Stitch And Bitch Club
- 2 years ago
- 28
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I spent Monday, the MLK holiday, hiding in my room, playing the games I'd discovered on my computer over the weekend. Fortunately, that basically killed the whole day.
Unfortunately, I couldn't stay there all week, and it was a lonely drive to school on Tuesday without Jeanne. When I got out of my car in the seniors' parking lot — I was actually doing pretty good with this driving stuff now — I noticed Tanya Szerchenko standing at the door to the school. As I approached, I wondered how someone could look that beautiful and miserable at the same time.
I hadn't really had a good chance to admire Tanya from afar before. When we were speaking — two weeks ago now — she was either sitting down next to me, sitting down across from me, or standing next to me while we walked to the cafeteria or waited in line. I knew she was fairly tall for a girl, about 5'7" or even a little taller. Her shoulder-length hair was blonde, the result of her Ukrainian heritage. She was slender, with breasts that didn't so much call attention to themselves as they called attention to the entire package.
It was only now, though, as she stood there, apparently waiting for someone — me? — that I could appreciate how well put together that package was. Even wrapped in a winter parka against the cold, even with a long beige skirt that almost completely hid her legs from sight, she took my breath away.
"Hey," I said hesitantly as I took the steps two at a time.
"Can I talk to you a minute?" she asked, speaking even more hesitantly than I had.
"Sure," I said. The steps leading to the entrance of the school were stone, and Tanya was leaning on the foot-thick stone railing running up each side of them. I sat down on the cold stone, and she sat down next to me.
"I just wanted to say that I'm sorry," she said.
"Okay," I nodded, when it looked like she was expecting an answer.
"I'd only known you for three days," she said, "and when they started telling those stories about you, I didn't know what to believe. I should have just asked you."
She'd hung her head during most of her apology, but now she was looking up at me through impossibly long eyelashes.
"That's okay," I finally blurted out, the chill air turning my exhalation into a white wisp that dissolved above her hair.
"One of my friends said that you were denying the whole thing," she continued, "and I realized that all that video crap was just so much talk, and that I should have had a little more faith in you."
I smiled down at her.
"Since we're in Religion together?" I joked.
She gave me the beginnings of a grin.
"So we're still friends?" I asked.
"Still friends," she offered me her hand for a shake. At that moment, I wanted nothing more than to crush her against me and kiss her, but I accepted the handshake. I walked her in to her locker, and continued on to mine, much happier than when I'd gotten out of my car.
It certainly wasn't a complete thaw of last week's freeze-out. I got a few hand-slaps in Government, but by the time I reached Mrs. Palmer's third period seminar, it was clear that the tide was running against me. She twice ignored my hand during our continuing discussion of Bartleby, just as Mr. Carruthers curtly accepted my identification of Gamma Cassiopeia as the subject of my research project. In contrast, when Aaron and Cammie, sitting in front of me, selected the star Pollux, in the constellation Gemini, you'd think they'd just discovered another planet.
Mrs. Jenkins, on the other hand, clearly wanted to believe me. We were still discussing the book of Genesis, having spent most of last week arguing over her decision to call it a "creation story," which most of the class interpreted as giving it the same weight as the Hindu creation story or even, God forbid, the Navajo creation story. Mrs. Jenkins, God bless her, had refused to knuckle under, and the discussion had been lively and even heated. Finally, though, she turned to me.
"Mr. Sterling," she said, "tell us about Noah."
Needless to say, I didn't get very far as a solo artist. It soon became a duet, and then a trio, and then a symphony, with even Tanya offering her opinion.
Tanya walked me to lunch, and sat with me at "my table," but nobody else joined us. At one point, I caught a glimpse of Stephie holding court on the opposite side of the cafeteria. She looked up to see me looking at her, and gave me a look that was filled with triumphant malice.
The worst part was that Jeanne refused to come around. I spent another quiet dinner hour that evening under the glares of three Sterling women.
Wednesday was yet another day in the cold war. Its high point was Cammie Rowe turning around to me in Astronomy just before the bell rang.
"Are you okay?" she asked.
"Yes, I'm fine," I nodded. "I —"
The bell rang and she turned around immediately. Or perhaps she turned around and then the bell rang. I like to think it was the former. The only disturbing news of the day came during seventh period, when I got a note from Coach Torianni indicating that my tryout the following day, with a scout from the St. Louis Cardinals, had been canceled. I thought nothing of it at the time; probably he was just delayed somewhere and we would reschedule it when he was free. After all, it wasn't like I was going to be going anywhere.
That cancellation, however, was like the crocuses in spring — a small but certain promise of things to come. On Thursday, Coach Torianni caught me as I came out of Astronomy class and brought me back to his office.
"I got bad news, Trick," he said when we were finally alone and he had brushed off my protests that I had a Religion class for which I was going to be late.
I had become almost inured to bad news recently, so I stoically sat there across from him and waited for him to begin.
"Look, kid," he finally said after a long pause, "I'm not gonna sugarcoat this. Auburn and Alabama have both withdrawn their scholarship offers."
"What?" I asked, my heart once again pounding in my chest.
"I dunno," he said. "I kind of thought this whole thing you and your girl got into would just blow over, like any other high school thing. Because you know, I didn't want to believe that you did anything like what they were saying, you know?"
I nodded.
"But somebody's been talking to the coaches at these schools," he said. "I got calls into 'em, but you know, I don't really know these guys, just the scouts that showed up at our games last spring. So I can tell 'em you're denying the whole thing — you are, right? That's what Rabbit told me."
"Yes, sir," I choked out.
"Good," he nodded. "But they got no reason to believe me, and somebody's already told 'em your girl's side."
"Who would do that?" I asked.
"Somebody you pissed off," he shrugged.
"But who would they listen to?" I continued.
"That's a good question," he said. He'd been sort of rocking back and forth in his little swivel chair, and now he stopped and sat up, as if it hadn't occurred to him before. "Somebody you pissed off who's pretty well connected. Got any ideas?"
Of course I didn't. I had no idea who I'd pissed off over the last three years. I didn't even know who my friends were, let alone my enemies.
"Oh, Jesus, I know who it is," he finally said after a minute's thought. "Oh, God, kid, I'm afraid you may be well and truly fucked."
"Van Carlen," he said. "Your girl's dad. 'Dutch.'"
"The car dealer?" I asked.
"Yeah," he nodded. "That asshole's tied into booster clubs all over the country. I think he might of even gone to one of these schools. Damn it!"
He pounded his fist down on the desk, nearly making me jump out of my seat. We both sat in silence; Coach was obviously racking his brain to see if he could figure any way out of this, while, for my part, I was just a stunned observer, caught halfway between the idea that this was happening to me and the idea that it was happening to someone else who I just happened to be watching.
"Just let me think, Trick," he said. "Make some phone calls. I'm just a gym teacher and a baseball coach. This is way outta my league. But let me see."
"Sure, Coach," I said. I got up and numbly walked down the hall. As I approached Mrs. Jenkins' class, I realized that I didn't have a note to excuse my absence. I retraced my steps to the gym, but Coach was nowhere around. By that point, it was already twenty minutes into fifth period, and I just gave up. I was going home. The hell with this crap.
I slowly shuffled down the deserted hallways to my locker to dump off my books. When I opened it, though, I found a note inside: "Meet me at the mall, in the Cinnabon, at 4:30 this afternoon. Very important. RC."
I stood there in the hallway, my locker open in front of me, racking my brain to remember an RC. After five minutes without any success, I just dumped all my books in my locker and started wandering the halls. Twenty minutes later I was still there when the bell went off to signal the end of the period and the classes burst into the hallway in the race for the cafeteria.
By then, I'd decided to spend my sixth period study hall in the library, looking over old yearbooks. In the meantime, though, I had to sit through lunch. I got my food and took my table, and then spotted Tanya coming out of the serving line with her own tray. I caught her eye and smiled, nodding at the chair opposite me, but it became clear that she'd really rather be somewhere else. Finally, though, she walked over and slowly sat down across from me.
"If you lied to me, I will never speak to you again," she said quietly. I noticed that she'd been crying.
"What happened?" I asked her.
"Paula Owens," she gasped, "came up to me in third period, and told me, in front of everybody in the class, that she'd seen the little video she said you sent Stephie, and she couldn't believe that I'd want anything more to do with you."
"I swear," I said with as much conviction as I could, "I would never tape a girl, ever."
She gave me a long look, as if she could see deep into my soul. Finally, she nodded.
"Okay," she said. "But like I told you..."
Now it was my turn to nod. Fifteen minutes later, though, when neither one of us had said a word to each other and our lunches were turning cold on their trays, I excused myself, and heard her sigh as I got up to leave the table.
I got to the mall at four-fifteen, having completely failed to figure out who needed to see me outside of school that badly. Ricky Cratty was a lowlife jerk who was rumored to deal in drugs. If he wanted to see me, I was probably in more trouble than I thought. Rebecca Clemmons was an airheaded Stephie wannabe; I wouldn't be surprised if it turned out that I'd dated her at some point over the last three years, particularly given the remark Rabbit had dropped about my "working my way up" to Stephie. But ever since we'd been in fourth grade together, she'd demanded to be called Becky, and it would have been odd if she'd dropped that in the past three years. There were also juniors and seniors in the book with those initials, but I didn't know any of them. So I would just have to wait to find out.
I scanned the mall, trying to pick out a face that I recognized from school. There were so many kids, though, and so many that I didn't really know anymore, that I quickly gave it up. I looked down at my watch — 4:40 — and looked back up to see a woman standing in front of me, taking off her winter coat, her stylish hat, and her sunglasses.
"Ms. Carter!" I yelped. "You're RC?"
"Rachel Carter," she said as she pulled out the chair opposite me and sat down even before I could stand up to greet her.
"I don't have a lot of time, Patrick," she went on, glancing up and down the mall as she talked. "I told them I have a doctor's appointment and they want me back at 5:30."
"Who?" I asked. "What are you talking about?"
"Patrick, they're going to try to have you expelled," she said bluntly.
"What?" I whispered.
"I've been typing up the papers and assembling the packet this afternoon," she continued as she scanned the mall. "They're going to notify you tomorrow after school."
"Expel me!" the words shot out of my mouth in an explosion. "What the hell for?"
"'For conduct that disrupts the learning process, '" she quoted.
"But I haven't done anything," I protested.
"Shhhh," she silenced me. "I know that. Actually, they know it, too. When they heard rumors about this video clip today — they being Mister Peterson and Superintendent Frostman — they called Miss van Carlen into the office. I couldn't hear what she told them, but apparently it didn't satisfy them. If they had a video, they wouldn't be as worried as they are. In fact, it was after she left that they decided that 'conduct that disrupts the learning process' can be read to mean 'presence that disrupts the learning process.'"
"So just because Stephie's spreading this story about me," I asked, "I'm the one getting kicked out of school? That's not right."
"No, it's not," she said. "How old are you?"
"How old are you, Patrick?" she repeated.
"Seventeen," I said. "I'll be eighteen in a couple of weeks."
Friend did this yesterday....if you like people doing dumb stuff watch it....mortar tube hits my friend ends up with 4 stitches[/video]
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Lily was a good girl. The type of girl who during school years had been punctual and well behaved, during college had not experimented with sex and drugs like many of her friends had, and as an adult, always paid her bills on time and worked her butt off for little recognition. At twenty four years old, Lily worked at small, local pharmacy. She handed out prescriptions and restocked shelves full of nappy creams, cough medicines, and an array of typical household necessities. It didn’t excite...
Straight SexThursday, July 27th, 2006, Boston Massachusettes “Goddamn, I’m fucking sore,” I complained again for the hundredth time since leaving the hotel. I twisted in my seat, trying to find a way that I could sit without putting any pressure upon my wounded shoulder. I absentmindedly watched a couple of kids zoom by on skateboards as we sat at a red light; we were driving to a gunshop across the other side of town, and my body was throbbing. It was almost noon already; it was very sunny and hot,...
In the morning, Helen made an appointment with a doctor the hotel recommended. Then she called Schellen, agreeing to meet at eleven. She dialed again. "Rummy, he bit." "When?" "Got a voice mail last night. I meet him at eleven." "Need me?" "I don't think so. It's Friday, why don't you go home to Doris? I'll probably get a deal, and so I'll come to London tomorrow." "Why not tonight? We could go together." "Got a date." "Okay, call me one way or another. I'll be...
THE PLAYER'S S+EP-DAUGH+ERInspired by true events(This story was told by a friend who wanted me to edit and post it for him. He is the "I" in the story, not me.-FredLake) I had always been something of a player. During school, I never had a steady girlfriend but was never without pussy for very long. Back in high school I had more money and a better car than most guys, so girls were willing to go out with me. I always made it clear that I expected them to give up their pussy and that I wasn't...
Last time I told you about our first threesome experience with a guy. I am sharing today my first sex with a girl after my sister. It happened after my sis went for college to a different city. After she went to college I had to find myself a girl who can be my fuck friend but the problems was finding one as all girls I dated wanted more than that for which I was not ready? So for the time being my gay neighbor & some of his gay friends were my only solution but I was desperate for pussy also....
IncestIt's been a while since I wrote about my asian flower, because she and I have not been together for a while, schedules, jobs, k**s, all the areas of life have been in full swing. Well let me tell you, I thought my Asian Flower didn't want any more loving from her black prince, but I was wrong. I was at her home while she worked, and she knows the things that turn me on! I love when she wears those very small shorts where you can see the ass cheeks hanging out, and she has the most gorgeous legs...
Meri age 22 hi or me ek private company me job krta ho.. Me iss last 2 year se padh rha ho..Ab sidhe story pr aate hi.. Mamta ki. Age ab 21 hi or uska figure 34-28-30 hi … Or rang ek dum angrejo jaisa.. Mamta or mera relation chl rha tha ki ek.Din mujhe moka mila use kis krne ka… Maine bhi soch liya aaj to.Kiss krke hi rhonga.. Kyuki.Usse phele maine kbhi kisi ladki.Ko kis nhi kiya tha. Ye baat hi 12 september 2013 ki tb uske ghr vale 2 din k.Liye gau gy the. To usne mujhe bola ki aaj raat aap...
i lay face down ass up as I was told by Niger in our agreement. The motel door creeked open, I felt a rush of cool air as he entered and closed the door behind him. Niger said nothing, I could here the clinks of his belt as he hurriedly undid his buckle. I slid the bottle of lubricant down between my legs anxiously awaiting for what was about to take place. It was nothing special, Niger responded to an online profile I created, gave his stats, showed some papers and I was game. Niger plopped...
I had managed to get to myself also a hands free Bluetooth earpiece. I found out that with it I was able eavesdrop the discussions inside my work room while I was not there. Of course I was able to do that only occasionally and those few moments I had been able to use it had not really revealed anything interesting. Yet, I decided to keep the earpiece. There was a change of climate in the way Sofia and I were treated inside 'the family, ' soon after the two sons and the wife of 'el jefe'...
Back in 1963 I used Greyhound Buses for transport as it was usually the cheapest way to go plus I found the uniform got me women. If passengers found it odd I was carrying my heavy winter overcoat rest assured it Wasn,t to keep warm, but came in handy at night and Didn,t let nosey bus drivers see too much. I was returning to the army base Ft. Sill, Oklahoma from home leave in eastern South Dakota when I,d asked the stunning brunette sitting just in front if she minded me sitting next to her now...
Lifting my head from the pillow, I blinked a few times before glancing at the alarm clock. It was just another early morning for me as I lay next to Michelle, enjoying the sweet perfume she wore. The alarm showed 4am as I moved a little closer to her and placed several soft and lingering kisses over her ears, even blowing into them. One long slow lick followed by several soft bites were placed along her neckline as my fingers traced downwards over her stomach.I felt her body move involuntarily...
Straight SexJe suis agé de 23 ans et je suis en couple avec une charmante demoiselle de 18 ans. Un jour nous avons decider d'acheter un gode ceinture pour qu'elle puisse me prendre, car étant adepte des jeux coquins je prend un plaisir de fou de voir une femme prendre un homme, et franchement je ne regrette en rien cette soumissions, domination. J'ai adoré, j'adore quand elle me prend sauvagement, cela l'excite beaucoup; que je lui tende mon trou bien accueillant et que je lui dise de me bourrer a fond......
Daughter's Curse At first I thought I was having a stroke. I remember thinking, you're only 48 years old and your parents are still alive and healthy. This can't be happening. But when I tried to get out of bed, I couldn't move my right side. Then I realized I couldn't move my left side and for some strange reason, that made me feel better. My vision seemed to be fading too - everything was turning golden in a kind of tunnel-vision effect. But then the sides of my face began to get...
This is my story of being gay.Hi, i love watching every kind of porn of course legal one. i and my friend(boyfriend i love him so much) met university. We lived in same room in dormitory. We were roommate. We had been roommate for one year after we decided move a home because we wanted more free. There is no rule :). By the way we were normal friend not did sex but watched straight porn everyweekend :).We went same university but different department.We moved a home anymore. We were homemate...
As with any holiday centre, especially where many of the young staff lived on site there was an abundance of chalet hopping and sexual shenanigans going on. Almost every day brought a fresh, scandalous piece of gossip, Jane from the bars has dumped John the life guard, and is now fucking Paul the entertainments manager, and so on.I worked in the catering department as a chef, I didn't live on site as I owned my own home and I'm married with k**s. The catering department had by far the largest...
Tammy had just moved to the city, she had an hour before the restaurant she worked at closed but was exhausted, Jill the girl who had trained her when she started saw her yawn. "Hang in there girl." she said with encouragement, "I'm trying," Tammy responded, "My boyfriend went on tour with his band 2 days ago and i haven't been able to sleep much." Jill gave her a devious look and whispered in Tammy's ear. "Do you party?" she said it while tapping her nose. "Like coke?" "Kinda like that." Jill...
Most women do not understand it, but there is freedom in obedience! It is actually so liberating for a sub to follow her MASTER's instructions to the letter, and not have to worry about a thing. That doesn't make me weak or spineless, in fact it makes me brave because i have the courage to follow my MASTER without question!It isn't about not thinking, (i'm a degree student so quite clever) it's about the freedom that there is in being in servitude. i feel so relaxed happy and free when i'm...
After giving me my first ever blow job Deb stripped off completely and said we needed a cool drink. As she walked to the kitchen I watched her huge pale butt wobbling then my cock started to harden again when she bent over and I got my first rear view of the huge mat of hair between her legs and running between her cheeks. She came back with two cold drinks rubbing the glasses against her big nippes making them red and hard. She dipped a finger into her Coke and ran it up and down her slit,...
I am 23 years old and I live with my mom (47) and litle brother (20). This story is about me and my mom so i'm going to discribe us a little. I am 1.79 meters tall, have short dark hair, weight 75 kg. My mom is a short women, she is 1,54 meters tall, she is about 53 Kg, has long dark hair. It all started when I was 16 years old, I came home from school one day and ran straight to my room. I had a lot of homework so I wanted to make very quickly, around 6 pm evening my mother came home...
So where do I begin?I had been married since I was 18 and that was 16 years ago. My husband no longer seemed interested in me but I was hornier than I had ever been in my life!My problem was that if I did not have my vibrator I would never get off at all.I had a friend from work who was single and she told me just how many men were looking for a blow job or a great fuck. All I wanted to know was how I could meet some of them.I was so frustrated that I started to go to the internet and watch...
Katelyn and I walked into Johnny’s bar, hand in hand. Jessica saw us the moment we came through the door, gave a shriek of joy, and ran to us. Katie got the first hug, as I expected, and as was appropriate. But mine was longer, and was accompanied by a searing kiss on the lips. She led us over to the corner of the bar, where there was a reserved sign in front of two stools. I wiggled out of my coat, then helped Katie take hers off. Jess stepped back to take a look at her sister. “Wow!...
Friday was busy day at work, I was glad to go home. Hooray, the weekend is here! When I arrived at home I relaxed and had a drink and prepared to BBQ a steak I had ready for dinner. I had dinner and did some email and cruising on the computer. I then watched some TV and then headed off to bed. Saturday I had slept in went and did some shopping and then met a friend for lunch. I returned to the house and did normal house cleaning and laundry. I felt tired that evening and actually went to bed...
Straight Sex