RetreadsChapter 38 free porn video

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The defense force had a long way to go. The ships were coming along nicely but we were desperately short on people. No matter how automated or how much the AI's handled, it still required people to occupy the stations and make decisions. A destroyer alone required a complement of over a hundred. We already had more ships than there was personnel to run them. Hel, dad and mom were running a friggin' battleship!

They were beautiful ships, though. Monika and Philip (George and Gail's twins) had come up with some pretty vicious weapons for them, too. The ion cannon, particle beam laser, and plasma torpedoes, and nukes seemed very effective.

The pictures of the palace hadn't done it justice. The place was huge! It had appeared to be a towering structure on the screen but that was only half of it. The construction material had come from below it and the thing went down as far as it did up.

The entire side facing the ocean was transparent and went well below the surface of the water. It was also practically empty. When fully staffed, all of the offices for the interplanetary government would be here. This included housing for every employee and representatives from member planets.

There were even quarters for the Ambassador of the Ronir. Even when staffed the place would still be only one third filled. A large percentage had been set aside for expansion. We were still exploring for other habitable planets.

I loved my office. My mom had created every piece of furniture in it. Grandpa would have been proud and from the hug I received when I told her, the thought must have meant a lot.

I was quickly bored beyond capacity before long. There was really nothing for me to do since every conceivable detail had already been attended to before I arrived. Finally, I convinced a few people to do some traveling to help out the exploration fleet.

All of my wives joined me along with several of our children and friends as we headed for M67. This is a large star cluster located in the constellation Cancer and had not been examined yet due to the sheer volume of space left unexplored.

There were several sun-like stars in this system and we probably wouldn't even make a dent in it on the first trip. We had only checked the first possibility and were barely over the disappointment when Brianna, who was at the navigator's station, exclaimed "holy shit, I think I found a ship... And it ain't one of ours!"

Brian was on comms and added "I've got a transmission here and the language isn't one of Earth's! AI is on it and estimates thirty minutes for translation." I had the small fleet hold position and we did the only thing we could think of. We sent a message of our own asking for identification and in turn, telling them who we were. We knew they wouldn't understand it but hoped they'd at least be reassured.

To our utter astonishment we received another message less than a minute later. Receiving it wasn't a surprise but the fact it was in English was.

A musical voice was put on speaker saying "Eridani ship Sussmann one this is Boreal vessel Lifeboat three. Please state your intent."

After the surprise died down I sent another message. "Boreal vessel Lifeboat three, this is Sussmann one. We are on a peaceful exploration mission in this system and intend no harm. Is this your home system?"

We could hear what sounded like excited chatter and argument in another language before the transmission was cut off. Their reply took several minutes to arrive but the voice sounded composed. "Sussmann one, we know of no life forms in the Eridani system. Why are you speaking a language from the Earth planet?"

We explained our origins and the voice sounded skeptical. "At last observation the Earth was not predicted capable of interstellar travel for approximately two hundred thirty of your years from this time. Please explain.

They seemed amused with the reply of "it seems we have been underestimated"

The return communication was lighter in tone. "It appears so. We have decided to take this chance as it is possible it may be our last. We are the only surviving members of our race and are on an exploration of our own. Our ship tells us that it is possible to conduct this exchange on screen. Is this acceptable?" It was. We were all curious as to their appearance.

The surprise was unanimous on both sides when the screen came to life. It seems our choice of uniforms were identical. Neither side was wearing anything.

The first thing that struck me was relief. I half expected to see short, gray beings with big eyes and heads like in all the close encounters stories. The second thing was how much like us they were in body structure.

They were varying heights and the shapes were pleasing to the eye, at least to me. They were obviously all female. The biggest difference appeared to be coloration. They were light blue, with only minor variations between individuals. If it hadn't have been for the hair colors red, yellow, green and orange I would have said they looked like blue Asians. The ones with black hair would have if it wasn't for the pointed ears.

The Boreal captain recovered first. "We would request a meeting but there may be a problem" she stated. "We must first be sure that neither of us carries anything harmful to the other. Our ship assures us that yours is as capable of determining this as it is. May we exchange biological information?"

This was done as we slowly moved closer together. Our AI reported no problems and theirs did also. Even the atmosphere on our respective ships was compatible. The only difference was the gravity we were used to. The Borealans were used to a slightly heavier world than us so it was decided their representative would come to our ship. The captain asked if we would lower our defensive shield so she might enter with two others.

We were optimistic but not stupid. We lowered the shield on our ship but the others kept theirs up. We could see their vessel now and weren't very concerned about attack. It looked more like a freighter than a warship.

We expected to see a shuttle depart from it but instead three forms appeared on the bridge. This was a bit surprising to say the least. They were still unarmed and unclothed but even more attractive in person. In addition, I swore I could smell something a lot like lilacs in the air.

Tina, Kathy, Jackie, and Beth joined us in my office to talk. The visiting trio introduced themselves as Keeli, Jhompor, and Aleea before we began. The information we learned from them was as depressing as it was informative.

The occupants of their ship were the last remnants of their civilization. One ship full (347) of females was all that were left. They escaped the destruction of their race in it. They had one planet and a plague had decimated the population. All males and the rest of the females perished.

This group had manned a medical research station and left in the only ship they had when supplies began to run low. The males of their race were few and subservient. Since they were rare, none was allowed in space. They were searching for a new home and resigned to being the last of their race.

Their planet was much like Vanir and much more advanced than Earth. The transporter was just one of the many innovations common to them. Their communications were much more advanced than ours as was their cloaking system, among other things.

They were as amazed as we were. Their last information on Earth was fifty years old and would have been accurate except for us. They finally began to trust us a bit more and told us some other interesting facts.

The first was that because all the males of their race had died they had believed they were the last of their kind. This was cast into doubt after their AI had analyzed our biological data. It had been unsure because of one item. We had submitted data from several individuals. Half were from "regular" crew members and the other was from our group.

Their ship AI had been confused because the data from the crew was incompatible while ours had been deemed very close. The captain asked why there were two distinctly different versions of genetic markers in our race. This was also news to us and required an investigation.

We queried our AI and found that the information was there but hadn't been imparted to us. Kip (the AI) explained that he had believed we already knew. It seems that every person who the Gods had touched was changed in this way, along with any offspring they had produced.

This didn't help the understanding of the Borealans, who didn't believe in any religion at all. They were happy enough about the difference to take us at our word though, and requested to be allowed permission to join us for further investigation.

We explained that it would require a consensus that included those not with us before a decision could be reached and would require returning to Vanir for consultation. This confused them and Keeli asked why we couldn't hold a conference from here.

When we explained the communications lag they understood and offered to share some knowledge. They had the capability to communicate instantaneously over great distances and would be happy to have our ships discuss the technology. Since Vanir would be unable to reply, we asked them to join us there.

That brought more difficulties. Their ship had developed a problem in what they described as their "star drive" and they could not reach even light speed without it. Parts were needed and they didn't have any spares. It was our turn to surprise them when Kathy asked why they couldn't replicate the parts. The reason was that they didn't have replicators. We quickly offered to help them and in a matter of hours the specs that had been sent from their ship had been converted into the needed items and their ship was being repaired.

The job was almost done when Brianna alerted us once more. "Another inbound, Matt. It's a big mother fucker, too!"

She put it on the screen as soon as it was in range. I heard Aleea gasp and say something in her native tongue and looked to Keeli. Her eyes were wide as she answered my unspoken query. "She said that it's the Kraal, and that we are dead. I am afraid that Aleea is quite correct."

A few questions revealed that the Kraal were vicious beings who enslaved anyone they found and destroyed anything they couldn't capture. The Borealan ship was almost totally defenseless but even the best weapons their race possessed had proven ineffective against the Kraal. It looked like ours would be tested soon. There was no way I would allow anyone to be captured and running was out of the question with the Borealan ship incapacitated.

The hail from the Kraal battle cruiser was passed from Keeli's ship to ours. Roughly translated, it simply said "surrender or die". I had her pass a reply but I'm not sure how "go piss up a rope" translated. Evidently it was well enough. It's a good thing the shields had already been fully charged. The first blast of whatever they were using sent a violent shudder through the cruiser.

The news wasn't good. Beth, who was manning the weapons console, reported that the shields were down to 70%. I immediately ordered "plasma ports one and two, fire! Notify the other ships, fire at will!"

It didn't even scratch the surface, so I followed with "jackhammer port three, fire! Target port seven and eight nukes on the impact point... fire!" I thought this might actually work. The jackhammer was a pulsed particle beam laser designed to punch through shields. If we could make a dent, two fifty kiloton nukes should get their attention.

I saw Tina nudge Brian off the comms console and begin typing furiously as their second salvo hit and heard "shields at ten percent!"

The scene on the viewer was not promising. At best, we had only made a dent in their defenses. The last thing I heard was Tina shouting "priority pulse message for Professor Hawking, eyes only, send!" before the last fatal blow from the Kraal ship hit.

Stop, Rewind, Stop, Play

The job was almost done when Brianna alerted us once more. "Another inbound, Matt. It's a big mother fucker, too!"

She put it on the screen as soon as it was in range. I heard Aleea gasp and say something in her native tongue and looked to Keeli. Her eyes were wide as she answered my unspoken query. "She said that it's the Kraal, and that we are dead. I am afraid that Aleea is quite correct."

A few questions revealed that the Kraal were vicious beings who enslaved anyone they found and destroyed anything they couldn't capture. The Borealan ship was almost totally defenseless but even the best weapons their race posessed had proven innefective against the Kraal. It looked like ours would be tested soon. There was no way I would allow anyone to be captured and running was out of the question with the Borealan ship incapacitated.

The hail from the Kraal battlecruiser was passed from Keeli's ship to ours. Roughly translated, it simply said "surrender or die". I had her pass a reply but I'm not sure how "go piss up a rope" translated. Evidently it was well enough. It's a good thing the shields had already been fully charged. The first blast of whatever they were using sent a violent shudder through the cruiser.

Things were looking grim, but then the situation changed drastically. The Kraal ship exploded! The energy release was so intense that the rest of the shields failed but at least we were still in one piece.

Comms were still up and Brian shouted "we're being hailed by Viper and Bloodhound! Monika, Philip, George, and Professor Hawking requesting our status and permission to come aboard!"

This was quickly granted, and after the introductions we found out what happened. Even though Tina had been the instigator, even she was confused.

It was a strange story. I seems that when Tina realized we were about to be destroyed (which was news to us!), she manage to get a message out to the Professor. Every available ship had been sent to our rescue, only to find a debris field. All of our three ship fleet had been destroyed. The prof immediately accellerated testing on his newest project.

Philip and Monika got busy also. The end result was that a black hole was employed to travel back four weeks. Two weapons, labelled "hyperpedoes" were fired as soon as the Kraal ship was in range. This was a weapon capable of hyperspace travel carrying plasma charges. With the co-ordinates of the center mass of the Kraal ship that Tina had sent, they reappeared in real space at that point and detonated, destroying the vessel. We were dead for a fucking month and didn't even know it!

I Hugged the rescuers and told the Professor I owed him one. He just laughed an said "are you kidding? You already saved me, after all. Besides, I'm having so much fun I'll owe you for as long as I live. Saving you with this discovery is just icing on the cake!"

I was shaken and barely managed to reply "you don't understand, Stephen. I'm not thanking you for saving me. I'm thanking you for saving my mates and my crew. Through my ineptitude and inability to defend them, I caused their deaths. This is something that I can never forgive myself for. I will owe you until the end of time. Whatever you need or want, name it and it it will be yours."

His reply did not improve my mood. When he said "being here, and having friends and colleagues like you is all the payment I require." I bolted for my quarters.

When I arrived there I sealed the door and ordered it not to open unless I requested it. I began pacing, trying to sort out what had gone wrong. I didn't second-guess not running. There was no way I could have left over three hundred of the Borealans behind.

It was true that we had been dealing with an unknown enemy and had no idea of their capabilities. It was also true that we had been hopelessly outgunned and outclassed. Still, I had lost three ships (four, counting the Borealan) and killed my crew as a result. I should have been able to find a way out of the situation we had been in!

I couldn't have been in the room more than ten minutes when the door opened and my mates stormed in. It figured that they would find a way. They were all smarter than I was.

It seems they had been talking to our Borealan guests to gather ammunition because they let me have it. Connie took the lead. "What the fuck are you doing? I've never seen you moping around like some wimp who got sand kicked in his face before! Grow a fuckin' pair!"

Beth took over, and she wasn't any nicer. "You've had it too damn easy. Those stupid fuckin' terrorists were no competition, and the politicians weren't much tougher. You finally found something a little harder to deal with and you wanna tuck your poor widdle head under the covers! I thought we married a man!"

OK, that one hurt. I lost it. "You don't fuckin' get it, do you?", I snarled "I fuckin' killed all of you! Don't you get it? Because of me, you died! If it wasn't for Tina, the Professor, Monika, and Philip, you would have stayed dead! I fucked up!"

When Faith started, I thought it would be more of the same. Instead, she gasped "that's it? That's what set you off? What in the Hel do you think you could have done? You used every fucking weapon we had, and used them well! The Borealans told us that those Kraal fuckers have been running wild for over a hundred years without a serious challenge! The ship that was destroyed was probably the first one they've lost in all that time. They only leave their sector to get more slaves and steal more cargo. No one has been able to touch them. The question is, are you man enough to get off of your ass and deal with it?"

They say that behind every successful man is a good woman. I couldn't lose with eleven of the best. I promised to give it a shot, but first we had to get home.

We delayed our return for a couple of days because of more information the Borealans had. They had discovered a compatible planet a few days before stumbling upon us, but after finding no life forms there decided to keep looking.

We found the planet to be much like Earth, though a bit larger and with more land mass. It had two moons and unlike Vanir, there would be a night here. Vanir had only daylight and twilight due to our two suns. This one circled one sun and would also have more drastic seasonal changes instead of our basic summer/spring like weather.

Since our new friends had found it first we let them name it. They chose "Anaboreal", which meant "New Boreal in their language.

Tina finally got curious enough about that to ask what we had all been wondering. "How is it that all of you speak English?" After they quit doing what I think was laughing, Aleea explained that they checked on us every hundred years or so and had quite a bit of information in their database. When their AI had recognized the language it had given them the capability to speak and understand it. We would definitely have to find out how that was done!

We prepared for the trip home and gave their ship the co-ordinates before they returned to it. When we arrived there two days later we realized we had made a huge error in not finding out more about them. They were already there and more than a little frightened. They were surrounded by half of our navy, who had no idea who they were and wouldn't listen to them until finding out if we were OK. The situation was resolved quickly and we apologized profusely. They understood the caution though and accepted it.

Their ship could not land on a planet and they had no shuttles. They didn't really need them anyway and since their AI was perfectly capable of handling the ship, all of them transported to the palace. There were 348 of them now. One was an android who was in constant contact with their ship for real-time communication with the AI. Mom and dad were thrilled, especially dad. Not because we had discovered that other life really did exist out here but because he could throw a party!

The meeting was a mere formality and they were all accepted with open arms. The party was a rousing success and the guests were a big hit with everyone. So was the announcement of the new planet they had discovered.

Unfortunately, I had to ruin the mood by telling everyone what had happened. Time travel was a funny thing. The only people here who really knew everything that had occurred were the ones who had actually gone back. The mood was somber as I called a meeting of the defense staff for the morning. I acted as upbeat as possible and even gave a little "rah rah" speech. The mood seemed to change to one of enthusiasm once they accepted the challenge.

It was kind of entertaining just watching the Borealans sample all of the food. Much of it they had heard about but never expected to see, much less sample. Being women, it surprised none of the males when they went after the chocolate. It did seem odd that they went after green vegetables and fruit until Keeli, who had been by our side all evening, explained that they hadn't had fresh food for ten of our years. They had been wandering for that long.

Keeli was really fun to be around and I found myself strangely attracted to her. It wasn't just because of her hauntingly alien beauty, either. She had a great personality and all of my mates seemed to be crazy about her. It turned out to be even crazier than I thought because when the party was over they invited her to our suite for the evening. I guess I was still as ignorant about females as ever because I hadn't caught on to their plan yet.

Keeli loved the living quarters as much as we did. It was two stories tall and both below and above the oceans surface. Her favorite, like ours, was below. Our entire wall was the biggest aquarium in existence. She also enjoyed the taste of good bourbon but it didn't seem to affect her in the least.

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My friend from school

At school I knew a chap that was very vindictive and a bit of a sadist, but as I sat next to him and over the years we became friends. I lost touch with him when we left school, then about 20 years later he phoned me up, and as he moved back to the area would I like a drink with him,Having met at the local we talk about what we have done and loads of rubbish talk, by the time it was time to go and being slightly inebriated, he looked me strait in the eye and Said “I now you dress up like a...

2 years ago
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2 Times a Virgin Part 3

Chapter 14 I said, "Why not?" I ordered a "Chivas and water" and he smiled and ordered the same. "The lady has class." He said. I smiled and nodded. We started talking and I had to be careful not to let him know. I didn't want a scene right there. But before long we were talking like old friends. He asked my name. "Natalie" was all I said. He smiled and said, "My first love was named Natalie." We chatted for a while more and he asked me up to his room. I decided that I was off the...

4 years ago
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Mistress and her slaves

Chapter 1 The Slave stands over the stove cooking his Mistresses dinner. Making sure nothing burns and setting the plate up for the dish to be served on. Garnished just right in his opinion. He reaches over and drinks some water as he has been ordered to keep drinking as he cooks. The meat gets done and he puts it on the plate and calls his mistress on the in house phone system. As she answers he tells her that dinner is ready. She tells him in turn to wait one hour and...

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michelle night of passion part 1

i first met michelle at a seminar.she was from pensilvania.thankfully she wasnt amish.we exchanged phone numbers and email addresses.but i guess everyone does that at these functions,especially after a couple of cocktails.we left the conference centre and went our separate ways.a couple of days later i emailed her and suggested we get together and mull over the ideas from meeting and she readily agreed.we agreed to meet in the bar at the hilton this moment i had no idea what was to...

3 years ago
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Screams of Joy Part III

“Do you like watching them baby?” he whispers in my ear, making me blush but still I nod my head. “Then enjoy it.” as his fingers move back to my ass pressing inside as I stroke his cock faster making it harder in my hands with every stroke. …. “And man had I enjoyed it” I think as our black cab whips its way around central London’s busy street while Craig’s hand cups my inner thigh, facing Lauren who’s pressed into Chris side kissing his lips at random moments as they chat. “Do her lips...

Straight Sex
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Anna, Ende 30, hatte schwarze schulterlange Haare und eine schlanke Figur. Auffällig war ihre große Oberweite mit 75 E. Seit 2 Jahren war sie Bürgermeisterin einer kleinen Stadt. Sie war verheiratet mit einem Unternehmer, der oft unterwegs war. Doch die Bürger der Stadt hatten mehr als genug von ihrer schlechten Politik. Immer wieder trat sie arrogant bei Vorträgen auf und machten einen Fehler nach dem nächsten. Chris Mitte 20 hatte seinen Job verloren, weil Anna bei neuen Krediten für das...

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Vacation with my family part I version 3

Hi everybody! I am Stephanie or just Steph like all my friends call me and this story is about the first sexual vacations with my family. But first of all let me introduce you to my family. There is my dad Peter, my mom Cynthia, my little brother Chris, my little sister Sarah and of course me. For being 39 my dad is still a hot looking man. Being 6 feet and 1 inch (for metric readers: 1.86m) and having well shaped muscles he looks marvelous. But the best parts are his deep blue eyes and...

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Journey from New Delhi to Mumbai

This incident happened with me on my journey from New Delhi to Mumbai via Rajdhani Express 2 months back,I was travelling alone by IInd A/c and it was just 5 minutes for the train to leave and still in my cabin (which had 3 other seats vaccant) no other passenger had come and i had almost thought that I would be all alone in the cabin till Mumbai and got engrossed in reading a magazine and just as the train was to depart a sweet voice called out her seat number and was trying to locate it by...

2 years ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 452

From jimborh Smile in his honor! By chance I have here a joke just posted by my middle sister on the family messenger board. She is somewhat younger than myself and is not yet (I think) 70 years old so she may not qualify as “old”. We’re still battling ???? COVID-19 ????, and the next thing is here already ???????? ???? The NILE Virus, type C Virologists have identified a new Nile virus - type C. It appears to target those who were born between 1940 & 1970 Symptoms: 1. Causes you to send the same...

1 year ago
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BangBus Gaby Ortega Always Crazy for Dick

Today we meet Gaby Ortega, a Colombian model that just moved here to follow her dreams. She’s struggling for money so we decide we can help her out. This chick is wicked hot, and we wanted see every aspect of her. She gets on the bus and shows off her perfect body. Not only does she have a pretty face, but she’s also got pretty tits to match, and an AMAZING booty on her. She’s got no boyfriend but apparently has plenty of fuck friends, and she said she’s always crazy for...

2 years ago
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Sex Roles 101 Part 1

Sex Roles 101 -- Part 1 By Dana Lange Dennis had one semester left before graduation. He couldn't believe he was this close. The plan was to go on to graduate school - what else could you do with a degree in Women's Studies anyway? He was thinking either law or policy studies, but hadn't really decided yet. He had sort of fallen into the Women's Studies major by chance - taking a core Gender Studies class primarily because he knew there would be a lot of girls taking it as well, and...

3 years ago
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PhoneSex to Real Sex

I introduce myself. I am Zoraiz Khan, 5.6” good looking. Lean and thin but has a big cock and circumcised.  This happened to weeks ago, a girl who I know only by name and never saw her. We actually had been good phone friends. We exchange messages and chat everyday and whenever we get time. She always insists me to call her but I prefer chatting over SMS. Initially we just send messages related to love, friends and general chat messages. Slowly and steadily we moved forward and now as we each...

4 years ago
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A Wedding Leads To Sex With 2 NRI Women

I was attending a wedding at a plush south Delhi hotel. I was quite inebriated and was just getting my last drink at the bar while I bump into this hot women( The bride’s divorced NRI cousin). I think I can communicate well and when it come’s to women I’m very confident. So I apologized for accidentally spilling my drink on her and I told her that she looked pretty. we kept talking for a while and talked about England and turns out we were both brought up in the same city in England. I told her...

1 year ago
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NIS PP 3 St Catherines

NIS Punishment Programme: 3 St. Catherine’s ? Synopsis ? The ruling military Junta changed the laws to give males back their superiority and introduced corporal punishment to curb crime. The changes have their effect on school life. A second sequel to Naked in School Punishment Programme 1: New Laws (NIS PP 1: New Laws). ? Naked In School Punishment Programme: ? 3 St. Catherine’s ? by obohobo ? Warnings ? Please take note! ? The text in this story contains erotic material and is expressly...

2 years ago
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Fantasy Meeting

When I dressed that morning, I thought carefully about what I would wear; I wanted to be prepared for whatever may lay ahead. I slipped on the silky black thong and bra I had bought especially. As soon as I pulled the stockings up I felt the wetness between my legs. There is something about dressing for a man that turns me on and I knew this would be a treat for him. I put my tightest skirt on that I knew showed off my arse but was still respectable office wear. A blouse and heels completed the...

Straight Sex
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alya dan om bejo anals

Pak Bejo mengelus seluruh tubuh Alya tanpa ada perlawanan berarti. Seluruh perasaan dan keinginan Alya untuk melawan hilang ditelan oleh kenikmatan orgasme yang baru saja dirasakannya. Pak Bejo mengecup pantat Alya yang bulat, mulus dan kencang. Beberapa kecupan meninggalkan bekas cupang memerah di pantat Alya. Pak Bejo merenggangkan kedua sisi pantat itu dan mulai menjilat lubang kecil yang berada di tengah, tepat di atas bibir vagina Alya yang masih meneteskan air mani. Lubang anus Alya...

4 years ago
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Little sis Big sis and Me

Little sis, Big sis, and Me “Joey, are you down there?” asked my sister. “I’ve lost my baton. Have you seen it downstairs in the basement?” Turning, I saw Aimie slowly descending the steep steps leading down into our dimly-lit basement. At 16 years of age, Aimie was my idea of a female she-devil come to life. The irritating child was a constant, thorny aggravation in my side. The two of us often fought like cats and dogs, or more precisely, like brothers and sisters. “No, Missy...

2 years ago
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First time with mom

It was just a normal evening at home. Mom, in her nightdress, was sitting in her armchair watching a game show on tv. Me, in pyjamas, sitting on the couch contemplating the news I had to give her.Plucking up courage I said: "Mom Lucy and I are getting engaged."I expected problems, but not the reaction that followed.She shot from her chair, hands extended and pink-painted fingernails aimed for my face."That girl's not having you," she screamed.I grabbed her by the wrists, gradually forcing...

3 years ago
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RuneswardChapter 46 Proxies

“Are you okay, Gillen?” Tergin Givens asked his former apprentice as he slowly eased himself down beside her. The woman in question was seated on a fallen log, but her eyes were unfocused as they stared off into the distance. She’d wandered off after setting up camp and Tergin had grown worried. “Are you sure you should be wandering from the camp like this? There’s no telling how many more Red Guard there might be.” “A calculated risk,” Gillen responded, a sigh drawing out her words. “I...

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Jolene was a pussy-hunter, and proud of it. She specialised in pretty young white blondes, spreading their creamy thighs and breaking them in to a life of lesbian submission. As she was a charismatic, tall, statuesque, mature black woman with big breasts and a ripe rounded ass, she usually got what she wanted, overwhelming the naive and feeble young white chicks with the sheer force of her commanding personality, blowing them away with the voluptuous curves of her bootylicious body, and...

2 years ago
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Dans Lil Sis Pt 3

–= 8 =– I browsed through my suitcase for something cute to wear before we went out to dinner that Danny promised. I settled on a simple tee and a jean mini-skirt. We went to Friday’s because I was craving their fried string beans appetizer. God, that stuff is good. The three of us sat there chatting when the topic of how my day went came up. ‘My day? Oh nothing special. Just sat around watching T.V.’ I said with a straight face. ‘I feel so bad. I probably can take a half-day tomorrow. We...

4 years ago
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strapon spitroast with 2 busty Filipino babes

so i finally had a 3some with Jessica and Jenny. not how i originally planned it but it was still fucking amazing. so last night I'm laying in bed and i look up and i see them both standing there. i immediately get hard cuz theyre both wearing lingerie and their bodies look fucking incredible. then my eyes wander down and i see a 10" strap on dangling between each of their legs. i suddenly realize what kind of 3some this is going to be. I'm going to be in the middle, but like a pig on a spit...

2 years ago
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My friend and sister

The holidays are always there to enjoy and so we both decided to visit my place – me and my very close friend, sandeep. This was like any other holiday but it turned out to be different for both of us and also for some one else. The story is not very old as i feel now. My close friend was not new to my family and hence no one objected to his spending about 20 days with me at my place. Every morning the routine was very clear. Get ready and go for “hunting”. I introduced him to all my friends...

1 year ago
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The best season P

It's during the best season that you peek always with a little more attention, especially if you have the sister very good, like in my case :-P. It was a nice day of summer, august end-august i remember, when i and my sister were at home with an our cousin (young like us :-P), my sister and our cousin are sitting on the bed and started to joking with the cellulars so i take a chair and i am satted front to them :-P for to joke with they :-P but also for peek a bit :-P because our cousin had a...

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Constant in All Other Things 2 Chapter 01

Constant in All Other Things 2 Chapter One by Fakeminsk ([email protected]) "Friendship is constant in all other things Save in the office and affairs of love: Therefore all hearts in love use their own tongues; Let every eye negotiate for itself And trust no agent." Much Ado About Nothing Previously on Constant in All Other Things: Both David Sanders, tough-guy womanizer, and his best friend Tom Smith see their boss, shady...

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Vampires and Werewolves Dont Mix

By: DinoMagick ([email protected]) Introduction: This story is not filled with erotic happenings. It’s my first real story that my wife and I came up with one night after drinking wine. I wanted to try my hand at writing something different. Werewolves have always been my favorite meta-human/paranormal race, so I started writing it the way my mind worked. It is one of my first attempts at writing something like this and I am still learning. Hope you like...

1 year ago
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The Human ElementChapter 7

Castle Wyvern: Several hours later. The Gargoyles and mutates were gathered outside the infirmary. Inside Goliath and Derek spoke with Xanatos while Delilah watched over Argent by his bedside. The flight back to the castle had been an intense one, and as soon as they landed a medical team was waiting. Delilah had placed Argent on the gurney, and despite the protests from the doctor in charge, she had stayed with him. Goliath looked over towards the bed in which Argent now occupied. "What...

4 years ago
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Met my wife at nude beach

I know it sounds a little strange, but I met my wife Jill at a nude beach. I was a scholarship jock at a Southern California college and being from the mid-west I wasn’t used to the uninhibited California life style, but I quickly overcame that. My buddies and I would go to a clothing optional beach just north of Malibu just to see some tits and ass. After a while we got bored and decided to check out a nude beach someone had heard about. It was a warm, sunny Saturday and the beach was...

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The Chuck Hole

There was a sound that Captain Thaddeus Westmore had never heard the like of before -- a kind of an otherworldly screech -- and the Aurora-class Confederacy Fleet Auxiliary Colony Transport Northern Lights suddenly seemed to do something that felt amazingly like a dry-skid, apparently sweeping to the right. The AI attempted to compensate, but was unprepared for the sudden lurch at the end; Thaddeus watched Ensign Hargrove's head bounce off the bulkhead next to his station with a sickening...

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The Advert Waitperson0

By Jax_Teller From : The Advert I had been going through a dry spell sexually for some time and didn't want a relationship. Given the lack of local freaks to fuck, I placed an ad on a kink website. The ad read: “ Rough Fuck wanted, I don't want to know your name or where you work or any of that bullshit. I just need you to show up and get fucked. I will tell you what to do and you will do it or leave. That simple, no cuddles or hugging, Just raw fucking.” I really didn't expect...

2 years ago
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Teenage Adventures Chapter 8

When Timothy awoke the next day, he groggily took in his surroundings for a long time, before he realized he was in the hospital.A deep voice announced: "Hello, my name is Blaine, I am your nurse", as the curtains parted and a tall black man appeared. Through his swollen eyelids, Timothy recognized the man from the bath house, the one that had taken his anal virginity."How are you feeling today, pretty boy?", he heard Blaine ask. His voice was deep and pleasant. The gruffness was gone, and...

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Awoken Again By A Younger Man

I had been divorced for 5 years and living with my daughter who was in high school. I must say that it has been a long time since I had sex with any man after my husband and I was horny a lot as I am only 40 years old. I didn't think I was bad looking - blonde, blue eyes, 5'5" a nice curvy body with a great set of tits (DD's), I just didn't have much time or inclination to date.My daughter, who is extremely close to me, urged and encouraged me to date men as she didn't like the thought of me...

1 year ago
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BrattyMILF Atlantis Deep When Your Stepmom Wants More

Atlantis Deep joins her stepmom Charlie Dean in the family’s sauna. She drops the towel, then tells Charlie that he’s going to have to get used to being naked. Atlantis tries to get Charlie to chat her up about girls and school, but Charlie isn’t really interested. As Atlantis gets handsy on her stepson, he dips out of the sauna. Later, Charlie finds Atlantis in the kitchen baking. She asks if he wants to help and he agrees. Atlantis takes the opportunity to...

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The Story of Eve and Adam a Fable

The Story of Eve and Adam, a Fable by dkb The first human that God created was spherical, with four arms and four legs, and two faces, facing either way. Male and female created He them. And He saw that they were good. They were one completely perfect being. Having all living perfection within them they wanted for nothing and understood everything. The first human lived in contemplative bliss for an unknown period. But then they realised that there was one thing they did not...

2 years ago
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Kitty A Girl Named Cat Ch 06

The next two weeks were chaotic. I did not have a day off. Not that I am complaining, it is hard to make it as a professional photographer in a big city. I’m quite grateful for the work, but it wasn’t just work. It was my friend’s assistant in the gallery that quit right before a big show that I helped jump in to make happen and also another friend was in need after a bad break-up. Life stuff, it happens, so I did not get to dole a ton of attention to my neighbor. It was nice, although I cannot...

1 year ago
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Mature ex mother in law The Story

ok well .....i met her daughter 5 years ago and got married 3 years ago. the whole family got along fine with me. we went on trips and did a lot of stuff as a family. until a year and a half ago her daughter cheated on me with one of her co workers. her mother (widowed) was ebarrassed at the fact that her daughter cheated on me, and also stated "i didn't raise no daughter to be a slut". she told me i was her best son in law and i didn't deserved to be cheated on. so months later her daughter...

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