Just A Hick Town Guitar Player free porn video

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It’d been three months since my old guitar had been stolen from the back of car, and it took me weeks to get over my anger. While it was more than thirty years old, its rich tones seemed to better with age. I owned three guitars, but the one stolen had been my favourite by far. Sure, the insurance paid out on it after a bit of squabbling but I knew in my heart it was going to be hard to replace. Just to make myself feel a little better, I’d decided to invest a little more money than the insurance payout and get my something better. Flavell’s Music & Instruments was far the best shop in town for guitars, and it wasn’t long before I’d made a nuisance of myself.

Most people that know me would consider that I’m a pedantic perfectionist, and they’re probably quite right. But anyone who knows anything about guitars would agree that no two are really identical in sound. Two guitars made one after another may have a different sound or feel about it, and I just wanted the best. I was looking for a nice semi-acoustic classical guitar with a cutaway body, its sound more important than its looks. So each time new batch of guitars arrived, the owner of Flavell’s, better known to me as Benny these days, would ring and entice me to the shop to try them with the hope of a purchase. I reckon that if I found one I liked, Benny would give it to me for nothing just to get me out his hair.

That particular Saturday, I’d taken a few guitars to an out of the way place at the rear of the shop near the piano section to be out of the way of other customers, just as I’d done before. I was soon in my own little world quietly putting my potential purchases through their paces. It would be fair to say that I’m not a bad player of the guitar, I’ve played for more than twenty years and had been tutored in a classical in my early teens. Since then, I’ve developed my own little style, I suppose you’d call it a sort of rock played classically, sounds strange but those who hear it tend to like it as much as I like playing it. Like most guitarists, I like to improvise and have written a lot of my own stuff, some good and I suppose some not so good.

I’d been playing quietly for sometime when I sensed someone was close by but just out of my peripheral vision. I turned around to find a young woman casually leaning against a nearby piano watching me.

‘Sorry, I didn’t realise anyone was there.’ I mumbled apologetically. ‘Am I in your way?’

She smiled, ‘Not at all, I was drawn down here by your playing. What was it you were playing? I haven’t heard it before.’

‘Just something I made up.’

‘It’s good, how about you just keep playing and I’ll listen?’

I smiled graciously and returned to my playing, but my thoughts now on my audience. She looked familiar, like someone I known but never met if you get my meaning. I snuck a few glances her way to where she was leaning on a baby grand with her arms folded watching me. She was pretty with short dark hair, a large pink beret was perched on her head, below were black top and blue faded jeans with black scuffed leather boots. For the next minute or so, my brain drifted as I trine to place her, and then it suddenly dawned on me who she was. I stopped playing and raised my eyes to hers.

‘Are you who I think you are?’

She smiled, ‘Probably, but that doesn’t mean you can stop playing.’

I allowed the guitar to slip flat against my thighs and grinned stupidly at her, for I was in shock.

She chuckled at my response, ‘Don’t go daft on me. How about you keep playing for a while, and then I’ll buy you a coffee for your efforts. Play some other stuff you’ve written.’

For the next few minutes, I played nervously as I came to grips with my situation. For before me stood Clara St Michaels, a rock singer and song writer of fame. She stood in front of tens of thousands of people and awed them with her voice, a voice so pure and powerful it could tear your heart out, and other times a voice so sad that could bring tears to ones eyes. Her songs were a mixture of hard pounding rock and slow ballads that seemed to draw her fans close me included, to me she was one of a kind.

I soon realised what was different about her, her trademark long hair had been tucked up under the beret, and without the bright makeup she wore on stage or on photo shoots, it would be kind of hard to recognise her. I played for a good ten minutes before I put the guitar down, and was most embarrassed to get a quiet clap from Clara.

‘What a neat sound, I really liked it. Most unique I think.’

‘Thanks.’ I mumbled humbly.

‘C’mon, that deserves a coffee.’

Now I was kind of embarrassed, I mean why would someone like Clara St Michael want to give me the time of day? I’m just nobody who can play a guitar living in a small hick town.

‘Its okay, you don’t have to.’

Clara’s smile waned as she read my mind, ‘You’ve earned it, and anyway I hate drinking coffee alone.’

A few minutes later, I sat nervously at a café table with a long black in my hand. Clara had taken a seat opposite but facing away from view as if to hide from being recognised, I suppose it would be second nature these days.

‘So what’s it like singing in front of thousands of people?’ I asked.

She smiled and took a sip of her coffee before answering, ‘It’s the best feeling in the world, once I get over my nerves.’

‘You still get nervous? I thought it’d be old hat after all the concerts you’ve done.’

‘Nope, can’t shake the nerves. It takes me two or three songs before they disappear, then I’m usually okay.’

‘What are you doing down here?’ I asked.

‘Just wanted some time out before the concert next week. Sometimes all the people and fanfare gets too much, all hotel rooms get to look the same and everyone wants something from me. So every now and then, I hire a car and hit the road for a bit of solitude, and here I am.’

‘In the middle of nowhere.’ I added.

Clara looked around and shrugged her shoulders, ‘I dunno, looks fine to me. And how else do get to meet fine little guitar players like you. So tell me about yourself? ‘

I was kind of surprised at her request, ‘Why ever would you want to know about me?’

She sort of grinned, ‘Cause I’m usually surrounded with noters, people who have an agenda or just want to impress me. You’re different, you’re talented but downplay your ability, both in playing but also your own music. It’d be interested putting some lyrics to some of it. Beside, I like your shyness too, it’s like you’re too embarrassed to be near me.’

I went red and said nothing.

‘You’re kinda easy on the eye, and I kinda like guys that, and guys that blush easily. So, tell me about myself.’

So I told Clara St Michael of my boring life, which was kind of easier then being embarrassed. Where I was brought up, about my family and that I worked as an insurance investigator. I pointed out through the window across to distant hills and told I lived in a house that I’d inherited from my parents. It had actually been our holiday home, but when they passed away I took the house as my part of the deal and left my brother and sister to fight over the larger family home. To my surprise, Clara listened with interest to my boring story. I took in her pretty face as I spoke, her big hazel eyes and the splattering of freckles under her makeup. I liked the way she smiled, her lips widening and showing her perfect teeth.

When I finally rambled to the end of my story, Clara placed her head on her hands and looked over at me, ‘So, just a small town boy?’

‘Yeah, big cities don’t do much for me, once I’m there, I just can’t wait till I get home again.’


‘Not at the moment, sometimes it just gets too hard.’ I replied. ‘So what about you?’

‘Girlfriends?’ she asked humorously.

‘No, boyfriends?’

She shrugged shoulders, ‘Not particularly interested
. In my situation you have to be careful, anything and everything is of interest to the press. Seen holding hands or kissing someone, they’d be articles of my wedding plans in the next publication.’

‘Never thought of it like that. I always thought fame and fortune would be all good fun.’

‘Nope, it can be very lonely at times, but there’s lots of good times too.’

We talked music for the next hour or so, Clara told me more about her experiences on the road. Finally, she looked at her watch.

‘I’d better hit the road, I’ve got a long drive back. You coming to my concert?’

‘Nah, no tickets. By the time I got around to buying them, they’d sold out.’ I replied truthfully

‘Well, we can’t have that.’ Clara commented as she sorted through a large handbag and coming up with an envelope.

‘Here’s a couple of complementary tickets. It’ll be good to see you again. And after the concert, we’ll be having a bit of a party. We’re staying at the Princeton, and you’ll need to ask for Lenny. You can’t miss him, huge ugly guy with a shaved head. Just tell him that Clara invited you and he’ll let you in. I’ll mention your name to him when I get back. Okay?’


I walked Clara back to her rental car, a nondescript Ford and watched her shapely buttocks slide into the driver’s seat, no harm in dreaming I thought to myself.

It unfortunately, but my best mate Mathew couldn’t make it on concert night, he had some kind of family reunion from which he couldn’t escape. He was sure agitated when he saw the tickets, he would’ve given his right arm and leg to go. I had fully intended to give the spare ticket to someone else, but on the day of the concert it was still in my wallet as I started the long drive. Eventually I offered it to a cute little redhead who was milling outside the gates, she looked at me in pure disbelief when I gave her the ticket, and I got little peck on the cheek for my kindness. Even though the concert was outdoors, it certainly something else, and while I couldn’t real get close to the stage, it was still one to remember. Clara sang all of the old songs that made her famous and then some newer ones, her strong voice wowing the forty thousand plus audience. It seemed hard to believe that I had been sitting having coffee with her just a few days back.

After the concert, I headed towards the Princeton Hotel, I half expected to be refused entry, but after getting past the fans in the foyer, I soon made out Lenny. He was indeed just as Clara described, big, brutish and ugly with his shaved head. I nervously approached him and muttered my invitation, and without a word, he stepped aside and pointed up the stairs. The party was already in full swing, must have been a couple of hundred people laughing, drinking and cavorting to loud music. I was almost tempted to turn and run, for I’m not good in large crowds, but here was a chance of a life time. I forced myself into the throng of people and made my way to the bar. With a cold beer in my hand, I leaned on the bar and watched the beginning of mayhem unfold. My eyes roamed the room looking for Clara but it was to no avail, for she was no where to be seen. I chatted to a few people as they waited to be served, pretty girls and a mixture of rough neck males, but luckily all friendly. I guess I’d been there for a good half an hour when Clara caught my eye as she weaved through the crowd. My heart lifted as she smiled and made her way over to me.

‘Hi, I was hoping you’d turn up.’ she yelled in my ear over the noise. ‘Come and meet some friends.’

Clara led me through the crowd to where a group of people stood, some like the guitarist Jeff Mills and the drummer Franko I recognised from her band.

‘Hey you guys, this is guy I told you about in the music shop. He sure plays a mean guitar, you wanna hear him play. He’s something else.’

So for the next few minutes, I stood in awe talking to what I consider to be some of the best musicians in the world, well in my book anyway. They seemed good guys and took some interest in the story of my stolen guitar, admittedly the only story of mine worth telling. Jeff nodded in sympathy, he replied by telling us all that losing your favourite guitar was akin to losing ones mother. I was soon accepted into the little group, and with Clara standing at my side soon felt very comfortable. Even though everyone wanted to talk to her, she remained pleasant and polite. As the hours disappeared the crowd began to thin and Clara left my side for some reason.

It was a while later when a guy standing close to me leaned close, ‘Want to have some fun?’

‘Sure.’ I replied.

It’s not the sort of question to say no to, even when not knowing what the fun was to be. I followed a few others upstairs and into a room, the door was locked behind us and a few knowing winks were exchanged between those already in the room and us newcomers. We then entered a bedroom, and the fun thing soon became clear. On a table sat a large mirror with several lines of white powder, people were taking turns to snort what was obviously cocaine through rolled up bank notes.

I should make it perfectly clear right here and now that I have no time for drugs, never used them, never associate with people who do. This goes back to a time when someone I knew overdosed and died, an elder brother of a friend of mine and I will never forget how it ripped the family apart.

I was about to take my leave when my eyes found Clara leaning on the wall. She smiled at me as she approached the mirror, and to my absolute disgust filled one nostril with cocaine. Now it wasn’t probably my place to stop her, but without thinking I stupidly lunged across the table and grabbed her by the arm.

‘Jeezus Clara, what are you doing?’ I yelled.

Her eyes swung angrily towards me, ‘Get your fucking hands off me. Who the fuck do you think you are, my mother?’

Next thing I know was that someone grabbed me from behind pinning my arms, I didn’t see the punch coming but it caught me on the side of the face, it was hard and brutal and just as hard as the one that followed. I then found myself on the carpet protecting myself from some well delivered kicks. When they stopped, I staggered without help from the floor, when I finally found my bearings I stumbled towards the door. I saw Clara lower her face to the mirror and fill her other nostril, her large expressionless eyes then peered up at me as I made my exit.

I spent a very painful few hours in the backseat of my car before eventually driving myself to hospital, the results, two cracked ribs, one black eye, a chipped eye tooth and some severe bruising. It would also be fair to say that my ego had taken a fair battering as well. To this day, I don’t know what my expectations were that night, but it certainly wasn’t getting the shit kicked out me.

For the next few weeks, I was an angry man. Angry at Clara’s involvement in drugs, for I thought she would’ve been above all that, and angry at myself for getting involved in other people’s problems. It took me a while to calm down and realise it was none of my business what she did. I still reckon my beating was uncalled for, I wouldn’t have been too sad if I’d got thrown out for my outburst, but to get assaulted was a little over the top. But as the bruises and the pain disappeared, so did my anger, really it was just another harsh lesson in life. And for some unfathomable reason, Clara St Michael wasn’t on my top play list anymore. Her three CD’s and one live DVD were used as target practice, and disintegrated under the aim of my shotgun along with any respect that I once had for her.

It’s funny how things turn out, for six months later Clara got herself into a spot of bother. At another one of her after concert parties, one of the young guests fell off a balcony at a fancy hotel and died. It was probably a bit of bad luck that the swift arrival of the cops found a number of obviously high guests milling around which caught
their interest. To cut a long story short, the cops found evidence of cocaine usage, and the autopsy found that the unlucky guest had substantial amounts of alcohol and cocaine in his system. Once the press got hold of it, Clara became a hot item, and over the next month took an increasing amount of flack as she came under growing scrutiny for drug taking. Seems everyone had a story to tell, and it wasn’t long before she went to ground, unfortunately so did her record sales. Clara then disappeared off the face of the earth and everyone seemed to forget she ever existed. Well everyone but me, for my mind sometimes drifted back to her, and my curiosity never really died.

It was many months later and late on a Friday afternoon when I guided my ten year old Chrysler up the long driveway to my house. Work wise, it had been a hard week and I was looking forward to taking it easy for the weekend. Next to the house was a black Porsche Cayenne, it was a bit of a surprise as no one I know has wheels like that. I parked next to it and gave it a once over before walking around to the front entrance to the house. There sitting on a swing chair sat a female figure taking in the panoramic view in front of her. Her head swung towards me as I turned the corner, and it took me a second or two recognise Clara with her hair tied back in a ponytail.

She smiled nervously as I slowly approached where she was sitting, ‘Hi, long time no see.’

‘Bit of a surprise seeing you here.’

‘I’m doing the apology visits at the moment, you were on the top of my list.’

‘How’d you find this place?’ I asked.

She shrugged her shoulders, ‘Easy really. Went to that music shop in town and asked who’s the worst guitar player around here. Told me your name and pointed me up here into the hills.’

I grinned, ‘Well I suppose they got that right. Been in the wars I hear.’

‘Yep, fucked up big time. Now I know what its like to be public enemy number one.’

‘Been sitting out here long?’

‘Dunno, couple of hours maybe. Been okay though, it’s real beautiful out here. But now you’re home, any chance of a coffee while I prepare my apology?’

While making coffee, I watched Clara wander around my lounge taking in my wall picture, old family photos and other things of interest like my CD and DVD collection. I then carried two steaming cups into the lounge and handed one to her. She then folded herself into a chair and looked over at me.

‘You don’t have to do this you know.’ I said. ‘What happened, happened.’

Her big sorrowful eyes bored into mine, ‘I’ve been in rehab for the two months, sort of gave me time to look back at the mess I’ve made and how I’ve hurt people, you included. I was never like that before the drugs.’ She smiled, ‘I often thought about you and what you might be up to.’

‘Why me?’

‘Cause I enjoyed those few hours we had together. No agenda’s or expectations or anything, just someone who loves music as much as me. When you got knocked around after the concert, I didn’t think much of it at the time. Not because I didn’t care, but snorting coke seemed more important at the time, but that’s what drugs do to you.’

‘So you’re off them now?’

‘Absolutely, never again. The only good side was that I lost weight in rehab. Seriously, though, I’m really, really sorry what happened to you.’

I shrugged my shoulders, ‘It’s okay, I’m over it now.’

‘You must have been pissed off at me at the time.’

‘Well, I used your CD’s and DVD as target practice when I got home.’

Clara chuckled, ‘I can understand that.’

‘But you’re forgiven, I can’t stay angry for long. Anyway, it was really stupid of me to try and stop you doing the coke. I didn’t really know you and it wasn’t any of my business.’

Her eyes met mine, ‘But you were the only one who tried to stop me. In all the time that I was taking that shit, you were the only one who cared enough to stop me. And what did it get you.’

‘Two cracked ribs, one black eye, a chipped eye tooth and bruising.’ I answered.

Clara frowned, ‘I’m so sorry.’

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A guitar show hookup

Once I was in Dallas on business and stayed over the weekend to check out the city. There was a guitar show in a hotel close to where I was staying which I thought would be fun. I am a small time guitar collector and familiar with these weekend shows held all around the country. They often have great deals, especially as a show closes on Sunday afternoon and dealers are looking to unload merchandise. Usually I quickly scope out all the dealer stands for items I was interested in, then go back...

4 years ago
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The Guitar Player Strikes Again

My hands were on both of her breasts, thumbing her nipples as she moaned into my mouth in ecstasy. Our kiss intensified as I gently kneaded her luscious tits, pulling the tips outwards and squeezing both at the same time in a sensual manner. I really wanted to lower her body backward, towards the arm of my sofa so we could progress to what I really wanted, to fuck her pussy silly and sore. Umm!How did I get this fine woman into my hotel room, with the top of her strapless dress pulled down and...

2 years ago
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Guitar Man0

She is what you might consider a full figured woman standing at only five foot five. Her round face has a cute button nose, lips the color of roses, and seductive green eyes hidden behind glasses. Framing her face is shoulder length sassy red hair. This only adds to her sensuality. Kandy is new to the world of swinging and although straight, considers her bi-curious. She wants to experience women as well as men. Adding that her hubby does not go anywhere without her and vice-versa. She...

3 years ago
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guitar man

I wondered the street ,strowling down the alleyways of this dark city,not knowing where to go.It was all new to me having left my master at the hotel asleep i though it would be good to cool down and find the magic of this unknown city.I heard distant laughing,distant footsteps along the cobbles,i should have worn a better shoe,heals werent made for wet cobbles,It wasnt raining but the dark moonless night just made the damp cling to the stones,I had considered turning back,step quietly back...

3 years ago
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The Bass Player

The concert was everything Leah was expecting, the usual good time with her best friend Veronica, some tasty drinks, music she liked, and hot band guys. The band played their usual crowd pleasers, and as usual Leah had pulled Vee to the front of the stage, placing them right in front of the bass player, Chris. He was 5'7 or so with dark, dirty blond hair. His eyes were a light brown and he had a strong, thin face with a chiseled jaw line and pink, pouty lips. Leah, like so many others, believed...

Straight Sex
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Teacup Roses Guitars A Bus Pass and A Mistaken Identity

TEACUP ROSES, GUITARS, A BUS PASS AND A MISTAKEN IDENTITY (A Danny Fairchild Story) by Bobbie Cabot This little interlude is set somewhere in the middle of the events of Chapter 8 of my still-unfinished story, "Danny." This does not materially contribute to that story, but is more like "a day in the life" type of story of the main character, Danny. This story can stand on its own somewhat, but it would be good to read Danny, unfinished though it is, to get a background on the story...

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iBod a life changing music player

WARNING!!! The following story contains sexual acts between consenting adults. If you are below the legal age (18 most places) to read such matters, or it is illegal where you are, stop it right there! Also this isn't meant to be fine literature, so there are mistakes and errors in there somewhere, and the writing is not meant to be airtight. if you're looking for revolutionary fiction, look elsewhere please. iBod by Potrzebie "Son of a bitch!" Aaron swore as his music...

4 years ago
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The Guitar Player Gets A Personal Lesson

THE GUITAR PLAYER GETS A PERSONAL LESSON I was an 18 year old senior in high school and lead guitarist and vocalist in a good rock band that played at least four or five gigs a month locally, making good music and better money than we used to make cutting grass or washing cars. We were getting a rep as a good party band! We were the happiest guys in school — and I was soon to learn there is more to music than I thought! We played a birthday party for one of the popular chicks, Jody, in school...

4 years ago
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While sweeping the hallway, or emptying the trash cans, or making sure the bathrooms had paper towels and toilet paper, Orrin thought about Emily. So what if I’m the janitor and she’s a lawyer’s personal assistant, I’m just as good as anyone who works at Ainsworth and Thelin…she’ll see. Orin was determined to get up the nerve to ask her out. He believed that if she got to know him, she would see that he was a lot more than a janitor. He wished she could hear him play his guitar and knew that...

2 years ago
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The Guitar Players Personal Lesson 2

“Take your bottoms off Jack and let me show you how it’s really done!” Jo said to me. Those words were like lightning striking my short hairs. I had just had an incredible encounter with Jo and she wanted more. She was gently rubbing that warm moist pussy against my still hard dick and for a moment I could not respond except to moan a little and stare at her beautiful body. Looking up at me from the sofa, Jo said, “Come on honey, I wanted you to cum outside of me the first time so we can enjoy...

3 years ago
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Guitar Man A True Story

They are a couple living in mid-western Tennessee. Her name is Kandy, she is 54. His name is John and he is 57. They are married and although they have a great sex life, they are interested in meeting couples, men and women for some adult fun. They want people who can go out with them on outings during the day with sexy interludes in the evening. She is what you might consider a full figured woman standing at only five foot five. Her round face has a cute button nose, lips the color of roses,...

1 year ago
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The Guitar Lesson Part Two

Sam strode through the door and out to the pool deck. I spun around on the couch up into a sitting position and looked at him, my eyes wide with terror. ‘I’m dead, I know it.’ With a cold, hard expression on his face, he walked right up to Renee’ “Looks like you two have been having quite the time!” he said in a loud, curt voice. Renee’ began to sob. “Oh Sam, you don’t understand.’ “Oh, I understand, alright. Get rid of old Sam, so you can fuck the guitar teacher! My God, Renee’, it sounds like...

2 years ago
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VLC Media Player

You have to have been living under a rock if you haven’t heard of VLC Media Player. Either that or you just never bothered to have a good experience with your digital life. How many times have you gotten angry with your media player because it can’t play a certain file? Many times, right? Well, VLC is here to change all that and you can get it on VideoLAN.org/VLC. Now, before we get into how you can use this tool and what the benefits of using it are, let me just tell you that I’m not gonna...

Useful Software
3 years ago
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Sexy Shenanigans of the Trump Administration Counselor Hicks

Light sparkled from the huge chandelier and reflected from the thousands of diamonds encrusting the women in attendance. While an orchestra played softly from one corner of the room, tuxedo clad waiters with white gloves circulated silver trays of champagne and caviar. A small circle of Cabinet members talked quietly with the President. A long string of black limousines was still pulling up outside and passes were being checked against the guest list. Suddenly there was a perceptible pause...

4 years ago
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Sexy Shenanigans of the Trump Administration Hope Hicks

Light sparkled from the huge chandelier and reflected from the thousands of diamonds encrusting the women in attendance. While an orchestra played softly from one corner of the room, tuxedo clad waiters with white gloves circulated silver trays of champagne and caviar. A small circle of Cabinet members talked quietly with the President. A long string of black limousines was still pulling up outside and passes were being checked against the guest list. Suddenly there was a perceptible pause...

4 years ago
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Sexy Shenanigans of the Trump Regime Hope Hicks

Light sparkled from the huge chandelier and reflected from the thousands of diamonds encrusting the women in attendance. While an orchestra played softly from one corner of the room, tuxedo clad waiters with white gloves circulated silver trays of champagne and caviar. A small circle of Cabinet members talked quietly with the President. A long string of black limousines was still pulling up outside and passes were being checked against the guest list. Suddenly there was a perceptible pause...

4 years ago
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The Magic Tape Player

Saturday, July 8, 2018 Caleb and Kaitlyn were twins. They’d turned 16 years old in March. Caleb was born 9 minutes earlier, and Kaitlyn reluctantly accepted being the younger sister. She liked being Caleb’s little sister sometimes. “I can’t believe you found these. I can’t believe Daddy even has these.” She held up a pair of VHS tapes. “ ‘Cocksure Housewives, and ‘Everything Sue Wanted to Know About Sex’? Really?” She laughed, huskily, appalled and delighted. “Ew, Caleb! Ew-ew-ew!” Caleb...

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Justins Descent Part 1

This is my first try to write an erotic story so the story draft may seem raw. I welcome comments from everybody and you can write to me of what you thought at [email protected] ---------------------------------------------------------------- JUSTINS DECENT by hfernandez1983 ---------------------------------------------------------------- It was a nice summer morning. Justin had just woken up and went straight to the window. He opened it and could feel the fresh breeze of...

3 years ago
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K4 Niece Katy is a Team Player

K4 Niece Katy is a Team PlayerBy billy69boyAfter dropping my wife off at the airport, I was downright giddy with excitement. My darling niece Katy lived only a few minutes away and I had arranged to stop by and visit with her. As I waited for her to answer the door, I wondered if she would be in a playful mood. I knew her boyfriend Jimmy was out of state on a training session, and wouldn’t be back for a few more days. Katy’s daughter was down South staying with her father for the month, so...

2 years ago
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The Star Player

"Hey! Mikey!" Sammy shouted across the street. "Are you coming tonight?"Mikey waved and then quickly ran across the street. "Hi, Sammy. How's your summer going?" he asked. "Enjoying the rest?"Sammy had been the star player in the reserves team last season. At only eighteen years of age, she was stepping up to the first team this term. Mikey had taken over coaching the first team last season when they were rock bottom, rooted to the foot of the table. Through some daring tactics and some blind...

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11th Grade Chris the Player

“Hurry up! Or you’ll be late for school!” I roused myself from my deep slumber and wiped the sleep from my eyes. The rising sun cast a warm beam of light onto my blanket, warming me, and tempting me to drift back to sleep. To keep myself awake, I yelled back. “You tell me this every day, and yet I’ve never been late!” “That’s because I tell you every day!” I pulled off my blankets and stood up, completely naked. I went into the adjoining bathroom, and quickly took a shower, letting...

3 years ago
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The Player

THE PLAYER'S S+EP-DAUGH+ERInspired by true events(This story was told by a friend who wanted me to edit and post it for him. He is the "I" in the story, not me.-FredLake) I had always been something of a player. During school, I never had a steady girlfriend but was never without pussy for very long. Back in high school I had more money and a better car than most guys, so girls were willing to go out with me. I always made it clear that I expected them to give up their pussy and that I wasn't...

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The Player

The Player. By Her Revenge Roy Taylor was a player in the biggest way. For as long as he could remember he had held an almost hypnotic grip over just about all the women he met. Unfortunately for him he also believed that he was, in fact, god's gift to women but unfortunately he treated them like dirt. Although not the most handsome guy in the Brad Pitt mould Roy and a way about him that just drove the women wild. Most nights he spent down at the local night club "The Cage" in...

3 years ago
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Team Player

Sixteen hours till the game.His team spectated bitterly from the bleachers as football players dominated the campus’s only field."Now what?" Scott, their captain, sounded grim.Alec eavesdropped on Scott’s exchange with Pierce, a striker, perched discreetly under the stained bleachers. A whistle blew, signalling a foul and muffling Pierce’s response, but Alec caught the gist. "... ask Sanders, and don’t send freshmen."They had these exchanges often. It portrayed the notion of sending...

Gay Male
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The Strangest Player

I am known as the strangest player. A dynamo, a champion, a prodigy, undefeated. But then, I get shit because I don't seem like a player. I'm caucasian, not very tall, pretty built unlike many of those lanky-ass players in their pimp costumes. I'm unconventional, but very strategic. I can get any woman, but I don't want every woman. And I don't want any gaysex dogsex necrophiliac underaged bullshit neither. One of the few things those jealous wannabes got on me is that I only go after women...

1 year ago
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First time with a Rugby player

I’m British and lost my virginity to a South African rugby player. It was really feet, weight 102 lbs, have long blond hair and shiny green eyes. Pieter was in Leeds visiting friends of his who played rugby for the local club. He was handsome in a rugged way, very tall (6’4), weight 220 lbs, had an army haircut (dark brown), and very strong build. He was 10 years older than me which I made sure he did not found out. We met at a party my brother, Oliver (who also played rugby at the club) held...

First Time
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Team player

Chuck slid the bolt slowly and silently and peeked through the tiny crack into the locker room. Most of the team had left by then; Carlyle had dried off and was dressing when Devry and Cameron strolled in fully naked from the showers, drying their hair. Chuck licked his lips when he saw their muscular bodies, and his cock swelled as he imagined how theirs would be swelling in a few minutes. Carlyle soon left, and after three minutes Devry locked the door and sat on the bench. Cameron stood...

Gay Male
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Horn Player

The night was so hot that if you struck a match you would almost expect the air itself to catch on fire. The ceiling fan did nothing to relieve any of the heat, but seemed to whisper apologetically as it spun above his head. He sat there quietly, hands on his knees, sweat running down his face. He was not sure if it was the heat or if he was sweating looking at the sexiest pair of legs he had ever laid eyes on. What those legs were connected to was still hidden in the shadows. The place was...

2 years ago
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Becoming a Team Player

Becoming a Team Player By Jennifer Richardson Chapter One The main problem with the office in which I worked was that if you didn't go to the parties you tended to find that you were frowned upon for not being a "team player". This in turn tended to affect your standing in the eyes of the bosses and therefore the chances that you would ever be considered for promotion were very slim to say the least. The Christmas party went passed without mishap for once, my naughty...

4 years ago
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Butch Trade Soccer Player

Soccer player. JohnButch TradeStory by Richard [email protected]”d moved into an apartment near college where I'd planned to continue my education. I found a part time job and would attend college during the week, and work on the week ends . The apartment wasn't anything special, but was large enough for me, and it was cheap. It had a nice size living room, dining area combine, a small size kitchen, a bathroom and one bedroom. At one time it had been a motel and had a small pool. ...

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Justine pays

?Graymangazer2014-03-20                                                                 Justine pays.                                                           By Graymangazer Although this is a non consensual story, it’s not in any way cruel or heavy. It’s based on a simple idea from slave Kandi (you know who you are) and not to be taken too seriously. Please feel free to comment or email to [email protected] walked into the deserted country park, at least she hoped it was...

2 years ago
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Justine had always known she was strange. She was diminutive, only four feet six tall, but her tits had always looked too nig for her. 36D on such a small frame always made sure she got started at. She had dated. Many times. But never dated the same man more than three nights. If they wanted sex, they could have it, if they didn’t, it didn’t matter to her. She never got anything from it anyway. Her only orgasms had come at her own hands. She even let men arse fuck her, as that was supposed to...

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Anything For Georgetown Part three

“This school has a reputation for being very good, and we want to uphold that. You’re not helping matters any by being mean to students and flaunting your sexuality.” “It’s a crime to be sexy? You sound like Brenda. I can’t help it if she’s ugly.” “But you can stop your behavior.” “And what if I don’t want to?” Houlihan was still sweating. “I went to Georgetown, you know.” This caught Monica off guard. “Really? That’s my top school! I so want to go there!” Houlihan regarded Monica for a moment....

4 years ago
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Justine Hart ist der Westen

JUSTINE: Hart ist der Westen...Nur f?r Leser ab 18 [email protected] 1L?ssig und geschmeidig glitt sie vom Pferd und band den Braunen drau?en vor dem Saloon an einen Holzpflock vor dem gro?en Trog. Deutlich h?rte sie das Stimmengewirr und raue Lachen der M?nner. Sie r?ckte den schwarzen Hut zurecht und schritt durch die doppelfl?gige T?r und sofort verstummten die Ger?usche. Langsam schritt sie zum Tresen und ca. 50 Augenpaare verfolgten sie dabei. Justine kannte ihre Wirkung und sie gab...

4 years ago
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Justine Hart ist der Westen

JUSTINE: Hart ist der Westen...Nur f?r Leser ab 18 [email protected] 1L?ssig und geschmeidig glitt sie vom Pferd und band den Braunen drau?en vor dem Saloon an einen Holzpflock vor dem gro?en Trog. Deutlich h?rte sie das Stimmengewirr und raue Lachen der M?nner. Sie r?ckte den schwarzen Hut zurecht und schritt durch die doppelfl?gige T?r und sofort verstummten die Ger?usche. Langsam schritt sie zum Tresen und ca. 50 Augenpaare verfolgten sie dabei. Justine kannte ihre Wirkung und sie gab...

2 years ago
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Justine Cocktails

The Maid walked to the door of the flat to open the front door. The Maid remembered to curtsey as she slowly opened the door.  Her eyes were still downcast on the floor when she suddenly heard, “Oh my God, is that you Justin?”Suddenly the Maid looked up to see Mother and Nanny standing at the door.  “Oh my God, Sophie has done a wonderful job,” said Mother looking up and down at her sissified son in his French maid uniform. “That is not what I expected.”“Don’t you look precious in your white...

5 years ago
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Justine The Maid

The next few days were bliss.  Justine rushed home from college each day to be transformed into Aunty Sophie’s niece as she tried on all the outfits they had chosen at the shops.  Justine, with a bit of makeup and the right clothes had become a beautiful young woman.  She learnt the power of a peeping lacy slip could make men weak at the knees.  Sophie also lent Justine some more lingerie until she was able to build up her own collection. Perhaps they would make another trip to M&S at the end...


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