Cleo Benedict DominatrixChapter 4
- 4 years ago
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Those voyeuristic patrons of the Baroque who’d not seen prior notifications the club was to be closed for a private function that evening, were turned away in disappointment, and left to seek other venues at which to rouse their erections on attending. The smug smiles of the girls in the ticket foyer, in taking great pleasure in informing them of the denial of entry, teasing that need for erotic relief even further. The plethora of women, wearing equally smug smiles as they waltzed their various but equally elegant shapes through to the theatre area, had some of the more ardent patrons linger through curiosity, and the subtle thrill of banishment at the expense of what was obviously an entirely feminine audience.
One of those males who lingered, was a regular and perverted patron, who following shows would habitually inhabit a dark recess in a building diagonally opposite the stage entrance at the theatre’s side entrance. There he’d lurk and play with his cock on the off chance of seeing the female stars depart, and his lewd inquisitiveness at being rebuked on this occasion, had him favour that station in the hope of seeing arrivals. Like the other males turned away, his initial reaction was to repair to some other seedy joint, but the array of supreme looking women arriving held his attention ... One particularly dominant woman, middle-aged and so shapely in her tight outfit, gave him a contemptuous sneer through her horn rimmed glasses; the cat like glare from her flared spectacles striking a chord with him, bringing his cock high in his loose flannel pants, and having him sneak to the side entrance after watching her strut, headmistress like, into the theatre.
The submissive voyeur was not to be disappointed, taking advantage of his specially acquired pants with their elasticated waistline, to strop his cock vigorously, as first, a woman who he recognised as the Whip Mistress strutted confidently down the dank alley, her broad hips expressed exquisitely by a tight pencil skirt and tall heels, bringing his cock up hard. Her unnecessary delay at the door, caused by an inattentive doorman, allowing the voyeur some superb strokes and the briefest of fantasies, as she stood, irked, with hands on hips, displaying her dominance so naturally. The incident gave him the need to undo his fly, and grip his member, now stropping in full and glorious masturbation as the the full figure of the Chariot Woman graced his vision. Seeing her formidable curves cloaked in a tight and formal dress and jacket, somehow enhanced the appeal of her sexuality for him, as he came close to shooting his load before she disappeared through the door.
But it was to be the next, anonymous but deeply satisfying arrival which had him shoot his mess to the alcove brickwork, before making his furtive and shamed departure, a sexual treat which would have him repeat the pleasure at home, with its haunting memory.
The glint of sun on Chrome heralded the arrival of a Nash Ambassador, as it edged into the confines of the narrow alley, the smiles of its feminine occupants radiating through the glass. Inside, kneeling and leashed within the rear footwell between Eve and Lana, Faulkner quivered and erected hard at the sight of the theatre he knew so well, and would now know from another perspective ... in total humiliation, and brought to it in a car he’d once owned and posed arrogantly within. It was now the property of Madam Lana Dupree, as was he.
Though full of trepidation, the prospect of being exhibited and punished upon the Baroque’s stage before women, had him boning with masochistic excitement at the justly deserved treatment he’d brought upon himself. Lana sneered at his obvious arousal, which would prompt the thorough examination of his flesh, with the implements wielded by the enthusiastically sadistic feminine performers, her eyes then going to the blank wall which cut the alley short, some fifty yards from the side entrance, thinking how cruelly apt it was.
“Oh look Faulkner, it’s a dead end ... how symbolic of your former life ... the entire world will see that’s been eradicated totally, tonight. Faulkner’s anus gripped at the intrusive plug, his cock pulsing rigid at the smug and forthright tone of her voice, the tension on the leash from Eva, telling him he was about to know that humiliating destiny as the car was brought to a halt by Marcia, with a satisfied smile.
The tall heels and seemingly endlessly long legs of the formidable black woman emerged from the vehicle which had once been his, and a tug on the leash had the naked white male follow, to cower below her curvaceous figure, the flesh of his ass high as he crouched in submission at her feet, the stripes of her strict ownership, shaming evidence of his utter defeat. The mature Mistress of the household stepped out, and as the third reversed the vehicle out to park it elsewhere, the black woman showed the crawling male the cane she held in her other hand, as he was whipped with indifference to the stage door.
When Marcia returned from parking the car, she saw a male slip furtively from the side entrance, looking flushed, his eyes fixed somehow, but thought nothing of it. As she strutted to, and on through the stage door, she was the only person in the alley; but across the way in an alcove, the evidence of the pleasured witnessing of Faulkner’s downfall provided the only movement other than hers, as the worthy ejaculation of seed spent in covert satisfaction, trickled its creamy passage down the rough mortar between the brickwork.
Faulkner may have been spared the humiliation of being outed in public, on being granted the cover of access via the side entrance, but he was not to escape the thorough shaming before his large but select feminine audience. Whipped smartly on by Eve’s cane, he was delivered up a side passage, to the full glory of an entrance at the head of the theatre beyond the foyer. Faulkner’s breath was as much taken away by the atmosphere, as it was by Eve’s swingeing strokes of the cane, as Lana opened the door to the spacious and packed auditorium, his exposure illuminated by the lighting at maximum, and the raucous and contemptuous applause of womanhood at the sight of male put so rightly in his place, and on a leash to a black maid, elevated to enjoy the place so rightly hers.
Amidst the cackling and spiteful applause, he took in the familiarity of the club’s interior, the entire accommodation of tables and seating that he’d often frequented at liberty, now occupied by unfamiliar feminine clientele, whose undivided and pleased attention was now upon him as a captive. That spite and contempt was reinforced most resoundingly, on their noting the rudely stiff erection which provided the undeniable evidence of the pleasure he felt in being in that position; the once arrogant male who’d treated so many of the women there like second class citizens, now taught to understand his inferiority to them all, the humiliating stripes so blatantly expressed across the flesh of his plugged buttocks, acknowledged with delighted ridicule as proof of his knowing defeat.
Eve’s cane had him progress a little whilst Lana looked on with dominant pride, pulling him on the leash, this way and that, ensuring he acknowledged his entire audience at this elevated point, and having him teased by the panorama of the stage below. Faulkner’s eyes took in the improvised ramp which led down from the stage, and noted that the positioning of the tables would grant the feminine audience an intimate and satisfying taste of his humiliation, as it would allow circuits of his laboured progression when harnessed to the chariot. That submissively stimulating thought had him erect enough, but what took pride of place in a central and forward position upon the stage, had his cock pulsing rigid, and his anus tingling wildly with trepidation.
Both Lana and Eve thoroughly enjoyed his bewildered gape toward the stage, as the masterly black woman pulled him back on his knees to have him examine it thoroughly, Marcia taking a photograph for posterity while the spiteful applause from the audience continued to mock his rigid cock, standing high in shame. Marcia grinned as the flashbulb popped, in registering its illumination of him.
“There, that’s a shot before the show ... we’ll see how you look when it’s done.” Faulkner’s eyes were scrutinised with sadistic relish by his audience, on their being fixated in a fearful focus upon the low, T shaped frame which beckoned his restraint. He could see the polished and sturdy apparatus was designed to accommodate its occupier in a kneeling position, facing the audience so as they may fully enjoy the expressions of the victim, this sadistic scenario guaranteed by a leather collar which lay upon a padded chin support at the centre of the cross beam. Lana sneered with dominant satisfaction, his obvious trepidation arousing her sweetly as his fearful eyes continued to study the cruel apparatus in those few initial moments.
“See what awaits you after your use with the chariot, my sweet ... you’ll satisfy every woman here in confirming your submission to the whip”. Faulkner’s boning cock quivered and pulsed at her words, and the cynically scathing laughter of women within earshot, the surreal and erotically intense notion of being humiliated and shown for what he was at the club he patronised, brought to a spiteful and teasing reality by her ... and his eyes confirmed that the pleasure of his humiliation would be brought forth in justly sadistic fashion.
At each end of the cross beam were straps which would hold the victim in a crucifix like position, and even at this distance, his anus tingled in masochistic awe at seeing a tiny shaft of light penetrate an orifice in the smoothly rounded upright, and to the fore of the beam at its base, a glass platter awaited an offering he knew he’d not fail to provide. The bored hole, padded and greased, would accept his captive cock, the padding would guarantee his stimulation, aided by the whip, the grease would ensure he didn’t come too soon ... not until some satisfaction with the lash had been painfully exacted from him.
As though that impending humiliation were not enough, he baulked on the leash and gasped, as Cleo emerged from the expectant throng of femininity, clutching the file he’d hoped would remain anonymous to his Mistress, and his heart skipped a beat on seeing three women emerge with her, whom he’d never dreamed he’d see enjoy his humiliation there. The smug and spiteful smiles of the three women gave his erection an acute rigidity, and for good reason, as Cleo revealed what he’d been hiding.
“It seems your pet’s penchant for business, extends beyond just the usual chicanery we’re all aware of ... he likes to blackmail too... “. Faulkner’s boning erection didn’t wain, but pulsed visibly as one of the three women stepped forward with sheer spite in her eyes, and slapped his face hard. An enthusiastic applause greeted the full bodied, middle-aged woman’s satisfying release, which she repeated, enjoying watching his face redden, the other two looking on in disbelief at his position now, but deeply satisfied with it. The observing crowd of women could sense the acute air of victory expressed by the three, who were anonymous to any of those present who’d had business dealings with Faulkner, the ripeness of their pleasure in seeing him bound in humiliation, obviously something very special indeed. The curvaceous woman sneered down as he cowered on the leash, his sense of defeat now amplified beyond anything he’d yet felt ... his anus tingling at being caught out for something he’d hoped to hide, but his masochistic side, strangely thrilled by the inevitable consequences.
“Not so arrogant or demanding now, are we?” She stood over him, hand on hip, laughing as the two others stood close and showed their delight in scrutinising his pathetic position now, as Cleo handed the file to Lana, who came quickly to her conclusions with a sneer.
“Well ... it seems an explanation, a full confession, and a suitably severe punishment is required ... one that goes beyond the mere whipping you’ll know tonight...” She flicked through the dossier and was pleased to find the woman who now stood over him, depicted posing with a whip over a portly gentleman, having her smirk with satisfaction.
“ ... and I’m sure these ladies will be keen to oversee just and deserved punishment served upon you ... this does shed a new light on your tenure under my control”. The woman who stood over him, thoroughly enjoyed her dominant life in secret, and was aroused at having any male at her feet, but this was a thrill beyond any session with her whip she’d experienced yet.
He’d been an arrogant thorn in her side, extorting money from her, the male in the picture owed him money, along with another who she’d foolishly allowed take pictures of her victory pose, and those stooges would be made to pay dearly also. Faulkner had always seemed so naturally assertive at those meets where he’d taunted her with social ruin over the photos; she never dreamed she’d see him, leashed, submissive, the defeated property of a woman. For his part, Faulkner’s cock maintained its rock hard rigidity at the prospect he now faced. Though he’d menaced her whilst hiding behind a veil of authority on confronting her, he’d masturbated hard at the pictures in private, and lusted for a scenario which didn’t come close to what he’d now endure as he shot his seed ... and Lana now commanded the damning dossier as well as him.
The feeling of masochistic doom consumed him, as its content would earn him severe punishment, and a lushly erotic surprise for some of the males within it, but his immediate humiliation beckoned, and the watching women were not to be disappointed. The massed arousal of femininity was guaranteed, as the crack of a whip partially diverted the throng’s attention to the stage, where the Chariot Mistress emerged, two masked and shapely nymphs, walking out her wheeled instrument of humiliation, before disappearing with their smiles aside the stage. The women applauded lustily on Eve seeing her charge to the ramp with her cane, Faulkner’s laboured progress on the leash, thoroughly enjoyed by all as he stumbled on all fours to his shaming, under her vigorous application of the flexible rod.
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Kim always marveled at the ability of her friends to bounce back after each punishment. The very next evening all 15 members of Eloisa's musical group were at rehearsal, following an ordinary day at work for each of the band's members. It was no surprise that the women should be ready to rehearse, given their switchings had been extremely lenient. However, the band's ten male members all were viciously marked up; with the passage of 24 hours only making the marks appear darker and more...
This is compliments of GEORGE You are going to have to think about this one!!!!! Two men applied for a job. One was a high school dropout, the other a college graduate. They took many tests and finally the HR interviewer called them both into the office and informed them they each had the highest score ever achieved on the companies requirements for employment. They were tied. The college grad spoke up and said he should get the job because of his education. The high school dropout said...
I was hospitalized for a week not too long ago. My sexy wife would come in to see me and stay all day. The nurses would have to ask her to leave to get rid of her. The first evening after things settled down my wife sucked my cock to satisfy my needs. I really appreciated it. That second evening though a very cute blonde nurse came in to check on me. Her name was Traci. She was about five feet six inches tall and about a hundred and twenty pounds. She was the girl next type. You know the...
I snuck into The Turret in the spring of 1982 just before it closed.It wasn't difficult to get in. A guy who picked me up on Citadel Hill a few months previously had told me about the guys at the door: "dress sexy and even if you're young they'll let you in...although, not always for 'free'," he said with a wink.I came into Halifax dressed normally, but had skimpy running shorts (no liner) and a tight mucle-T in my bag. I changed in a hotel bathroom about two blocks away and, under the cover of...
Games of the Children Part 2 Brad rolled over in bed, the sun again providing an unwelcome morning greeting. He stretched lazily for a moment then put his feet on the floor and lifted himself out of bed. Shuffling to the bathroom, he gazed drearily into the mirror, looking at his familiar face and confirming what he suspected. His eyes were red. He had expected that, considering the amount of sleep he had gotten the night before. His sleep was fitful, made so by a dream that...
Synopsis Synopsis This is the first attempt in writing internet erotic fiction. The story is based off any idea I had read a few years back. The thought and plot of the story have stuck with me so I thought I might try my hand and write a story. Biker Bitch Part 1 Mike was the president of his Harley Davidson bike club. The club was made up of all males and had a support group of wives and girlfriends. Mike was 5?8? 150 pounds with long brown hair that was well kept. Mike was...
“Well I was in the neighbourhood and remembered I had something important to tell you. I shadow walked into your room assuming you be asleep and that I could wake you gently. Instead I found...this. When your ring slipped off I couldn’t bear to see you disappointed so I took up control of the shadows and continued” Still gasping as the cock started pistoning again in response to his words I thanked him and asked him what it was he wanted to tell me smiling he said that I would have to earn...
"Open your pussy for Marcus, baby," I ordered. She carefully peeled back the labia. I ran the head up and down her slit. Up and down, until she gasped, "Please, please put the head in a little." I very carefully pressed the plum sized head into her pussy. Slowly, the lips parted until the head, fit into her now stretched labia. "JESUS FUCKING CHRIST, ITS HUGE!" she moaned. I slowly withdrew the big head. "Give it to me, PLEEAAASSSSEEEEE!" she begged. Her cunt was beginning to...
“All you need to do to be free is moo Sarah” he says. Crying, I can’t do it. I want to submit but this is humiliating. Fuck him if he thinks I’m going to moo like some fat cow. “No” tears stain my cheeks. “Fine, the punishment continues." “Please, Sir, let me off this bench” I plead and beg as another forced orgasm is about to hit me. I can’t take much more. I’m physically and mentally exhausted from being blindfolded, laying on my stomach with my ankles and wrists bound to this fuckin' bench...
BDSMOnce upon a time there was a king of a small land who had three beautiful daughters. He wished more than anything that each would marry a prince, and bring more fortune to his family. On the eighteenth birthday of the eldest daughter, the king invited the lords and princes of close by to a great ball. The first to ask for his daughter’s hand in marriage was the eldest prince from the neighboring country. “Ah,” said the king to his wife, “He is the richest of all the men at this ball! Surely...
Love Stories"Alistair?" "Oh, good, you couldn't sleep either?" He pulled her into a tight hug. "I would have come to your room, but with all the sisters and Templars about, I didn't want to be seen 'fraternizing'. Why did you think me being King was a good idea, again? I liked it better when I was an anonymous nobody, and could do as I liked." "We need to talk." "Nothing good ever comes out of a conversation that starts like that." "Yeah, I suspect you won't like what I have to...
It looked like a good home place to me, also. There was a good house site that backed up to a stand of Pines that would keep the north wind from getting a straight shot at the house. There was a good flat place for a garden near the house and a good place for a field of maybe 60 acres straight across the creek from the house. There was a good place for a pasture above the house, and a good flat place for a field or for hay near the pond. Up the hills from the house all around was a good...
Hi friends. This is Vikki here once again with a yet another incident. Girls/aunties/MILF’s who know me are already in touch with me on and for others, this is Vikki here from Bombay, 30 yrs old average build with 6 feet height and 7 inch drilling machine. I have fun during the afternoon as lonely ladies are free and so can I remove time as I am married too, so fun happens only when spouse is busy. Coming back to my latest pleasurable incident This incident happened between me and my net...
Chris & Sarah “I am going to pop her cherry tonight,” Chris claimed to the group of friends before taking a bite into his Big Mac. Chris was twenty years old. He was a university student, still living at home with his parents. With his family well off economically, he had whatever he wanted. Designer clothes, iPad, MacBook, new BMW, etc. Yes, it was a new car and a BMW. Living in a material world, this made him very popular, especially with the young ladies. Since the day he lost his...
Just like that, no how are you, no how was Christmas, just, "Johnny I don't think we should see each other any more." I disagreed with that completely and told her so. "We were getting too serious Johnny, and you are too young,. This is the way it has to be." "What do you call what you are doing now if it's not ruining my life?" I argued. She was crying now and I was too. "I'm sorry Johnny, I really am." Then she hung up. Happy New Year Johnny Pulaski! I think people have...
When David called Diane the following afternoon, she was anxious to hear from him.“Are you still with other people?” she asked.“Yes, baby, I am. I just excused myself, saying I had to make a quick call to my office.”Diane was disappointed. She had hoped they could have a long conversation. However, she was happy that he had wanted to speak with her. “Guess what I did after work yesterday?”“You probably went home that you could make some noise while playing with that sweet pussy.”“That came...
MILFSubject: Auntie, Mom's Friend and MomFrom: Clue Master Date: 1997/01/29Newsgroups:****t------------------------------------------Auntie, Mom's Friend and MomAn erotic storywritten by AnonThe first awakenings of my sex drive happened when I was about 12.My first memories of experimentation's with sex were over my AuntMary. This woman was my uncle's ex wife, a woman I always recognized asan undeniably beautiful woman, in a...
I heard my doorbell ring. It was already close to 9PM and dark outside. I was surprised to see this young 6’2” black guy standing there. He asked if I had any jumper cables and that he was visiting his relatives who lived next door from me. I at first was going to say no just to get rid of him, but I blurted out yes I have some jumper cables. I lived alone and pretty much kept to myself. I told him that I would meet him around back. We had rear entry garages. The rear entry would soon have a...