Club Gomorrah. The Sissy Saga. Chapter 6 (B) Bitter Medicine. free porn video

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“Looks like you need to be taught a lesson too Riley.” Her words were cold, but they had an anticipation in them too. Ona placed a mirror in front of us so she could watch the look on our faces as she began tormenting us with Shankebite.

“Hmmm, now who gets the first lash?”

Maria began fighting against her restraints, begging in vain through her gag. I had never been whipped before so I had no idea what to expect.

“Maybe we should make a game out of this, oh I know!” She cheered, jumping on the spot. “As Maria can’t speak but you can you get to decide when I switch who I whip. I’ll start with you and when you cant take it anymore I’ll switch to Maria. You have to ask me to whip you though. If you don’t… I’ll keep going until I’m bored.”

Maria simply shook her head, again silently pleading with me. I was no longer holding the whip, but I was still whipping.

“Ok, san, ni, ichi… (Three two one)”

“Wait, I.”

Before I could finish my plea the pain shot through my ass, the appropriately named Snakebite had bit deep into my flesh. My scream echoed through the room as a moment later the second slash fell across my ass and then a third.

“Please, oh god pleas stop.” I squealed as more attacks came, Ona cheering with each one. My begging continued as tears began to trickle down my face, on the eighth lashing I begged Ona to switch to Maria, calling her name again and again. Maria’s muffled screams grew quickly as I watched her, holding back my whimpers as my body shook with each crash of the leather on skin.

“By the way Riley, when I switch… I make it hurt more.” Ona laughed as she continued to whip away at Maria. I processed the new rule with a horrifying revelation, to stop Maria’s pain I was asking for more but I was also giving more when I inevitably begged for Ona to switch. Maria was almost at her limit… and so the cycle continued.

“Punish me, please punish me Ona!” I cried as Maria took her eleventh lashing. I felt the increase in pain immediately slash after slash fell quickly across my skin. But there was also a little pleasure there too, Ona had a way of teasing enjoyment out of a person when you would least expect to find any.

“I think Maria wants more attention Riley, what do you think. Should I switch again?”

“Mmm please.” I called.

“Please what Riley?” Ona teased with an extra hard slash.

“Please whip Maria!” I begged as my ass felt another harder slash. Ona was playing her own little game with me, making it clear that the only choice I had when she told me to hurt someone… was how much I got from it in the end.

The whipping continued between the two of us, back and forth Snakebite went. Drawing blood and tears from us every time it bit. I was almost broken when again Maria began fighting her restraints, I knew I would not be able to hold on for much longer.

“Please Ona.” I fought out through my sobs.

Ona stopped for a moment, strutting over to me she whispered in my ear.

“Do you like seeing people in pain Riley… or do you like the pain more?” She said seductively with a bite of my ear. My response was a squeal as I trembled, teetering close to orgasm. Held back by a single thread of the orgasm denial reprogramming.

“Please I, I’m so close.”

“Okay, I’ll let you cum. But… only if you ask me really nicely.”

I jumped on the opportunity for release before she could speak, blinded by my lust, I wanted it so badly. “Please Ona, anything. I’ll do any.”

“To whip Maria.” She cut in. “Ask me very nicely, beg me. To whip her until I get to the count of ten.”

Maria could see it in my eyes… the hunger. I looked directly into her eyes as I started begging, begging like a slut for Ona to hurt Maria. Ona began counting from ten back down to one, each lash was harder than the last, bringing her arm fully back for maximum force. Maria was truly suffering as Ona reached five. My body was shaking, the chastity cage dripping precum steadily to the floor between my legs as I began crying for Ona to make it as painful as she could.

“Whip her, whip the bitch. Yes make her hurt.”

Finally. “One.” She cheered, the sound of the whip mingled with Maria’s final agonising and muffled screech. I waited expectantly for my orgasm but still it refused to come.

“Unko… (Shit)” She chuckled, admiring the effects of her work, the pleasure from the brainwashing’s orgasm denial written clear on my face as she set me free. Ona dragged me behind Maria as I moaned incoherently.

“See Riley, all you needed was a little encouragement and look at you. Look how well you did.” Ona lead my gaze to Maria, Snakebite was a nasty tool and it had cut her deeply it had left her ass in a mess of double slashes. The hate burning silently in Maria’s gaze as she stared back into the mirror, small trickles of blood streaked her legs. I knew she would never forgive me for it but as Ona praised me with a playful slap. Sliding her thumb inside my mouth I didn't care about anything else. I wrapped my tongue around her soft little thumb and suckled it like a nipple.

“You may…” Ona paused biting her lip as my lusting gaze met her eyes. “Cum.” She whispered.

Oh and did I, moaning with my eyes rolled into the back of my head. It was amazing, a feeling like nothing I had ever felt before took hold of me. This was not a simple orgasm, I had orgasmed through my ass pussy and my sissy clit several times since El had brought me here, no this was a physical and mental eruption of pure pleasure, every part of me vibrated on the word as it escaped her lips. I buried my face into Ona’s crotch and fought out a weak and trembling. “Thank… you.” Before I collapsed onto the ground and my hands began exploring my feminine form I realised just how powerful Doctor Smith’s toys were. I looked over to Maria, and smiled.

“Come here.” She called, wiggling her finger. “I need to get you cleaned up before you go see the master. Don't want you all messy do we.” Ona nursed my wounds and applied a cream to my sore cheeks. “That should keep you going until tomorrow. Lie down.” She commanded, pointing to the floor as she made her way over to Maria.

“I want more.“

“You’re lucky I even let you play. You need to get it through that Backa (Idiot) head slut.”

There was a knock on the door and a black man with a scar across his cheek entered, his gaze fell to me as I played with myself on the floor.

“Hey Jack.” Ona called as she toyed with Maria’s exposed hole using her Riley lubed thumb. “You find the little runaway whore yet?”

“Uh… yea, Doc wants you to help get her prepared for her punishment.”

“See something you like Jack!”

His gaze pealed away to Ona and Maria. “Who she?”

“I’m Riley.” I purred.

Ona rammed her thumb into Maria as she dug her nails into her bloody ass cheek with her free hand, forcing a yelp from Maria. “Remember the last one you and El brought in.”

Jack looked surprised, and a little exited. “That was quick.”

“What was?”

“You already…”

“Cock hungry Riley… you’re already cock hungry.” Ona snapped, jealous at how I was staring at Jack’s bulge. I didn’t even notice where my gaze was until Jack started stroking himself through his pants.

“We’re done here Riley, The Master wanted to see you remember.” Ona dragged me to the door by my hair, dumping me at Jack’s feet. “Here, you can take her to him since she likes you so much.” And with that she slapped my ass and stormed off down the hallway to the Remodelling room as I fell to the floor.

Jack sighed. “Every fuckin time. You her new favourite too, thought you were El’s pet?”

Without thinking I blurted out my response. “I don’t belong to either of them.”

Jack laughed, as he started to lead me through the hall. “Hey, it don’t matter to me who you, sub to but remember new gurl… you gotta sub to one of em and the other’s gonna be real pissed when you do.”

“What do you mean?”

“Well, its like this, you either sub to one of the girls down here or you get passes around like a fleshlight, and that might sound good now, but once you settle in you need a dom. Not because its a rule, but because a fleshlight got no friends, just two holes.”

“That does sound good.” I said as I rubbed my ass, it was beginning to sting more as we walked.

“Humph, okay then, how about I put it like this. You sub to someone and Ona can't touch you unless they say so… or you don't sub, and she gets to rip that little throat open all day everyday.”

“That still sounds good to me Master.”

Jack began laughing again as we entered the upper floors, up here was the business side of the club, a whole mansion for partying and playing. The sun was streaming in through the window, it had been a while since I last saw or felt the sun.

“I’m Just Jack slut, just Jack.”

My mouth was still watering at the thought of his cock as we entered the garden area, my eyes fixed on his bulge.

“Don’t worry new gurl, you’ll get to try this dick real soon.” Jack teased with another rub of his pants, his cock must have been seven or eight inches easy, maybe bigger.

As we turned a corner I saw The Master sitting having breakfast ahead of us, he waved me over with a pleasant smile. As I began walking Jack slapped my bare ass hard, the sting brought me to my knees, reminding me of Maria, still gagged and bound far below in The Red Room. The Master seemed happy to see me, and I was happy to see him… for the first time perhaps.

“Did you have fun with Maria and Ona Riley?”

“Yes Master.”

“I see you disobeyed Ona.”

“Forgive me Master but…”

”You can call me Sir when we are alone like this Riley, I find it makes conversations more comfortable. Just remember that when you finish your induction period you are subject to the rules of the club like all the girls here. No exemptions are made for who’s pet you are.”

“Yes Sir.” I nodded.

“Did you have breakfast today.”

“Yes Sir, Ona made it and Maria served it.”

He smiled. “I mean Servant breakfast my dear. Not Sissy breakfast.”

“I… I’m sorry sir I don't understand.”

“You don’t think the other girls maintain their bodies from only consuming cum do you Riley?”

Blushing heavily I hung my head in embarrassment. “No sir.”

“There there my dear, take a seat, don’t worry. Its a little tradition of the Underground, Keepers feed pets a cum breakfast as a way to start the day off properly, they girls all say the first cum of the day is always the sweetest.”

“It was very sweet sir.”

“Although I didn’t think Ona would…” He paused in though for a moment. “Hmm, seems you’re quite popular Riley.”

“Because of Ona and El right Sir.”

“Smart girl. Sophia.” The master called one of the maid servants to the table. She was a small brunette with curls, dressed in a black and white maid outfit, the only thing that denoted her place as a fellow Club Gomorrah Servant was that her outfit was missing a chest section, leaving her large breasts exposed for all to see.

She curtseyed before us. “Oui (Yes) Master.” She was a quiet, soft spoken little thing with a french accent. The master proceeded to order a fluffy scrambled egg and toast with a cup of black coffee and glass of fresh orange juice for my breakfast. My favourite breakfast.

“Oui, tout de suite Master. (Yes, right away.)” Sophia curtseyed again and disappeared into the mansion.

“How did you know?” I asked confused.

“We put all prospective girls through a period of surveillance Riley… where you go, what you do, what you like. We would have been shut down by the authorities by now if we were sloppy or careless wouldn’t we.”

“It did feel strange you would choose me simply from my activity on the website now I think of it Sir.”

“You were one of six possible choices for us Riley, we originally planned for you to simply be a small source of income, but in the end Elysium was quite taken with you. Malory, that is Mistress Smith… also wanted you as the next test subject. Like I said, you're quite popular.” The Master began to inspect me visually, following the curves of my body from my neck all the way to my ankles. “Now I have time to properly look, I must applaud Malory’s hard work, you did turn out quite nicely.”

Sophia returned with a tray of items. Setting it down on the table and laying out the items I saw the impressive weight she was carrying on her chest. My cage straining again between my legs.

“Thank you.” I managed to force out.

She smiled, peaking a glance at the cause of my frustration with a cheeky wink as she set down my plate, curtseyed and again disappeared.

“Can I ask a question Sir?”

“Please do, but eat as well.”

“Are all the girls from different countries or, or do they just look and sound like they are.” I asked with a bit of toast.

“Some, Ona is Japanese, but like most girls here she speaks mainly English. Her Japanese quotation of some words like, cute, yes and no. They are the result of Malory’s Reprogramming. Sophia is British, but with the same process we create the illusion of a french maid. You’ll understand better when you go through the next stage of Reprogramming.”

“Next stage?”

The master simply nodded.

“I heard Ona recommended a block on your orgasm’s.” He said as he drank his own coffee.

“I was… selfish.”

“You seem to have blossomed into quite a beautiful little flower Riley. I am very happy to see that.” He said proudly. “You know, orgasm blockers are one of my favourite alterations that we can perform on our girls. See, all a person has to do is speak the phrase “You may cum.”

My fingers dug into the table when The Master spoke the words, I exploded into an orgasmic bliss despite having no stimulation what so ever prior to the phrase.

“See My dear, it can be both pleasure and pain when used in the right way, you best remember that when you’re dealing with the other girls and any clients you get familiar with.” He stood from the table and began making his way into the mansion. “When you finish your food come to the Remodelling room. I want you to see what happens when you make me unhappy.”


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Saga 3 8211 Encouraging My Brother To Deflower 8211 Sravya8217s Tale

Hie all, this is Sravya penning down my experience again in ISS. Lemme give you a brief introduction about me. I’m actually from Hyderabad but studying in Vizag and let’s keep the rest of my personals in private. Thanks everyone for the appreciations for the previous two fantasies. Both of them and this present one include a set of common people. So go through all for a better understanding. I’m providing the links above. 1....

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The Saga of Sue

CHAPTER ONE ? THE INTRODUCTION OF SUE Of course, I am compelled for legal reasons to state that this is a work of fiction, written with no actual person in mind.? Any likeness to actual events or people is a matter of coincidence.  The Saga of sue By Master Rick? ([email protected]) CHAPTER ONE ? THE INTRODUCTION OF SUEGood Morning.? I am sue.? It is the name my Master has given me, among many others.? I have been serving him for nine years and I have been his slave for five.? I am...

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The White Sissy Slave Society A Walk into Sissyhood

The White Sissy Slave Society: Sold into Sissyhood By Meeah Soo They were standing in a small group, drinking beer, smoking, and laughing. I could hear the rap music thumping aggressively from their boom-box. I could see them watching our car. It was late, well after midnight, and this particular park was no place for a white sissy to be at this hour. I've never been a physically or mentally strong person. I'm very easily intimidated. And there I was in a tiny plaid mini and white...

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Sissy Julian Chapter III Further Development

Just when Julian's Lake Orenda experience seemed perfect, even if he is not about to admit it, circumstances change. But then Julian and the twins were very naughty boys, and we all know what happens to naughty sissies. So, if lots of frilly sissy outfits, super swishy behavior and a little kinky sex - not to mention dominant women - are your thing, please read on. If not, thanks for looking. It is also a purely fanciful, fantasy fictional work. No references are intended to...

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Sissy Julian Chapter VI Growing Pains

Sissy Julian - Chapter VI, Growing Pains by: sissystevie Yes, 'tis I, back again. If I can remember how to post this thing on FM. I came across a partially completed additional chapter to this saga, which I abandoned for personal reasons eight years ago, and thought why not? Thus, spurred on by some of your wonderful comments, I completed the chapter and may well complete the saga. There are just too many wonderful kinky - and romantic - moment to come. If you want me to...

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Journeys West Chapter 2 The Saga is Set in Motion

Chapter 2 - The Saga is Set in Motion Trying to figure out what was going on was going to give her a headache. She had not thought that she believed in ghosts, but that might be the only way to explain where the girl had gone. There was no way she could have run away without being seen. Walking back to her work area, Mary Sue checked the book she carried for any damage. It looked like it had not suffered from being mistreated, so she decided that the best thing to do was to leave...

4 years ago
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Sissy Farm Chapter Eighteen

Sissy Farm - Chapter 18 - By: Beverly Taff List of Characters. Me: Michelle - A Natural transvestite sissy; Janice: My Younger sister; Aunty Bev: Janice and My mother's Sister; Mistress Janet: Headmistress of the young lady's academy; Dr Shirley: My endocrinologist; Miranda: A very effeminate Sissy sales assistant; Miss Stern: Miranda's mistress who owns the shop; Peregrine: AKA. Uncle Penny. My transvestite uncle, (Aunty Bev's...

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Sissy Stepmother

Sissy Stepmother A Pantyboy Profile INTRODUCTION Cheryl here. You remember me. The 20-year-old pantyboy extraordinaire. Every man's naughty, secret, wet dream. Raconteur without equal. In "Service" and "Test Driven," I told you about Amy and Judy, two of my lovely roommates, fellow pantyboys and like me, covergirls for "Panty Boy," the only publication worth buying, besides some of those Spermco comic books about us "special boygirls" and the "Sunday New York Times." And Panty...

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Sissy Farm Chapter Eleven

Sissy Farm - Chapter Eleven By: Beverly Taff List Of Characters. Me: Michelle - A Natural transvestite sissy. Janice: My Younger sister Aunty Bev: Janice and My mother's Sister. Mistress Janet: Headmistress of the young lady's academy Dr Shirley: My endocrinologist. Miranda: A very effeminate Sissy sales assistant. Miss Stern: Miranda's mistress who owns the shop. Peregrine: AKA. Uncle Penny. My transvestite uncle, (Aunty Bev's brother.) James: AKA. Auntie...

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Sissy Julian Chapter VII The Birth of Julia

Sissy Julian - Chapter VII, The Birth of Julia by: sissystevie Well, another, albeit short, but transitional chapter. My author grove is coming back. High time to get our little sissy into major petticoats. I think maybe we shall complete this saga. It's become fun again. Again, I do recommend a review of the prior six chapters to refresh your sissy senses, not to mention a few other urges. As always this is a purely fanciful, fantasy fictional work. No references are intended...

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Sissy Farm Chapter Twelve

Sissy Farm - Chapter Twelve By: Beverly Taff List Of Characters. Me: Michelle - A Natural transvestite sissy. Janice: My Younger sister Aunty Bev: Janice and My mother's Sister. Mistress Janet: Headmistress of the young lady's academy Dr Shirley: My endocrinologist. Miranda: A very effeminate Sissy sales assistant. Miss Stern: Miranda's mistress who owns the shop. Peregrine: AKA. Uncle Penny. My transvestite uncle, (Aunty Bev's brother.) James: AKA....

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Sissy Farm Chapter Fourteen

Sissy Farm - Chapter Fourteen By: Beverly Taff List of Characters. Me: Michelle - A Natural transvestite sissy; Janice: My Younger sister; Aunty Bev: Janice and My mother's Sister; Mistress Janet: Headmistress of the young lady's academy; Dr Shirley: My endocrinologist; Miranda: A very effeminate Sissy sales assistant; Miss Stern: Miranda's mistress who owns the shop; Peregrine: AKA. Uncle Penny. My transvestite uncle, (Aunty...

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Making a Sissy Maid Chapters 14

Chapter 1: Chris and Paige I guess I started withdrawing from my school friends at about the time my mother re-married and when I was about fourteen. My father had left two years before and we'd not heard from since. In that time I'd felt I'd got closer and closer to my mother, and we'd always been pretty close. We'd spend a lot of time together - playing games, talking about things, cooking, cleaning our small house in a less than fashionable suburb. We became like friends, I even...

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Sissy Farm Chapter TwentyOne

Sissy Farm - Chapter Twenty One - By: Beverly Taff List of Characters. Me, Michelle: A Natural transvestite sissy; Janice: My Younger sister; Aunty Bev: Janice and My mother's Sister; Mistress Janet: Headmistress of the young lady's academy; Doctor Shirley Williams: My endocrinologist; Miranda: A very effeminate Sissy sales assistant; Miss Stern: Miranda's mistress who owns the shop; Peregrine, AKA. Uncle Penny: My transvestite uncle. (Aunty...

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Tweak Chapter Four Whats A Sissy To Do

What makes a sissy happy? What makes a sissy's Mistresses happy? It's complicated. Author's note: Although I'm posting this in serial form, I assure you, dear reader, this humble offering consisting of eight chapters, is complete. "Tweak" By: Simonne Danielle © 2008 - 2010 All Rights Reserved Chapter Four - What's A Sissy To Do "You have made your Mistress very happy, sissy Simonne. Let's see if we can't make you just as happy." She led him to the bedroom...

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Sissy Farm Chapter Nineteen

Sissy Farm - Chapter 19 - By: Beverly Taff List of Characters. Me: Michelle - A Natural transvestite sissy; Janice: My Younger sister; Aunty Bev: Janice and My mother's Sister; Mistress Janet: Headmistress of the young lady's academy; Dr Shirley: My endocrinologist; Miranda: A very effeminate Sissy sales assistant; Miss Stern: Miranda's mistress who owns the shop; Peregrine: AKA. Uncle Penny. My transvestite uncle, (Aunty Bev's...

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The Fury Saga Book 8 Soul Mates

Soul Mates -------------- (c) Darkside Oct 2000 WARNING: This story contains acts of graphic violence and acts of a sexual nature. Do not read if you are at all offended by such material, delete it from your disk now and read no further. This story should not be read by anyone under the age of eighteen so if this is you please do not proceed. After six years of planning and writing, the Fury saga is now complete. If you wondered why there's been no new Darkside stories for 16...

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The Incest Saga 2 Planning And Executing

Hello all, I am bittu again. Presenting 2nd part of the most arousing story of recent times. The incest saga. Please do read the first part by the name “The incest saga 1 REALISATION ” for better understanding. Coming to the story, I could not forget the series of incidents happened. I was get shivers every time I thought of the feeling of touching her boobs. I was equally scared that she might tell my parents about my deed. So I fell back. I did not visited her for next week. But I could not...

1 year ago
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Outward Bound Book 2 of the Tufts Family SagaChapter 3 Fine Feathered Friends

Jason, Ellie and Val winked into existence aboard the Harvest Moon and were ushered directly into a side alcove. The Marine Captain greeted them warmly but with clear deference showing in his manor. "Jason," he said, "you are to remain here with me while the ladies are boosted up. If you would like I could give you a tour of our ship and operations." Jason was nervous but hid it well, as he understood his part in this program. He was wearing civilian clothing that looked as if it might...

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Sissy Farm Chapter Sixteen

Sissy Farm - Chapter 16 By: Beverly Taff List of Characters. Me: Michelle - A Natural transvestite sissy; Janice: My Younger sister; Aunty Bev: Janice and My mother's Sister; Mistress Janet: Headmistress of the young lady's academy; Dr Shirley: My endocrinologist; Miranda: A very effeminate Sissy sales assistant; Miss Stern: Miranda's mistress who owns the shop; Peregrine: AKA. Uncle Penny. My transvestite uncle, (Aunty Bev's...

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Sissy Julian Chapter II Introductions

Julian's story continues with his first day at Lake Orenda, and quite an interesting day it proves to be! If lots of frilly sissy outfits, super swishy behavior and a little sex - not to mention dominant women - are your thing, please read on. If not, thanks for looking anyway. It is also a purely fanciful, fantasy fictional work. No references are intended to portray any actual persons, places or events whether past or present. This chapter is rated R as it contains sissy sex....

4 years ago
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A Sissy Saga Ch 13

When not on duty on a Sunday Margaret Pardoe sometimes found herself at a loose end, and that particular Sunday she’d used up what enthusiasm she had for her embroidery project in the morning and had to settle for a stroll in the garden after lunch. Emma was on duty, but that didn’t prevent Margaret from being watchful of the school rules or for taking remedial action of her own if they were infringed. It was the only way she could wile away time on a hot, dreary day without formal lessons. ...

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A Sissy Saga Ch 11

‘Your financial accounting is abysmal, Miss Hancock.’ said the man from the Department of Inland Revenue. ‘Some of the necessary records are incomplete and others are totally missing. How can you hope to complete a Tax Return for your business without appropriate qualifying evidence?’ Miriam Hancock eyed him with some malevolence as he poked the documents in front of him with a bony finger. Horace Weevil was a tall, thin man, who despite the long spell of fine weather was wearing an expensive...

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Sissy Farm Chapter Nine

Sissy Farm - Chapter Nine By: Beverly Taff List Of Characters. Me: Michelle - A Natural transvestite sissy. Janice: My Younger sister Aunty Bev: Janice and My mother's Sister. Mistress Janet: Headmistress of the young lady's academy Dr Shirley: My endocrinologist. Miranda: A very effeminate Sissy sales assistant. Miss Stern: Miranda's mistress who owns the shop. Peregrine: AKA. Uncle Penny. My transvestite uncle. (Aunty Bev's brother.) James: AKA. Auntie...

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Sissy Julian Chapter I Beginnings

Here we go again. Some boys simply are sissies. This is the story of one of them. It is not a story of discovery, although there is much of that, but rather a tale of a lovely boy's trip to self-realization, albeit a tad 'forced.' If lots of frilly sissy boy and girl outfits, super swishy behavior and a little sex, not to mention dominant women, are your thing, please read on. If not, thanks for looking anyway. It is also a purely fanciful, fictional fantasy work. No references...

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Sissy Julian Chapter IX Girlie Training

Sissy Julian - Chapter IX, Girlie Training by: sissystevie Calm before the storm as Julia learns womanly skills. But for whom? And as what? This is a transitional chapter that uncovers some of the mystery behind The Order and Miss Jane's recent activities. I included the section on The Order simply because it has been so long since it and many of the related characters were first presented in 'Dani's Story.' As always, this is a purely fanciful, fantasy fictional work....

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Sissy Farm Chapter Seventeen

Sissy Farm ? Chapter 17 - By: Beverly Taff List of Characters. Me: Michelle - A Natural transvestite sissy; Janice: My Younger sister; Aunty Bev: Janice and My mother?s Sister; Mistress Janet: Headmistress of the young lady?s academy; Dr Shirley: My endocrinologist; Miranda: A very effeminate Sissy sales assistant; Miss Stern: Miranda?s mistress who owns the shop; Peregrine: AKA. Uncle Penny. My transvestite uncle, (Aunty Bev?s...

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Sissy Farm Chapter Four

Sissy Farm - Chapter Four By: Beverly Taff List of Characters. Me: Michelle, a natural transvestite sissy; Janice: My Younger sister; Aunty Bev: Janice and My mother's Sister; Mistres Janet: Headmistress of the young lady's academy; Doctor Shirley Williams: My endocrinologist; Miranda: A very effeminate Sissy sales assistant; Miss Stern: Miranda's mistress who owns the shop; Peregrine: My transvestite uncle. Chapter Four When we arrived...

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Sissy Farm Chapter Thirteen

Sissy Farm - Chapter 13 By: Beverly Taff List of Characters. Me: Michelle - A Natural transvestite sissy; Janice: My Younger sister; Aunty Bev: Janice and My mother's Sister; Mistress Janet: Headmistress of the young lady's academy; Dr Shirley: My endocrinologist; Miranda: A very effeminate Sissy sales assistant; Miss Stern: Miranda's mistress who owns the shop; Peregrine: AKA. Uncle Penny. My transvestite uncle, (Aunty Bev's...

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