RoomersChapter 3 free porn video

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'You sure got a lot of books, Doug. You read them all?' That is such a dumb question, I thought. You think I bought them instead of wallpaper? Still, no point causing bad feeling, and he was an OK kid. Paid his rent on day one, never came back drunk. I tried not to sound irritated.

'I do a lot of readin', Timmy, ya know that. Fetch yourself a beer, one for me too, then siddown, tell me what you need. You look kinda jumpy.' He loped into the kitchen, came back with the bottles.

'Doug, I gotta problem and I need your help.' Kid thinks I can work miracles.

'It involves gettin' off my ass, Timmy, the answer's no. Advice, though, I majored in advice. Wassup?'

Turned out it was a girl problem, like nearly always. You're in college, your problems are gonna be grades or girls. Or guys, I guess. Can't ace both less you're prepared to work real hard. That's one of the reasons I'm a happy guy. Like I said, a good slacker's gotta be realistic. The best possible result is nearly always hiding in a bucket of sweat, so your good slacker says 'thanks, but no thanks', settles for the best sweat-free result possible. Almost as good and a whole lot easier.

Poor ol' Timmy was dating two girls, getting all strung out deciding which one he really loved, who did he want to give his heart to, usual college dilemmas. I gave him words of wisdom, choose the one gives the best head, stuff like that, and another coupla beers, gotta couple smiles outa him, sent him away feeling better. Don't think he listened too much though. When I warned him that whatever you do, shit happens, he looked as if he thought I was kiddin' him. He'd find out.

I got up, looked out of my big bay window at the wet leaves blowing down the street. Fall was settled right in, winter peeping round the corner. It was a day just like this that I finally got to speak to Judy Olsen. Hell, she was the one spoke to me first. Shit hadn't happened then.

I'd been feeling kinda pleased with myself that morning. Gary had found the apartment a while back, put his marker on it. Owner was an old guy, used to work for someone who ... that kinda deal, so we got moved in and settled real quick. Paid the rent on time, utilities too, and it was kinda turning into a home. I'd showed Annie round and she'd admired everything, we'd christened the place good. Baptism of fire, that woman handed out: worth it though, and the scars healed pretty quick. I was getting A's, a few B's. I'd worked part-time over the summer, pumping gas, done an hour a day at the gym, couple of hours a day with the books, spent time thinking about Judy, plus deep thoughts about how to cut down on the sweat factor. My real talent is using down time wisely. My real problem is getting enough of it. Hell, I didn't chill much that summer, but I didn't knock myself out either; went back to college with a little extra cash in my pocket, feeling pretty good.

Stayed good too. Gary and I got on OK. He kept my nose in the books: guy had a sharp tongue on him when he wanted. I dragged him out for a beer whenever he was looking kinda peaky. He was still engaged to his high school sweetheart, so weekends were clear, just in case I got lucky. Sophomore year was starting right.

So on a wet and windy fall morning I locked the door behind me, did a happy shuffle down the steps of the old duplex. Wet leaves on the bottom step and my legs went away from me as I landed. As I hit the sidewalk I hit something else, heard a scream of pain.

'You fuckin' dumb bastard!' A girl's voice. I'd caught my head bad as I went down and my left eye wasn't working too good. I put my hand up and it came away wet and sticky and I dam' near started screaming too. The voice was groaning and whimpering now, and I tried to say something, but everything went a little hazy and I closed my good eye for a moment. Bye-bye Doug.

Turned out that I tore my forehead open, concussed myself, needed half a dozen stitches and bed rest for a coupla days. Gary came by, couple of other guys. My mom drove down to make sure she wasn't going to have a vegetable son for the rest of her life. Annie visited, checked out her interests, slipped me a baggie as she left.

Third day I woke up from my morning nap, wondered what was blocking the light. I struggled to focus and nearly passed out again. She was standing glaring at me, looking pissed as hell.

'You owe me, Douglas Taylor. I'm going be in plaster the next two months or more, and it's your fault.' Click. Never been so relieved to hear imaginary sounds. Thank God for the summer.

'Judy? Judy Olsen? What you doing here?' I already knew. I could see she was on crutches.

'You fell down your front steps and broke my ankle, you... , you dickwad. That's why I'm here. When are you going to get off your sad ass and start some payback? And how come you know my dam' name?' Hell, she was some kinda potty mouth, though tell the truth, after Annie she sounded real refined.

'I seen you in the library, asked who you were. What payback? Jeez, my head hurts. You wanna hand me those painkillers and some water?' She hobbled forward and passed me the stuff, balancing on one crutch and propping the other against the bed. Click.

'Shit, Judy, I'm sorry. Last thing I remember is slippin' on some goddam leaves, then I was here. I wasn't aimin' to cripple you. Tell me what ya want. Whyntcha sit down? Standing too long's gotta be a problem.' She glared at me not quite so hard and gimped over to a chair.

'You OK? You've got a lot of bruising.'

'Banged myself up pretty good. You?' She shrugged.

'Cracked a bone, tore the ligaments up. I guess it could be worse. Did you really ask someone who I was?' She was calming down some.

'Last year. Started sittin' where I could see you.' I thought I saw her react to that. 'Tell me what you need. Anythin'. I been wantin' to meet ya a long time now, but hell, not this way. Makes me feel like a real jerk.' She nodded, cracked a reluctant grin.

'You got that right. Why aren't you gabbling and apologizing like you should?' Click.

'Cheap words gonna help you any? I'm outa here this afternoon they say. I meant what I said. Anythin' I can do, it's done.' She looked at me hard again.

'You've got a car, right?'

'Old Valiant. Ugly but reliable.' She nodded.

'School I can manage. Stairs are a pain, but nothing's too far to get to. But I'm a psych major and I have to do three evenings a week in a clinic this semester, placement ... It's kinda like an internship for students.'

'Dean's list students, I bet. There ain't enough clinics in the state for the whole class.' This time she did pink up a little.

'Well, yes, and I really have to keep my grades up. If I slip off the list, my scholarship goes south. The clinic's out of town and I've been riding the bus, but that's too hard now.'

'Outa evil good shall come. Heard that on the radio. What evenings? How long? Is there a room I can study in? You wanna have pizza tonight, work out a schedule?' She stared, and this time it wasn't a hard one.

'Just like that? You're not going to wriggle even a little?' No fuckin' way, lady. This is my foot in the door.

'You think I wanna be the guy shafted your career? We could do Mexican, you don't like pizza.' The stare again.

'Good job I'm a psych major. You're plain abnormal. You like Chinese?'

And that was that. Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, four miles outa town, deep in the subs, six till eight-thirty. She talked to the clinic director, explained the situation, they let me use someone's office to study in. I picked her up from her dorm, dropped her back after; sometimes we grabbed something to eat. I radiated respectful admiration like a dam' lighthouse. Three forced study evenings kept my grades looking good. Messed up my gym time though, and the clicks stopped. No matter, no hurry: she didn't date hardly at all. I thought about how we'd met, looked at my graphs, played with the numbers some, thought some more. On the one hand it wasn't the way I'd have chosen. On the other hand, it wasn't my leg that was broke. Unpredictable ability, but got the job done. She began to loosen up a little too.

'I hate those frat rats, ' she said one evening on the way back into town. 'They think all they have to do is invite you to some party and you're gonna roll over and beg.'

'Someone hitting on you?'

'All of them, every fuckin' day, it seems like. Call me the ice-queen, but they keep on hitting.' She sounded kinda despondent. Click, but real small. Hardly there at all.

'I never heard a psychologist with such a dirty mouth. And I seen your eyes when you're not mad. Green and beautiful. You're no ice-queen.' Even in the dark car I knew she was reddening.

'How come you don't hit on me then?'

'And have you mad at me again? Once was enough.' She managed a laugh.

'I guess I came on pretty strong. I was real worried about the clinic hours, and I didn't know what sorta guy you were.' Like hell you didn't.

'Judy, you seen me in the library like I seen you, knew I had a car, probably heard that I don't hit. You want to, you tell the next rat we're going steady. Hell, three times a week qualifies. I'll back that up, won't hit on you.' This time I could almost feel the heat in her cheeks. When redheads blush they blush real good. 'So where's the mouth come from? Last year, looking at you, I kinda imagined Miss Prissy. Guess I was wrong.'

'I got three brothers, but I only curse when I'm upset or excited. Can I really say that?' We'd arrived at her dorm and I got out to open the door for her.

'Whole family swear and cuss, huh? Kinda refreshing, I guess. Course you can say it. Good for my rep.' She was slower than usual getting outa the car, let me help her. Breakthrough.

'Thanks, Doug. I guess I could have had my ankle broken by worse people.'

'My pleasure, ma'am. Uh, I guess I'm gonna catch the gym before it closes. See ya tomorrow.' That evening I worked out automatically, hating it, imagining sophisticated moves.

The plaster came off, but she decided her ankle still hurt, I carried on giving her a ride three times a week. She limped some those evenings, but I saw her with friends a coupla times, looking pretty agile again. I stayed like Tar Baby, said nuth'n.

Kinda shameful I guess, but I was with Annie when I thought of it. In fact she was the one lit the fuse. Her guy was off somewhere, and we were in bed, kinda sweaty, resting up before round two. We'd shared a joint and my head was buzzing a little. Annie was gently cleaning my cock, her skinny butt handy for stroking, so I was running my hand absent-mindedly down her ass crease, over her slippery lips, enjoying her reactions. I'd persuaded her to tidy herself up a little, told her going to the dentist for a trim was plain embarrassing, and the vegetation was more manageable than it used to be.


'Don't stop. I'm kinda enjoyin' that.' Her sharp little teeth closed over my glans. 'Uh, sure, Annie, what were you gonna say.' She kissed me better and I relaxed.

'When's your birthday, Doug?'

'August third. I don't do much with it. Summer, people are away, my family's never been big for that sorta stuff.' She twisted her head and looked at me.

'So you turned twenty and I missed it? I was plannin' to celebrate.' Big click. First time for a while.

'Annie, you are a celebration every time I see ya. No need to spoil me more.' She gave me one last lick and swung round, balancing on my chest, rolling her hips just a little against my swelling cock.

'Woulda been kinda fun to surprise ya. Break through that goddam laid-back shell for once.' She kissed me, gnawed on my bottom lip. 'Next year, we're still good, I'll thinka somethin'. Her voice changed. 'What I'm gonna do now is ride you till you scream, teach you to spoil my plans. OK?'

'Celebration already. You wanna try to avoid drawin' blood this time?'

She was as good as her word, and when I left I was too tired to think. But she'd planted the seed.

Maybe the ability kicked in, maybe not, but Judy dropped her purse two days later, getting outa the car. Cards and stuff everywhere, me crawling about collecting them while she cussed, told me not to miss anything. Her drivers' license was one of the casualties. Landed in a puddle, and I used my sweatshirt to wipe it off, happened to see she was due a birthday three weeks after Christmas break. I checked the calendar when I got home, saw it was a Friday. Perfect. I upped my gym time, hit the books like a bastard, practiced real respectful conversation, snuck round some and made plans. Hated the extra work, but the lines on the graph said it was time.

Two days before the day, Wednesday, I was benching some weight, focusing hard on my plans, and her face appeared, kinda fuzzy, but real as life, smiling and looking pretty pleased. Soft rumble in my head, like distant thunder, and she faded away. I felt kinda tired that night, a little stiff, but nothing forty-eight hours wouldn't deal with. I kept my hands off my cock, fell asleep imagining scenarios.

Friday I was ready. She always dressed up a little for the clinic, looking for the professional touch, I guess, so I ironed a shirt, bought a new pair of pants, shined my shoes. Put my ratty old coat over the top when I picked her up though. No point in showing my hand. Just before we got to the clinic she put her hand on my arm.

'Uh, Doug, can you pull up a minute? I need to say something.'

'Sure.' She reached up and put the little vanity light on and looked at me.

'Um, I haven't been entirely honest about my ankle.' Click. Loud and strong.

'Shit, Judy, I thought it was healin' like it should, no complications. What's wrong?' Crimson tide. She nearly glowed.

'No, it's fine. In fact it's been fine for a while now, but having a ride is really nice, and I didn't say anything because... ' Her voice tailed away, then she took a deep breath. 'What I mean is, Tuesday I'll take the bus. I should have told you after break, but I was just selfish, I guess. I'm sorry.' I shook my head.

'For what? Talk about it later, Judy. I ain't gonna make you late.' I put the Valiant in gear, and we rolled. She stayed quiet, but I followed her in like always, toting my books, made for the office I used. She started to say something, then stopped, went on down the hall. I guess I didn't do a lotta studying that evening: maybe half a page, and that took will-power. When the time came I was in the reception hall, trying to project reassurance. She arrived looking kinda miserable.

'C'mon, kid. Time's a-wasting.' She didn't answer, but when I turned right instead of left at the gates she sat up.

'Doug, what are you doing? Town's the other way.'

Hush up, Ms Judy. I got my reasons.' She looked real nervous and I stayed projecting calm. Lucky we only had a mile to go or she mighta cracked. When I pulled into the parking lot she stiffened, and when I parked, went round to open the door for her, she stayed where she was.

'I'm not moving till you tell me why we're here.' To eat, dummy.

'This is a restaurant and I'm gonna buy you dinner. Table's booked, everything. You gonna get stubborn, hurt my feelings, end up feeling guilty?' After a pause she climbed outa the car.

'This place is really expensive, Doug. What's going on?' I sighed.

'I can buy you dinner, I want to. We're goin' steady remember? Least, that's what you told Ron Carter right before Christmas. Dumb bastard gave me seven kinds of shit in the gym, bein' abusive and all. I had to reason with him some. Now, gimme your arm and behave like a lady. This is an upscale joint, so no doggie bags, OK?' She was redder than a beetroot but she took my arm when I offered it. We went in the doors and landed in the lap of luxury. I'd greased the maitre d's palm when I made the reservation, and he had us in a booth, kinda private. Candle on the table, single rose on her plate, envelope beside it, 'Judith Olsen' on the front, copperplate script. She sat down automatically and looked at me, her mouth half-open. I sat opposite her, grinned.

'So open it already, Judy. Explanation's inside.' Her eyes didn't leave my face as she fumbled for the envelope and ran her thumb under the flap. Then she pulled out the card, looked down. You don't find many tasteful birthday cards, but I'd kept looking. "From a true friend, with sincere good wishes for your birthday" it said, and I'd signed my name, nothing more. I was kinda proud. She read it twice and when she looked up her eyes were sorta wet. Way to go. Right on cue a waiter arrived with a half-bottle of Iron Horse champagne. I was pleased with that touch. French champagne says "Hey, I got bucks"; full bottle says "I wanna get you drunk"; half-bottle just says "respectful admiration". He opened it and poured, disappeared again. I raised my glass.

'Happy birthday, Ms Olsen, and shame on you for keepin' so quiet. Good job I saw your drivers' license when you dropped your purse.' Loud click. 'I guess my present is sayin' go on using the car. I don't want you to be ridin' the bus all the time. You know where I park it, and I can get spare keys made real easy.' I sipped and waited. She put the card down and stood up, then moved round and slid into the booth next to me. She grabbed my head and kissed me thoroughly, like it was something she'd been waiting to do. I swear my toes curled clear round in a circle, and I could feel the tears on her cheeks. She went back to her seat, picked up her napkin and wiped her eyes.

'What did you mean, you had to reason with that dickhead Ronnie Carter?' I shrugged.

'Told ya. He was bein' kinda abusive, badmouthin' you, makin' personal remarks, so I took him aside. He saw reason pretty quick. He been hittin' on you again?' She shook her head.

'You never said. I can't say anything right now or I'll disgrace myself. You got the menu planned too?' Click.

'Thought I'd let ya choose for yourself. Don't want to look over-control.' She rolled her eyes.

'That'll be the day.' She seemed to have perked up some, and I let out a little of the breath I'd been holding.

Dinner went real well. Champagne got drunk, but I virtuously refused wine, told the waiter I was driving, got an approving smile from her. She found her appetite and cleaned her plate. We talked about everything except friendship and going steady. Never does to spook the serious ones. There was atmosphere between us, sure, but it felt promising.

Going back she loosened her seat belt, moved over some. God bless the Valiant and its bench front seat. She leaned against me a little on the curves and I kept both hands on the wheel. By her standards she was coming on real strong. When I pulled up outside the dorm she didn't move for a while, then opened the door.

'Stay there for a second, ' she said. 'I'll be right back.' She disappeared into the dorm and I wondered what was happening. She was back in two minutes, panting, slid into the passenger seat again.

'I wanna see your apartment.' Click.

'Uh, Judy, that's not what this is about. You wanna see the apartment, why not come round for a meal, when Gary's there maybe... ' She swiveled round and grabbed my head again, then leaned forward, her face almost touching mine.

'Listen to me, Doug Taylor. I want to see your apartment right now, and when I've seen it I want a proper birthday present. You good with that?' Click.

'Ever since the first time I saw you.' I felt her shiver as I started the car again, and resisted the urge to whoop and holler.

I'd thought about clean sheets, but decided no. Too obvious, and she wasn't a stupid girl. I'd changed them since Annie's last visit though. I'm not stupid either. When we got to the apartment and I ushered her in, took her coat, she shivered again, then turned and put her arms round me.

'I'm not a virgin, Doug, but I don't ... I haven't ... since my freshman year anyway, and that was a kinda gross experience. I was drunk and so was he, and ... anyway, kinda gross, so it's been just me since then. I feel sorta shy.' She was still holding onto me tight. Click.

'Shy and scared, or shy and wanna go home or shy and what? Shit, Judy, I'm kinda shy too. I just wanted you to know that I got pretty strong feelings for you, that I'm here for you if you need anythin'.' Her arms moved up my back and wound themselves round my neck, then her lips found mine again and she slid her tongue deep into my mouth, her eyes closed. Her breasts were pressing against me and I could feel her heart beating fast and strong as we kissed. She pulled back and looked at me.

Same as Roomers
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For those of you just looking for a quick wank, you should know that all of my stories have a slow build up... but hopefully to a happy ending.It was turning into a pretty rough year for me. Beth and I were fighting every day, and just couldn't live with each other any more. As a quick fix I moved out of our swank Toronto flat back to my home town and took an apartment at the rental property that my family owned. Then I started drinking my way into a bad head-space, with it eventually...

3 years ago
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The Suite Life on Deck Episode 2

After the first time they’d had sex last night, Cody and Bailey had done it three more times, each time lasting longer than the last. After the final time Cody spent hi dwindling fuckjuice in Bailey’s sore pussy the two of them had fallen asleep right where they lay, not caring if London walked in and saw them. Cody turned his head t the side to look at London’s bed. It was empty. Huh. Why didn’t she come home last night? He mentally shrugged. Doesn’t really matter. Cody moved his...

3 years ago
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A Strangers Cum Part Four

Introduction: a woman cant help her Orgasms when she feels a strangers cum A Strangers Cum 4 When we arrived home I headed for the shower intending to get rid of a load as Sues story had me erect all afternoon but before I even had a chance to soap it up Kathy joined me, I soon had her pinned to the wall as I fucked her hard and fast from behind and luckily she was as horny as me and we both came within minutes. Satisfied I dried off and headed out the back in the nude to do some yard work...

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Staceys Mom

Brad Halstead had never heard of the band Fountains of Wayne, but when he heard their song “Stacey’s Mom” playing in his teenage daughter’s bedroom memories of a wonderful time in his life flooded back.About fifteen years ago Stacey Keen was his best friend. There weren’t many kids their age that lived close by, so they gravitated together much of the time. She was something of a tomboy and they played around the neighborhood together in the long, hot summers of their late teenage years....

Straight Sex
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Factory Love 8211 Part IV

Thanks for the wonderful response folks. That to Rishma(Indian Sex Stories) for encouragement. This is continuation of Factory Love series.. Enjoy Cheers… I got a free license to have two girlfriends and I am happy and proud about that. Both Manisha and Reshma love me and I love both of them. As they accepted in front to everyone in the factory that they love me, there is no cat fight between them, but they don’t talk between each other. I am not really worried about it as long as they are fine...

3 years ago
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More fun at Toms House taking it further

I kept going round to Tom's house as often as I could, I was still doing odd jobs and as he was only a few streets away it seemed like a safe arrangement that no one would question too closely. I was still only fo**teen but I'd learned a lot since the start of the summer. Not only was I now enthusiastically masturbating whenever I got the opportunity but I was also confident around Tom and completely happy to be naked in front of him and to be watched while I did so. Now that I'd seen Tom...

1 year ago
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Fat FarmChapter 30

Day 262 Wednesday Denise's day started off with a very energetic session at the dining room table while Victoria prepared breakfast. She had actually woken up that morning wanting to do exactly that and enjoyed it tremendously. The previous night had been spent with Larry and that had supercharged her sexual appetite. They had gone at it like bunnies and she had slept the night dreaming of a repeat. She waltzed into work in a good mood. She had just finished a major user's manual and was...

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Freeing Kirsty

NOTE: For the month of October my wife and I exchanged our home in New Zealand with a couple living on Long Island, New York. This tale arose from that visit, I scribbled down the opening when sitting in the art gallery herein named. Enjoy. – Author. * An autumn chill in the breeze under overcast skies persuaded Merrick to choose an indoor activity on his second day in New York. Unaware he was deciding his fate for years hence he decided to visit a gallery. Checking his notebook in the...

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Ginis Retirement Party

Two weeks ago the ladies in the office planned a retirement / going away party for the receptionist. She had been with the company for 23 years and at 70 she was ready to call it quits. For an older gal, Gini was in good shape. In our office the cubes that we sit in are very low and close you so can hear everyone's conversations. I over heard 2 ladies Susan and Dee discuss the gifts they got for Gini. One lady said "it wasn't easy finding a wired bra for a size 46 double DD". All the...

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Fantasy Show

Fantasy ShowBy: Londebaaz Chohan Steve had joined a college that was in the neighboring State and he had come back home after almost a complete year. Marv had seen Steve couple of times, working in his backyard; behind Marv’s backyard and they had waved at each other. Marv was not believing, what his eyes were seeing. Steve was looking even more handsome than before. Marv had eyed him since he went to same school and same class as Marv’s younger brother, Augustin and he used to come to play and...

1 year ago
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A Home Away From The Home I Knew

Introduction: A journey into space leads a lone voyager to a world of immeasurable happiness. All 18+ characters Walking amongst them I immediately felt a little less than human. Everyone I could see was smiling and laughing at unheard comedic anecdotes, or watching their children play grinning like idiots. This was not sensible but nonetheless shot down my self esteem. I didn’t know anyone there nor did they acknowledge me. I relented and sat off to the side atop a cliffside kicking the...

3 years ago
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Michael Makes a Point

Michael sat up in bed reading, waiting for his wife. The dog was up on the bed with him, trying to nose the book out of his hand and get attention.Fucking obnoxious dog. Hadn't he made it clear to the mutt that he didn't like it? To leave him alone?It was all his wife's fault. Somehow their household wasn't complete without some yipping little creature running around. Michael had been outvoted threeto one by her and the kids. But the fucking thing, some sort of little rat terrier, had...

1 year ago
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She inserted the key and unlocked the door. She entered the room tentatively, as if it was her first time. But it wasn't. She'd been here before. The furniture, the fireplace and the painting above the sofa all looked the same. The room was familiar, but the circumstances were different. Yes, it was the aura that had changed, not the room. And the man who awaited her was also familiar... in the most intimate ways. She had spent hours kissing him, touching him, tasting him. She knew every...

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Boyfriends Past

Well, this was going to suck. It was going to be her first Valentine's Day since high school that she didn't have a boyfriend to celebrate with. No romantic dinner. No flowers. No late night love. And no prospects.She knew that she could pick up some guy at a local bar, but that wasn't how she did things. A one night stand would just make her feel worse. Besides, she'd never done that before. She'd always found a guy that she was attracted to and dated him for a while to see if it felt right....

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Suburban Love Part 3

Like the movie trope, the idea of having a threesome to try to save someone’s marriage was crazy—so crazy it just might work! I managed to resist the lure of Karen’s charms; now my wife wanted me to have sex with her. Would Jewel’s rules be able to keep us out of danger?After the end of Jewel’s busy month-long project, we had spent Saturday having getting-reacquainted sex and more sleep that stretched into the afternoon. I love pampering my wife, and she deserved some time to relax.Sunday, I...

1 year ago
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Mum 7 Mos big day approaches

Once dressed l left my cock and balls hanging out of my trousers, l made sure l was hard, then went downstairs. Mum was in the kitchen preparing my breakfast, she was naked as usual. “Hi baby,” she said when she saw me, she came over and kissed me, taking hold of my cock. “I’m full of cum already,” she said, “your father was horny as well this morning, that was some evening last night, he told me what you did to Anna, l wish l’d been there to watch, it’s so good to know she’s being...

3 years ago
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Marshas OdysseyChapter 12

The next few weeks were troubling for Marsha. In her mind she continuously ran through the pros and cons of the plan to have Dan father her child. She had promised herself she would never be unfaithful to Randy again, yet she wanted this child desperately and felt it might be the only thing which could truly save her marriage. She tried repeatedly with Randy, dressing in her little girl outfits to excite him fully, and they made love almost every night for weeks, yet the small pregnancy...

3 years ago
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Train Mein Anjani Ladki

Hello Guys!! Hope your are doing well & enjoying or looking best to get most of life! This is my first story in any porn site till date, I am fond of reading from 3-4 years from 2009 during my PG, from that day I almost read 100 of stories but never thought of doing something like writing, but today I just want to write one of my experience which happened to me in 2011 February, Presently I am staying in pune and recently back from Africa, It was my cousin marriage! Sorry but please excuse if...

2 years ago
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The Untold Love Story

Hi, everyone. I am Ram22-year-oldd studying in and I am from Bangalore. I am a regular reader of this site and I always wished to post my experience just like other writers but I never had a chance for that as I had no scene with any girl until last month. I was always horny and fapped at home reading stories and downloading and watching porn movies and pics, and always wanted to have a nice session with a girl.This was going on for nearly two years while few of my friends were already having...

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Die Abschlussfahrt

Hi mein Name is Mark. Ich bin grad 19 geworden und in der 12. Klasse in der Hoffnung bald mein Abitur gemacht zu haben. Diese Geschichte handelt von unserer Abschlussfahrt die wir bereits in diesem Jahr hatten. Wir waren eine Woche in Spanien und dort ist wirklich einiges passiert. Also will ich mal am Anfang beginnen. ..... Es ist früh am morgen und die Reise hat gerade begonnen. Viele der Schüler sind noch garnicht richtig wach und haben sich auf ihren Plätzen im Bus eingerichtet um dort...

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1000Facials Alura Jenson Don8217t Tell Your Dad

Busty blonde milf Alura Jenson wants to fix things with her stepson. He’s a little upset with her since he used to have fun with her back at the strip club where she worked. And now he has to face the fact that she married his father and is now his new stepmom. But Alura wants to make things right and take really good care of her new stepson’s needs. Like busting his nut all over her face. She pulls out his cock and starts to swallow it down her throat before stroking it with her...

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MommysGirl Syren De Mer Amara Romani Taboo Conquest The Sequel

Teen step daughter Amara Romani could never imagine having sex with her step mom Syren DeMer. But after best friend Lyra tells her it happened with Lyra’s step mom, Amara can’t get it out of her head. All of a sudden, Amara’s turned on by her step mom, obsessed by Lyra’s suggestion to open her mind to what could be the best sex of her life. Amara no longer sees Syren as the wholesome woman who raised her, but as a sexual MILF, flaunting her tits and ass. Amara sees...

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Womans Story First Fingering

When I had my first fingering, I was fresh out of high school and had just met the man who became my husband. He was a few years older than me but still a virgin and I was his first girlfriend. I too was a virgin. It was two weeks after we started dating that he wanted to fuck me. I wanted to fuck him too. He came by one night and we were out in the front of my parents’ house. We started kissing and he started to feel me up. He slipped his hand underneath my shirt and starting playing with my...

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The Piano Teachers Pussy

author's Note: This is a reposy but I do have permssion to do so.The Piano Teachers' PussyIntroduction: A story about a young man's introduction to love... I was 14 years old and in grade 9. I never really wanted to take music lessons but it was a forgone conclusion in my family. Both my parents were very musical. My mother was a backup cellist in the cities symphony and my father had taken music lessons his entire c***dhood. My parents had tried to get me enthused about some instrument – any...

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Girlfriend with Testing Device Part 13 Party Hard

Author's Note: If you want to see more, I have much much more of this very story posted at and beyond even that on my patreon, at Warning: This chapter is rated a swap-happy R and contains boobs, bisexual orgies, homosexual orgies (both kinds), traps, gender bending, role reversal, parties, hairy girls, hormones, gold diggers, man-boobs, sexy butts, casual sex-toy wearing, body swaps, body part swaps, sexual positivity, classy escorts,...

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StepSiblings Danni Rivers Body Heat And Booty Meat

Danni Rivers and her step brother have a pretty friendly relationship, but when the power goes out while they are playing video games, he is pissed. Danni reveals that she may have spent the money for the power bill on some dank smokage. He is frustrated, but they make the best of the situation and roll one up. With no heat, they start to get cold. They huddle under a blanket for warmth, and soon Danni is slipping her step bros cock into her pink pussy lips. She sucks his cock while he rests,...

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Chudai Ke Liye Ek Lund Kaafi Nahi 8211 Part 15

Hi Friends. Mera naam minu hai. Meri age 45 hai. Meri shadi ke 24 yrs ho gaye hain. Kahte hain Naughty @ 40, bus wohi haal hai mera. Part 14 mein maine bataya ki kaise maine aditi ke sath sex kiya aur use apni beti banayi. Aagey ki kahani kuch aisi hai. Please apna comment min mein bhejen. Aapki comments mujhe aur bhi likhne ke liye majboor karenge. Please story ki sari parts padhe aur comment bhejen. Aditi ke sath ke session ke kuch dino baad aditi ne mujhe call kiya tha. Wo kaafi distrub lag...

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Spying On My Step Mom and Cousin

When I was 10 years old my father remarried. He was 35 and my step mom was only 20. Ten year old boys don't get along with twenty year old women that well. They are like older bossy sisters and I hated her. However, I entered puberty a couple of years later and started to look at grown women a little differently, including my step mom. I started looking forward to our good nights kisses so I could taste her lipstick, smell her perfume, and feel her soft tits press into my chest when I hugged...

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Daddys girl

Her mom had died a year ago so she was the lady of the house. She took care of everything. As she cleaned house, she wore only a t-shirt and thong. After she cleaned she would shower. Her dad walked in and saw her bending over and her ass bare except for the thin fabric of the thong. He got hard just seeing her ass. She turned before he could exit the room and saw his cock hard in his pants. After she finished cleaning she showered and went to find her dad. He was in his study. She wore only a...

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Nanban Akkavai Maadiyil Oothen

Hi friends, indru tamil kama kathaiyil enathu nanbanin akka udan nadantha kama kathaiyai patri thaan ungal idam pagira pogiren. Vaarungal tamil kama kathaikul selalam, enathu peyar gokul vayathu 28 aagugirathu. Enaku thirumana vayathu aagiyum enaku innum thirumanam aaga vilai en endraal enaku ipozhuthu thirumanam vendam endru soli irunthen. Enaku pengal meethu athigamaaga aarvam ilamal thaan irunthathu, naan kama kathai padipathodu niruthikoluven. Pengalai ooka vendum endru athigam ninaika...

2 years ago
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Mr Greens Farm

This fictional story is about the spanking of an eighteen-year-old female. Mr. Green's Farm (M/F) When I was eighteen years old, my parents left me at Mr. Green's farm for the summer while they vacationed in Europe. Mr. Green lived alone because his wife died about a year ago, so he welcomed female influence in his life again. My parents thought that my staying with him would help in cleaning and tidying up the place, and it would be good for me because it would take me away from the bad...

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Guwahati Girl Friend Se Sex

Hi,friend my name is jeet das from guwahati assam.Mera age 24 years hai dekne may thik ho.May educated well mainted boy guwahati may pala bara ho or mera girl friend jo nepali hai dekne may jhakkas hai jo ak bar dek le piche se ya samne se toh uska pent gila ho jai q ki may jab v uske samne jata tha mera lund bara sa ho jata tha jo usko v pata hai achi tarah se may 4 se 5 bar mera gf se sex kar choka tha uske ghar may or rasta may rat ko tution se ate bakt lekin rasta may maja nehi ata hamesa...

4 years ago
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The CEOChapter 4

Becca answered the door on Monday to find a UPS driver with several boxes at his feet. She started to question him about who had ordered the merchandise when she saw that the sender was Detroit Industries, Inc. She signed for the boxes and the driver returned to his truck and pulled away from the house. She struggled to get the boxes into the house. A letter with her name on it was attached to one of the boxes. The letter instructed her what to wear on the trip to Paris on Wednesday and what...

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POV Sexual Interlude

I know you're watching me, I can feel your eyes on my back as I get ready for work. Bending down, I step into my black boy shorts with the pink lace trim and slowly start sliding them up my legs. I wiggle my hips slightly, pulling them over the soft curve of my ass. I know you love my ass in boy shorts, so when I hear the bed shift I know your cock is getting hard and you're adjusting yourself. I smirk, grabbing the matching bra out of the drawer. I slide the straps up my arms, reaching and...

3 years ago
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Metro Encounter

Note: This story is somewhere between an erotic coupling and a romance. I hope you enjoy it. ———————————————— ‘Patrick, hi!,’ she effused in a very familiar manner. She was 30, maybe 35, and grabbed the seat next to me on the Metro subway pulling out of Union Station. I had no idea who was greeting me this warmly. She was attractive in an athletic way, as far as I could tell in a startled first impression. Not beautiful, really, but sexy. ‘Oh, hi.,’ I stammered before admitting the...

4 years ago
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The Magnificent MysteriansChapter 5

EMILY Deep in our safe places, we went to the cafeteria and got in line. It was still a little early, so the line was kind of short. A couple of times, people approached us to make requests. Once they got good looks at our faces, they changed their minds. Once we had our trays loaded, we turned and headed to the office. We walked somewhat slower than our OBL, but our burdens provided us with a degree of protection. I had to be careful how I held the tray, so I didn't cover anything...

4 years ago
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The Trouble With Tim

I am sitting in this library, trying to write a letter to my wife to explain why I'm no longer at home. I received the sad news two weeks ago. Well, that's not totally true. I suspected something when she came home late a month ago, went right to the bedroom, and showered before coming down to supper. I later noticed her panties in the hamper when I went to throw my own underwear in. I noticed something shiny, and I picked her panties up and could see something crusty in the gusset. I sniffed...

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The Realtor

My name is Paige, I’m twenty-seven, and I have brown hair. I’m 5’5, and I just happen to be a lesbian with c-cup boobs. I actually never had an experience with a guy, because I just wasn’t interested. Anyway, I just had a four year relationship with a girlfriend suddenly end. I found her face buried in another lady’s pussy, and that was that. Anyway, I had been using this realtor, who happened to be a woman, named Dina. She was smoking hot, and she always managed to get my panties wet. I...

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Making Love and Hardcore Fucking

“Get on the bed.” “Yes sir,” I replied, my voice as confident and controlled as I could muster, but to be completely honest, my insides were quivering with excitement and nerves. I felt a whip strike across my ass and his voice followed. “Say it louder, whore!” “Yes sir!” I yelled this time, as I got on all fours at the foot of the bed. “Good whore.” “Thank you,” I mumbled out, trying to regain my breath from the whip strike. But as my breathing regulated, another one landed across my...

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