B J Jones the Story of My LifeChapter 458
- 3 years ago
- 45
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“Why were you fighting getting off?” I asked Trudy’s friend.
Some questions I shouldn’t ask.
“Because I don’t want people to think I’m a slut,” Trudy’s friend explained. “You see how easily I came once I stopped fighting it. The boys that did it with me, even if they seem not to have popped my cherry, made me cum just poking around before they got off. The last time the boy told everyone I loved fucking so much, I came faster than a boy, and thus I must be a slut. Before my pussy could even get a finger in it, I used to like it up the ass. When puberty hit, it changed me. I almost killed the last boy I let in there. It made me go somewhere else in my head. Once he poked through my brown eye, his dick was my flesh dildo until I had enough. I was taller and heavier than him, so I could pin him down to do to him what I wanted. Only when he started crying and wailing did it get through to me what I had done.”
I turned her around, bent her over, lined my dick up, and shoved it hard into her asshole. We had all nine inches in her poop chute. Over the next half hour, I fucked her bunghole as hard as she was fucking me back.
She finally begged, “Please cum in me already. You deserve it. I went off to that place when you shoved your long dick in my ass. It helped me so much. I don’t like anything in my butt and never have. Since I know you will keep a secret, one of my non-blood or marriage-related aunts let her son do my butt when we were little. She used sex lube. He started being super friendly to me, so I let him do it in my butt all he wanted when I stayed over. To me, it felt like when I stuck my finger in there, but without having to force it in. That aunt had a weird boyfriend that was babysitting one night due to an emergency. He caught me and the boy, buttfucking, so once the boy got done, this guy held me down and raped my butthole. Now the man had a pencil dick, and I enjoyed it. It didn’t take him long to finish any of the three times he used my butt that night. The man started treating me like a princess too. I don’t know when it happened, but someone found out, and that’s when shit got weird.”
The best I could decipher her story, this aunt’s boyfriend promised her some expensive toy if she would let one of his friends do her butthole while they took pictures. The guy had a big dick, and it hurt going in her asshole, but she wanted the thing promised to her in return. All she had to do to get the toy was to fuck them both until they came in her ass and couldn’t get hard anymore. If she didn’t get the job done, she didn’t get her “prize.” The girl had no idea who came in that started beating on the two men taking turns fucking her asshole, but she wanted what they promised her and got as aggressive as she could. Both men were found dead floating down the Mississippi River. Until today, anytime someone fucked her ass, she would violently rape them until they couldn’t get hard again.
I fucked her even harder and faster until I came in her ass. She didn’t like not being in control.
When I pulled out, she asked, jokingly, “What is your hourly rate for therapy? That has been buried so deeply in my brain that I had no idea why I reacted so violently.”
“Glad I could help,” I replied. “My best advice is to find a professional to work through what happened when you were younger. Oh, and pick better guys to fuck you that can keep their mouths shut. You have powerful cums that come easily, so you should enjoy them.”
“Yeah. Thanks again for helping me figure things out,” this girl told me.
The other four girls had at least gotten a guy to fuck them long enough to pop their cherries. I rotated through screwing all five girls until they were too tired to go any longer. Trudy needed another long fuck, so I fucked her pussy raw before going to my room to get a few hours of sleep.
When I woke up, I found I was not alone. Annie and Crystal were in bed with me, naked and cuddled up close. I was surprised that they just wanted to hang out with me today, nothing more. Maybe we might have sex later, but it wasn’t on their list of things they needed or wanted right now. After breakfast, I headed out to look at the houses under construction and be there for some final walkthroughs for the ones closing tomorrow.
Molly had already scrutinized all of these houses before they could be declared ready for sale.
Once we had left my neighborhood on foot, the girls started talking about things.
“David,” Annie started. “Crystal and I aren’t sure what we will do with our lives now. We both thought about college. I want to take a year off to return to where I was before the accident. The dojo is willing to hire me as a part-time instructor, but it doesn’t pay much. Not enough to get an apartment.”
Crystal took over, saying, “Don’t start thinking about it, David. We are big girls now and will pay our way in life. We know you have palatial apartments and homes worldwide that sit empty, waiting for you to visit there. You could give us ten million each or more and never even put a dent in the amount going in each day from interest alone. We love you as much as you love us, David, but that isn’t who Annie and I are. We all know that.”
“What we need, David, are jobs where we can do an honest day’s work for whatever going rate someone fresh out of high school can earn before going to college,” Annie said. “Crystal and I also want to get a place together.”
We had to table the discussion because I had no idea that nineteen homes were ready for people to move in over the weekend for kids to start school on Monday. They were all doing walkthroughs at about the same time. The girls and I did enjoy looking through each of the houses. Not one of them was cookie-cutter, and each had different floorplans. When passing the neighborhood pool, I saw that they had a few lifeguards, but there was a sign about them hiring more.
I looked at Annie and Crystal when I asked, “Want to be lifeguards? No idea what they are paying, but it is a job, and you get to watch women and girls dressed in skimpy bathing suits.”
“Yeah, with these scars? They are also closed for the season after the Labor Day weekend,” Crystal laughed.
I have an idea, and it will be good for them.
I wouldn’t tell them about what I had in mind. Without telling Annie and Crystal, I got in my beat-up Camry and drove into town. As usual, the bike messenger service was hiring now that the college kids were returning to school.
“Congrats on turning eighteen, David. Want to grab that refrigerator and jog it over six blocks? The delivery is on the fifth floor of a building without an elevator,” the owner joked.
I turned to him and said, “Sure, if you will interview two of my best friends for jobs here making deliveries. They need jobs, aren’t starting college this year, and are hard-working.”
I didn’t give him any choice as I took the paperwork for the refrigerator, got some lifting straps, and used my phone to show me how to strap it to support it on my jog over with it. His mouth was hanging open when I got it up off the floor a foot and jogged out the door toward where he wanted it delivered. Three of the other bike messengers saw me heading out, so they followed me.
“You aren’t returning to work now that you are eighteen? We need this job,” one of the women said.
She helped me get it up the stairs, lined up at the top of each floor to lift to go up another flight, and went ahead to get the people we were delivering to open the door for me. It was one of the tall, slim refrigerators, so there was no need to take the box off to get it through the door. Once they signed the delivery receipt, I returned to the depot with the three messengers walking their bikes beside me.
I looked at the woman who asked if I was returning to work at the messenger shop and said, “No. I did bring over two of my best friends to see if they would be a good fit. Both want to get an apartment together and work for a year before college. They like staying in shape too, so this seemed like a good prospect.”
“Well, they are cute,” one of the guys said.
“Sorry, bud. They play for the same team and are a couple,” I told him.
“Doesn’t mean they aren’t cute,” he joked.
“They are also black belts,” I teased.
“As I said, cute,” he replied.
We laughed at that as we headed into the depot.
It seems they liked the job as much as the guy here wanted to watch their big tits.
When Crystal shot off a text to ask her mom what she needed for the job application, the man-in-the-machine’s AI confirmed that the girls wanted to be messengers, or at least give it a good try.
“Do you think you will be able to get bikes and safety gear by Monday? I need to get you both trained as soon as possible,” he asked. “Tomorrow would be better, but that is hard to get good gear quickly.”
I waited until he finished talking to them, handed him the signed delivery paperwork, and asked, “Can they start as soon as they get changed into sports bras and the uniform shirts?”
“They aren’t going to run things around instead of riding a bike, are they?” he asked jokingly.
I laughed hard because their bikes arrived right then, along with top-of-the-line safety gear, biking shoes that locked into their pedals on the sides, sports bras, socks, and biking pants.
When I could talk again, I said, “I know a guy. According to the message, I’m upgrading everyone on the permanent staff to new wheels, safety gear, and all the other stuff. I hope you like the new uniforms because you are stuck with them.”
“What the hell, David? You hit the lottery or something?” he asked.
“Or something,” I told him.
The first two messengers back were a man and a woman. I pointed to their new bags, clothes, bikes, and gear and told them to change. The woman stuck her head out the bathroom door to ask me to come in for a minute. She had a question about the new uniforms.
She was nude and started reaching for my shorts to get my dick out as she said, “Fuck me, big boy. You are legal now, and I need some big dick. After you take care of my itch, you get another fuck as thanks for the gear.”
I pulled her hands away from my shorts, got her to put her foot on the sink, pushed my middle finger inside her soaked pussy, and then rubbed her g-spot until she came so hard I had to catch her.
“Sorry for giving you the finger, but less messy this way, and giving up your virginity to me, instead of your fiancé on your wedding night, would make me feel like shit. Any woman who manages to keep her cherry for over twenty-one years doesn’t get to lose it in a small bathroom stall at work. Now, let me help you get dressed. You are going to like what this new uniform does to show off that hot body,” I told her.
It did amazing things for her. She loved the new sports bra and panties more than the biking pants and spandex shirt.
She hugged me and said, “Now, this was designed by someone who knows how to make a woman a walking wet dream. I’ve never seen anyone make something this tight with the seams between the colors put over my panty lines and sports bra. If I didn’t know I had them on, I wouldn’t know if I was naked underneath or not. I don’t feel the bra or panties, and I’ve always felt my old ones. These are so thin that you can see my clit, pussy hair, lips, and even my butthole if you look closely. My nipples look hard, and they aren’t.”
“I told you he was only helping her get dressed. There is no way she got laid and isn’t showing it in the new uniform,” one of the women waiting to change said. “Time to see what these new clothes can do for me.”
I think that the guy’s uniforms look better than the women’s. Did whoever made these pick a color that hides their package until you are in the right light, then you get a great look?
“Why don’t I have a new uniform, bike, and other stuff,” one of the girls that came into work thirty minutes later asked.
The boss told her, “Because you will be sitting your pretty ass in class this time next week. Here’s your final paycheck. I have paid your hourly wages for today and tomorrow. Now get out of here before your bank closes.”
“That was uncharacteristically generous,” I told him.
He explained that he was using his uniform budget to give the summer job kids to pay through the week.
The first men to wear the new uniforms returned with a stack of stuff to be dispatched today, at a premium.
“Damn, I’m not the only one that likes the new uniforms. That is the entire inbox for the law firm down the block to go over to the courthouse ASAP, and they have a pile waiting there to pick up, too,” he told the boss as he did the paperwork before heading off to the courthouse.
A woman came in that had a similar response from her three deliveries.
The phone rang, and we all heard the boss saying, “I’m glad you approve of the new uniforms, Mrs. Starling. I do agree that they are very flattering, even for women. They were a gift from a previous employee who wanted to give something back. Yes, those colors got chosen to distract the eyes from the breasts and genitals unless someone decides to look. I will send someone right over.”
“That was a refreshing surprise,” the boss told everyone in earshot. “Mrs. Bitch, about everything, Sterling was delighted with how Marion rocked the new uniform. Sorry, Marion, she requested that we restrict the route to only males. Though I have to say, she surprised me when she said she wanted to pay an extra upcharge on pickups and deliveries for that requirement. Yes, it is sexist as hell, but for a ten percent fee per item, I think we can work something out for the women as a result.”
Marion burst out laughing. She said that if she knew wearing a form-fitting, show off what you’ve got, but somewhat hidden by the different color panels, would mean no more going to Mrs. Sterling’s again, then she could handle the customer’s gender discrimination.
The boss sent one of the guys over to take care of the additional work.
Anne and Crystal were out with two of the messengers that were showing them the ropes. I had Crystal’s car brought over by one of the staff at my house. Crystal had the dongle in the pocket of her messenger uniform. She was grateful that I had thought about that for her. Crystal’s car had a bike rack on it as well. The person training her said they would show her how to use it later in exchange for a ride home.
The boss did pull me into his office and closed the door to ask, “I like the new uniforms, especially on the women, a lot. We’ve never gotten this much volume in a single day. Do you think the work clothes are too much? I sort of feel like I’m pimping out my messengers.”
“I’m an eighteen-year-old guy. I would like to see the women deliver to me naked,” I said. “As for pimping them out, tell them you will fire them if they fuck a customer on the clock. If they bring in as much as each one has been doing since the uniform change, none of them will risk the better pay to have a quick fuck. I don’t remember how much you pay per item, but you get a rush service fee. Ten percent to have one specific gender make pickups and deliveries should clear your conscience. I haven’t heard a single employee say bad about the new outfits.”
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First, details I guess. My name...well...let's call me Kincaid. I'm your typical nerdy guy. I'm about 5'10" and I've always been a big guy. It runs in my family. See, everyone I'm related to is built like a biker. We're all chunky, but under that bit'o'flab is pure muscle. The guy who grabbed my mother's arm on Black Friday wasn't expecting that. I'm getting off track already, I apologize... Right, details. I have brown hair and grey eyes. My lookers are probably my best...
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MatureI woke up smiling. I battled through the hangover that was pressing against my brain, but nothing, nothing at all, could make my mood darken. I had a new life, one that was a blank slate, minus the life that she had constructed before hand. I had tried to start over many times in my life. The unknown and unforeseen circumstances had conspired to press against my dreams in numerous ways, always leaving me with a little less drive, a little less energy for life. Now, however, that was...
A good therapist who wanted to help this family would make Alisa see what the true problems were. But Dr. Zaaijer would instead use Alisa's propensity for denial to make her not realize anything was wrong when things would be changing radically. Jack had the least to say about anything. Dr. Zaaijer was right about his assessment of Jack. Jack was essentially a weak man who had been pushed into a subservient role by his wife who cared more about her job than her family. Jack wanted...
When I woke again, everything seemed very bright. Not the bright at the end of the tunnel, just bright, like a bright room. By the time I got around to opening my eyes, I fell asleep again. It seemed like this went on a few more times before I managed to get my eyes open enough to see where I was. I could see a white ceiling of some sort, and I tried to move, but I couldn’t move. I could feel things, but I couldn’t move. I was able to turn my head, and rise slightly, and it looked like I was...
WARNING: This is an adult story, containing sensitive material of a sexual nature, including graphic descriptions of consensual, ‘vanilla’ sex within marriage. If you find such material offensive or are underage, do not read further, but please bypass this story for one more suitable for you. This story is written for enjoyment and entertainment purposes only, and no commercial profit is expected to be made from it. It may be copied for personal use or for posting on other sites, provided...
Indru tamil kama kathaiyil ilamaiyaana magalum pinbu vithavai ammavaiyum eppadi usar seithu matter poten endru ungaluku solugiren. Suvarasiyam athigam irukum kama kathaikul selalam vaarungal, en peyar karthik. En veethiiyil oru pen ilamaiyaaga sexiyaaga irupaal, avalai thinamum sight adithu kondu irupen. Thinamum aval kalluri sendru varum pozhuthu iru velaiyilum sight adika arambithu viduven. Aval peyar nandhini vayathu 21 irukum, avaluku veetil aan thunai kidaiyaathu. Veetil oru amma iru...
Dinner that night was an awkward affair. Diana was acting sullen for some reason, barely picking at her food, and not so much speaking as grunting when I tried to make conversation. I wasn't much better - I'd started to feel responsible for what happened to Marissa, even if it wasn't anything I did on purpose, and that left me growing more quiet and introspective the more I went over it in my head. As for Marissa, she seemed to have accepted her new self wholeheartedly, and her interest in...
After much internal debate, Michelle finally worked through her trepidations to discuss a rather private concern with her GP. In the past year, attaining an orgasm became increasingly difficult during the rare moments of physical intimacy with her spouse. The relationship was well intact, but years of the same led to a drop in libido and increased sexual frustration, in fact, her last orgasm during intercourse was a distant memory. The harder she tried the worse it became, and virtually assured...
MasturbationMy psychologist asked that I do an experiment so I'd like to see what the responses are to this story. I hope you don't mind! Her name is Jeanette, and I visit with her weekly. Her first question is always "Am I visiting with James or Jamie?" I think that is so nice of her to ask. I'll speak from a third person's view and I hope that isn't confusing to the reader. It's usually Jamie who speaks first. She gets so angry when James even tries to attempt any authoritative actions. Jamie...
My divorce had left me depressed to the point where I contemplated ending my life. Every day as I drove home from work tears would fill my eyes and I'd sob uncontrollably as I headed for my new, small one room apartment. After a month of this, I knew I had to get some help. I did the research and found a therapist who came highly recommended. I have to admit; I never put much stock into therapy. I probably got a negative impression of it courtesy of my ex-wife. She went twice a week...
Claire's next patient was Elizabeth Smith. She was a self-referral, which was quite unusual. Her file had only her name, age (31) and contact details – no medical information or history of any kind. Recalling that her last patient's name was Greg Smith, Claire wondered. Same family name, and though the name Smith is common enough, it was just possible that this was his offspring. He had said his daughter was in her thirties. While she waited for Elizabeth to arrive, Claire thought back on...
The Therapist - Chapter 1: Sophie By Overtime My name is Dr Rose. I'm a psychotherapist. That means I help people, and I take great pride in what I do. I know what you're thinking, but I'm not kidding - I really do help all of my clients, just not always in the way they might want. Still, I never get any complaints. Quite the contrary. Everyone always ends up very happy with the services I provide. My private office is in central London; I rent a tasteful and very expensive...
I have written some true stories, here is how it all began.Jaq and I had come into some money and had started to live the good life. We had hired a twenty-year-old maid called Maria. We are both in our fifties, but Maria seemed to take a shine to me.I had arrived home early from work on a Friday afternoon, Maria was busy cleaning and doing the household chores. "Hello Maria" I called out, "hello" came the reply. I went upstairs to change into some casual clothes and was naked in the bedroom,...
CuckoldMonday – The MajorWhen she was in college, Gayle had a roommate named Jasmine. It wasn’t long before Gayle realized that “Jazz” was bisexual, and eventually and often Gayle discovered how much she could enjoy sex with another girl. After graduation, Gayle became a sex therapist but over time lost track of Jasmine.Gayle considered Mondays her “casual” night to relive the thrill of finding a stranger for sex. She frequented her favorite bar and usually sat in a secluded area so she could check...
Fetish"if you like, we can decompress this way," she said to me, smiling. "you can be the cuddler this time." I didn't wait too long. I hopped over the back of the couch like some parkour junkie, plopping down behind her. She laughed, popping up into the air for a second. I put my arm around her, feeling a little confident in myself. I did sweet, little things like kiss her shoulder and her neck a few times. Patch looked back at me, giggled, and nuzzled with me. "we're being sweet,...
Danny and Patty Swanson, newlyweds of six months, were both sexually frustrated, and in an attempt to fix the problem, had secured a weekend reservation at a secluded beach getaway house. They were to be met there by Doctor Andrea Andrews, a respected sex therapist and author.Unbeknown to them, the house was occupied by an interloper named Amy Lindsay. When they arrived, they realized the house was occupied, and they assumed it was Dr. Andrews. What they did not know, there was a message on the...
Group SexI sat alone on my bed in a room that I had been sleeping in the past few months, apart from my wife of ten years. I knew it had been by choice, since I often felt the need for time alone, and it seemed nights were the only time that worked out.My desire for my wife was gone, mostly due to how she cared for herself, and some emotional issues. Our sex life was reduced to receiving occasional oral, and that took persuasion on my part. Even with that, I had been experiencing problems with erection...
MasturbationYou are Andrea, a newly educated therapist. You worked for your college degree for quite a few years. But the last few years you have had to hold back on your own sexual progress. In your early college days, you were the local slut. You had many of one night stands, and really liked to tease your professors, when you open your legs at the classes and show them what panties you had on under your skirt. Everyone was really surprised when you managed to get your degree. Even you, because you had...
BDSMHello doston, I am pankaj gupta from bhopal (the city of lakes). I m a medical student (me bhms kar raha hun, bhopal k hi 1 private homeopathic medical college se). Meri ye erotic story mere aur meri 1 colony ki hi lady jinka naame h nisha aur age 35 (jo ki college me teacher hain) k beech ki hai. Halanki ye aapko bhot jaada erotic to nahi lagegi, par yehi h mera pehla erotic experience. (hope you all will like it). Meri emaild id [] par apne sujhaav jaroor dijiyega. Is kahaani me aapko...
For the second time, when I opened my eyes, I knew that I was no longer myself. Before I even looked around, I was prepared for what I would find. I had seen her when she walked through my door, and if only for a moment, I had a mixture of excitement and fear over what would transpire. Tiffany was a young woman in college that had had a rough life. She had been abandoned by a addict mother, abuse by an alcoholic mother, spent five years in foster homes (none of which was very good), and...
For the real Mikie's transition, Dr. Zaaijer used a different tactic. Mikie was becoming stronger every day. The time to return home and go back to her old life was approaching. Mikie knew this but she didn't want to go to her old self. She was reminded of how it used to be at home with her alcoholic father. She didn't want that. It would be worse since her mother was not around anyway. The idea scared her. Then Dr. Zaaijer gave her a way out. She didn't have to be the scared...
I would like to thank Estranhosidade who helped me with this this story. Please comment, I enjoy your feedback and inspiration. Prologue "As you were saying?" Dr. Zaaijer asked Joanne. Joanne had forgotten what she was about to say. She hesitated. Joanne Rios was in Dr. Zaaijer's office with her mother and her very serious boyfriend. They had come to Dr. Zaaijer a month ago because her mother and her boyfriend couldn't stand each other. Joanne loved them both and she didn't...
Chapter two. Joanne had already broached the subject with Steven. Steven didn't think he had anything to lose by going along with Joanne and said 'Yes' immediately. But now was the time to ask her mother. She didn't know if asking her mother would be harder or easier than asking her boyfriend but Joanne had to do something. If she didn't, eventually she would have to choose between the two of them and that was a decision that she just didn't want to make. "Mom," Joanne started...