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When I got home Al cornered me. He knew me too well. I was devious and had always been. The first words out of his mouth were "O.K. what's the scoop?" After I filled him in he looked a lot sadder than I thought he should.

I soon found out why. "She won't call" he griped. "The only girls who seem to want to go out with me are the bimbos who just want to date a guy on the team. That's why I don't go out much. Every time I do it's like having a conversation with a rock. They don't have a clue about what's going on in the world unless it's on television or in the movies. Every girl I like won't go out with me because of the reputation I'm saddled with by playing on a team full of idiots."

I was telling him he might be luckier this time when my dad walked in followed by a wall of water. This house was so solid we hadn't even noticed it had started raining. "Shit!" Dad said "It's coming down in buckets out there!" The windows shook with the thunder then. It was like that in Kentucky in the spring, sunny one second and a monsoon in the next.

We lived in tornado alley and were used to it. Dad told me he had placed my bet and hoped I got lucky before he went to change. Al asked me what the old man was talking about, so I told him.

He couldn't believe I would blow the money I had worked all year for on a horse. I knew that he saved the same way I did but he had a lot more cash. He had worked full time for the last two summer vacations and saved almost every cent of it.

I also knew some things he didn't and while I wasn't ready to tell him too much I could try to convince him. "Come with me" I said. He surprised me by following me to my room.

When I got there the first thing I did was yell "SHIT!" and run to close the window.

When I turned around Al said, with a serious look "at least the smells gone."

After we quit laughing I started. "Look I know this is gonna sound strange but I'm not telling you why I'm betting my money on the Derby until you promise me you will not, now or ever, repeat anything I'm about to tell you."

He said he wouldn't and I believed him. We may have had our share of problems sometimes but we were still closer than most twins. "I can't tell you HOW I know this but Dust Commander IS going to win by five lengths, UCLA is going to win the NCAA tournament again, and the Colts are going to beat the Cowboys in the Super Bowl 16-13 on a late field goal. I know it's too late to prove I'm right before the Derby because it's only two days away but this coming Monday at Kent State University in Ohio four students will be killed by the National Guard during a demonstration. On the 14th, two more will be shot at Jackson State in Mississippi. Like I said, I know what's going to happen. I'm only eleven so I can't change things without potentially screwing them up more than I help but we can benefit from some of it.

Al looked at me as I related this with a blank expression and was completely silent. I had great respect for him and had always looked up to my brother. While I might be intelligent, he was more so. He looked at me and said "I can understand that if you knew everything that was going to happen in the future you wouldn't want people to know about it because you would disappear pretty fast but if you want me to help you're going to have to tell me the truth. I don't mean about the future either, I mean the how. If you don't trust me with the whole story we're not as tight as I thought we were."

I looked at Al and said "look, you would have a very hard time believing me even though you know I hate to lie. You'll want to call the guys with the butterfly nets to take me away."

He said "I'll believe whatever you tell me. I heard a lot of what happened upstairs today. I thought somebody was getting killed up here! I actually came up and listened at the door to make sure there wasn't. I don't know the details and I don't want to but whatever it was it wasn't an eleven year old losing his cherry. I have to know. Call it scientific curiosity."

I told him the whole story, starting from when I was a teenager and ending at the point we were at now. I knew I shouldn't have but I trusted him and could use his support. I thought he would call me crazy. I expected him (if he actually believed me) to come up with ways to get rich.

What I didn't expect was..."YOU ASSHOLE! HOW COULD YOU SCREW UP YOUR LIFE LIKE THAT?" I told him to keep it down before the folks heard. He did, but not by much. "You idiot, you had everything going for you and you blew it! Hell, as smart as you are you could've had it made and you pissed it away. I hope I wasn't as stupid as that".

What could I say but "guilty as charged. I realized that too late when I was fixing things that I knew were crappy designs that I could've done better. If it's any consolation I hope the only thing this changes about you is your net worth. You did just fine" (at the time I came back he had five patents to his name for cancer medications). "I thought you'd mention the Pagan thing."

He told me it didn't even occur to him other than to be curious. Our parents tried to take us to church when we were younger. They were not so subtly told that I didn't seem to "fit in" in Sunday school. I think it was because I asked too many questions about inconsistencies in what they were trying to cram down our impressionable little throats. They didn't have the answers so they eliminated the questioner.

Al was actually surprised that I followed any religion figuring I'd be an Atheist or Agnostic (like him). What did surprise him was the fact that I had actually met Loki. This was the most difficult thing to accept but accept it he did. I had a feeling the old gods would soon be gaining a convert.

As he was leaving he said he'd have to think about all that I'd told him and we'd and talk tomorrow. The storm had gotten worse, with lots of lightning. A particularly large flash lit up the windows and at almost the exact instant we heard a very loud boom. We heard yelling from downstairs and rushed to the source of the noise in the living room.

When we got there my parents told us they were watching television when the lightning must have hit something close by. A cloud of smoke came from the TV and it died. They were wondering if it could be repaired and if they had the cash to even try when Al nudged me and nodded toward the set. "We really need to watch that Saturday" he said. I got the hint, but how to convince the parents?

I needed moral support so I dragged Al to the back of the set with me. "I know what's wrong with it so play along, o.k.?" At his nod I asked my dad "Got a Phillips screwdriver?" He looked at us and stated that there was no way we were going to open it up and listed every possibility from electrocution to screwing it up worse. I told him I'd heard somebody talk about this exact thing happening and just wanted to check and see if it caused the same problem. After I explained that with the set unplugged it wouldn't be dangerous he finally relented.

What I didn't tell him was the person I'd overheard was me telling someone else and that it would be safe only if I stayed away from the flyback transformer. I unplugged it, opened it up, and took the cover off of the power supply. After removing the fuse and making a show of holding it up to the light I asked "Can you pick one of these up tomorrow? This one's blown. The guy I heard talking about it said the reason they're there is to keep something like lightning from frying the whole thing."

After they thanked us profusely for saving at least a fifty dollar repair bill we went in the kitchen. "What was that you said about lying earlier?" he said with a smile. When I told him the rest of the story he seemed to get a kick out of it.

That night in bed I couldn't stop thinking about Jan. I gave up on sleep after a while and went to the supply of firewood on the back porch. I found a likely candidate and returned to my room. After picking a good whittling knife from my collection I sat in front of the fireplace in my room to carve while I gave the situation more thought.

I was attracted to Jan now for the same reasons I was before. She was intelligent, precocious, outgoing and witty. Funny thing is I didn't remember the fact that she was also pretty. It was the other things that had attracted me. I knew we would move in a few months and there was no way people as young as us could (or should) have a relationship when they lived thirty miles apart. I didn't want to hurt her but it seems I had screwed up again. The first time by NOT doing anything and this time by doing what I had wanted to the first time.

What made it worse was the undeniable fact that I was NOT eleven years old mentally and she was. Sure, she was a very bright eleven but there was a gap bigger than the Grand Canyon between her experience and mine. I liked her, don't get me wrong, but I also felt like shit about what we had done (or more precisely, what I had done). We could never have a relationship and I wondered if I EVER would be able to. This is one aspect of the "gift" I hadn't anticipated. Maybe I screwed up again after all. I might have doomed myself into another life as a loner without even thinking about it. Oh well, no sense in worrying about it now.

What I needed to do was to get some things done while protecting my secret. One of which was urgent and my new accomplice would be helpful.

I put my work down to make a trip to Al's room. He was still awake doing his homework when I knocked on his door. "What's up?" he asked.

I told him about mom's inevitable surgery and that it would be a lot less painful and require less recuperation if it was done quickly. We needed to get her to see a certain doctor who would finally find the problem. If we didn't push her in his direction it would be months before she found him. He readily agreed and I went back to my room feeling a lot better.

That didn't mean I was tired though. I was done with my carving before I noticed it was three in the morning. I began to think school was going to be rough before I took a closer look at what I had been doing. I hadn't really been paying attention to what my hands had been up to, just thinking. The small statue I had carved was the best work I had ever done. There was no doubt in my mind that it was of Loki. I smiled as I placed it on the mantle. I'd been wondering where I could get a statue for my shrine but hadn't even thought of making one myself. Now if I could find some incense I'd be in business.

When I hit the street the next morning three people were waiting for me and at least two of them seemed disgustingly happy. Jan was much quieter this morning when I kissed her and seemed a little shy. "I wonder if she's having second thoughts, too" I pondered. I guess I'd find out sooner or later.

I said hi to Mark and Janelle and asked Mark if everything turned out o.k. at the doctor's but was careful not to give any indication of what he went for.

He saw me glance at Janelle and said "She knows, and thanks. My eyes are pretty bad and they did try to force those ugly black glasses on me. I couldn't get my mom to spring for the wire frames until I told her that it didn't make much sense to buy something that would never leave the house so we probably shouldn't buy any at all. I think she saw the light then. She even got them to put a rush on them. They'll be ready on Monday. Think we could practice some? Tryouts are Wednesday you know."

I think I was almost as happy as he was when I agreed. School was really difficult. I had to go unbelievably slow to keep from looking too out of place. I refused to make mistakes on purpose but this didn't cause any suspicion since I had always done well. I learned the lesson about speed the hard way.

We were doing math and of course the problems were 5th grade level. Ten minutes into a half hour assignment I got busted for looking out the window.

"Mister Sussmann! Bring your paper up here." I winced and complied. When Mrs. McAllister saw that not only was every problem complete but correct she eyed me with suspicion. "See me after class. Return to your seat."

I did so, mentally groaning all the way at my stupidity. "She's probably wondering how I've been cheating" I thought.

I hung around as everyone else left. When they were gone she surprised me. "I'm worried about you Matt" she said. "You have always done well but I'm afraid that you're in the wrong class. You seem to be too advanced for the fifth grade. I'm planning on asking the counselor to arrange for you to be tested. I believe you should be moved to a level that would challenge your mind and allow you to move at the speed you deserve."

I had liked this teacher before but now I respected her. Most teachers would have accused a student of dishonesty in a case like this. She had actually sensed the problem.

I had to convince her to drop her idea without offending her. "I appreciate the thought Mrs. McAllister but I don't want to skip any grades. I know what happens to people when they do. The thought of being victimized by high school bullies with twice my size and half of my intelligence doesn't appeal to me. The school system isn't set up to cope with people like me so I'll move at their pace. I actually prefer it that way. It will give me time to do other things like sports without worrying about studying."

When she persisted I politely interrupted. "I'm sorry but if you insist on placement tests I will make sure I miss the questions that will keep me where I am. I know which ones they are and can easily do that in a way that will make it seem like I'm just a normal fifth grade student. I don't want to embarrass you by doing that. I think you believe you're doing the right thing but it's not right for me." She looked at me with new respect I think and told me she would do as I asked.

Jan and I stopped at my house and went straight to my room. When she asked if we could just make out a little because she was still sore I said "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have gotten so carried away yesterday. We could just talk if you want. Speaking of which, what did Joyce have to say about my brother?"

Jan smiled and said "she's going to call Al today. I told her all about him. You should have seen her face when I told her what he said about her. She was smiling all evening, at least every time I saw her. I was on the phone almost all night." She saw my raised eyebrows and smiled "you know Kim and Janie, right? At my nod she explained that they had questioned her extensively about me. She could tell I was worried about what she might have told them I guess because she added "relax, I'd never tell them EVERYTHING. I did tell them you were a fantastic kisser though. They mostly griped that you were the only guy who ever even talked to us and I got you before they could." I breathed a sigh of relief but didn't even finish before she started again.

"What they said kind of got me thinking about us." She looked very worried before I asked her to say what was on her mind and even more so when she did. "Matt, please don't take this the wrong way but I think we're too young to be going together. I mean, we're only eleven, you know? I loved doing the things we did together too but..."

I shut her up with a kiss and when we broke apart I was smiling. She looked more relieved by the moment as I told her I thought she was right. I even told her about us possibly moving before too long.

Jan decided to reveal her secret then. She wanted to know if we could have Janie and Kim come over to my house after school and play some games. I asked what kind of games and she blushed deeper than I thought possible as she shyly said "I thought maybe spin the bottle or post office but strip poker would be my vote."

She looked at the obvious tent in my jeans and cracked up. "I think you like that idea", she quipped. I agreed that I did and agreed she could ask them to come over tomorrow.

We went downstairs to grab a coke and ran into my mom and Al in the kitchen. They didn't hear us at first and I caught part of the conversation. Seems Al was telling mom about this really good bone specialist he had heard about that had a reputation of diagnosing problems that others couldn't find. Good old Al. I was glad he hadn't wasted any time. Mom had a non-cancerous cyst that was quickly growing. I found out on my first time through how painful that could be, and how dangerous. By the time it was discovered before, simply stepping off a curb could have snapped her hip like a twig. As we came in the room she was saying she might see this Dr. Mitchum.

She had left work early because of the pain today. I piped in with "sounds like a great Idea. Those quacks you've been seeing are clueless. Just because they're not good enough to find what's wrong they pretend it doesn't exist."

Mom jumped two feet offthe ground "Matt! I didn't hear you come in! It has been kind of hard not slapping some of those idiots when they insinuate I'm just looking for a prescription of pain pills that I can't take at work anyway. I see you've got company, too. Who's the pretty girl with you?"

I turned to see a furiously blushing Jan and replied "mom, this is Jan. She followed me home, can I keep her?" I didn't realize a blush could get that deep. Jan didn't know how we were around my house.

Mom looked thoughtful for a moment before telling me we'd have to check with dad first. Finally after asking if Jan could cook or do laundry and various other chores my mother relented. "I'm sorry Jan, I couldn't help it. You just looked so cute, and the expression on your face!"

Jan recovered quickly, to my surprise. She looked at mom and said wryly "I see where he gets his sense of humor from now"

Mom quickly corrected her. "Oh, don't give me all the credit! We've all warped around here."

Dad came in then, handing me a fuse as he said "talking about me when I'm not here, huh!" of course he had to get the introductions and had his own questions about how why I was with a girl as pretty as Jan. I rescued her finally to put the fuse in.

When we got to the living room Jan related how she wished her house was as laid back as ours. Her parents were much stricter and she would've had problems if her parents showed up and I was there with her.

"Of course" I said with a leer "you're a girl and I would obviously be there to corrupt their lovely daughter. It's not as easy as you think though. I'm sure I'll get the sex lecture about protection, respect, and all the other stuff that I already know. Here, hold this will you?" I had her hold the back of the television while I screwed it down. When we were done I plugged it in and turned it on.

Of course it worked fine. Actually this wasn't the first set I had repaired. When I was ten another uncle (not the same one) whom I also detested gave me a set he was going to throw out. He thought it was hilarious that I thought I could fix it. Poor slob didn't think it was so funny when I had it working the next day, especially when I told him it had a bad seventy-five cent rectifier tube and that I had already sold the set for fifty bucks.

My thoughts were interrupted by the phone ringing and Al screaming "I'VE GOT IT" Jan and I looked at each other and laughed.

I cornered Al that night, and found out it went better than I could have hoped. Not only had he and Joyce hit it off, they had a date Saturday night. He also told me he had stopped by the track and put three separate bets down.

He put a hundred to win on Dust Commander and bet a fifty dollar perfecta with My Dad George. He also put a hundred dollars on my superfecta.

I was even more surprised when my dad told me he had put a hundred to win on my horse and a fifty dollar superfecta. "You saved us at least half that much on the TV." he had told me. Knowing my brother as well as I did a mobile home was not in our future this time.

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Monday night after work at the partnership and Jasmine’s classes we went out to dinner at Joey-D’s. I asked Jasmine, “I forgot to ask last night, but how much did you tell Haley about us?” I intentionally left the question a little vague and open-ended. Jasmine chuckled, “Enough to intrigue her into coming back I hope. I told her that we were both libertines when it came to sex, and that while we loved each other we also had close friends who shared similar viewpoints. I think she understood...

2 years ago
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Thought placer

You wake up one morning with a headache. You've been grounded for weeks, your hot, redheaded girlfriend Hailey broke up with you, your grades are falling, basically, your life sucks. Your killer headache is just the last little bit that pushes you over the edge. "Nick! Breakfast is ready." Your mom says after opening your door. "Just shut the fuck up mom, I'll be down in a minute!" You lash out. "There is no place for language like that in this household! You know, I thought five weeks was...

Mind Control
1 year ago
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Spring Break

It was the middle of March. Jeff and I were in our second year in college at a school in Northern Michigan. If you have never been in Northern Michigan in the winter, suffice it to say that it is usually cold and plenty snowy. For much of the winter the weather is double digits below zero and the snow gets piled ten to twelve feet above the sidewalk's edge. To walk to class one traverses a maize of snow tunnels, and when the wind is howling, it pushes the snow directly into your face. By the...

4 years ago
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A Shootist Disarmed

A Shootist Disarmed by Arcie Emm You may wish to see prior Shootist stories: 1. The Shootist 2. A Sylph Protected / A Shootist Avenged Chapter 1 - Ms. Dupensk Bursting forth from Transition, the exploration ship detected a habitable planet, causing her pilot to begin dreaming about spending his discovery bonus. Drifting closer, his ship's sensors collecting more data, those plans grew smaller. He determined it held an abundance of minerals, yet few were rare and...

2 years ago
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Im a Loser

I put my bag down and removed several tools. It didn’t take me very long to disable the old- fashioned security system. Then I carefully jimmied a side door open. I closed it quietly behind me before moving to the stairway and climbing to the fourth floor. No one was in the reception area of the Brookside Real Estate offices, but then, I knew the place would be empty. It was 7 PM and the offices had been closed for a couple of hours. I looked around in an attempt to determine which office...

3 years ago
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Sandra the Ponygirl wanting to be Sired

Sandra was horse crazy, we both were and working on the farm at weekends, gave us the opportunity to ride, with the occasional weekend away, to ride on the island at the farmers sisters horse riding school.We were alone a lot of the time mucking-out the stables and brushing the horses down, and the farmer once took us along to watch out Mares be Sired.We were both old enough to know what was going on and as I have mentioned in several stories before, we became sexually active with the old man,...

3 years ago
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Priapus BrideChapter 2

They drive off, into the night. She lies back on the smooth leather seat and, turning her head, looks at Him from behind her green eyes. "Are you still willing?" He asks her. "Do you have to ask?" She answers." Have I ever denied you anything?" He does not respond. He concentrates on the road, but his engorged member belies his apparent sang-froid. She smiles. Her hand caresses His arm. She can feel His muscles under the fabric of His dark blue blazer. She is happy; she has had...

3 years ago
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Student Having Fun

This Story is purely fantasy and is not an actual event.Sam was 16 years old and was currently attending a small town high school at the time of this story. Sam was what one might consider a horny little k** and was always fantisizing about sex with one of his teachers and three girls in his school. He masturbated regularly and always did it to pictuures of the affor mentioned people His teachers name was Lavender Williams and was a shapely woman with perjy tits and a fine tight ass. The girls...

2 years ago
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Cost of TimeChapter 13 Treason by Dagger and Bullet

Later Noia listened as the master of the training ship spoke to Captain Amby's junior officers, Captain Amby at his side. "Here you will learn your basic duties. We will sail down the bay, and out into the Great Eastern Ocean, and then due east for a day, then return. Listen to the bosuns -- they'll tell you what to do. The officers tell the bosuns, and I tell the officers what I want and the captain tells me what he wants. That's how things work on ships. "As trainee officers each of...

1 year ago
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Keeping It In The Family

Six months planning shattered by a single text!It had taken me years to convince May that a threesome would be good for our sex life and our marriage.She had eventually agreed but it would have to be with someone that we knew and trusted.May had always had a bit of a thing for Kevin who had been best man at our wedding. Wow – was that really twenty years ago?Kevin, I knew also had a thing for May but he worked in Dubai these days and visits home didn’t happen so often.Nonetheless, after a few...

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The Lady is the Boss

I'm 35 and have worked for a marketing firm for over 8 years and in my time have had to attend many conferences and events, this is the story of my overnighter. The firm I work for is run by a husband and wife, Kat (43) and Peter (48). Kat is fit for her age, a true professional woman with jet black hair, green eyes, pert tits and gorgeous legs. A lot of time is spent preparing pitches and travelling the country presenting them to various clients. Having only just started in marketing, I was a...

Straight Sex
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Seductive SisterInLawChapter 7

It was Winter and New Year's Eve had finally come around. Long Island was covered with a thick mantle of snow, and more had been predicted for the rest of the night and for the following day. It fell in long driving white swirls around the large suburban ranch house, heaping up, drifts against hedges and eddying in curled billows against the frosted window panes of the Howards' bedroom. Betty Howard leaned back on the bed, sighing deeply as she pulled the silk stockings up her legs that...

1 year ago
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NubileFilms Blue Angel Mindy Whiskey And Women

Jason X waits impatiently with a glass of whiskey for Blue Angel and Mindy to be ready for their date. When the girls finally arrive, Jason lifts up each of their miniskirts to play with their thongs. The girls are all smiles as they get their asses caressed, especially as the trio starts to exchange kisses and Blue and Mindy take turns rubbing Jason’s hard dick. Taking things inside, Blue and Mindy take the time to put on a bit of a show for their boyfriend. They exchange loving kisses...

2 years ago
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It was one of the finest country homes Jules had ever seen. “Fine,” she gasped, “It’s all beautiful, but we were living near the best swinger’s club ever. You know, the one where we met?” “Sure, Bobby’s Basement is a brilliant club,” Steve replied. “However to advance in the Paramedics I have to do time at a country posting. You know that.” He opened the sliding glass doors leading to the rear patio. “Come here and smell this air,” he said stepping out into the fading light of the...

1 year ago
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Yellow Suit Wali Punjabi Ladki Ko Khoob Choda

Hi Friends Mera naam Sunny hai.Mein Basically Amritsar(Punjab) se hun.Presently mein Mumbai mein job karta hun and yaha pe hi rehta hun.Mein ISS kafi time se padh raha hun and yeh mein apni Pehli story likh raha hun yaha pe.Sabse pehle mein apne baare mein bata dun.Meri age 25 years hai, Height 5ft 8inch hai. colour fair hai and achi body hai. I mean dikhne mein thik thak lagta hun.Dosto yeh baat un dino ki hai jab mein university mein 1st year padta tha.Tab mein roz bike pe hi jata tha.Ek...

1 year ago
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Mind ControlIncest

Your name is Cindy. You are 19, a senior in high school, and you live with your dad. You enter your house, tired from running track for the last hour and a half, and search the fridge for something cold. You find nothing and decide to run out to the store to get something to drink. "Dad, I'm running to the store, we're outta soda," you say, turning back towards the door. Dad turns to look at you, and says: "Check the car. I just bought some Chocolate milk for the trick or treaters, and haven't...

Mind Control
3 years ago
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The Hen Night

The Hen Night (and its consequences) 1. The Invite There was a buzz in the office. The girls were planning a Hen Night for Yvonne, who was about to be married. I worked for a small shipping company that only employed around forty staff. There was the export department, where I worked, an import department and accounts. We didn't even have an HR department. Managers hired staff as and when needed, which wasn't very often, and wages were a small part of what the accounts department...

2 years ago
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The Bucket List Riley

Joe loosens his collar a bit as he leans back in his chair. It has been a long day for him. The students in the earlier classes are not exactly keen on listening to his orders, making him do more than what his job description requires. Finally approaching the last block of the day, he can let out a long breath. This is his favorite class by far. Because this is a senior class, the students are all over the age of 18. Most of them are mature enough to not blow a spitball on someone else’s back....

3 years ago
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I Always Knew She Was BrokenChapter 2 We Meet Again

"Bess?" I said quietly--cautious but almost certain despite the twenty years since I saw her last that the woman standing in my office was her. The eyes and the playful pout gave her away. "Hi Joe," she said--her voice deeper and raspier than I remembered. "I expected someone named Mrs. Bethesda Hidalgo." "Changed my name legally a couple years after I split. The first name I invented, but the last I married to acquire and divorced soon after. I thought it suited me and seemed good...

3 years ago
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GRAN BEL PASTICCIO -parte 1Una serata andata male!?!Dipende dai punti di vista... vediamo un poco. Dal mio punto di vista, beh... si!Appuntamento alle 21.30.Auto lustra e con pieno.Agghindato come un albero di Natale.Arrapato come...Lei mora, occhi verdi, un poco a mandorla, bella al naturale, un seno proporzionato con due capezzoli che dietro al costume erano sempre turgidi, fianchi perfetti, alti e stretti, ginocchia esili ed ossute, caviglie sottili, glutei da bralilera, ballerina ed...

1 year ago
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My House My RulesChapter 34

The shower took longer that usual. Suffice it to say that Rani and Kim made sure Pete was happy. Circe took mental notes. Allison was ready with a substantial stack of snacks afterwards to feed the master of the house. "Thank you, Allison. I needed that. Please ask the girls to let me sleep. Even enhanced people work better after real rest." He shoo-ed Rani, Kim and Circe out and let his mind slip into dreamland. Some hours later he woke up instantly and completely. Something was missing....

1 year ago
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A Mothers Revenge

It all started last autumn.  I was renting a flat in London, a small bed-sit over a row of rundown shops where the smell from countless restaurants hung in the air like stale cigarette smoke.  I’d been unemployed for nearly a year and if it wasn’t for the council paying my landlord every month I’d have been sleeping out in the park with all the other drunks and users.  Anything that came along to brighten the drab grey of the damp city street was welcome, and I used to spend hours standing at...

4 years ago
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Auntyai Mazhaiyil Nanaiya Vaithu Oothen

Vanakam nanbargale, indru tamil kama kathaiyil en ethir veettu auntyai mathiya nerathil en mama veetil vaithu ootha kathaiyai ungalidam pagirugiren. Vaarungal tamil kama kathaikul selalam, en peyar ravi vayathu 27 aagugirathu. En ethir veetil oru aunty irukiraal aval miga sexiyaaga irupaal, mulai matrum soothu miga sexiyaaga irukum. Avalai naan iru varudangalaaga site adithu varugiren, aunty en idam nandraaga pesi pazhaguvaal. Aval kanavar irukum pozhuthu en idam athigam pesi kola matal,...

2 years ago
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Resist or Fall

You wake up to your amazing wife, Jane. Her body is near perfection sporting DD cup sized breasts, short black hair and a petite body. She is defiantly out of your league your just a normal guy nothing really special about you. Your marriage has been going very well overall but more recently shes been distancing herself it seems. You've been having less and less sex with your wife and when you finally do manage to get her in the mood she only lets you eat her out~. You cant quite remember what...

3 years ago
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great finish to a bad football game

My wife, Tracy, and I have been married for fifteen years. Our sex life was getting a little stale. After three kids who can blame us? But, as I wrote earlier, one fun night in a hot tub changed our lives and now we have the hottest sex life of anyone I know. It’s better than I could imagine it. Now, Tracy and I are always betting each other. Generally we bet on goofy things but instead of betting money we bet dares. Now the more dares you have the larger the dare can be. Five is the max where...

Wife Lovers
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Claudia IncarnataPart VII

At last methought that I had wander’d farIn an old wood; fresh washed in coolest dew,The maiden splendours of the morning starShook in the steadfast blue.- Tennyson.Like the delicate notes that open a violin sonata; each element of the morning combined before her eyes to form a beautiful picture. It was a marvelous tableau of sound, of light, of aroma and of timeless essence. Claudia especially delighted in the caress of the sea breeze upon her face as the first rays of dawn emerged from the...

Quickie Sex
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Instant Message Instant Madame

Careful with those instant messages and careful with those profiles girls, you just never know. Instant Message, Instant Madame By Jennifer Richardson [email protected] "Hi!" I waited to see if there would be a response to my instant message. Her profile had seemed too good to be true. "Madame De La Val, Strict Mistress, Authoritarian Dominatrix. Seeks full time submissive transvestite capable of a range of duties from Maid to Secretary. North of England, the successful...

2 years ago
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A Night To Remember

We've spent a few good hours together, a quick bite to eat and then some drinks, sheltering in the bar, sitting close, constantly touching, kissing, we giggle and tease each other, its extended foreplay every time we spend an evening or an afternoon together, happy, detached from the real world, together in our own little bubble of now, and we're determined to make the most of every minute.But the music is getting too loud in here, we've both drunk enough, and it’s been a long time since we...

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Watching My Wife

The music was blaring as Earl took another swig of his mixed drink. He had no idea where his partner had disappeared for the last hour. Knowing how Clyde was, he was probably out trying to pick up a date for the evening. Earl caught a glimpse of the dark haired woman again as she briskly walked past his stool at the bar. He barely caught a peek at her large breasts swaying but he got a very good look at the way her hips swayed as he watched her disappear into the woman's lounge.Earl motioned to...

2 years ago
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A Summer with Amber Chapter 2

Introduction: Nathan spends an evening with his daughter and decides to push his thoughts to the limits. He finds his virgin daughter very pleasing. We made it through dinner without incident. I was caught up in all Amber had done in the last year, everything ranging from school to athletics to after school activities and everything in between. Then we went out for ice cream at Dairy Queen. Amber got a vanilla cone, her favorite, and I got a sundae. We decided to sit outside and enjoy the cool...

4 years ago
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This is my first story, so i hope you like it… If you dont please give me advice! thanks!! My name is Kelly and this is the story about me and my cousins best friend Jayson. I was headed over to my cousins house one Friday which was common for me. I was best friends with the girl, Stacy (16) and her older brother was just like a brother to me, Dakota (18). Dakota constantly had hot friends coming over which made their house a common hang-out place for me. But my by far favorite of his...

1 year ago
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AC lost in the animus

“David; nice of you to come!” a voice spoke and looking over there I saw the dark haired woman standing there greeting me, “This is the team, Lucy!” I looked over and seeing the blonde nervous woman she whispered, “Hi!” I looked over to Rebecca who whispered, “She fancied a man who died saving the world!” I nodded before saying, “Desmond!” she nodded before commenting, “You knew him?” I shook my head before saying, “My Father’s new wife is an Templar... well she isn’t new, been married for six...

4 years ago
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Youre a Celebrity Reworking

As of now you are a Celebrity to the world, you worked really hard to get to where you are today or maybe you were lucky. With fame comes opportunities, risks and consequences. It is time for you to go experience this life but you need to be wary as you are in the public eye alot and getting caught could put you in a tricky situation, Maybe you will meet other celebrities that you could potentially meet or get with and see where the story progresses from there. Notes: Remember you can modify...

2 years ago
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I did it.I flew the coop.I quit my job, sold my car, and bought a one way ticket to the wild, unadulterated land of opportunity that is America. I was free! I had my own place! No more sharing bathrooms! No more parents nagging after a night out spent in the clubs! No more crazy ex-boyfriends and friend zoned men! I. Was. FREE.And yet, I had never been so miserable in my entire life. I willed myself out of bed and climbed down the ladder that led to the lower deck of my loft. I had been...

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Caught GF with BBC Maybe Gay PT2

My boy Jerome and I were cruising around in his truck one Friday bored out our minds. There's not much to do in this country town besides drink and smoke, not sense the one bar we had got closed in some d**g raid. A new one would open in its place in a couple weeks, then it too would fuck up and suffer the same fate.We were traveling the backroads, sipping our adult beverages when I spotted him in the headlights. I knew that small slender body. "Isn't that Jessie?" I tapped Jerome, squinting to...

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