RetreadsChapter 20 free porn video

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Connie looked forlorn while Tina and Rhonda were just as eager to become mothers.

Mom brought them back to reality with "both of you aren't even fifteen, at least physically. Next year is soon enough and besides this way we'll have young ones around even longer. You all might want to consider keeping your maiden names, too. If Matt does manage to get elected it might be hard to confirm a cabinet full of women with the same last name as his."

I told her if they weren't confirmed I'd just have to add acting in front of their titles and let it ride.

Dad got a kick out of that. He offered to help Gail and Angie move into my old apartment. He noticed Tina's look and winked. She had moved her things there to give me room for company. "And you young lady, should move back in with Matt where you belong. If he wants to frolic and you're not feeling frisky then he should be the one who gives up his bed, not you!"

Tina squealed when I snatched her out of her chair and put her in my lap but was purring after I kissed her and exclaimed "what a wonderful idea! My little sis and I haven't been spending enough quality time together."

Tina had moved into my old space because she thought we needed the extra room in the bed for "visitors". She still spent most nights there with Beth and I, though

Mom admonished us with "you better be careful Matt. If something should happen and Tina, Kathy, or Rhonda was to get pregnant we could probably deal with it if we had to but any of the others would be a very bad thing. We don't want to cause anyone unnecessary pain. Do I make myself clear?"

I agreed with her and suggested that any attempts should be made during the week and I would be protected when with anyone else. I knew the weekends were out of the question with all the activity going on.

Dad brought up a subject I had forgotten. Rhonda would have to give up baseball if she got pregnant.

She looked crestfallen when she heard that. "I thought about it" she admitted "and was thinking about waiting for that reason alone. We have a lot of time to make babies but I only have one chance to be the first female college ballplayer in the state. Besides" she said with a smile "we can still practice and if practice makes perfect I plan to have the most perfect kid in the world!" My folks enjoyed that almost as much as I did. I don't think they realized how serious she was though.

I had to rain on the eager 'mother's to be's' parade and told them we had to wait until after thanksgiving to try. "The playoffs start this Friday" I told them "and when I'm around I'm going to be too tired for much of anything. I have practice every day, then Karate practice and another workout at home. I may be too pooped to pop."

Angie's eyes lit up while I was talking and she said "Karate? I should get back into that, I always enjoyed it."

A few questions revealed that she was a 3rd degree black belt and had competed in college. I told her she should start working out with us, especially Kathy.

Mom said she wished they could have everyone over for thanksgiving but they planned to be at the championship game until six the night before and wouldn't be able to handle preparing a big meal.

"What if you had help?" Rhonda asked "I'd be willing to bet that if you loaned your kitchen to us we could find plenty of volunteers. I bet my folks would love to lend a hand!" I added that they should ask Jim French also. I didn't want him left out.

As we were leaving I cornered my dad in the dining room and asked a favor. He thought it was a neat idea and said that if mom agreed, he'd do it. I figured it was in the bag.

The rest of the day was spent moving Tina and then the "old ladies", who were both appreciative and happy in their new home. Having seen their old places I could understand why. We left them to get settled and get Tina moved back in.

When we got to our door I scooped Tina up in my arms and carried her across the threshold. "Welcome home, sister-wife!" I said as I set her on her feet and kissed her.

She had tears running down her pretty face and hugged me fiercely before asking "did you really miss me that much?"

I kissed her again and as I wiped her tears away I told her "oh yes, babe. I love you all dearly but I think you understand me even more than the others. I hate it when we're apart."

She sniffled and hugged me even tighter "I feel the same way, too" she admitted.

I figured I'd never have a better opportunity to bring up something I had been dreading. "I need to ask you something, beautiful." She told me to name it and it was mine. "You'd better wait to hear what it is first" I warned. "I know you will constantly be busy with your projects but I need a First Lady. Will you take the job?"

Her reaction was not at all what I had expected. Instead of being happy she looked sad. "I don't think that's the best solution" she explained. "I'll be with you most of the time but not as the first lady."

She sat me down and outlined her plan. "This may change if anyone else joins us but this is how I see it so far. Beth should run a company for you, I'll be your science advisor, Rhonda will be your chief of staff, and Jackie will be the AG. Connie should be your first lady for several reasons but the top two are that she's supposed to help protect you and that she loves you as much as Jackie, Beth, Rhonda, or I do. I'm flattered that you thought of me first Matt, but I think my way is better. Besides, I'm already here with you and so is Beth. Rhonda and Jackie practically live here, too. What better way to get all five of us under the same roof with you? It's perfect."

I didn't react right away and got up to get a drink while I thought her suggestion over. It did make sense to me but I really wished I could marry all five of them at once.

Cursing the stupid laws all the while, I replied as I sat down. "Logically, I'd have to admit that you're right but the question is can Connie deal with what she'll have to face?" As soon as I had that thought another revelation hit me. "For that matter can any of us? We've been playing it by ear for too long already. I think it's time to clearly define our roles and begin training for them if we have any chance of being successful. In the mean time can I still assume that you will marry me when it's possible?"

I got a definite yes to that one, which made me feel a lot better. She made me promise to ask Rhonda, Jackie, and Connie the same question very soon. I wanted to confirm Beth's earlier answer, too.

When everyone started to arrive I collared Jackie first and led her to a vacant room to pop the question. She took it better than we had hoped.

She actually smiled as she explained "I hoped it would work out like this" she admitted "this way I can still be close to you all and Connie will have to deal with all the First Lady crap. I know I couldn't." She gave me a hug and a kiss and seemed happy with the way it had been decided.

She seemed especially happy with her ring. It was identical to Tina's and I didn't volunteer the information that I had purchased ten more just like it to insure they all would match (and that I would be prepared for additions).

Rhonda was ushered in next and was so enthusiastic in her acceptance that I had to explain my need to speak to Connie in order to keep from being molested.

Next would be the biggest test. I actually wasn't sure whether Connie would say yes or no and said as much to Rhonda.

Of course this meant that she had to find some conspirators and she quickly ran of to fetch Beth, Tina and Jackie.

They all came in less than a minute later and when I saw them "huddle up" I knew I was in trouble. They informed me that my decision was to invite Connie to dinner (which I would prepare myself) and propose to her in as romantic a fashion as possible. They seemed a lot more confident than I was, especially when they added that we had to tell Connie's mother the truth. The reasoning was valid. There was a slim chance she would give us her blessing if she knew and absolutely none if she didn't. As usual, they were right.

When we finally rejoined the party I noticed George's eyes were locked on Gail like lasers and Gene was staring at Angie the same way she had been staring at him all evening.

I pointed this out to Tina and she said "I knew that would happen. Gene has been like that since he first laid eyes on Angie and George is almost as bad as you about redheads."

I was almost offended "then why is it that only one of my prospective wives is a redhead?" I asked.

She gave me a kiss and answered "we're reforming you."

I had George make the rounds with Gail before finding Becky to whisper "not that I'm disappointed to see her but what's your mom doing here?"

Becky told me that she had told her mother the whole story. "We're too close not to Matt, especially since dad left. It took a lot less convincing than I thought it would and she handled it really well. I hope you're not mad."

I told her "relieved" was the word. I was just glad she wouldn't be finding out today. She was smiling in her mother's direction and said she hoped her mom would find someone like Jim. She had been really lonely for the last five years. She and the twin's father had been together since they arrived and seemed to be hitting it off pretty good.

As soon as I saw Dee and Jane come in I introduced them to Angie. They both remembered her from her visits to the store and liked her. I believe they liked her a bit more than she realized because she actually blushed when Dee commended Gene on his wonderful taste in women while obviously ogling her. They had been so close together since they met that I wondered if we'd have to seperate them surgically.

The blush got deeper when Jane added her thoughts. Angie was wearing a borrowed outfit and Jane told her she looked good enough to eat. She winked at Dee and said "we already know she's sweet but she looks even tastier today."

I left them to get better acquainted and found Jackie again. She huffed good-naturedly "propose to a girl and then run off and leave her alone!"

She and my other four stayed glued to my side the rest of the evening. The pairings were just as I expected when the gathering broke up. Gail left with Kathy and George. Gene disappeared with Angie and Nina, Bryan left with Paula and Becky, and Adam departed with Lin and Amy.

I was overjoyed when Jim left with Carol on his arm. Tina gave me a semi-sad look and said "I really wanted us to be alone tonight but I wouldn't do that to the other girls. I would like to manage it soon though if you don't mind."

I didn't mind a bit and told her I was already looking forward to it. As soon as we got to our place Connie said "alright let us see it!" Tina and I looked confused before Connie said "Matt, you goof. You didn't ask Tina to be your first lady without giving her an engagement ring did you? That's proposing and you just don't do that without one!" I couldn't speak so she went on. "I've been watching her all night and if you didn't pop the question I'm daffy duck!"

The other four cracked up and Jackie broke the news to her. "Sweetie, you don't have the whole story. I guess our grand plan just got flushed so we'll leave you two alone for a bit. Matt will explain it all to you."

I asked Connie to wait there and followed them into the bedroom to retrieve ring number five. Oh well, I thought to myself, so much for romance! I did the best I could. I did the whole "on one knee" and everything. When I didn't get a response I looked up at her and still had no idea and was scared shitless.

Her expression was completely unreadable as she said "get up" in a flat monotone. When I obeyed she unleashed the mother of all kisses on me before screaming not just yes, but fuck yes!

That brought the others running and everyone donned their rings. I thought Connie was going to change her mind at first when she got the whole story but her look of fear changed into determination as she said "I told Forseti that I would do whatever it took to protect you but if people are expecting a meek first lady they're gonna be in for a shock. None of that Champion of a cause crap that keeps us apart either. I stay with you, period!"

After we convinced her to let me change my proposal dinner to one with her mother invited so we could break the news to her we headed for bed. Sleep was not on their agenda.

The other girls suggested that Connie spend the night alone with me but she vetoed the idea immediately, saying "I'm not just marrying Matt. I consider each and every one of you my mates. I love you all!"

After the tears dried we retired to the bedroom and they went wild. Poor Jackie was first and all of us molested her lovely body thoroughly.

She was so exhausted when we were through with her that she could hardly help give Connie the same treatment.

She was fully recovered when it was Tina's turn and Connie had recovered faster. The little blonde haired minx about killed me with her enthusiasm and it took a while before she settled down.

I was enjoying stroking her tight little blond box while standing at the foot of the bed and watching the other lovelies make out when she brought me back to reality with "oh shit, oh yes, oh man that's good. I can't wait until its Matt's turn! I'm cumming againnn!"

I hadn't thought of that but the idea had me pumping copious quantities into her fabulous pussy as she shuddered through her orgasm.

Beth passed out in mid-orgasm during her turn. It wasn't all my doing, however. All the girls ganged up on her at the same time. The four tongues and the cock sent her into sensory overload and she didn't recover until Rhonda took a trip to dreamland next to her.

We showered before my turn and the girls made sure that all of them were sufficiently vacuumed out. The sight of that had me rock hard and ready for anything they could deliver... I thought. They led me to my fate and had me lay on my back while Jackie mounted my face. Connie was making sure my cock was occupied with a pair of lips while Tina made out with Jackie. As soon as she came they switched positions and I found Jackie's tight snatch replacing Connie's wonderful mouth. There was some extra action going on down there and I suspected Beth's talented tongue was the culprit.

Every time I got close to cumming Jackie would stop moving. I caught onto her ploy and helped.

She and Connie exploded at almost the same instant and her pussy was replaced with Connie's while Tina took the upper appendage.

When they got off again Tina mounted up and two of the others latched onto one of her gorgeous breasts. I figured that the present rider was the instigator and thought I'd give her some payback. Every time she hit bottom I pulsed my cock.

After the third time I noticed her eyes getting bigger. It seemed to me that every time I did it she got even tighter. After a couple of more times she gasped "what are you doing? You feel even bigger than usual! I'm so full I think I feel your cock in the back of my throat!"

The other two went to our midsections and compared notes. "Wow!" Jackie exclaimed "he's fucking huge! How did he do that?"

Connie said "beats me, but if it gets any bigger we might not ever get it out. Think the hose would work? I think that's what they do when dogs get stuck."

I didn't want to hurt her so I stopped what I was doing. She seemed to like the present situation though because she started cumming harder than I had ever seen her cum before. Her pussy clamped down so tight that I couldn't last any longer and with how long they had made me wait and the sight of her beautiful face contorted in ecstasy I unleashed what seemed like an endless stream of cum deep inside her. I came so hard it felt like I was pissing! I heard the comments as if from a distance about the amount of leakage until I was brought back to the present by feeling two busy little pink tongues doing an industrial sized cleanup job. Tina had two more performing the same task for her after she fell on my chest panting and kissing me.

As we were cuddling together afterward I had a thought and laughed like an idiot. When I was able to explain the girls liked my idea. If everyone hit it off as well as I thought with the group they left with I wouldn't be needed for stud service. I could barely handle these five!

We fell asleep exhausted but hopeful. This was one of those times when a recharge was definitely in order!

I was disappointed when I woke up alone but my stomach wasn't. I smelled breakfast and I was starving. After a world record time in the shower I emerged from my bedroom and got a very embarrassing surprise.

The presence of Al and his crowd along with Dee and Jane wasn't the problem. Even the fact that they were all wearing clothes was fine. The presence of my parents was a bit different.

Pop just chuckled at my obvious dilemma but mom just raised an eyebrow and commented "I see it runs in the family" as I scampered back in my room to get dressed.

They were still commenting on my anatomy as I emerged. At least it was complimentary. Even Al remarked that I had more muscle than he did when he was a senior in high school.

After that he gave me a bit of interesting information. The coach at state was already scouting me and had been to two of my games and liked what he saw. Al had tipped him off about me and since the coach seemed to like him he had listened. I thanked him for the extra incentive. We'd need it in the playoffs because the competition would be much better.

Finally, my parents relieved my curiosity as to why they were here. My dad started with "five pretty girls woke us up this morning at the crack of dawn with some interesting news. First, we want to congratulate Matt and the girls on their engagement."

That got everyone's attention quickly and after the applause and excitement died down mom took over. "They asked us to give our permission for them to be married as soon as possible and we can't see any reason to say no."

All four looked at me with a fearful and apprehensive expression until I smiled and asked Al if he would be my best man. After I finally emerged from the squealing five headed kissing machine dad said "looks like we've got a wedding and a honeymoon to plan. If we can arrange a trip for this August I think we found just the spot. We found a better island. Hog Cay is now ours and the renovations and additions will be complete by June 1st. We brought some pictures to show everyone but first our hosts need to make some of Matt's fabulous coffee for their sleep deprived parents!"

That was quickly accomplished and we studied the photos as dad explained. "Some of us should take flying lessons as well as how to pilot a decent sized boat at sea. Those are the only two ways to get there. There is a large pier with a DeHavilland DHC-6 Twin Otter amphibian and a yacht big enough for inter island travel. There is a 2,500 foot long airstrip with another 12 seat turboprop. Personally, I like the orchards, jungle, and the fact that there is a good supply of fresh water."

After these pictures came the buildings. We could tell they needed some work but seemed large and comfortable. "One question, pop" I said "once I get there, how you plan to make me leave?"

He just smiled and said "beats Camp David all to hell, doesn't it? And" he said with a smile in Tina's direction "it's big enough for a research facility."

There was one thing about the wedding I insisted upon. I didn't want the person who performed the ceremony to be affiliated with any religion. It would seem hypocritical to me. If there were any priests or priestesses for our faith I didn't know how to find them.

Mom figured that it wouldn't be a problem for Connie and me. We could always offer a justice of the peace some weekend overtime.

I told dad I couldn't wait to start learning how to fly and discovered that Connie and Tina were just as eager. I admitted that it was one of those things I was always planning to do but never got around to trying before. We promised to ask the others if they had any interest in flying or boating before Monday.

The girls and I were dying to be alone and I guess it showed because mom finally said "I believe our son and daughters are anxious to practice a little pre-nuptial incest, dear. We should let them go before they explode." They thought it was funny but it was the truth!

When we got back to our room I was treated to a very entertaining striptease. As if things hadn't been erotic enough, when they removed the last article of clothing I had to stare in disbelief. Tina purred "you like?" Did I ever! They had shaved all but what looked like an arrow that was pointing straight to paradise. I couldn't wait to follow the directions.

We must have invented ten new positions before we all collapsed in a soggy but satisfied heap.

Connie gasped "I think our honeymoon should last a month and we should do that at least ten times a day. I want to get pregnant on the island."

I cautioned her that if that happened she would give birth in February. That would mean she would be very pregnant while going to school. She gave me the most dazzling smile I have ever seen from her in either life and said "who cares dear. We'll be married so what can they possibly object to? Starting Monday everybody will find out we're engaged and having a June wedding."

Beth, Tina, Jackie, and Rhonda immediately added that their rings were staying put and they really didn't give a rats' ass what people said about it.

Connie held her hand in front of my face and stated flatly that the ring was never coming off and she would tell everyone who asked what it was there for. "Besides" she said with a cute but painful giggle "we'll be alone on the island and there won't be any chance of cross-pollination!"

I laughed along with her and eyes opened wide with an "ooooh somebody in there isn't done yet!" as my still hard cock twitched in time with my mirth.

She stared moving slowly and never increased the tempo while the other three tried to carry on a conversation with me. It was hard to concentrate but from the parts I could catch it seems that they planned to wait a bit before becoming mothers.

To do this, they planned on using their trick to turn off their egg production and eliminate the possibility until they were ready. By the time they covered the details I was about to explode.

When Connie could tell I was getting close she made sure I was as deep as I could go and began milking me as she stared at my eyes and said sexily "I love your expression when you cum". Who could hold off under those circumstances? Not me it seems because I erupted massively with a groan.

I opened my eyes quickly enough to watch Connie's face contort in bliss as that sent her over the edge as well. When she could focus again I gave her almost lovely breasts some well deserved attention before kissing her soundly and saying "I see what you mean. You're even more gorgeous when you cum."

The girls had a breast discussion as we were relaxing. It seems that every one of them were already the size they were when fully grown before and were worried they'd keep growing. Connie was the most concerned. She hadn't been kidding about the 38D's!

Before We showered and fixed dinner together I tried to check things out for them and was able to reassure them all. Unless they wanted them to grow more, they were as big as they'd ever be. I was as happy as they were. Talk about variety!

They ranged from Jackie's pert little 32B's to Connie's full and firmly packed set. Rhonda and Tina both weighed in at 34B and C (respectively), while Beth still had her lovely 36C's. I was in tittie heaven!

We didn't go back to bed right away after we ate. We talked for hours before we had realized it and Tina complained that we were wasting time. I hugged her and said that any time I spent with them was never wasted.

She looked at me with tears in her eyes and said "I can't believe how lucky we are but that statement, mister just insured that you're about to get very lucky!"

We spent most of the night sleepless but happy trying to see who could get luckier. I didn't realize I could get a morning boner after only two hours of rest but when I woke up it sure felt like there was a mouth wrapped around it.

It wasn't any of the five I had gone to sleep with either because they were spread out next to me. I looked down and found Angie's head in my lap and Gail's buried in Tina's. We gave each other a "what the hell" look and kissed each other good morning while we enjoyed the situation.

We came simultaneously moaning with our tongues intertwined before watching the intruders mingle our juices in a heated kiss. When they were finished Angie had an announcement.

She jiggled both of her newly grown mammaries and informed me that her first ever tittie fuck was reserved for me.

As I obliged her she told us (when her mouth wasn't full) that she had always dreamed of doing this. I was happy to help her out on several levels.

Afterward, they apologized for waking us. Gail said "we wanted to run an idea past all of you but when we saw you laying there we just couldn't resist the sight."

Tina thanked them for a wonderful wake-up call and asked what it was. Angie said that they had been talking and wondered if maybe Gene, George, Bryan, and I could "go off the wagon" together and spend a day with Gail and her.

"Kind of a Russian roulette of impregnation" she explained. That way nobody will ever be sure who knocked who up. "If we're really a family" Gail continued "it shouldn't matter."

I looked at my five bedmates and said "this one is up to my brides-to-be. If they give the go ahead count me in"

They pounced on visitors in glee "at least two of the babies will be right here all the time and we need the practice so it's a great idea!"

I had one stipulation and added "Adam should be included too. You two should get some rest, because you'll need it."

I started getting dinner ready as soon as we finished lunch. Connie was bringing her mother over at five and I wanted everything to be perfect.

There wasn't a lot to do early and I had to shoo Tina, Jackie and Rhonda out of the way a couple of times. Connie had told me that her mom loved a good steak but would never buy them because they cost too much, so I had picked up some really nice ribeyes.

I set them up to marinate in my special concoction. It had taken me over ten years worth of trial and error to come up with it but it had been worth it. I had eaten at some of the best restaurants in several countries but the best steak I had eaten had come off of my own grill.

After they were safely soaking I started some dough rising for homemade rolls and whipped up some butter, adding cinnamon and sugar to half of it for use on them.

The girls talked me into letting them handle the salad but I made the dressing. Connie said her mom usually used either French or bleu cheese, so I made both just in case. Since I liked bleu cheese and Connie preferred French it would cover all the bases.

Once that was done all I would have to do the rest of the day would be to tend to the dough and turn the steaks once in a while. I already had a good red wine picked out and chilling, along with some Asti for after dinner and celebration (I hoped).

Dinner itself would be a snap. All I'd have to do would be to steam some broccoli, whip up some Hollandaise, start the charcoal, and remember to put the potatoes in the oven. The steaks would only take ten minutes on the grill.

Mrs. Lang had no idea what awaited her. Connie had reluctantly taken her ring off until we could break the news. For now, it was on a chain around her neck, nestled in her generous cleavage.

Dinner got rave reviews from both of them and Mrs. Lang didn't even question the wine when I poured, though she did compliment me on the quality.

I sat Mrs. Lang on the sofa afterwards and took a seat next to Connie across from her. Taking Connie's hand in mine I looked at her mother and began. "Mrs. Lang, though I've wanted to invite you over for some time now, we did have an agenda. I'm very much in love with your daughter and for some unknown reason she seems to feel the same way about me. We want to get married but neither one of us want to do that without your approval."

To her credit, she didn't immediately start screaming. I could tell she didn't like the idea though. She paused before responding but finally said "what about school? I don't want either of my children ending up like me. I got married young and look where I am. I have a crappy job, live in a tin box, and hope I can manage to pay the bills at the end of every month. I know your parents seem to have money but how do you intend to support her? I'm not questioning how much you care for each other. I've been around enough to know love when I see it but love doesn't pay the bills. Believe me when I say I know that just as well."

She looked angry when a smiling Connie finally couldn't hold it back any longer and laughed. She snapped "it isn't funny young lady! Money may not buy love, but it sure as hell buys groceries and you can't eat love!"

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The niece 1 Start here

OK wait, don't hang me just yet. 

This isn't some sort of screwed up p*******e shit story. My niece, in this case, is 25, a new mom of a 9 month old baby, visiting me with my sister (her mom) while her husband is deployed overseas. 
So lay off the sick comments willya and you will see that she's the one who started it, well right, OK almost. Let's say. 

My sister, Linda only had one c***d. A beautiful little girl whom we all adored. I was pretty young when she was born so I can't say I recall...

4 years ago
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How I Seduced And Got Fucked By The Plumber

Hi guys. This is my first story on ISS. I am a regular follower of all the stories here, especially the crossdressing ones. So….my name is Raju and I am 19. I stay in Mumbai and am an engineering student . My parents are working, so i get a lot of time at home alone. From the time I was 18 i liked to cross-dress especially in skimpy sarees and short skirts. Crossdressing in public was always my fantasy but i could never have the courage to do so. My body is always clean shaven and my ass is...

4 years ago
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ButleredChapter 18

By the time I handed in the tray at the kitchen, there was more information on the TV news. By now, other cardboard boxes stuffed with bubble-wrap had been opened to reveal more artefacts, to the delight of the museum. As each item was revealed, it was laid on a foam mat on a cloth-covered folding table that had been hurriedly obtained. It was then quickly photographed, before being carried into the British Museum in triumph by a member of staff. I snorted at these antics, to the dismay of...

4 years ago
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Double TimeChapter 70

“All existence is in vain: unexplained and sterile. I’ll end up alone with all my doubts that will haunt me forever, even after my death...” —E.C. Lemus, The Master of the Realities I’VE ALWAYS HAD TROUBLE being the center of attention at a party. It’s exhausting, like I should be entertaining everyone. This was my birthday party with my six girlfriends. And I felt like I should be the one making sure each of them had a good time. I wasn’t too worried about Rachel and Livy. Livy didn’t...

4 years ago
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The succubus part 2

I appeared laying on the bed next to him smiling up at him "hey, master" I said walking my fingers up his chest. "Hey...ermm what do I call you?" "Katie" "That’s a pretty name" "Thank you master" "Call me Tom" "As you wish master" I replied cheekily "TOOOM" a voice from downstairs called, I vanished immediately and followed him down invisible to everyone. He sat down and his Mum put a plate of pasta down in front of him "It ridiculous sleeping in 'till...

4 years ago
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His Smile when they lose themselves

His smile always stood out to me. Goodness his smile. Just a little quirk of that mouth of his, a tiny movement of his lips, it was all it took to make my putty in his hands. We’d met through mutual friends when I moved countries for university. Months later we were always hanging out. The first time I met him and he smiled at me I knew he’d be dangerous to my well being, but I ignored it. I mean just ‘cause I felt the attraction doesn’t mean he did right? Besides, I didn’t see him that much...

4 years ago
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Female domination over male story

I have been under Mistress Rhonda’s tutelage for about three months now. During our time together mistress has taught me well on how to behave, and I take pride in that I seem to succeed in giving my mistress pleasure, both mentally and physically. Two weeks ago mistress informed me that I was going to attend her to a gathering of her friends. My mistress had been contacted concerning a little get together, and she volunteered to bring me along as her pet “lap dog.” Keep in...

2 years ago
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Travel Adventure 2

The elevator ride is short, as the hotel is far from a high-rise. On the way up she is all over me, hand gripping my balls while she stands on her toes to kiss me, pressing her breasts into my chest. When her tongue is not forcing its way into my mouth, she is firmly biting my lip, not enough to hurt, but close…The door opens at my floor. She lets me off the back wall of the elevator and we step out. “Concierge level. Not unexpected given Mel’s familiarity.” The floor is abandoned on Friday...

2 years ago
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My two step kids Chapter VI

I was standing there naked and I wasn't sure what was gonna happen. Jeanette and Tim both got up and walked over to me. They both put one of their hands onto my boobs and it was on."You have cheated on your husband with these two?" Tammy wanted to know."Well, according to her, it's not cheating, if you keep it in the family," I told her to make a point."No kidding, I could buy that. We should have started earlier than, Wendy," Tammy mentioned."Do you really fuck your mom?" I just had to...

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Alexs Audition

I awaken slowly, the soft light streaming through the curtains warming my still-closed eyelids. I sigh contentedly as I recall the events from the night before. I stretch my neck slightly, feeling the dried cum cracking on my soft skin. Patrick loves my hot, wet mouth almost as much as I enjoy being the masterpiece he paints when he unleashes spurt after spurt of steaming hot, sticky cum all over my face, neck, and tits. He pinches my hard tight nipple again and I realize this is what has...

2 years ago
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Sexy Secretary Slave Search 9

Tasty teens pray for a pause to chill from hotness and refresh for appetising aphrodisiacsA break, blonde blue-eyed beauty sexy Sarah asked, and as our guest, her wish is our demandLea please show her the shower, so she can refresh herself and serve her, my sexy secretaryLea's eyes brightened by my invite, as she's been eyeing long the blond young yummy Goddess!You will be joined by juicy Jenny and cute Kate soon, who look like needing a break as wellOur other guests I request to help me to...

3 years ago
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Mantra Black September

Author's Note: My previous Mantra stories, both available on fictionmania, are: 1) MANTRA: DAY OF THE STORM GOD 2) MANTRA: THE RUNE AGENDA This story takes place after THE RUNE AGENDA, which in turn takes place after DAY OF THE STORM GOD. All are stand alone stories, but each contains spoilers for its predecessors so, ideally, you should read those before reading this one. (NB: While FM author Aladdin has also been posting stories featuring Mantra and her cast here, our stories...

3 years ago
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Her Serviceman

He said good morning to the neighbor and of course she smiled back and said hello and good morning to him too. He asked her how it was going and again she continued to smile and warmly say everything was great. She then asked how he was doing and of course he told his neighbor and friend that everything was real good and thanked her. Seeing as the two were neighbors and lived about five houses apart, she invited him in. They talked a few minutes and while they did he would try and occasionally...

3 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 195 Second First Times

Steve doubled over laughing when he opened his car door to hear Paula singing a little kid song from nursery school. No adult lyrics or anything, just the song. I got Crystal, Annie, and Trudy safely buckled into my Honda. I don’t know when, but the back seats now had five-point harnesses as well. That was safety on top of it having airbags in the sides, front, and anywhere else they could get one to fit. They were airbags on steroids. My sunglasses told me that my car could now take a hit,...

3 years ago
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My Sister Is My Wife

My mom & dad work& this leaves me & my sister alone all day at home.My sister komali is really beautiful &damn hot.She has long hair right upto her waist & bulging boobs..She was around 5’6″ tall but short than me.I m 5’11” tall.This event took place on a hot summer afternoon. I returned home after college at around 12.30 pm, took a bath, had food & was relaxing in the sofa in the front room.She normally used to return at around 2.00. Since i was alone,I got a little bit horny,so I started...

4 years ago
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Sararhs Arrest

Sarah’s Arrest By RockbohunkSarah was on her way to her boyfriends house and she was running late. He lived about 25 miles away in the country near a rural town. It was 9:00 PM already and she still had ten more miles to go. Sarah knew the roads very well and decided to try and make up some time. She was almost there when out of the corner of her eye she spotted a cop along side the road. Sarah had been doing over 75 miles an hour when he hit her with the lights. Sarah pulled to the side of...

3 years ago
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Bound To Order

Bound to Order   BOUND TO ORDER!ByAnne Gray It was a dark and stormy night! No, really, it was.? Well, in fact, it was late evening but it was dark and the rain was pelting down as I waited for my prey. The one I was after seemed to go for fashion rather than practicality and obviously, as I had counted on, didn?t bother listening to weather forecasts. I had watched her entering the office building earlier, before the forecasted rain started; dressed in a very smart, fawn coloured hip...

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The DrifterChapter 14

Oh, I met her there in a border town We vowed we’d never part... There was no place to get a meal and no place to get a room. Following the store owner’s directions for the best place to make camp, we made our way out to Amarillo Crick. Backed up against the eastern bluffs along Amarillo Crick, we set up camp. Indira was not much help with her feet in such bad shape. I managed to find a safe place where I could hobble Red, Blue and the one horse I’d kept after selling the other one at the...

3 years ago
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Slut for Pakistani TeensChapter 3

Well, it had been over a week since the escapade with Pam and I couldn’t get it out of my mind. I was constantly looking at my phone, every time it rang I hoped that it was Pam, unfortunately it wasn’t. By the time the following week came around it had slipped from my mind, albeit with a sense of disappointment. My phone rang and it was Pam, she apologised for not ringing before and asked me if I fancied paying her a visit on Thursday. My heart was racing as I said yes! Pam told me to...

2 years ago
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Sweet Release

I arrive home after a long week of incessant, mind-numbing work. The house is empty except for me and the dog. My lover is visiting her brother so the much-needed relief I seek is evasive. The weekend has finally come. The tasks of the day still fresh in my mind as I strive to distract myself with some music. All week I have tended to the whims of others, constantly addressing the issues of superiors and peers and subordinates in the office. Always having to maintain the façade of an alpha,...

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The Game

Introduction: An affair is exposed, however nothing is as it seems. What the fuck is this? A screeching voice came from the door. At the foot of the bed stood a woman around her mid-forties. The look on her face was that of shock and disbelief. What was Fred Mullings supposed to do at this point? The room was quiet. The chattering of the children outside in the neighboring garden were all that reverberated in the room. He said nothing, hoping the shock would simply scare her from the...

3 years ago
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Young bottom fucked by old store owner part 2

This is a continuation story. I had successfully seduced a older store owner into fucking my ass in the back of his store. Since then i kept day dreaming and flashing back to that moment. I remember the fear and excitement. I remember his hard cock in my mouth and ass. But most of all the feeling of his cum load shooting deep into my hole. That day when i went home i remember stripping naked in front of the mirror looking back at my ass admiring my figure and comprehending what i had done. I...

2 years ago
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Surrender Without A Choice

Hello all, hope everyone are enjoying reading various experiences from different people. Now I am here to share my which happened few months back. This one will be a bit long and I am planning to share everything in parts. So Please your comments and feedback to my mail id I am open to suggestions which boots me to write more . About me, my name is Karthik (name changed). I used to live in Bangalore as a software professional and later moved to my hometown vijayawada due to some family issues....

1 year ago
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A Casualty of Chance Part 5

The carnal session is briefly interrupted Kelli Zellers was mortified. Being naked on a motel room bed with a stranger's dick shoved up her ass was bad enough, but now there was a knock at the door and the other man in the room had turned to answer it. There wasn't nearly enough energy in Kelli's tank to pull herself off Rico's impaling shaft so she could run and hide. In fact there wasn't even enough time for Kelli to reach for a pillow to cover herself before Gerald grabbed the knob and...

Cheating Wife
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Starlight magic

* this is based on a true story I am Clair female30* Some things are destiny.. my aunt and I had always beeen close. So when she was a guest in our home that evening I was thrilled. . We could talk and have cookie dough I thought. .. she had other plans... seeing her winking. Was tantalizing.. she was beautiful.. her beating eyes.a sparking sight. She mad mystical... the week had been long and I was looking forward to a night of sleep. As I fell asleep.. surrounded in covers. Suddenly, I felt...

2 years ago
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Have you seen my bra

"Have you seen my 'Olga' pink bra?" Mother screamed across the house. I hate it when she does that. I was in my room with Jack, my best friend, playing 'Monopoly' when her screechy voice came across. "Who is she yelling at?" Jack asked. I had to admit that she was asking me. "Doesn't she know you have a guest over?" he wondered out loud. "I guess not, or she doesn't care. She likes to embarrass me for some reason. She thinks it's funny to ask me about her clothes and doesn't care...

3 years ago
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Losers WifeChapter 2

It was almost six in the morning when the door opened and Johnny stood framed in the hall light behind him. He came into the bedroom with the exaggerated care of a man who had had too much to drink. He tried to undress in the darkness, hopping clumsily from one foot to the other as he removed his trousers, until Laura spoke, her voice filled with shame and humiliation. "Turn on the light, Darling, it's alright. I'm awake." She had been awake since the exit of Mr. Rogers, and had cried...

1 year ago
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My Girlfriend Stole My Cock Day 2

Warm water running down my hairy chest, I can feel the water running along my pussy lips, "my pussy lips" I say softly, not even realizing or caring I said it aloud. I reach down and cup my mound, I gently graze my finger against my clit and instantly start getting aroused, but as I start working my clit the soreness from yesterday's activities comes back to me. I get out of the shower, dry off and walk towards my dresser. I pull open my top drawer and pull out a pair of my favorite...

3 years ago
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Almost Unconsciously

Janet was sitting at the desk in her room doing her math homework. She had been working on it for close to two hours now, and was beginning to think that if she had to factor one more algebraic expression, she was going to bang her head on the wall until it began to bleed. So she picked up her paper and pencil and tossed them onto the floor below her. Then, she grabbed her textbook and dropped it exactly on top of the work she had been doing, with the heavy textbook crinkling the edges of the...

1 year ago
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AssParade Canela Skin Katrina Moreno Great Day With Two Big Asses Anal

Today we got Canela Skin and the newbie Katrina Moreno visit us for some naughty fun. They both bring the big asses AssParade needs so it was a great day. We met on a bridge where we get the first tease before the girls met the stud to bring him back to the house where they start the action. They both share his cock as one places her big ass on his face.The girls take turns fucking the cock and Canela Skin shoves the cock right into her ass. They both fuck hard until they share his cum load at...

3 years ago
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A Night i will Remember 4 Ever

About six months ago I went to a transvestite bar and dance club in the centre of the city where I live. I was dressed in my sexiest all-leather shift minidress, sheer stockings and 4-inch stilettos, and my favourite blonde wig. I was fully made up with long false eyelashes and blue shadow, painted nails, and dark purple lipstick, and my most valuable gold necklace and large chunky earrings. Though I say it myself, I looked beautiful. I have a very good figure – I need to, in my line of work –...

2 years ago
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The Seven Year Itch

Copyright© 2003 by Carlos Malenkov Married life was all right, Al was thinking, but it did tend to get a bit monotonous. He and Martha had just celebrated their seventh anniversary. A show followed by a restaurant dinner with all the fixings, the obligatory champagne toasts, then off to bed. They made love twice that night. The second time, when he wakened in the early hours of the morning as she got up to pee, was better. She let him take her in the ass that time, and that was always extra...

1 year ago
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Were You Hit With a Slut Ray Book IChapter 12

“So, was it good for you?” I asked Pastor Amanda Jensen after we unwound from the church orgy. “Damn straight, it was! Suffice it to say that I would love to give you some more ... pastoral counseling, if you know what I mean. I don’t know if I’m ready to reject Christianity as such, given that it’s my livelihood, but I can definitely embrace a more ... permissive interpretation of Biblical morality. I guess that time will tell, right?” Amanda responded to me, getting laughs from the...

4 years ago
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Borrowing the rabbit

We had some friends over the other night for a dinner party; we’ve known them a long time and have gotten very close. Our three friends are also very close to one another, Clair is stunning and I have always had a bit of a thing for her and her enormous breasts, but her husband Gregg and I have been friends for a very long time and I wouldn’t want to step on his toes. Simon is Clair’s best friend and goes everywhere with them, we all get along really well but we’ve always suspected something...

3 years ago
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CastawayChapter 26

We sat on the couch and talked for a long time. Asmedogh left us alone, which I thought was enormously intelligent of him; he'd contributed all he could now, and it was up to us to work the rest out between ourselves. But he was no longer making moves to leave and get to his beacon. I picked up his water dish and glass and took them back to the kitchen, and set his food down there, too. For a couple of minutes Camilla marveled at the tidiness of his eating and drinking habits, but long...

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Alex Morton

The plane carrying Alex Morton touched down in Capitol City just after 9pm. He was on the plane only because his sister had sent him the ticket. Actually people didn't send tickets to each other, they purchased them on line. Then they mysteriously ended up at the ticket counter of the airline. After that Alex just showed his driver's license to get a boarding pass. He used that boarding pass to fly almost home. Alex knew, from all the news stories, to pack light. He had two changes of...

1 year ago
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Girls Night In Ch 05

‘Well since John was unable to keep his hands to himself, as instructed. Our friend will now be demonstrating another feature of his leather cuffs,’ Jennifer scolded me. I was instructed to lie on my back and a couple of pairs of hands guided me into the position they wanted before lifting my bound arms above my head. When my wrists were securely pressed to the floor someone dropped down and straddled my chest, holding each of my arms securely under their knees. Hands busily began to untie...

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Keith Johnson pushed the two wheeler filled with bins of supplies across the dirt parking lot towards the distant set of barns and stables. He was anxious to get set up before too many arrivals for today’s rodeo, and as a stable hand, he needed to be ready when the riders showed up. Behind him, his wife Heather was gathering her own supplies, arranging food in her coolers so that she could wheel them to the opposite side underneath the metal bleachers where her hot dog stand was located. She...

1 year ago
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Crimes Against Femmanity Part 4

EPILOGUE: It has been like over a year since I like last wrote to Sissy Life Magazine. Madam Editor has contacted me for a follow-up and I'm totally super excited! I write this as a very lucky and loving sissy daughter to an amazing Lawyer Mommy. The adoption process went just as smooth as Mommy promised, She's like always true to Her word! I will never forget the day Mommy came home with the official paperwork because it was the greatest day of my life! I heard Her key turn the...

3 years ago
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Blue Nightgown

Blue nightgownI was always ….well a little fucking pervert. I lusted after my sisters…their friends….their friends sisters….uh…I think you get it. Well, anyway….I had a couple of close comes….uh..Calls of sex of the old world order. You know..Caligula…..earlier Greece…hillbillies, I wanted to fuck my sisters. This is the story of the first time……is it real….you tell me. Long ago in a land far, far away….New York…..I was thirteen and had my own room for the first time. “The Penthouse” I...

2 years ago
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Finding you in my bed

I am wandering through the house and I'm feeling a inner need... deep down inside me I'm feeling a desire.I stop walking for a moment, look around - I'm currently in the living room - and I start to think about it.I notice how my dick starts hardening and my body is telling me I want to be deep inside a soaking wet pussy.I'm getting hornier and hornier every second and my HARD dick is pointing to the ceiling!I love this feeling... I can't wait to make a big cum shot! I have to get to my room as...

2 years ago
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James and SonChapter 10

After giving my son and my father time to bond, I continued taking Leo around to meet the rest of the family. He exchanged scents with them, they welcomed him with lips and tongues. Things were just getting started and most of the family hadn’t arrived yet, but there was already some pretty hot action happening around us. Leo wanted to offer up his ass to everyone he met, but I had priorities. We sat back and cuddled on a couch for a while, enjoying each other’s bodies with our hands. Then,...

4 years ago
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Fiona and the Hen Party

It was four years on from the momentous night when Fiona had been stripped and spanked by her daughter, Jenny and three of her eighteen year old school friends. ( see Mother and the Girls).All that time ago Fiona had asked Jenny to arrange her greatest fantasy. The fantasy was to be dominated by younger women who would seek to embarrass her. Photographs of Fiona being divested of her maid's clothing and being spanked had been taken by Mary, one of the school friends. After that evening...

2 years ago
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Living the Dream

It’s the same every night. I come home after a long day, weary of the world, sweaty and tired. The lights are off and a soft, flickering glow of candles emanates from the master bedroom. In the air, a hint of incense and perfume. I set down my tool box and coat, close my eyes and breathe deeply of the fragrance. A dark shape in the doorway. My angel, my dark haired goddess with eyes of liquid chocolate. Seductive and sensuous, she calls to me with her body. The gentle light caresses her body...

2 years ago
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Lady CharlotteChapter 5

It seemed that the day raced by, Anna preferring if school was never finished. She was to see Lord Michael in the library as soon as she got home. She had always associated the library with her father, going to it when she was younger, her father reading to her out of one of the hundreds of books that lined the bookcases. It would change today, Lord Michael to be punishing her in her father’s library. She never told anyone about the way he had fondled her body while punishing her. Or the way...

2 years ago
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The Erotic Christmas Wish

It was just a game. They played every time they were together. Christa always started it. They drank and went in a circle answering the question, ‘what is your one erotic wish?’ The answers were different each time, and Joanne always hated answering. She usually gave a lame answer that everyone knew wasn’t true. Christa and the girls always thought it was because she was somewhat of a prude. The truth was, Joanne was afraid if she voiced it, it might come true.Since it was a holiday they’d...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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Pet Shop PussyChapter 2

Living as she did in what had formerly been a rent-controlled apartment, quite a plum as far as the vast majority of Manhattanites were concerned, Pam had the added luxury of space, space which included a kitchen that not only had a window, but that was also big enough to easily hold a round oak dining table and four cane-backed chairs. Nearly all of her friends bemoaned their fate, the exorbitant rentals they paid in modern luxury buildings. And almost every one of them were forced to eat...

3 years ago
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Ana submits to a dominant black man

One night, after fucking like rabbits, my sweet wife confessed she was very aroused and willing to be fucked by one of our old neighbors, Sebastian, a huge black man we had met for years. Ana admitted she used to spy on him every time he was in his back yard; she got wet when he was around, exposing his bare huge muscled torso.The next afternoon I knocked at Sebastian’s door and asked him if he wanted to fuck my sensual wife. The black guy seemed to be a bit surprised but then he answered, of...

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The Maid Sanction

THE MAID SANCTION James and Anne Horlick were well matched in their marriage. She had always been a tomboy growing up and still liked to take charge of their relationship, which suited him. He was a kind and gentle man who didn't mind Anne's dominant nature and that she wanted him to be a house husband. She married him because she dearly loved his gentleness during sex and the fact that she was able to bend him to her will. She had a high powered job as chief executive in her...

4 years ago
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Broken PromisesChapter 46

“A nice visit then?” said Marian. I half smiled. “It was okay,” I said. “Julian?” she said. “Mister Coffee,” I said. “Our coffee maker?” she said. “No, my ancient nick name. Back in the day I drank more coffee than anybody. She called me that,” I said. Marian nodded. “Yes, I remember, now you say it. So?” she said. “Just brought back some memories of times that were, better than they got to be after the bad day,” I said. “Kind of a case of nostalgia. No biggee, really.” She nodded, but...

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