Impotent HusbandChapter 3 free porn video

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"I'm afraid Owen isn't here," she said, running her fingers through her hair at her forehead. "He's gone out somewhere."

The sound in her voice told Bob that she was more upset than he would have thought, and he wondered if she would be either vulnerable or completely insensitive. He hoped she would be vulnerable. He was not above taking advantage of a good situation.

"You sound as though there's something bothering you," he said, waiting for her to open up a little to him.

"Owen and I... well... we had... we had a fight," she said. When Owen had walked out on her like he had, she didn't know what to do. She had looked around the house, as though she could find something that would take her mind off what had happened, but that had been useless. She tried to eat, but found that she had lost her appetite. While thumbing through a magazine, she found that she was totally lonely. This was not the same thing as when Owen went to work. Then, at least, she knew he would be coming home, and she knew when.

Now she tried not to think of the possibility that Owen had left her forever. This was the first argument she and her husband had had, and she didn't know what she should do. Having this near stranger with her gave her some comfort, but she couldn't go very far with him.

"Hey, come on now," Bob said in a soothing voice, taking off his coat. "We hardly know each other, I realize, but I am your neighbor. I'm sorry that I haven't gotten around to paying a visit sooner, but now that I'm here, I'd like to help if I can."

He was telling the truth when he said that he was sorry he hadn't come around sooner. Uuuuummmm... now that he was standing some five feet from her, he could see that she was far more lovely than he had imagined. Her soft, shimmering golden hair flowed around her head like a rich cascade. It was full and thick, and it framed her face perfectly on both sides. Her pale blue eyes, sparkling as though she had just been crying, were like twin lakes in Wisconsin. She wore no make-up, and needed none. Her cheek- bones were high and distinctive, though not so prominent as to be distracting. Her lips were slightly pinker than the flesh of her trace. She was wearing a knitted sweater, and he could see the swan-like gracefulness of her cream-colored neck rising from the top. Farther down, the sweater was pushed out by the two globes of her breasts, and even though the sweater was very thick, he could see the nipples of her breasts, evidence that Rita, like Tina, did not wear a bra. Her slacks were casual, and followed the contours of her body, holding tight around her narrow, nipped in waist and flared out around her full, eye-pleasing thighs and buttocks. Her legs were long and trim, and as he looked at her, he could feel his cock giving a spasm... and then another, reminding him that he was here not to merely look!

"That's very kind of you," she said, smiling, even though she didn't feel very happy. "I don't know what you can do though."

Bob took a seat on the couch in the living room. "Sometimes just talking makes things a little easier," he said, crossing his legs, ankle over knee. "Tina and I have our little fights sometimes."

"Uuuhhh... by the way, why didn't your wife come over with you."

"She's busy with something else at the moment," Bob said, wondering how she was coming along. "She suggested that I make a little visit and invite you and your husband to a party we're having at our house next week. You and... uh... Owen?"

Rita nodded.

"Right. You and Owen deserve to get out and meet the people in the area here. Like I said, both Tina and I are sorry that we haven't come over sooner, but you know how those things are."

"As a matter of fact, I do," Rita agreed. "Owen and I mentioned to each other several times that we should get out and meet the people who live around here. Excuse me, I'm not being a very good hostess. Can I get you something to drink? We don't have very much, but..."

"Gin? And maybe some mixer?"

Rita nodded and went to the liquor cabinet.

"Listen," Bob said, playing his trump card, "if this is a bad time for you... if you would rather be alone or something..."

"Ooohhh... no. Not at all," she said quickly. "Having someone here makes me feel better."

As she mixed a drink for the both of them, she found that she was glancing at Bob again and again. He was rather good looking, she decided. She had seen him wandering around the neighborhood from time to time, but that was when things between her and Owen were still pretty good, and she wasn't interested in anything but making her marriage work. Now that a little reality had been infused into her life, she realized that she had been practically hiding from other people. She had never been anything like that in college, but she hadn't started thinking about it until just now.

"So tell me," she said as she handed him a drink and took a seat across from the couch, liking the way his totally masculine form remained casual and exciting at the same time. "What do you do for a living? I imagine it's something that makes you rather well off."

"Ooo... I work with computers. I supply the banks in the city with the programs they use. It's a job, and while it's not as exciting as... say... stunt-driving, I like the work. I get to meet people, and I do some traveling around the country. All business, of course."

He smiled and winked at Rita, letting her know that he, like so many other people, did a little cheating on his travel account.

"Tina goes with you on those trips?"

"When I can get away with bringing her... which is most of the time, I should add. She likes to travel and meet new people as much as I do."

"I'm afraid I don't get to go very many places," Rita told him a confidential tone. "Owen has a good job. He's an insurance adjuster, by the way, and he provides me with a good many things. Traveling though..."

"That's too bad," Bob said, seeing an opening. "A lovely woman like you should be shown around the country as much as possible, though I can't say I blame Owen all that much for keeping you hidden."

Rita blushed when she heard that. He was the first man to tell her something like that since she had married Owen, and while she was used to getting compliments like that in college, she was a little rusty on receiving them.

"I'm serious, Rita. You're a very attractive woman. And quite lively too. Is it that you don't like to travel?"

"Ooohhh... no... it's nothing like that," she said. "No, Owen and I like a rather sedate life."

"Really now," Bob said, raising his eye brow as though he didn't believe her. "Now, let me get this straight. If I'm not mistaken, Owen is doing some work in the high school."

Rita nodded.

"And he makes enough money for the two of you to take off from time to time?"

Again the lovely wife nodded.

"Owen Temple," he said thoughtfully, taking a drink and looking at the ceiling. "He was quite a boy in college. Lust for life and all that. I can't believe that he would just want to pack it all in now. And you, Rita, I sense something about you that makes you want to live... and live hard."

Rita had been looking at him all the while he had been talking, but now she lowered her head and bit on her lower lip. He was getting just a little too personal, but there was no denying that he was bringing out thoughts she had tried to suppress. With the pressure of non-college life Owen had been under recently, she had been toying with the idea of another vacation. She would have brought it up, if Owen hadn't stormed out of the house like he had. And she knew that she could use getting out more than she did.

"Well... I was a cheerleader in college," she said, lifting her head and looking at Bob again. His face carried a friendly expression... friendly and compassionate.

"Tears of a clown and all that?"

"What?" she asked, smiling.

"You know. You make other people happy, but no one makes you happy, since you never look sad."

"Ohhh... well, Owen has managed to... to..."

She stopped, not really knowing where to go with that thought. She was going to say that Owen was making her happy, but that wasn't really the truth. The memory of Owen made her feel good, but what she had with her husband now was not what she had thought it would be when she first married him.

"Come on... open up to me," Bob said, leaning forward. "I don't know what you've heard about the suburbs, but we out here have all learned that people are people. We're all in the same boat, and I hate to see someone with a zest for life sort of cast adrift."

Rita took a deep breath, wondering if she could really trust this near stranger. There was nothing threatening about him in the slightest, but she hardly knew him. "Things with Owen were really great for a while," she said evasively, "but when the honeymoon ended... well, I guess that sounds like an old cliche..."

"Not at all," Bob said, taking his eyes away from her face and resting them on her covered breasts, sensing that he was getting close to the kill. He had to play his cards carefully now, listen for little things and pick up on them right away. "Like I said... Tina and I have our problems, just like everyone else. We talk about them, both with each other, and with other people. Things happen, we talk about them and clear them up. Things are better for a while, and then something else happens. Life is far from perfect."

"I don't think Owen has come to that conclusion," Rita said softly. "There are times when he thinks he's still in college, and doesn't have to worry about anything but his image."

"Ooohhh... have you talked to him about that?"

"I tried... sort of... tonight. That's what the fight was about. I told him that... that he wasn't making me... well... you know..."

"He wasn't making you happy in bed?"

Rita looked long at him before saying anything. She didn't like having her private life exposed like this, but at least Bob seemed to care where her husband didn't.

"Yes," she sighed. "I tried to tell him, but he just couldn't believe anything could be wrong with him. He called me names and said that it was all my fault."

"Really? How long has this been happening?"

"Some six months," Rita said before she had a chance to think.

Bob whistled, seeing that his work would be a lot easier, knowing that little bit of information. He gathered that Rita knew what fun fucking could be. If it hadn't been fun for her in so long, she would really be hot for a nice, thick cock. He smiled as he thought of Tina and Owen, wondering if Owen would be able to please her. She was pretty demanding when it came to fucking, and if superjock couldn't make his own wife happy...

But that was Tina's problem.

Letting her problems out like this brought about a wave of frustration and disappointment flowing through Rita's mind. She had kept so many things bottled up inside her for so long that her emotions broke like water through a leaky dam that threatened to crumble.

"He refused to believe me when I told him that he hadn't satisfied me in months," she said, trying, though not very hard to hold back he: tears. "He told me that he had more experience than I did, and that he knew how good he was and that I was frigid and..."

She broke down at that point, dropping her head and crying into her hands as her glass fell to the floor. If there was ever a woman ripe for comfort, Bob thought, it was Rita right now. Bob lowered his drink to the floor and went over to her. He moved to one side and brought his arm around her softly rounded shoulders, knowing that he was almost home now.

In anticipation and eagerness, he could feel his cock swelling painfully in his pants. He knew that a good fucking would do Rita a world of good, and he was going to be the one to give it to her.

Using his powerful body for support, Rita leaned against him over the arm of her chair, resting her head on his shoulder. Bob gave her a little squeeze.

"Go ahead... let it all out," he soothed. "You deserve to be happy, Rita. If Owen can't see that, then I don't know about him."

Rita wanted to tell him that Owen did make her happy... that he was a good husband and a good provider, and could be a good lover when he wanted to be.

But the words wouldn't come out. After what had happened earlier in the evening, she wasn't so sure that Owen was a good husband. Certainly no good husband would have done to her what Owen had.

Bob lowered his arm just a little, enough so that his opening and closing fingers were mere inches away from the soft swelling of her breasts. Even though she was crying, he could see through the thickness of her sweater that her breasts were swelling. She might not know it yet, but she was getting aroused. Again his ballooned cock spasmed. Just a little more now, and she would be like melted butter in his hands.

Rita felt, for the first time in a long time, safe and secure in her life. She didn't see anything wrong with Bob holding her like this. He was so strong and understanding... the way Owen had been when they were first married. She cried for a long time, hardly noticing that his hand was opening and closing very close to her breast. All she knew was that she was feeling the way she had when she had been on her honeymoon.

And then she was aware of a slight wetness emanating from her frustrated vaginal lips... a warmth that began to soak the crotchband of her panties and make them tight against her cuntal orifice. She stopped her crying, but she did not pull away from Bob, who was still opening and closing his hand around her lower shoulder. She began to feel good... very good.

She knew what she was thinking, and she knew that it went against everything she had been taught... everything she believed in.

She was thinking of having this near stranger fuck her! That would really show Owen. After all the things he had said to her earlier, she could get back at him by having her neighbor do what Owen had been failing to do.

That would really show him that he wasn't God's gift to humanity, as he had thought all his life.

Then she stiffened her body!

How could she be thinking something like that? Certainly the solution to her problems with Owen wouldn't be solved by having another man make love to her. That could only make things worse.

But her cunt had been so eager... and so disappointed for so long.

But having a man who wasn't her husband make love to her was so wrong. And besides... Bob was married... and...

She couldn't think. Everything was so complicated for her that she couldn't organize her thoughts. She lifted her head and looked at him to... to...

She wanted him to move away from her. Her mind was a seething conflicting mass of ideas and concepts... thoughts that would not gell. Even as she looked into his eyes, his light brown eyes, she could feel herself weakening, falling under the demands her body had been making all her life... demands that were not being met by her husband. God! Bob was so comforting, so understanding. His arm around her shoulder felt so good... Owen never held her like this anymore.

Bob's mind raced with only one thought. He didn't know what was running through her mind, but if she had ever looked ready to be kissed, now was the time. Her pale blue eyes had a worried look, but that didn't matter to Bob as he moved his face against hers, pressing his lips tightly to her in a hot wet kiss that sent shivers of desire and fear searing through the hungry young wife's body. For a long moment, she didn't know what to do. Was this just a friendly kiss? she wondered. Just something that he hoped would make her feel better? She thought it might be just that, but she rapidly changed her opinion when his moist, rigid tongue began thrusting against her lips.

Rita's mind was a whirlwind of conflicting thoughts, but her body was making its wishes known to her with every pound of her excited heart. She could feel her vaginal lips becoming flushed and wet, and her panties moved across her cunt with each little motion she made. As Bob knelt down and continued to press his tongue against her mouth, Rita could feel herself weakening... weakening... her body responding to those feelings and sensations Owen only thought he was bringing her.

And then her frustration broke like a mighty thunder storm. She couldn't help herself. She knew that what she was about to do was wrong, and in the back of her mind was the thought that at any moment, Owen could come home and catch her. In a way, she hoped that he would. That would take the wind out of his sails. He would see with his own eyes that she was hardly frigid.

Far from it, in fact. He would see her locked tightly in the arms of another man... a man she hardly even knew, but a man who could bring her the delight Owen was failing to give her. It was a drastic move, she knew... the most drastic thing she had ever done in her life. She hadn't realized how desperate she had become, but there was no use in fighting it now. As she had with her fingers earlier in the day, she allowed her body to take control, and she groaned as she responded to the incessant tongue pressing against her. She opened her mouth and began to lash her tongue back into Bob's mouth, at the same time pulling her body off the chair so that he could better hold her. Hundreds of thoughts ran through her mind... thoughts that told her she was doing the wrong thing... that she wouldn't be doing this with anyone who was not her husband... that Bob was a married man...

She ignored them. With the mere touch of his lips and tongue against hers, he was releasing her pent-up arousal, and she was not going to be denied this time!

The young wife's eager reaction was all Bob needed. As they continued kissing with their mouths locked tightly, wetly together, Bob felt his cock spasm again and again, increasing his eagerness and reminding him that there was a lot more to do than merely kiss this lovely blonde woman. He reached up behind her and under her sweater, delighting when he found her flesh there instead of another garment. He ran his hands up and down against the skin of her back, lifting her sweater higher and higher over her upper torso, his lightly stroking fingers getting closer and closer to the tender sensitive flesh of her breasts as he brought his hands around to the doubled plane of her belly.

Then he slipped her sweater up over her unresisting arms and dropped it to the floor. Her fully rounded resilient breasts now pressed against his chest, and even through the cloth of his shirt, their hot pink nipples felt like points of fire. Bob groaned from the lusty sensations crawling through his loins and lowered one hand to the waist band of her slacks, trying to draw them down over her hips. He wanted to get her naked as soon as possible. If there was any resistance left in her, it would vanish as soon as her clothes were off.

But there was no resistance. In fact, Rita was fast becoming as eager to have Bob fuck her as he was to do it. The sensation of his lips against hers had been like a match thrown into a pile of gas-soaked newspaper, and with each passing moment, the fire in her loins was growing more and more intense. She pulled away from him just enough so that she could remove her slacks herself, the total sordidness of the whole affair making her more eager to go through with it. She had never thought of cheating on her husband in her life, but that was the only thought on her mind now.

Bob watched wide-eyed as the lovely young blonde woman slithered out of her slacks, so eager to get naked that she pulled her slacks and panties down over the soft, generous firmness of her hips with one rapid tug. She kicked her shoes off and moved her garments over her ankles, tossing them across the room.

Bob gave a low, throaty chuckle, seeing that words were not necessary. From the little Rita had told him of her problem with Owen, he knew she would be eager, but he had not thought she would be this anxious! Shit... the only other woman he knew who acted as thought she couldn't wait to get a cock up into her cunt was his wife. He stared transfixed at her salacious nakedness, delighting in the way she looked as she knelt on her knees, her full, enticing breasts falling delightfully in front of her... her folded belly puckered at her navel with the fleshy indentation of the belly button...

And the glistening inverted golden vee of her cuntal triangle, nestled between her tightly pressed thighs like a vein of precious metal begging to be exploited.

He reached out and took her nipples between his thumb and forefinger, rolling the already distended knobs, bringing up moans of suppressed desire from the young blonde's lushly upturned mouth. As she knelt, she ground her trim hips and buttocks in the heels of her feet, the last vestige of resistance leaving her as she felt her pussy chamber become more and more wet with a fiery river of lubrication brought on by Bob's fondling with her nipples.

You deserve this, Owen, she thought, remembering the icy coldness with which he had treated her earlier... and the way he had stormed out of the house. You deserve to have another man fucking me... making me happy when you won't even bother to take the time or effort.

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Mike had planned on being away with his golfing pals for the Scottish open golf, (sadly almost ruined by our usual Scottish "summer weather"), so I knew that I had a full weekend to myself. Frank had arranged with Bill for the two of them to hire a caravan for the weekend (on the pretence with Bills wife of going fishing). They had informed me that I was in for a "treat" and to make sure that I packed plenty sexy undies and "stuff" I did as asked and packed three different...

1 year ago
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CyborgChapter 5

Eric found the tour of the facility interesting. They allowed him to bring in a SNARK. It was able to scan, and even do limited diagnostics on some of the systems. The result of the diagnostics done, was that a lot of the machinery was found to be broken or breaking down. Maintenance had not been performed as it should have. Parts were wearing out, and no spares were available. Only one operating room was still staffed and functional. They were saving that for staff and selected persons...

2 years ago
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Going Out With a Bang

So, I sit here staring at my Italian sub while the food court teems with people. It's funny, how one tenth of a percent can change your whole life. I mean, it's such a small thing, not even a half, less than a quarter. A measly one tenth. That's what stands between me and getting off this damn rock. Hey, I may be a born loser, but I am not stupid. I've got the IQ to prove it too. I'm going to be here when the damn Swarm show up and they'll probably go, "HEY, there's a nice fat one, lets...

2 years ago
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Night Journey

Naaku Bangalore lo vaaram rojula pani vundi january lo train lo tickets dorakaka oka private bus lo vellanu. Rathri 10.30 ki bus start ayyindi. Naa pakka seatlo 25 to 27 yrs unna oka andamaina kurrodu kurchunnadu. Office lo pani chesi prayanam cheyatam valana naaku ventane nidra pattindi. Dadapu oka ganta taruvata naa todo meeda edo padinattu anipinchi kallu nemmadiga tericha, naa pakka seat athani cheyyi nidralo handle meedanunchi jari naa toda meeda padinattundi. Bus city limits dati...

1 year ago
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The Warehouse Peephole

I had been working at it for months. The peephole was finally completed and now the glory hole was done. I admit it was a far fetched fantasy, but what the hell, it excited me into masturbation every time I worked at it and that’s all that mattered. I am a foreman in a huge warehouse. We hold imported goods from all around the world. Skids of Asian wicker and rattan furniture piled high everywhere with channels for the forklifts. Some merchandise almost forgotten in rows by the walls....

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That Old House

With an acknowledgement to Willie Nelson’s ‘I Just Dropped By’ for the idea (but not the detail, of course!) ALL CHARACTERS IN THIS STORY ARE ABOVE THE AGE OF CONSENT FOR SEXUAL CONGRESS. THAT OLD HOUSE Gary Simmonds is a forty-five year old divorced man. He has two daughters aged nineteen and twenty-two who, when not following their own interests and desires, live with his ex-wife and her new husband. The new husband was the reason for the divorce, so Gary was, not surprisingly, not keen to...

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One Night Stand With Nisha

Hi all readers of ISS, I am Rahul, 29 from Mumbai, back again with a sizzling experience and all together a different one…. Well thanks for all your mails of appreciation and I am so happy that i could satisfy two housewife’s who were really desperate for sex .one woman’s hubby had erection problem and others hubby was not interested in sex… thanks for trusting me..There is a special happiness in satisfying women like these…who are really in need of sex… sex is a human need…just like food and...

2 years ago
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Sex With Punjabi Aunty

Hi to all ISS readers. I’m Varun and back with new story which will make you hot. I received a lot of mails from the readers and am very much happy about it. Thanks for everyone. Those who didn’t read my story… please read it before reading this (sex with bhabi and make her pregnant). I will come into the story now. As you may aware that I am working in Dubai, I am living in a shared apartment with Punjabi family. They are 3, wife, husband and two year daughter. His name is Rajinder aged 35 and...

1 year ago
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SexAndSubmission Avi Love The Mechanic

Long, lean and luscious Avi Love’s cool old car broke down out in the middle of nowheresville and she needs help! But she needs two kinds of help if you know what I mean. Lo and behold Seth Gamble, a train track drifter appears with all the right tools to help this hot and slutty damsel in distress. Chained, bound and gagged Avi gets spanked, flogged, fondled and fucked. Then he puts Avi on her knees for a down and dirty cock suck. Avi needs more help so Seth ties her up in doggy, puts an...

3 years ago
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Slut wife Lynn

For those that have been following the story of my slut wife Lynn, will know that we have been married for over 25 years and that despite her age, now 45, she still looks very good and could pass for a woman 10 years her younger. Lynn loves to flirt with other men and will dress to please when we go out for the evening. Lynn has had plenty of extra cock since we’ve been married, she loves it, craves it and really enjoys it when she’s being filled with a guys hard prick. We had...

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My neices and me

Note : This story is completely fictional! my neice ahlya and me have been very close to each ahother sence my mom took care of me and her when we was a kids. we were in high school me being a defenceive tackleso if any one was being mean to her they would answer to me and they would never be mean to her ever. after we graduated she moved away so i did the same.a few years later my mom envited the family to reunied by this time I was 23 and she was 22. whin i saw her for the first time I was in...

3 years ago
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Kathy CarlsonChapter 13

Wellington escorted them to a corner suite and unlocked the door. Their room was utterly magnificent with a view through the palm trees to the Pacific with the island of Molokai across the channel in the distance. Kathy thought the vista was utterly breathtaking. Then Hank called, "Marie? Celeste? Are you here?" Two lovely Asian girls appeared from the bedroom wearing identical immaculate uniforms. Kathy gasped as she realized they were identical twins with no apparent difference between...

2 years ago
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MAU A Double Date With Destiny Part Two

"This is a bad idea," Sean reiterated as she and Megan made it to the door. "He'll totally figure us out and we'll be arrested or something." "First of all," Megan snapped back. "He doesn't know any of us. And secondly, we're not doing anything illegal... technically." "It's still a bad idea," Sean grumbled softly. Jack finally caught up with the two as Megan opened the door. On the other side was Officer Leo, wearing jeans, a casual button up shirt, and a sweet pair of Nikes. Sean was...

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Simon Canes And Fucks His MotherInLaw

Mandy Bloomfield, a sixty-four-year-old divorcee, had just visited her daughter Cindy Harrison and her husband Simon. It had not been a normal visit made by a mother to her family but it had been one of the 'special' visits that Mandy made two or three times a year.These 'special' visits involved Mandy giving Simon a caning, at his wife's request, for bad behaviour since a previous such visit but this particular visit had been unique because this time Simon fucked Mandy, at her request and...

1 year ago
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Intemperance Volume 2 Standing On TopChapter 3a

In Escrow Los Angeles, California January 17th, 1987 11:30 AM The yellow 1986 Volkswagen Cabriolet wound its way up the narrow two-lane road into the hills below Griffith Park. Rachel Madison, dressed in a pair of designer jeans and a silk blouse from Buffington's on Rodeo Drive, was behind the wheel. Jake Kingsley, wearing a pair of Levis and a long-sleeved pullover shirt, sat in the passenger seat, directing her on where to turn and where to go straight. They were on their way to see...

3 years ago
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A Second Chance Chapter 59

Shootout at the Oak Street Corral TUESDAY, June 21, 2016 Constable Steve Winslow was up early. His new wife Helen got up with him, and made him a hot breakfast before kissing him as he left for the church at 5 a.m. He was the first there, although Gary showed up seconds later, looking as if he had been up all night. In a few more minutes all the team was present, except for Inspector John Bell. "Sorry I'm late," the Inspector said as he hurried into the church basement where the...

2 years ago
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A Change in RebeccaChapter 1

I don’t actually think that anyone is to blame for what happened. Not even me. Maybe if I had been raised differently ... well, who knows? My parents were extremely devout Catholics. We seemed to go to church all the damned time. They wouldn’t have put it quite that way. In our home the answer to every question was to be found in the bible. I went to all girl Catholic schools from pre-school through my senior year of high school. As a result of that cloistered education I knew nothing of...

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Daughter Summer Update continued

"How does a dog tongue compare to a human tongue?" asked Mia. There is no comparison, I said, it is rougher and obviously a lot bigger, you should try it. I was hoping that Murphy would lick my pussy again, I was so fucking horny and then I could watch the other girls getting doggy tongue fucked. "No way" said Mia, "I'd like to give it a go one day" Jenny said. I could see the look of disgust on Mia's face when Jenny said that. Well Mia, it looks as if Murphy knew what he was doing...

1 year ago
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Tits was now both confused and scared. Confused as to why she was feeling unsatisfied sexually. She wanted to be fucked, she needed to be taken, after all these guys had brought her close to orgasm and now they seemed to be toying with her, menacingly. As she looed at these men, she felt fear coursing through her body, the fear now replacing her sexual feelings. What were thes 2 brutes of men planning to do to her? She didn't have to wait too long to find out. Clint roughtly grabbed Sharon by...

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Catching a friend8217s bbw wife after fucking some black guys

It had been a long day and my first day in London with my new colleague Roger, we had spent the day running around London seeing client after client. The plan was to stay in London as our last two clients would only see us late at night so it was a hotel for us both, however they both cancelled at the last minute and Roger suggested we go and stay at his place. He said his wife would be happy to have us and we set off for his place. He tried to call her from the car but got no answer but it...

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The Beach

Beach cottage   You finally have taken the vacation that you deserve this beautiful Caribbean island is just perfect for all the things that you are looking for quiet, solitude and peace of mind.  It is your third day in the sun and it has been kissing your body with its warmth and your skin is turning that beautiful bronze color.  Today, you decide to walk a little further down the beach to an area that you have not yet explored.  Everything seems kind of still and quiet, and all you hear...

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In the woods fictional

It was a warm day, she felt sweaty and hot, her jeans sticking to her legs. She still had a long way to walk before she got home. Her bike got stolen at the park, she forgot to lock it and she didn’t have a cell phone, her dad took it from her because of her stupid brother, it was his fault the lamp broke and now she had to pay for it.She had to rest somewhere in the shade, she started towards the woods, did not look very inviting, littered with garbage, but at least it would be cool. And it...

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Battlemage Book 5 End of a Legacy and New BeginningsChapter 9

Vanessa was scared! She was currently making her way home and trying to do it without anyone seeing her. She took an extended vacation right before Rayne showed up in the city so if by some remote chance anyone saw Rayne, in the slavers quarter, they wouldn't think she had anything to do with it. The plan was to create some deniability in case anyone tried to link her to Rayne's disappearance. But when she came back and went to the guild office later that night to get her share of...

1 year ago
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The Nun The Priest The Crucifix

I knew I had to follow my faith from an early age & I joined the convent staight out of school. What i did not know was how hard the vow of chastity would be & what trouble it would get me in to.My convent was very strict, we wore, neck to knee tunics, full length head veils & flat shoes, we were not allowed to speak in the corridors or at meal times, anyone found disobeying the rules was punished. sister Margaret, the head nun, would hand out the punishment herself quite literally....

4 years ago
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Ankh of the ib

It has long been said that some men are born with the destiny to be kings, to have glory, riches and power. They are lucky, born into privileged and loving families, have their every whim answered to them from the moment they were old enough to reach for the rattle. Then is the rest of the world. They move forward into the blistering sandstorm that is life and yet know that their power in the face of adversity is the only power that can change anything. And some have it so bad that the world...

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A quick renewal

I was shocked to see Nicole back at work. We'd had an affair about 2 years previously, after which she left the company were we worked. When she left, she told me it wasn't our affair that caused her to leave but rather the fact she didn't want to continue living with her boyfriend while being unfaithful, nor did she think we had a future beyond great sex, so she left to get her shit together. Her re-appearance in the call centre had exactly the same affect on me as her first appearance did. I...

3 years ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 151 Chloe Learns The Secret Part One

Saturday, April 30, 2005 I woke at about 2:45am, climbed over Julia, sent Chloe's text message, then - after some fooling around to work out how because I'm not very technologically adept - I turned Julia's phone off. I was looking forward to finding out whether Chloe had stayed up waiting for that text. After my first breakfast, I had a nice, long, highly productive study session. My most productive session yet, even with the time I took off to finalize my BCC electives for Vanessa....

4 years ago
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Day at the Spa

Chapter 1 I was almost there. I found it hard to believe this was going to happen, but my breasts were tingling with anticipation. My panties were damp. I had passed the main gate and was now driving up a curving drive through deep woods. The sunlight struggled through the trees and dappled the road. My long hair was blowing gently in the breeze as the Beemer convertible responded to my touch. It had been a vicious year. I had been emotionally and physically exhausted from my work on a tort...

2 years ago
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Phoenix Pt 2 Ch 06

Béla didn’t make any suggestions about who would get what body. She’d only met two of her sisters inside the Praetor; Elisabeta and Melinda. She was still a little annoyed with Melinda for torching her boyfriend, Raul, and also for Torquemada, although Melinda swore that she never let Dear Tomas feast on her blood. As for Elisabeta, she was just plain scary! She looked at Béla like she was lunch and Elsa had missed breakfast! Plus, she was the one who had passed on the secret of immortality...

4 years ago
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Sara and My Long Awaited Trip to the Sun PART 3

Sara looked at me earnestly. "What'd she say?"I look down at my feet. "She has photos." I say miserably.The dear c***d-woman's frightened look shows her concern. "What photos, of who? What’s wrong?""Of you baby, She made photo’s while you lay handcuffed on the bed."Coward that I am I gave only a half-truth thinking that if she heard the whole story, I would lose her. I decided to put off giving her the details. I could wait; right? Maybe it would be easier if we talked some more. I am such a...

3 years ago
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Domination in a Travelodge

This week rather than write another story of make believe people in a make believe world, I would beg your indulgence and relate to you MY story. Or at least the story of one afternoon a few summers ago in a Travelodge on the west bound side of the M4. Every word I write here tonight will be the truth. It all happened. I hope that in reading it, those of you who face life alone will be encouraged to believe that there IS someone out there who shares your fascination for the outer edges of...

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The Situation 3

I arrived at my ex-wife’s house about noon that Sunday. My ex, Margo was dressed casually in a pair of black jeans and a long sleeve t-shirt with a v neckline that let you see the valley between her d cups and her black, lace trimmed bra. Her pale skin still had some tan left in it even though it was in September. The twinkle in her green eyes was still there. By the look of it she had put on a little extra in the hips and tummy but nothing that made her five foot four curvy frame look less...

4 years ago
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As night fell the level of scotch in the bottle dropped. There seemed to be much whispering and giggling among the girls. The men’s hands began to get more bold, rubbing the outside of the crotch of the girl’s shorts and squeezing tits. I began to feel left out but remained silent. I’d been invited to share their camp and if I began to believe I wouldn’t be invited to share their girls? Who was I going to complain to? Smalltits was the first to stand up and pull the man who’d been kissing her...

1 year ago
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GirlsWay Nia Nacci Lexi Luna Pool Shark

Lexi Luna is having a relaxing day when Nia Nacci shows up at her door. Nia is a friend of Lexi’s little sister, though it seems like there’s trouble in paradise. It’s just that Lexi’s little sister is super competitive and Nia’s getting tired of her poor sportsmanship. Nia noticed that her friend suddenly got really good at pool after being taught by Lexi, so would Lexi be willing to teach HER how to play pool, too?? Although Lexi doesn’t feel right about...

2 years ago
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Shadow of a DoubtChapter 4

I was standing in front of the mirror shifting my weight from one foot to the other and debating whether to lift the hem of my thin, white cotton skirt with my trembling hands. I wasn't sure if I really wanted to check what I looked like. I just knew it would only make me feel worse. My hands froze and I looked up into my face. My sunglasses were perched on my head, holding my hair behind my ears and I was blushing madly. It suddenly struck me that I was so excited I could hardly stand...

4 years ago
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Feeling Bullish

Well were to begin? I could start right away with the action and the saucy bits... Well I would like to, yet I decided to take it slow, as with the ladies. So how did I become a "Bull"? Who are the women I sleep with? And who are those pesky little bastards who just sitt there and watch while I have all the fun? Ok, lets not overdo the last part, there are a lot of other stories on that and honestly I couldn´t care less about those formerly males now turned into something... well else. The only...

2 years ago
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Fractured RealityChapter 7

Thursday, June 3, 3109, 11:03 AM The Hall of the Gate stood empty. Nauseated and clutching her stomach, Rebecca hurried around the dais to the passageway beyond, half-expecting to hear Leda chastising Iris in the distance. She neither saw, nor heard, anyone. Stepping onto the dais, she approached the control panel and extended her right hand toward the central globe. She still had the list in her hand, she discovered. Curious despite her sense of urgency, she unfolded the paper and glanced at...

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