Impotent HusbandChapter 4 free porn video

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An hour or so before Bob Reed left Rita's home, Tina and Owen entered the lovely dark-haired woman's home. Since she knew what she was looking for, Tina saw her husband stepping inside just as she was leading Owen's slightly wavering car down the dark, icy street. She had to smile to herself, thinking that, as usual, her timing and that of her husband's was perfect.

Owen parked his car in the street and walked quickly against the blast of cold air that threatened to bring more snow.

"Come on, coach," she called in a giddy tone, holding the door open for him, "let's not keep the head of the house waiting. I'm certain he's anxious to meet you."

She noticed that Bob had locked the door, a little signal that he expected to be gone for some time. As Owen walked past her into her home, she kept up her act that she had brought him home as much to see her husband as anything else.

"Youuhuuu... Bob!" she called through the empty home. "We have a guest!" Then she turned to Owen. "He's probably upstairs or something, taking a bath maybe."

"No, I don't think so," Owen commented, seeing the note Bob had written. "According to this, he's pretty angry with you."

"Hummmm... let me see that," she said, taking the paper from his hands. She read his words, telling her that he was very angry with her and had decided that he would go for a long extended walk... and that he didn't know when he would be home. She knew exactly what he was telling her... that he would be over at Rita's house until he finished fucking her, and that he would give her a little signal when he was through there. The whole thing appealed to Tina's sense of romantic interlude, and she wadded up the note and tossed into a waste basket.

"That's what I think of his playing around," she said, walking to where she and her husband keep their liquor. "If he thinks he's going to make me feel guilty, he's got another thing coming."

"Maybe I should just leave," Owen said sheepishly.

"Oh, you'll do nothing of the sort," Tina demanded. "Who knows? Maybe he'll come back. It's pretty cold out there."

Owen shrugged his shoulders, slipped out of his heavy coat and took a seat on the couch.

"What would you like to drink?" Tina asked him.

"Oh, I don't think I should have any more to... oh, what the hell? How about a Scotch? On the rocks this time."

"You got it love," Tina said, making his drink, and then making another martini for herself. As she moved around the liquor cabinet, Owen continued to stare at her ripe, voluptuous body, at her thick black hair that touched lightly at the out- thrusting mounds of her blouse-covered breasts. He hadn't noticed it in the bar before, but the cotton garment was pretty sheer... almost transparent in fact, and he could see that her flesh underneath was smooth and as cream white as her hair was dark. Then, too, there was the faintest hint, just a hint, of coral lipstick on her lush lips, and as she walked, she continued to sway her hips in a more than casual, less than provocative manner... enough to make Owen's cock begin spasming again. There was no doubt about it... she was one hell of an attractive woman... easily as attractive as Rita.

"Shall we drink to friendship?" she asked in a low, throaty voice as she handed him his drink and took a seat next to him on the couch, just close enough to him so he could get a good view of her firm, hard breasts, nearly visible through the sheer cloth of her blouse.

"To friendship it is," Owen said in a happy tone as he smiled at her. The drinking he had done a little earlier was still affecting him, and he knew that this additional liquor would more than likely make him even drunker, but at that point, he really didn't care.

"So tell me... what do you think of our little community here?" Tina asked him, resting her arm on the back of the couch and twisting her body so that Owen had a full front view of her. She tucked one leg up under her firm, hard buttocks, and for all the world looked almost casual... almost, but not quite.

"I think it's nice," Owen answered, "though I have to admit, I haven't seen very much of it."

"Well, now, you'll have to do something about that. There wouldn't be as many people here as there are if it weren't something of an exciting place to live."

"I'm afraid I haven't met that many people that live out here, either," Owen said, feeling a little guilty about it.

"Is that so? Well, I think I can do something about that. Like I said, Bob and I love to entertain, and we're giving a little party here next week. We would love to have you and Rita attend."

Tina sure as hell wasn't going to tell him just what kind of a party they were throwing... not yet at any rate. She could see that Owen was something of a straight and narrow man, and she didn't know how he would react to the idea of wife swapping. Maybe in a little while. First she was going to find out what kind of a cock he had... and how he used it. She couldn't believe that Owen was failing to satisfy Rita... not with a hard- muscled body like he had. She dropped her eyes to his loins and delighted in the massive bulge of his cock in his crotch, and then she smiled as she thought of Bob trying to make it with Rita. Maybe she really was frigid. That really would be a laugh!

"Let me freshen up that drink a little," she said quickly, taking his glass from him. She didn't want to get him too drunk, but she wanted him a little looser than he was.

Owen started to protest. He knew that sooner or later he would have to be getting back to his wife. Even though he still believed that what ever was the matter was her fault and not his, staying away from her wasn't going to do any good. He really did want to talk about it, and if he continued drinking, he wouldn't be able to.

But Tina looked so damned sensual... the way she moves and talks and just presents herself. Damn, but she was one really desirable piece of ass. If he could just be unmarried for one night, he'd fuck the living shit out of her, and then tell Rita all about it. She was wearing her clothes so tight that he had no trouble at all picturing her naked in his mind, her dark cuntal triangle begging for his hand... her seething vaginal slit begging for his cock...

Owen felt a flush start out of his collar as Tina returned to the couch with his freshened drink. He had to stop thinking like this. Despite the spat he had had with Rita, he had to remember that he was married. Managing to get his thoughts under control, the young ex-football player turned to the brazen dark-haired woman, wondering what he could say to her. The Scotch was making him feel warm and more relaxed as he sipped on it.

"How long have you and Bob been married?" he asked, both to make conversation, and to remind the two of them that she was married, and therefore unable to do certain things. He noticed that she was looking at him pretty much the same way he was looking at her... obvious desire in her eyes.

"About two years," she said, leaning just a little closer to him. "Like I say, we have our ups and downs. I wouldn't worry too much about what happened between you and Rita all that much. Tell me... do you really think she's frigid?"

Owen took a long pull on his drink, trying to formulate an answer in his mind. "That's sort of hard to say. When we were on our honeymoon, she was one hot little bitch."

He stopped as his eyes noticed that she had opened her thighs just a little, causing her tight jeans to press even tighter against her cunt. The material of her jeans followed the crack of her pussy, indenting all along her vaginal slit. The light of the room went through the sheer cotton blouse, revealing even more of her bosom, the darker aureoles of her breasts contrasting sharply with the cream-whiteness of the globes. He thought he could detect just a hint of the ruby hardness of her nipples, and a flush came to his collar again. He knew he had to stop thinking like this, but he couldn't take his eyes from her provocative lushness. His penis began spasming in his pants again. Once... twice, letting him know that he was losing control over his body. And remembering what Rita had told him was making him more anxious than ever to prove her wrong. He tried to settle himself down by taking another long pull of his drink.

Internally, Tina was a seething froth of excitement and impending triumph. She could see that he was slowly but surely breaking down. Thus far, it seemed to her that the only thing that was standing between her cunt and his visibly swelling cock was a marriage license, and she believed that it was little more than a piece of paper... hardly a strong defense against anything. She could feel the initial warm seepings of excitement begin to flow down between her legs as she thought of what would be taking place in just a little while. Oooooo... she was going to take his cock for a ride that he would never forget.

"You were telling me that Rita was a virgin when you married her?" she said to keep the conversation going along the lines she wanted.

Owen tried to remember if he had told her something like that, but he decided that it didn't make any difference, really.

"That's right. She was."

"I should think that a man with all your experience would want to marry a woman who had at least some experience herself," she commented, glancing at the front of his pants from beneath lowered lids. She was certain she could see his cock pulsing there now, pushing his trouser material out briefly as it jumped spasmodically from time to time. Her cuntal juices began to flow faster with her increased anticipation. Things were working out just fine, though they weren't going fast enough to suit her.

Owen was getting more flushed with her demanding conversation.

"To be quite honest," he told her, "Now that I think about it, it might have been better if I'd married a woman with some knowledge of what sex was all about. I had to teach her everything, and I don't think she made a very good student."

"I'll bet you were one hell of a teacher," she said in a low, sultry voice."

Owen looked at her eyes for a moment, sensing that she was coming on to him stronger than ever now, as though she wanted him to make a first move. That was something he couldn't do, despite her alluring, blood-heating nearness. Damn... he began wishing that he hadn't had so much to drink, while at the same time wishing that he weren't married to Rita or anyone else. If he were back in college with Tina, he would have had her clothes off and his cock in her cunt by now.

Damn! He had to stop thinking like that. There was nothing to be gained with thoughts of that kind except more frustration than Rita had already given him.

The confused ex-football player drank again from his glass. He felt a warm relaxed lethargy begin to flow over him. When he had been in training in college, he had not done very much drinking at all, and even though he did drink now, his body still wasn't all that used to it. The drinks were having a heightening effect on his bloodstream, while at the same time dulling his mind, so that the pounding of his heart seemed twice as loud. He kept staring at the sultry smiling face of Tina Reed, at the kind of miasma of total sex she exuded, the full rich softness of her firm, high breasts. Damn! Getting his hands on those tits of hers would be sheer heaven. He'd like to take each nipple in his mouth and roll it around and around with his tongue. That would show Rita that he didn't have any problems.

Owen felt his cock jerk into sudden rigidity with that thought, as though it were alive, trying to break out of its cloth prison. He took a deep breath and finished his drink, trying to will his penis into limpness again. He had to stop thinking about fucking Tina. That was all there was to it. His cock acted as though it had a mind of its own, and remained achingly, throbbingly erect and blood-swollen. Guiltily, his eyes went to Tina's face.

She was looking directly at the bulge in his pants!

And she was smiling!!

"Well, now... that's really interesting," she said in a chipper voice.

"Uhhh... what is?"

"Your erection," she said in a voice that was both casual and arousing at the same time. "That huge erection of yours."

His breath quickened at her blatantcy, and he bit on his lower lip.

"I think it would be a shame to waste a huge hard-on like that," she said, smiling and looking at him as she sipped on her drink. "I know I would hate to see it go to waste, and with Rita mad at you, you'll just have to do something else with it than fuck her. Right?"

"I... I... I," he stuttered.

"What would you say to putting it in my cunt for a change. How would you like to fill my tight little pussy with that huge hardness. You could fuck it between my legs and fill my pussy with your cum. Doesn't that sound like a lot of fun?"

"Oh God!" Owen gasped. His cock was palpitating wildly now, and his brain was reeling. Shit, he knew she had been coming on to him, but this was more than a simple come-on. She was mentally raping him, even though she knew he was warned... Hell, even though she was married herself. His balls began to ache from the presence of quickly gathering sperm. He needed a release, and with Rita thinking about him the way she was, he knew he wouldn't be getting it with her But he couldn't just fuck another man's wife... could he?

The dark-haired young woman leaned closer to him, and he could feel her hot breath on his cheek, threatening to melt his flesh there. She touched his knee lightly, and her fingers seemed to burn through the cloth. "Well, love. Wouldn't you like to show me what you can do with that penis of yours? especially now that it's hard and hot and all? "

"Tina... please... look... I'm married... and..."

"I'm married too," she retorted, knowing that he would more than likely try to fall back on that excuse. "Rita doesn't appreciate you... Bob doesn't appreciate me. I say we get back at them."

Owen opened and closed his mouth again and again, trying to think of something to say. He had been thinking exactly that thought himself, but he never thought he would have the opportunity to go through with it. Now that it did, the reality of the situation was getting too much for him to handle.

"My cunt's on fire right this minute, love," Tina purred. "The only thing it wants is a big, hard throbbing penis, flooding the fires with cum and sperm I can see that you have a big cock, Owen..."

As she spoke, she reached out and touched his pulsating, cloth-covered penis.

Owen almost leapt off the couch in a convulsive reaction to the electric shock of her touch on his super-sensitive cock. A number of women in college had been this forward, but that was in another time... in another place, when he didn't have a marriage license preventing him from doing what he really wanted.

He was held frozen as Tina stroked his penis lightly, tantalizingly, increasing the rhythm of her caresses. Her breasts pressed softly, hotly, against his arm as she moved still closer to him. Her lips found his jaw and traced a pattern upward along his cheek, her tongue flicking out to trail a path of fire over his shin as her hand continued to run his greatly swollen penis.

"Tina... I... please... for God's sake... what about Bob?"

"You want to fuck me," she said, ignoring his plea "You know you want to fuck me. And I want you to. What more do you need?"

Her voice was like that of a hypnotist's, and Owen could feel his resistance disappearing quickly with each pass her hand made along the hardened shaft of his excited penis.

"No... no... I... Tina... oh, fuck it. Yes, for Christ sake."

Owen couldn't help himself. The image of Rita telling him that he couldn't satisfy her had made him so pissed off at her that he wanted to prove her wrong. If she didn't want what he had to offer, why shouldn't he fuck a woman who could appreciate him?

And suddenly, his mouth was grinding down on hers, his tongue thrusting deep into her mouth. Tina's hand began to move faster and faster on his turgid, swollen shaft, and she sucked and nibbled at his tongue, swirling hers around and around his, darting into his mouth and then pulling out. Without even thinking twice now, Owen brought his hand up and found her breast, squeezing and kneading the soft, hot, pliant flesh momentarily, then pulling open her buttons and reaching inside the garment, exposing one naked breast with its desire-swollen nipple and dark pink aureole. He could feel the wetness from the seminal fluid which seeped from the gland on the head of his cock as she continued to massage him through his pants.

Then, suddenly, with his fingers kneading the soft, warm resilient flesh of her round firm breast and his rigidly erect cock jerking almost out of control, he remembered that her husband could come home at any moment. The vision of Bob coming home and seeing him like this struck Owen's mind like a boxer's blow.

MY GOD! What if he walked in on us while we were fucking? I can hold my own against some pretty strong guys, but a husband that catches his wife with another man can get so pissed he would act like a raving animal. I'd never be able to take someone like that. Why the fuck did she have to get me so hot?

He wrenched himself violently from Tina, pulling his mouth from hers, turning his body so that her hand left his bulging cock. His face was flushed crimson, mostly from his anger at having pent up arousal that he would not be able to release.

"What's the matter?" she asked in a teasing voice. "Could it be that Rita was right?"

He wanted to haul off and smash her when she said that, and he turned to face her angrily.

"Or could it be that you're worried about Bob coming home? I'll bet that's what it is. Well... you read the note. I don't think he'll be home for quite some time."

"No... He might come back... we can't... we shouldn't..."

"Forget about him," she whispered, almost wishing that she could tell him how she knew her husband wouldn't be in for some time. She didn't want to tip her hand though. "We have plenty of time. You want to Muck me as much as I want you to. it'll be good, Owen, so wonderful to have your cock up into my cunt, fucking together..."

"No!" he shouted, jumping up from the couch. If he were in his own home, where he had a little more control of the situation, he wouldn't have hesitated, now that his cock was throbbing painfully. But Bob could walk in at any time, and irate husband was one person he never wanted to meet. He could feel his heart pounding violently in his chest, and he was aware that his cock was still seeping hot wet droplets of pre-cum into his pants. He had to get out of the house. Bob could be coming back at any moment. He started to walk to where he had dropped his coat over a chair.

And from behind him, Tina's voice whispered, "Owen, lover."

He turned, determined that he was putting his foot down with her, but when he saw her, he couldn't say anything. His mouth gaped open, and his eyes felt as though they were going to leave his head with shock.

Tina had already removed her blouse, and was slithering out of her tight jeans, peeling them down over the fullness of her hips and thighs even as he stared at her. She was so eager that she had pulled her nylon panties with her jeans, and as he watched, held transfixed by his increasing lust for her, she stepped out of her clothing, kicking her jeans to one side, and then leaving her legs spread wide apart, her head and shoulders pulled back, her hands knuckled provocatively at him with her mouth parted, the tip of her wet, pink tongue showing kitten-like. The moist, petal-like, softly hair-fringed lips of her vagina were presented lustfully to his eyes, and the pure black kinked hair of her cuntal mound glistened with the reflection of her overhead lights, tiny drops of her cuntal lubrication looking like jewels in the thickly matted jungle. Her high, smoothly rounded breasts seemed to quiver as though they had some inner vibration, the nipples hard and distended. Her long slender legs were moist with the flowing juices from her passion-flowered cuntal mouth.

"You like what you see?" she asked. "Do you like what your neighbor has? You can come and take it, Owen, love."

"Jesus!" The word choked past his dry throat, and that was all. He could only stare at her, at her totally salacious, wanton pose... and his cock began its maddening pulsations again.

Slowly, deliberately, Tina lowered her hands, her eyes fastened on his, and pressed her fingertips to her coal-black curling pubic mound, caressing herself down between her legs, her nails glistening as they blazed a path through the thick silken hair of her cuntal mound. When her fingers reached the glistening pink slit between her legs, she placed the thumb and fore finger of her right hand on either side of the soft shining lips and gently spread them apart, revealing the tiny pink bud of her clitoris to Owen's lust-ridden gaze. With her left forefinger then, she traced up her cuntal slit until her fingertip came into contact with the miniature phallus. She tweaked it once... twice... sending more and more of her cuntal lubrication trailing down her inner thighs. Then her middle finger went lower and poised at the lips of her vagina, finally slipping easily up inside, buried all the way to the second knuckle. She pulled it out, then slid it in again... pulled it out, slid it in, finger-fucking herself with glazed-eyed abandon. Faster and faster her finger slid wetly, hotly in and out of her naked, tight cuntal sheath, and as she rolled and twisted her hips with delight at the sensations searing through her loins, Tina began to talk to Owen in that low, sensual voice she had been using ever since she talked to him earlier in the day.

"I want you to fuck me, Owen. I want you to fuck me like I've never been fucked before. You can do it, love, I know you can. You have a nice big cock, and I want it so bad. I want to feel your cock in my cunt. My fingers aren't enough, Owen... I have to have your cock..."

Owen couldn't believe what he was hearing. Hell, there had been women throwing themselves at him when he was in college, but not even the most wanton of them went this far to have his cock fucking in them. He could feel himself falling from his resolve to remain faithful to his wife, and his fear that Bob might come home and find him fucking Tina hardly seemed to matter anymore. Shit... whatever it was that he had had in college was still with him, and if Rita didn't want it, then why not give it to Tina? This finger-fucking little bitch was more than asking for it. She couldn't have been more convincing if she had pressed a gun at his head. He was going to fuck this naked cunt all right.

And boy, was he going to fuck her!

Making an almost inhuman groan in his chest, he walked over to her. He watched her middle finger cease its rhythmic motion in and out of her vagina as he approached, and her smile became totally wanton as she knew that she had triumphed. His hands went to her, pulling her finger away from her tight cunt with a loud wet sluicing sound, rubbing her body hard against his, grinding her naked hips against him as her mouth sought and then found his.

Then her hands were on his belt, feverishly pulling it open, as though she couldn't wait for him to get around to taking his own clothes off. She tossed his clothing around the room uncaringly.

Now he was as naked as she was, his thick, blood-enraged cock standing out at an acute angle from his loins, quivering, seeping seminal fluid.

"Oooooooohhhhh... Owen... it's... it's huge!" she said, hardly able to contain her shock at its massiveness. She had felt how big it was when she had been stroking it through his pants, but now that she could see it, she knew that she had underestimated its size. For a moment, she wondered if its massiveness would actually fit between her legs, and she swallowed hard in her anticipation of what it would feel like ramming all the way up into her belly, filling her to the brim with the river of sperm she was certain he could shoot into her.

"You wanted it, lover, and now you're going to get it," Owen said, feeling himself in total command. He delighted in the shocked expression on her face as she gazed at his penis. Shit, she may have teased and seduced him, but he was feeling those old sensations coming back to him... those feelings he had had when he was in college, and he was going to show this black-haired wanton what a real penis was like. "I'm going to fuck you like you've never had it," he said, pursing his lips, feeling a surge of strength.

The sound of his voice broke the spell the sight of his cock had put her under, and she laughed, delighted. She pulled him down to the floor, entwining her body with his. Owen didn't care about anything now except this soft, musky-smelling neighbor who was pressed tightly to him. Hell, if her husband came home right now, he wouldn't be able to stop fucking Tina. Bob would just have to wait! Dimly, he thought that he might feel something like regret that he had cheated on his wife, but after what she had told him about his not being able to please her, that was just too bad.

Owen showered hot, moist kisses over Tina's face, her throat, into the valley of her breasts, his hands moving over the smooth cheeks of her ass, cupping her buttocks, squeezing the pliant, dough-like flesh which had looked so nice straining against her jeans. She was breathing into his ear, hot and sweet, and her tongue flicked out to dance inside, racing along the soft sensitive skin of his inner ear. Her hand searched down between their tightly locked bodies, locating the searing hardness of his fully expanded penis. He gasped as the hot scorching tips of her fingers circled around his lustfully rigid cock, and then his mouth closed over hers and their tongues lashed and twirled together, as though they were trying to blend into one. Tina crushed the full length of her body desperately against his and ground her pelvis hard onto him. Then she twisted suddenly, pulling him astride her, opening her legs wide, her cunt flairing, eagerly waiting.

The lust-incited young wife's hands were running wildly up and down his body, tracing the hard muscles of his shoulders, the cleft of his back, the tautly clenched cheeks of his ass, exploring all of him as though he were a new toy for her to play with.

Owen suspected that she still thought she had the upper hand. Well... he decided that he would put an end to that once and for ail. He pulled his body away from her, determined that he was going to make her a squirming mass of female flesh. She had tried to control him, but he knew how he would get the total upper hand. He lifted his body up off of her, despite the fact that she was trying to keep him down.

"Wha... what are you doing?" she asked, a small trace of fear in her voice. She was fully convinced that she was going to have his massive penis sawing up into her needing pussy, and to not have him now would be the cruelest torture she could think of.

Owen grunted, hardly hearing her as he took a little moment to gaze at the full softness of her breasts, his breath catching in his throat as he began to massage them, loving the way her nipples burned into his palms. He was on his knees, his legs on either side of her hips now, and he moved his body and bent down for a closer look as the thin pink ribbon of flesh running the length of her loins, separating the flushed lips of her cunt and joining the ovaled, satin-like spheres of her buttocks. He sucked in his breath at the lust-inciting spectacle, sensing that what he had in mind for her would really turn the both of them on. He could still feel the blood pounding through his cock, and he knew that she would take care of him, but on his terms now, and not hers. This was going to be really nice... all the nicer because it was his idea! She didn't know what she was unleashing when she turned him on, but she was going to find out all right... and fast!

He moved his hands down along the sides of her body, bringing them to the dark hair of her cunt, then, using his thumbs pressed to either side of her pouting vaginal lips, he teasingly spread the vertical crevice until its moist pinkness completely flowered open to him, and he panted lustfully at its sparkling delicacy. He felt her warm, soft inner thighs quiver against the backs of his powerful, well-controlled hands, and he heard her breath hitch deep in her throat, as though she didn't know what he was doing yet, but loved the feeling of his skilled hands on her pussy lips. Tina really didn't know what he was going to do. She had felt a bitter disappointment when he pulled his hard-muscled body off of hers, the cool air blasting at her nakedness telling her that she was not going to have his penis in her vagina. But his hands on her quivering cunt told her that she had not lost him totally... that he had something in mind, even if it wasn't what she wanted. Nevertheless, she moaned at the stimulating sensations his teasing of her naked cunt were bringing her. She had thought that she was already as aroused as she could be, but she found that she was wrong. Now that Owen was taking complete charge, she could feel an unbelievable wave of rapidly mounting desire washing through her. Tiny electric-like shocks in highly concentrated desire began to ripple along the satiny white flesh of her inner thighs, and she squirmed her full, rounded buttocks down hard on the floor, feeling that she was starting to lose her mind already, her moans of sparking passion coming from the provoking his fingers made on her pussy. They felt so much better than her own had, and she sensed an increasing of her cuntal lubrication, preparing her for...

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Test Prep By Jena Corso Edited by Angela Meyers Chapter Six It actually might have felt even worse than almost sucking off Layton or even kissing countless guys, as Chelsea air kissed him on each cheek and left the bathroom. He'd suddenly been anointed as not only gay, but the boy desired by other men who were doing gawd knows what as they stared as his picture. He wondered how he'd ever shake the thoughts of guys desiring him as his male self, and even worse, he'd lost out on...

2 years ago
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The Hawk and The ChipmunkChapter 9

When John finished his cryptic phone call to Dan he worked his way back down the embankment to the road below. He turned eastward, staying right at the road’s southern edge. While he walked he took an inventory of his situation. In Tom’s backpack he’d put what remained of the stuff Curly had picked up at the convenience store in Buckeye: two bottles of water, and two candy bars. He’d the small pocketknife from Curly he’d used to cut the chip out of his hand and place it in Tom’s, as well as a...

4 years ago
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A Cherry Day

A chance encounter on a rural road changes a young cop's life. It had not been a good day. The West Texas sun beat down on me through my windshield as I drove along the rural highway. This remote area of the county was rumored to be a haven for drug runners, but I suppose that was true of any rural area along the border. Normally, that thought filled me with anticipation, but not today. My train of thought was interrupted by a red object that appeared over a slight rise in the road. I sat up...

3 years ago
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A Day With Daniel

I was walking to school on a very cold morning, the wind was howling and I was button up from head to feet. As I crossed a street I bumped into another bundled up figure, to my horror it was one of mt sexual nemesis Daniel. Daniel looked at me hard, not realizing who I was he pushed pass me. I let out a breath of release only to have my moment shattered when Daniel turned and ran to catch up to me and snatch my skull cap off my head. In pure horrific shock I looked at Daniel, he handed me back...

1 year ago
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He Reminds Me of My Husband

You wouldn't call Maidstone a pretty town. It used to be a market town, where local farmers brought their livestock and produce to sell. Little of the old town remains. The markets have long since been replaced by shopping malls and office blocks. The river, which is its most picturesque attraction, runs through the centre of the town; but on the whole people go to Maidstone to work or to shop. None of this bothered Maria as she made her way from the station to the hotel. She was there for...

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Drug Addict

I travel an awful lot for business and practically live in my car and in motels. I had only gotten into that particular little town that very morning. I had already met with my contacts, concluded all of my business, and had settled in for a peaceful night. I had even ordered a Chinese meal to be delivered. When I heard the loud banging on the door I opened it. I had expected a young China Man to be standing there with my evening meal however instead a young girl charged right in past...

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My Sister made the Rules

My sister would always follow me around and I considered her a pest. She was twelve at the time while I was fourteen. What I am about to tell you really started at the beginning of our summer vacation. My father had rented a cottage on the shores of a lake in a resort area not very far from the city in which we lived, and while my mother remained with us at the cottage, he would commute to work every morning and return at six in the afternoon. One day my sister begged my mother to let her have...

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Full Body Search

Working in Customs at the local international airport could be a drag at times. Nobody knew this better than Steve Wormill. He had gone through enough bags and purses in the first 3 hours of his shift for a lifetime, all with no results.Steve's job was to search for any d**gs that might be i*****lly entering the country. More than often though, he found nothing.But he would be the first to tell you this job also had it's perks. Namely, the foreign women who came through, visiting America for...

2 years ago
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3 years ago
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Learning To Eat Cum 2

Lynne lay next to me in bed, asleep. She looked so sexy and now after her willingness to feed me my cum the night before she became even more desirable. I gave her a quick kiss but I had to get up and go; a 3 day conference 100 miles away awaited me. As she started to stir she said 'Don't you go wanking yourself off whilst away, we don't want you to waste your spunk; save it up for me and I'll give you a treat over the weekend'. So, I was away at the conference. I couldn't...

3 years ago
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Lost To My Friend Karan Part 2

Hi all, I am thankful for all the compliments received on my mail and to rate my story here. I am continuing with my first date with Karan. For those reading my story for the first time let me introduce to you all and request to read part 1 before the 2nd part. I am Ritika Raj, 36-year-old working women. About my appearance I am fair, 5.2 ft tall weigh 55 kgs and my stats are 34C 30 36, I have shoulder length cut hair, black eyes. I am separated and live with my son. I have had no prior sex...

2 years ago
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Act 3

Fifty years - and it seemed like only yesterday - which is bullshit but a colourful way to commence a tale. My old home town did not look the same and I did not step down off a train - but I digress. I was back for a 50th year highschool reunion - small town, Midwest, the city and the state don't matter. In my past were three wives, many homes, multiple jobs, lots of lovers - all the baggage, fond memories and regrets that most of us accumulate. I was unattached, unencumbered but not...

1 year ago
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Succubus Meal CatcherPart 2

(btw..all is fictional,there is no woman that least don't know one yet,and enjoy X) )Feeling my head,being dragged from the cold floor,With the smell of the blindfold,over powering me more and more,In a daze,I don't know what to think or what's going on,So far i want to be lost,rather than to be found,Unable to come to my senses,Felt sick from the motion sickness,The high scent keep increasing like burning incense,Sooner or later,that moment i kept reminiscing,The soft touch of her...

4 years ago
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Sexy Married Lady

Hi friends this is James again. First of all thanks to all the readers for appreciating my previous story now I am going to narrate a story which happened around 1months a go. It’s my real experience. I am staying in an apartment Mumbai and I use to go walking every day early in the morning ..there is a beautiful aunty Haritha age of 35 and she is good looking perfect Height and weight sooo sexy and she has 2 school going children she is sending her children’s to school I saw and I dint know...

3 years ago
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escaped convicts

‘Collect some fire wood, will you, Bobbi, and I’ll finish setting up the tent,’ said her mother Tara, as she tied down the last corner of the tent and drove the stake into the ground. ‘Sure, mom,’ Bobbi replied, ‘it shouldn’t take me more than ten minutes or so!’ ‘It had been so long since the two of them had done anything together,’ thought Tara, so two days in the mountains would be good for both of them!!! Bobbi did more than an adequate job of scrounging dry wood, and in a few minutes, Tara...

2 years ago
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Swinger club in Sydney

Sin SityIn order to reach Sin Sity in Sydney you have to climb a steep set of stairs almost hidden behind a nondescript pizzeria, not far from the of town. At the top of the stairs the space opens up to a bar-room with plenty of wood and in a corner a Jacuzzi, lovely for relaxing with or without friends. A spiral staircase winds itsd way up just next to the Jacuzzi, and behind it several other rooms opened up, variously occupied with beds or sofas for lazily or not so lazily lounging in....

1 year ago
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Filling in for Beth Part 5

Thank you for the kind reviews so far. These are the first stories I've ever revealed to anyone and the kind and helpful responses are what give me the confidence to continue. And thank you, thank you, thank you to Fictionmania as well for providing such a safe and encouraging place. I started this tale at the end so I would have a target to arm for. It turns out that convincing my characters to proceed toward that target in an orderly fashion is much more difficult than expected....

3 years ago
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Merry Christmas Pete

I was moping around the house when my younger sister, by a year, came into the living room. Bev didn't have my problems. Everything was easy for her. She was almost 2 inches taller, had light brown hair that was usually in a pony tail and easily attracted whatever guys interested her. Where I was short and skinny, Bev was tall and more of a cheerleader type. And to top it off, she was every bit as smart as me. "What's up Pete?" "Nothing. Same old shit." "Bummer. So, what do yo want...

3 years ago
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Sex Studio Secrets 9 Beth2

Slender sensual sexy sweet British blonde beauty Beth tops tasty pretty Petra my great granddodShe enormouly enjoys the sexy sixtynine munching her mouth through the thick brown bush of doddieBoth are lost in their daisy-chain of orgasms and lovely looking lesbian pure passion of loveBoth are unaware of my mighty assault on all offers open for my big brown banana saluting themThe tale of six sexy holes on offer was a love lesson offered by my former friend beautiful BettyThat tale I told here...

1 year ago
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Princess of Persia 8211 Part 5

Hey guys, Rajkumari ke aane se kuch mahaul masti bhara ho gaya tha. Titus ne hamare saamne ladki ko choda. Fir mujhe unke saamne chut mein ungli karni padi aur fir Rajkumari ne mere sath lesbian sex kiya. Ab Aage. Subah mein jab main uthi to Rajkumari uthi hui thi. Main uthkar bed ki side khadi ho gayi. Rajkumari ne mujhe apne pass bulaya aur mujhe kiss karna start kar diya. Pata nahi Rajkumari ko kya ho gaya tha. Fir uske baad maine unko nehlaya. To woh nahate hue kabhi to mere chuche daba...

2 years ago
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Dear JohnChapter 32

Our wedding was only a couple of weeks after the kids’ graduation. It was a small affair, but it was in Vegas, which was an all day trip for us, but we went up the night before to get a room and kind of kick back. The ceremony was on the strip and scheduled for 1:00 p.m. the next day, Saturday, the 3rd. I was mortally disappointed that my daughters weren’t there. I had half expected the two of them to show up, and maybe even with the eight year-old Ronald in tow. But, they hadn’t. We took...

3 years ago
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The story of my biggest orgasm

Dani and meet online, in a Yahoo chatroom back when they still had those. I had been single for about six months and I was ready to start meeting new people. The bar scene was always okay, but I liked the fact that on yahoo you get straight to what everyone was interested in. For Dani and me that was lots of hot sex!She lived about an hour from me, so we made plans to get together on the next Friday night. The drive was pleasant, as I had many nice thoughts going through my head about what the...

Oral Sex
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My 1st time

"A good question," I replied. "Let me say this. This slave has already cum three times this morning, one of which was a multiple. She has a very large sexual capacity and if I were to guess, I think it's going to be under 25 rather than over. However, you have no reason to believe me, so why don't you," I pointed, "and you, and you, and you, and let's see, you," I pointed to one of the slaves, "inspect this slave to assess her heat. You can report to the rest whether she is close or far from...

2 years ago
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9 inch Made My Get Home Late PT2 Gay

As I stared at the floor, still flustered and too embarrassed to look my brother in the eyes, he stepped away from me and walked to the other side of the kitchen."Hey man, I came over to borrow that door hole drill set you have. I'm going to hang the doors at my new house today and it would sure come in handy," he finally spoke.As he made no mention of knowing it was me that sucked his cock at the adult book store glory hole just a couple of minutes ago, I mentally relaxed a little, praying...

3 years ago
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wife knocked up for 3rd time by ex boyfriend

Vegas seems to be my wifes weakness. My wfe and her best friend were there in November celebrating their 40th birthdays. At the time they left, I was not aware that it had been arranged by my wifes friend for her ex from highschool, who now lives in Dallas to meet them there to help her celebrate in style. She was not told he would be there this time, so it was a total surprise, when they were lounging by the pool and who should swim up and climb out of the pool, but Darcy, her well hung ex...

1 year ago
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The Mouse That Purred

My sex life mostly consists of sucking Sam off on a Sunday morning. We do fool around a little first. We kiss and Sam feels up my boobies a little and fingers me a bit, but it always ends up with me sucking him off. That’s what he wants and I thought that, as his wife, it was my duty to fulfil his desires. My own desires didn’t come into it because for lots of years, I literally didn’t have any. I’d never allowed that side of my nature to develop and thought that sex was something for men to...

Wife Lovers
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Celeb Club

Welcome to my story ... I want to try a bit different style here than most stories ... you will have the option to move around the club ... talk ... maybe a girl wants something from you for a "reward" ... At the moment it has no effect yet but click on Start Game on the right before continuing. At the end of every page you will have options: [Move] to move to another room [Talk] to a girl present in the room [Use] Use some object present in the room Note for authors: I'm happy if someone wants...

1 year ago
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Fashion's SlaveIt was the night of the presentation of our tenth couture show in Paris. Our company NIARTSER FASHION was not a big one, but we had grown steadily little by little and the number of the special kind of people that appreciated our art had grown and now people were coming from all over the world to see our presentations, which -- like at the big couturiers and the "pret-a-porter"-houses -- were held twice yearly. Actually we were more in accord with the timing of the...

3 years ago
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A Teen Sluts SagaChapter 2 Regrets Ive Had a Few

The morning after her dad had fucked her, Amy awoke feeling terribly hung over, terribly sad, and terribly ashamed. She'd been raped by her dad. It hadn't been a dream. She felt sick. She'd been terrified about what he might do to her when she got home. Earlier in the evening, when Amy had begun to drink, her older friends had assured her they'd have her home by sunset. Amy had never gotten drunk before, but she'd been high a few times so she had figured it'd be roughly the same thing....

2 years ago
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The Tale of RolandChapter 22

"Ever since we got back you've been lounging in your sexy new stolen jammies." "I know. I got so used to not having much on and I don't want to go back to wearing clothes again. I'm still horny all the time too." "I think the healing chambers optimized your libido. Steph felt the same way when she got back. It wears off some." "How did she stand it? -- Not having anyone to have sex with for those weeks, I mean." "She finally broke down one day and told Susan she was about to...

2 years ago
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Desert Heat Part 10

Desert Heat – Pt 10As usual, I woke early on Saturday morning. Ginger and Jerry were still sleeping, so decided to go for a morning swim. I swam laps for about half an hour and then got out of the pool to relax and enjoy the quiet morning and get some reading done. About an hour later, Ginger comes dragging herself outside, looking like she had been run over by a truck. When she walked over to me, her gait looked like that of a duck. I asked her if she was doing okay and she said that...

1 year ago
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GirlsTryAnal Abella Danger Chloe Cherry Lily Rader Name That Flavor

Abella Danger is shooting a brand new episode of her vlog and has invited two of her hottest friends to help. Sitting next to her are Chloe Cherry and Lily Rader. Abella is about to play a game with them called Name that Flavor. Before they begin, she blindfolds the girls and makes sure they can’t see a thing. She gets up, picks up the first piece of candy and rubs it on the girl’s respective tongues. Whoever can guess what is it gets the first point. The girls go through the first...

2 years ago
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Popping my anal cherry

My boyfriend and I had been together for nearly a year, meeting when I was 17 and sexually inexperienced, we had enjoyed discovering each others bodies. One thing we hadn't yet done was anal sex but it was something my boyfriend had mentioned doing a few times. He was very keen to try, I was more reluctant. The few times he had pressed his cock against my bum hole it had felt uncomfortable and strange. I had seen many examples of it in porn we had watched and decided it would be worth a try but...

1 year ago
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The Chauffeur11Making it Great Again part two

By: PABLO DIABLO Copyright 2018 CHAPTER 1 As we all piled into the limos, our drivers already knew where to take the group. Jill and I believe that we have succeeded in surprising even our personal assistants, Tina and Dakota. We are peppered with question. “Where are we going?” “What hotel is the restaurant located in?” “It’s not the one from last night is it?” “Is it Steak, Seafood, or a culture restaurant, like Japanese?” “Who’s the Chef?” I saw everyone holding their phones...

1 year ago
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Friday Night2

I’d met him through work three years before, and we’d been living together for a year now. He had, in the last year, become gainfully self employed as a drug dealer. I’d fancied him from the first time I saw him. He was tall, dark, muscular, with piercing green eyes, and a rugby player’s physique. And he looked dangerous, which nice, but obviously stupid girls like me always love! One of the first things that I’d noticed about him were his huge, strong hands, and long, thick fingers....

3 years ago
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My 1st insight to Bi sex pt2

The day past by without any sign of what I witnessed last night.   But this did not stop me thinking about it, causing me to have several erections one of which I gave in to and masturbated in the shower before going to bed.   I left my bedroom door open ajar and listened for any repeat performance.   I was starting to nod off without anything but the news on downstairs, when I heard the front door open and John come in.   ...

4 years ago
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PlushChapter 14

Molly and I stopped at my apartment for a quickie after rehearsal before heading to Sarah's studio. Molly had been more than ready. When her pussy became uncovered it filled the small apartment with her sweet and musky odor. Both of us naked only below our hips, I managed to slip my hands under her t-shirt to fondle her breasts and squeeze her nipples. Our lips sealed throughout the five minute missionary fuck until we gasped for breath. I came first, but continued thrusting until she...

2 years ago
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Love Offline

It had started as a chance meeting in an online chat room for erotic literature. Chat soon gave way to private messaging and as the messages slowly become more suggestive emotions had started to become involved. Months had passed and after many suggestions from both sides they had agreed to meet.Saul stood at the platform waiting for her train to arrive. A light wind was blowing the first snowflakes of winter across the tracks as a weak sun tried to break through the clouds. He was nervous,...

Love Stories
3 years ago
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Mistress of Five Oaks

Mistress of Five Oaks Last night, I dreamed of a black horse. Upon waking, I looked in the dictionaryof dreams I keep on my bedside table, to see if there is any significance tothis particular nighttime vision. It seems a dream of a black horse is a dreamof passion. Considering all that has happened in the past weeks, I am not surprised. For the first time in months there is a man in my bed. I'd had the samedream the night before and I managed to get back to sleep. But tonight sleepwouldn't...

1 year ago
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A WellLived Life Book 3 PiaFirst Interlude

“He’s hurting! Because of ME! I hurt him!” “No. I hurt him. I took you from him.” “Don’t say that!” “It’s true!” “I went with you. I wanted to go with you.” “I should have taken better care of you. I should have looked out for you. Like he did. Like he does for everyone he’s been with. Like he does for everyone he loves.” “That’s him. That’s who he is.” “Yes.” “That’s one of the reasons I loved him. Why I love him.” “You still do, you always will.” “Forever.” “Forever.” “Forever....

2 years ago
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342 bdsm and the neighbours pt1

342 bdsm and the neighbour`s pt1 It was a dark and stormy night and the rain came pitter-pat down, and had for the last three days, next doors ornamental garden pond was so overfull that it being a semi-raised sided pond, it broke its banks. Not in itself a big thing but the koi carp that were washed towards the house must have cost a bloody fortune and the folks, their friends at no7 were out. Gethin had rushed to help Megan his wife scooping up each fish and throwing them back into the now...

2 years ago
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Nanbanin Akka Mulaiyil Paal Kudithen

Enathu siru vayathil irunthu ithu varai entha pennaiyum oothathe illa nilaiyil iruntha ennaku nanbanin akka udhavinaal. Enathu nanbanin akkavirku ippozhuthu thaan kuzhanthai piranthu irunthathu athai paarkra naan en nanbanudan sendru irunthen. Appozhuuthu thaan naan muthal muriyaaga akkavai paarthen enidam paasamaaga pesinaal. Naan atharku pin oru naal akka nanban veetirku vanthu irunthaal appzozuthu naan aval veetirku sendru kuzhanthaiyoosi eppozhuthum vilaiyaadi kondu irunthen. Akka ennai...

1 year ago
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My innocent friend

I walked through the tunnel to the place we agreed to meet at. I was early, so I sat and waited for a while, until I saw my friend Ella approach. I got up and went to go meet her. As I approached, I was about to go for a hug, when Grace peeked out from behind her, smiling nervously at the ground. I instantly lost it, my usual confidence flew out the window, “um…hi...I’m Seth; you must be Ella’s cousin.” She smiled, still looking at the ground, and nodded. Just then my friends arrived, drawing...

4 years ago
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08 TogetherChapter 72

Flashback – Ben – Back at the base The Corporal took me back to my room where there’s a nurse waiting at the door. She gave me a wicked smile complained, “It’s about time you got here - I’ve been waiting for almost an hour.” I glared at her and asked, “Don’t tell me, you’re next?” The Corporal innocently asked, “Next for what?” She laughed and added, “That’s for Banzai Ben to know and for you to not find out. Thank you Corporal for bringing him here to me but now you need to make yourself...

3 years ago
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Enjoyed with teenaged boy

Dear viewers main bahot dino ke baad apna experience likh raha hoon. Mujhe hope hai ke aapko pasand ayega. Main apni age ke 25 saal mein hi ake sodomite mujhe bottom sex excitement ka crazy bana dia tha tab se main sirf bottom ke lye hi sex participate karta hoon. Who mera permanent partner bana hua tha jab bhi mujhe gaand marwane ki ichha hoti uske ghar jaakar apni gaand ki masti ko thanda kar leta tha. Yeh 5 saal pahele ki baat hai jab main 45 years ka tha shaam ke waqt tha, main homosexual...

2 years ago
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Hot Nymph Next DoorChapter 7

After Ray Cobb licked Kim's cunt and taught her to jack him off out by the pool that day, the cute blonde could hardly wait to be alone with him again. Remembering how she'd seen Adrian Cobb give her dad a blow job, Kim hoped that Mr. Cobb would let her suck on his prick the next time they were alone together. The following afternoon, when Kim saw Adrian Cobb drive away, she went over to her neighbors' house. Ray was sitting on his patio. "Hi, Mr. Cobb," she said as she sat down next...

1 year ago
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Yiff – a fandom dedicated to a certain sexual activity or material… quite a broad subject if you ask me. However, if you visit r/yiff/, you will be welcomed to a world of furry pornography. As they state in their description, “Furries need porn too!” and well, I second that. Now, for those who are not into furry pornography, there are many other subreddits you can check out instead.Reddit is a free website, so even if you are not a fan of what it has to offer, you can always browse somewhere...

Reddit NSFW List
1 year ago
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The EX ch2 finale

Mark was right on time. Shane had spent the afternoon, working herself into a frenzy. Making herself cum two more times. She hadn’t really given a lot of thought over the years, as to why she allowed herself to allow Mark to treat her the way he did. During their sessions anyway. Outside of the dominating state, Mark was loving and sweet. Affectionate lover. He was giving in every aspect of their normal sex life. She always came first. Had he not cheated on her, they would still be together and...

2 years ago
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Me and my brother

Introduction: 100% real My hand flew up and down my dick as I jerked off. I panted, my body sweaty, and I felt the very familiar ball of tension building in my balls. Just as I was about to cum, the door to my room opened, and my younger brother walked into my room. Hey Cavan, I was wondering if I could borrow your- he started, but stopped as he noticed me laying naked on my bed, my hand wrapped around my hard cock. He stared for a moment, his blue eyes wide, hand still on the doorknob. Wh-what...

1 year ago
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Arabian Plaything Chapter 10

INTERMISSIONColonel Perez contemplated the lush, naked bottom before him. It was nice and plump. Very soft and white. As the Colonel liked them. Even so, the bottom was not as large as he would have wished. For Colonel Perez had a penchant for the over-blown as far as women were concerned. He enjoyed them most when they were big-breasted and big-buttocked.That was the only thing he had against the Harem of Quireme, which he visited regularly when he was out of South Africa on leave. He had a...

3 years ago
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Sibling Road Trip

Waking up early that morning and my sister and I had left early on our dream trip; it was to be a trip driving across America, seeing all the sights on our way to visit our aunt in Southern California. My sister and I had scrimped and saved for three years to purchase the car, gas, clothes and all the other supplies that we would need on our trip from New York to LA. We had been planning this trip ever since we were little; now that I was 18 and Jenny was 19 and we had saved up enough we were...


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