Journey into the PastChapter 20 The Village of Janesville is Born
- 2 years ago
- 22
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Early in the morning Hild woke and the first thing she saw was the pair of us sitting by her cot. She just burst out crying, and sobbing, "Chally our baby is dead, I'm sorry."
"Please don't worry sweetheart, As long as you are OK that is what matters. We want you to rest and get better soon."
She sobbed herself back to sleep.
We were that tired that we just lay on top of the bed with all our clothes on, and threw the other opened sleeping bag over ourselves. Sleep slowly came, and I was soon in a very deep sleep.
"Come on you lazy bones, get up. I have prepared breakfast." Hild said shaking us.
I shot straight up "What are you doing up you should be resting?"
"Why, what good will lying in bed do?"
What could I answer to that? We got up off the bed, went outside, splashed some cold water on our faces, cleaned out teeth, and returned into the cabin.
Hild had tidied up the living area, returned the sleeping bag to the bedroom and was sitting at the table eating her breakfast of porridge. It looked like the Hild of old had returned.
"Please, if you are going to get up, take it easy for the next few days, I don't want you to hurt yourself." went over and gave her a kiss on the cheek.
"I will, but please don't fuss over me."
With that the matter was closed, and we continued to eat our breakfast. The other three entered and they didn't seem too concerned when they saw Hild sitting at the table, they just helped themselves to the porridge and ate it.
After breakfast and everything was tidied up, we all went outside and near where the clay pit was, built a bonfire with all timber that was lying around. Placed the small body on it and cremated it. No weeping, no tears were shed by the others, only by Marjorie and I.
It was decided on two things. We would drag to the centre of the clearing, all the useless limbs and loose branches lying around our new village site, and burn the lot. Also I was going to move the van over near to where the ammunition dump had been. (Already checked there was no munitions left lying around) This was to be the site that Stigand had decided on. We were going to build the houses around the clearing leaving the centre as a traditional English common.
So for the rest of the day, until mid afternoon we created a huge bonfire with the fallen branches and any other flammable item we didn't want.
The bison had been completely forgotten, but when I went to get the truck to tow the van I remembered it. We pulled it off the back and the women started to skin and butcher the carcass.
Then using the truck and Marjorie steering the van, we towed the van to its temporary site at the other side of the clearing. This really took little time even after emptying the cab into the trailer with all the items we had stored there.
Whilst skirmishing for the bonfire, we found our old 44-gallon hot water system. It was a little out of shape but we battered it back into its original form and mounted it onto its old base. We moved it closer to the cabin, and lit a fire under it, first of course, checking that it would hold water. This would save putting all the pots on the fire in the cabin and allow more heat to radiate into the cabin from the cabin fire.
At dusk we lit the big bonfire, and by dark it lit up the whole clearing making the surrounding wood seem even darker. The snow began melting from the branches of the trees in a huge circle surrounding the fire. It was if we had created our own sun. The grass, which had been covered with snow, seemed to be growing in front of our eyes.
To the south I saw the dying embers of the fire we had lit in the morning. I went down to it and pushed all the branches that had not burnt back into the fire, which immediately burst into life. I could see no signs of the babies' remains. I returned to the cabin.
That night in bed, we just lay and hugged one another.
"We will have another baby soon, and this time it had to be a boy." Hild declared as we lay there. She seemed to get over the loss far better than Marjorie and I had.
The next morning Stigand and I grabbed the saws and axes and walked to the pine tree outcrop. We had decided that we would spend the morning felling as many as we could and then the afternoon trimming the felled timber.
During the early afternoon I heard distinct gunfire, twice I heard two shots being fired in close formation. The only person I could think of who would be shooting was Marjorie. She never mentioned that she was going to use her weapons, but then they were after all her guns anyway.
Whilst we were at it, we stacked all the branches we cut off that were of no practical use to us, and set them on fire as we left the clearing. To day we had felled about thirty trees, there were many more there. But it did open up a bit more of this clearing, and exposed a lot more loose rocks.
On returning to the main clearing, the women greeted us. Hanging on the roof of the cabin were two pheasants, and two fat grouse. So it had been Marjorie I heard.
"I was getting fed up of bison and deer meat, and thought a piece of game would go down fine." She told me, when she saw me looking at the birds.
"I want you to make me an oven, can you do that.".
"I don't know! How about a barbeque? I can build one of those."
Then I remembered the old metal ammunition box that was about fifteen inches square. This ammunition box didn't have a hinge so to speak; it had two square rings that allowed the box to close/open without loosing the lid.
"Yes I think I can, now that I think of it," I told her, "But it will be a small one."
I then went and picked up the ammunition box, where I had placed the items we had skirmished and brought the box to Marjorie.
"If I knock a couple of small holes in the side it would allow the steam to escape when you are cooking something, when the lid is closed."
With a piece of wire, connecting to the two catches, it could be used as handles to lift open the lid. It would be functional until I got the range installed, which had four ovens and four cooking rings with lids. The oven could sit on the fire grill and work from there.
She took the box off me and went to try it out. For the first twenty minutes, the smell of burnt paint was strong, and the box was all blistered. We took it off the fire to the outside of the cabin, and let it cool. The box was given a good scrubbing with sand to remove all signs of the paint. Once put on the fire this time, there was only the smell of heated metal.
The evening meal that night consisted of oven roasted meat. I was surprised at the amount that they had cooked in that small makeshift oven. This had only been an experimental attempt but as far as I was concerned it was a success.
After the meal, we sat around and discussed the building of Stigand's home and how he wanted it built.
He didn't want it sunk but just built like the water tower but the planks horizontal, not full thickness as the cabin was built. With two rooms and the fireplace built like this one. I told him we had no more wire mesh like this but there were iron tie rods on the wrecked vehicles we could use instead. So to-morrow we would take the truck and get the foundation stones and then get started on his home.
So with these plans in mind, we dispersed for the night.
We were able to take our sponge baths and there was ample warm water from our makeshift water heater. I poured the soiled water into the buckets from the bath sink and poured it down our old soak well. Then washed the buckets out, and refilled them.
We then retired to the bedroom. Hild looked and acted a lot better now, but she said she was still very sore. It did not stop her though of fooling around when we got into bed. When she stripped off I noticed that her breasts were half the size again to what they were previously. She was even lactating profusely. I didn't want to grab her when we were fooling around so I had to just take the entire probing she gave out. On the other hand with Marjorie she was in a giggling mood and I could have my way with her.
Like all fooling around, one thing leads to another and soon we were aroused sexually. Marjorie was kissing me and trying to get her tongue into my throat and slowly running her fingers round my nipples, whilst Hild was kissing Junior's head so lightly that it was sending shivers up my spine. I kept thinking, kiss him proper not like a butterfly.
At the same time I had a lovely handful of Marjorie's bottom. I am sure that Marjorie likes to be the dominant partner for she knocked Hild away and kneeled over my hips and grabbed Junior and started running him through her love triangles hair and between the lips of her pussy. I slipped my hand down and using the middle finger started rubbing her clitoris. The long strokes ceased but she kept hold of Junior, eased him between the lips of her pussy, and held his head just at the entrance of her vagina.
No movement for about twenty seconds, she released Junior and slowly eased her self down as he slid so easily in. She kept dropping until out pubic bones touched. Then she started raising herself up, and then slowly down, she stopped halfway, paused and then dropped right down. She started her gyrations then and the sensation was terrific. I reached up and had two handfuls of breasts, more to hold her from falling backwards as once again she had thrown her head back and her hair as rubbing on my knees.
Why she throws her head and shoulders back thus, it must give her some satisfaction. But whenever possible this is the position she likes best.
But this time I am going to have something to say about it as she raised herself up I pulled out of her, and slipped behind her and mounted her doggy fashion.
I got hold of those wonderful hips and pulled her towards me until I was sunk into those gorgeous buttocks.
"Oh my God!" she shouted, "This is fantastic, more, more," as she pushed her self onto me, so that I could thrust deeper into her womanhood.
Never have I felt Marjorie climax, like she did now, She really thrust her wonderful bottom hard into my body as hard as Jane used to do. Not the slow easy rhythm that she usually does or wants.
"That was the best that I have ever felt, and the first time I have done it this way." She said as we disentangled.
"Oh! Chally promise you will do it this way again." She pleaded as she was running her tongue around my right ear. On my right my other angel was getting herself all snuggled up ready for the night.
The next morning everyone except Hild jumped onto the truck and we went and collected a load of flat slate rocks and took them back to the clearing.
The previous night we had sat and discussed what we would call our little village and we came up with the name of 'Janesville' in memory of Jane who we voted was the co-founder. We were to erect a sign to state the fact. Even although! Marjorie and I would be the only ones able to read the name.
This time we had a ball of string and we marked out the dimensions of Stigand's new home. He was most modest and it wasn't quite as large as the cabin. The slate was laid as the foundation to about three inches high. I left sufficient slate I estimated we would need to build the fireplace. The remainder we dumped by the old site of the van.
We then drove back to the wood and brought a load of the timber we had cut the previous day to the lengths that Stigand wanted and returned to the village. Whilst Stigand was using the adze and axe, trimming the posts to his requirement, I started splitting the logs.
When we had cut up the oak I had cut lengths of sufficient length that with the aid of the axe had shaped about two-dozen wedges. These were to be used to split the pine logs.
Once the log started to split by using an axe, a wedge was inserted and using the sledgehammer to drive them in increased the split, and as the log started to split further wedges were driven in and soon the whole log split. Ninety percent of all the logs we split this way split neatly down the middle; it was then an easy matter with the aid of the adze to smooth the flat side more even. The edges were then taken off with adze or axe so that the boards butted together more evenly.
I had done about ten logs this way when we heard someone call our names; the voices were coming from the Druids highway. We all stopped what we were doing and looked in that direction.
Then up the slight incline rode Wiferth leading a pony with Eastorhyld following also leading a pony, both rode bareback and a single rope halter on the horses.
Has a week passed so quickly? They dismounted and advanced towards us, but I could see that they were curious about Eadburg, Sae and Stigand.
"As you can see out village has grown since you left. This is the mother of Hild." I said as I pointed to Eadburg, "and this is Stigand her husband, and Sae his other wife. I brought them here to help Hild have her baby, as you know she was sick when you left. She lost her child in childbirth. I have asked them to stay, to help build the village."
"I have informed my people that I am now a member of your village, I have brought you a present of two horses, but with Eastorhyld's and mine we have a small herd. As you can see mine is a stallion and the others are mares."
"We have given this village a name and from hence forth will be known as 'Janesville' in honour to Jane."
"What a wonderful honour to Jane!"
"Unpack your things and put them in the cabin"
"We will hobble the horses; they are used to them and will not wander far."
We got on with the work we were doing, and soon Wiferth and Eastorhyld joined us. Stigand didn't want any assistance, so Wiferth came and assisted me. Soon we had the pile finished. We got into the truck and collected another load of the pre-cut lengths. Unloaded them at the village and set about splitting these. Soon we had finished and waited for Stigand.
Whilst we waited I told him how proficient Stigand was with the wood tools, and how I thought that we had a carpenter for our village who if continuing with this proficiency would soon be making all our wooden appliances and furniture.
"I must admit I'm not very proficient with wood." Wiferth admitted. "I was being trained in metal work but mostly bronze."
"There's lots of spare metal lying around here. It was not be bronze." I replied.
"I would like to try and work with this metal, would need a smith's furnace."
"We will try and build one for you once we got the houses built."
I had shaped a flat plank from a short length of wood and made it about one and a half inches thick, which I was going to burn our villages name on once we got near the fire.
We called it a day and made our way back to the cabin, me with the name board tucked under my arm, and carrying the tools in the other.
It was rather crowded in the cabin now with eight people and the sooner we got the homes built for the others the better it will be. So for the next ten days we cut timber and managed to get a home for our new members of the village. We also erected fencing to form a coral for the horses with a shelter. The fireplaces were built the same as the cabin but instead of the grid we managed to install two metal rods about six inches apart that spanned the fire to place pots on.
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IncestThis is a new joint venture between me and my roommate .Have fun, more chapters will follow soon.Chapter One-The CaptureBella curled in a fetal position to stay warm in the bolted cell. The nights were horrendous to say the least. Since she had been brought here only a year ago, she had witnessed many things. Staying cold at night was one of them. She lay on the thin thatched mat doing her best to concentrate on staying warm. The thin coverlet was just too tattered to do much good, yet she...
I knew there would be some catch to the huge salary package the trust offered but I did not know I would be stuck in this forest village. I am Dr. Aman, 25 years old and just completed my MD. I have a muscular body with an 8-inch long and thick cock. My parents told me to become a doctor and I will only need to open a clinic. But no one told me that people go only to experienced and hospital doctors and there was plenty in each street despite passing with honours! I was so tired of my parents...
(Though this is a sequel to Pratyusha’s Polygamy village Parts I and II, it is not necessary to have read those parts to follow this. Pratyusha’s car had a breakdown in a deserted place, she finds a village which has a strange custom of women having 4,5 husbands and all living happily. She convinces husband and settles down in the village and marries 4 more men. Those stories were immensely liked by many ladies, probably because they might have found the concept exciting and the idea of being...
Incest(We thank Miss Pratusha for sharing her fantasy and valuable inputs. Please send your comments and suggestions to or ) …… My jaw fell open as if unhinged and it took me a long time to recover. During that time Sushma’s kids came freshened, hugged and kissed her and left to play. They did not seem bothered by Mom’s nudity. When I recovered I asked her “You mean all three are your husbands?” Sushma smiled “Not three, Four. Arjun went to fields, he will be returning soon” I still could not...
IncestIndru tamil kama kathaiyil ilamaiyaana magalum pinbu vithavai ammavaiyum eppadi usar seithu matter poten endru ungaluku solugiren. Suvarasiyam athigam irukum kama kathaikul selalam vaarungal, en peyar karthik. En veethiiyil oru pen ilamaiyaaga sexiyaaga irupaal, avalai thinamum sight adithu kondu irupen. Thinamum aval kalluri sendru varum pozhuthu iru velaiyilum sight adika arambithu viduven. Aval peyar nandhini vayathu 21 irukum, avaluku veetil aan thunai kidaiyaathu. Veetil oru amma iru...
Hello friends mera naam pinky h aur main delhi ki rahne wali hu aur main aaj apn sabko apni chudai ki kamukta kahani batane ja rahi hu kaise village me bhaiya se chudi ap sab mujhe mail kariye main apse chat karungi main raat bhar whatsapp par online rahti hu. Ye kahani tab ki jab main village me gayi thi aur waha par hum log ghumne gaye the aur waha par shadi thi aur main bhi apne mummy aur papa ke sath village me gayi thi shadi me aur waha par main khub enjoy ki raat me sab log khana khane...
Copyright© Alice stood looking out of the train window as the countryside passed. She was amazed at the turn of events that had sent her on this journey. She shivered, not only because she was naked but in anticipation of the wonderful things that were about to happen, and the wonderful things that had already happened. Turning her gaze back into the private coach room, her eyes stopped at the sight of her twin brother asleep in the top bed. He had kicked away the covers and she could see his...
"Don't shoot!" KeeBar caught at Amy's arm as she brought the carbine to her shoulder. His eyes, better adapted than hers to the reddish morning light, had caught a clear picture of their attackers, and he knew that they were of his own race. "Who are you? What do you here? What are these creatures with you? Do they hold you captive?" The challenge came from the leader of the group of lizardmen. From all sides of the raft, bonetipped spears menaced them. "I am KeeBar, of the village...
Hi all. This is Varsha here. I am 26 years old, married; hubby is in the Middle East. I am fair, slim, and tall and my stats are 34 28 32. The line up of incidents that I am going to narrate to you has been life changing ones for me. Since it is a long narrative, I’ve decided to break it down into parts to keep you engrossed. Being brought up in a modern family, I was very social, and used to keep myself occupied by going for parties, playing sports, etc. to get rid of the boredom as I was...
I thrust forward a final time, grunting my orgasm into Karolina's ear as a quart of spunk flowed out of me and into her sucking pussy. The gorgeous and famous celebrity athlete I'd only met just last night clutched at me with all four limbs, holding me tightly as if she never, ever wanted to let me go. She crooned her own climax into my ear and our bodies thrashed violently together until our energy ran out and we collapsed together, sweaty and satisfied. I moaned as I set my forehead down...
Next day mom cried and she have pain in her pussy.I think she wants doctor vijay so she acted like having real pain in pussy.Kumar: your mom iss really hot bitch. Doctor already told that this bitch came to hospital to get fuck from me intentionally.So i called village president through phone and tell the situation to him.This time vp came by bike to our house.We are expecting car from him.Kumar: sir where is your car.Vp: car is break down.Ok we can go by bus.Village president searching mom ....
This is real story that happened in my life when i am studying engineering in bangalore. Our family consists of mom, dad and me. My father working in an finance company. He was a hard worker most of the time he is out of city due to his working nature. Let describe about my mom her name is amutha aged 38 years. Having nice pair of boobs which is like mango and having curvy midriff and ass. Her ass shaking when she was walking.She was well educated. She basically wears blouse with backless and...
IncestRabbit took me to a building and told me that it is the village library and we went inside. A bespectacled middle aged lady was engrossed in her computer."Sudha,he is our guest.He came to see Prema,Vanaja's niece.She is Sudha,our librarian and feel free to ask her about anything under the sun.She is very knowledgeable.I haveto rush to bank.See you at home" Rabbit took our leave and left. She smiled at me and I returned the smile."Just a minute. I will complete my work and join you " she said. I...
Rabbit took me to a building and told me that it is the village library and we went inside. A bespectacled middle aged lady was engrossed in her computer. “Sudha,he is our guest.He came to see Prema,Vanaja’s niece.She is Sudha,our librarian and feel free to ask her about anything under the sun.She is very knowledgeable.I have to rush to bank.See you at home” Rabbit took our leave and left. She smiled at me and I returned the smile. “Just a minute. I will complete my work and join you ” she...
Hi readers. I’m Sarfaraz Khan a 23 year old male from South India, single. Those girls and guys who haven’t read my previous stories are requested to read them and enjoy. I’m sure you’ll enjoy shagging. I’ve always believed sex to be something that should be beyond all barriers. It should never be done forcibly as the fun of seducing is an art. The stories should involve more around foreplay. The actual situations rather than focusing on only the sex part. So this series is about my experience...
It had been too many years of being in the rat race and working on projects where the credit was always someone elses. The blame for things not working out always fell into my lap...was at an age where the family wasnt supportive enough and one day i just snapped....i checked my savings account and saw that my wife and c***dren had enough to sustain themselves for a year atleast and the house was mostly paid for and my wife was working too...i just needed to take a break....i left an email to...
Hi friends, this story is about my mom’s gangbang by members of village panchayat. My mom’s name is Reshma and she has big pairs of boobs and ass,her boobs size is 36 d and ass around 38. When this incident happened my mom was 38 years old. We used to live in delhi.I had just completed my high school and my holidays were on.I was getting bored and asked mom to visit our village in u.P. As my father was out of town he said my mom to visit village without him. My mom had not visited village since...
Hey lovable readers and I will bring you the latest of story stuff and will keep on publishing here. All the stories i’ll publish will b purely fictional and won’t b resemblance to any person and have fun reading it and do reply me on It had been too many years of being in the rat race and working on projects where the credit was always someone else. The blame for things not working out always fell into my lap and was at an age where the fucking was not supportive enough and one day I just...
The eighteen-wheeler was travelling at sixty miles an hour round a blind bend when it hit the car Nancy Young was driving. She never stood a chance. Her husband and her daughter, Martha, were devastated by her death, and Elias hardly noticed that the compensation paid by the owners of the lorry was enough that he never needed to work again.For Elias, the worst part of the grief was the local widows, and a few would be divorcées, who clustered round him, offering to console him for his loss. ...
IncestPlease read my previous stories. Mom sexy adventures leads to pregnant.Next early morning I am went to village president house to get the copy of fucking session that was recorded in farm house.When I reached his home, he welcomed me by calling come mother fucker.Iam winked at him.Me: sir I want that video that was last recorded in farm house.Vp: wait before you leaving this village we can make more videos of her and make it as album .Me : ok sir. So what is your next plan..Vp: may be this...
A late evening I was invited to a feast by a neighbour, my only friend in my maternal ancestral village. I was indicated to freshen up and wear a formal dhoti for the ceremony. I was here in this village after almost two decades due to the demise of my maternal Aunt, beloved. It was a brisk walk as my neighbour walked me along the village towards our Coconut farm. We entered an old modest house inside the farm, where I was introduced to its caretaker. We were shown our way to the dining room...
(We thank Miss Pratusha for sharing her fantasy and valuable inputs. Please send your comments and suggestions to or ) I waved to my parents and sisters and rolled up the window, started A/C and reversed the car. My Mom gestured to call after safely reaching home. I nodded and eased up clutch and drove off. I put on my favourite music and started humming along with it. I was very happy, jubilant. Last two days fucking was outstanding. My brother in law’s cousin brother was insatiable, kept...
IncestVillage life Dasha was a healthy, golden haired girl, but strong willed. She had got into trouble with a boy in the city. Thankfully it didn?t go so far as to cause a lasting shame, but it was a close shave, and her parents decided to move her away before she got into trouble for real. She was to go and live with her sister, who had been married the year before to a peasant of the villageof Zhukovo, the next village along from where their own family came from. The peasant, whose...
A FRENCH VILLAGE (A Tale from the War) – PART 1Note: This tale takes place in a medium-size village in France during the German Occupation. The village was only a few kilometers from the city of Vichy were the French government of Philippe Pétain was located. I borrowed the title from an excellent French television series (Un Village Français) but the story has nothing to do with that series. Even with the Occupation and German soldiers marching down the main street, Madame Aubert (from now on...
The Village-Revisited by Margaret Jeanette Their marriage ceremony was the event of the year for the village. Tommy and Mary went on with their lives. Tommy had his wedding dress sealed in an air-tight plastic bag and continued to wear dresses. He moved his things to Mary's house and continued to clean. Two weeks after their marriage he asked Mary why she liked him so well wearing a dress. He told her he wasn't asking to get out of wearing them, but wanted to know why she...
Hello, Greetings!! ISS and Readers, Sub: Incident happened between me and a stranger whom I met in my grandpa’s village. Ref: Hemo, Warm welcome to my dear lovely readers, I’m back with new story, those who don’t know about me. Let me introduce to those readers myself Hemanth from Hyderabad, please go through with my past stories so that you can know more about me and my interest, passion towards sex. Without wasting anytime I’m entering into the story, in this story I’m going to tell about...
Hi ISS readers, I’m Sukumar from Hyderabad. I’m not new here as reader but I’m new to share my true story. I’m an Engineering student, 23 years old but look much older with my face. I have a fair body. Just as a casual student will have. This is the story of losing my virginity, happened during my twelfth class vacation. I have a habit of going to my friend’s village whenever I feel bored. Though I started going recently but I love to go there. I go there not because it’s a good village but I...