Seduced by an older man at the pictures part 2
- 5 years ago
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The negotiations on the EastHem trade agreement actually took the better part of five weeks to hammer out. The sticking point was the matter of compensation for the goods. EastHem wanted Mars to convert to their system of currency — the EastHem pound. They wanted to pay Mars for the agricultural products they purchased in pounds and then have Mars pay them in pounds for the alcohol, cigarettes, and coffee. Laura Whiting absolutely refused to budge on this manner.
"This will be a strict exchange of commodities for commodities," she said time and time again. "We give you a certain amount of agricultural goods and you give us a certain amount of addictive drugs. We will not convert to your currency or allow you to accept ours. That is non-negotiable."
EastHem listened to her but didn't want to believe her. They tried as hard as they could. They offered ridiculously low prices on their end and offered ridiculously high prices on the Martian end just to get Laura Whiting and her legislature to agree to convert to pounds. The Martians refused. They threatened to withhold fuel shipments if an agreement could not be reached.
"Then we would be forced to end all agricultural shipments to EastHem," Whiting calmly countered. "We would eject all of you from our planet and we would be easy fodder when the WestHems returned. You would never again enjoy the boost to your economy that we are responsible for."
Eventually, the diplomats agreed to Laura Whiting's condition. They had been ordered to push as hard as they could for conversion to pounds but not to go under if the greenies were insistent. The next phase of the negotiations concerned the amounts of each commodity. Again the EastHems started off with patently ridiculous demands. They were suggesting the equivalent of two hundred kilos of marijuana for each pack of cigarettes, six hundred kilos of beef for each kilo of coffee, one hundred kilos of vegetables for each liter of alcohol. The weeks ground on and eventually the two sides were able to meet in the middle and put their signatures to a formal trade treaty.
On December 8, 2146, Laura Whiting called a press conference in order to announce the terms of the new agreement. There was something else she intended to announce as well, something that she had discussed with the planetary legislature and even with Jack Strough. All had given their agreement to the plan, although Strough had his own reasons for doing so. It was something that would be a considerable shock to a mostly silent minority of people on the planet.
"We have hammered out a trade agreement with EastHem," she happily announced that night at 1800 hours, New Pittsburgh time. "All cargo will be transported in their ships, loaded and unloaded at Triad by Martian dockworkers. The actual amounts of the agreement will be posted on the MarsGroup text sites but we have gotten all we've asked for and more. Within eight weeks our planet will once again be able to enjoy fine coffee, alcoholic beverages, various tobacco products, and... for the first time in our history (except for those corporate WestHems who had it specially imported), seafood consisting of crabs, lobsters, shrimp, oysters, clams, and various types of ocean and freshwater fish. This last was an added inducement suggested by EastHem as a measure of good faith and accepted by the negotiation team. So have faith, Martians, soon most of you will be swimming in intoxicants, tobacco, and coffee once again and you'll be able to sample seafood."
She could not hear it but she had a feeling a cheer was going up around the planet. She smiled in silence for a few moments, waiting for it to die down.
"Now the distribution of these trade goods is something that myself and my advisors have thought long and hard on. They will be sold at a fixed price in the various retail establishments and bars until such time that we hammer out a new constitution and a new economic system. (Jack Strough frowned mightily from his seat in the audience at this point — he and his cohorts were planning on going back to the old constitution with a few modifications). There will be no need for profiteering or hoarding of these supplies. In the amounts we've negotiated there will be enough for everyone. So have faith, Martians, your vices will be arriving soon."
She paused again, allowing what she assumed was another planetwide cheer to die down. She then turned her face serious.
"This brings us to a subject that seems unrelated but that really is not. It is the subject of welfare reform. For dozens of generations we have had a system in place in which the needy, the jobless, the infirm among us have been supported by the government so that they may continue to be housed and fed. This is a system that many of you who fought in the revolution, who toiled in the factories to supply the revolution, lived under when WestHem rule was in place. It is a system in which the government paid you a certain amount of money each month for expenses. It was a system that was necessary when we had better than twenty-five percent unemployment on this planet. But it is a system that was and is rife for abuse by many of those who partake in it. It is time for that system to change and it is with the influx of these luxury items that we must act to avoid further abuses. It is time for what our ancestors used to call 'tough love'."
"We have reached a point now in Martian history where there are many more jobs available than there are workers to fill them. Our war efforts have opened up positions in every conceivable field. We need police officers, dip-hoes, factory workers, agricultural workers, janitors, soldiers, miners. We need people to work in order to make this new reality we are forging continue on. In short, there is no reason why everyone who is capable of working should not be working. 'I can't get a job' was a very legitimate excuse under WestHem. It is not a legitimate excuse today. What I'm about to suggest may sound harsh to those accustomed to the WestHem way of doing things, but it is a necessity for our new system. From this point on if you do not work, you will not get any money."
From all over the planet people gasped as they heard this. Some in surprise, many in approval, some, like Belinda Creek, in surprised shock.
"Now I'm not talking about cutting everyone off from government assistance," Whiting continued. "I wouldn't dream of such a thing. It is my belief that just by virtue of being born you are entitled to certain basic needs of life. If you are capable of working but choose not to, that is your right as a citizen of Mars. The government will continue to provide you with basic food items, with basic shelter in public housing buildings, with basic clothing, with an education in public schools, with basic Internet access and a personal computer. But that is all we will provide you with and from here on out these things will be provided for you by vouchers. Those on public assistance will no longer receive any money of any kind from the government of Mars.
"Now as to how that relates to these luxuries we have just negotiated for our planet, you will have to have money in order to obtain them from a store. There will be no vouchers for cigarettes, for coffee, for alcohol, or for marijuana. If you want some of those things, or if you want premium cuts of beef, or if you want food from a restaurant, you will have to have money — namely credits, which I've named in that they represent a credit you have received for some sort of contribution to society. Those who contribute will be given credits. Those who do not will be fed, housed, and clothed in basic format and will have no credits for luxuries.
"For those of you sitting in your homes accustomed to receiving your monthly marijuana and alcohol vouchers and your one hundred credits of spending money, those days are at an end as of now. We're not doing this because we hate you. We're doing it to encourage you to get up and make something of yourselves.
"That is all I have to say. Good night. Let's keep Mars free."
Belinda Creek was shocked beyond belief. She had watched the Whiting bitch's speech with initial glee as she talked about all the wonderful and cheap booze that would soon be pouring in from EastHem. True there had been no mention of Fruity — her favorite — but surely the EastHems had some sort of similar concoction for their own vermin. Her elation had turned to horror, however, as Whiting had explained the welfare reform. No money of any kind? Vouchers for food, housing, and clothing? What kind of shit was that? That wasn't fair! There was no way the people of Mars would stand for that, was there?
She went to bed that night convinced that the press would crucify Whiting the next morning, that popular outrage would quickly overturn this fascist edict. In this she was partially right. There were many questions about her unexpected welfare reform law the next morning, most having to do with what those who were unable to work because of disability would do. As the days went on and Whiting explained that her reform only applied to those who were able to work but chose not to, much of the questions faded away. In fact, it was determined that the majority of the planet, including those who had grown up as vermin but were now working, approved of Whiting's reform. Some of them were even of the opinion that she was being too generous.
Jack Strough and his growing number of followers were one such group. Strough was all in favor of denying credits or dollars or pounds (whatever they ultimately ended up going with) to those on welfare but he was opposed to the idea of giving them even basic vouchers.
"Why should we house them if they refuse to work?" Strough asked a group of reporters interviewing him on the subject. "Why should our hardworking field hands have to feed them if they refuse to work? Why should we give them free clothing and free education if they refuse to work? Working is what keeps the economy rolling. Everyone capable of it should contribute to the cause. If you choose not to, I say you can go naked and homeless and starve in the street."
After a week of excited talk about the welfare reform rules it was apparent to Belinda and everyone like her that public opinion was not in their favor. If anything they stood to lose the meager handouts Whiting was offering them.
"This is a bunch of fuckin' bullshit," Belinda told the computer screen one night after smoking the last of her marijuana supply. She had just received the first of her monthly vouchers via email and, as promised, there was no credits or dollars listed in them.
She longed for the way things used to be, when the booze was free, the asshole that lived with her was fucking her on a regular basis, and no one expected her to go out and find a fucking job.
The fervor over the welfare reform act died down quickly the last week of December when the subject of "the vote" was raised for the first time. It was Jack Strough who raised it and once it was brought to the public's attention it would only be called "the vote" when discussed.
"It's obvious that myself and Governor Whiting have very differing views on the direction this planet should take in the post-revolutionary phase," Strough announced at a press conference. "I represent an organization that a good portion of our blue collar workers now belong to — the Martian Federation of Labor — and I speak to you now as their voice. We have achieved what Ms. Whiting set out to do. We have beaten the WestHem marines and chased them from our planet. Now it is time for us to reconcile with them in the interest of all Martians.
"Governor Whiting's idealistic plans of an isolated planet, independent from the economies of EastHem and WestHem sound good after smoking a few bowls and bullshitting with your buddies over artichokes and cheesecake, but they hardly hold water in the real world. We cannot exist without WestHem. They are our mother country and they are the ones who must purchase the majority of what we produce here. We must establish diplomacy with them, negotiate a permanent armistice, exchange our prisoners, and, most of all, trade with them in the great tradition of democratic capitalism. It is a nice pipe dream that we can be fully independent but it can't happen in real life. It simply can't!
"If we do not negotiate now, from a position of strength, WestHem is going to send more troops here and forcibly take Mars back from those who fought so hard to keep it. They are going to take over the labor rolls again and cut everything to the bare minimum, bringing us back to the unemployment levels we had before. They are going to sever the ties we recently established with EastHem and force us back into the monopoly of buying only their coffee, only their alcohol, only their tobacco. Did we sacrifice so much these past months just to have it all taken away from us? Just to subject ourselves to occupation by the very WestHem marines we just ejected from this place?
"I say that is not an acceptable answer. We are in the position of strength now and it is time to start negotiating an acceptable peace with WestHem. We can give them back their corporate holdings but regulate how they are allowed to run them on Mars. We can keep our government intact and insure that the majority of this planet's wealth stays here. This is the only answer, people. Becoming a communistic, isolated planet that does not accept WestHem money for the goods we provide is Governor Whiting's way. Being realistic in our goals and ambitions is my way. Now I want to know what you, the Martian people, think about all of this.
"We must pick one path or the other and we must do it soon. For this reason I am challenging Governor Whiting to put our respective ideologies to a vote. I suggest we schedule it for the second Tuesday in January. The question will be a simple one. Do we remain committed to complete independence — which would entail fighting for this planet's freedom again and again until the WestHems either give up or defeat us — or do we open negotiations for the peaceful reconciliation of our two planets in such a way that guarantees us de facto independence?
"I'm awaiting Governor Whiting's reply."
He ended the press conference a moment later, not staying to answer questions.
Laura Whiting's reply was an angry one.
"Did we not already vote on this?" she asked the public the next day. "In the very beginning, after the MPG secured this planet from WestHem, we voted on this issue. I don't think the wording of that particular ballet was ambiguous in any way. It read: Will the Planet of Mars declare independence from the Federal Alliance of the Western Hemisphere and enforce this declaration by any means available? Yes or no. The vote was overwhelmingly 'yes'. We did not vote for 'de facto independence'. Our soldiers did not fight and die for 'de facto independence'. Jack Strough is trying to divide this planet at a time when we most need to be unified."
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ExhibitionismIt was chilly in our bedroom. Outside the windows it was a gray winter morning, cold and rainy. There was an occasional gust of wind, with the rattle of sleet on the glass. The thermostat clicked as it returned to the daytime settings. Warmth began to flow from the vents. We lay spooned, back to front. My lips teased the crease where her hairline met the nape of her neck. My left arm wrapped up from underneath, grasping her shoulder, hugging her warmth tighter to me. The blanket had slipped...
I'd been with my girlfriend, Amy, for a few weeks. We weren't your usual pairing, our friends were very surprised when we got together. She was 2 years younger than me, with medium length brown hair, a pretty face, average sized but pert breasts and a slim figure. We were both young, but legal.She was round for the afternoon and we cuddled for a while on the sofa in my bedroom. We began to watch 'Wrong Turn', a good film by the way! It got to about 10 minutes in when we both happened to look at...
I wrote this story as a serial on several clubs over a period of a few months, originally calling it the Meteorite, though I decided to change the name to something more appropriate. Or at least to a name that had a little more to do with the main story. As I wrote this story, I had no real direction planned but did use suggestions and comments from some of the readers. The Voice Within (previously the Meteorite) By Morpheus Part 1 It was after dark and the moonlight gleamed...
Ned entered his residence suite to the sound of running water in the bathroom. Inside the steamy room, he saw that someone was using his shower. Her hands vigorously scrubbed around a head and hair covered in shampoo suds. With her eyes closed against the soapsuds and the drumming water masking outside sounds, she made no sign of noticing Ned’s presence. Turning her wet body around to face the shower spray, Ned saw tattooed words across the top of her vaginal area. He was unable to read them...
A while later I could feel that an erection is about to develop as my cock started to feel hard. However, she opted to give me a blow job again and as time was getting a bit late we went into the bathroom. I immediately exposed my cock and bending down on her knees she took the whole 8 inches into her mouth. I fucked her mouth by holding her head with my two hands and unable for her to move away she just kept the her mouth open to accommodate my cock. This was a great fuck as normally a blowjob...
I’ve always loved belly dancers, I think they are sexy as hell and over the yrs I have convinced my wife to give it a shot. She always thought it would be a nice idea but never keen on exposing that much of herself. A few months ago, about half a year, I went down to a local Arab store, in some downstairs slightly smelling of marijuana type premises. The intent was to buy my wife a nice belly dancing costume. She had already started to learn and was going to be involved in a performance so I...
One day, when I was 15 years old, I played hooky from school. I screwed around town until the movie opened and then went in. It was a while before I could sneak up to the balcony but finally I was seated in a seat way up in the back in the darkest corner. It took about an hour or so before the people really started arriving and within an hour and a half some guy sat down next to me. As soon as he was settled his knee touched mine and pressed against me. I must have felt daring that day cause...
Gay MaleThis actually started 2 years ago when I was in my junior college 2nd year in Hyderabad. My parents stay in Dubai, but they want to settle finally in India, so they wanted my education to go on in India itself. I use to stay in a hostel nearby our college. I wanted to change the hostel and I was searching for a small flat or room. One day I saw an ad in a classified page, that a house is available for rent in a very nearer area to my college. It was a good residential area. It was actually a...
It had started as a few exchanged messages on PM. Now I knocked on the hotel door - it swung open and there was Mistress - looking fabulous in a leather dress, fitted beautifully to her curves, with the top couple of buttons undone for effect - just glimpses of her fabulous cleavage within. Her hubby the birthday boy was behind her - almost naked - except for a rather fetching pair of lacy red panties - thong style, which were struggling to contain his obvious excitement. "Please come in", She...
Both of them were youngish, in their late teens or early twenties, but looking younger, and wise beyond their years. She was pretty in a cute, innocent way, and dressed in tee shirt and jeans, worn under a denim jacket. He was kind of good looking, if a little tubby, and dressed in a chav like uniform of baseball cap, jeans and Lacoste polo & jacket. Both already veteran’s of this, they had the routine down pat, they knew that the best places were not bars or clubs, but cafes and coffee shops...
EroticThank you all for the great response to my storys. I have met so manygreat women that have written and said they got something from mywriting. It means a great deal to hear from them. As always I am Genny Story... Waiting For ItI am Genny.The schedule Melly and I live is crazy. She is an ER nurse and I am afirefighter. Her shifts change and sometimes she is on a 12 hour startingat 4 in the afternoon or the regular day shift or once in a whilemidnights. I work a 24 hour shift. 24 hours on...
LesbianI didn't like the town any more and I hadn't really wanted to go back there. But then the plan was that I'd only be in that place for a couple of hours at the outside. My employer -- being aware that I'd lived there previously and also that I had once been an employee of the prospective client -- had it figured that I would be the best man for the job. Had it not been for possibility of a socking great commission cheque, I'd have refused to go, right from the get go. I was somewhat...
Kyla is all wound up from her red carpet intro to the cocksmen and she’s ready to get fucked! Chris, being the gentleman that he is, offers to lube her up by going down on her while the other guys fill her mouth and her hands with cocks to suck on and play with. Nacho feeds her cock from on top of the bench wile Olly and before long, Kyla is squirting all over the place! They strip her dress off of her to get a better look at her big tits and tight little pussy as they continue to feed...
xmoviesforyouHe sat down behind me. I didn't think much of it. My girlfriend's brother was obviously gay although no one had ever seen him with another man. She was Asian, tall, slender, and hot. He was the male version of her but she had really gotten the good looks.He was very touch feely and I'm on the gay friendly side so he didn't bother me. I was spread out on the sofa, legs across my girlfriends lap, head in the middle of the sofa on a pillow. There was just enough room for him to squeeze in behind...
Introduction: one women is blackmailed by her junior into sex a second woman arrogantly dismisses her servants views and abilities and pays a heavy price. Louise was tall with long dark red hair. She had been educated at a very expensive private school before Oxford. She had studied anthropology and considered herself an expert on many matters. She admired her naked body in the mirror. 35 24 34 her breasts filled a c cup. She leant back her breasts pushed forward they were young and firm and...
Ye meri zindagi ki ek sachi kahani hai, Ye un dino ke bat hai jab Noreen hamare ghar kuch dino ke liye rehne ke liye aye thi, Noreen ek buhat shareef aur bholi larki hai jab ye waqia hua us waqt us ko sex bare mein kuch nahi pata tha, wo ek buhat sehat mand, smart aur buhat khubsurat larki thi, sehat mand hone ki wajah se us ke boobs buhat bade aur gole the woh jab bhi hamare ghar aati to meri nazar us ke boobs aur chutad par hi rehti thi, Noreen ki age 23 sal thi, Sab zayada jo achi aur...
I watch the new intern bending over while he puts another ream of printer paper away on a lower shelf. Someone should tell him those khakis are too tight for the workplace, but it won’t be me. He flashes an innocent smile as he passes my desk on his way to his next menial task. I open my top drawer, take out my little blue dildo, and swing by Jill’s cubicle.“I’m taking a stroke break, wanna cum?”“Oh, darn it, I just got back from finger fucking myself. Come find me after lunch when you go for...
MasturbationPearl Chapter 1Andrew Marx was sitting at the bar of a local club having a drink whenhe saw her walk in. It was Chelsea, his old girlfriend, and she was witha very tall and muscular African-American man.Andrew let out a sigh and decided to finish his drink and head outbefore she saw him. She had left him nine months earlier, stating thatshe wanted something more in a relationship, and judging by the...
100% fiction! I'm sitting here and trying to figure out what really happened. I have to go back to early summerday when I was 18 years old. 18 years and 11 days, to be presisly. I was on my way to our family cottage, on a island outside Fredrikstad in Norway. My family was already out there, waiting for me. In my new boat, with a 9,9 hk outboarder, I felt like flying over the sea. I drive around the odd and came into the beach where our cottage was and I was seeing something I didn't like. On...