RoomersChapter 3 free porn video

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'You sure got a lot of books, Doug. You read them all?' That is such a dumb question, I thought. You think I bought them instead of wallpaper? Still, no point causing bad feeling, and he was an OK kid. Paid his rent on day one, never came back drunk. I tried not to sound irritated.

'I do a lot of readin', Timmy, ya know that. Fetch yourself a beer, one for me too, then siddown, tell me what you need. You look kinda jumpy.' He loped into the kitchen, came back with the bottles.

'Doug, I gotta problem and I need your help.' Kid thinks I can work miracles.

'It involves gettin' off my ass, Timmy, the answer's no. Advice, though, I majored in advice. Wassup?'

Turned out it was a girl problem, like nearly always. You're in college, your problems are gonna be grades or girls. Or guys, I guess. Can't ace both less you're prepared to work real hard. That's one of the reasons I'm a happy guy. Like I said, a good slacker's gotta be realistic. The best possible result is nearly always hiding in a bucket of sweat, so your good slacker says 'thanks, but no thanks', settles for the best sweat-free result possible. Almost as good and a whole lot easier.

Poor ol' Timmy was dating two girls, getting all strung out deciding which one he really loved, who did he want to give his heart to, usual college dilemmas. I gave him words of wisdom, choose the one gives the best head, stuff like that, and another coupla beers, gotta couple smiles outa him, sent him away feeling better. Don't think he listened too much though. When I warned him that whatever you do, shit happens, he looked as if he thought I was kiddin' him. He'd find out.

I got up, looked out of my big bay window at the wet leaves blowing down the street. Fall was settled right in, winter peeping round the corner. It was a day just like this that I finally got to speak to Judy Olsen. Hell, she was the one spoke to me first. Shit hadn't happened then.

I'd been feeling kinda pleased with myself that morning. Gary had found the apartment a while back, put his marker on it. Owner was an old guy, used to work for someone who ... that kinda deal, so we got moved in and settled real quick. Paid the rent on time, utilities too, and it was kinda turning into a home. I'd showed Annie round and she'd admired everything, we'd christened the place good. Baptism of fire, that woman handed out: worth it though, and the scars healed pretty quick. I was getting A's, a few B's. I'd worked part-time over the summer, pumping gas, done an hour a day at the gym, couple of hours a day with the books, spent time thinking about Judy, plus deep thoughts about how to cut down on the sweat factor. My real talent is using down time wisely. My real problem is getting enough of it. Hell, I didn't chill much that summer, but I didn't knock myself out either; went back to college with a little extra cash in my pocket, feeling pretty good.

Stayed good too. Gary and I got on OK. He kept my nose in the books: guy had a sharp tongue on him when he wanted. I dragged him out for a beer whenever he was looking kinda peaky. He was still engaged to his high school sweetheart, so weekends were clear, just in case I got lucky. Sophomore year was starting right.

So on a wet and windy fall morning I locked the door behind me, did a happy shuffle down the steps of the old duplex. Wet leaves on the bottom step and my legs went away from me as I landed. As I hit the sidewalk I hit something else, heard a scream of pain.

'You fuckin' dumb bastard!' A girl's voice. I'd caught my head bad as I went down and my left eye wasn't working too good. I put my hand up and it came away wet and sticky and I dam' near started screaming too. The voice was groaning and whimpering now, and I tried to say something, but everything went a little hazy and I closed my good eye for a moment. Bye-bye Doug.

Turned out that I tore my forehead open, concussed myself, needed half a dozen stitches and bed rest for a coupla days. Gary came by, couple of other guys. My mom drove down to make sure she wasn't going to have a vegetable son for the rest of her life. Annie visited, checked out her interests, slipped me a baggie as she left.

Third day I woke up from my morning nap, wondered what was blocking the light. I struggled to focus and nearly passed out again. She was standing glaring at me, looking pissed as hell.

'You owe me, Douglas Taylor. I'm going be in plaster the next two months or more, and it's your fault.' Click. Never been so relieved to hear imaginary sounds. Thank God for the summer.

'Judy? Judy Olsen? What you doing here?' I already knew. I could see she was on crutches.

'You fell down your front steps and broke my ankle, you... , you dickwad. That's why I'm here. When are you going to get off your sad ass and start some payback? And how come you know my dam' name?' Hell, she was some kinda potty mouth, though tell the truth, after Annie she sounded real refined.

'I seen you in the library, asked who you were. What payback? Jeez, my head hurts. You wanna hand me those painkillers and some water?' She hobbled forward and passed me the stuff, balancing on one crutch and propping the other against the bed. Click.

'Shit, Judy, I'm sorry. Last thing I remember is slippin' on some goddam leaves, then I was here. I wasn't aimin' to cripple you. Tell me what ya want. Whyntcha sit down? Standing too long's gotta be a problem.' She glared at me not quite so hard and gimped over to a chair.

'You OK? You've got a lot of bruising.'

'Banged myself up pretty good. You?' She shrugged.

'Cracked a bone, tore the ligaments up. I guess it could be worse. Did you really ask someone who I was?' She was calming down some.

'Last year. Started sittin' where I could see you.' I thought I saw her react to that. 'Tell me what you need. Anythin'. I been wantin' to meet ya a long time now, but hell, not this way. Makes me feel like a real jerk.' She nodded, cracked a reluctant grin.

'You got that right. Why aren't you gabbling and apologizing like you should?' Click.

'Cheap words gonna help you any? I'm outa here this afternoon they say. I meant what I said. Anythin' I can do, it's done.' She looked at me hard again.

'You've got a car, right?'

'Old Valiant. Ugly but reliable.' She nodded.

'School I can manage. Stairs are a pain, but nothing's too far to get to. But I'm a psych major and I have to do three evenings a week in a clinic this semester, placement ... It's kinda like an internship for students.'

'Dean's list students, I bet. There ain't enough clinics in the state for the whole class.' This time she did pink up a little.

'Well, yes, and I really have to keep my grades up. If I slip off the list, my scholarship goes south. The clinic's out of town and I've been riding the bus, but that's too hard now.'

'Outa evil good shall come. Heard that on the radio. What evenings? How long? Is there a room I can study in? You wanna have pizza tonight, work out a schedule?' She stared, and this time it wasn't a hard one.

'Just like that? You're not going to wriggle even a little?' No fuckin' way, lady. This is my foot in the door.

'You think I wanna be the guy shafted your career? We could do Mexican, you don't like pizza.' The stare again.

'Good job I'm a psych major. You're plain abnormal. You like Chinese?'

And that was that. Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, four miles outa town, deep in the subs, six till eight-thirty. She talked to the clinic director, explained the situation, they let me use someone's office to study in. I picked her up from her dorm, dropped her back after; sometimes we grabbed something to eat. I radiated respectful admiration like a dam' lighthouse. Three forced study evenings kept my grades looking good. Messed up my gym time though, and the clicks stopped. No matter, no hurry: she didn't date hardly at all. I thought about how we'd met, looked at my graphs, played with the numbers some, thought some more. On the one hand it wasn't the way I'd have chosen. On the other hand, it wasn't my leg that was broke. Unpredictable ability, but got the job done. She began to loosen up a little too.

'I hate those frat rats, ' she said one evening on the way back into town. 'They think all they have to do is invite you to some party and you're gonna roll over and beg.'

'Someone hitting on you?'

'All of them, every fuckin' day, it seems like. Call me the ice-queen, but they keep on hitting.' She sounded kinda despondent. Click, but real small. Hardly there at all.

'I never heard a psychologist with such a dirty mouth. And I seen your eyes when you're not mad. Green and beautiful. You're no ice-queen.' Even in the dark car I knew she was reddening.

'How come you don't hit on me then?'

'And have you mad at me again? Once was enough.' She managed a laugh.

'I guess I came on pretty strong. I was real worried about the clinic hours, and I didn't know what sorta guy you were.' Like hell you didn't.

'Judy, you seen me in the library like I seen you, knew I had a car, probably heard that I don't hit. You want to, you tell the next rat we're going steady. Hell, three times a week qualifies. I'll back that up, won't hit on you.' This time I could almost feel the heat in her cheeks. When redheads blush they blush real good. 'So where's the mouth come from? Last year, looking at you, I kinda imagined Miss Prissy. Guess I was wrong.'

'I got three brothers, but I only curse when I'm upset or excited. Can I really say that?' We'd arrived at her dorm and I got out to open the door for her.

'Whole family swear and cuss, huh? Kinda refreshing, I guess. Course you can say it. Good for my rep.' She was slower than usual getting outa the car, let me help her. Breakthrough.

'Thanks, Doug. I guess I could have had my ankle broken by worse people.'

'My pleasure, ma'am. Uh, I guess I'm gonna catch the gym before it closes. See ya tomorrow.' That evening I worked out automatically, hating it, imagining sophisticated moves.

The plaster came off, but she decided her ankle still hurt, I carried on giving her a ride three times a week. She limped some those evenings, but I saw her with friends a coupla times, looking pretty agile again. I stayed like Tar Baby, said nuth'n.

Kinda shameful I guess, but I was with Annie when I thought of it. In fact she was the one lit the fuse. Her guy was off somewhere, and we were in bed, kinda sweaty, resting up before round two. We'd shared a joint and my head was buzzing a little. Annie was gently cleaning my cock, her skinny butt handy for stroking, so I was running my hand absent-mindedly down her ass crease, over her slippery lips, enjoying her reactions. I'd persuaded her to tidy herself up a little, told her going to the dentist for a trim was plain embarrassing, and the vegetation was more manageable than it used to be.


'Don't stop. I'm kinda enjoyin' that.' Her sharp little teeth closed over my glans. 'Uh, sure, Annie, what were you gonna say.' She kissed me better and I relaxed.

'When's your birthday, Doug?'

'August third. I don't do much with it. Summer, people are away, my family's never been big for that sorta stuff.' She twisted her head and looked at me.

'So you turned twenty and I missed it? I was plannin' to celebrate.' Big click. First time for a while.

'Annie, you are a celebration every time I see ya. No need to spoil me more.' She gave me one last lick and swung round, balancing on my chest, rolling her hips just a little against my swelling cock.

'Woulda been kinda fun to surprise ya. Break through that goddam laid-back shell for once.' She kissed me, gnawed on my bottom lip. 'Next year, we're still good, I'll thinka somethin'. Her voice changed. 'What I'm gonna do now is ride you till you scream, teach you to spoil my plans. OK?'

'Celebration already. You wanna try to avoid drawin' blood this time?'

She was as good as her word, and when I left I was too tired to think. But she'd planted the seed.

Maybe the ability kicked in, maybe not, but Judy dropped her purse two days later, getting outa the car. Cards and stuff everywhere, me crawling about collecting them while she cussed, told me not to miss anything. Her drivers' license was one of the casualties. Landed in a puddle, and I used my sweatshirt to wipe it off, happened to see she was due a birthday three weeks after Christmas break. I checked the calendar when I got home, saw it was a Friday. Perfect. I upped my gym time, hit the books like a bastard, practiced real respectful conversation, snuck round some and made plans. Hated the extra work, but the lines on the graph said it was time.

Two days before the day, Wednesday, I was benching some weight, focusing hard on my plans, and her face appeared, kinda fuzzy, but real as life, smiling and looking pretty pleased. Soft rumble in my head, like distant thunder, and she faded away. I felt kinda tired that night, a little stiff, but nothing forty-eight hours wouldn't deal with. I kept my hands off my cock, fell asleep imagining scenarios.

Friday I was ready. She always dressed up a little for the clinic, looking for the professional touch, I guess, so I ironed a shirt, bought a new pair of pants, shined my shoes. Put my ratty old coat over the top when I picked her up though. No point in showing my hand. Just before we got to the clinic she put her hand on my arm.

'Uh, Doug, can you pull up a minute? I need to say something.'

'Sure.' She reached up and put the little vanity light on and looked at me.

'Um, I haven't been entirely honest about my ankle.' Click. Loud and strong.

'Shit, Judy, I thought it was healin' like it should, no complications. What's wrong?' Crimson tide. She nearly glowed.

'No, it's fine. In fact it's been fine for a while now, but having a ride is really nice, and I didn't say anything because... ' Her voice tailed away, then she took a deep breath. 'What I mean is, Tuesday I'll take the bus. I should have told you after break, but I was just selfish, I guess. I'm sorry.' I shook my head.

'For what? Talk about it later, Judy. I ain't gonna make you late.' I put the Valiant in gear, and we rolled. She stayed quiet, but I followed her in like always, toting my books, made for the office I used. She started to say something, then stopped, went on down the hall. I guess I didn't do a lotta studying that evening: maybe half a page, and that took will-power. When the time came I was in the reception hall, trying to project reassurance. She arrived looking kinda miserable.

'C'mon, kid. Time's a-wasting.' She didn't answer, but when I turned right instead of left at the gates she sat up.

'Doug, what are you doing? Town's the other way.'

Hush up, Ms Judy. I got my reasons.' She looked real nervous and I stayed projecting calm. Lucky we only had a mile to go or she mighta cracked. When I pulled into the parking lot she stiffened, and when I parked, went round to open the door for her, she stayed where she was.

'I'm not moving till you tell me why we're here.' To eat, dummy.

'This is a restaurant and I'm gonna buy you dinner. Table's booked, everything. You gonna get stubborn, hurt my feelings, end up feeling guilty?' After a pause she climbed outa the car.

'This place is really expensive, Doug. What's going on?' I sighed.

'I can buy you dinner, I want to. We're goin' steady remember? Least, that's what you told Ron Carter right before Christmas. Dumb bastard gave me seven kinds of shit in the gym, bein' abusive and all. I had to reason with him some. Now, gimme your arm and behave like a lady. This is an upscale joint, so no doggie bags, OK?' She was redder than a beetroot but she took my arm when I offered it. We went in the doors and landed in the lap of luxury. I'd greased the maitre d's palm when I made the reservation, and he had us in a booth, kinda private. Candle on the table, single rose on her plate, envelope beside it, 'Judith Olsen' on the front, copperplate script. She sat down automatically and looked at me, her mouth half-open. I sat opposite her, grinned.

'So open it already, Judy. Explanation's inside.' Her eyes didn't leave my face as she fumbled for the envelope and ran her thumb under the flap. Then she pulled out the card, looked down. You don't find many tasteful birthday cards, but I'd kept looking. "From a true friend, with sincere good wishes for your birthday" it said, and I'd signed my name, nothing more. I was kinda proud. She read it twice and when she looked up her eyes were sorta wet. Way to go. Right on cue a waiter arrived with a half-bottle of Iron Horse champagne. I was pleased with that touch. French champagne says "Hey, I got bucks"; full bottle says "I wanna get you drunk"; half-bottle just says "respectful admiration". He opened it and poured, disappeared again. I raised my glass.

'Happy birthday, Ms Olsen, and shame on you for keepin' so quiet. Good job I saw your drivers' license when you dropped your purse.' Loud click. 'I guess my present is sayin' go on using the car. I don't want you to be ridin' the bus all the time. You know where I park it, and I can get spare keys made real easy.' I sipped and waited. She put the card down and stood up, then moved round and slid into the booth next to me. She grabbed my head and kissed me thoroughly, like it was something she'd been waiting to do. I swear my toes curled clear round in a circle, and I could feel the tears on her cheeks. She went back to her seat, picked up her napkin and wiped her eyes.

'What did you mean, you had to reason with that dickhead Ronnie Carter?' I shrugged.

'Told ya. He was bein' kinda abusive, badmouthin' you, makin' personal remarks, so I took him aside. He saw reason pretty quick. He been hittin' on you again?' She shook her head.

'You never said. I can't say anything right now or I'll disgrace myself. You got the menu planned too?' Click.

'Thought I'd let ya choose for yourself. Don't want to look over-control.' She rolled her eyes.

'That'll be the day.' She seemed to have perked up some, and I let out a little of the breath I'd been holding.

Dinner went real well. Champagne got drunk, but I virtuously refused wine, told the waiter I was driving, got an approving smile from her. She found her appetite and cleaned her plate. We talked about everything except friendship and going steady. Never does to spook the serious ones. There was atmosphere between us, sure, but it felt promising.

Going back she loosened her seat belt, moved over some. God bless the Valiant and its bench front seat. She leaned against me a little on the curves and I kept both hands on the wheel. By her standards she was coming on real strong. When I pulled up outside the dorm she didn't move for a while, then opened the door.

'Stay there for a second, ' she said. 'I'll be right back.' She disappeared into the dorm and I wondered what was happening. She was back in two minutes, panting, slid into the passenger seat again.

'I wanna see your apartment.' Click.

'Uh, Judy, that's not what this is about. You wanna see the apartment, why not come round for a meal, when Gary's there maybe... ' She swiveled round and grabbed my head again, then leaned forward, her face almost touching mine.

'Listen to me, Doug Taylor. I want to see your apartment right now, and when I've seen it I want a proper birthday present. You good with that?' Click.

'Ever since the first time I saw you.' I felt her shiver as I started the car again, and resisted the urge to whoop and holler.

I'd thought about clean sheets, but decided no. Too obvious, and she wasn't a stupid girl. I'd changed them since Annie's last visit though. I'm not stupid either. When we got to the apartment and I ushered her in, took her coat, she shivered again, then turned and put her arms round me.

'I'm not a virgin, Doug, but I don't ... I haven't ... since my freshman year anyway, and that was a kinda gross experience. I was drunk and so was he, and ... anyway, kinda gross, so it's been just me since then. I feel sorta shy.' She was still holding onto me tight. Click.

'Shy and scared, or shy and wanna go home or shy and what? Shit, Judy, I'm kinda shy too. I just wanted you to know that I got pretty strong feelings for you, that I'm here for you if you need anythin'.' Her arms moved up my back and wound themselves round my neck, then her lips found mine again and she slid her tongue deep into my mouth, her eyes closed. Her breasts were pressing against me and I could feel her heart beating fast and strong as we kissed. She pulled back and looked at me.

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More Than A StretchChapter 9

We reconvened our meeting on Monday two weeks later. I was surprised that Steve was the only person from the agency this time. He said, "Sam and Murray are tied up with some other stuff, and Dr. Edwards was supposed to come, but was asked to take on a special rush project. You'll just have to make do with me." Paul announced that a new group had been created to do the initial design and specification of Reaper - by now everyone was using that name. He said, "We have a small core group...

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Jills StoryChapter 7

Late that night: To: Jill Lane From: Maq Subject: The Use of Your Photographs I thought I was past the age of jacking off to photographs of naked women. Evidently not. I looked at you and, because you asked me too, I thought nasty thoughts of you as I stroked myself. As I came, I imagined that I was kneeling behind you in that last photograph, the tip of my cock barely touching you as my sperm squirted against your asshole. Attached is a picture. There. How is that for losing...

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American PaganChapter 5 Beautification

That evening, all four members of the temple staff showed up at Henry's door. Each was holding a box of Ember's personal possessions. Melissa jumped up and down, assuming that this was the start of a party. "You don't have much stuff," said Henry. The red head shrugged. "The life of an acolyte is a simple one." "There is a guest room, second door on the right, upstairs. That will be your room." Livia snorted. "Yeah, right. Like you're not going to be tapping that ass every...

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My Real Sex Life 8211 Part IX

Hi My dear horny readers. How are you all doing? My name is Deva (not real name) I got busy for sometime and couldn’t post my stories. Thanq all for the feed back. Thanq you very much readers. I think I have to introduce myself again briefly I’m now 27 years old, 5.95 feet height, athletic body and average looking. I have my Own Business and I’m a Martial Arts and Yoga Trainer in Bangalore, Hyderabad and Chennai gyms. (Why so many places you will know in the stories.). People who may know...

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Six Times A DayPart 5 Mind Games

The next day, everything seemed perfectly normal again for Alan. He masturbated twice before school, once while still in bed and the second time while in the shower. Both times, his thoughts were entirely focused on his sexy, buxom mother. After what had happened during the appointment with Susan and Akami, and then in the evening with just Susan, he knew he'd never view his mother the same way again. He still had a hard time believing that what had happened had really occurred. He...

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Fun times a conference Pt 3

'Deeper - take it deeper' I commanded, 'now stop' I said very quickly. Julia by now was looking very turned on and a bit pensive at the same time, which unnerved me a little, but true to the role play I said 'put two fingers inside your cunt and use your other hand to play with your clit' as I climbed off her. 'Keep doing that until I get back' I said as I went back to my room to get the dressing gown cord from the one I hadn't used and I then got the two from the one's hanging up in Julia's...

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First time back in the army

True story from back in 98.I was naive when I was younger and in the army. I was stationed in Georgia, and was chatting online. Met this one guy in his late 40s who didn't seem gay, and was willing to pay me to go to Savannah to go on his yacht and have a great time. I was nervous on my trip there. I ended up going and, meet him on his huge boat. It was just unbelievable. So that night we went out, and he got me absolutely plastered. I was absolutely drunk when he mentions to me if I wanted to...

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We had arranged to meet at the local coffee shop. As soon as I walked in, I could see you over in the corner. Would you recognize me? I wondered. As I walked over towards you and you looked up and smiled, your eyes were the first thing I noticed. I recognized them from the pictures I had seen, but your eyes had never looked that alive in your photos. They completely gave you away the fact that you were ready for us to meet. I stammered slightly saying hello as I sat down opposite you. After we...

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Jana Ein Vortsellungsgesprch

Kevin 29 Jahre alt, ca. 175cm groß, kurze helle Haare und eine normale Figur. Seine Freundin Jana 25 Jahre alt, ca. 165cm, schwarze lange, bis Mitte Rücken, Haare, mit einer üppigen Oberweite und keine schlanke, aber auch keine dicke Figur. Es war endlich Freitag. Das war der Tag, wo Kevin und Jana immer etwas zusammen Sport machen konnten. Diesmal stand ein leichter lockerer Lauf an. Kevin hatte eine kurze blaue Hose, mit Innenslip, und ein graues T-Shirt an. Janas Klamotten lagen bei ihr...

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A Nanny Femtastic 3

A NANNY FEMTASTIC! Chapter 3 ..That night me and the girls celebrated, I was about to start work at last next week! Ok as a woman but I kind of liked the idea more and more! The weekend passed quickly and I packed all my new wardrobe into a couple of large suitcases ready for the new start at  Hanover House. I was to be dropped off on Sunday evening and was to have dinner with Felicity and her family, my new family! I got dressed that afternoon in pale grey pencil dress with a slash neck...

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Rain hit the windows hard as Anna attempted to concentrate on her essay. She had been given this assignment a month ago, and after all the effort placed in the research she was ready to write a piece of work she would be proud to call her’s. She looked up irritably, it seemed that it would be one of those cold and dreary days, which was great. She was stuck indoors typing up her work, not missing out the usual sunshine she was used to. At the age of 24, Anna had somehow failed in her...

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Wish Me Luck Girl

Wish Me Luck, Girl By Lauren God, honey, I don't know about you, but I just hate these enemas. I do feel so lovely inside afterward. It's the bloated cramping in my guts and all the messy poo that has to be washed away that I dislike. Then what is a sissy bitch going to do about it? Just get to it and make it lip smacking clean, sugar. That's what. Especially when she wants to have her boycunt to be hotter, slicker and tighter than any genetic girl's pussy, and that is how I love mine...

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Shawnas Wedding Night

Shawna's Wedding Night"Please unlock it, Shawna!" he implored. She giggled. "You know better than that! You're not going to ejaculate until our wedding night. It's only two more weeks." "But Shawna, I've had this on for over two weeks! I really need to cum!" "Shhh. I know you're feeling the stress of being denied, but I want you to give me your sperm, over and over. Isn't that worth waiting for? Think of how good it will feel to be inside me on our wedding night!" He gave a deep sigh. "Shawna,"...

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The House of OctaviaChapter 2 Sally Havery entertains a princess and introduces her sister to The House of Octavia

The sun streamed through the window of Sally Havery’s bedroom as she opened the slats of the blinds. The sky was blue and the birds were singing. It was going to be a good day. Sally slipped off the t-shirt and shorts that she wore in bed and padded naked into her en-suite shower. Sally lived at the family home with her mother and her older sister, Emily. Both young women had opted to stay at home with their mother for financial reasons. Sally was heavily in debt with her university tuition...

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Sex with my younger neighbour

Our neighbours opposite are a mid 20s couple with a young baby. As we are on good terms, I know that he works overseas quite regularly, while she is left struggling wih the baby sometimes. I can hear them argue when he comes home so I suspect that all is not harmonious in their household.I often work from home and have joked with the her that, next time he is away on business, she should find a baby sitter and we could go out for some lunch and some drinks. My suggestion has never been taken...

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Bus Gave A Chance With Sister

Hi this is dhaval from a village in MP pandhurna writing a story of how I fucked a known didi in bus and then in hotel. It was 2 in the afternoon I was travelling from nagpur to batul its a long run so had thought of fucking a babe in the bus I sat in the bus and after 3 stops a girl came I knew her she was my padosi she came and sat beside me we greeted each other by hugs because we were meeting after a long time coincidentally in a bus. We talked about general topics such as studies and all...

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Melba and Wanda Part 1

Many years ago on a Friday afternoon I drove my Volkswagen camper to a covered flea market pavilion about 10 miles from my home and unloaded the fishing and camping wares I hoped to sell some of over the weekend when the flea market was open. Then I drove a couple of miles to a rural honky-tonk that served food to eat a bite before returning to the pavilion to sleep in my camper until the next morning when I would set up the displays of my wares. I had finished eating and was watching some...

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Jillys Special Day

JILLY Amanda woke up for the second time, she looked at the clock on the bedstand, 10.15. She could hear Giles in the spare bedroom doing the vacuuming. She climbed out of bed to check up on him. Sticking her head through the door she said, "Morning sweetie, you're on the ball this morning." It was Saturday morning and Giles was doing the housework. He was wearing an old housecoat of hers over his nightie and on his feet he was wearing his pink fluffy slippers. "Morning...

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An Aunts Seduction

An absolutely true storyLet me start by saying that I have never uttered a word of this to any human being but through the anonymity of the internet, I feel like I can now tell this story.I am in my mid-fifties now, so this took place quite some time ago, but no doubt has partially shaped who I am today. Back when I was seven or eight I had an aunt who used to come to our house and visit for two weeks in the summer. She is six or seven years older than I am so at that time was f******n or...

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My Encounter With Sexy Aunty

Hi My name is Raj (name changed) from the South Indian city of Bangalore. Interested aunties and matured ladies can contact me on As I write this story which is 100% true, my memory dates back to 1990 when I was a 1st year Engineering student with raging hormones. I had a very strong sexual urge but did not know how to or where to release it. In those days, we did not have sites like Indian sex stories but our access to sexual literature was limited to books which were sold in some book stores...

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Steves Self Bondage Experiment

This is a story about my experiences in exploring self-bondage   An Experiment in Self Bondage This is a story about my experiences in exploring self-bondage.? I am normally a dominant male who enjoys placing submissive women in restrictive bondage for prolonged periods.? I had always wondered what it felt like to bound and helpless, so I began exploring self-bondage.? As you know, the trick with self-bondage is to make the release reliable and foolproof, although I would prefer to...

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My beginningpart 1

How did I begin? Smile…there was a time there were no cell phones and no internet (some of you might not be able to imagine that) and a single rotary-dial phone for the house. Tv was being broadcast in color but there were only 13 channels and you were lucky to get five of them. It seems today that most high school k**s have practiced sex before high school. I don’t know if that’s true but it just seems that way. It wasn’t like that in “my time”. Like many events in one’s life my beginning...

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Arsenic and The Older Sis

Dysfunctional families come in all different shapes, sizes, and forms — and as far as any family goes, mine was no more or less dysfunctional than any of the other families that grew up around me. Nevertheless, we certainly have had our fair share of dysfunction, and my older sister, Gail, is the perfect example of that fact. Even though we were born six years apart under the same astrological sign of the Aries Ram, no two women could have been more different. From the time we were little, I...

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In love with a Bully

This story takes place in a Catholic School. Chris was a wimpy Black male with a crush. It is a woman he knew sense freshmen year. She was a Bully. Her name was Kristin. She was a tall blond with blue eyes and big breast. She was a part friend and part tormentor. She tended to hang out in the boy’s bathroom smoking and hit geeks up for their lunch money. She was attractive and a bit of a tom boy. She would tease him and make him do stuff for her. If he talked back, she may put his head in a...

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Bills StoryChapter 8

Bill couldn't help but smile at the blunt start to the conversation. He was talking to Rhonda Kingman the forty-six-years-old actress who played the part of middle-aged teacher Diana Cresswell in 'Friends and Neighbours'. The woman wouldn't see her thirties again but nature had been kind to her, exceedingly kind. She was five foot eleven with perfectly groomed dark brown hair and a well publicised 42DD-28-38 figure that would have done any of the legendary Amazon warriors proud. And...

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Becoming a Slut Wife Liz

Why do women fuck around in their own homes? I know that it is where they feel most comfortable, being in their own surroundings, but they have to know that sooner or later their significant other is going to come home or swing by the house to pick something up. I had a night job, eleven-thirty to eight in the morning and one Friday I cut my hand on the job and I got off work early. When I pulled up at the house all the lights were on and there were several cars parked outside. I heard music...

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The Island Resort of Paris

The pop star Britney Spears had been wishing for a vacation. When someone liked her needed to get away, there was one person whom to get a hold off: billionare heiress Paris Hilton. Sure enough, Paris suggested a getaway on a private, remote resort on a small South Pacific island with a few friends of Paris' choosing. Britney quickly agreed to that plan, feeling a private resort in a tropical paradise was the perfect place to unwind. By the next day, Britney had snuck out of her house a few...

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It was a few years ago, when I lived in Amsterdam, that I got talking to a woman, from the South of England, on the Internet. We got on really well, and often, our chats turned to sex. Sometimes we would share our fantasies. After about six months of chatting, she started telling me her deepest fantasies. One night she told me that she often fantasies about being watched while having sex. She said she would love to have sex live on the Internet, or to go out dogging. She said her husband was...

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DirtyWivesClub Abigail Mac 23767

There’s a first time for everything. Abigail Mac has absolutely no idea what’s going on when her husband tells her to go to a hotel room and find her “surprise.” On the phone with him, she enters the room and is directed to the bedroom, where she finds sexy lingerie from her man. He’s excited for her to wear it, but she won’t be sporting it for him – surprise! They’ve always discussed Abigail hotwifing – fucking another man for her husband’s pleasure – and now’s the time for it. He has the...

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Celebrity Cravings

Watching so many hours of television and movies, it is only natural that people would have secret desires and fantasies about the stars they see every day. These fantasies are often anything from heated sexual escapades, to steamy romps in the sack, to lustful desires and longing from afar. Those desires are fulfilled here. Now, you only have to choose where you wish to start....a favorite show?film?actress? It is your call.

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Would Your Wife Fuck a Black Man

I first got the idea after talking with a friend at work. Larry, who works in the institutional sales unit, and I were out for a drink on the way home from work. A few drinks, several hot looking women in the bar, and the topic of conversation turned to sex. “How are you and MaryAnn getting along,” I asked. Larry had been married to MaryAnn for five years now and it was rumored around the office that Larry got laid more than anyone. Whenever MaryAnn came to the office she was usually dressed...

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Wrong Bar Gay

I had been to a local bar getting a drink after college midterms. This was a just a normal bar I thought , one that I had been to on a few occasions with my friend Tim, and I was trying to unwind after all the studying I had been doing. All of a sudden a big muscular guy in biker leather walked up to the bar beside me and ordered two boilermakers. He looked over at me, looked me up and down actually. He asked if I would like another drink. I said no thanks, and that I was just about to leave,...

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Lick N TiffChapter 3 Lick n Mom

"What?" I stared at Licorice and then I giggled as he nodded his head seriously. I'd just gotten home from school and I wasn't sure if I believed him or not. Part of me wanted to, just because it had been a pretty cool story, but most of me didn't because it made me a just a little bit jealous too. I mean, how would you feel if you'd spent eight hours at school, bored out of your mind listening to some nun tell you how important geometry was going to be in your career as a...

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Romance Comic Cover Stories Chapter XXX

Chapter XXX – Threeway in the Jungle (based on Search for Love No. 2 cover, American Comics Group, April-May 1950) Elaine Haynes. One of the best explorers in the world. An adventurer in her own way. One of the boldest women I ever met. There are so many stuff to say about her that I couldn’t bear the thought that she could be my ‘own worst enemy’. But there was something that made her the woman I most feared and the one that got me shivers only to say her name: my husband Norman.Elaine was...

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A local MILF brings out the worst in me

The woman ,”Amy”, of the house was a tall well shaped blond who frequently would walk up the road with her daughter. She would pick berries and stop at the beaver pond to point out the ducks and geese to her daughter. It was on these walks that I got to see her long well shaped legs, long blond hair, and nicely proportioned breasts. She was about 30 yrs old, 5'8" tall, about 130-135pounds, with what appeared to be nice sized tits. ...

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The Worlds First Futa Futas College CheerChapter 2 Futarsquos First Naughty Pep Talk

April 17th, 2047 “September 15th, 2018 was a memorable game in NCAA college football history,” Adelia, the caramel-skinned talk show host, said. She sat beside me on the interview couch, the studio audience watching on with breathless anticipation. “It was the first time an act of futa-sex was broadcast on any national television signal, whether here in the United States, or across the world.” I smiled, remembering that game so well. I glanced at the TV screen nearby, the thirty-year-old...

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Hi this is Raj Patel from Ahmedabad. I am regular reader of all this story & I love to share my true Experience. I am working with call center in Ahmedabad as team leader & 23 yrs old with 5’9” height & 7” thick dick. This incident happen when I was 19 yrs old & studding in college. I am staying with my parents. My dad is having his own business & mother is house wife. We are staying in top floor of apartment & our apposite door only 1 lady is staying & she is 33 yrs & divorce. Name of that...

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All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY. Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content. All people and events depicted are fictional and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Actions, situations, and responses are fictional ONLY and should not be attempted in real life. All characters involved in sexual activity in this story are over the age of 18. If you are under the age or 18 or do not understand the difference between...

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