Emily s Story
- 2 years ago
- 41
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We were warned about one race in particular regarding not showing weakness. They were called the Halim (pronounced HA-LEEM), and were vicious beings. Keeli knew of their visits to Earth, and the things they had done. She told us that it was just the beginning. According to her, the only reason Earth hadn't been conquered was that there was nothing there they really wanted.
They just stopped by on their way through to have some fun with us. On the bright side, they were cowards and most of their technology was stolen from races weaker than them. We told her about our recent activity in the Sol system, and she said this might be enough to interest them if they discovered it.
Her advice was to hail the next Halim ship to enter the system and challenge it. She was very serious as she said "if they defy you, the ship must be convinced you are stronger than they are. If there are more than one you must leave but a lone survivor. At the very least they would be more cautious. At the best, they would avoid the system in the future."
She recommended stationing a fleet there, but we just didn't have the manpower to do it. Faith's suggestion of using a single ship manned by senior cadets based on Mars along with holograms to fool the Halim into thinking it was an entire fleet seemed the best solution. It should be a good training exercise at least.
We were interrupted by Aleea who ran out of the bedroom and launched herself into her sister's arms, announcing that Keeli was going to be an auntie soon. She knew she was impregnated during our first go-round. The other five were just for fun.
Lea suggested that it was time to 'make an honest alien out of them' and when we explained what that meant to the aliens in question I thought they were going to molest me again. After they finally let me breathe again, Rhonda said she'd make the arrangements.
Rhonda's position hadn't changed much since being chief of staff. She was now the "Presidential Chamberlain," and was in charge of everything to do with running the palace, along with preparing my daily schedule.
Our nuptials weren't the only ones that day. A group wedding was arranged and all were dealt with at the same time. The party lasted all night. I think Jhompor was the happiest being there. She had joined the Hawk and the Falcon and was the first Borealan in their history to have two husbands.
I don't know about the rest of the grooms but for me, things were going to have to get more organized. I now had thirteen wives and even with the enhancements, I was still only human. Besides the pleasant exertion, I still had work to do also and time was one thing that couldn't be enhanced or lengthened.
At breakfast I stated my case. They not only understood my dilemma but had anticipated it. They had already worked out a schedule of my "workload," and submitted it for my approval. It was confusing but much less strenuous than I had feared. They had somehow worked it out so I would be with two of them per night but it would be quite some time before it would be the same pair. It sounded interesting.
As soon as we got that problem settled a new one came up. The subject of our impending adoption arose, and of course everyone just had to go along. Tina was the lone exception. She felt that she was on the verge of success with her anti-matter experiment and didn't want to leave it. Connie and I were the designated adopting parents because of the legalities, and technically, the others weren't needed.
They felt otherwise, of course. That wouldn't have been a problem ordinarily, but our two newest wives would have a hard time fitting in. There weren't too many sloe-eyed, pointy-eared, blue babes walking around on Earth. They weren't going to be left behind. though. I admit I didn't put up much of a fight about it.
With that settled, we then discussed the actual adoption, and decided as a group to adopt an older child. These were often the hardest to place, and needed us the most. As a coincidence, it helped us just as much. If we could find compatible teens who we could integrate into our new society they would help our manpower problem much sooner.
Lea's sham marriage was still in effect, and she planned to pursue the same idea to help even more. For security we decided to use Hog Cay as a base, and planned to leave within the week.
We were using the (now repaired) Sussmann one again. This ship was in a class its' own, and had been designed by our children. It was equivalent to a cruiser in size, and had the same armament as one. It was much more luxurious than any warship needed to be. Because of the personnel shortage, it had been designed to require only thirty-five crew members.
The remaining slots were to be filled with first and second generation returnees who volunteered to become adoptive parents as well. With that settled, and after the empty slots were quickly filled, we spent the next few days making sure all the business details were attended to, so we would leave no urgent matters unattended when we left.
This required very little time, since everything was already so well organized. I was beginning to feel like I was destined to be a figurehead. With so many efficient and dedicated people around me, there was little for me to do. The time before we left was also spent incorporating Borealan technology into our ship, and the corresponding devices for communication on Vanir. We'd be able to test it on the trip, hopefully working out any bugs as we found them.
The trip was uneventful until we approached the Sol system, and had to cloak. Earth had managed to build a couple of ion drive vessels and launch them. We passed them unnoticed, and continued on our way.
I was concerned about an accidental collision, since we had planned to leave the ship unmanned. My fears were proven unfounded. Aaron assured me that the ship was quite capable of performing any necessary maneuver to avoid problems. We took two cloaked shuttles to the cay, and arrived without incident.
The only excitement was when we departed the shuttles and appeared seemingly out of thin air on the front lawn, surprising the caretakers. Once they got calmed down, and over their disbelief of Keeli and Aleea, we got settled in for the evening.
Before we got too comfortable we made a few calls. The first was to one of our lawyers to see about setting up the adoptions. This didn't take very long, but there was a long list of people we wanted to touch base with. Sally was next, and wanted us to come to Washington as soon as we were able.
The new communications would be of great benefit it seems. According to her, Earth was in deep shit. As usual, religion was the reason. The Islamic fanatics were still at it. It looked like they were being even more of a pain in the ass than ever.
This time instead of being content with blowing themselves up, while killing as many innocents as possible, they were exporting the tactic to every non-Islamic nation they could. The end result was a brewing religious war. After the third such attack in America, the public sentiment was to conduct what amounted to a new version of the crusades.
To further complicate matters, our old intelligence tactics were useless. They evidently were conducting all of their meetings face to face, avoiding electronic communication entirely. In addition, they also had figured out how to make some pretty nasty devices.
The first of these was mustard gas and had been used twice so far. The first was in Spain and the second in France. Both attacks had been in enclosed places with hundreds of people affected. No one had a clue where the lab was so no action could be taken.
Action had been threatened, however. Israel had flatly stated that one if more attack were to take place, the Palestinian hope for a home in the holy land was doomed. The place they now called home would be taken over by force, and the residents expelled. They had finally had enough.
We were still in the middle of the call when Loki made his appearance. He didn't have any new information but he did offer a suggestion. "Have any of these people been captured" he asked?
Sally told him that several suspects had been apprehended and some of them were definitely involved. The problem was that no one with the capability to "read" them could get access, and conventional interrogation techniques had been useless. Even the countries who we knew used more "stringent" means than America had no luck getting them to talk.
I was silent for a moment before the obvious dawned on me, and I laughed. Naturally, everyone thought I was nuts until I voiced my thought.
"Sally hasn't met our new friends, so she will need to be brought up to date on the details of what I think will work. That said, what do you think of the possibility of some of these suspects mysteriously disappearing into thin air?"
Once Sally calmed down I explained the concept of teleportation to her. She was enthusiastic, once the shock wore off, and agreed that the cay would be the perfect place to bring them. Since it was already 3 AM, it seemed we might as well do it now. Some minor planning was involved, but we soon had the GPS coordinates we needed and began.
Kathy, Gene, and George were to transport to three cells in Gitmo and quickly return with the suspects. I didn't even bother to protest, lest my wives hurt me. I did do the questioning, though. We found out more than I'd hoped for.
By noon the following day, several mosques were piles of smoking rubble. Quite a few individuals suddenly came up missing, also. Many of them were so called "holy men". The usual outrage ensued, but this time there was no statement from the aliens claiming responsibility.
Sally also offered Israel the technology we had used to build our wall in return for them not leveling the Palestinian territories. Thankfully, they accepted this as being a reasonable alternative.
This took all of two days, and we hoped it would be a good start. The following day we made an appearance at the Sussmann library, and we were very impressed. Even with the last minute announcement of our visit, the crowd was huge.
We ended up spending most of the day at the library. Afterwards, we headed for the capitol with Sally, who had come to Kentucky to meet us. Air Force one was the same plane we had introduced, and very comfortable. It seemed strange that aircraft without wings replaced the old style so quickly, but I suppose the cost savings made it very practical. The fuel savings probably paid for them fairly quickly, making the airlines more profit.
We stayed the night in the White House for the first time in years. It felt a little strange at first. I didn't get a lot of time to think about it, though. After dinner was over, Sally and Kim informed me that my wives had loaned me out for the evening.
Kim almost sounded like she was kidding, when she added "if you can walk tomorrow, we want to go to the cay and meet your lil' blue hotties! It's a shame they couldn't come with y'all but I guess people would have freaked out some."
While Sally played with my ass she suggested that we reveal ourselves soon, and open an embassy. We could recruit in the open then, and increase our numbers sooner. Before I could respond we were at her room. They didn't want to talk for a while. It's just as well. Everyone seemed to be doing something with their mouths that would have made talking difficult.
The next day, Connie and I visited several orphanages. We halted our search at the fifth one. There we found a fifteen year old boy who had spent most of his life either there or in foster care. He had always been returned, and for the last five years they hadn't even tried to place him. In fact, we had to ask them to introduce us.
He seemed very sullen and belligerant while the nuns were there, so we asked to speak to him alone. We were shown to a small room, and they left shaking their heads sadly. After half an hour spent in vain trying to get him to open up, Connie suggested we take a trip off the grounds. Even this was met with a shrug of his thin shoulders.
I thought I might be on to something when I asked if there was anyone else he'd like to invite, though. He actually looked at me then, and asked "where we goin'?"
Connie jumped on that and told him we'd go anywhere he wanted to, provided it was quiet enough for us to talk.
He actually smiled then and said "my sis is here too. Could we maybe get sumpin' good to eat, maybe? Her an' me both likes steaks, but all we get here is burgers! Bad 'uns, too. Dang things is leftovers 'bout to be throwed out from th' stores."
After a brief discussion with the nuns, Jimmy and Janata (his sister) were allowed to go with us. They both wanted to go to Outback, having seen the commercials. Neither had ever eaten there, but I assured them the food was pretty goob. Heck, I liked it myself!
After devouring appetizers and a large steak, they finally opened up over desert. It seems that they had never been placed together and each set of foster parents had returned them, because they didn't care for that idea. Jimmy seemed to be the spokesperson, and warned us that if we fostered only one of them, there would be problems.
Both were shocked to learn that we would have it no other way. That was nothing compared to the reaction when they discovered who we were. I thought Janata (please call me Jan!) would faint when she heard. Jimmy (Jim) was incredulous. They were black, and he had some preconcieved ideas about discrimination.
"Why would some rich and famous white folk wanna take us in?" he asked. You be doin' your civic duty or sumpin'? We don' want no charity, done had 'nuf o' it!"
He wound down when I pointed out that he was embarassing his sister. I explained a few things to them then.
"First", I said "I'm not looking for temps, here. If we take you two in, it will be as our children. You'll be expected to do everything our other children have done, and will, do in the future. You'll be expected to learn, work, and get along with the others. We will ask nothing of you that is not asked of anyone else. In return, all we will ever ask is that you respect us, and not betray the trust we will be placing in you.
Connie continued from there. "You must also never tell anyone about where we live or what goes on there, unless we say that you can. It's kind of a secret."
That only served to make them suspicious but at least Jan finally spoke up. "Y'all ain't inta' nuthin' illegal, is you? I done been someplace where they was sellin' drugs an' such. We don't want no part o' that no more!
The pictures blew them away. The first was the palace, which we described as our "house". The second was of Vanir from a distance, showing the two moons and suns. The third was of the ship we had arrived in.
I'm not sure they believed us, but I had hope when Jim asked
"can we really go to school an' learn stuff? They don't teach us much here, an' I don't like bein stupid like we is. Rate we's goin', we be lucky ta get some job inna fas' food joint when we get kicked outa the home on our eighteenth."
"You must not understand", Connie interjected, "we're not talking foster home here, we're talking adoption. There won't be any kicking out. You'll both have the chance to get any education you want, and with some of the best teachers you could ever hope for."
We went to the bar and had a beer while they talked. When we returned, Jim said "If you want us, we'd go. Got nothin' to lose anyway. Least we find out how th' rich folk live for a bit. Be nice if it was like y'all say, though. Ain't never had no family, neither one o' us, 'cept each other. Sho' would like to see what that felt like, fo' once.
Connies said crypticly "you ain't never seen a family like the one you just bought into, Jim. I guarantee it. You'll have more family than you ever dreamed of."
It brought a smile to his face, but no questions.
The paperwork was started as soon as we returned, and thanks to our celebrity status, we were even assigned as temporary guardians while it was being processed. Sometimes fame was good for something.
They went ape shit over the ride in the aircar, but the look on their faces when meeting Keeli and Aleea was priceless. We got some great pictures of that. We probably should have taken more at the beach. Until they got used to the nudity, they were all eyes.
That only took a few minutes, though. It took longer for them to get used to something else. We discovered they couldn't swim, so the girls decided to teach Jim, and insisted that Brian and I teach Jan. I'm not sure about my mates, but I tried to be careful where my hands went. Somehow I still ended up with a handful of nubile young breast or ass cheek on occasion.
It wasn't my fault, though. I caught the little vixen at it a couple of times. I suppose she thought I didn't mind when nothing was said, so I shouldn't have been surprised at what happened. We were walking back out of the water when she "accidentally" tripped me. This accident also involved a nudge that put me on my back, whereupon I found myself with a fourteen year old female body pressed to me from head to toe. This caused the unavoidable, of course.
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The dwarf was grinning obscenely, thin rivulets of drool running down along his chin to drop on his bare, shrunken chest. He stood with his spindly legs planted wide, his body tilted to counter-balance his one misshapen foot, his heavy paunched belly lying over his loins like some ugly, cream-colored slug. He was breathing hard and stared at the quivering, jerking moons of Sharon Court's helplessly flailing buttocks as she sucked Mark Marlowe's turgid cock. It gave Wafto a tremendous sense...
Reem decided she will listen, her beautiful friend Yara whom she was together with since first grade... Reem and Yara grew up together to learn life, and recently sex...Yara told Reem a lot about sex, leading , Yara experienced her first blowjob, and told Reem the same day.. it was Yusef, her brothers friend who was 22 and ran into her at the beach, Nice muscles and nice erection Yara noticed as soon as he saw her, Yara felt the wetness deep in her pussy looking at the erection she caused, and...
Hi, this Akshay here with another incident. I and Rohan were best friends from college. We are roommates now. Rohan had his fair share of girlfriends over the past few years. Since we were from the same college, most of his girlfriends were my friends too and I always used to be the third wheel. Everyone liked my company in general. So, Rohan was going through a dry phase for almost an year. One day he was telling me about a new hottie in his office and how he badly wanted to get on with her....
Hello friends this is a story received from my dear friend from Mumbai with a request to publish it on ISS with his name and his mother’s name changed. Let me tell you the story is true with name changed to protect the real identity. My friend’s name is Kapil Sagar and his mom’s name is Prema Manjula. if you liked it please send your comments to or or or to encourage me to write the further story. Hello friends I am Kapil Sagar from Navi mumbai. I am 20 yrs old now and studying in...
IncestMy name is Marilyn. I'm twenty-four now, and the story I'm going to tell you happened when I was eighteen. Basically, it's all about how I came to find the true love of my life -- only it happens to be with a lover who practically no one knows about. That's the way we both want it. It was my first year of college. By that time I'd had a few boyfriends, and gone all the way with one of them. Still, I felt inexperienced compared to my friends, and really looked forward to exploring my...
Introduction: This story is pure fiction. All characters depicted are 18+. Chapter 1 – Just another Friday night? Another beer Tony? the bartender asked me. His words fell on deaf ears as I stared, practically drooling, at the trio of college girls dressed for attention. The combination of high heels, short skirts, and halter tops said that these girls were looking for fun. I imagined being younger, bolder, more confident, walking over and striking a combination, making them fawn over my...
Later that night, Roman and Brea have dinner at a premier fish house restaurant. The conversation centers around the project that just got approved and the potential project that could be dropping on their desk the following week, although neither of them is really interested in the subject. When the waiter brings the desert menu, Roman looks at Brea. “Would you rather be desert than eat it?” “Yes,” she hisses. “But how do we manage that with all these people in here?” “I don’t mean here,”...
Just another Friday night at our favorite pool place. Laid back, open bar, music blaring. Tonight, I’m working. I have on my see-through white t-shirt and my black skirt and red heels. Always have to throw some color on my feet when I work, can’t stand being too bland. You are playing pool, all tall, dark and handsome, twisting the chalk on the top of your pool cue. You wear blue jeans and a nerdy t-shirt.You stand back from the table and lean on the cue, eyeing your next shot. Your brain is...
MasturbationI slid into my seat at the bar and Tony whipped up my usual martini. "Hey Lynne, what's new?" he asked. "Nothing much, just a usual Friday night." "So when are you going to give a me a date?" It was our usual banter. After learning the hard way, I rarely dated men at my favorite bar. "Not in this lifetime, Tony." "Ouch!" He moved down the bar to help other customers. I sat and sipped my drink. I glanced up to see a Friday night regular walk in. He was always with his friends,...
Ye story me mene ek paise wale ladki ke sath kese romance kiya woh bataoonga. Mera name maddy he or me delhi ka rahene vala hu.Main handsome hu .Mere pass badiya sa hot tool he..Jise mene us ladki ko satisfy kiya. Chalo abhi story suru karta hu…. Bahut saal pahele me apne bike me kahi kaam se ja raha tha.Baarish bhi ho rahi thi thodi thodi. Rasta bahut shumsam tha aur raat hone wali thi…tabhi mene ek ladki ko uski scooter ke paas khada hote hue dekha…aur mene apni bike slow ki..Aur dekhne...
When Chloe Cherry and Whitney Wright find a box that has been delivered to the house, they bring it to Angela White. She’s pretty sure she knows what it is. When she opens it, she finds the bolster she ordered online and she’s ecstatic. The girls have no idea what she’s talking about but she volunteers to show them. She asks Chloe to climb on top and lay down on it. She demonstrates to the girls that it just makes it easier to work on someone. When she pulls in Whitney to take...
xmoviesforyouNote from the author: I'll keep this short, as I myself am annoyed by overly long prefaces. I wanted to show that I'm not a one-trick pony with the furry TG stories I had submitted in the past. This story itself started out intending to be a one shot, but along the line the serialized approach seemed better. Anyways, writing in the first person looking back style was a little problematic for me at times, and the rushed approach I took to it kind of shows here and there. I decided...
It's the weekend, and I get a call from my girl She is going to swing by before work, and grab some lunch with me by the pool. I make a couple sandwiches, and cut up some fruit. I set it all out, and go change into my swim trunks.As I drop my clothes to the floor I notice someone standing behind me. It's my sexy little girl. She just turned 20. Her 5' 2" frame is filled out. She always says that her breasts are too small, but I think that they are perfect. Her smile could make any mans heart...
No matter how hard she tries, Yesenia cannot seem to convince Zaria to let her father fuck the girl. Over the past year, Yesenia has found her way into Ray’s bed more than a few times. Moreover, she has kept it secret from her lifelong friend. Ray was resistant at first but now seems more comfortable when Yesenia shows up, unannounced, but with impeccable timing. And she seduces him into fucking her each and every time. Zaria is none the wiser. Not even Yesenia’s own father is aware. Unlike...
I find you alone one night. I am peeking in thru your window. You see me but continue with what your doing, ignoring me. You decide to take a shower, leaving the door open, hoping I will come in. I do. I watch you for awhile, lathering up, touching yourself all over, enjoying the show you’re putting on for me. I enter the bathroom and you act startled, but your acting, and I can tell. I take you by the hand right out of the shower. You don’t protest. I lead you toward the...
by aliveinpr My stories do not necessarily reflect my personal proclivities of desires, wants or fantasies. Read and enjoy. Marsha drove to work knowing she was taking on a part-time job...as an escort. She preferred the term of escort over prostitute. She was still worried what would happen if her daughters learned that their mother’s part-time job was an escort. Her pussy tingled as she knew her customers would only be black men, distinguished business men. They would be hand picked...
"One, two, three, four, we are wildcats, so we'll kick their asses a little more!!" we all chanted, while dancing around in the gym. "Wait, wait, Hannah, did you say, 'So we'll kick their asses a little bore?'" she asked, strolling up a bit. I walked forward and looked at her with my arms up and my eyebrows down. "For the last time, Miranda, I did not get it wrong. I've been practicing this routine for weeks now." "Uh huh, well, let's try that again," she suggested, getting back into...
Outdoor“Molly, I have to go to town before the store closes. Mr. Simmons is still working on the pump for the well. See that he gets his check if he finishes before I get back.”“Okay, mom. I’ll see that he gets it.”Mom headed for town and I walked slowly out to the pump house to see how Mr. Simmons was coming along. He had been there most of the day working on our water pump for the well. The pump was in a small shed we referred to as the pump house. It was about ten feet square with just a door in...
TabooWell Krys and my boss were now seeing each other not only when she would come to the motel on weekends but he was now spending nights fucking my wife in our bed and thier affair went on for 2 months.She told me everthing they did from how many times they fucked to where as well as where he cum on her.He was clueless that I knew what they were doing the whole time and I was getting off on it. She had admited to me that she allowed him to take photos and videos while they were having sex and was...
Coworker's Curse By: Monsta It was a typical Wednesday at the office when my life suddenly got turned upside down. Nothing stood out as unusual about the day at first, it had begun as any typical workday. But then around 10:30am my coworker Carl came into my cubicle and started talking about some printer issue he was having on his computer. I was kind of busy, but he was insistent so I agreed to go over to his cubicle and help him. I reinstalled the network printer and printed...
The light from the street lamp outside probed its way through the small gap in the curtains of my window, casting shadows across her body. It wasn’t the lamp that was keeping Jasmine awake, no it was the humidity was atrocious, even with the full blast air conditioning sliding over her.The naked girl groaned and rolled over onto her stomach, hard nipples sliding across the satin sheets. Putting those on hadn’t been a good idea, but when she had looked she was out of cotton sheets, and the only...
My hands gripped the edge of the mattress tightly as my back arched, hips pressing my pussy back into the rapidly pistoning dick as I cum intensely. “Yeah, that’s it baby, give it up, cum on this black dick”, I heard said to me. I couldn’t prevent the loud moan that escaped me as I recognized Tim’s voice and realized that he was fucking me, pounding his black cock deep in my white milf pussy while I cum repeatedly. I lost it, I mean completely came undone and began ramming my pussy back...
This story takes placeover a number of years, starting almost 25 years ago, when I was much more naïve, and continues to the present. Sarah is different in so many ways. She is a sharp business woman, a designer of women’s clothes and buyer for a national chain of stores. She is always sharply dressed; nails and hair perfect. She is an accomplished artist, working mostly in pencil, pen and ink and water color. Her artwork has been displayed in Boston and New York and she has even sold some of...
Straight SexI woke the next morning to a minor crisis that took up the next couple of days. When I came out of my bedroom for my morning coffee Asana informed me that there was a message waiting for me on the household computer. The message was from Art and it was very short but it wasn't sweet. James Dong had left the cave just before dawn and he hadn't returned. Over my coffee and a cinnamon bun I sat and reviewed the video feed from the cave. I watched as James Dong had risen well before dawn. I...
It was late into the evening when Angie left for the night. All the rest of the girls had already gone leaving Teresa there to make sure nothing happened to Roger. As she was left alone, Teresa couldn't help thinking back on the conversation earlier that evening. "Now what do we do?" Heather asked, her voice even shakier then before. "We have to do something." Teresa pleaded. "Angie could end up killing him the way she is." Jenny swore. "What can we do? She has that tape and...
We got into my car, and I drove over to Becky's house. She pulled me inside, despite how uncomfortable I was being there. As soon as we were inside, Becky stripped off her clothes and yelled, "Chrissy! Front and center!" I heard the pitter patter of bare feet and Chrissy quickly came running up, sliding to her knees in the last few steps. She was breathing a bit from the exertion as she said, "Yes, Mistress?" "I have an assignment for you," Becky said. "Something only a slave as...