The Merchant Of ChaosChapter 23 free porn video

The two Overlords stood at the edge of the Circle under the decorative stone archway that marked one of the paths away from the grassy clearing. Rennis watched Sirinna as she assisted in some "refresher training" for a graduated but still rather young slave. He was as rigid as a statue, his eyes fixed and intense.
Roquan looked relaxed by comparison, his hands folded behind him. "I have heard that a breakthrough is expected at Talrad Pass within a day. Lord Duric indicated that the rear elements have already prepared for an orderly retreat."
Rennis gave a mere nod of his head.
"He thinks he may have most of the Appalanchian Lords willing to participate in the ruse on Freya. Have you heard from Overlord Trennan?"
Rennis did not respond. He continued to stare straight ahead, watching Sirinna.
"Rennis, did you hear what I said?"
Rennis jerked his head towards Roquan. "What? Oh, yes, Trennan ... I have to contact him later today."
"And did you hear what I said about Talrad Pass?"
"Yes, I did. I'm sorry, Roquan, my mind is on other things at the moment."
Roquan glanced towards the Circle. "Are you still concerned about Sirinna?"
"Oh, is it that obvious?" Rennis snapped. He let out a sigh a moment later. "I apologize for that."
"Amanda has strict instructions to inform me or Vanlo if she notices Sirinna showing any signs of recalling those traumatic memories."
"I am trying to learn to trust Amanda. It's hard."
"I know. I wish I could put your mind more at ease."
"Only by selling her back to me."
A very tiny smile touched Roquan's lips. "Only if you would purchase Amanda as well, but I am loathe to give her up as well."
Rennis looked towards Sirinna again. "She and Amanda really are that inseparable?"
Roquan paused. "Yes."
"That's insane, you know. No two slaves should be that attached to each other."
"Or an Overlord to his slaves. But we both appear to be guilty of that."
Rennis nodded. "There's something else that's been bothering me, Roquan." He turned and faced Roquan. "It's something that seems to have fallen through the cracks."
"And that is?"
Roquan caught himself before he could let the disdain show on his face. "Does he matter anymore, Rennis, when there are more important things to worry about?"
"I agree, what he has done in his collusions with the Emperor was inexcusable," said Rennis. "But he is still an Overlord, and now we stand by while his Manor is about to be overrun."
"We don't really know that yet."
"Oh, come off it, Roquan!" Rennis declared, taking a few steps down the path away from the Circle. "Why else would Z'haas be sending his forces that way?"
"What would you have us do in either case?" Roquan asked. "We command no troops. We have marginal influence over where and when the Noble Lords deploy their soldiers. We cannot beg them to defend a Manor."
"If it were your Manor, Roquan, they would. If it were Doran's, or Trennan's, or, hellfire, even Freya's."
"You truly believe that Gronnus is worthy of being saved in any way?"
Rennis stared, momentarily shocked. His face twisted into a scowl. "I want someone to at least acknowledge the loss. This is a terrible precedent. Yes, I know, it will end when Z'haas is removed from the throne. But we seem to be using the Emperor to take care of our own little 'problem.' That's what I don't like."
Roquan sighed. "My apologies to you, Rennis. I find it difficult to summon the sympathy for him."
"Then maybe play on another emotion instead: suspicion. Or did you forget about the mysterious influx of platinum that Gronnus received? Did anyone bother to investigate that?"
Roquan shook his head.
"Well, I did. Since everyone else seemed to drop that on the floor, I decided to do some asking around. He's been spending platinum like a Noble Lord with the merchant clans. You'd be astonished at some of the high-priced goods he's bought."
Roquan frowned. "Where did he get that sort of funds from?"
"Exactly what I would like to know! He can't get a good contract from a Noble Lord to save his life. And he has no other goods or commodities in the peasant lands beholden to him. So that leaves only one thing that could produce that much platinum, and that's selling off his slaves."
"Perhaps he decided that he no longer wishes to be an Overlord," said Roquan. "It is an Overlord's right to decide how to dispense with his slaves if he voluntarily chooses to dissolve his Manor. He may wish to do his own dealings before opening an auction for the rest."
"Yes, I know that. But I asked around many of the other Overlords. None of them reported doing any dealings whatsoever with Gronnus. And if he had sold to all of the ones I had not contacted, that would have been a lot of slaves and would have been noted somewhere. So who is he selling them to?"
Roquan paused thoughtfully. "Perhaps we are overthinking it. Perhaps he continues his collusion with the Emperor and the platinum is his payment."
Rennis was already shaking his head. "No, Roquan. The merchant clans have been starving off funds to the Imperium. Even the treaty with the Urisi will not refill the Imperial coffers for another half moon."
"Then what would you suggest?" Roquan asked. "An Overlord can sell slaves only to another Overlord."
"Well, that's what's supposed to happen, but..."
Roquan nodded. "Yes, but this is Gronnus. Hellfire. I should have looked into this sooner. I've been too distracted by the Urisi and Freya."
"And now we won't have much of a chance to find out anything, since his Manor will be gone in less than a quarter moon from now."
"Perhaps we do not need to worry about it, then. This will take care of the problem for us."
Rennis gave his friend a cold look.
Roquan stiffened. "I withdraw the statement."
"And I'll remind you, we have no idea how the Imperial soldiers will treat the remaining slaves at the Manor."
Roquan frowned. "I have been trying not to think about that. I am sorry I have been so short-sighted."
Rennis clapped him on the shoulder. "No, I should not expect you to handle everything, Roquan. Handling the treaty was a big enough task. I can only hope that some good will come out of it."
Vanlo placed the flask upon the table beside Overlord Doran's bed. It was filled to the brim with an olive-colored liquid. Doran looked at it warily. Amanda looked on with interest.
"You are quite fortunate, your Lordship," said the Healer.
"Hrmph. I'll decide that when I see how it tastes," muttered Doran.
"Then you are doubly fortunate, in that case."
"And what is that supposed to mean?"
"You are fortunate in that your own Healer was good enough to send some of her personal stock of herbs to make this elixir when I did not have sufficient amounts," said Vanlo. "And you are doubly fortunate in that she is not the one that mixed it."
Doran frowned and looked at the Healer oddly.
"She said, and she wished to be quoted, 'If he is not smart enough to follow my advice, then he deserves to have it taste like, ah, something from a sanitary bowl.'"
Amanda clamped her hand over her mouth to stifle a giggle.
"Ahem. She used, ah, rather more frank language at that point, but you get the point."
Doran rolled his eyes. "Oh yes, that's my Healer all right! Her cures are worse than the ailment." He picked up the flask and wrinkled his nose.
"But as I said, you are fortunate in that she did not make this potion."
Doran looked back at Vanlo for a moment. He peered into the flask and took a small sip, scrunching up his face as if preparing for the worst. Instead, his eyebrows shot up when it hit his tongue. He drew the flask back and smacked his lips. "Vanlo, this is actually tolerable," he said in amazement.
"I have infused it with liberal amounts of gastrilla, an intestinal calming herb, and peppermint. It should be quite palatable."
"I should get you to talk to my Healer. Perhaps if she made her concoctions half as good as this, I would take them more often!"
Vanlo smiled faintly. "She is a bit, ah, old-fashioned from what I understand, your Lordship."
Doran down another mouthful from the flask. Amanda thought it amusing to hear someone of Vanlo's age refer to anyone as "old-fashioned."
"Drink that over a period of a day and a night," Vanlo instructed. "Even with the infusion of additional herbs, it could still cause some distress if taken too much at once. Within a quarter moon it should sufficiently reduce the blockages in your blood vessels for you to head back to your Manor for more long-term treatment."
Doran put the flask down. "Thank you, Vanlo, your efforts are greatly appreciated."
Vanlo bowed his head. "Is there anything else I may do for you, your Lordship?"
"Yes. You could allow me visits from Roquan and Rennis again!"
"Please give it another day or two, your Lordship, for the elixir to work. It is best to keep you away from stress."
Doran glowered. "Bah! It is stressful to remain ignorant of what is going on!"
"Master Vanlo?" Amanda called out. "Master Roquan wishes my company this evening. He usually takes that time to inform me what's going on. Would it be okay if I relayed that information to Master Doran?"
Doran looked surprised. "He informs you of everything?" the Overlord asked.
Amanda nodded. "Yes, Master, he does."
"I will allow it if you can keep his Lordship calm or otherwise distracted," said Vanlo.
Doran's eyebrows knitted. "Otherwise distracted?"
Vanlo stroked his beard. "Ah, yes. Ahem."
Doran looked mystified.
Vanlo shuffled his feet. "Ah. Well. I had assumed that Amanda would fulfill, ah, whatever needs you had."
Amanda figured it out first. "Master Vanlo, wouldn't that be too, well, exciting for him?"
"Oh, that!" Doran said. "For the sake of the gods, man, why didn't you just come out and say that you were talking about sex?"
Vanlo scratched his cheek absently. "Well, ah... anyway ... the stress of not satisfying the need is often greater than the stress of doing it. So please feel free to indulge yourself, so long as you let Amanda do most of the, ah, physical labor involved. Yes. Is there anything else, your Lordship?"
Amanda tried not to smile, not wishing to embarrass the Healer any further. She thought it amusing that he could talk perfectly well about sex in a purely clinical sense but was at a loss otherwise.
Amanda wondered if she had been doing the Overlord a disservice. It did seem that whenever she did his bath, or had to touch him in any way for some length of time, he quickly sported a sizable erection.
Doran shook his head. He was amused as well, though he let it show as a gentle curling of his lips. "Nothing for now, Vanlo. Thank you."
Vanlo bowed his head and quickly left.
Doran allowed himself a short laugh. "Vanlo is an interesting character, I must say." He took another quick sip of the elixir and swung his legs from the bed. "So Roquan tells you everything that's happening, does he? All about the war?"
"Yes, Master," said Amanda. "It's been awhile since he updated me, but I think it was only because he was so busy."
Doran stood, and Amanda was immediately to his side. "Do you wish me to prepare your morning bath, Master?"
"Yes, please do."
Amanda nodded and trotted off.
Doran followed slowly behind, but paused halfway through the chamber. He realized only then what he had done. He had said "please." It was not a word generally used with a slave. It was not a desire to be unkind, but simply a reminder of their subservience. "Please" was deemed unnecessary.
He entered the bathing chamber and silently watched Amanda prepare the bath. When she was done, he slipped off his robe. His manhood was already half-engorged. Vanlo had put the thought in his head, and now that another opportunity had arisen, he was already flush with anticipation.
Doran entered the water. Amanda followed, and soon he felt her skilled hands upon his back and shoulders.
"So, does Roquan give you more freedom in other areas?" Doran finally asked, feeling the need to break the silence.
"I am still a slave," said Amanda. "So I perform my normal duties as a slave. But Master Roquan acknowledges that I'm different from the others."
"There are not a great many accepted alternatives for a slave," Doran commented neutrally.
"I know, Master. But I hope that will change."
Doran chuckled. "If you had been owned by any Overlord other than Roquan, I would tell you not to waste your time!"
Amanda smiled faintly. She did hope that Roquan would ease her restrictions further. But she knew it would not sit well with the other Overlords, and it seemed he was already in trouble with them for what he had already done. Yet Doran spoke of the very same thing, and he did not seem to mind. She was not sure whether she should dare take this as a hopeful sign.
"Others know you are Draughtless, Amanda," said Doran solemnly.
Amanda finished with his back and came around in front to start on his arms. "I know, Master. I'm sure they don't like it."
"No, they do not."
Amanda continued bathing his arm for another moment. Her eyes flicked up to his. "May I ask a question, Master?"
Doran nodded. "Certainly."
"What do you think about it?"
Doran let out a windy sigh. He gave her a bit of a sardonic smile. "Interesting question, Amanda. Very interesting."
"You don't have to answer if..."
Doran shook his head. "I will answer it. I thought Roquan the fool for doing it."
Amanda continued her task without missing a beat. She simply nodded once and looked at him expectantly.
"And now, I am not at all sure. Amanda, training slaves that are Draughtless is not the way of this world. It is not the way of the Overlords. Draughting will not stop. It should not stop. We believe it is for the best. It is the only sane way to handle Captives."
Amanda nodded her understanding. After a pause, she asked, "The taking of Captives from other words will go on as well, then, Master?"
"Yes, of course it will. There is no reason to stop it."
Amanda's thoughts were in a sudden tailspin. She had never given much thought to what other Overlords did, not since she had agreed to stay. It was part and parcel of being a slave. It was simply not questioned. Now she was examining it from another step back, as if she were on the outside looking in. For a moment, it felt alien to her again.
They lapsed into silence. Amanda finished with his arms and began on his legs. As before, when she reached his thighs, his manhood was stiff and pulsing with his heartbeat.
Amanda paused. She stared at it for a long moment. Conflicting emotions lay tangled in her mind.
She reached under the water and cradled it in her fingers. She told herself she was not doing this as a slave but as a kindness to the Overlord. She heard the slow intake of breath as she gently massaged his shaft, the soap making her fingers slick. They glided over hard flesh tinged purple in excitement.
Amanda withdrew her hand and smoothly slid forward. Doran's hands clamped themselves around her waist. For a very brief moment he had become rigid, as if he were intending to hold her at bay.
He relented. She drew close. Her hips slipped forward and down and unerringly speared her sex with his manhood. Amanda let out a sultry sigh and closed her eyes as she let him fill her. As always, her tunnel was wet, tight, and perfect.
The two remained silent, the only sounds in the room their soft pants as Amanda rode him. His hands remained about her waist, but he let her do all the work. It was not just Vanlo's orders. It simply seemed appropriate to let her set the pace.
Water rippled around them as Amanda quickened. She leaned forward and shifted her hips, increasing his contact with her womanhood. She moaned softly, Doran's fingers squeezing her waist as his pleasure rose with hers.
Amanda timed it well. She wanted it to be perfect. She tensed her muscles at just the right time and just the right amount. When he began to throb inside her, she let go, and her pussy responded in kind.
Amanda slowed. Both their orgasms wound down together.
She slipped out of his grip and let him fall from her. She gently cleaned his manhood as it softened.
Her eyes rose to his.
"That was most appreciated," said Doran.
Did she do it because it was her duty, or because she wanted to? And why did the question come to her mind? She had settled such things a lifetime ago.
"Thank you, Master," she said.
Overlord Trennan's image shimmered into view before Rennis. His face was drawn into a tight frown, his eyes sharp and cool.
"I am sorry to disturb you, Trennan," said Rennis. "But Roquan wishes to know your progress."
Trennan folded his hands behind his back. "None."
Rennis hesitated. "I beg your pardon?"
"None. I have not contacted any other Overlords."
Rennis suppressed a sigh, but the exasperation was obvious on his face. "With all due respect, we really don't have a lot of time."
"Nor will I be contacting them."
"Trennan, please, I know how you feel about this duplicity, and I don't care for it either, but the alternative is not something either of us wants."
Trennan's eyes burned. "I have built a reputation among the other Overlords, Rennis. There is a reason why others trust me. It is because I do not peddle misinformation to them. I do not wish to start now."
"I wish you had informed us of this before. We could have..."
Trennan raised a hand. Rennis fell silent. "I did not say I would not help, simply that I would not force others to participate in the deception."
"I don't understand."
"I will speak with Freya directly when the time comes. I will break the 'news' to her of the Imperial legion coming her way. You only need to inform me when the breakthrough at Talrad Pass happens." Trennan sighed. "She will believe me. Or at least enough not to consult another Overlord. Roquan should go ahead with his part afterward. She may perhaps contact a Noble Lord in the Appalanchian provinces, but I assume that Roquan has that covered."
Rennis nodded. "Yes, he does. Trennan, thank you. This will be a big help."
"Do not thank me!" Trennan thundered. "I am not sure who or what I hate more, Freya for her foolishness, the Overlords for the ease with which they will connive and conspire against each other, the Emperor for failing as a leader in the first place, or Roquan for stirring up sentiment against him! Or, for that matter, myself, for letting Roquan purchase my vote at the Conclave."
Rennis spread his hands. "All I can say is I think this is the right thing to do."
"The problem with you and the others, Rennis, is that you failed to see how Freya could be provoked into actions that now require such a drastic response. It could have been avoided if that understanding were there from the start."
Rennis stared. "Wait a moment. You can't possibly be suggesting that we're at fault for her crimes?"
"What am I telling you is that had you understood that Freya's very nature is one of extreme competitiveness and ambition..."
"Roquan has had personal experience with that! I remind you of the underhanded deal she tried to do for Amanda."
"Yes, and what did Roquan do after that? Did he try to engage her and keep a dialog open? No, he chose to turn his back on her, to relegate her to the fringe, to marginalize her. And because at the time Roquan wielded great influence, nearly everyone followed suit. Ignoring Freya is possibly the absolute worst thing one could do. And now see the result."
Rennis did not think it was fair that Roquan should be blamed for Freya's actions. No sane Overlord should have done what Freya did. Not even Gronnus, who's ostracized status no one appeared to question, never resorted to such actions.
But he was reminded of the question he himself had posed. Who is he selling his slaves to? Was Gronnus involved in something potentially as heinous as Freya's machinations? Had he been pushed too far by Overlords that sought to distance themselves from him? Was Roquan right after all, that Gronnus was still colluding with the Emperor?
Rennis ran a hand through his already disheveled hair. "Roquan is not a gods-damned Seer, Trennan. He could not have possibly foreseen..."
"He could have exercised what is considered normal protocol among Overlords. No matter what disagreements we have, no matter how we may vie with each other for clients and prestige, we always maintain a united front. We are Overlords first, businessmen second."
"Roquan only wanted to do what he felt was right."
"And I will give him that. I do not believe him to be malicious, just severely lacking in foresight and common sense. Look back on it, Rennis. Really look at his actions from the very start, when he first made noise about the Emperor's cancellation of the trade treaty with Colos. He has been on a personal crusade to reform the Overlords into his own image of what they should be, while ignoring the realities of what we are and will continue to be."
Rennis said nothing. He wanted to keep defending Roquan, but he knew that Trennan had a point that he could not refute. Trennan had put to words what had been in the back of Rennis' mind all along. Roquan often spoke of wanting to be just an Overlord. But he had his own ideas of what made a good Overlord, and he tended to project it onto others.

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