Nicole s Swing
- 2 years ago
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Mark, with insight that had eluded him briefly, suddenly and firmly ordered, "Kari! Quiet! Relax!" To everyone's amazement, and with a little shock at the intensity of Mark's command, Kari suddenly sat up straight, went quiet, and silently began to wipe the tears from her face, as if nothing untoward had happened. Turning to the others, he said, "I'm sorry about not explaining more about our situation. Give me a minute to get my thoughts together and I'll let you know more about our situation ... in the sexual domain, I mean; then you can decide whether you still want us in EPOD or the J.A.M. family, after you hear what we have to say."
"Oooh, no! You don't get out of this invitation that easily," insisted Mouse. "We all come from backgrounds involving ... shall we say ... irregularities when it comes to sex. You heard Jan say that she and Brad had experimented with threesomes, making them more open to adventurous sex. And Chaz had the same type of threesome experience before she met Mike; when she told him about Jan's explanation of the EPOD program, she was relieved to find out that the idea turned him on as well.
"Well, I was an absolute basket case. I was born of a violent rape when my parents were newlyweds, and they never treated me with any kind of love growing up; in fact they made me feel worthless rather than supporting me. I was a virgin till I was 23, and Gregg," she placed her arms around his shoulders and squeezed him at this point, "saved me from myself.
"We lived in the same apartment building, but I did not know anyone and was terribly afraid to meet anyone with my low self-esteem. I had a huge collection of sexy underwear, books, toys, and paraphernalia that I would order by mail to satisfy my own fantasies, but I had no one with whom I dared to share them.
"Then something magical happened. I received an anonymous note in the mail ordering me to leave my apartment door open one inch at a certain time on a certain day. I was to stand inside the doorway blindfolded and available to whoever entered.
"I couldn't believe that someone unknown and out of the blue understood my fantasies and was ordering me to live one out. I was unbelievably afraid to comply. But I was even more terrified not to. I was instinctively afraid that I'd miss my one and only chance to break out of my restricted life. This was my one chance and I was NOT going to miss it, even if it meant being available to an axe murderer."
Andi was staring at Mouse intently. "You never told me any of this. That is just so ... what ... frightening ... daring ... Shit, this one of the hottest stories I've heard lately! You didn't really obey that note blindly, did you?"
"I most certainly did! I hadn't gotten around to telling my story to all of you yet, Andi, but a couple of the girls know ... Madison and Jan and..." Chaz raised her hand. "I guess Chaz, too."
"And I'm very aware of it," intoned Gregg. "After all, I was there. I don't really know just how I knew what she needed, but I just did. I had seen her at a mixer hosted by the apartment manager, and had seen how shy she was. Add to the fact that it had been awhile since I had broken up with an old girlfriend who had helped me discover that I really like some weird and adventurous aspects of sex. Being without sex for awhile had me ... shall we say ... attuned as well. For some strange reason that I still don't understand, unless it was just horny, male lust as well as curiosity, I had found out a couple of things about Amanda--Mouse--just from watching her around the apartment complex.
"I had found out her apartment number by hanging around the mail boxes so that I could be there when she picked up her mail. Additionally, I found out from our loud-mouthed mail man that she had a fantasy life that was so far out that it had the potential to put her in danger from unscrupulous men. The mail guy was the one who showed me one of her packages one day from a mail order adult warehouse. He was lewdly outlining the shape of what could only be a ... tubular stimulator." Even he had to blush slightly as he said this.
"Come on, Gregg. It was a vibrating dildo," sighed Mouse. "It's okay. I'm over the shame of having to find my own way through my sexual fantasies without a guide. And I don't need to keep any secrets from my friends. Especially since there's not much about me, sexually at least, that they don't know already." At this, she leaned toward him, traced his chin with the fingers of one hand, and lightly at first, then with more force, kissed him deeply.
Pulling away after a moment, she said, "And now that we're so happy together, Gregg can guide me anywhere. And as soon as we finish brunch, and hear what Mark and Kari have decided, he can guide me to the nearest horizontal surface and tickle my fancy for the rest of the morning." At this she gave him a lewd leer that caused the cock on every male in the place to jump a bit.
As exciting as this story was becoming, Mark was truly amazed at the absence of any hesitancy or embarrassment as Mouse was sharing her story. She even seemed proud to do so in front of ... well ... not strangers, but certainly not intimate friends. But the level of intimacy among these people had been ratcheted up considerably by what had gone on already and by what they had revealed unashamedly about themselves. Mark was feeling more comfortable in their presence by the minute.
It was obvious that Kari's guard was lowering. But Mark still felt that overwhelming urge to shield and guard her from herself ... from allowing herself to let go entirely, knowing the potential of her getting completely out of control without some sort of damper on her passions until he could be certain that her personality was not going to be constantly on the edge of going out of kilter.
Mouse looked back at Mark and continued, "As for that first wonderful morning ... that day that freed me from myself..." she took a brief sip of coffee and continued.
"On that magical day ... I was ready an hour ahead of time. I had left the door ajar, as ordered in the note. I could tell by the disturbance in the air when the door opened. I almost passed out when an unknown man walked in, handcuffed both my hands, and told me that I was now his possession and that he was going to change me. I tell you, I had an orgasm just at his words."
One or two of the ladies and all of the men were becoming obvious in their arousal, as they focused, laser-like on Mouse as she continued with her tale.
"All morning long, my then unknown possessor made long, sweet love to me. He was ordering me to do things I had never done before, like stand naked on my balcony in public, and then suck a cock for the first time,"--Mouse was so casual about describing such an intimate event-- "and give up my virginity with hardly a thought. Only after he had put me through all of that ... it must have been, what, four hours, Hon? ... only then did he allow me to remove my blindfold, and I was so thrilled and relieved to see that it was Gregg. I had noticed him at the mixer that he mentioned. I thought he was very handsome, but I never thought someone as nice as he would be the one to save me from myself ... no scratch that ... to save my life completely."
The tension of sexual anticipation was tempered somewhat by romantic understanding as she bent down to give Gregg another wet kiss, to the teasing "Ahhs" of all guys--with the obligatory blush, and "all right, all right" from Gregg--followed by swats and love punches from their spouses, accompanied by comments of "Oooh! You guys!"
Jan, meanwhile, had gotten up and come around behind Gregg. She bent down to wrap her arms around him, with tears in her eyes, and kissed his cheek, saying, "Don't forget, hero, that I still owe you a fuck so intense that it could cripple you." To Mark's mild surprise, the genuine friendship and love that was pouring off these folks, and their exchange of very sexual innuendos and comments, evidently backed by action, was surprising him less by the minute.
Mouse only chucked, and said to Jan, "Be sure to leave his cock in reasonable shape for me and the rest of the girls after you cripple him. That way, he may not be able to walk but he'll still be able to fuck." Mouse then looked back directly at Mark and continued without any indication of shame at the wanton words she had just spoken, as Jan returned to her seat.
"Gregg then allowed and encouraged me to break out of my shell and be a fully functioning woman who not only enjoys normal sex, but is willing to try out new and exciting things, as well as what some would call 'variations.' Within twenty-four hours of our first adventure Gregg bought me my first slutty clothes and an absolutely obscene bathing suit. He made me wear that suit to the pool, where everyone could see all of me once it was wet, as if I were completely naked; and in public. He even invited one of the guys we met there back to his apartment and introduced me to my first threesome that very night!"
Mark's hard on was beginning to get uncomfortable at this point. Kari's expression began to show that her arousal was kicking in again. But--as Mark could see--she was obeying him and remaining still and quiet.
"But what about now?" Mark inquired. "You mentioned 'unofficial' events and Jan's arranging other... 'sexual escapades' I believe you called them. Would Kari be required to be part of that? And before you answer, please understand that I am really not offended by what I have heard so far. Far from it; I am in fact just pleasantly surprised.
"And I'm just warped enough to find it to be a tremendous turn on. I'm just worried about Kari. We've only known each other for so short a time, and with her ... well ... before I go into details about us, what about these extracurricular events you mentioned?"
Once again, everyone turned their attention toward Jan, who had retaken her seat next to Brad. She put down her water glass after a sip and began to speak again. To Mark, it was very obvious that, even though Jan was very young among those gathered, she was de facto the one they all leaned on. Yes, there was something very special about her, besides the fact that she was a beautiful and ... okay hot ... redhead like Kari.
"The ladies seem to enjoy congregating at our house during the day whenever they are not called away to do the deed with the senior VPs and Mo. The girls and I usually get very naked and share conversation and Helen's Long Island Ice Tea. We even let our housekeepers join in the fun if they want--they are not obliged in any way, but they all have enjoyed it so far. And the senior VPs have no qualms about coming over to the house to enjoy the selection as well as the delights, since there seem to be so many in one location that way.
"Also, when the men are otherwise engaged we ... well ... we keep each other entertained in the special ways by which only a woman can please another woman. Kari, please tell me if I'm upsetting you with any of this."
Kari smiled and said, "Oh, you don't need to worry about that on my account. While I'm not what some people would call 'bi, ' I got introduced just over two weeks ago to the special touch, caress, and kiss of a woman from a very special lady at my old job. I would say she is probably the world's greatest expert on lady-love. Since that time, she has brought me to frantic, screaming orgasms during lunch hour almost on a daily basis."
She got a dreamy look in her eyes at this. "I'm really going to miss that job because of her." Then turning to Mark, she said to the amusement of all the others, "I didn't tell you, but I got her to promise to come visit us and teach you how to eat pussy like a pro."
As the others hooted and cried out, it was now Mark's turn to blush. Seeing this, and after the noise had died down some, Kari took a little pity on him. She said, "Not that he isn't adequate already! I guess, when it comes to tongue action, I'm just turning into a perfectionist."
The others were beginning to feel more relaxed about all of this, seeing that Kari was beginning to open up quite a bit now. Then Kari's brows furrowed slightly, as she asked, "Jan, did you say that the executives could even have sex with us right in front of our husbands?"
At this, Chaz piped up with, "I can answer that one. On my very first day in the program, I got a call from Mr. Kennedy to come to his office. We had great sex, and as I was leaving, Mr. Newman called me into his office for another great round. When I got back to Jan's, she gave me my first orgasm at the hands and tongue of another woman. And that was just the first day!" The hard ons were getting painful at this point.
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‘Ah, peaceful,’ Noah thought to himself as he drifted down the river. He was riding on a raft made of wood from the village, some trees he cut himself, and various other materials. A pile of pine boughs was keeping him insulated from the water below and a sail made from his traveler blanket sped him beyond the push of the current. Making it had taken most of the morning, but by noon, he had already traveled farther than he would have in a day of walking. He was currently enjoying a brief...
The workplace was an interesting mixture of all ages. On the female side we had some older mothers who you’d just love to fuck, and some young blood who would create a wonderfully sexually charged atmosphere. I am the boss in the marketing department and have a team of nine. The team has some of that young blood and none more so than Joanna. She’s mid 20s and just out of a relationship with her school sweetheart. I often wondered what kind of sex life they had, was it a case of all she ever...
For a number of years my husband served as a Major in the British Army. For some of the time I accompanied him on his tours to Germany. Germany is a great place to be posted but not much good if you are a horny woman who likes her husband in bed with her every night. I think for the first 18 months we were there he spent half the time away on exercise or courses. The story I am about to relate is of one such occasion. I think it was in 1982 we had been posted to a camp near Koln. Because Mike...
Hi this is Sshilpii. The story narrated here is my fantasy. I put myself as a boy in the story. I always fantasize from the beginning of the story but never reached its end because in the course I always climax.. Hence this has not ending. Believe me while typing this story I have climaxed thrice. I would highly appreciate if some one finds a good ending to this. So here is the story.Since the age of 7 years I’m orphan. My parents died in a bus falling of a cliff.I was brought up by my Uncle &...
IncestFebruary 1999 – Something for the Weekend?The Tangled Web is a story spanning several years and is based on the complicated lives of a brother and sister and those they live with. Set in the English Midlands, the tale is told through a series of interlocking short stories. It was a cold Friday evening in February. Sara stood waiting outside the main railway station swaddled in a long dark winter coat and bright woollen scarf. She felt the cold light wind on her legs. Trousers, she thought....
IncestBeing a security guard turned out to be a great gig. I had been low on cash and took the job out of desperation. My past career as a cop helped me get the job pretty quick, and all I had to do was patrol the 30 story skysc****r that was in the process of being built. Walking around all night and getting paid $20 an hour to do it was alright. Add to the fact that it was one really nice building with televisions and computers already installed; basically all I did each night was watch tv or surf...
Hello dosto namskar ab mai ek nai kahani lekar aapke samne aaya hu mujhe umid hai kee aap logo ko bahut pasand kahani gaun ki hai jaha logo ke pass bathroom paikhana room kuchh nahi hota sab aurat aur mard bahar talab me nahate hai aur wanhi khet me ya kisi jhari me chhup kar paikhana karte hai.ek din dopahar me mai paikhana karne ke liye ek arahar ke khet me ghus gaya.khet ke bahar se uske ander kuchh nahi dikhta tha.mai ander jaker paikhana karne laga mai paikaha kar hi raha tha ki...
"You got yourself some prime tail there, Ramsay. She's worth every buck I paid you. And there's another $500 if I can have her again." "Just wait in the next room," the deacon said in a low voice. And don't mess with the camera setup. You'll know when it's time to come back but for what you get next the price is $750." "For that it better be really good!" Newman went into the room adjoining the one he'd just left and saw three monitors that were displaying from different angles...
Well as i think back it was summer of 1974.School was over till fall.My mom wanted me to spend summer with my aunt may and help her around my uncles farm.My mom had the strange idea i was getting interested in boys,well hell i was 13 for gods sake.well i had been there for 2 weeks and the heat was terrible my aunt said annie there a young man out in back field stacking hay for your uncle take him this jar of lemonade.I started off wishing i had put my swim suit on then i could take dip in the...
This is madman I am 27 yrs, tall and slim, living in Hyderabad. Reading all your stories, I am excited to post my true story which happened 2 years ago. I had a close friend of mine, his name was Ankit, he wanted to purchase a new flat or house near my area as it is a village type area. So I decided to help him. After a few days I heard of a lady who wanted to sell her flat, as her husband was abroad and they wanted to settle there. Her name was Rajni and she also had a six year old daughter....
A side note before we begin the story: I would like to send out a special thank you to a special Lush member (who wishes to remain nameless for now) for help in editing this story. I usually do not have a problem editing, but I am not sure of myself when writing from a man's point of view. Yeah, I know, sounds weird since I am a man, but thanks to her help, she made it flow even better. Thanks so much! The Limp Factor: Part One I was so fucking nervous. Here I was, sitting on my next door...
Straight SexHi readers I am Aniket from Pune &this is my first &the real story. I am 21 year old. I am doing my engineering & I am 5’10 tall average built & I have got 8’ inches tool. This incident happen last year when I was of 20 years old &my mom was 40 years old. Her size is 38b,28,36. I never saw my mom in that aspect before as I am form a rich & reputed family. But don’t know how I started thinking about her in such a bad manner. I was grown up and had fantasizing about ladies and girls. Once by...
IncestDanny caught a 9am flight back to Oklahoma. His alternate from this world lived in a decent sized town in eastern Oklahoma near the edge of the Ozark Mountains. It happened to be the same damn town Danny himself had grown up in. Danny had memories thanks to the alternate that told him that for the most part, his friends were the same. There were a few differences, and one of those differences became apparent before the drive home from the airport. Danny’s friend Hannah who he had known since...
Brad went into his office and closed the door. He hit the speed dial on the telephone and heard the phone musically dialing the number. After two rings a voice greeted him and Brad identified himself and asked for Carl Samples, his old friend and his lawyer for many years. He was put on hold and the phone was silent for about two minutes. "Brad how's it going?" boomed the voice of Carl Samples, with that Texas drawl. "I was wondering when you would call. Ready for a round of golf, don't...
Raja with my momHello friends we have another experience you may like it send me massage if u like it.We 4 of us were sitting and sipping vine on the bed. I asked maid to tell me how she made Raja,s cock big. She said one of older lady in our neighbourhood told me how to do that. She said if you suck on boys cock in certain way it will get bigger. The blood come in the cock when you suck cock that make it bigger. She said her 4 sons and 6 grand sons arehave bigger cocks in our neighbourhood....
I jolted awake as the bathroom door clicked shut. I waited until I heard the lock click before I breathed. I heard a zipper and the sound of fabric against skin. I peeked around the shower curtain and almost shouted with glee. It was Earin. I had deliberately waited until I knew my parents would be in bed. I jerked aside the shower curtain. "Surprise!" Earin jumped and hurriedly covered up her hairless vag. "Dray!" She gasped. "What are you doing?" I grinned. "Earin, I think...
Generally, when Will left on his runs, Ann went with him. But since they were expecting some deliveries she stayed behind. After all, it was only two weeks. When he got into the yard on Friday, he was offered a great run to the west coast with a guaranteed return trip. Instead of asking Ann if she wanted to join him, he accepted the load and headed right back out. Finally, he texted her from the road saying that he was offered a great load he could not pass up and he was headed to the west...