A Sailor's StoryChapter 3 free porn video

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On June 28, 2000, at the age of 37, I saluted the officer of the deck, stepped off the gangplank of the Ohio for the last time, and started towards the transportation center in order to catch the next bus into town. I watched as other members of my crew were met by loving wives and smiling kids. As I walked, I saw a face that sort of looked familiar. As we made eye contact I realized who it was. My mom was still as beautiful as ever; she still looked ten years younger than her age. When she saw the smile on my face, she approached me at a brisk pace and threw her arms around me holding me tightly.

"Mom, what are you doing here? Are you OK? Are you here alone? Where's William?"

"I'm fine; yes I'm here alone; William's back at home. And as to the reason why I'm here; I never got to see you off when you left for the Navy; I was damn not going to miss welcoming you back home. This way, I have a rental car, grab your things and let's get going. We have dinner reservations back at my hotel. You look so handsome in your summer whites, do you mind staying dressed that way for dinner?"

"Not as long as I'm dining with a beautiful woman like you. Besides, all I have left is my work clothes and they're pretty grungy."

As we entered the hotel, we got more than our share of looks; whether it was my dress whites or the beautiful blond on my arm I'll never know; but neither did I care. We had about an hour to kill before our dinner reservations and I hesitated when I asked if we should wait at the bar.

"Tom, I've been sober for more than nineteen years, but I'm a grown woman and I can handle being in a bar." We sat at a table and she ordered a club soda with a twist. "Please, Honey, have a drink; we're here for a celebration." I ordered a pint of Guinness. When the waitress brought our drinks, Mom lifted her glass and made a toast: "To my son; he turned out to be one hell of a man." We talked for over an hour, catching up on nearly twenty years worth of the things that don't get written in letters. They had indeed gotten married and had made themselves a wonderful life together. They had moved to Nebraska, where William was from, and had opened a retail shop and done quite well. They had sold the store when he turned sixty-two and after a couple of years had retired in Arizona.

At one point in the conversation I couldn't help but ask, "So Mom did you ever learn how to cook?"

With a chuckle and a gleam in her eyes, she shook her head and said, "No, but he never seemed to care." We both laughed and soon we were being called for dinner. I paid the bar tab, over her objections, and proudly walked her into the dining room, where the conversation continued. When the waiter brought our check, it was my turn to object when she grabbed it from my hand and charged it to her room. We walked out of the dining room, and I turned to kiss her good night.

"Tom, where are you going? You have no place to stay and it's too late to go anywhere. Why don't you just sleep in my room tonight?"

For a fleeting moment, visions of that night all those years ago, flooded into my brain, and I hesitated to give her an answer.

"Oh, please! I promise to be on my best behavior, and besides I'm old enough to be your mother." With a hearty laugh, she took my arm and led me to the elevator. When we reached her room I was relieved to see that there were two beds. We each showered and changed into our night-clothes, separately of course. I was already in bed, when Mom came out of the bathroom. I don't know why I did it, but as I heard the door open I looked at her just before she shut the light. She was back-lit by the light from the bathroom and her body, while more womanly than I had remembered, was still just as sexy.

"Good night, Mom," I said when I knew she was in her bed.

"Good night Tom. It's good to have you back again."

The next morning we had breakfast together. I told her of my plans for the immediate future. That I wanted to see this great country of ours and that, after being cooped up in a tin can for nearly two thirds of the last eighteen years, I wanted to do it on my terms and at my pace. I told her I planned to hitchhike all over the country, and that I was going to start by seeing Alaska.

"Please be careful. Will I ever see you again?"

"Of course, Mom; give me your address in Arizona, and maybe I'll surprise you someday."

"Call first," she said with a twinkle in her eye. "William can be such an animal sometimes; I think I created a monster."

I filed that under 'way too much information', then got serious and gave her a big hug and a kiss. "Thank you Mom, you can't image how much I enjoyed this time we had together."

"Me too Tom, me too," she said as the tears rolled down her cheeks. We parted company, each going our separate ways, each knowing that we had lost so much precious time, but thankful to have completely reconciled again.

I found a Sears store in a mall not too far from the hotel There I bought a pair of jeans to go with my navy work uniform; a couple of shirts, both long and short sleeved; a one-man tent, and a heavy duty back pack. I packed everything I could into the backpack, I had given my dress whites to Mom for safe- keeping, and anything that didn't fit in the pack was tossed into a bin for goodwill. I stood at the entrance to northbound Interstate 5 before a trucker stopped to pick me up.

"Where you headed, Son?" he said eyeing my USS OHIO cap.


"You on leave?"

"No I'm out for good; now I'm ready to see the USA."

"Come on, hop in. I can take you as far as Vancouver."

He dropped me off near an entrance to Canada's Route 1, but not before calling out on his CB and arranging for me to get picked up by another trucker who was heading to Fairbanks. I got picked up about an hour later; the trucker's name was Red. He was an older man, unshaven and overweight, but he proved to be a really nice guy, which was good, because the drive to Fairbanks was over forty hours long.

"Can you drive?"

"No, sorry. I have a drivers license, but I've been on a submarine for the last eighteen years, so I'm a little out of practice, and there's no way I could drive a rig like this."

"Too bad, we could have cut a day off our trip if you could drive."

For the next two days, Red would drive nearly eighteen hours a day, then pull off to the side of the road and get into the sleeping berth in the back of the cab. When the sun came up, he would head back out onto the road again. Being an experienced sailor, I could fall asleep standing up if I had to, so I had no trouble sleeping in the front of the cab with my head resting against the side window. There was no shortage of conversation during our trip. We talked about how he became a trucker, my life in the Navy, and any other topic that came to mind. It seemed that Red was just as happy to have me along as I was to get a ride.

When we reached the city limits of Fairbanks, Red explained that we first had to drive through the grounds surrounding Fort Wainwright, which took about twenty minutes. Soon, we were driving through the city. I had heard of Fairbanks before, and had pictured a much different place. At this time of year, if somehow you had been transported and found yourself standing on any of the streets in the downtown area, without looking at license plates you would be hard pressed to figure out where you were. You could be in any small city in almost any part of the country. There were small one-story houses, convenience stores, small two- and three-story office buildings, residential developments, and parks and museums.

I thanked Red, we shook hands and said our goodbyes, stepped down from the cab, slung my backpack over my shoulder and went exploring. To the south of the city I found a rather large river and a lot of open land covered with pine and fir trees. I set up my tent in an area near the river, at the end of a dirt road. From here, I could walk into town; have my meals and experience life in Fairbanks. During the day the temperature was in the high sixties and at night it dropped down into the low fifties.

I spent a day at the local branch of my bank, making arrangements to have my credit card tied into my savings account. I called Charlie Taylor, who had taken over my account when his Dad retired, and had him transfer ten thousand dollars from my money market account, where the dividends from my stock were being deposited, to my savings account. With all my financial business completed, I felt free to spend a little of my sailor's pay. I replenished my food supply, bought a CPO jacket at the Army/Navy store in town, and even splurged one night by staying in a bed and breakfast. It felt really good to sleep in a real bed again, if only for one night.

I stayed in Fairbanks for about three weeks and then I decided to go back to my original plan and head for Anchorage. Bright and early the next morning I packed up my campsite and headed south. After about a half an hour of walking, a guy in an old pickup stopped.

"Where are you headed?"


"Hop in; I'm going in that direction."

We drove for about an hour and a half, talking mostly about the weather and scenery; then he said, "Well, this as far as I can take you, from here it's about one hundred and fifty miles; just stay on the George Parks Highway and I'm sure someone will pick you up; eventually. Good Luck."

I got out of the truck, waved as he turned east, picked up my pack and headed south. There was very little traffic headed in my direction and the ones that were heading south didn't seem inclined to pick up a hitchhiker. I walked all day, through the nearly barren countryside. Out in the distance on either side of me I could see low mountain ranges, covered with trees. Along the road, a small river meandered from one side of the road to the other, then disappeared completely only to reappear a couple of miles later. I must have covered about thirty miles before I decided to leave the road and set up camp for the night. Even though it was only the end of September, the nights were all ready getting cold. That night, as I gazed up at the amazing display of stars, I spied a "shooting star" cross from the west to the east and I made a wish. 'I hope I get picked up tomorrow, otherwise I have four more days of walking ahead of me.'

The next morning I started out at sun-up. Traffic was still light and I had little hope that I would get a lift anytime soon. It was a little after one in the afternoon; I'd been walking for about five hours, when I decided to have a snack. I had a bag of trail mix and emptied my bottle of water. About a hundred yards to the right of the road I could see the river. 'I'd better refill my water bottle.' The water was cold and clear, so I filled it and snapped it back onto my belt. After another couple of hours, I stopped and took a drink. The road, at this point had climbed a low hill and I found myself standing at the top, looking down at the valley below. I watched as the old beat up pickup truck that had passed me only minutes before, headed east along what appeared to be a dirt road and soon disappeared leaving behind a cloud of dust. I took another long drink and resumed my trek south. It took me about a half hour to reach the turn off that the pickup had taken, when I suddenly felt a grumble in my gut and an intense pain. Panicking, I crossed the road and ran a short distance down the dirt road. I suddenly felt nauseous and up came the trail mix. After a few minutes I felt a little better and then suddenly I had an attack of a different sort. 'Oh, shit.' I dropped my pants, leaned against a tree and unloaded. When the crisis had passed, I cleaned up as best I could, pulled up my pants and took a couple of steps back towards the road, when I felt another attack coming on. Afterwards I thought 'There's no way I can go on now; maybe if I travel up this road, I can find the guy with the pickup and he can put me up for the night.'

I started up the road, which at times became only a path between trees and seemed to branch off in various directions. I stayed on what I thought was the right path for what seemed like a mile or so. With each step I felt weaker and weaker. I began to sweat and had another attack until I knew there was nothing left inside of me. The path turned to the right around an outcropping of rock and when I turned the corner I was confronted with a large hand painted sign: "Black Jack Mine No Trespassing".

Suddenly I heard the pump of a shotgun and a moment later a booming voice yell out, "Who the fuck are you? Can't read? Get out!" I looked, and just before I passed out, I thought I saw my mother, only bigger, pointing a shotgun at me.

I woke up in a strange bed; the room had no windows and was lit by a single candle. "Hello, is anybody here?"

Suddenly I heard a chair scrape along the floor and the body of a woman filled the doorway. "I see you finally woke up, Tom Walker; how are you feeling?"

"My head is killing me and my body aches, but other than that I'm fine. How do you know my name?

"From your driver's license, you're a long way from home back in Georgia."

My hand shot under the covers, searching for my wallet. Not only was my wallet missing; everything else I was wearing was missing as well.

"Don't worry. After I carried you back to the house, I had to get you out of your clothes, get you cleaned up and put you to bed. Your clothes are hanging in the shop; they should be dry by now."

I tried to get up, but when I did the room started to spin and I flopped back down onto the bed.

"Easy Tom, you've been out for two days. The fever broke last night, but you're going to feel really weak for the next couple of days. What did you do; drink the water from the river?"

"Yeah, I guess it was about an hour before you found me."

"I had the same reaction to it when I first came here with my husband and daughter. Your body gets used to the bacteria after a while, but in the beginning it hits you really hard. I boil most of our drinking and cooking water; it kills most of the bacteria."

"Can you please give me my clothes so I can get dressed and get going; I don't want to cause you anymore trouble?"

"No, I don't think I will. First of all, a cold front came through yesterday. Last night we got twelve inches of snow and it looks like we're going to get more tonight, so it won't be safe to travel anytime soon. Secondly, I have plans for you. I think you can help me with a problem I have. And finally, I've been awfully lonely out here since my husband died a couple of years ago; I certainly could use some company."

"Well can I at least have my clothes?"

"No, not yet; not until I'm sure that you won't try to leave."

"I can't walk around naked; what about your daughter?"

"You have nothing we haven't seen before; in fact, for a little guy, I'd say you've been truly blessed. And as for my daughter, she's eighteen and old enough to learn about men. For now, you just rest; I've got some things to do; I'll be later to check up on you."

She got up from the chair she was sitting in and as she started to walk towards the door I studied her more closely. She was tall, looked to be about six feet in height, but I didn't have any reference point to judge by except for the doorframe. She had blond hair, blues eyes and a hard, tough expression on her face -- until she smiled, which softened her features. Although she was wearing a flannel shirt, I could tell that she had broad shoulders and a large chest. Her waist was thick, as were her legs; her jeans were well-worn and clung to her like a second skin.

"I don't know your name."

"Katrina, but you can call me Kat, and my daughter is Ella."

"Where is she?"

"She's outside working; she'll be in later for dinner."

"Kat; thank you for helping me."

"There's no need for thanks. Here in Alaska, we help each other when we have a problem; it's the only way we can survive out here. Now get some rest."

I turned over and fell back to sleep.

When I woke up again, the candle was considerably shorter then it was before. I looked over at the chair and saw a shirt, a pair of underwear and my jeans. I guess Kat had had a change of heart. I got up, got dressed and walked out into a large room. It appeared to be a combination living- and dining-room. There was a small pot-belly stove in one corner; a table and four chairs were close by. On the other side was what appeared to be a very rustic, handmade leather sofa and two matching chairs. A small fireplace and chimney were centered on a wall. There was a door in the center of another wall, flanked by two windows, one on each side. They appeared to be the only windows in the house. I looked out one of the windows and was surprised to find that the house was actually situated in a cave with a large entrance, which let light in through windows. The front wall of the house appeared to be about three feet thick.

I opened the door and found myself in a small foyer. 'Ingenious, ' I thought, as I closed the door behind me before I opened the second door which led outside, 'it serves as an airlock, just like in a sub, but instead of keeping out the water, it help keep out the cold.' I stood on what served as the front porch; there were two rocking chairs and a small table. I was still at least ten feet inside of the cave, the roof of which protected the house from the elements. Outside, everything was pure white, covered with about a foot of snow, and it appeared to be starting to snow again. I turned around and re-entered the house.

Just then, Kat appeared from somewhere off to my left, carrying a large pot.

"I see you're up. Are you hungry, I made venison stew for supper?"

Realizing that I was I said, "I'm so hungry I could eat a bear."

"Sorry, we ate all the bear last week." She must have seen the expression on my face and burst out laughing. "We don't get many bear in this area, they stay closer to the larger rivers; better fishing. Let's get the rest of our meal ready, Ella will be back soon."

I followed her, admiring the way she walked. I had been pretty close; now standing next to her, I figured she was a little over six feet tall. From a wooden cabinet she pulled three large bowls and three sets of knives and spoons. I set the table as she cut large chunks of homemade bread. The smell from the pot of stew, which she had placed on the stove, was filling the room. I hoped that Ella would get here soon.

Suddenly I heard the pounding of boots, and a few moments later the sound of the outer door slamming shut. Two more minutes went by and then the inner door opened. I was staring at a carbon copy of Kat, only bigger. Ella was at least six inches taller than her mother, more than a foot taller than me. She had the same blond hair and blue eyes and she was very pretty.

"Ella, why don't you show Tom where the shower and the outhouse are while I finish getting dinner ready."

"Sure, Mom; just let me get a change of clothes." She left the room for a few moments and returned with her clothes rolled up under her arm. She put on a pair off moccasins just as Kat handed me a pair.

"Come on, Tom; follow me." She grabbed my arm and practically pulled me across the room and out of the house.

We walked off to our left through a small opening between two rocks, down a short tunnel and emerged in a second, smaller cave. At one side was a small waterfall, forming a pool of water at its base. The water from the pool flowed across the back of the cave and down into a small alcove about thirty feet away, a crude but effective seat was built into a thick board that spanned the running water beneath; which continued to flow out of the cave.

After I inspected this indoor-outhouse I turned and started walking back to the shower. Apparently Ella was not the least bit embarrassed about her body. While I was gone she had stripped off her work clothes and was now standing completely naked, the water cascading down over her head as she lathered her body with a bar of soap. Instantly my body reacted to her nakedness, my cock coming alive. Her big breasts seemed to defy gravity, each topped with a large erect nipple, and her pussy was tufted with blond hair. But it was the size of her arms and shoulders that caught me the most by surprise. As she soaped up her head, the muscles seemed to explode out of her thick arms. I watched spellbound as she turned her back to me. I could see the muscles of her back ripple as she moved, and her ass was tight and well formed. There didn't appear to be any fat on her body.

Quickly, before she turned around, I ran back the way we came, slowing down when I was out of sight, praying for my erection to subside so I could re-enter the house. I took my moccasins off before I went inside. When I looked into Kat's eyes she smiled at me and laughed.

"From the color of your cheeks, I can assume you've discovered that Ella is not at all shy about undressing in front of strangers. Don't worry, I'm not mad. In fact, that is part of the problem that I want you to help me with. You see, Ella has always been around nudity. When she was growing up her father and I hardly ever dressed when we were in the house. We weren't ashamed of our bodies and didn't see any reason to hide ourselves from Ella. When her father died, Ella and I just continued the practice. The only reason we're dressed now is because you're here. I figured you'd be more comfortable if we put on clothes rather than have you remove yours."

I heard the outer door open and turned just in time to see Ella shut the door behind her; her hair was still wet and her shirt was only half way buttoned exposing almost half of her substantial breasts. "There you are; I was hoping you found your way back here. I didn't see you come back from the outhouse, I must have missed you when I was washing my hair." Kat gave me a knowing smile and turned her back to us as she finished with her preparations.

"Please sit; Tom, you sit here across from Ella."

She placed a large bowl of the stew at each place setting; there was bread and corn on the cob. The stew was very meaty, along with potatoes and sliced carrots. It was delicious.

"Isn't my Mom a great cook?"

"It's wonderful," I replied, forcing myself to look away from Ella's chest and into Kat's eyes.

After dinner, I helped Ella clear the table, but when I offered to help Kat with dishes, she told me to stay and keep Ella company. We went into the living room section but, before we sat down Ella, took me by the hand and led me to her room. "This is my room; it's basically the same as Mom's as you can see." I looked around the room. There was a large bed, a chest of drawers and a chair, just like the other room. That's when it hit me: if these were the only two bedrooms, where was I going to sleep tonight?

We returned to the living room and sat next to each other on the sofa. I had to admit it was very comfortable. We talked for a while, I told her that I had just gotten out of the Navy and that I had served on a submarine, which she thought was really cool. She asked if there were any women in the crew and when I told her that they don't let women serve on subs, she gave me a puzzled look and asked why. "Because," I told her, "it would cause a lot of problems, they would have to redesign the sub to put in separate bathrooms, showers and sleeping quarters and that would take away from the space needed for other equipment, and it would cause a lot of sexual tension having men and women living together in such close quarters.

"I don't know why the women couldn't just use the men's bathrooms and showers. I know that's what I would do." I laughed as I imaged her trying to fit into our sleeping berths and the riot she would cause taking a shower; fights would break out trying to get in the shower next to hers. That's when I realized just how young and naïve she was.

She suddenly changed the subject to her mother, telling me all the great things about her. How her Mom and Dad had settled out here in the middle of nowhere; how they had built the house; what a great cook she was; and how lonely they've been ever since her father had died. I had the strangest feeling that she was trying to hook me up with her mother and that Kat was trying to hook me up with her daughter.

I asked her what she was doing today. After a slight hesitation, she said, "Well, this morning I chopped down a couple of trees and carried them back to the shop where I split them for firewood. I brought some wood into the cookhouse for Mom. And in the afternoon, while she still in Fairbanks, I worked the mine; carrying buckets of dirt up to the sluice box, looking for gold."

At that moment Kat re-entered the house, smiled at us both and went into her bedroom. I watched her as she straighten up the bed and, figuring that this was as good a time as any, I asked, "Kat, this is your bed; where am I going to sleep tonight?"

"Right here with me," she said with a smile.

"If you want, I can sleep on the sofa."

"And why would I want you to do that? There's plenty of room on the bed, and if you're thinking about getting out of line, I'm warning you right now, nothing is going to happen in this bed unless I want it to happen. I suggest you make a trip down to the outhouse now, while the air is still relatively warm in there, because by the middle of the night it can get pretty cold. Oh, and you better take a candle with you; the one I put in there this afternoon was getting pretty low."

I did as she suggested, and afterwards, as I dipped my hands in the pool of water to wash up, I was surprised to find that the water was very warm. When I returned to the house, I saw that Ella's door was closed and when I entered Kat's bedroom I found her lying on one side of the bed under the covers. I was about to get undressed, planning on sleeping in my shorts, when I realized that the candle was still lit. I crossed the room and was about to blow it out, when I heard Kat whisper, "Don't; I want you to be able to see." Thinking she meant so I won't bang into anything, I left the candle, took off my shirt and jeans, and pulled back the covers so I could get into bed. In the flickering light of the candle I could see that Kat was completely naked and just that alone sent the blood surging to my cock.

"Tom, just take them off too, and come to bed, please."

As if in a trance I did as she asked and soon I was snuggling up next to her magnificent body. "Tom, it's been a long time since I've had a man in my bed, I'm a little nervous."

"Kat, I'm just as nervous as you are; it's been a long time for me as well. In the navy, aboard a sub filled with men you have a tendency to bury those kinds of desires. For me, I buried them really deep. Being here with you and Ella has brought them back up to the surface; I hope I won't be a disappointment."

I slipped under the covers and felt the heat radiating off of her body. One of her long arms snaked under my shoulders and pulled me close; soon I found myself lying on top of her. Our lips locked in a sweet embrace. My hand caressed her shoulder and slid down her body coming to rest on her breast. It felt heavy and solid; her long hard nipple poked into my palm. A soft moan escaped her lips as I felt her arch her back trying to force more of it into my hand. I took her nipple between my thumb and finger and gently rolled it back and forth. Kat broke the kiss and hissed, "Suck on my tits," as she pushed me down her body.

I took the nipple between my lips, and flicked it with my tongue, occasionally nipping on it with my teeth. I switched to the other nipple and repeated the process. I slid my body off to her side, still attached to her nipple, and my hand moved lower down her body. I felt her legs open granting me access to her pussy. With an open hand, I gently rubbed, up and down her lips. I could feel the heat emanating from her, as her hips gyrated up off the bed. Her hand suddenly grabbed hold of my cock and alternately squeezed and pulled quickly bringing me dangerously close to the point of no return. I slipped two fingers into her already dripping opening, as I bit down on her nipple. Her ass flew up off the bed, her body shook, and the hand that was holding me squeezed me so hard that I was momentarily fearful that Kat might pull it right off my body as she let out a low guttery moan. Time seemed to stop. There was nothing except Kat and me. And then she stiffened and fell back down on the mattress.

I felt her hand slowly and gently move along my length. "Kat, please, I can't control myself much longer."

"Then don't," she responded as she turned me over onto my back and moved up over me kneeling between my legs. Leaning forward, she moved her hand down and her mouth over the head, her tongue circling the crown.

"Oh God Kat, I'm cumming, I'm cumming," I yelled as I surrendered to her onslaught of my over-stimulated cock. I felt the pressure of her sucking increase as I exploded. It felt as if she was turning me inside out. Momentarily emotionally and physically exhausted, I collapsed back onto the bed as Kat sat back, and smiled her hand still wrapped loosely around my cock.

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Sailors in Silk, Chapter 10B - By: Beverly Taff List of Characters. Myself. Madeleine, a very effeminate and pretty she-male who is vigorous and entire. Elizabeth My erstwhile long term sapphic partner. Azure Our wise Moorish doctor and herbalist. Thomasina Once called Timothy a deck boy who was injured and castrated by an exploding cannon. Davinia Once called David but also injured and castrated by the same exploding cannon. Najanga. An African Princess, freed from...

2 years ago
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Sailors in Silk Chapter 11B

Sailors in Silk, Chapter 11 B ? By: Bevetly Taff List of Characters. Myself: Madeleine, a very effeminate and pretty she-male who is vigorous and entire. Elizabeth: My erstwhile long term sapphic partner. Azure: Our wise Moorish doctor and herbalist. Thomasina: Once called Timothy a deck boy who was injured and castrated by an exploding cannon. Davinia: Once called David but also injured and castrated by the same exploding cannon. Najanga: An African Princess, freed from...

2 years ago
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Sailors in Silk Chapter 12B

Sailors in Silk, Chapter 12B - By: Beverly Taff Characters: Myself: Madeleine, a very effeminate and pretty she-male who is vigorous and entire. Elizabeth: My erstwhile long term sapphic partner. Azure: Our wise Moorish doctor and herbalist. Thomasina: Once called Timothy a deck boy who was injured and castrated by an exploding cannon. Davinia: Once called David but also injured and castrated by the same exploding cannon. Najanga: An African Princess, freed from a slave...

1 year ago
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Sailors First

It all started when my ship was in San Francisco for repairs. My buddy who was a Marine decided to go into town and see what was happening. At that time there was a place for servicemen the Marine Hotel, it was a lay over place for service men who were being deployed. We entered the bar and were having a drink when we started talking with this guy who we thought was a serviceman lets call him BIll. First let me describe this guy he was about 6'2 260 lbs looked like a football player. Never...

4 years ago
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Sailor Moon The Rise of Demons

Sailor Moon - The Rise of the Demons By: Night Creeper and SethiteDisclaimer: All of the Naoko Takeuchi characters are owned and created by Naoko Takeuchi. And even though I have tampered with some of the storylines and backgrounds established by Naoko Takeuchi, they are still owned by Naoko Takeuchi. Any resemblances to actual people are coincidental and unintentional. And remember, this story is used for entertainment and not profit. If it is illegal for you to read something that only ADULTS...

1 year ago
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Sailor Moon v Wonder Woman

Author: slaveboyusa Please send comments to: [email protected] Date: 9/19/2009 Title: Sailor Moon v. Wonder Woman        Wonder Woman choose to fly her invisible jet to Japan. She was more than a woman, she was an amazon and she deserved better than to sit in a crowded plan next to a fat man and a crying kid. Peanuts and a soda? No thank you. Wonder Woman would enjoy the abundant leg room of her private jet and land it in a semi-secluded air strip in Japan. She was on her way to visit the...

1 year ago
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Sailor Moon Rise and Shine

Disclaimer: I do not own "Sailor Moon" and characters from it. It belongs to Naoko Takeuchi and Kodansha. I don't make a money on this fanfiction                Warning: story contains forniphilia (turning humans into objects). If you don't like it, stop reading now, for your own good.You can read more of my Sailor Moon stories at Ade's Cave and Adult.fanfiction.net under the nickname Daughter of Satan.Sailor Jupiter - Rise and ShineEverything was returning to her, but very slowly. She could...

2 years ago
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Sailor Boy Pimping

“Stand over here by this park bench. I have to go across Decatur Avenue onto the dock and meet him. It will be rough. He was quite crude and demanding in our e-mail exchanges. He’s been at sea for months. But it’s a lot of money—for both of us. And good experience for you when we do this again. It’s OK with you, isn’t it, Harry?” I looked up into Jake’s face. “Yes, it’s OK,” I said. And it was OK. I’d give Jake anything he wanted as long as he liked me and was good to me. I hadn’t had an older...

2 years ago
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Sailor Girl

Author's Note: The final chapter. This series ended up being short. I like it that way. Sailor Girl by Hazel M Deirdre stared at her reflection in the dresser mirror. There were still some traces of Derek, but they were barely noticeable. It was three days since Cathy had blackmailed her. She figured, if she was going to be girl, she might as well enjoy herself. She had taken some time off to make a few changes. The woman in the mirror was slightly more voluptuous than two days...

2 years ago
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Sailor Girls

*****************************************************************                                      STANDARD DISCLAIMER                                      ===================The following piece of fiction is intended as ADULT entertainment and has been posted only to an age appropriate area of the Internet. If it is found in any other place this is not the responsibility of the author.All characters in this story are fictitious, any similarity to persons living or dead is purely...

1 year ago
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Sailor Moon Uhoh

I am a professional erotic writer. Please visit my webpage www.CustomErotica.net to join my mailing list or view my full archive. I also offer erotic writings customized to your personal reading pleasure! Each month I will update the site with personalized commissions (providing the purchasing parties agree to public publication) Visit my website for several discounts! -- I retain all rights of my writings as intellectual property -- They sat together in young Tsukino’s living room....

3 years ago
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Sailor II

PLEASE REMEMBER THAT ENGLISH IS NOT MY LANGUISH ;SO I USE GOOGLE TRANSLATE TO SOME OFF IT Day 2 after my first meeting with JimI woke up in the morning at 5 am when it was time to get started with the day's work, at that time I was a cook student on board a Danish freighter. and my dough every morning included a bake of fresh bread for the crew  I stretched myself in the bed and felt I was lying on something hard, it was my dildo that I had enjoyed in my asshole when I got home, I thought,...

2 years ago
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Making My Boss My Fuck Buddy Part 3

Hello everyone, this is Banner, 28 years old. Thank you for loving my previous stories and valuable likes and dislikes. Your love and support encourage me to write more about our steamy sex. Not wasting much time, enjoy reading. Thank you. After that steamy sex session: Ria: Baby, this was the best sex session of my life. I don’t know in the future I will be able to have such a session again. So thank you for all your love. I love being with you and get fucked by you. You’re the best fuck buddy...

4 years ago
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A WellLived Life Book 3 PiaChapter 13 Aftermath Annie ABBA and the ABC80 Part I

September 1979, Hovås/Göteborg, Sweden After my short nap, I took a bit of time to collect my thoughts before I called the girls. As I was doing that, Suzana came in to my room. “Are you OK?” she asked. “Yes, I’m a little better now, thanks. I’m sad, but I think I’ll be OK,” I sighed. “I need to call my sister and my two friends who knew about this and let them know.” “Some people knew about this?” “Yes, people who I could trust not to tell my parents.” “Including your little...

1 year ago
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Amys First Time

I was a high school sophomore of sixteen when I met the guy who would take my virginity.  I knew he would be older because I wanted an experienced lover to teach me the ropes and no ordinary high school boy would be the one to fill that role.  I knew sixteen was problematic, but I looked every bit of eighteen and was confident that I could navigate the issue.  Tall and dark-haired with green eyes, he was physically a perfect match for my ideal candidate.  I guessed him to be maybe twenty-two or...

First Time
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An Unexpected Visitor

It was during the time of my college years that I was on the down low, my room mate Daryl would wake me in the morning during his physical exercises. That boy would do five hundred sit-ups and two hundred push-ups. I would lay there pretending to be asleep as he worked up a sweat, so many times he would leave the room to go and shower and I would dream as how it would be for the two of us to engaged in wild sexual acts. This morning classes were canceled due to heavy storms approaching our...

3 years ago
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The Pussy ShowChapter 2

"They love YOURS, Carol. But what about mine?" "Hmmm. Let me see it." I heard the sound of a zipper and then silence for a few moments and then female giggling. "Well," it was Carol's voice, "It's a nice one. But let's go to my trailer and I'll trim it real pretty for you." I would have loved to see that, but when I followed them to Carol's trailer, I found the door was locked and the blinds were all drawn. I stood there, by the screen window of Carol's bedroom, listening. I...

2 years ago
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Frigate CoveChapter 4 A Permanent Solution

It was two weeks after Glynnis started her new job, Friday afternoon to be exact, when she approached Cam. "Here, this is rent for Jamie and me," she said, passing a number of twenties to a surprised Cam. "No, Glynnis ... no! You're a guest here, not a tenant. Take this back," he said, pushing the money back at her. "I am a tenant, Cameron Stuart, and I always pay my way. The free days are over. I'll be looking for a place to rent as soon as the next paycheck arrives. I can afford...

2 years ago
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Becoming the office slut stage 4

It was about 30 seconds between me reaching my desk on Monday and the first shot of my naked pussy arriving in my inbox. Lisa had taken it from behind so that the thin strips of dark blue lace in the crotch-less panties framed my open pussy. You could see I was a little turned on, my lips were slightly swollen and a hint of moisture was visible. I felt a stir in my groin, I was learning to love being treated like this. The second email was a minute behind it, my nipples the main focus of this...

3 years ago
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I Married My Thulasi Aunty

Hi, this is Murthy from Chennai, i am 26, well built, studying bsc, i am stying with my uncle and aunty house in chennai, my aunty name is thulasi, she is 45 of age, and a perfect milf, heavy boobs, super thoppal, super kundi (ass), she is black in colour, her ass and boobs are most precious asset of her body, she is damn sex bomb, whenever she walks her boobs and ass swing like heaven, wow wow wow i just love her, she speaks Tamil very clearly sexy way, one day i was getting to college she...

1 year ago
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A Convenient ArrangementChapter 8

After that monumental fuck we all returned to the pool and lazed about, drinking soda or iced tea. Ken got the barbeque pit going. The girls raided the fridge and brought out dogs and burgers and very soon there was a real cook out happening. Little Betty walked a little funny but she and Geri hung round me while Nina acted as my official feeder. Then who should turn up halfway through the party but Cora, Tessa and Jason with a very subdued Dora in tow. Like I said, she was a very beautiful...

2 years ago
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A word with you Boss

As I was sitting at my desk in my office, my secretary Olivia entered and I noticed she was not dressed in her usual scrubs; but she was clad in a sexy black skirt and a tight fitting white top. I commented that she looked quite sexy. Olivia then surprised me; as she bent over and showed me a tiny black string that barely covered her dark rosebud hole…After the routine of Tuesday’s meeting, Olivia begged if she could have a quick word with me. She walked in front of me into the ladies’ room and...

1 year ago
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MILF Hunter

My dad and mom loved to play Bridge, and they had a group of three other couples–their Card Club– who played together every week at our house. I was very interested in learning the game. When I turned sixteen, my parents let me watch them play. Occasionally, I got a chance to sit in for a few hands, while one of the men took a break to make drinks or go to the bathroom. I was an apt pupil and picked the game up quickly. Although my bidding was a bit quirky, I discovered I had a natural aptitude...

2 years ago
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Lori and Jonah A Seduction

Author’s Note: This is not a quickie, so if you want instant gratification, this probably isn’t for you. This is longer, and a little more about anticipation than quick satisfaction. I hope you enjoy. If you would like me to write more, tell me so please. Feel free to vote or leave a comment. Thank you and happy reading! — Today is a typical Monday in Honors Biology. Who cares about punnett squares, recessive genes, and phenotypes? Not me, at 18 I care a lot more about my social life. I like...

3 years ago
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First Class Flight

I had to fly to Anchorage once for a State Fire Service awards ceremony. Because it was an official function, I had to wear my dress uniform. It was a bit of a hassle getting through security, but I made it.On the plane, my uniform drew plenty of stares and more than one whisper. I figured it would, and brushed them off. That is, until one very pretty stewardess came up to me."Excuse me, but are you a firefighter?' she asked in hushed tones."Yes, I am. I'm on my way to Anchorage, in fact.""I...

4 years ago
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We Say Goodbye

Liz was perfect of mind and body. She stood a beautiful five and a half feet tall with brown eyes and hair and a dark complexion. She appeared to be tanned all of the time. She had perfectly flat stomach and a pair of monster boobs, as well as, an equally massive ass which led into womanly legs. You know, legs with substance, not fat but not toothpicks either. And smart, oh my yes, she was a straight A student. If Liz had a flaw it was, believe it or not, lack of self confidence. Which may...

3 years ago
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Sods LawChapter 11

Thursday 22nd August 1985 Life went on for another three weeks. I got round to advertising for a tenant to fill Harry’s place without much hope of many replies, but was surprised when Annette Furlong applied. She was a medical student and came from a fairly wealthy family. The residents were impressed with her and she moved in on the 1st of September. It was Thursday 22nd August that Fred eventually got back to me. I had to buy him dinner! He said it was very difficult and involved some...

1 year ago
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Forbidden FantasiesChapter 8

Karen’s seduction of their son was not going as well as she hoped. Despite the teasing and flaunting of her breasts, Bobby did nothing more than get an eye full and head to his room and lock the door. Karen was getting desperate. She would have become more blatant and even asked him to have sex with her if Bill had not insisted that Bobby must make the next move that let them know he wanted more from his mother. If all he wanted was a titty show that he could jerk off to then that is as far...

2 years ago
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cheerleader mistake

Eighteen year-old, blond, cheerleader captain Leah waved to the other girls as they got into Sandy’s car. Kimberly rolled down the back window and asked, "You sure you don’t want me to stay and help Lee?""No," Leah answered. "You know Brad will be waiting at the party for you, just go and have fun. I’ll be along later.""Okay, see ya then," yelled Kimberly as the car pulled away.Leah watched only for a moment as the car sped out of the lot, then shut and locked the door. She really did want to...

4 years ago
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Of Wine And Pearls

The hospital Amy works for had its annual awards banquet recently.We had to go because Amy was getting a 10-year employee plaque. It was a semi-formal soiree, so we both dressed up very nicely. I’m average height and weight, in my 40s and I wear my curly auburn hair at my shoulders. I would have looked stupid trying to dress as if I was 30, so I wore a plum knee length knit skirt, a matching cowl-neck knit top, and a pair of pumps. I also wore a double strand of pearls that found an interesting...

2 years ago
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What would you do

You are driving down an empty road. The area around you is completely barren. Suddenly, the engine of your car sputters, and dies. You pull off to the side of the road, clamber out of your car, and pop the hood. Your face is greeted by a rush of steam and smoke. Once the smoke clears, you examine the engine. You don’t notice anything out of place, but you smell a faint aroma of gasoline. Looking more closely, you notice that your gas tank is punctured and a large pool of gas is spilling out.

3 years ago
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Double TearsChapter 105

“We’re actors—we’re the opposite of people!” —Tom Stoppard, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead I’ll never be an actor, but I discovered I love performing. The first weekend of the Renaissance Festival taught me that. Our ‘stationary’ performance venue was a place called The Three Oaks. It was actually just one tree that split into three trunks. I don’t think it was even an oak tree. Someday I’ll go back to Kansas and find the other tree. Two? You say there are more than two trees in...

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Runners dilemma

Why? I can’t say. I don’t know why. But I what I did and I don’t regret it a bit. I run with a co-ed club. It’s a fun bunch, some fast, some less so. We finished our run and everyone was standing around chatting, stretching and cooling off. And it was hot. Too hot. My shorts and tank top were soaked with perspiration. I tried toweling off to no avail. The idea of getting into my car, literally dripping with sweat, saturating my leather seats, was not appealing.I parked in the far corner of the...

3 years ago
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Pregnant Whore Next Door An Adult Story

It had been awhile since I had fucked another women besides my wife. We had moved about a month ago to a new part of town. The houses were still under construction and there were 4 houses at the end of our circle. I had made some money on a Internet company and decided to take some time off. My wife still had a good job and we had been married for about 2 years.We had met at a swinger / sex party. I had come with a girl from work who wanted to hook up with other guys but needed a date to get...

2 years ago
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Derek and Amy Matt makes three

My lover and my husband are in separate rooms changing into the clothing I've laid out for them. When they're finished they'll come into the library where I'm sitting waiting for them. This will be the first time they've touched each other and I'm not going to miss a minute of it. I'm sitting in a big padded chair diagonal to the door. My husband, Matt, comes in first. He looks more comfortable in his dress than I ever imagined he would. The dress I picked out for him reminds me of that...

3 years ago
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Billionaire and the SisterhoodChapter 82 The Core Family Grows Again

Mark Ryan looked worried after we shook hands and sat down at the bar in the Club Infinity. He’d accepted my invitation for a ‘confidential talk’ for a half-hour or so at the club. I wanted to see how things were going there in any case, and I wasn’t sure what Ryan felt. I explained right away, “My reason for talking with you is nothing bad, especially from your point of view. You may even consider it very good. I have an idea about our family and I want to get your input on it – and your...

2 years ago
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cuckold lifestyle 32

I don't know if it is possible for MY wife to cuckold my friends. Let me explain , we had a party at our home back in June, It was a Saturday , it was hot, and there was a lot of people here. My wife was wearing a short denim skirt and a bikini top, she also was wearing a pair of highhill sandals. As always her dark tanned legs where the center of attition for all the guys, even the married ones. I know for a fact almost every man here at one time or another has fucked my wife. I caught the...

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Time at Youth1

"Anah, what are you doing here so early?" I asked hugging her back. "Well, you usually get here before anyone else does, and I didn't have anything to do, so I thought I'd come and hang out. We don't nearly spend enough time with each other," she said looking up at my withbig soft blue eyes that were complimented by both her long blonde hair and bright orange high school sweater. Nodding my head in agreement, a gently moved a loose strand of hair from her face, "Have I ever...

3 years ago
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Father in LawChapter 6

Christ, her cunt was like a fucking drainpipe. I dived in, my face went in her gash as she squeezed their spunk out. I swallowed what I could, but she was humping my face and coating me with their goo, I fucking loved it! After I’d finished licking her out, everyone sat down and carried on as normal. Well, Bibi served some more drinks and snacks, her tits were out and her skirt up around her waste, spunk was drying on the inside of her thighs. My dress was around my waist from both top and...

3 years ago
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DoceoChapter 4 Getting it all out in the Open

I lay in bed listening to my alarm clock, letting my thoughts drift back over the last few weeks. I realized that this was the first time in five years I'd lived in the same place for so long. My relationship with The Girls was improving, and it felt good to finally be putting down roots and building friendships. Client relationships were nice, but it was hard to let my self get too close to someone I'd likely never see again. I was still curious about what it was like to grow up outside...

4 years ago
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My neighbor the dog walker

This may be a little longer but it's worth it!!!!! Every year as the morning temperature starts to rise I make it a morning ritual to walk out onto my deck stark naked. I get up for work at the same time everyday and, if the temperature permits i drain my semi erect cock off the side of the deck. 2 summers ago.....before I had quit smoking.... I would occasionally take a smoke after peeing. 1 morning I noticed the neighbor's dog was out doing his...

3 years ago
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Jill becomes a Hot Wife Ch 1

My name is Randy, my wife is Jill. This story is how we made our lives exciting and probably saved our marriage. We had been married almost 8 yrs now and our sex life was dull at best. Jill was not very open about sex and sometimes she even acted as if it were dirty and disgusting. When I tried to talk about it and give her ideas, to get her to open up a bit, she would get mad and accuse me of not loving her the way she was. One day she was shopping at the mall and she saw a young...

3 years ago
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Slut Week Day 1 The contest has started

If you would like to read part one before this, it will help with the story. Please score and comment and check out my other stories too!Amy and I moved to a table in the corner, carrying our Unexpected Surprise cocktails with us. We needed a little time to plan. We both knew how slutty the other could be, and both knew that we wanted to win, but we wanted to have fun on the way. Amy is one of the best people to know in Manchester (which is where I live). She knows just about everyone, can get...

Straight Sex
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Sexy Night

Hiiii friends… I am regular reader of ISS…Really I like many real stories…I am going to tell my dream sex life… My name browneyes (name changed)… Now I am working in Mumbai, I am having true lover she is not just lover my wife and also my second mother…. just crazy abt her and her love on me.. If I can’t call her, she will not do any work.. To realise her love I fought wit her often..She is simply superb gal, very homely,very much attracting figure and speech… I fell in love bcz of her...

1 year ago
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What’s your Stay Home POV? If you’re like a lot of motherfuckers, you’ve spent the last year or so working from home or just watching TV all day. It’s been shitty if you’re used to going out, doing things, or interacting with other humans, but hey, at least we’ve all had a lot of extra time for whacking off. I’m sure you know that as well as I do, otherwise you wouldn’t be here and you wouldn’t have the ol’ Fleshlight all lubed up, dripping on the carpet and ruining your security deposit.Do you...

Premium POV Porn Sites
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A night that changed two lifes for the good

Well how to start i got a call from an (old friend) i had not seen in years and he was in a town about 150 miles from me for a day or two and wanted to see me that night if i was free and i was, so arranged to meet at 8pm in a bar of his hotel. Now what to wear going for hot and sexy look me thinks ok black bra and matching thong short skirt and top and my black thigh high boots and after a long bath and war paint on i am ready to go. So on way and my little old reno dies on the road between...

1 year ago
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1000Facials Alura Jenson Don8217t Tell Your Dad

Busty blonde milf Alura Jenson wants to fix things with her stepson. He’s a little upset with her since he used to have fun with her back at the strip club where she worked. And now he has to face the fact that she married his father and is now his new stepmom. But Alura wants to make things right and take really good care of her new stepson’s needs. Like busting his nut all over her face. She pulls out his cock and starts to swallow it down her throat before stroking it with her...

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Surprised Mom Married Again Blacked

My name is Joy. Let me first start off with by telling a little about myself. I am a freshman at the University of Texas and studying to be a nurse. I have been living on campus and it has been okay so far. I might not be a model but I have no problem finding a man either. I'm 5'8 and a brunette. My hair stops right at my shoulders. I'm a 36c in bras. I don't have a problem finding a man but I been so busy. Despite what movies and TV has taught me college has not been non stop partying and sex...

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a slaves journey

It was a beautiful day, the day I was taken. I had gone to the market with my friends as we often did in the morning. I knew nothing about what would occur, everything was decided without me knowing anything. It was nothing unusual in that. This kind of matters were never discussed with girls like me. Even if it would affect you profoundly. I was together with my friends sitting by the fountain relaxing a little after having finished the shopping. As always we had lots of things to...

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Wake Up Written by Tiffany

This is a story that was written specifically for me by my best friend Tiffany. This is her work and I'm very proud of her*********************** So you are visiting me on vacation, but regardless of how much I would love to just hang out with you, I have classes that I have to attend…Waking up next to you, my naked body pressed up against yours, looking at you for a second, and then reaching for my phone. Seeing what time it was, knowing that if I didn’t get up and dressed I’d be late for...

1 year ago
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Debt consolidation

"Please don't cry, Mrs. Moore," consoled loan officer Jackson Tydman, "this is strictly business, but unless you can come up with $400.00 by this Friday, we're going to have to repossess your car, and that's all there is to it!" Sitting in a chair across from Jack's desk, Nancy Moore was fighting to control her emotions, and unfortunately was failing miserably. Tears rolled down her cheeks as she tried to explain to Mr. Tydman that without a car, her husband Joe would lose his job as a...


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