TurbulenceChapter 13 free porn video

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As the train slowed in its approach to Wembley Station Arthur was more nervous than he had been when Colette had taken him to her flat for the first time. Having not been there since then he had been hoping that she would invite him over again. Except for his sexual initiation on his first day in London their last three activities had been at her cottage on Bourne on the Water in the Cotswolds. He didn’t know why she invited him to come today. He thought about the walk back to Colette’s cottage from the pub when, while walking with Sioban by herself for a while, she stopped and kissed the coed so outlandishly. He recalled how uncomfortable Ryan and he were when the kiss turned into a serious exchange of tongues. After they had gotten back to their room on Sunday evening that kiss became a long part of their conversation that Ryan started with, “Have you ever seen women kissing like that Arthur?”

He was hesitant to admit that he had seen images of women kissing like that in a porno magazine his high school friend Donny More had shown him. “I ... I saw it once in a magazine.”

Raising his eyebrows at Arthur’s admission Ryan said, “Do you think Colette could be a lesbian.”

Out of patience with his roommate who was supposedly a sophisticated person Arthur thought Ryan’s must be more naïve about these things than I would have thought. “If she were a lesbian Ryan, she wouldn’t want to have sex with guys. That was JUST a kiss.”

“A kiss, yeah, but they were ACTUALLY swapping tongues.”

Though uncomfortable with it as well he knew Colette well enough that she had no trouble doing outrageous things just to show people that she could. “I really wouldn’t worry about it Ryan. All we should care about is the sex we ended up have with both women while we were there.”

“It just kind of stunned me is all,” Ryan replied.

After the kiss Colette took, she had taken Arthur’s hand and walked with him like a couple of lovers for the next mile or so. “I like your friends Arthur,” she said, “It tells me how you gravitate toward more mature people.”

“I suppose that’s why Ryan is my student advisor.”

“And Sioban is a girl who likes to have fun,” she said, “she reminds me of me when I was her age.”

“Is that why you kissed her?”

“I kissed her because I wanted to see how she would react to it,” Colette said. “She’s actually quite an open minded and progressive young woman. After the initial shock of what I was doing wore off she became rather comfortable with it. I’m looking forward to getting to know her better. Ryan too.” After walking a few more steps in silence she said, “I’ve been thinking about something Arthur.”


“Something for me to know and you to find out,” she teased. “I want to think about it a bit more and make sure my decision makes sense. I have a gap day on Thursday and would like for you to come for dinner ... plan on spending the night. Your friends—especially Sioban—have made me think seriously about something I’ve been thinking about. I want to sleep on it a bit more before telling you more. Besides, I haven’t had you over to my flat since you first arrived.”

My stomach was in knots as I stood at her apartment door and rang the bell while thinking what in the world can she have to tell me?” But as the door opened the vision of Colette standing barefooted in just a British Airlines t-shirt made knees grow weak. She wore no lipstick and looked relaxed as if she could have just been having sex.

With a knowing smile she said, “Poor baby,” took me by the hand, pulled me inside and hugged me tightly to her body. “It’s nothing that you should be worrying so much about sweetie.” Her warm greeting made me feel welcomed but still left me wondering the reason for me being there.

“Pizza’s on the way,” she said as she led me into the living room. “It’s a large one so you can take what we don’t eat back to the dorm. I imagine Ryan will be glad to help you finish it while you are telling him what we have discussed here tonight.”

Feeling a little more at ease I was still mystified by whatever web Colette had been weaving. She led me to the couch where an open bottle of red wine sat on the coffee table. “Let’s sit on the carpet in front of the couch,” she said. “I feel so good about what I have to tell you that I want both of us to be totally relaxed so we can enjoy it completely.” Holding on to my hand she grinned as we sat down, lowered herself next to me and curled her legs under her bottom in a way only females seemed to be comfortable doing. Feeling more at ease I took the glass of wine she offered. Holding hers out she toasted, “To Arthur and his friends.” I repeated the toast, wondering what all this was about. We both sipped.

Smiling she reached out and toyed with a loose lock on my forehead, something my mother often did, and she studied me. Shaking her head, she said, “You are such a joy to me Arthur.” Caressing my cheek, she continued, “I’m sorry I’ve made such a mystery out of this but when I tell you what it is about, I know you’ll be quite pleased.”

Just then the doorbell rang. “That’s the pizza.” She sprang up and went to the door, handled the exchange, came back, and set the pizza on the coffee table then went to the kitchen and brought back two plates setting them on the flat surface.

As we ate our pizza’s Colette made small talk, but my thoughts bombarded me with questions that made it impossible for me to concentrate. “Arthur... ?”

She had a grin on her face that I couldn’t understand. Snapping her fingers in front of my face she said, “Arthur? Where are you?” Laying her hand on my thigh she snuggled close to me and continued, “I’m sorry that I’ve hung you on tenterhooks like this love. Are you okay? There is nothing wrong you know ... only something INCREDIBLY GOOD.”

Reaching her hands to her neck she took the thin gold necklace chain hanging there and lifted it over her head. Holding it out to me I saw what appeared to be a gold-plated key dangling from the chain. “What is it?” I asked as I took the necklace.

With a smile broadening her eyes appeared to well as she said, “It’s the key to my flat darling. I’ve been thinking about it for quite a while. Nobody’s ever had the key to my place before Arthur and I had to think hard about it before giving it to you.”

Confused as to what was making her do something like this I asked, “Why me?”

“Because you’re the most remarkable young man I’ve ever met Arthur. I feel so lucky that you are a part of my life.”

“I don’t understand.”

“Of course, you don’t, and I know you would never expect it. But this past weekend with your friends sealed the deal for me. You are more than just a casual friend Arthur. You are an important part of my life.”

The next thing she said almost blew me away: “I told Sioban about at tea today.” Eying my confusion she smiled. “She just left a little while ago as a matter of fact.”

Sioban, here TODAY ... Just left? I couldn’t understand why she was talking about Sioban. “Why had Sioban been here? This is the first time I have been in your flat since the day I came to London.”

Putting her open hand on my cheek she stared fondly into my eyes and said, “After the first time I took you to Bourne on the Water Arthur I knew that I wanted to be life-long friends with you. You have entered my life at a special time, and I think for a special purpose that I don’t yet understand. At that time, I began thinking that you should have a key to my flat because you are so special to me in a way that no other male has been. I bought the neck chain then had the key gold-plated just after we got back from Bourne. But I wasn’t certain of when I should give it to you ... I thought maybe for Christmas. Before this last weekend was over though I decided it would be today.

She went on, “What triggered my decision to do it today was the result of my conversation on the pathway at Bourne with Sioban ... after we kissed.”

She filled me in on their conversation when Sioban told her that we hadn’t had sex since my first week in London because there was no acceptable place to do it. “That’s the reason I changed partners with Sioban so you and she could use my master bedroom Saturday night. That’s the reason I had her come for tea today—I had to get her thoughts on it. And that’s the reason I just gave you the key.”

Feeling like Sioban had risen above me in Colette’s estimation I said, “You mean you liked Sioban so much that you asked her to come here ... to get her ADVICE?” So why do you think you can trust ME more with a key to your place?”

Assessing the confusion on my face she continued, “I value your opinion Arthur. Based on how you touched me from the beginning I see how Sioban was taken with you from the start just as I was. I would like no more than to have your friends be my friends, with certain limitations of course. I saw immediately that Sioban is a practical person, one who doesn’t believe in wasting her time or the time of others. I respect that. When she told me that she only had sex with you once because of no acceptable place to do it elsewhere I recognized that she would go only for the real thing rather than grovel in a car or movie or some such place, I saw an opportunity to act on giving you the key for the purpose of the two of you having a place to have sex. But I didn’t feel like I could go forward with it until she assured me that she wouldn’t pull the plug with you. She was thrilled when I explained to her what my intentions were.”

I could see that she was pleased that my demeanor had been changed favorably with her explanation, but I still had to ask, “But what makes you think that Sioban isn’t as trustworthy as I?”

“My profession has made me a quick study Arthur. I’ve made mistakes along the way, sure, but I’ve never made the same mistake twice. I would stake my life on YOUR honesty; I feel like I really KNOW you. I can’t allow myself to trust Sioban to that extent yet. But since she triggered my desire to act more quickly on my decision, I wanted to be sure that she would go along with it. She’s your friend Arthur but you’ve only been together once before this weekend, I mean REALLY together. She’s a highly sexual woman who wants to sow her own oats so to speak. Even though she holds you in exceptionally high regard she could be swayed to use the key, if it were in her possession, to have sex with someone other than you. I’m just being practical about this as I think back to how I was when I was her age.”

“Ryan? I’m impressed with him but don’t know him like I do you and lads will be lads after all. In my estimation you are completely trustworthy, you’re incredibly logical. Shaking her head, she chuckled and said, “You remind me of what the Dalai Lama said: ‘Learn the rules well enough so you will be able to break them properly.’ I trust you implicitly Arthur and know if you should decide to bend the rules, you would have my best interests at heart.” With a pleased sigh she added, “I genuinely believe your parents raised you that way, and I hope to meet them some day.”

Rubbing the key in my fingers I looked at it then trying to communicate my gratitude I stared into Colette’s eyes.

“That’s another thing I love about you darling. You don’t blandish a person with unnecessary rot. But after meeting and being alone with Sioban over the weekend and again today, with you and she wanting to frolic with no place to do it, the problem has been solved with your key.”

With a grin she went on, “Wear it around your neck as a talisman. If your mates question you about it just tell them it’s the key to a very loving woman’s heart, he-he, (rolling her eyes) maybe two. When you tell Ryan about it, I’ll be interested in seeing if he is as confidential about these things as you are.”

“The amazement of it all dawned on me. From the plane flight to London where I had been discovered by this remarkable woman and her attentions to me at Bourne on the Water. Ryan was an unexpected blessing for you and Sioban is just a more serendipitous element that has been added to the mix.”

I thought from the beginning that Colette would probably like Ryan and Sioban if they ever met but I was never confident enough that she would be more interested in my friends than just hearing about them. After the weekend that she so eagerly made happen and with the key around my neck, my self-confidence rose like a rocket. At the same moment, the call I got from my mother before I left to come to Colette’s flat popped into my head. Shall I tell Colette about her now or wait for later?

I knew that Thanksgiving was nearing at home but hadn’t been dwelling on it, now my mother would be coming to London during that time. It made me feel a little homesick, the first time I had felt anything like that since I left home. Dad had announced to her that he decided to go Elk hunting in Rockies over the Thanksgiving Holiday. He told her that he would pay for tickets for her to visit me in England. I was excited when she told me. For some reason though I was threatened. I had to give Colette a heads up if she might have been planning something for that weekend.

But when she received my news her face brightened and she said, “I really would like to meet your mother. Thanksgiving. PERFECT.” Enervated by the news she said, “I’ve celebrated Thanksgiving with a family of one of our Captains. It’s a charming holiday. She seemed as excited as a kid. “We could celebrate Thanksgiving HERE, right in the flat. We could introduce Ryan and Sioban to an American Thanksgiving. I wager they would love it ... and I know your mother would love meeting your friends. Parents get off on that kind of thing ... that’s been my observation.”

She was on a roll already planning the event. “Talk to your mom in the morning and tell her what we are going to do. Ask her to come up with a menu. I know she would love it.”

“I don’t think she wants to come to England to cook Thanksgiving dinner Colette.”

“Nonsense, I’LL cook it. She can help if she wants. Or not. I LOVE to cook.”

I felt like a spoilsport by saying, “You’ve never cooked for me.”

“I love to cook but not just for one or two people. I need a group to really make it interesting. Oh, Arthur I’m so EXCITED.” I could tell that she was.

“B ... But what would my mother think of you,” I said.” I mean us.”

“Stop stammering like a teenager Arthur, your more of an adult than that. And if you think you are intimidated by your mother meeting me you can stop that right now. I’m sure that your mum knows or at least hopes she knows what I know about you.” Looking at my skeptical face she went on, “You are a powerful young man Arthur, a man who can turn ANY woman into a pussycat.”


“But NOTHING Arthur Chadwick,” she said it as if she WERE my mom “you have told me of fantasies that you’ve had involving your mum. What makes you think she hasn’t had similar fantasies with you?”

“She wouldn’t.”

“ROT,” Colette said, “Your mother is a female. I know how females think whether they are mothers or not. Several of my colleagues are mothers and I’ve discussed this with some of them. A couple have told me that fantasizing about their sons haunts them. But that’s beside the point. I think your mum’s coming is marvelous and we should make an event of it.”

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Blue haired starlet Jewelz Blu has a dirty mind. So today, she wants to do the pocket rocket challenge where she sticks a vibrator in her pussy and her stepbrother uses a remote control to pleasure her in public! She walks around outside, feeling the incredible vibrations and trying to hold the moan. Somehow, she manages to cum and not get caught! The challenge gets her so turned on that she heads back home and gobbles her stepbrothers cock for good measure. Then, she goes all out and tells her...

3 years ago
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Early Morning Sex With Gf

“Hi janu” a sweet angelic voice, “Hey babes”, I replied. “kal mil rahe hai na?” To which I replied “Par yaar kal to college band hai. Tu ghar se kaise niklegi?”. She giggled and said “babu, kal college band hai. I know but my mom, she does not know about it. Main abhi so rahi hun, The sooner I wake up, The sooner I will meet You. Good night babu, I miss u”. We kissed good night on the phone to bed, even I didn’t want that call to get dragged as it was too late and I was very sleepy. Next day...

3 years ago
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Brandi Protector of the Gateway Season 2Chapter 33

“So what’s been messing with us?” Michael asked, his knee bouncing. Now that he was aware of it, it was so obvious - a yearning, a desperate cry to prove the superiority of demons. He was in a room with three teenage girls, and it was all he could do stop himself from making an excuse to leave with one of them and show what demons were truly capable of. They’re not your thoughts, he reminded himself. You’re better than this. Demons are better. At everything. He blinked twice, trying to...

4 years ago
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Mayhem 3 Double Trouble Triple TeamedChapter 5

-Brian- It had taken awhile to get Allison calmed down and it wasn't easy, let me tell ya. Christ, the poor girl was completely overwhelmed and totally shell-shocked. If I'd had my med-kit with me I'd of tranked her (For those of you not lucky enough to have needed the services of a field medic it means I'd slip her an shot of Don't-give-a-shit juice and tranquilize her.) but I didn't and as my daddy always said, "Wish in one hand, and shit in the other and guess which one fills up...

2 years ago
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If Thomas could not yet feel at home in his new apartment, then he could at least feel at home in his body. To that end, there was nothing like a morning jog through chill autumn winds to instill the sort of invigorating ache in his lungs and bones that he needed to reinforce his sense of self. As his rhythmic pounding of feet on concrete slowed, his focus shifted to his echoing heartbeat and the door to his second story apartment. He tried to be quiet as he made his way back inside...

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wen out and just cant wait to b fuked

many times ive been out and about, in the pubs and clubs, we all know wat its like wen u get the sexual urge to b fuked rite there and then, well i can proudly say i have fuked in most of the pub toilets in my town...............due to the fact wen the urge cums on and its too strong its a case of drag ur boyfriend to the nearest toilet cubicle get his trousers undone and his cock in ur mouth give him a very enjoyable lush slow and sensual sucking until he is fit to blow............he pulls u...

3 years ago
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King Charming

Note to readers: This single volume tale is a follow up to the Prince Charming series, that detailed how a young, arrogant Prince behaved as King following the untimely death of his father. It will probably help a bit to have read the original series, but if not, it’s not exactly Shakespeare so I’m sure you’ll pick up the plot as you go. PROLOGUE(KING NOTHING) Thomas trudged through the forest, stumbling on a tree-root and stubbing his bare toe painfully. “Ah shit!” he swore, limping slightly...

4 years ago
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Etched In StoneChapter 7

"Come on, Jorie. We must move quickly. Two thousand years the master has waited to give his final lesson and now that he is done, the Citadel must die," Mista said. "Why?" Jorie asked like a small child. Nonetheless, he took her proffered hand and followed her to the Hall of Confluence where Dothan waited Jorie didn't even question why he suddenly knew the name of the room. "It is done and done well, my love," Mista said to Dothan. "The final sequence has been activated and the...

3 years ago
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New Desires

I have adapted this story from another and enlarged it by over 75%  The beginning was a good example of a scenario I had wished to start a story from and I was encouraged to adapt, enhance and take the story on from there. I hope you enjoy my most recent offering.   NEW DESIRES.   The neon sign proclaimed that good food, drink and fun could be found inside. Just fun? Or something more? Inside, fun gave way to passion, which then gave way to… sex, or at least the yearning for it. The...

Wife Lovers
2 years ago
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Becoming her Anal Slut

It was happening again, the cravings has started to appear a few weeks ago and were slowly building in to what I knew would soon be an unstoppable force. There was only one person I knew who could help me. The last time I called her I swore it would be the last time. Just like the time before that and before that and so on. I can't help it. Im a weak man. I picked up the phone and I called Jen."Hellll---o" the voice on the other end of the phone cooed. I sighed, "Hi Jen, this is Scott"."I know...

2 years ago
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More Desert After The Wedding

I had a hectic Saturday night with all my shows out and I was short an assistant DJ for my show. I had a wedding to do in Rockford and it was going to be a big group and an assistant was really important. Fortunately, my wife had the night free so we drove down to the hotel and set up. The show was a huge success and the bride and groom had a great group of guests. All through the night, we interacted with the guests and the bridal party, even accepting requests to dance. By the end of the...

2 years ago
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Daddy dear

I loved to tease my dad by walking around the house almost naked. I could see him eye my tits and ass. I wore short tight t-shirts and a skimpy thong. I would walk by him and rub against him. I loved to brush my tits against him. and I did this slow. I knew it was hard to resist me.The other day when I left the shower, I walked to my room with my towel over my arm instead of around me and dad came up the hall and looked at my naked body. I walked by him and ran my exposed nipple over his arm. I...

2 years ago
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first impressions

Marylin was asked the other day "at what point in your life did you realize that you were a masochist and needed to have your tits and pussy whipped before you could have an orgasm?" she didnt even need to think about that answer because she remembers that day better than any other day of her life but one. that was the day she met her 2nd Master the "Love of her Life" she never knew her m*ther for she died giving birth and was raised by an alcoholic D*d who was ultra strict. she was intimatly...

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HostileChapter 1

JAKE Bulkheads exploded all around me and I was flung against the console as my tiny ship was hit by weapons fire. Weapons fire? From who!? A ship had approached rapidly and opened fire before I could even guess at who they were or why they were so set on blowing my tiny shuttle into space dust. Alarms rang loudly in my ears and blood ran down my face, dripping in front of my eyes as I desperately worked to get the shuttle under control again. Most systems were down but I still had...

1 year ago
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PurgatoryX Maya Woulfe Avery Black Hazel Moore Birthday Girlz Vol 1 E2

Three best friends (Hazel Moore, Maya Woulfe, Avery Black) plan on going out to celebrate Hazel’s birthday. But before they go out, Maya & Avery surprise Hazel with a birthday cupcake. Hazel makes her wish and blows out the candle. In a puff of smoke, her wish (Isiah Maxwell) magically appears in all his glory. What‘s better than having your birthday wish come true? Sharing it with your friends, of course! This fun-loving trio of babe’s goes-to-town on Isiah’s big black cock; sucking and...

1 year ago
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The Boss over for dinner Pt 2

The Boss over for dinner pt2We have had the Boss over quite a lot since that first night, also we have had weekends away. Jim has tried to get Anne involved, but she is not interested ,still, what we share between us is great.The green envy did surface one time as Carol offered Jim her virgin arse, and I watched as at first she squealed with pain and then her sobs turned to cries of lust as she told him, in no uncertain terms to fuck her inside out “Shove your 9ins up my hole” she yelled as...

4 years ago
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Star Wars The Alternate Universe

In a galaxy far, far away - and a long time ago! - the Star Wars galaxy was suddenly changed by a mad person writing this alternate story because everyone knows the real story and you're here to read about crazy sex and Force-ful behaviors of violent Sith (excuse the pun!) Firstly, you must decide what Star Wars universe you will be experimenting in: Knights of the Old Republic In which Bastila is the cool Jedi prodigy, ready for your loving grace or dark domination. Here Carth awaits a new...

4 years ago
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Planet Earth Revisited chapter 4

Now her tits were in the air. They were quickly covered by a layer of water, it just moved on its own! Ari then felt tentacles, also of water, move around her legs, waist and arms. They held her tight and lifted her up high above the water. She could now see the waves far under her whilst she was held 200 meters above the sea. She could see she was still traveling with high speed. Another three tentacles moved out of the water towards her. One entered her pussy, which was now wet (as if it...

2 years ago
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Sally Accepts a Ride

I hadn't been working the street corner for than an hour and was already encouraged by the results. I needed to make that $300 badly and already had earned nearly $100. With luck I'd have the rest by Midnight and then I could take my weary ass off of the street. It's hell standing on concrete in high heels. Maybe even sooner. A very promising looking potential customer in a big late model car was pulling up to get a bigger look at what I was selling. I gave him my best 'come hither' smile...

2 years ago
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Trying on Panties With my Bestfriend

I had always known I was different. Since I tried on my sister's panties one day in the 4th grade, I had known. I had been with my best friend and I put on my sister's panties and my friend Chris had put on a pair of his sister's. I was really embarrassed that day because I got a little hard on when I was wearing the silky panties and bra, and I didn't know why. I didn't put on girl's clothes again until middle school. I had been watching the baseball game on TV and went to the...

3 years ago
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He picked me up at a straight bar

I sat at the bar and ordered a beer.  The TV in front of me had a game on.  I wasn't very interested in watching sports on TV, so I asked the bartender to turn the tv to bar trivia and to please hand me a device.  I'd parked my car right in front of the door to the bar unintentially, but I had a clear view of it from my seat at the bar.  Unexplainably, I kept looking at my car through the glass door every few minutes, which was in the same direction as a twenty-something man sitting at the...

Gay Male
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Salamander 2Chapter 37

(Mandy) Wednesday came and Gwen walked me to school again, I wondered how long she was going to do that. I didn't mind her company so it was OK. We met Jane at the gate and then Gwen waved me goodbye promising to meet me there at home time. Jane and I walked up to our classroom together. "I saw D yesterday," said Jane. "Yeah I saw your flowers they were lovely," I replied. "It was so hard to see her like that, she's always been so strong to see her in that bed with all those...

1 year ago
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The model

Being a gym instructor has its benefits but it turned out to be much more than I thought. During my college years, I had to work part time to make up for a small scholarship. The gym I worked in after class were frequented by a number of people but mostly lawyers and accountants from big firms in the office blocks around.   My job was to welcome new members and assess their fitness levels and particular exercise needs before starting them on an exercise program. The assessment part was...

1 year ago
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Busted Axle RoadChapter 76

It was really too cool for swimming on this, the last Saturday of August, but going to the Spearfish Lake city beach seemed like the thing to do. Josh and Amy and Danny and Marsha had spend a lot of time at the beach over the course of the summer, and it seemed like the logical way to end it. The water was cold, and they didn't stay in long. After they got out of the water, the girls curled up in towels while sitting on the sand, with Josh and Danny on either side, mostly looking across the...

1 year ago
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Jessicas Story Part 30 Michelles Story Part 27

Jessica's Story - Part 30/Michelle's Story - Part 27 With another visit to the bridal store in Walsall on the cards, it meant that John and his family were required to get up early on Friday. Not that they minded in a way, as it was more practice for Saturday. "Ok son, we'll be spending a short while in the cemetery this morning," said John to James. "You can stay in the car while we visit the graves if you wish, but if you wish to see them, then its fine by us." Once again, they...

3 years ago
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When Two Eyes Meet and Something Sexual Happens

After being married for 16 years I suddenly found myself in divorce court with the woman I thought I would spend all my life with. We called it “irreconcilable differences”, but it was trust, she didn’t trust me. My hand to God, she never had to worry about me for one second. Yes, I’m somewhat of a flirt, but never acted upon any response I may have gotten from any woman. A flirt, yes, but in most cases. I was always used to being the “flirtee”, rather than the flirter. I’m not bragging when I...

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2014 A 50 Year Sex OdysseyChapter 35 A Reunion to Remember and More Major Breakthroughs

It had been quite an interesting day, and different than most Saturdays. I got home with about two hours of daylight left ... and discovered I had the place to myself. That suited me fine – for I had much to think about for the big week ahead ... there was the meeting with Mr. Rankin regarding my jump to 10th grade; I needed to hit the Manual again, to prepare to take the written & driving exams at DMV; and, I was kicking around thoughts about this new girl Kimberly ... I was fascinated...

3 years ago
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Punishment at work

I had been working with Cory for only a month. He was sweet and so hot. I never thought I would have a chance with him though. I just wasn't his type I don't think. He was taller then me. He had the prettiest blue eyes. When he smiles your heart just flips! He is a very sweet guy. He was always so helpful to the other workers, but when you did something wrong oh did you know it! I have short curly hair. My eyes change color with my moods, but I always have some form of blue in them. I have a...

Quickie Sex
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Lisa Gets Dominated by Her Daughter

Lisa was a single mom who would do anything in the world for her daughter. She was a very hard working professional who lost her husband when Lynzee was only six. Although it was a struggle raising a child being a single parent, Lisa managed to make all of the necessary sacrifices to ensure her daughter had a good childhood. It wasn't until lately that the relationship with her daughter became very strained and Lisa felt bad because it seemed they were fighting almost all of the time. The two...

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