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Eden main line of defense

September 14, 2146

0445 hours

The 17th, 9th, and 14th ACRs, the battered veterans of two Jutfield Gap battles, made their way into the rear areas, passing through the main line of defense and assembling in staging areas west of the city but east of the artillery positions. Eden defense doctrine dictated that these three regiments were to be resupplied and refueled and then utilized as tactical reserve units for the 2nd Infantry Division where their rapid mobility capabilities would allow them to be rushed — either piecemeal or fully intact — to portions of the main line that required immediate reinforcement. It was plain from the moment they came limping in that doctrine was not exactly being followed in this instance.

The first thing noticed was that all of their tanks and the support vehicles that supplied and fueled them were not in the staging area.

"Where the fuck are the tanks?" Jeff asked Drogan as the dismounted wearily from their APC. He was looking around almost frantically, seeing nothing but other APCs, armored supply vehicles, and, strangely, dozens of the tracked agricultural trucks that the 2nd Infantry soldiers had recently used to remove the WestHem dead from the battlefield between phases.

"I don't see them," Drogan replied, taking only a cursory look around. "Have you heard from Xenia? Maybe she can tell you."

"I haven't heard from her in more than an hour. She sent me a text after the last withdrawal so I know she was all right then."

"Nothing since?"

He shook his head. "The tanks aren't even showing up on the forces screen anymore," he said. "It's like they were never there in the first place."

"That is kinda strange," Drogan said. "I'm sure there's a good reason for it."

"Yeah," Jeff said worriedly. "I'm sure there is." First Hicks was killed and now Xenia was missing — vanished without a trace. What else could happen?

He soon found out. Colonel Martin himself — commander of the 17th ACR — arrived on a support APC. He was dressed in a brand new model 459 military biosuit but he carried no weapons on him. He stood atop the turret of one of the APCs and commandeered the main dispatch channel so he could address the entire regiment (except the tanks, which had disappeared).

"Men and women of the 17th," he said, his gravelly voice transmitted in clear digital audio. "We don't have much time before things start hopping around here again so I'll spare you the blathering bullshit about the last battle. We were hit hard and fast in all sectors and we took some heavy casualties — unacceptably heavy casualties. We weren't able to fulfill our primary mission of slowing down the WestHem marines at the gap and the defensive lines behind the gap. We were not able to inflict significant casualties on the enemy. This failure was not the fault of any of you out there — you people fought hard and you fought well and I'm proud of each and every one of you. Nor was this failure my fault, or General Jackson's fault, or General Zoloft's fault, or Governor Whiting's fault. It was simply the fortunes of war acting against us. The enemy got one in on us with their air strike and were able to prevent us from neutralizing their artillery. They came at us with overwhelming numbers before reinforcements could be fully deployed. In short, they kicked our asses in this particular battle. That is war and the Martian way is not to try to find someone to blame but to try as hard as we can to learn from what happened and to prevent it from happening again.

"That is what we're trying to do now. Our reinforcements from the 12th and the 5th ACRs out of Proctor have now all arrived and are being deployed to the main line. Most of the 4th Infantry Division from Proctor are on their way here right now and should start arriving early this evening. So please take assurance in the fact that help is here and more is on the way."

He took a few breaths and looked around at the sea of faces staring back at him from behind their helmets. "People," he said, "I fully understand why some of you are doing this but desertion is starting to become a serious problem out here. I know that right now many of you are contemplating leaving before the next phase of this battle begins, particularly those of you in the anti-tank platoons. It was you folks, after all, who were hit the hardest out there in the gap and in the blue line positions. But before any more of you leave please let me explain a few things to you. All I ask is that you listen to me and trust me as you've trusted me in the past. I made a vow long ago that I would never lie to my troops and I'm not about to start now."

He paused to let that sink in. When he felt it had, he went on. "Okay, the first point I want to make is that the defensive positions you'll be manning here on the main line are much more formidable then the positions in the gap. The main line has always been regarded as the place to make our final stand and it was constructed with that in mind. Those positions are solid, reinforced concrete bunkers with concrete overhead protection that will stand up a lot longer to artillery bombardment before crumbling.

"Now I understand the basic theory of defensive positions. No matter how strong your defenses are, a determined concentration of firepower will eventually break it. We haven't neutralized the WestHem artillery and, if we don't, it is possible that they might be able to inflict significant, even lethal damage upon these positions. I don't like telling you that, I know it isn't helping my pleas to stem the flow of desertions, but it's the truth. If we don't do something about the WestHem arty, we may have a repeat of the Jutfield Gap and the Blue Line casualties. It will just take a little longer.

"So... on that note, I have been authorized to tell you that General Jackson and General Zoloft are working on a way to reduce or neutralize that artillery in this theater of action. I can't tell you what their plan is — although I have been briefed on the rudimentaries of it — but I can assure you that there is a plan in effect and it stands a very good chance of being effective. Now if this were WestHem and I was a WestHem marine colonel telling you this, I would expect you all to think it was a bunch of bullshit. However, I'm not a WestHem marine colonel, I'm a Martian colonel and I've told you this same thing before during the first phase of the battle. I was telling you the truth then, wasn't I? I am not lying to you now. I hope you will all consider my record before making any decisions.

"And there is something else I'd like you to consider as well. I have been told by General Jackson and General Zoloft that our forces here in Eden will not be subjected to that volume of fire again even if their plan should fail. If we cannot knock out or neutralize the WestHem artillery and they began to bring shells down with impunity as they did before, you will all be pulled back and the city will be surrendered to the WestHems before we even have a chance to experience the sort of losses we suffered in the gap and at the Blue Line.

"So please, have faith in your leadership a little bit longer. We need every man and woman with a gun, with an AT weapon, with an APC or a tank to stand between our city and those forces of corporate WestHem that are trying to take it away from us. We can do this, people, if we only stay united. We're fighting for our very freedom. Don't let us lose it after everything we've gone through to get this far. If we lose, then all those who have fallen will have fallen in vain. That is all I have to say on that subject. Now then... I have reserve assignments for those who will be staying."

He tried to go onto his reserve assignments but he was interrupted by the sound of applause. He wouldn't have thought he could hear something like that out in the thin atmosphere, with everyone wearing gloves on his or her hands, with his own head covered with an insulated helmet, but sixteen hundred people doing it at once made a noise no matter where you were — as long as there was any air to carry the sound.

"Thank you," Martin said when it finally died out. "As I said, I'm proud of each and every one of you and when we beat those fucks back into orbit you will all know that you played a major part in it. Now, on that note... those assignments.

"As you might have noticed, the tanks and their support units are not here. They have already been reassigned and redeployed to the 2nd Infantry to help shore up certain positions on the line where a particularly thick barrier is needed. Many of the tanks from the 2nd Infantry have joined them. Unfortunately this has left some armor gaps in other places along the line and our APCs, minus their mounted infantry crews, will be used to augment these gaps."

"What the fuck?" Jeff heard Tim Locker — the driver of their APC — mutter over the tactical channel. "Augment the tanks?"

"I know this is a departure from MPG doctrine," Martin was saying. "Trust me when I say it is a necessity. And, like the AT positions in the bunker complexes, our fixed armor positions are a bit more considerable than the gap positions. They are all hull-down depressions surrounded by concrete and reinforced with titanium shielding on the front and sides. The APCs will not be placed in any position where they are not augmented by at least one 2nd Infantry main battle tank."

"How are we supposed to reinforce anyone if they're taking our APCs?" Drogan asked. "Are we supposed to walk to where they need us?"

"No," Jeff replied, pointing to a group of the tracked agricultural trucks. "I think they've developed alternate transport for us."

It turned out he was entirely correct as Colonel Martin explained just seconds later.

"Great," said Walker, who, though he had applauded as loud as anyone a few minutes ago, seemed less than thrilled with all the change in basic doctrine. "We'll be riding in the back of trucks, completely exposed. One proximity shell from one artillery gun or even a mortar will shred us all."

They all pondered that unpleasant image in silence.

"Okay, folks," Martin wrapped up. "The WestHems are currently performing a textbook assault on the Purple Line, which they don't realize is completely empty. After that, it is anticipated they'll do the same for the Red Line. After that, we expect they'll have to refuel and rearm before they can move on the main line. That will take most of the day to accomplish and our arty, special forces teams, and aircraft intend to make that process as slow and painful for them as possible.

"In the meantime, we ourselves need to refuel and re-arm too. Let's get that done and then start moving to our new assignments." He paused for a second or two. "Free Mars, people. Free Mars. We're not just saying it, we're fucking doing it!"

AgriCorp Greenhouse 02.13223 — 05.66542, 14 kilometers northwest of Eden

0645 hours

This particular greenhouse was full of tomato plants that had been days from being harvested. Now it looked like most of the yield would have to be written off since 253 main battle tanks had entered the sanctity of their growing area and smashed most of them flat with their treads — enough agricultural destruction to make an AgriCorp executive cry had any of them known about it.

The tanks were spread out in staggered lines all across the fields, their ranks closing like a funnel into four distinct lines near the north end where four fueling and resupply cars were waiting to service each of them. At the head of each line the tanks would be pumped full of hydrogen for fuel, oxygen for oxidizer, and would have any shells or bullets they'd shot off in the first engagements replaced. They would then move onto the access tunnel that led to the next greenhouse to the north where a final assembly for... for something was taking place.

Out the west side of the greenhouse the first foothills of the Sierra Madres mountain range could be seen. Beyond that, the higher peaks of the range were poking up above the horizon, dust devils and plumes of red being blown from their summits. This section of agricultural land was among the oldest on Mars, the first to be cultivated in Eden's earlier days. It was also the furthest west the greenhouse complexes stretched — most of them were off to the north and the east of the city on the vast flatlands known as The Plains of Eden. The two greenhouses the tanks were assembling in were the very last ones built in the westerly direction before the land began to rise into the foothills.

Xenia sat atop the turret of her tank, her legs dangling down into the commander's hatchway. Since they were in a pressurized environment she, like most of the rest of the tank crews, had removed her helmet, unzipped the top of her biosuit, and pushed it down into a bunch around her stomach. Her braless breasts jiggling beneath her tight and sweaty MPG t-shirt had become a point of distraction for most of the males — and many of the females — within visual range of her. She pretended not to notice as she munched on a tomato she'd picked from one of the surviving plants and chatted with Belinda who was poking out of the driver's hatch, also unprotected to the waist and also eating a tomato. Belinda's large breasts created some distractions as well, although not quite as much since they were firmly encased in a cotton sport bra beneath her t-shirt.

"So what do you think?" Belinda suddenly asked, breaking a lull in conversation that had gone on for the past fifteen minutes.

"What do I think?" Xenia responded, looking at her with a sparkle in her eyes. "I think I'd love to come down there right now and lick that tomato juice off your pouty lips."

Belinda flushed with arousal at these words but she refused to take the bait. "I mean what do you think about all this?" she asked, pointing at the formation of tanks all around them. "What in the hell are we doing out here, fifteen kilometers away from where the action's gonna be? What are they gonna do with us?"

"I liked my thought better," Xenia grumbled. She sighed and tried to take her mind off how fucking horny she was right now. She was ordinarily quite amorous in her pursuits of pleasure but combat seemed to wrench this up by a factor of four or so. She wasn't able to completely banish the erotic thoughts from her head but she was at least able to push them back to their own red line. "I heard a few rumors when I was out picking these tomatoes."

"Yeah?" Belinda asked. "What are they saying?"

"They're just rumors," she qualified. "Probably based on nothing but speculation, but the consensus seems to be that we're going to be used for some kind of surprise flank attack."

"A surprise flank attack?"

"That's what they're saying," she confirmed. "They pulled 250 or so main battle tanks off the line where we're desperately needed and moved us up here to the north, well beyond where any fighting could conceivably take place. They cut all outgoing communications from our combat computers and our tank computers — Jeff must be worried sick about me by now."

Belinda frowned at the mention of Jeff Creek, a stab of black jealousy piercing straight into her heart. "Uh huh," she said, just barely maintaining a civil tone. "What else?"

"I was talking to one of the 2nd Infantry guys out there. He said his battalion was split in two when they sent out the movement orders. He doesn't know where the other half got sent — they cut off the com link before he could talk to one of his butt-buddies assigned to the other half — but he saw them heading south from the main line. He seemed to think there's another group of tanks teaming up somewhere south of the city."

"Hmmm," Belinda said thoughtfully. "What the hell kind of flanking maneuver do they think we're gonna be able to do? The marines have more than six thousand tanks out there. They're stretching them all across the valley from the Sierra Madres to the Overlook Mountains. How can you flank anything if you can't get around it?"

"I don't know," Xenia said. "As I said, it's just a rumor."

"What if that's not what they're planning?"

"What do you mean?"

"What if they mean to have us blast straight through their line?" Belinda asked. "That would be suicide."

"Yes," Xenia said, nibbling on her bottom lip a little. "The strength of our tank forces is our fixed positions. If we go mobile we lose our advantage and they outnumber us twenty to one — or at least ten to one if there's another 250 of us assembling to the south."

"That's still nowhere near enough for a head-on confrontation," Belinda said. "I'm sorry, but if that's what our orders are they can count me out. I'm willing to risk my ass out here but I'm not gonna throw my life away for nothing."

"Me either," Xenia agreed.

The four tanks in front of them finished up their loading and moved off, heading for the tunnel. The loading bosses waved the next four forward.

"About fucking time," Belinda mumbled. She dropped back into her hatch and disappeared. A moment later the tank's engine started up with its distinctive turbine whine. Xenia held onto the barrel of the commander's machine gun as they moved forward nine meters and stopped next to the supply cars. The engine shut down and Belinda popped back up again, climbing completely out. Xenia climbed out as well and waked across the top of the right tread guard where she opened the main hatch to the turret.

The ammo supply technician, a greasy, dangerous looking type of about nineteen or so, walked over to her. He was shirtless, his skin shimmering with sweat in the early morning light, his gang tattoos (he had honorably retired from The Dust Devils of 44th Avenue) showing prominently.

"Hey there," he said as he unabashedly looked Xenia up and down. "You are one sweet looking piece of ass, darling," he told her.

Xenia smiled at him. There had been a time when she would have been deathly afraid of such a person but that time was now gone forever. Her exposure to Jeff and to the horrors of the battlefield had burned such fears right out of her. Instead, she wondered if there was a way to take advantage of his lustful infatuation for her. "Thank you," she told him, giving a deliberate bounce to make her breasts jiggle.

The loader groaned lasciviously. "Damn, bitch," he told her. "Those are the juiciest fuckin' melons I ever seen. I been scopin' on them titties since you was six tanks back."

"I thought I felt them burning," she said sexily, giving a little shoulder shrug.

"Mmm hmmm," he said. "You gotta let me check them things out, baby," he said. "I won't be able to sleep tonight if I don't."

"Well... we'll see what we can arrange maybe," she said.

"Fuck yeah!" he yelled enthusiastically.

"But first," she said, "business before titties. Aren't you supposed to be laying some ammo on me?"

He sighed in mock consternation and then turned businesslike himself. "The fuckin' war effort must go on," he said. "What you be needing?"

Xenia turned businesslike as well. "Six eighties and a hundred twenties," she said.

"Fuckin' aye," he said. "You good on four millimeter?"

"Haven't fired a round of that yet. We could use some extra food packs and waste packs though."

"Coming right up, sweet tits," he told her. He walked over to his car and disappeared inside.

Meanwhile, a prim and proper woman in her early thirties, wearing a wedding ring with a huge diamond on it on a chain around her neck, had attached a fueling hose to the inlets at the front of the tank.

"What do you need?" she asked Belinda.

"Eighteen K hydro, twenty-one K O2," she replied.

"Fuckin' aye," the woman said. "It's loading."

"You look very familiar," Belinda said. "Do I know you from somewhere?"

The woman smiled. "Everyone says that," she said. "But no one can ever figure it out when they see me dressed like this and pumping fuel into their tanks. I'm Callie Hashbar."

"Callie Hashbar?" Belinda said in surprise. "No shit?" Callie Hashbar was a longtime news anchor for one of the primary MarsGroup video channels. She was married to one of the upper echelon executives for MarsGroup.

"No shit," she said. "Back when the war started I figured I could serve Mars better by signing up for service instead of reading off a teleprompter in front of a camera. I asked for combat duty but... well, I wasn't in good enough shape so they put me in a support position." She shrugged. "I don't mind though. If it wasn't for people like me you folks wouldn't have any fuel to fight those fucks, would you?"

"Fuckin' aye," Belinda agreed.

The fueling took about five minutes. By the time it was done the greasy former gang member emerged from his car with an electric cart full of eighty-millimeter shells, a case of twenty-millimeter shells, and stacks of food and waste packs. He drove it over to the side of the tank.

"Your supplies are ready, sweet tits," he told Xenia.

"Right," she said. They began the loading process, which consisted of the loader handing the shells one by one to Belinda who, in turn, handed them to Xenia inside the tank. Xenia would then put them in the ammo slots that loaded the main gun. After the eighties they loaded the twenty millimeters in. After that they loaded up the waste packs and the food packs and handed out their used packs.

"You're all loaded," the gang member said with a grin. "Now how about flashin' me a quick shot of them titties to keep my morale up?"

Xenia looked at him, as if considering. "Well..." she said, "you don't get somethin' for nothin' in this world, you know what I mean?"

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Jokes and GigglesChapter 109

ODE TO THE SPELL CHECKER Eye have a spelling checker It came with my pea sea It plainly marques four my revue Miss steak eye kin not sea Eye strike a key and type a word And weight 4 it 2 say Weather eye am wrong ore write It shows me strait a weigh As soon as a mist ache is maid It nose bee fore two long And eye can put the error rite Its rare lea ever wrong, Eye have run this poem threw it I am shore your pleased two no Its letter perfect awl the weigh My chequer tolled me...

2 years ago
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The Lady Riding AtopChapter 3 A Dinner of Introspection and Lust

Ashley sat at the table across from her mother, the wood of her seat hard against her bare ass. Her mother had ordered something for them both: a salad and a fall stew. Ashley had been too distracted to pay any real attention to what was available. While her hand mechanically moved food to her mouth, she was too excited and distracted to focus on what she was eating. Ashley was acutely aware of her nakedness in a way she’d rarely been before. Truthfully, it was not entirely, or perhaps...

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Sweet to Eat

Lots of women complain that they don’t like the taste of their man’s cum. What seems funny about that to me is that they will take a load in their mouths but they won’t swallow. Tastes buds are in your mouth, not your stomach. Once you’ve got the cum on your tongue, it seems a bit ridiculous to spit it out; the damage has been done so to speak. While I’m definitely not a fan of taking a load on my face and it seems sort of a waste to have it anywhere other than inside me, I’m here to say...

1 year ago
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Papa Ke Dost Ki Ladki

Hi dosto aapka sexy raj hazir hai,girls aunt,housewife,bhabhi mujhe mail karo na kya aapko meri story paddke anand nahin aata to aap sab kyon chupati hain apne dil ki chaht,apne sex ki tadap,mat tadpo,main aaoka hi hoon,bass mujhe mail karoo, par main wait kar raha hoon aapki.mere papa ke dost ki ladki jo rajasthan se thi moradabad padne ke liye aaye aur hamare ghar aane janee lagi uska naam anita tha .wo 18 ki thi humse kaffi ghul mil gayee thi aur mujhse bhi lekin itni kamsin haseena ko main...

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Furre Fuck Flick

Running padded fingers through my luxurious belly fur, I peer into the tall mirror tacked to the closet door across from my bed. My purple eyes sweep my body. Pulling at the scrunchie, purple hair tumbles around my shoulders. Damn, I’m so hot, I turn myself on standing naked in front of the mirror, posing for myself. My fur is thick and white with a silver diamond on my back. My floppy ears always got me teased in school, bullies claiming I’m not a pure wolf. Even with proof it didn’t seem to...

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His Angel ch 4

The following months would test Amanda’s love for Douglas to the limits. She would soon find out how hard it would be to handle the long weeks of separation. It was July and he was on the phone telling her he was on his way to California. He most likely will be gone four weeks this time. He knew it would upset her, because so far they have not been apart for more than three weeks at a time. He chose his words carefully, when he talked to her. ‘Amanda, I know this is hard on you. I told you it...

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Angela by elderberry George: I must be crazy. I stood outside of Arthur's front door, with my luggage, hesitating before ringing the bell. Arthur and I, internet friends, corresponded by e-mail and had opened a line of communication hard to accommodate in the everyday give and take of friendship. We confessed to failings, both physical and moral, that we dare not reveal to our closest friends. I had told him about my masturbatory habits and my erection problems. He had confessed to...

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The DST Agent

The DST Agent By Malissa Madison Spring of 1980 was a very rough time, fresh out of Basic Training and Advanced Individual Training (AIT). Private Don Madison was met at the DC Greyhound station by two Agents of the army's CID, Criminal Investigations Division. He was secreted on post in the dead of night, where the Post AG handled all the in-processing himself while no one was around to see what was going on, or who was being assigned as the newest Joint Drug...

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Where the Bad Girls Live

By Lucas The urge hit me while I was doing eighty miles out of Dallas. I was tired of southern women and their sins. It was all the same. A woman would cheat on her boyfriend and consider it a minor offense but would then develop a guilt trip over not calling their mother. It was too bizarre for even me. I was heading back East where things were less complicated and the bad girls were really bad. When the urge strikes it must be obeyed. The urge swelled inside of me till the steering wheel...

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Disciplined at Work Again

David walked in to the office still feeling sore from his caning the day before. Susan had had control of him for just four days but had found three separate occasions to spank him, and the caning yesterday was the worst so far. He had to tell himself the worst so far as Susan made it clear she will step up the severity of punishment if his behaviour didn’t improve. David got to the office at 8 O’clock which is well before anyone else arrived to try to settle himself down before he had to face...

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my dirty maid vasanthi

Hi, I’m Ash. I’m here to tell you guys and gals this real incident that happen with my maid servant Vaasanti. She is got real sexy voluptuous body. Her size is around 42-36-38. She is being 8 years older to me. I am 20 and she is 28 in age. She is real horny female. She is only wearing saree and blouse very carelessly. Meaning mostly her saree was shifted away from breasts exposing her enormous boobs blowing out of the small blouse. She is also all time giving me horny looks. I am getting very...

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Catle busenstien

*********** The rusted out old car had whined and spluttered for over a 100 miles. The east European Trabant was famous for two reasons. Firstly for being mass produced on a scale Henry Ford would be envious of, and secondly for being crap. This Becky had learnt all too soon after parting with her cash. A hundred dollars seemed a bargain for her own transport, after all the buses and local trains were almost non existent. However over a day at 30 miles an hour with little suspension and...

1 year ago
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Ich nehme an, die Schuld an der Situation, in der ich mich jetzt befinde, könnte auf die sehr schützende Umgebung zurückgeführt werden, in der ich meine Ausbildung beendet hatte. Ich war neunzehn und hatte die letzten vier Jahre in einer Schweizer höheren Schule verbracht. Ich dachte, ich wüsste über alles Bescheid, hatte aber keinerlei sexuelle Erfahrungen gemachte und mich mit Fantasien, Frauengesprächen und ein paar privaten Experimenten zufrieden gegeben ... bis ich endlich als komplette...

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Claudias Condition and the Retrospective MurdersChapter 11

The concussion grenade fired from the robot had shattered the main window and the blue-white light from the Tactical chopper filled the room. Arnie sat behind his barricade desperately calling his brother’s name but never received an answer. He nervously rubbed the shaft of his rifle, took a deep breath, and aimed his sights out the window. He fired several rounds at anything that resembled a target. His haphazard shots ricocheted off the asphalt. He slid the lever to automatic, firing...

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Private Light Fairy Student Light Fairy Fucks for her Grade

Light Fairy is a college student who wants to do as little work as possible, however when it comes to sex this horny teen is anything but lazy and she’s decided to fuck her way to the top of the class! Watch Light star in Private Specials, Young Nymphos 4 where she spreads her legs for her teacher Andrew Marshall, offering up that tight teen pussy for a taste before returning the favour with a sloppy deepthroat blowjob. Then enjoy this sexy teen in action as she gets slammed on the desk,...

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The Find Book 3Chapter 16

Aaron called Meg and said, “Tell me he didn’t try to blow up our plane?” Meg said, “I can’t! I want him to go like he took out the others.” “What did the others say,” Aaron asked? Meg said, “Only Sally knows and won’t say anything.” Aaron asked, “How is Cindy doing?” Meg said, “A call came in from the General for a pickup! She called to verify and went and got him!” Aaron said, “Yeah I know, he is sending you your road stuff and is allowing us to land the fencing there. So....

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Conversation between a work colleague and I

Hi everyone. Below is a conversation between a work colleague and I. She was doing her best to not get turned on but failed miserably! It might not be the easiest thing to follow but basically it's me (Neil) and Michelle talking. During the chat I tell her what happened between me and another girl (Lilly).I should probably have changed all the names, but fuck it !PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE let me know in the comments if it makes sense and is interesting to read?thanks, Inhales[12:12:25] Michelle...

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1939 The New AgencyChapter 3

A knock on the door woke him from his little nap. Al spoke gruffly. "Come on in!" Barbara and Ken walked in and sat down in the chairs facing Al. "Where have you two been? I think I told you both that I have strict rules about no fooling around with the staff. Guess what! That includes both of you with one another!" "But boss-" "Stop, I don't want to hear what you have to say. I will say though that you had better get the lipstick off of your shirt collar Ken before you go out....

4 years ago
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My Aunt Sophie

My Strange Aunt by SONIA ======================== (email [email protected] - Please send comments. Author's note: All my stories are written primarily for my own pleasure and allow me to live out some of my dreams and fantasies. Many of my stories, this one included, are far from reality but if only ............ Chapter 1 My Aunt ----------------- Aunt Sophie was an eccentric person. She lived in a beautiful house with huge wooded gardens so that you could...

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Crossdressed In Best Friendrsquos Momrsquos Clothes 9

I cleaned myself in my behind and there was still cum oozing out of my pussy. Wow, dad had cummed a lot inside of me. I soaped my whole body after I was done cleaning my hole.It was a really nice shower my dad had - all glass walls, with a huge window view over the city, and as it was in the middle of the night, it was real pretty. Even peaceful.I grabbed a towel and dried myself off, and just put the towel around over my tits, and it went down over my butt-cheeks. I walked out into the living...

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Hello Sweetie

HELLO SWEETIE by Sallyjo. I was, I suppose your typical alpha male stereotype, love my women love myself, very vain play the field etc. I suppose then it came as no surprise to receive an invite from a friend of a friend so to speak to attend a party.Obviously I would be attending, playing the field so to speak.Little did I know at this stage that my life was about to take a new direction. The house was very big, on its own grounds, and the owner was obviously very rich indeed.There...

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The Neighborhood Chapter Three I Cant Dance and thats a Good Thing

The weekend after Lucy’s first visit Josh and I went downtown hoo-hah hunting. Dance clubs were not my thing, and bars weren’t Josh’s. We probably should have sorted that shit out before we left the house. My elderly two-door Ford Focus was just not going to cut it. Neither of us was a gymnast, and nobody else could possibly fuck in the back seat. We took Josh’s slightly less geriatric Ford Fusion. It had four doors, at least. We first tried a dance club. Josh hit the dance floor showing off...

4 years ago
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Runaway Pt 01

If only Josh could pass out. Or finish himself off already. I have to keep my breathing relaxed. Keep my eyes closed. Keep still in this obscene position he’s put me. Keep pretending I’m asleep. Ignore the shaking of the bed. Ignore his animalistic grunts. Ignore the sound of those fucking ice cubes, clinging against his empty glass to the rhythm of his jerking motions. I hope he doesn’t touch me tonight. I hope he doesn’t fuck me tonight. If only he could pass out. Or finish himself off...

2 years ago
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The Girl Scout Master Part 1

 My wife and I moved from Finland to the United States two years ago. Last year she passed away after a long battle with cancer. My daughter Annika and I are slowly adjusting to life without her though it is difficult. Thanks to the friends we have made it has become a little easier. Annika has many new friends and is involved with the Girl Scouts.On this one particular day Annika and I were sitting at the table eating our chef salads and I noticed she had on a long face. I asked her what was...

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Virginity lost dominance lost

I'm 20 years old, I'm a regular Swedish guy, relatively average body for my height (2 meters), perhaps just a few kilos extra and I'm a virgin... I never really measured my cock, but I would say it's not small nor big. I had no more than 1 or 2 dates in my life and never was naked with a girl in ANY way... It's may 2015, I'm getting more and more frustrated for every day... I have been hanging around on a Swedish website called for quite a while, spent some money to be a premium...

3 years ago
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Good Morning Wood

I heard Robins singing outside my window in early April when Jimmy rolled over on top of me. His morning wood pressed against me. The grin on his face told me what he wanted. Although, I was tired and barely awake after last night’s love making and multiple orgasms, I knew there was no way I could say no. ‘Looks like you are interested in an encore Jimmy.’ I leaned over to the nightstand and looked at my iPhone. ‘Jimmy it’s your lucky day we have time for a quickie. Your morning wood...

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Size Queen Wife Chapter 5 Vaginal Rejuvenation

A lot depends on where you measure it from, he thought. Measured from the side, it was five and a half inches. Measured from the bottom, it was about six. Measured from the top, it was only five inches.Craig Naylor sighed and laid the ruler on the sink next to the toilet. The last time he had measured himself was in college when, after a fight with his girlfriend, she had called him, “underhung.” Coming up with the same numbers at that time, he had concluded he was average-sized at best. But...

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Truth Or Dare

When Heather called me to ask me over to have dinner with her and her hus-band, Paul, at first I hesitated. I thought maybe my ex-husband might show up, and I wanted nothing to do with him. "Is Dave going to be there?" "I wouldn't ask you over if he were." "What if he shows up?" "He won't. And even if he did, Paul would get rid of him." "Well, okay, I guess..." "Chuck's going to be here, too." Well, that was the deciding factor. I adore Chuck. We're pretty close, and once...

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FamilyStrokes Chanel Shortcake Sexy Selfies For Her Stepgrandpa

Today, teeny tiny Chanel Shortcake shows up at her stepgrandpas house looking to hang out with her favorite older guy. Chanel chills by the pool and takes some naughty photos while her horny stepgrandpa watches from inside. Finally, he confronts her, remonstrating her for her bad behavior. To punish her, he whips out his long rod and stuffs it in her young mouth. She loves the taste of his boner, so she bends over and lets him stick it inside her fluff muffin. He makes passionate love to her...

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We Meet Again

I finally pulled up to Shelly's house after a long drive. All I have been able to think about on the drive down is how nice it will be to see each other again. It's been so long. We met a couple of years ago on-line and we have been talking ever since. At the time I was very curious about exploring my sexuality with another woman and was able to fulfill my fantasies last year with Shelly. It was an unbelievable evening. We took advantage of the situation we were presented with and took it for...

1 year ago
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Chrissie Chapters 4547

BOOK FIVE "Boss Mommy" Part LCV A stubborn fleck of red polish remained stuck to Rebecca's big toenail, and as I tried to figure out how to remove it without pushing too hard, my mistress's shrill ringtone shattered my concentration. Rebecca answered the phone with a smile. From my position at her feet, I eavesdropped on her t?te-?-t?te. "Hey, Ma. How you doin'? ... that's good. Oh, yeah, she's great ... no, she don't get home from school till about 3 ... yeah, I know, I can't...

2 years ago
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Alternative Reality chapter 3

The last two stories was just back ground on two 14 year old young girl who are both exposed to sex a young ages. In you first story you learned that Becky only know pain, and in the next you learned Sherry learned love. But what you will now learn is how these very different girls find happiness together. Now let us enter the young scared mind of Becky to see and feel her life. Personally note: just in case many of my female reader think that I only believe women are put on earth is so they...

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Everything I Ever Wanted

I was just like every average 18 year old girl at my school. Senior year was flying by and we all had only one thing on our mind: Austin Worthington. He was the school's star basketball player. He had the rocking abs every girl was totally crazy about. He had the sandy brown hair that slightly hung in his eyes, and he had perfected the hair flip. He even had those dreamy greenish blue eyes that you could stare into all day. He had everything. I was the girl hidden in the corner. I kept my face...

Quickie Sex
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Last summer, I'd been living in the City since the previous fall, and was finally used to the noise and bustle. I worked at the Big Bean slinging coffee, spending my pay as it came in on rent and fun. I went to casting calls when they came up, and was avoiding deciding whether I was going to try college the coming fall if the stage didn't end up calling my name, or if I would roll another year. I had a roommate I rarely saw, some friends, even a couple boyfriends. Most of the time I felt like I...

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You Only Live TwiceChapter 6

"Lizzie, will you PLEASE sit up straight and take a look around! This is the fourth time that I've passed this house!" She shook her head, the movement causing my dick to jiggle in her mouth. "Lizzie... " She removed her mouth and gave the base a squeeze. "I'm sure that you can follow directions, Josh." "I'm following your directions perfectly." "Then what's the problem?" She tongued the head, causing it to jerk involuntarily. "The problem is that your directions are...

4 years ago
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FateChapter 3 Confession

The next morning was Saturday, at breakfast, as Peg set my coffee in front of me, she leaned down and kissed me sweetly, "I want you to know how much I love you and how much I appreciate the way you have reacted to learning about my dad and I. Over all the years I have worried about what would happen when you found out. It had to happen sooner or later. Some how I thought it might be like this. I hoped it would be. You are so easy going and our love is so solid, I hoped this would be the...

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