A Stitch In TimeChapter 5 free porn video

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The woman who opened the door to my knock early in the afternoon on January 2 was clearly surprised to see me.

"Mister Sterling," she said coldly, holding the door open two feet and no more. "What can I do for you?"

"I came to ask a favor, Mrs. Palmer," I said. I'd dressed nicely, in the same outfit I'd tried to wear to church before Jeanne shot it down. I figured if I'd dressed in church clothes — which I hadn't managed to buy yet, anyway — Mrs. Palmer would have been a little suspicious. As it was, she gave me a long look, as if measuring me for a suit.

"Come in," she sighed finally, after the inspection was finished. "May I offer you a drink?"

"No, thank you, ma'am," I said.

She gestured to the couch, and took a seat opposite me.

"Ma'am, I'd like to take your English Honors class," I began.

"Absolutely not," she cut me off.

"Ma'am, I — "

"Mister Sterling," she cut me off again. "Let me tell you a story. I had a very good student in my ninth grade English class. But he became involved in sports and unlike some of the athletes I've known — some of the student-athletes — his academic work started to slip."

"Ma'am," I started again.

She held up her hand and I shut up again.

"I monitored his progress throughout tenth grade," she continued, "and it continued to slip. I decided to give him one more chance last year, out of respect for his mother, who'd become a dear friend of mine, and because I remembered what kind of student he'd been. Are you following me, Mister Sterling?"

I simply looked at her.

"He came to class less than half the time," she was working herself into high dudgeon. "When he was there he sat in the back with his friends and smirked at me. He didn't submit his final paper until two weeks after the school year ended.

"A paper that was below what he was capable of doing, Mister Sterling," she went on, nearly foaming at the mouth now. "Well below. And even then, Mister Sterling, even then, I went out on a limb for him and convinced the principal to give him a C as his final grade instead of the C-minus that the rules said he should have received. No, Mister Sterling, you are out of favors."

"I understand that, ma'am," I said, "but —"

"It is not something that admits of any buts, Mister Sterling," she insisted.

"This is for you," I said, opening the manila folder I'd brought with me and handing her its contents.

"What is it?" she asked skeptically.

"It's the paper I should have turned in last spring," I said.

She read the title and looked up at me.

"You wrote this paper last spring and turned in that other piece of —" she began.

"Crap," I agreed. "No, ma'am."

She looked even more surprised.

"You wrote this recently?" she asked.

"Last week, ma'am," I nodded.


"To show you how serious I was about getting into your class, ma'am," I said.

She gave me another long look and then turned her attention to the paper. She read the first paragraph or two before looking back at me.

"If you had come to class," she said, "you would have known I don't agree with your thesis about the role of the Fourth Tempter in Eliot's play."

"Actually, ma'am, I was in that class," I said. The notebook I'd found in my pile had contained, among its few scribblings, a notation of Mrs. Parker's views of that very thing.

"Then why this?" she held up the paper.

"You wouldn't consider it a very persuasive paper, ma'am," I suggested, "if you were already persuaded of its conclusion before you read it."

She looked at me like I'd grown antennae, and slowly returned to the paper.

"So you're suggesting that if I acquiesce in your request, I can expect this kind of work, rather than the crap you gave me last year?" she tossed the paper on her coffee table when she'd finished.

"I'm suggesting only that this is the kind of effort I'll give you, ma'am," I said. "What you'll get is a different question entirely."

She gave me a kind of half-smile, still turning it over in her mind.

"I have to point out that this is your fault, ma'am," I said, really pressing my luck

Her eyes flashed at me, challenging me to explain that outrageous statement.

"Ma'am, if you'd let Mr. Linwood give me that C-minus," I said, "there'd be no way I could pull my average up to a 2.75. But you gave me a C, and Ms. Carter in the office tells me that if I do well enough this spring, including in your class, I can get a 2.74 something that will get rounded up to a 2.75."

She looked at me and gave me a crooked smile, which turned into a small chuckle after a few seconds.

"Hoist by my own petard, eh, Mister Sterling?" she said.

"So it would seem, ma'am," I agreed.

"Of course, if you'd turned in this paper, you wouldn't need to take my class," she said, picking up the paper on the coffee table.

"Touché, ma'am," I smiled. "Of course, I'm the one who's going to have to pay for both of our mistakes by working my butt off, ma'am. All you have to do is let me in the class."

"Oh, very well," she said. "This 2.75 is important to you?"

"Yes ma'am," I said. "It's —"

She cut off my explanation with her hand.

"Allow me the fantasy of pretending that your love of learning has simply been reborn, Mister Sterling," she said. "And I don't need to point out how disappointed I will be if I don't see the kind of effort you have promised me."

"No, ma'am," I smiled. "Thank you. May I use your phone, ma'am? I need to call Ms. Carter and let her know."

"I'll do it myself, Mister Sterling," she said. And she did. Right then and there with me listening.

I got up early the next morning and found what I thought was most likely the kind of outfit I would wear to school. Jeanne didn't say anything nasty about it at breakfast, so I was fairly confident as I followed her out the door to the bus stop.

"Where are you going?" she turned abruptly to confront me.

"To the bus stop?" I suggested.

"You have a car," she pointed to the Subaru in the driveway. "You're a senior. Why take the bus?"

"Do you want to practice driving?" I asked her.

"No," she said after a moment's thought. "I'd be too nervous pulling in there. Why aren't you driving? Won't Stephie be upset you're not picking her up?"

She said "Stephie" in the same scornful tone she'd said "Sheila" on Christmas, so I jumped to the conclusion that Stephie was a girlfriend, probably the girlfriend if she expected a ride to school.

"She'll just have to be disappointed," I said nonchalantly. Picking Stephie up had three problems. The first, perhaps not insurmountable problem, was the actual act of driving. I hadn't had the car out since Christmas Day, and wasn't confident of my ability to navigate busy streets that would have crosswalks filled with children. The second, more difficult problem was that I had no idea where Stephie lived. And of course, the third problem: I had no idea who Stephie was. I didn't remember a Stephie, or even a Stephanie, from ninth grade.

"So tell me," I said as we reached the bus stop, "which of my girlfriends have you liked?"

"I liked Cammie," she hissed.

"Cammie," I nodded.

"Before you turned into an asshole with your little blow or go ultimatum," she seethed.

"My what?" I asked.

"Oh, fuck you, Trick," Jeanne spat. "You know exactly what I'm talking about."

The bus's arrival prevented any further discussion, so I found a seat by myself at the back. I wouldn't really have broken up with Cammie Rowe because she wouldn't give me a blowjob, would I?

"PaTRICK STERling," came an annoying whine from the front of the bus after one of a series of stops to which I'd stopped paying attention. "The TRICKSTER!"

I vaguely recognized Bobby Bunt, a guy I'd been in ninth grade with. He'd never been particularly talented athletically, and he'd certainly hadn't been nice to me back in ninth grade, so I was inclined to brush him off now. Of course, there was a chance that he was my best friend now.

"Dude," I nodded as he eagerly sat down in front of me and turned around. I'd decided that "Dude" would be my answer to everyone, until I figured out who was who and what was what.

"So, good holiday, Trickster?" he asked.

"'Sokay," I nodded. "Yours?"

"Excellent, Trickster," he nodded. "Excellent."

We weren't best friends. He was too eager. I'd be willing to bet he'd been cut from the varsity baseball team last year. Fortunately, he managed to chat on for another ten minutes with minimal contributions from me until we reached the school.

Fortunately, there were a number of students who couldn't remember the combination to their lockers after the two-week holiday. None of them had my additional problem — no idea which locker was actually theirs. Fortunately, both of them turned out to be a non-issue. Ms. Carter was standing at the counter in the office with a big book opened in front of her, writing down locker numbers and combinations as a line of students filed past her. I waited my turn, I told her my name, and I got my slip of paper. I opened it up just outside the office: "137, 34-22-5; nicely done, Patrick."

The printout that Ms. Carter had given me the week before let me know that I had Mr. Smithson for homeroom, and the absence of any explosion or even icy staring let me know that it wasn't something I shared with the mysterious Stephie. I had become more and more apprehensive about meeting this girl. Who was I dating? What was she like? Did we have common interests? I was heartened by the fact that I had obviously been found attractive by Miss Edwards, and disheartened by my apparent rejection of Cammie Rowe.

Stephie wasn't in my first period class. Mr. Kennedy's government class apparently appealed to the athletes. I recognized most of the guys as athletes, greeting them with high fives, low fives, and forearm bumps as they were offered to me. I greeted every "Trickster" with a "Dude." There was a smattering of girls in the class, as well, although they were a distinct minority. It was a fairly dull class; Mr. Kennedy was a fairly dull teacher. He passed out the textbooks, gave us our first assignment, and began lecturing on the separation of powers. I took careful notes, to the obvious surprise of the guys sitting around me.

Second period was a little more exciting. Mr. Anson greeted me with a sarcastic "Nice to see you, Mr. Sterling," and then, no more than ten minutes into a quick review of last semester's work, asked me with a smirk to explain the cause of the War of 1812.

"The nominal cause, sir, or the real cause?" I innocently blinked my eyes.

"I'm sorry?" he stopped his pacing of the front room to stare at me.

"Well, of course the nominal cause was the British impressing sailors off of American vessels," I explained, parroting what I'd read in "American History for Dummies." "But many scholars believe that the real causes were economic, of course, having to do with trade between a young America and two countries, France and Britain, that were still at war with each other. And then there's the issue of territorial ambition. Many powerful Americans coveted Canada, which was —"

"Thank you, Mister Sterling," he stopped me.

It ended up being a long time before he called on me again, and then only because I raised my hand to argue with him about the objections voiced by Abraham Lincoln to President Polk's 1848 war against Mexico.

Stephie wasn't in that class, though, nor was she in Mrs. Palmer's class, the Honors English Seminar. I didn't get any high fives, low fives, or forearm bumps in that class. What I got was an entire class of stunned looks, the kind that a luncheon of society matrons would give a bum who wandered into their midst from the street.

Mrs. Palmer smiled at me, though, and told me she had saved me a seat in the front row. I smiled back and thanked her. And took my seat.

She started teaching immediately, informing us that the entire seminar would be devoted to the works of a single author, Herman Melville. She gave us our first reading assignment, a short story called "Bartleby, the Scrivener," and our first writing assignment.

"What I want," she said, "is a one-page single-spaced hypothesis. On the syllabus that I just passed you will find the URL of a website that contains a short biography of Herman Melville. I want you to pick one fact from that biography — just one — and hypothesize about how that fact might have influenced Melville's writing. Has anyone here read Melville?"

It turned out the answer was no, and Mrs. Palmer smiled.

"Good," she said. "I don't want to know — yet — how it did or didn't influence him. What I want from you, by Friday, is how it might have influenced him. For example, he was a crewman on a whaling boat. Oh, and that's the one fact that is off limits. How might his experience on that boat influence his work? What would you look for when you're reading? Miss Josephs?"

"Will you be grading this, Mrs. Palmer?" came a prim voice from directly in back of me. I recognized Missy Joseph's voice, dripping with even more false sweetness than it had in ninth grade. From the little I remember of her, she probably felt betrayed, that Mrs. Palmer had stolen her seat and given it to me.

"I will be grading every single thing you write in this class, Missy," Mrs. Palmer said. "If you write on the board, I will grade that. If you pass notes, I will grade them. If I catch you text-messaging, I will grade that. And since none of you seem to be able to spell in text messages, you should be prepared accordingly. There will be no examinations. This is a writing seminar. Any other questions? Very well, the essay by Friday. Bartleby by Monday."

I was on my way to my fourth period Astronomy Class, clear across the building in the science wing, when I was grabbed by the shirt collar by a short but well-muscled man wearing a T-shirt and sweat pants, who spun me into the front office.

"Coach?" I guessed.

"What the hell is this, Sterling?" he asked, waving a piece of paper in front of me.

I tried to follow it, unsuccessfully, until I started to get dizzy. I gave up.

"Sir?" I asked.

"Your schedule?" he finally let me in on what we were discussing. "What the hell do you think you're doing?"

I could see Ms. Carter watching me intently from behind the counter.

"Sir," I began, "I'm taking advantage of the fine educational opportunities that this school offers. I believe I've been remiss in that the past few years."

Coach was a little taken aback; behind him, Ms. Carter was utterly failing in her effort to suppress a smile.

"Why?" Coach finally sputtered.

"Because I don't want to end up as assistant manager at the Seven-Eleven like my brother if I get injured." I said. "Sir."

"I've gone to a lot of trouble to arrange visits from scouts for you this semester," he changed tactics. "Pro scouts, Trick."

"Yes, sir," I said. "I still left my afternoons free, except for Wednesdays. And that's only sixth period."

"You do realize that this is our chance at the big leagues, don't you, Trick?" he said. "The team's not gonna be hittin' or fieldin' behind you like last year. We'll be lucky to make the conference playoffs."

"Yes, sir," I said. It didn't surprise me; most of the guys in the front row in the picture on my desk had been seniors last year. I was a little curious about "our" chance at the big leagues, though.

"When is the first one scheduled, sir?" I asked.

"Thursday," he muttered. "Seventh period."

"I'll be there," I smiled. "Ms. Carter, can I have a pass for my next class, please?"

The bell had gone off several minutes ago, and with pass in hand I ran down the hall to the physics room, where the students sat not at desks but at lab benches, with two stools to a bench. I handed Mr. Carruthers my note, and he directed me to the only open seat, at the back of the room near the window, with a very hot-looking blonde who'd broken into a big grin as soon as I entered the room.

"Hey, Trick," she whispered to me as I took my seat.

"Hey," I said.

"Didja get what you wanted for Christmas?" she continued in a low, sexy tone.

Mr. Carruthers was in the midst of passing out textbooks and explaining what would be expected of us, but I was a little leery of just telling this girl to shut up. She could be Stephie's best friend. Hell, she could be Stephie, although that seemed a little unlikely.

"Yeah, sure," I tried to end the conversation.

"I didn't get what I wanted," she pressed on in spite of me.

"A gag would have been nice," hissed the girl directly in front of me as she turned around to glare at us.

"Cammie Rowe," my benchmate smiled cruelly as she readied a retort, "why don't you —"

"Some problem back there?" Mr. Carruthers asked.

"No, sir," Cammie whipped back around after a final glare at me.

"No," the girl next to me drawled insolently.

"No, sir," I said. "Something was squeaking back here — this chair maybe — and Miss Rowe asked me to keep it quiet. I'm sorry if it bothered the class."

In front of me, Cammie Rowe and her bench partner, a guy I vaguely remembered as some sort of band guy, started shaking with giggles. The girl beside me turned her cruel smile into a malicious glare and then turned it on me. But she did shut up for the rest of the class.

Mr. Carruthers spent the rest of the period explaining that there would be no lab today, but at next Wednesday's lab, he would assign us partners. A week later, he expected each pair of partners to pick a single area of the sky on which they would concentrate their research. Throughout the semester, he explained, he would give us the tools to understand everything we needed to know about the stars and other objects we'd be viewing, and our final research project would reflect our application of those tools to our chosen area. By the end, I was very pleased to be in this class.

No Stephie in the religion class either. There were only seventeen students in all, and the first three seats of the five rows were already occupied when I entered, each of them with a smartly dressed student wearing a pastel button-down shirt and either slacks, for the boys, or longish skirts, for the girls. I found a seat four back, next to the only other student who didn't look like she'd come from the same mold.

"Patrick Sterling," I introduced myself as I sat down before the bell rang.

"Tanya Szerchenko," she smiled shyly. Mrs. Jenkins walked in then, frowning slightly at the rows of cookie-cutter classmates that Ms. Carter had warned me about when she'd signed me up for the class. She smiled at me and Tanya, clearly the class misfits, and began to lecture. She explained that we would be examining the Old Testament as history, putting various books — some historical, some prophetic — in the contest of their times. This was actually better than Sunday School. By the end, I was glad I was taking this class, too.

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I was running late for a meeting when a colleague helped me out of a bad situation.I was already late for a meeting when Jennifer popped into my office wanting just a second of my time. Jennifer is a tall leggy blond who is always the utmost professional. If only she knew how I really felt about her.“I would love to help but I am late for the quarterly meeting,” I said apologetically. “Another time perhaps?” I went on, as I gathered all of my files, my laptop and my coffee.“How about after the...

4 years ago
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Head of the Clan The adventures of Steve and LanaChapter 15

Cletus closed up the old truck, and we went to lunch. I am to the point now that there just aren't enough ways to describe lunch or any other meal than to say they're wonderful. When you live through the college experience, and the fast-food times of starting your own company, those meals are just processed nutrition, high in everything that is not good for you, with taste, they get from chemical wonders. These meals my friends are home cooked food that is to live for. Well enough about the...

2 years ago
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Sex Students at Professor Peter 4

Professor Peter finally looks like getting close to the standard start of his hot Intimate Interviews & Inspectionsalthough he never did two at the same time. Sitting at his lap is most unusual. To some it happens later, if at all. "Our visit to the bench with a view to the looked like an informal way to get ourselves acquainted.In fact, it was a first improvised start of both your Intimate Interviews, to be continued in about half an hour or so. With my speed - or more precise: the lack...

3 years ago
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Annas AwakeningChapter 19

Second Day/Night - Anna He sets me to my feet and tells me what to do. I find it next to impossible to think about acting normal. I'll do my best, but all I want is to feel him close again. I want his mouth on me, I want his cock in me. Mouth or pussy. I need him so much. My heart soars when he says that calling in sick sounds like a good idea. The way he looks at me is enough to tell me that he wants me too. As if shooting his load in my mouth wasn't a clue. As if his eagerness to eat my...

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Ghostly Encounter

It was 3:00 a.m. The wind was howling and the shutters were banging on the windows. Jenny found herself tossing and turning all through the night. Just as she would start to drift off to sleep there would be a loud bang and she would be wide-awake again. Though she would never admit it to anyone, she was a little scared at all the commotion going on outside. The leaves blowing, shutters banging, and dogs barking. It being Halloween and the marathon of slasher movies did not help matters either....

1 year ago
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Sharing Cindy Chapter 24 Cindy Goes To Arizona For Fun

Introduction: My wife Cindy spends a week with a friend and his two roommates. Sharing Cindy Chapter 24 Cindy Travels to Arizona For Fun During Cindys time working at the Harley dealership, they decided to put in a whole new computer system to track everything. Since this was to be a whole new set up, they wanted to send her to be trained on the system. She came home and told me that she would be traveling to Phoenix, Arizona for four days the next month. I dropped her off at the airport...

2 years ago
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Fucking Hard Naked Sister

I grew up on a farm with my twin sister and both my parents. The farmhouse is a nice big cottage in the middle of big open fields and woods that are miles in every direction. Back in the woods is a great big pond that nobody knows about and sometimes when we were younger my sister and I would sneak off and go skinny dipping in it. There was nothing sexual about it. We both just liked the feeling of being naked outside and swimming. We are very close, my sister and I, being twins and all. Our...

1 year ago
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Hot Moms

Do you get a hard-on thinking about the lovely older women? Well, many subreddits are dedicated to MILFs or whatever, but here you only have moms… aka real MILFs, not just older chicks who look like them. So, if you are interested in seeing some older beauties who are considered to be hot and fuckable, you are welcome to browse through r/HotMoms/.There is not much else to be said about this subreddit; I think that is the gist of it. I mean, you are either into older women, or you are not,...

Reddit NSFW List
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Surprise Melody FlintkoteChapter 13

When sailboats were wood, teak strips were applied over wood decks. Teak is sticky ... if left unpolished ... and sticky is important when dealing with wet decks. Then along comes fiberglass and resin. It’s really slippery so builders started laying down teak decks for better grip. Teak gets expensive fast. Quality boats use teak because it’s a status symbol. Cheaper boats were still using glass and resin but it in still slippery. Then someone made indentations in the fiberglass decks and...

1 year ago
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DaughterSwap Adria Rae The Webcam Turnover

Adria and Cara seem to live the same normal yet boring lives. They wake up, get ready, kiss their dads goodbye, then head to the bus stop for school. This is usually the place where Adria and Cara gossip before its time to get their heads down in the books. Little do they know their dirty daddys are up to no good. As soon as the girls leave, they log on to their faviorite cam model site. Its their guilty pleasure! Little did these dads know that the next girl they would get hard to would be...

4 months ago
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Naughty at Saba U 3

Oh my God Paul is such a good lover…….. Oh my God Paul is such a good lover, as he was thrusting into me his flash I found that he had a beautiful rhythm that I was riding also even though I was underneath him at the time my legs spread open and practically in a splint as he was thrusting into me. When he was in love he was in love and he was passionate about it I've never been this way since the first time I met Trey about two years ago. When I ended up making love to him I held him close to...

2 years ago
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My First Time

Ohh yes i remember it well, I was twelve he was a s*******n yr old neighbor paid by my dad to keep me from getting jumped after school. We'd meet at the side exit as usual long after other school mates had gone. He'd hold my books and say things like" i dont know why they pick on you, your beautiful and special " i soon would believe him, He took me back to his house telling me my dad said it was ok, he asked did i think he was beautiful i said yes, We laid on his bed he asked could he kiss me...

1 year ago
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Playing the Naughty Schoolgirl for the Club

Full permission is granted to reproduce this work, provided credit is given to the author. The following is an adult story. If you are not 18, you cannot read it. If you are offended by sexually oriented material, stop now. This is my second attempt at writing a story any comments would be appreciated email [email protected] Playing the Naughty Schoolgirl for the Club By SissySlutSue I had been serving Bill and Jane for several weeks when they told me that they had...

2 years ago
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The Terrible Headless Ghost of 10th Avenue

It wasn't long after young Patrick Connelly moved to Tenth Avenue from the crowded tenement on Mott Street that he heard the scary story of "The Terrible Headless Robber of Tenth Avenue". When he first heard it behind the Church near Fourteenth Street, it amused him and he hid his giggle behind his covering hand. Of course, it was only a few weeks before Halloween and he suspected the two boys in the dreaded eighth grade were trying to scare him in front of the eighth grade girls so show how...

2 years ago
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Paid in Full

This had been the worst week in all the seven years that I have been married. On Monday I backed out of the driveway right into a parked car. Tuesday I lost my pocket book and before I had a chance to cancel my credit card, some body had made several purchases with it. My husband and I had quite the fight over the car and the credit card. We weren't exactly speaking to each other. Thursday afternoon I was late picking up our son after school for his dentist appointment and in my haste I...

1 year ago
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Lockdown8217s Hot Fuck Erotic Story

Hello Friends! Do you all remember me? ? I have been writing stories on ISS for quite some time now. I hope you have read all my stories as I am back with one ore erotic story. Let me remind you all about myself. I am Chahat Khanna, aged 25 with big eyes, height 5’7,” fair complexion, and a mind-numbing figure of 34-24-34. Dear Friends, I love it when I receive so much love and appreciation from all of you for my stories. I absolutely love responding to all the mails that I receive in my...

4 years ago
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Gem and JanaChapter 2

I woke up in the deepest, darkest part of the night. I smiled like the cat who swallowed the canary. I had given a real man my virginity and he had made me so glad to be a woman! My pussy definitely felt well used, but not sore. George’s spunk was still leaking out of me and making a big wet spot on the sheet. I slipped out of bed and went to the bathroom. I peed and washed my pussy. The thick wavy hair on my head was duplicated by a bush I had to constantly trim back to keep it from escaping...

3 years ago
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Jawan Jism Ki Garmi 8211 Part 3

Ek din somi kitchen may bartan dho rahi thi aur maine 3 din se usay nahi choda tha… To mera lora sakht tha randi ki maa chodne ko… Hamare ghar may koi aur nahi hota hum 2 k ilawa to nanga ghumnay may koi masla nahi… Maine shorts utaray aur lund ki muth lagane laga… Phir uth k dekha to somi bartan dho rahi thi aur us ki qameez mammon par se geeli thi pani lagne se… Mujhe tharak charhi… Aur mai peche se gya aur usay pakar ke us ka badan sehlane laga ahista ahista… Aur hum gandi sexy baten karne...

1 year ago
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Becky Takes A Lover

I’m 31 and Becky is 24. She likes to dress very provocatively, rarely wearing a bra, and giving all the men who see her a big thrill. Her breasts are just right, not so big they sag but more than enough to play with. Her braless thick nipples are always saying look at us. She has a slim waist with nice rounded hips, her long sexy legs complete a package that says come fuck me. Becky has always been a ‘hotty’ and as much as I give it to her, she always seems to want more. She...

4 years ago
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Some blow jobs I have known a recollection

This morning I was musing on some of the good blow jobs I have received and thought I might share some:P - Expert technique, loved to pay attention to cockhead, shaft and balls. Plus had the skill to look into your eyes while doing it. She read a lot of womens magazines and took tips from them. Swallowed too, excellent girl when you just wanted to cum and couldn't be bothered fucking her.J - I was the first (so she said) to come in her mouth. I was kneeling over her feeding my cock in my...

1 year ago
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Casanova OnLine

He prepares for his time on-line as if following an ancient ritual. He gets out the notebook sets up the candles and sits at his computer. The shelves in his room are filled with computer books and romance novels.The computer books were for his mind and the romance novels.....well they were for his on-line friends. That was also what his notebook was for. It was like his bible, containing all the information about those friends that he enjoyed being with. It also contained each of his persona....

Straight Sex
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Check Yes or NoChapter 5

Homecoming week is always a big deal and Fitzpatrick High was no different. Both Jacob and Ann Marie were roped into chaperoning the dance and helping out with some of the other things. They went to the football game—separately—on Friday and generally avoided each other, at least in public. They didn't have plans together. Both were in charge of something at the dance; Ann Marie was supervising the refreshments and Jacob and a couple of the other male teachers were the "bush patrol"...

3 years ago
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Drinking is Harmful

I was at a local bar and had one too many, my head was some what spinning. As I made it towards the exit, I stumbled into 2 guys who caught me in their arms. They were very nice and said 'are you alright, could we help you get home?' I looked at the two of them and agreed that 'perhaps that would be a good idea.' The one on my right introduced himself 'I'm Benny, that cute guy there is Joe.' The three of us staggered out and started to walk in the direction of my college. Along the way we ran...

1 year ago
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Drunk Chachi In Delhi

Hi I am a fair, handsome, cute guy from Delhi. I have been in relationships before but I was still a virgin. I was really good looking and kept long hair. This is how I lost my virginity to my Chachi Last year. To describe my chachii she is very fair. She is healthy but really gorgeous, big eyes, and lips and long hair. She was really beautiful. Her plump fair belly n thighs used to make crazy and she wore skin tight jeans and t-shirt. Both chachii chachuu used to drink every night. And had...

1 year ago
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My wife is a cheating slut

I couldn’t have been happier. I had just completed a three week stint in the field and now I was heading home to my lovely wife Jennifer. Better still I had finished my assignment a day early and so I was going to surprise my wife. The only cloud on the horizon was that Jennifer’s ex-boyfriend Brett was going to be staying with us for a few days, since he was between international postings with the oil industry.Whilst Jennifer openly admits that Brett was the shallowest self-centered person and...

2 years ago
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Too far to run

The glass shattered, champagne and shards splattering floor and shoes with a generous helping of too expensive champagne all around. Were this a normal business convention, or a legal seminar, or even an Literature workshop, it would have meant squealing voices and ruined leather - here the participants simply wiped it off their sandals and continued talking, unfazed. The same relaxed state of mind did not apply to the young woman whose glass had taken such an ignominious fall to the floor. Her...

Wife Lovers
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My married cunt gets black filled again2 cum load

I suppose this story is bringing you lovely guys up to date with me now? It has been a while, since I told you what has been happening with my married Lady playtime. Well as you can see from the last story, the one to bring you up to date with our sexually active sitter and her teeny friend, well I have met a new BBC man. I met him whilst out shopping, spending Mick's money(my small dicked), bald white hubby...haha, one of my fave pastimes at the Mall, buying nice stuff and sexy clothes and...

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Six Times A DayPart 61 Sexual Healing

Alan could see he wasn't going to get any more grief from Heather for a while. He turned to Janice. She sat in her chair with her fingers still in her crotch. She looked up at him with trepidation. "You're not going to be like that with me, are you?" He laughed. Then he realized he must look like a wild-eyed, overexcited, arrogant, sex maniac. He was still riding erotic and egoistical highs, but he forced himself to calm down some and speak in kind tones. "Don't worry. Not unless...

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Island Summer

Part One The sea, it was always the sea that drew Robert back to the cape. Ah, the cool sea breeze and the warm nights watching the sun set in the west. The year was 1909 and the place is the island of Nantucket off the coast of Massachusetts. Martha's Vineyard was still a vineyard and the wealthy elite of the eastern seaboard vacation on the island of Nantucket. Teddy Roosevelt was president and the world was at peace. The Wright Brothers have flown their little toy and the entire country...

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A Con Game Interrupted

"Oh god baby, that's it, like that, oh yes, oh yes, push baby, push it in deeper. Come on lover, fuck me hard, fuck me." Her raven black hair was spread out in a fan across the white pillowcase; her legs were spread wide and her feet, still in her high heels, were pointed straight up at the ceiling. The man, his name was Dave, was ramming his cock into her as hard and as fast as he could go. She was clawing at his back and her nails were leaving red marks on his skin. "Yes baby, yes, fuck...

4 years ago
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Its My PartyChapter 48

Time: Saturday, February 9, 2019 11:56 AM Emily realized what had happened and turned around quickly, her face a mixture of guilt and shock. “Oh Holly, I’m so sorry!” “What’s happening?!” Holly shouted back. “The displays are still showing two heartbeats!” “I know! Holly! I wasn’t trying to deceive you! I’m one keystroke short of final verification. Don’t you remember? Mark asked to speak with you before we ... before we acted. Holly, I’m so sorry. I should have said something. I should...

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wifes revelation pt2

Pam wakes after a long sleepless night. She spent the night contemplating her dilemma hoping she still has a marriage. She listens for jack hearing him in the kitchen and pots rattling. Pam slowly makes her way to the kitchen after her morning routine. She rounds the corner to the kitchen “good morning babe, smells good”. Jack has his back to her emptying the contents of the frying pan onto a plate. “Hope your hungry? I cooked a ton for some reason”. Pam smiles knowing she has a good chance at...

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Pepperrsquos Honeymoon ndash Part 5 ndash To

Pepper’s Honeymoon – Part 5 – Topless Snorkeling with Dennis & Valerie Thursday, September 6, 1985We woke to the sound of the phone ringing. I answered and thanked the resort desk for the wakeup call. I made the girls get up and start getting ready. I told them that the sun can get intense out on a boat so wear a covering top and shorts over their bikinis and to bring their hats and lots of suntan lotion. They asked if anyone else was on the snorkel trip and I told them I had no idea,...

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My Sexy Cousin Vinutha

Hi Readers this is Santosh from Mysore. I use to read all of the stories in my free times and I haven’t missed any stories since past 2 years. And finally I dared to write my real story that happened in my life with my cousin, Vinutha. If I start to write this story in detail it will be a very big story, so I will try to write this story as short as possible. I always like women elder than me. I always fantasized about married women from my childhood (with big boobs). But this story is entirely...

3 years ago
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Just Ly Back And Sigh

Let me take your body places you aint ever seen!I love when you roll up on top me and look down at me!Press your lips up aginst me as our souls innertwine!Twirl my tounge on you lips as I suck it inside!Glide my hands down your body as I feel you sigh!Sending chills down your body as I look in your eyes!Kiss my way down your neck as I'm carressing your skin!Your head arches back as Im caressing your friend!Lets take it slowly aint got nothing but time!The passion is growing with your flesh...

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