Serena's InheritanceChapter 2 free porn video

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“You were gone a long time, honey. Is everything okay?” Auntie met me at the front porch, a look of concern on her face.

“I was a little upset but everything’s fine now,” I said, surprising myself that I was able to smile what I thought to be a very sincere-looking smile.

“That’s good. We were a little worried.”

“No need. Thurston and I just had a great time getting to know each other again.” He was leaning against my leg as I spoke, nearly pushing me over one more time.

“He’s always so glad to see you. He doesn’t get to run too much when it’s just the two of us.”

“He does love to run. Oh, and I saw Auden too. He’s moving to Atlanta.”

“Yes, I know. His mother was very excited when she told me. With both Auden and Duane gone, their house will certainly be different.”

I wondered if I should tell her about the names. “Do you know something odd about those names?” I asked, a knowing smile on my face.

“You mean the same five letters,” was Auntie’s quick reply.

“Now you’ve ruined my surprise,” I giggled and she joined me with her little laugh. Normalcy seemed to be returning much quicker than I had expected.

“We knew it when she named Duane. She was proud of her cleverness.”

Auntie had said the name and I hadn’t cringed or winced or begun to tremble. Maybe the tears had cured everything, expunging the total aggregate of all that had happened the last three summers, cleaning my slate so it was ready for the next entries, whatever or whoever they might be. Yet, even having these thoughts told me that wasn’t quite true.

“It is kind of unique,” I suggested, my eyes drifting off toward...

“Listen. Granny and I have something important to tell you. Come inside and we can get started.”

Now, that certainly did pique my curiosity. What important thing could they have? I’d heard enough important things for one day, more than enough. More than enough for my entire fragile life, actually. What was coming next?

We went inside and Granny was there, of course, a big smile on her face. I was thinking, “what the hell is up,” but I would never say anything like that. I think Auntie might still seriously consider washing my mouth out with nasty lye soap if she still had any of it around. It was hard to find in stores but she somehow managed and Granny still liked it and used it.

“You may already know this,” Auntie began.

I already knew lots of things but I didn’t know if I knew this thing. It seemed sometimes that she delighted in tormenting me. Maybe it was just her age.

“We enjoy so much having you come to visit in the summer. It puts new life into this old place.”

“You know I love being here and I love this house so much.” I couldn’t help but look around.

“Well, this old house loves you too and so, one of these days, it will be yours.”

I was frozen, a stunned expression on my face. Mine? How could that be? I was going to be a freshman in college. One of these days? When was that?

“I’ve put it in my will. It will be yours free and clear.”

Now wills were about death and I certainly didn’t want that. But the house. Mine. Still, that would mean no Granny and Auntie. My heart was bursting and tearing all at the same time. I looked from one to the other but somehow couldn’t mirror their smiles. I was overjoyed. I was terrified. Mine!

“Who knows what may happen, Serena? Our lives change. You may find it to be a burden one of these days.”

“Oh no, Aunt Natalie, never,” I blurted out, finally able to speak.

“Who else would it go to?” Granny added.

“Yes, we spoke to your mother and she said absolutely not. She didn’t want it.”

There it was again. The elephant in the room. But what was it? Why would Mother not want a beautiful place like this? What was there that kept her away from here, even to the extent of knowing she was making me unhappy? No furtive looks this time, just that statement. I could just ask, if I had a bit more courage. But I doubted they’d tell me. They had to know of my constant curiosity about that but they volunteered nothing. Maybe when I was a college graduate, I’d have gained enough confidence to ask them outright, maybe even demand they tell me. I rather doubted that, though. I’d questioned Mother about her stubborn resistance to even visiting but she turned almost cold and withdrawn when I did, shutting me out totally. So, I had stopped.

Still, mine.

I rubbed Thurston’s head. Mine!

For the second time that day, there were tears on my cheeks. I evidently had replenished my supply somewhere between the agony I had endured at the shed and getting back to here.

“Thank you,” I mumbled, a slight gasp escaping my throat. A deep breath. “I can’t think of anything that would make me want to give up this place.”

“I hope not, honey, but it will be yours and yours to decide.”

I was still petting Thurston. “Does Thurston go with the house?”

Now there were three unison laughs.

“Thurston is six, so he should have plenty more summers of running through the woods with you.”

I gave him another kiss on top of his head. This day had twisted my heart and mind and spirit in directions that I had never imagined in my 19 years. Summer would be good. I was determined that that be true.

I was home again, the summer nearly ended, and Mother was glad to see me, between her business and volunteering, and I was ready for school to start. Actually, that was not true. I was never ready for school to start and in particular, this year. I hated change in a very general fashion. It was just that I treasured security, and insecurity so often hovered ominously around change. Last year I was the one who knew all the ropes, the tricks for surviving, the idiosyncrasies of the teachers, the places in the building where you could be ‘out of sight’ if you chose to be. Now, I was a freshman again. And that was irritating as well. I was not a ‘man’ by any definition or description, and it just annoyed me. Possibly because of the insecurity I felt being one of those fresh-men. But it was beginning and I was being allowed to live on campus so I could be a ‘part of things” as mother said. I wasn’t totally sure she didn’t want to be away from the annoyance of me interrupting her various activities but I was probably just being a brat for thinking that.

I moved into the dorm and quickly met my roommate, Maddie. Right away I could see that she was not like me at all and I was wondering how we’d be able to get on together. Her hair was short, mine was long. She was short and a bit muscular, I was tall and a bit lithe, I guess. Those were just physical things though.

She was bubbly and I was sedate. Her voice was deeper and had a gravelly quality to it, mine was gentle and melodic. At least that’s what I’d been told by the fellow freshman who made a dramatic effort at hitting on me when we were paying fees. I sent him pedaling as I wasn’t quite ready for that yet. Plus, I used one of those words that would have gotten me a mouth washing at Auntie’s. A very severe mouth washing.

Despite all that, I don’t think I could have found a better roomie, even if I’d created her myself. We were destined to be together for all four years and far beyond. Quite different years than I might have imagined, and I could never have envisaged how such a fortuitous occurrence could have such a profound effect on my life. Also to be involved in that profound effect was Maddie’s boyfriend, Chuck. If Maddie hadn’t been such a good friend, I might seriously have considered trying to steal Chuck from her. He seemed to be the kind of a guy that every mother hopes her daughter will bring home to meet Mom and Dad. Tantalizingly cute, no one a stranger, considerate to a fault and it was totally obvious he had picked Maddie and he treated her like a queen. At least, it seemed so to me.

“What are you taking?” Maddie asked right away.

“Classes, courses, I don’t know.”

“Still figuring it out, huh?”

“Trying to. I kind of like physics but I don’t know. I guess there are female physicists around but, when I walked through the physics building, other than secretaries, I didn’t see many.”

“Don’t let that stop you. If you like it, do it. What the heck.” I got a strange little look from her. “How the hell did you get interested in physics?”

“Kinda weird. I liked the Discovery Channel and watched it a lot. They started a new one called Science Channel and it had stuff about physics and, I don’t know, I just seemed to enjoy it. Mom said I was weird but I always knew that.” A punch on the arm from Maddie. “I just have to figure it out before too long. Don’t need to waste a year.”

“Freshman stuff is about all the same, though. You won’t be wasting that.”

“Does that bother you?”


“Being a fresh-MAN.”

“No. Does it for you?”

“A little.” My resistance to change was coming out in my reluctance to being called a freshman. I shrugged. “What’s your major?”

“Nursing. I have two aunts that are nurses and they wouldn’t change for anything. They get annoyed at the hours sometimes but they still like it. Gonna give it a try.”

“Lots of chemistry?”

“Some, I think. Not too much.” She giggled. “At least, I hope not.”

She was silent for a moment and I was thinking about beginning the unpacking process.

“You a neat freak?” she asked, grinning.

“Freak is an awfully strong word there,” I answered, smiling back at her.

“Still. I guess I like things arranged a little. I’m not OCD about it, though. Why are you asking?”

That brought a big laugh from Maddie. “Well, I can be a little, well, disorderly at times, I guess. I just didn’t want it, you know, to be an issue. Maybe we’ll each be an influence on the other. Mostly, I guess, I hope you’re an influence on me since I need to get a little more order to things.”

“I think you’ll find I’m a little laid back about most things. Sure, we all have stuff we like and don’t like. But, hopefully, they’re not end-of-the-world things.”

“I know what you mean and, yeah, let’s just be that way.” She held up her hand and we high-fived. She grinned. “I’m not into that chest-bumping stuff like the guys do. Are you?” Her expression changed to a coy grin this time.

“Um, no. I leave that to the football players.”

“Speaking of that,” Maddie said, “that’s why I’m here. My dad played football for the Buckeyes. O-H.”

“I-O. Really? How cool is that?”

“Yeah, he wanted me to go here more than anything. Even willing to pay the out-of-state fees.”

“So, where are you from, then?”

“Tallahassee, Florida.” Another big grin. “It nearly kills dad to be stuck down there at the home of Florida State. He still has trouble sometimes getting the Ohio State games on TV. But he says he can get us some good tickets, better than student tickets, because he’s in Varsity O.”

“So, are you getting them?”

“They’re way more expensive and he’s paying so much already. Want to just get student tickets together?”

“Sure. I’m not a huge football fan but I guess I can learn.”

“So, where are you from then?”

I loved the way she could hardly talk without grinning. I knew it was hard to tell so quickly but I just didn’t see how we’d have any problems at all.

“I’m from right here, Columbus.”

“Oh my gosh! And you’re still living on campus?”

“Yeah, thought it would be fun.”

A kind of far-away look crossed her face and she looked out the window. I debated about whether I should tell her or not. I didn’t want to insult her or anything plus, we were getting off to a good start here. I thought I knew where that look was coming from so, I decided to just barge ahead.

“Listen,” I said and she looked at me again. “I don’t want to insult you or, well, whatever, but my dad was killed a while ago and, with insurance and stuff, mom and I got, well, more money than we know what to do with. So, we don’t have to worry about stuff like that.” I was actually a little nervous about saying it but it was said.

“I don’t want to take your money.” A serious expression crossed her face.

“Listen, you want to be a nurse to help people, right?

A shrug and a nod.

“So, when we want to have a good time, we can, and not worry about that.”


“I enjoy helping people, too.” I took a deep breath. “Don’t steal that from me.”

The smile came back. “We’ll work it out.”

No high-five this time, just a big hug.

“Okay,” she said. “So, your dad died then?”

“Yeah, a plane crash on a business trip. I was seven.”

Her head dropped.

“I was eight when mom and dad split up.” Slowly, her head came up and she looked at me, a sad and twisted look on that normally smiling face.

“And?” I encouraged.

“It was ugly. Screaming, shouting. We don’t talk about it now but I think there was another man. Lots of ugliness. They fought over me. But mom wanted to move to California, with that man I guess, and I think the judge just let me stay with dad.”

“I’m so sorry. That had to be so hard for you at eight.”

“No harder than for you at seven, I bet.”

“So, I guess we’re survivors, huh?” Maddie grinned. I could see that we were going to be good roommates.

“Hey, are you going to Florida for Thanksgiving?” I was hatching a plan. Not a big deal but I hoped Maddie might like it.

“Um, don’t think so. Not enough time to drive and don’t want to blow the bucks on a plane ticket.” I had expected that to be the case, thus my plan.

“So, you’re stuck here then?” Thanksgiving was only two days away now and I’d already made the plan so I hoped Maddie would fall into it with no complaints. She had very quickly become my genuine best friend and I wasn’t about to let her hang out here alone if there was any way I could prevent it. Thus, that plan.

“I guess,” she said but, since I couldn’t hide the grin that was forming on my face, she eyed me very suspiciously. “Serena, what’s going on and I hope it’s what I think it might be?”

“Probably is. I’ve already talked with Mom and you’re coming to our house for Thanksgiving weekend.”

“Yay!” she yelled and I got a huge Maddie hug. “I’m so lucky.” I knew what was coming and didn’t really need it but ... it warmed me all over to hear it, particularly from her. “Aren’t you going to ask why I’m so lucky?”

All I could do was grin and hope my eyes didn’t tear up too badly. I could be very emotional at times, watching Hallmark movies, TV commercials with little kids, pet rescue places advertising for dog adopters. Other things, too. I loved animals, little kids and syrupy, happily-ever-after movies. Mom teased me about it a lot. Nothing I could do, though.

“You’re going to tell me whether I ask or not.

“I am, and I mean it. Over 7,000 freshmen here, make it 3,500 if you get rid of the men, don’t know how many live on campus but, of all of them, I got you as a roommate. The very best and I’m thankful.” She stepped toward me. “Tears yet?” she asked teasingly.

“Of course. I’m Serena. What did you expect? But thank you, and it goes double for me.” We hugged.

“You know, when Dad gets a little sentimental and thinks about how it was with Mom the first few years, he tells of how she came down the aisle at their wedding, just sobbing – you could hear it all over the church. Can’t wait to be at yours. I’m sure you’ll be able to top that.”

“You may have to wait a while. No weddings in my future.” The way I felt now, after the summer, there may not be any weddings in my future, period, end of story. It almost made me shiver thinking about it.

“I may have something up my sleeve,” Maddie threw in, a wicked grin on her face.

“Maddie!” I could just tell, from the first day we became friends, that she was figuring some way to match me up with a guy. “Don’t you dare.”

“Did you just say you dared me?”

“Maddie, you’re incorrigible.”

“That one of your physics words?”

“You’ll find out when you’re a nurse. That’s how some of your patients will be.”

“I hope not, but I’m sure you’re right.”

Maddie packed up clothes for the weekend and we headed for Mother’s place. My place, too. She still couldn’t imagine that the house was only 30 minutes from school and yet, I lived on campus. I reminded her about what she had said, about all the students and us getting to be roommates and she dropped it. Even with what I’d told her about the money and how I worked hard not to spend it like I had plenty, it was still a bit awkward when the subject came up, whatever the form. I was sure that, over time, it would disappear as an issue.

Mom was actually home and waiting for us, which I appreciated to no end as that often wasn’t the case. She met Maddie, and asked her a few of the normal questions and soon, they were chatting away like Maddie was the daughter and I was the guest. I finally took Maddie to her room and came back downstairs.

“She’s a doll, isn’t she?” Mother had a huge grin.

“Even nicer than she looks, too.” That much was totally true.

“That makes me happy, you know. Everything going okay?”

I live 30 minutes from our house, everyone was getting cell phones, and I had to come to that house for her to ask me if everything was going okay. My fault as much as hers but, unfortunately, we both seemed satisfied with this arrangement. Still, it was good to get home and see her. After all, she was my mother.

“Going great, Mom. You?”

“Good, too.” She stared at me for long seconds, a little awkwardly and in a way that sent vibes my way that she had something more to say. But she didn’t say anything more. She took a breath. “Decided on a major yet? Still looking at Physics?” She screwed up her face as she said the word, “physics.” It seemed to go with that word from more people than just her.

“Yeah, but haven’t decided for sure yet. Still got some time and I’ll be taking some physics courses next quarter so I’ll have a better feel for it.”

“What about Maddie?”

“Nursing. No doubt in her mind at all.”

“That’s nice. She looks like a nurse.”

Maddie came back downstairs about then and Mom went to the kitchen to finish cooking. I showed her around and she wanted to go outside and see more of the snow that had fallen last night. It was only about three inches but, when you’re from Florida, that’s snow. She walked around and kicked it, tried to make snowballs and groaned about how cold it was. She wanted to make a snow angel but I talked her out of that. If she was already cold, that would just double it.

When we came back inside, Mom was putting dinner on the table.

As we sat down, she said, “I’m cooking tonight but I can’t deal with tomorrow so it’s being catered.”

I cringed, grabbing a quick look at Maddie but didn’t see a reaction from her.

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Jokes and GigglesChapter 566

This one is compliments of John A. The Mexican maid asks for a raise. The wife was very upset about this, and decided to talk to her about the raise. She asked: “Now Maria, why do you want a pay increase?” Maria: “Well, Señora, there are tree reasons why I wanna increaze.” “The first is that I iron better than you.” Wife: “Who said you iron better than me? “Maria: “Jor huzban he say so.” Wife: “Oh yeah?” Maria: “The second reason eez that I am a better cook than you.” Wife:...

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The Doctor Is In

Thank you to workingman for the inspirational idea. The Doctor Is In Let me say at first that I love my job. Being a Physician has been a dream of mine since I was a little girl. Needless to say my parents were thrilled by my success and were so proud of their eldest daughter. Like most medical students the choices were out there, but school costs a fortune. I accepted a position in a small northern city, as a General Practitioner, in exchange for their helping defer some of the...

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My first time having sex

I was staying at my grandmas house in mexico for a couple months. It all started on a wednesday i was at home with my cousin luis (14). We were playing xbox when my cousin jesus (19), my other cousin angel (14), and their friend diana (24) showed up and told me to open the door for them so we went down stairs to open the door for them. We were all down stairs sitting on the couch. Jesus introduced us to diana. She was 5'7 she had redish hair and was light brown skinned, she had nice big tits...

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Princess NoraChapter 5 WAR

King Menon took a year in planning to attack Morathia. His initial design was to invade Baytar, subdue them then bring his army of 2500 men down to Morathia from the south through the dense forest that Princess Nora traveled for the peace treaty with King Felix. It offered stealth and less chance of discovery until it was too late. Baytar would certainly send a messenger to King William and that would give him for time to prepare for his invasion of Morathia. He thought it over declining that...

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Virat Ke Kisse 8211 Priya Ki Chudai

Hello guys. I’m virat and this is my first story. I’m currently 25 and stand 6ft 4 and have a 8.5inch dick along with good 6 pack abs. I hit the gym everyday.I love boxing and fucking beautiful women. Now coming to story. It happened when I was college and that time I was 22. So let’s begin. College ka time tha third year aur sab thik thak hi chal raha tha. Thode din pehle ek ladai hui thi. Usme maine aur mere friends ne unn seniors ko maara tha jo uss time sabse zyada dadagiri aur gundagardi...

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He parked the car where he always did, at the end of a row of gravestones near the back of the cemetery. He got out slowly, holding on to the door frame for support. He reached over and grabbed his cane, then closed the door and started across the grass toward the last gravestone at the end. He was shakier than usual today, and he had to stop and steady himself, to get his heart to slow down. "I'm coming, Miss Whetstone," he said, starting off again. This was a big day, and he was trying...

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Why Me LordChapter 23

The preacher hadn't been gone for long before Josh and another man came riding up. I figured it was probably Josh's brother and when they reached me and dismounted Josh introduced me to Gerald. "Nice to meet you." "Same here. Josh says you're thinking about doing a little building," Gerald said. "I'm thinking of doing more than a little. Why don't we go into the library and talk about it?" I asked, and when he agreed he followed me in. "On the way through I might as well show...

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DoceoChapter 3 Learning the Rules

The next few days went by rapidly. After reviewing the syllabus things quickly got down to business, and it was impressive how much information we covered each day. Perhaps this was because there weren't as many classroom interruptions, but more likely the professors just didn't seem concerned about overwhelming us. By Wednesday afternoon I'd already written my first two-page 'paper' and was feeling remarkably confident in my choice to attend college. After years of private tutors and...

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Light and DarkChapter 6

This gun's for hire even if we're just dancing in the dark Dancing in the Dark, Bruce Springsteen Godalming, Surrey, November 24th Caerys paused, in the midst of the mayhem, stunned as Gavin slumped against the wall. Eyes wide, staring, glaring, his gaze pierced into her head as he mouthed to her. "What?" she whispered, barely flinching as a second bullet caught him in the thigh, spraying a gout of blood over her that shook Sophie from her shock and into action. "Merde!" she...

4 years ago
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Protection and Preservation Book 04Chapter 15

[Preservation – Janice] Through spring, Bennie's arm was in the painful stage of rehabilitation. Under Doctor Anne's tutelage, he exercised it regularly and got back into shape generally. A month later, she said he was good but suggested he continue his exercises to further strengthen it. It was the middle of spring and we were ready for a trip. Bob had met one of the widows from the I‑20 area. He told us that he could watch over our farm, help Poppa and work Mabel's farm with her. Mabel...

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A Bride Chapter Nine

"Come on lazy bones, we need to get up.""Why?""Tomatoes, that's why."She giggled and ran her fingernails lightly up the length of my erection."I'll give you a choice.""Yeah?""Yeah.""Go on then.""Stay here and go to sleep again."I waited but so did she and I gave in first, mainly because of the way she was gently masturbating me."Or?""Or nothing." she whispered, "But I need a pee!"This time she drew me into her arms and kissed me as she stood and relieved herself, taking hold of my hand, she...

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Beth puts on a show part 4

Beth meets Vincent.....Walking out into the cold night air, a shiver goes through me. Not just from the cold. I'm nervous.....excited too of course, otherwise I wouldn't be doing this. It's always a fine line, that tipping point between nervous reluctance and excited curiosity. I'm swayed by Simon's description of this big stranger, I can tell right away that my husband is ok with him, and I trust his judge of good character.Instinct played a big roll in our first tentative steps with robin and...

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GeniusChapter 7 Return to the Forest World

I stepped through the portal to find that Forester was waiting for me, and he was shaking his head as I appeared. "I see you failed then, did you find them all dead?" He asked. I held up a finger in a 'wait a moment' signal, and then the first of the people started to appear. "Come on in, there are shelters nearby." I said as I looked at a surprised Forester. "I have to admit that I didn't think you'd do it!" Forester said, and then his expression went from surprise to one of...

3 years ago
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Becoming an internet whore

"Of course there's lots of this stuff on the net," Rob had told me when we talked about it the next day. He opened up his laptop, and in a coupe of minutes had a porno video playing. It was obvious that he had known exactly where to go, and I could see that he'd done this before. Again, we got quite worked up watching all of the fucking and sucking going on. The video finished, and Rob casually mentioned that there were lots of photos too. He manipulated the mouse and in a moment had...

2 years ago
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Sissy Farm Chapter Thirteen

Sissy Farm - Chapter 13 By: Beverly Taff List of Characters. Me: Michelle - A Natural transvestite sissy; Janice: My Younger sister; Aunty Bev: Janice and My mother's Sister; Mistress Janet: Headmistress of the young lady's academy; Dr Shirley: My endocrinologist; Miranda: A very effeminate Sissy sales assistant; Miss Stern: Miranda's mistress who owns the shop; Peregrine: AKA. Uncle Penny. My transvestite uncle, (Aunty Bev's...

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The Strawberry Patch Book 2 Lost and FoundChapter 57 Independence Day and July 5th

Year 4 Independence Day is one of my favorite holidays because I am one of those right-wing nut jobs that loves his country and loves to celebrate it. My wives are pretty much the same way. Very unlike my second wife who left me because, “I can’t stay with someone who would not vote for that wonderful man, Barack Obama.” Yeah, that’s right. I came home from a competition and half the furniture and all her clothes were gone. I called her. “Hi. Is there something you want to tell me?” “I am...

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Stress relief with Sasha

"Excuse me, could you help me find a book. It's supposed to e here but i don't see it." "Let me check my cart" Sasha could feel his hazel eyes staring at her as she walked away. He stood about 5'7 with honey colored skin and a muscular build. Sasha figured him to be about 20. "Wow, heavy reading," she said holding up his book. "Yeah, I need it for school" "Ok. Well don't study too hard." "Yeah whatever." "Hey. You don't have to be rude. I didn't have to...

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Highway To Heaven

How many times have you been in public and a woman doing nothing but being herself has made your dick rise up? That woman In the grocery store produce section Innocently handling fruit? The casual touch of manicured fIngernails on your palm as that bank teller hands you your cash? Or the lady workIng the cosmetic counter at the mall walkIng to the food court hiding her busty frame behind a white smock? all these Instances and more are enough to set most into satisfying minutes of...

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The Studio xxx

Chapter 1- 1 Week Later Sonia prepared dinner , she only wore an apron & was completely naked except for her 3 inch heels. Her face was covered in her son's jism. Arthur was sitting at the kitcken table . Underneath the table 55 year old Nina Rogers was licking Arthur's balls & ass . she was wearing a thong bikini & heels . She had been invited to come over to tan by the pool & play with her master .Arthur was now hard again so he now decided to fuck Nina Rogers . The greyish blonde ,...

1 year ago
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Film porno 2iegraveme seacuteance

Comme promis, j'avais invité Nadia, la copine de ma nièce pour une séance film porno chez moi . Elle avait accepté sans soucis. J'avais également convié mon pote Bruno, mon voisin du 4ième. En le voyant arriver elle s'exclama j'espère qu'il est bien monté ton ami. T'inquiète il est membré comme un cheval, tu vas l'adorer. Hmm cool on va bien se marrer. Elle s'installa en soutif et petite culotte entre nous deux dans le divan. Nous on est déjà en caleçon. Je démarre le film tranquillement. Même...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 2 StephieChapter 56 Doctor Adams I Presume

July 24, 1988, Chicago, Illinois “Hi, Boss!” Terry said as he and Penny arrived early for the company party. “Hi Terry! Thanks for coming early to help set up. And you too, Penny.” “Wow,” Penny sighed. “Relegated to ‘and you too, Penny’!” I laughed and hugged her and she gave me a quick kiss on the cheek, then put her arm around Terry and went into the house. Terry was very tolerant of Penny’s behavior around me, and I wondered if she’d given him terms, so to speak. Tasha was more...

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Moms Girl parts 2

Mom's Girl Part 2 Meeting Bobby Several weeks have passed since my night with Paul. Everything has settled in to a normal day to day family lifestyle except my relationship with my big brother. We hardly ever said more than two words to each other and I understood why. I had seduced my brother to make myself feel more ladylike. Paul would stay out late at night with his buddies while I took care of Mom, the boys and the house. It's not like I'm an abused wife sitting at home...

1 year ago
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Sexy Nurse 8211 Part II

I am Akki, m 19 years old . I’ll tell you about my night at a hospital. This happened around a month back. A lot of things have changed in my life since then. I don’t go around chasing skirts anymore as I have found “the one” for me. And even then, I was not much of a flirt. I have had it with only 4 women so far. I met Deepa a week after we started talking on the phone. (Name changed for privacy) I was a stranger to her. I got her number from a friend who had a high opinion about her. I called...

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Salma and Shabbir 4

Thank you ISS and readers for the support. I am looking forward to more feedbacks from you for Part.No.4. Please send your comments to A brief summary of the Salma & Shabbir’s saga so far. Shabbir had managed to seduce his mother Salma and their lives changed thereafter. Tabassum, Shabbir’s girl friend was invited by Salma without knowing that the young girl was a bisexual. Tabassum is taken aback by Salma’s sharp features and successfully entices her into lesbian sex. Just about when Salma...

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Mom and IChapter 5

I had not ridden a motorcycle since the early 80's which would put me in the 25 to 27 year age line and thirty years later I decided to ride again, I had a Honda CL 360 that could kick some good ass as I was pulled over on rte. 25 north of the Bourne Bridge to Cape Cod. "Yup" I told the state trooper when he asked "Do you know how fast you were going?" yeah somewhere between a hundred an ten an a hundred an fifteen. He said "You probably won't be around to pay the fine, got in his...

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Sara had long suspected her husband of cheating on her during his business trips. He never objected to Saturday stayovers, and always seemed to be traveling with a woman. She was not the confrontational type, but she had a passive-agressive nature and a vengeful streak. He didn't get the message when she was cold or refused sex, which only made her more sure - surely he couldn't resist me after a week away! Jim was in fact an unusually faithful man, and had been confused at his wife's...

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I Cant See You

Tim would freely admit he was a nerd. As such, he prided himself on being on time. It's probably not surprising, therefore, that it was exactly 6 PM when he rang the doorbell at the Banks' house. He and Sandy were going to the baseball game downtown. It started at 7:30, but they wanted to catch something to eat at the stadium before the game started. While waiting for someone to answer the door, Tim noticed that things were unusually quiet around the Banks' household. Usually, Sandy's two...

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Child MagusChapter 33

The outfits I had in mind for Cassandra and Katrina were simpler than mine. I wanted them dressed the same but their physical differences made it only a slight challenge for Peter. "You might find it hard to believe, but I have more leather for women than men." Then he disappeared in the back and came back with a cart loaded with tons of different outfits for them to try. Once I picked out what I liked, it was just a matter of finding the right sizes. In the end, the only thing left to get...

1 year ago
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Making a Choice

My husband Mike and I have lived in downtown Atlanta for over 6 years. The crime is uncontrollable. Every night we go to bed and hear the sirens of another shooting or the cries from another mugging. Thanks to the recession in 2007, our house value dropped so much that we were trapped. We would lose too much if we moved so for the past 2 or 3 years we have been saving every penny, trying to get out of this town. We want to move somewhere open and safe. Finally, this might be the year we...

Wife Lovers
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Fucked My Nani My First Sex

This was happened 8 years ago when I had completed my 12th standard n dick size was 5.8 inches. Like every boy at this age seeking sex. My nani was 65 years old that time and figure was 38 40 44 n she is fatty like old Indian women but her ass was awesome very tight n she is suffering from blood pressure problem so she decided to come our home to get good medicines. In the medicines one is sleeping pills which she takes before sleep. At night she sleeps with me daily in my room. One night I...

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Meeting James Chapter 1

My friend and I pulled up at valet parking in the front of the Paris hotel in Las Vegas. It was a warm spring evening and the sun had just begun to set behind the mountains. The air smelled fresh and clean, an anomaly for the strip I thought. I smiled to myself when I noticed the valet sneaking a peek at my legs when I extended them and stepped out of Sue’s car. Maybe this would be a good night after all. She smiled radiantly at me as I watched her walk around her car while hearing to her high...

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Slutty Sister Wants Me To Keep A Secret

My 23-year-old elder sister is endowed with a tight curvaceous ass that jiggles enough to corrupt the mind with dirty thoughts. I masturbate thinking about fucking it every night and then ask for forgiveness before falling asleep. Until last year’s Christmas Eve, I was wracked with guilt that I enjoyed fantasising about glazing my sister’s smooth tight ass with hot cum. The morning following the celebration, I witnessed a raunchy scene that any other 19-year-old would rarely come across. My...

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Jason and his horny mature maid

“Mom?” eighteen-year-old, Jason, said, as he woke up to hear some sound in his room in the middle of the night. The person he saw standing near the door looked like a woman. It was quite dark in the room, so Jason couldn’t figure out who it really was. “It’s me. Susie,” Jason heard the voice of his thirty-year-old maid. Susie was a gorgeous married woman. She had black hair and had firm big 36DD size boobs. Her husband worked in a garage. When Jason’s mother came to know that, Susie was...

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Busted With My Online Porn 6

Donna had just left. I could still taste my own cum on my tongue. It really wasn’t so bad since I had been drinking so much juice and water lately. I read online that fruit juices tend to make your cum sweeter. I figured I might as well make things a little easier on myself by at least making my cum taste better. I can affirm that it does work!What was strange to me was that I felt myself beginning to think about having trouble with gagging as opposed to swallowing the cum. I didn’t want to...

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Anticipation I like to use a pair of blacked out sunglasses as a blindfold, a nursing bra for breast play, a wrap skirt or front button dress for easy access, and a pair of high heels with an ankle strap cause they look HOT! My plan for tonight, a private club.? First, a trip to the spa; hair, nails, skin, massage, & waxing, then home to a shower, douche, & enema; got to start with a clean canvas. Now to 'dress' you for the show but your outfit will be a surprise for you as well, so we...

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East of Nowhere Revised

(Man, I’m beat…. Working 13 hours on your feet all day, and dealing with rude ass customers and their kids is a living hell; especially when the parents aren’t paying attention to their kids, and the kids are running around and screaming like little monsters…) 25-year-old Carrie said to herself after she got off her shift at the diner at 9 PM. She clocks out in the back of the diner near the kitchen, swiping her keycard, and says good bye to her coworkers and best friend Kristie. After...

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