily. Her eyes were glazed, but I could see shame, disgust, fear, and lust in them. She was the only one that looked up at us when we walked in the door. Sorrow joined those emotions in her eyes. Drugged as she obviously was, she recognized me and I saw her mouth move, as she whispered, more like mouthed, the words to me.
"Oh, Daddy, help me please!" She sobbed.
The man behind her, facing us, saw us as I moved into the room. He pulled out and backed away, moving in front of a large window, as he shouted a warning to his friend. The man on the chair looked behind him, saw me, and dumped Samantha off his lap, onto the floor, getting up at the same time. He turned to face me and backed away towards the wall. Both men were fully clothed, just having their zippers open. He looked at me, contempt in his eyes. I told Samantha to stay down on the floor.
"Who are you?" He asked. "Come to rescue the little slut, have you? She won't go with you; she wants to stay with me. She likes the things I do to her." He smiled viciously.
"I am her Father. She will come with me, whether she wants to or not. She won't stay with a dead man." My voice was icy calm. I felt detached, almost as if someone else was talking. Samantha looked at me, her eyes pleading.
"Please, Daddy, take me home! I hate him and everything he makes me do! Please!" I was amazed that she could say that; usually people on the drugs I assumed he was giving her would say exactly what he thought she would. I saw his face darken with rage and he pulled out a gun.
"Daddy," Julie said softly, as she touched me in the back. She didn't sound scared, more like supportive. My rage boiled over, my mind filled with white hot anger. Anger at myself for bringing Julie into this dangerous situation. Anger at myself for not having brought a gun, to protect her. Anger at them for what they were doing to my little girl. I was not a prude. I understood about sex with girls this age; hell, I had done it myself. It was not the ideal, but you couldn't stop a young teen with raging hormones from doing what she wanted. You could help them to understand what was best for them. But, damn it, you didn't force them or drug them!
He raised the gun and pointed it at Samantha's head.
"I was going to kill her today, anyway. Now I guess I have another pretty little girl to use, after I kill you." He looked at Julie, his eyes roaming over her young body. She looked back at him, calm and unworried. She whispered to me.
"Don't worry, Daddy. The powers are activated when they are needed." She touched my back again, gently.
The man started to pull the trigger on the gun. My rage boiled over, and I watched in fascination as a wall of white energy boiled out from inside me, slamming into the two men.
The white energy pushed the man near the window through the window, shattering it as he went through. He was so surprised he didn't even scream. I heard the sickening thud about a second later as he hit the ground.
The white wave hit the second man about the same time, melting the gun and slamming him into the wall so hard it cracked the plaster. He slid to the ground, unconscious.
Julie and I ran over to Samantha. She had passed out by this time. I looked at her pupils, dilated and unresponsive. I looked at the drugs scattered around the room. One I recognized as Ecstasy. The syringes lying around told me what the other one probably was, and a taste told me my fears were correct; heroin. The stupid fool; that was a deadly combination. But then, he was planning on killing her anyway. I checked Samantha's pulse; she was fading fast. I was afraid she wouldn't make it to the hospital. We were way out in the boonies. It would take a while for an ambulance to get here. I looked out the window, to find that the cab was gone. He had probably taken off when the body flew out the window. Victoria hadn't shown up yet. I was too late. With a heavy heart, I took out my cell phone to call for the ambulance. I guess the police were going to get involved after all. Then, I felt Julie's soft touch on my arm.
"It's ok, Daddy. Don't call; I will take care of it. Just don't tell anyone, ok?" She smiled at me confidently. For some strange reason, I stopped worrying and watched her.
Julie knelt down beside Samantha. She looked at her carefully, and then asked me to kneel down on the other side of her. She took one of my hands in hers, one of Samantha's hands in her other hand, and motioned for me to hold Samantha's free hand. Then she looked at me, love in her eyes.
"Daddy, do you love me?" She asked quietly. She looked at me calmly. I suddenly had the strangest feeling that I had done this before. I knew what to say.
"I love you, Julie."
"Daddy, do you trust me?" She asked, still looking at me. I answered her instantly, knowing what the right answer was. It was the truth.
"I trust you, Julie. Save my little girl, please!" I had no idea why I said that. I couldn't imagine what Julie could do for Samantha now.
Julie tilted her head slightly to the side, closed her eyes, and seemed to be somewhere else. I felt a strange feeling in my mind, like a white light had separated itself from my mind and was holding itself apart. Then, the room practically exploded.
Pink lightning exploded from all the corners of the room, arching over to where Julie was and entering her body. The whole room, and all three of us, glowed pink. It didn't touch the unconscious man, however. The pink lightning entered Julie, and then crossed over to me. I saw it enter my body, then exit as a white light. The white light then entered Samantha's body. I watched as Samantha began to improve right before my eyes. Finally, she was breathing deeply, in a deep, restorative sleep instead of the coma she had been in.
I looked at Julie, eyes wide in amazement, awe, and shock. She saw me looking at her and drew me to her, hugging me tightly.
"I'm sorry, Daddy, but she was so far gone I wasn't sure I could help her soon enough. I had to use you too. I'm sorry; I would have preferred you find out about me under better circumstances."
To say I was stunned was an understatement. I knew the girls had powers from what Megan had told me. But they needed to be activated, either by events or by love. This was no activation by events, I was sure of that. Where did she get this? I looked at Julie and knew instinctively that she knew what I was thinking.
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I woke up the next morning, snuggled tight up against Megan's back. This was the favorite position for sleeping for both of us. It was my favorite because she has the softest, smoothest butt I've ever felt; just snuggling up to it is almost enough to make me cum. That was really saying something, considering the fantastic bodies that all my girls had. She likes it because she says I am so warm, like having her own personal furnace on cold nights, and because it feels almost as good as me...
Patrick Father of Amy and Cindi, twin brother of Victoria, husband of Elizabeth. Co-owner and founder of PI firm, former FBI agent. Host of the white energy, also known as Katoro. Elizabeth Mother of Amy and Cindi, sister of Robert, wife of Patrick. World famous TV news reporter. Killed in Iraq in chapter one. Victoria Mother of Katie and Becky, twin sister of Patrick, wife of Robert. Co-owner of PI firm with Patrick, also former FBI agent. Shield color green. Robert Father of Katie...
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"Amy, what the hell are you doing here?" I asked, mad as hell. Amy looked at me, pretending to pout, but her bright, twinkling eyes gave her away. "Well, isn't that a nice welcome? I come all the way over here to see you, to snuggle with you, to give you those little neck kisses you like so much, to SAVE YOUR BUTT, and that's the way you greet me? I love you too, Daddy!" She giggled, hugging me close. "Damn it, Amy, I told you not to come over here for any reason! I don't want you...
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It wasn't long before I was joining Amy in rolling my eyes in disgust, but not at Cindi, Katie and Becky. I was rolling them at the local cops. I was also more than rolling my eyes. I was ready to take them on just like we did the bad guys. I was beginning to wonder what we had gone through all of this for. Look, I'm not naïve. I knew someone had just tried to kidnap or kill the President of the United States and his family. Such things have to be investigated thoroughly. I knew that. But...
I had very definite ideas on how I wanted this fantasy night to develop. It involved a long period of time with Amy facing away from me (I had really loved that with Cindi) and a large number of ear-piercing screams (ok, maybe with a pillow over her head!) from Amy. I wanted this to be wonderful for her. I knew it would be for me. An unbidden, naughty thought entered my mind. Amy and Megan together with me? Sweat broke out on my forehead as I thought about it. Amy giggled. "She would...
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Review from Chapter 26: "I asked you all here to explain a decision I have arrived at. After the events last night, and after much soul searching, I have decided to ask Patrick and Megan to let me resign from the job I have held for years as the Guardian and Protector. I am not worthy of the job or title. I think it is time it moved on to someone else. I know you will all disagree, but I ask you to please honor my request. Please forgive me for failing all of you." There was a long...
I watched Amy enter into 'Amy Mode' as she slipped towards the men with guns. I felt myself kick into the same mode. I then discovered another feature; I could watch all of the girls at the same time. What I saw amazed even me. Once Amy goes into 'Amy Mode', nothing affects her. She has one objective; to protect everyone that needs protecting. I am first on that list, with all the other family members next in line. With all the time we had spent with the President's family, and just the...
I was so anxious to get the situation resolved with Sammi that I went looking for Cire. After two minutes, I had gotten tired of waiting for him to show up! He was nowhere to be found. Of course, all of you who own cats know that is not unusual. You have all had times when you look for them, can't find them, and then they stroll casually out from a back room, leaving you to wonder where their hiding place was. You never find it, either. I figured Cire had a couple of those places. I finally...
Holy Shit was right! My mind was reeling. No wonder Dad didn't want me to know about this. I had a nasty feeling that I hadn't heard everything yet. "Excuse me? What did you say?" I asked, just in case I had misunderstood. After all, I had it on good authority from Lisa, the Historian that knew everything, that I was really, really old. My hearing might be going. Of course, she had included herself in that also. "You heard me," Lisa said, a little testily. "Bandor and Elizabeth were...
Patrick I spent the first night in my cave in restless, but somewhat satisfying sleep. I woke up several times, but still, I had been so tired that I felt rested by comparison the next day. It was a good thing I got the sleep I did get, as the next day was not quiet or restful at all. I didn't think it was going to be too tough for the enemy to figure out where I went. I had heard a brief incursion of helicopters late the day before, followed by a brief but vicious firefight. I assumed...
I finally survived the plane ride home without Amy and Cindi killing me or each other. Amy didn't want to wait; Cindi didn't want to get them or me in trouble on the plane. Actually, the paint blistering look that Cindi gave Amy when she even thought about doing something on the plane didn't stop Amy. It just made her be more creative. The age old story since they were babies; Amy, the gutsy, aggressive, curious, willing to take chances, inquisitive, impatient, daredevil twin, Cindi eager...
I had just gotten out of the plane and was getting into the emergency vehicle to take me to the hospital when Megan called. She told me that she, Victoria, and the four kids were about to board a plane and would be there in a few hours. She was leaving her two girls with friends. She asked how Elizabeth was. I told her I was just about to get to the hospital to see. She told me to be careful and not to get into an accident myself trying to get there too fast. I told her 'thank you' and...
I watched as Megan went into a roundhouse kick. Any thoughts I had that she had lost her power and speed were gone as I ducked the kick and threw her off to the side. At least that is what I tried to do, but again she caught me with the edge of her foot. Had she caught me any more squarely the fight would have been over. I had no illusions as to how this was going to end anyway. For whatever reason, Megan was out to kill me and I didn't want to hurt her. That didn't bode well for me. Megan...
"I WILL NOT HAVE HIS BABY!" Sammi screamed as she picked up the butcher knife we had not seen on the floor next to her. "I will cut it out first!" She screamed in horror, as she plunged the knife towards her abdomen. My heart sank. Amy was not in the room. Megan was too far away, and besides, I was in front of her, blocking her way to Sammi. I realized with despair that no one was close enough to stop her, as I felt my body begin to move automatically. I had seen Megan move before, and...
Sarah was sitting there, on the bed, holding a full glass of water in her hand, crying. I looked into the living room where the empty glass of water had been, and it was not there. Sarah had apparently used some form of telekinesis to bring it to her. That was unusual, but not so shocking considering her previously shown power of teleporting. They were similar. What was shocking was that the glass was full of water when it arrived. I knew it had been empty. I didn't even know what to call...
I remember thinking that I must be crazy. A man was standing behind me, holding a gun to my head, and I was fascinated by my daughter's eyes. Her beautiful green eyes, so expressive, so bright, had suddenly gone flat, and devoid of all expression. It scared me. Not for me, but because I knew, I just knew, that the man holding the gun on me was dead. I didn't know how I knew that, but I was sure of it. I just watched, fascinated, watching to see how it would happen. There was a role...
The next day was interesting, to say the least. It started out somewhat unusual with Amy and Cindi both up relatively early. I took a close look at Amy, but she seemed over her demons from last night. She was still a little quiet, but I thought that was more due to the effects of her intimacy with Megan the night before. Both Amy and Cindi had always been adamant about not being interested in sex with girls. They had implied a couple of times by unfinished sentences that they had tried it...
"Are you sure you want to know?" Megan asked, as I sobbed and shook like a leaf. I lay my head on Victoria's shoulder, crying, as I started to tell her. I started talking twice, then decided I had to get myself under better control to make any sense. I took several deep breaths, then got myself at least to the point that I could talk. "I... I'm sorry, Victoria, I am just so upset. It wasn't mine!" My voice caught as I stated that. Victoria looked at me, not comprehending. "I don't...
"KILL ME!" She screamed as she held on to me desperately, trembling. I held her tight, trembling myself. What had happened that she wanted to die so desperately? I couldn't kill the woman I loved! "Megan, I can't do that!" I exclaimed, near tears myself. "I love you. Whatever it is, we can work through it." "Please, Patrick, if you love me, you have to kill me. I can't live like this. I have no desire to live like this. Please, Patrick? If you love me..." "I can't, Megan. I...
Megan's Chapter The last few days before Patrick left were hard. I had seen one version of what would happen over there, and I didn't like it one bit. It could be worse, however. My looks at the future were of two different kinds. There was the crystal clear kind. Those were set in stone, and nothing would change them. Even if I told them to the person involved, it would not change anything. The second kind were the ones that were fuzzy and ragged on the edges. Those were not cast in...
I woke up the next day sandwiched between Megan and Sarah. Sarah apparently was cold, because she kept snuggling closer to me, pushing her little butt as close to me as she could. I realized that might not be the case when she started crying out softly in her sleep. I reached out and put my arm around her and she immediately turned around in her sleep and threw her arms around me, hugging me tight. She laid her head on my shoulder and cried, still asleep. Finally, her eyes opened and I saw...
"Samantha!" Megan hissed, in a voice as close to venomous as I had ever heard from her before. I saw Samantha start to say something, then saw her eyes open wide in shock and nothing came out of her mouth. "Not another word, young lady, unless you are spoken to." There was no doubt in my mind that command would be obeyed. Samantha looked at her sullenly. I felt sad as I looked at each of the girls. I was heartbroken at the look of anger, sadness, betrayal, and hurt that I saw in Amy's...
I smiled and laughed softly as I woke up and found Sarah sleeping on top of me. Did the girls talk to each other about that, or did they just all like it? Then I remembered; Sara had been watching me through her ability for years. She had probably seen it many times. I guess it looked like fun. As fun as it was for me, having two pretty females nesting with me, I needed to get up. I wanted to check on Sammi and Becky, to see if they were ok. They'd had a tough time last night too. I gently...
I carried Victoria into the room, closing the door with my foot behind me. I gently laid her on the bed, staring into her bright, excited eyes. She immediately pulled me down beside her and wrapped her arms around me, holding me close. I had not seen Victoria this excited for a long time. Not since Megan had pushed us together shortly after Robert's death. I guess I was too slow for the excitement Victoria was feeling, because she started taking my clothes off, not waiting for me. Then she...
Hai friends, indru kathaiyil ilamaiyaana paiyan goa sendru massage seiyum pennai eppadi matter seithaan enbathai ungalidam pagirugiraan. Vaarungal tamil kama kathaikul selalam, en peyar rishi vayathu 25 aagugirathu. En nanbargaludan anaivarum goa sendru irunthom, angu sendru saraku adithu kondu pengalai sight adithu kondu irunthom. Haaaaaaaa suma sola kudathu, goavil pengal anaivarum sexiyaaga irunthaargal. Paarkave sexiyaaga irunthathu, sila pengal mulaiyai nandraaga bra aninthu kondu kanbithu...
Indru tamil kama kathaiyil ilamaiyaana magalum pinbu vithavai ammavaiyum eppadi usar seithu matter poten endru ungaluku solugiren. Suvarasiyam athigam irukum kama kathaikul selalam vaarungal, en peyar karthik. En veethiiyil oru pen ilamaiyaaga sexiyaaga irupaal, avalai thinamum sight adithu kondu irupen. Thinamum aval kalluri sendru varum pozhuthu iru velaiyilum sight adika arambithu viduven. Aval peyar nandhini vayathu 21 irukum, avaluku veetil aan thunai kidaiyaathu. Veetil oru amma iru...