A Thrill Ride Ch 01
- 3 years ago
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With Angelique and Consuela returning, angels and mortals gathered for the continuation of the Cleopatra Tale.
"So how," I asked, "in a royal bloodline that must have been chock full of Simon's blood, did a brother and sister produce an angel for you?"
"Subterfuge coming out of necessity," Nick answered.
The privacy, the lack of guards, pleases Nick as much as it surprises him. He has brought his daughter, Hippolyta, conceived with his longtime companion Hista, when meeting Ptolemy publically, and the coincidence causes the reaction he anticipates, but it has been a hope rather than a certainty. Hippolyta could be a younger sister of the Macedonian Pharaoh and, more importantly, nearly a duplicate of the leader's sister. That the incestuous offspring of the royal lovers have been a disappointment understates children whose problems begin with severe retardation and get worse. Exactly like the ancient African situation but with a greater effort at secrecy, and with a solution which needs to be even more discreet.
In the small, intimate albeit luxuriously embellished chamber in which Nick and his daughter meet the Pharaoh and his sister/wife, Ptolemy gets right to the point. "I have heard of your exploits, Nickodemus, which have been plentiful and diverse. I have heard of your healing, of your teaching, and most importantly of your easing discontent at the eastern edges of our empire. The last of course got you an audience with me, even if its purpose, that of a reward concomitant with our appreciation, you declined."
"I accepted your medal, Great Pharaoh, and it is enough," Nick replies. "I did not do it to gain riches, of which, I must admit, I have plenty, and feel a more charitable distribution to more needy persons would be a better use. The medal will actually prove useful, though, in gaining easier acceptance of my loyalty to you."
Ptolemy nods. "Good. But of course we are no longer in court, as you see. We have heard of other exploits, perhaps more rumors, that you have had many lovers, and they have been particularly fecund. These offspring seem to have remarkable health and intelligence, and they even follow in your ways of producing abundant offspring themselves."
"I admit I have a weakness for feisty women, and my appreciation for them, unlike most men who have a need to defend their masculinity against these challenges, I have discovered can be quite seductive. Even so, you may be surprised to know, what with my wandering eye and other, more productive parts, that I have had a steady companion, a woman to whom I always return, who never fails to excite me whether in or out of bed, and to whom has bestowed upon me several strong children, the first of which, and one of my proudest achievements as father, has joined me on this journey."
"Who are you?" asks the Pharaoh's sister, giving invitation for Nick's daughter to finally speak. The woman can't stop gazing at her younger doppelganger as if gazing into a most flattering mirror. Not only does this creature appear younger, but has a most enticing body, both voluptuous and firm, two traits the older one has never had.
"Hippolyta, great Queen. I am most honored to stand in your presence. Father promised me a reward if I completed my studies with excellence, and I must say, this surpasses anything I could have imagined."
"What did you study?" asks the Pharaoh.
"Practical things such as accounting and negotiations of Father's business. All sorts of law, including business and land and criminal and even moral. Philosophy, especially politics. And history. I learned a lot about you and Egypt and the Greeks and Macedonians and Rome and other more obscure peoples. Politics often combined with history in those discussions."
"Interesting," says the Pharaoh. "And your father taught you all this?"
"He is a wise and knowledgeable man. He did bring in others, experts, especially religious ones, but also those involved with business and well-travelled people or people who emigrated from places with different cultures and history. He tends towards the Socratic method over Aristotelean rhetoric, although I needed some foundation of knowledge to know what questions to ask, or to respond to his questions."
The brother and sister looked to each other for agreement. They nodded and the Pharaoh spoke. "Hippolyta will stay with us. You must leave without her, return home without her."
"Of course I must do as you say," Nick responds, hiding his joy in solemnness. "All I ask of you is to keep my daughter on a long leash, not put her in any sort of jail. She understands discretion just as I do. She will not respond well to imprisonment, and ... neither will I. Give her some freedom, as much as you can tolerate. Let her keep learning because it will make her happy. Do this and you will have a most compliant and enjoyable consort."
"It is good you make such demands in privacy," the Pharaoh scowls. But a sigh emerges when he says, "I understand. Just one more thing. How do you know how well she might respond to us?"
"She is a virgin, my lord, but has shown passion and given passion to those of her own sex. And she has been instructed in pleasuring men, but in a way that kept her intact."
"Let me demonstrate," says Hippolyta, removing her toga like dress to reveal her naked voluptuousness, her full, firm tits, tight abs and full, firm ass. Kneeling in front of the Pharaoh, she lifts the golden silk skirt that hides his rising penis, the size of it, expanding in her mouth, has medium length, perhaps six inches, but a narrowness that her hands easily encircle. She pushes down, sending his glans into her throat.
Noticing his sister/wife moving eyes from Hippolyta's amazing body to the middle of Nick, where an impressive tumescence lifts the fabric in front of it, he tremulously yells, "Go now, Nickodemus. Leave my home. Leave the city."
Nick bows, winking at the sister, before departing. He makes no eye contact with his daughter. They have other ways of communication.
Moments later, Ptolemy roars, "Gods!" and pumps his seed down Hippolyta's throat. She rises after drinking the last of his ejaculate and straddles the sister's lap, sharing the Pharaoh's seed with her in a lengthy and passion-rising kiss.
When the kiss ends, Hippolyta strips away the queen's clothing, kissing each bared place, especially thick nipples on saggy breasts. Not at all sensitive, she ends up chewing on them to get a moaning response. Only then does she finish the queen's unveiling, and send fingers inside a loose and moistening but still dry vagina. The fingers draw out more lubricant from the queen. She kisses down the queen's soft tummy, not fat but not muscled, until her mouth reaches the queen's sex, and she begins the tease that will grow the older woman's passion into the greatest the woman has ever experienced. Fingers aid the tease, while her other hand, which have replaced her lips and teeth, vigorously pull and twist nipples.
In the time it takes Hippolyta to bring his sister to the peak of pleasure, Pharaoh has his cock restored to full erection. He kneels behind the fine ass of this facial twin of his love, and the hand that had masturbated himself places his narrow cock at the entrance to her vagina, a remarkably small entryway. He discovers difficulty pushing through.
"Father," Hippolyta communicates telepathically. "It hurts."
"Imagine me at last succumbing to temptation. Imagine it is my cock, wet with your saliva, penetrating you as we stare lovingly into each other's eyes."
Her eyes close to allow the imagined moment more substance, and it works. Her pussy dampens, ending the abrasion of Pharaoh's thankfully narrow glans. But one pain gets replaced by another. She breathes deeply as her father instructed, using the exhalations through the tube formed lips to blow against the extremely sensitive tissue of the queen's clit. "Fuck," she mutters quietly as Pharaoh bottoms out, and instead of giving her time, begins sawing in and out, albeit slowly.
"Gods, you are a marvel of tightness," he groans, grabbing hold of her breasts and pulling on her nipples. The new pain actually helps her, as does the distraction of returning to the Queen's pleasuring, becoming aggressive in her tongue's attack on the woman's clit, and the rubbing of the textured place behind the Queen's pubic bone. And by the time his careful sawing becomes frantic fucking, and her efforts have filled her mouth with the Queen's spend, pleasure mostly supplants pain. She is a woman of passion and sensuality after all. But this would not be her first time orgasming with a cock inside her. That would have to come later, so to speak. And when Pharaoh releases his second spend, it actually feels irritating, almost burning, on her tender interior.
"Sshh," the queen murmurs when she sees tears in her new lover's eyes and hears subdued sobs.
"I didn't know it would hurt so much," Hippolyta admits.
"We shall bathe together. I have oils that will soothe you."
"You are used to this happening?"
"My husband can be cruel to virgins. He enjoys their tightness, their friction, their groans, their muscular reactions."
"Ooh," Hippolyta moans.
The wife chuckles, "And he loves the taste of virgin blood."
"Sick fuck," Hippolyta thinks as the Pharaoh licks her pussy. "Why couldn't he have done that before he fucked me, the cruel fuck?"
"You will train them," her father tells her telepathically. "It will take skills with these arrogant asses, but they will learn how best to get pleasure when you are given pleasure. I know you will succeed."
"Too bad I can only give him the pleasure this one time," Hippolyta murmurs to the Pharaoh's sister.
"Yes it is," says the queen, revealing her own enjoyment of this kink. "Have you finished dear?"
Of course she asks when it just starts getting good for Hippolyta.
"Yes dear," he says. "I have never tasted better. I will tell the eunuchs to prepare the bath."
He rises and kisses his sister/wife, tongues exchanging the taste he enjoys. "Mmm," she says. "She is delicious."
When he departs, she commands Hippolyta, "Lie down," tapping the pillowed couch she sits on. "It will take a while to prepare the bath."
The queen lies atop her. Their kiss becomes passionate, mostly through Hippolyta's skills. Hands explore the remarkable flesh of the young woman. When the kiss ends, the queen's mouth takes up the exploration. She reveals remarkable skills, finding just the right pressure, almost too much, on the breasts and nipples of her young lover. Fingers replace her mouth when it travels down Hippolyta's tight abdomen and reaches her pussy. Lapping at the remaining mix of virginal blood and female lubricant, she moans her joy at the flavor directly tasted.
Irritation keeps Hippolyta from thoroughly enjoying that tongue, and soon she loses its pleasuring altogether. The queen bends her legs back until they frame her torso, lifting her ass, which the queen's mouth explores, licking and sucking and biting. This creates its own pleasure, not quite as stimulating, but not adding irritation either. When the queen's tongue rims her asshole and plunges inside, the pleasure becomes especially piquant.
The queen chuckles at her sigh. "He will enjoy opening this passage as well."
"I hope he makes it ready," Hippolyta thinks, unfortunately aloud.
"He will take it when he is ready," the queen pronounces.
"Father explained I will make far better company if I am not abused."
"We shall see," the queen smirks.
"Can you bring me your unguent," Hippolyta pleads telepathically to her father.
"I will make it so," he replies. He has his spies, unfortunately one of them sacrificing his balls, but also fucking the queen when she needs his long thick cock on occasion.
The queen returns to her feast of pussy, her skills once more demonstrated. Unfortunately, irritation holds back orgasm. "I thought your father claimed you to be a passionate creature," she complains.
"My tender flesh keeps me from it," Hippolyta explains. "I will cum for you often. I promise. And I will give you even more pleasure than I did earlier."
"Let's bathe," the queen orders with a touch of irritability. She leads her lover or sex toy by hand naked to the bath. Only two eunuchs witness this, and they are in the bathing room. One has a flap rising from an impressive erection. "Later," she mouths to him. Both women watch the twitch and expansion. "Go," the queen orders them away.
"They are eunuchs?" asks Hippolyta. When the queen nods, she asks, "But that one was erect."
A complicated smirk becomes the queen's only response.
The water does soothe Hippolyta's tender inner flesh. The fragrant air also seems to relax her to near sleep. But Hippolyta remains awake, and even more importantly, talking. During the lengthy bath, with the eunuchs appearing occasionally to dump fresh hot water to keep it warm, Hippolyta gradually coaxes the queen to open up to her. Court gossip moves to politics and to philosophy and eventually frustration.
"Why do I feel ... so ... close to you?" the queen wonders, pulling this naked woman into her arms, back against breasts, kissing the woman's neck, so much like hers even if, below it, everything's different and so much better, the two soft firm and substantial breasts she kneads being two impressive examples. "I have heard your father has power few if any humans possess. Have you inherited this power?"
"You have no reason to fear me," Hippolyta explains, leaning her head back to kiss the older woman. "I may be my father's daughter, but I am as human as any woman. You are the goddess here."
"Of course," the queen chuckles. "I am blessed as only the wife and the daughter of a pharaoh can be."
Hippolyta hears the irony and chuckles daringly with her lover. "I think you need this," she says. "You need me. You can trust me. I have no agenda, nothing to fear in anything we may say or do together. I am not of the court. I am not friends with any who might embarrass you, whether advisors, priests or priestesses or even the Pharaoh, at least in revealing anything of what we say or do. You can be yourself. You can tell me anything you have always kept hidden from even your husband. You feel close to me because I respect you and your thoughts and you seem to enjoy mine."
"I do. You put my teachers to shame. Not just in your intelligence on a remarkable variety of subjects, but in your brazen arguments. They would never have dared to counter me as you have. And, instead of feeling threatened, I feel ... enlivened, like emerging from a sealed tomb to take fresh air."
The two eunuchs return with their heavy barrels of water. "Set them down," the queen commands. "We are done."
They do as commanded, grabbing towels once the barrels have been set down. The one with the earlier hard-on dries the queen, his member once more revealing itself, while the other efficiently dries Hippolyta without such reaction. Hippolyta notices the queen whisper to her eunuch and the eunuch nod. The one drying her cannot see nor seem to hear this exchange.
"Come to my chambers," says the queen after dismissing the eunuchs. They have covered her with a long and ornately decorated robe, but have left Hippolyta naked. The queen leads her by hand, and the handhold feels quite intimate, through a well decorated sitting room, with bronze and marble statuary and masterful tapestry softening the walls. She notices a barrel full of rolled papyrus at the corner near where they enter a surprisingly small, dark room with a bed hardly wide enough for two.
"My husband's bed and bedroom are at least twice as big," the queen explains answering the unasked question as she sheds her robe. "It is the place of copulation, not here. At least as far as he knows."
Again as if mind reading, except it is Hippolyta this time, she scoots onto the bed and spreads her legs. The queen crawls between them, kissing her pussy, before shifting around until her own pussy gets attention while she attempts to, once and for all, coax an orgasm out if this ... friend.
"Yes!" Hippolyta exclaims not long after, muffled by the queen's pussy, which, though filled with juices, both saliva and pussy, has only begun the teasing journey into ecstasy. The slow build aids the queen's concentration on bringing forth the first orgasm from her new lover. It is both delicious and ecstatic, producing plentiful juice and a trembling of both body and interior.
"Make me cum," the queen moans, thrilling at the thrill she has bestowed on her lover.
Hippolyta acquiesces, strumming the queen's rigid clit with tongue while rubbing the g-spot and adding a quickly wetted thumb to fuck her asshole. Perhaps not as explosive as the earlier orgasm, it easily ranks second best to any other.
Hippolyta finally gives into sleepiness, which has threatened her since the bath, while the queen gently explores this amazing young woman, gently and carefully so as not to awake her from her innocent expression. Though she knows she is plain, and this young woman looks just like her, she has rarely if ever seen such beauty.
"Hippolyta," she hears and awakens. The erection succumbing eunuch stands beside her. The erection, a thick and long one, begs to be touched. "Show me you can do to him what you did for my brother," says the queen, sitting up with spread legs, her hand caressing the impressive shaft and pulling on the glans.
"My pleasure," Hippolyta grins, shifting to sitting beside her new lover. Her lips enclose the plum sized glans. Her tongue swishes around it. He groans.
The queen giggles. "Do not cum inside her, even if she proves nearly irresistible," she orders the eunuch.
"Ungh," he groans as he nods, his eyes wide, watching the young woman press his glans against the entrance to her throat and then, suddenly send into down her gullet.
As both audience watch amazed, the queen rubbing her clit with one hand while the other dips into some substance in a wide brimmed cup poured from a gourd sitting beside it on the bed, and shoves her wetted fingers into her asshole, Hippolyta fucks her mouth onto the tall, pale, leanly muscled bald man. After several strokes, she pulls it out into her mouth to fill her lungs with oxygen via her nostrils, her hand stroking the dripping shaft as her lips and tongue work their magic on his glans. Again she sends him into her throat, grabbing his hand and placing it at the back of her head. He understands, pulling her into him, fucking her harder, but loosening his grasp when she needs to breathe.
After a third time, the queen orders breathlessly, "Enough!" and spreads herself open, pulling her legs wide and high. After reaching the drenched cock, she adds the unguent to the mixture and leans back onto her elbows. "Fuck me, Heracles!" she exclaims.
His rigid member does as ordered. He places the glans at her back hole and pushes. Everyone watches the thick plum disappear within the small hole, Hippolyta amazed and the other two thrilled. "Deeper," the queen orders tremulously. "It hardly hurts at all. Rub my clit, sweetheart, and shove your fingers inside me."
Knowing the substance being used, Hippolyta wets her hand in it. Her thumb squeezes and rubs the queen's clit as she pushes two fingers inside the hungry twat.
Once his impressive cock fills the queen's back passage, she orders him breathlessly. "Fuck me." After a couple careful if long strokes, she demands, "Harder, harder than you ever fucked me before!"
The queen moans and groans as the eunuch bashes against her soft and loose butt. Hippolyta adds another finger and then the last one, completely filling the loose space of the queen's vagina. She pounds them into her lover almost as hard as the eunuch pounds his cock into her. She can feel him bash into the back of her fingers which seems to add to his pleasure and the queen's as well.
"Fill my bowels with your hot cum!" the queen growls while shuddering, almost convulsing, with exquisite pleasure. "Yes! Fuck!" she roars, feeling his hot cream explode within her rectum. Her seizure abates, leaving tremors, becoming more and more occasional, the last of them occurring unconsciously. She has passed out.
"How long will she be out?" Hippolyta asks the eunuch.
"Don't know. Never happened before," he tells her admiringly.
"Heracles, hunh?"
The eunuch shrugs. "Pharaoh humor."
"Can you get me..." she gestures towards the container.
He nods. "She wants me to guide you to your chamber. I'm afraid I'll have to lock you in. It's comfortable though. She also suggested I keep my hands off you. But what could she do, cut off my balls?"
They share a laugh. "I like you," she says. "You're funny."
"I like you, too," he whispers in her ear and kisses it.
"Enough of that," the queen grumbles sleepily. She stretches and sighs. "Come here, Hippolyta."
The young woman crawls into her arms. They kiss softly, but tongues enter mouths and things get more passionate.
The queen sighs when their lips part. "Put that weapon away and show Hippolyta her room," she orders. The flap of cloth covering his erection only hides the flesh and not the impressive dimensions. After another kiss, she pushes her lover away, fighting reluctance. "No playing you two, and Hippolyta?"
"Yes my queen?"
"I'm trusting you with my secret."
"Of course. Thank you."
Another sigh as the queen's eyes traverse her lover's body. "Cover her up and go," she says, watching as Heracles encloses Hippolyta's delicious body in a modest robe. A belt, cloth of the same color, cinches it shut from lusty eyes, of which there are two sets.
Three nods and smiles, the queen's the saddest, and her lovers depart her chambers.
Heracles leads Hippolyta to her room, smaller yet brighter than the queen's. "This looks nice," says Hippolyta.
"I'd love to tuck you in," Heracles murmurs, "but the walls here have ears. And I wish I didn't have to lock you in, either."
"That will change," Hippolyta says, pulling him down for a kiss. "I'd kiss something else goodnight, but I'm afraid it's a bit soiled." They chuckle. "Bring me the unguent as soon as possible," she whispers.
"Expect a knock," he replies, "twice and thrice and it will be me."
Before she can ask when, he pushes her gently into her room and closes and locks the door.
Soon after she hears a couple taps and nothing else. She hides her body in the robe as the door opens. A young and pretty Nubian slave enters carrying a platter of food and a goblet of wine. "Mistress wishes not to be considered a bad host," she reports submissively.
"Thank her," Hippolyta nods, watching the pretty slave place her burden on a table.
The young woman nods without expression and immediately exits the room.
"She probably can't thank her without permission," Hippolyta thinks.
Several minutes later, she hears the coded knock. She smirks as she opens the robe to the visitor. "Come in."
She smiles at his blush. "You have cleaned yourself?" she asks, moving towards him and caressing his hardening penis beneath the rising cloth. His hands full, he cannot defend himself.
"I cannot close the door," he tells her.
"I guess we have to wait until we play with the mistress," she pouts. "I hope to feel your mighty weapon deep in other places."
"Not until he takes your anal virginity. Luckily, except for the one time, and he does it with little lubricant, he will not invade it again. He never does with his wife, which makes it the safe place for me to fuck her, and if we ever do, you as well."
He sets down the board which contains a large carafe of water, a bathing bowl, a chamber pot, and a small stack of clothes.
"Here are your clothes and other clothes the queen has discarded over the past few months."
"Thank you. I imagine you brought me these on you own initiative."
"I think both master and mistress prefer you with nothing on than perhaps the robe which can be easily discarded."
"Probably. So will the queen be upset?"
"No. She gives me these..." he blushes.
"Not to distribute to others?"
"Some, but I..."
"You like the feel of them."
"She likes me in them too sometimes."
"The more powerful, the kinkier it seems."
"It does seem so," he replies, grabbing the empty plate and goblet. "I should go."
"I know," she sighs, giving him a kiss and a squeeze before he locks her in for the night.
It takes a while, over a year, for Hippolyta to gain Pharaoh's trust. His sister/wife not so long. That Hippolyta hasn't become pregnant discourages all three, the mistress much less so, but the queen lets her know that it always takes a lengthy time for her to get pregnant, and those times have increased over the years.
During that time, things change between the women and Heracles. At first, the anal fucking only occurs occasionally, when the queen gets horny. But almost from the start, the Pharaoh has stopped fucking his wife, preferring the body and the pussy of his mistress. Instead of getting envious or jealous, the queen realizes the opportunity for much bigger cock, with a much better lover, can now safely fuck her pussy. With the skills of her mistress combined with a master cocksmith fucking her, she has never gained such thrilling satisfaction.
And in a passionate moment, while the two women rub clits together and the queen gets shafted by Heracles to the point of cumming, when he is supposed to ram his impressive penis into Hippolyta's anus, he misses and fucks her pussy with abandon. That it's intentional needn't be admitted.
"What are you doing?" the queen mutters, feeling the shaft rub against her clit. The thrill of it, with her earlier orgasm still enthralling her, lessens her fear by quite a lot.
"He missed," Hippolyta giggles within her moans. "Too late now," she growls as she cums, their eunuch cumming soon afterwards.
Minutes later, after Heracles finishes and rolls to the side, Hippolyta comforts her mistress. "Pharaoh will never know."
"How can he not know?"
"My pussy will not remain widened by Heracles's wonderful cock. Feel," she insists, pulling the queen's fingers into her pussy. "Feel how I tighten and my hole grasps at your fingers. Father's concubine taught me this, to bring pleasure. But it also has another benefit."
"But why... ?" the queen begins to say, but seeing Hippolyta's wry smile and Heracles guilty glance away from her, she shakes her head. "Never mind."
When trust finally comes from Pharaoh, he allows his slave girl to travel. That her first trip will be to the great library in Alexandria doesn't surprise him. That his wife wishes to accompany her there does. Of course, having the queen present will make the presence of a woman in such a male place, a place exclusive to male scholars and priests, a thing to be allowed.
To the curious, and royalty begets curiosity, they invent a story in which Hippolyta becomes their daughter, to whom a grave warning from a seer, that for her to be raised within the walls of the royal palace would prevent her from surviving into womanhood, has placed her in secret places to be raised by trustworthy families, priests and scholars, which makes her first, surprising appearance in public at the library believable.
There, her half-brother awaits discovery. He looks like a much younger and more handsome and vigorous version of Ptolemy, but not as much similar as Hippolyta looks to her mistress to need to be claimed as some lost son.
The two half-siblings meet almost violently, both lost in a scroll that has referred to another scroll to which they search distractedly. After many apologies, they begin to talk, and the queen joins the conversation, and that familiar feeling, a sort of lightheartedness accompanying brilliant discussion, greets her as it had greeted her that first time bathing with her lover.
Demetrius, son of Sofia and Nick, gets brought back to the palace, meeting priests and advisors to the Pharaoh, and of course with the Pharaoh himself. That his precocious female slave joins the conversation the bright young man seems to inevitably create doesn't surprise him. In fact it kind of turns him on, her feistiness and surprises making his life much more interesting ever since they met. But, by the end, having his wife join in does surprise him even if he is aware of her intelligence, and his apparent annoyance with both women hides his amusement at their challenges to the defensive men he surrounds himself with for their advice.
In the end, he sends the advisors away so that, like he had with Hippolyta and her father, Nickodemus over a year before, a much more intimate and secretive group remains.
"You wish to fuck this man," he whispers to his wife, whom he loves but who no longer excites him.
"I do," she admits. "And I think our little slave girl should fuck him as well." When he looks angry, she reminds him, "You have yet to conceive a child with her, and you know how infrequent you made me pregnant. We are not young, my husband. We must make all efforts to ensure the continuation of the dynasty."
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I could tell that Kay was excited by the news that her friend was on her way. To be honest, so was I. The thought of tasting Maura made my re-forming cock twitch, and I was looking forward to watching the two women get it on while I watched. In a short while, there was a knock at the door. I answered, wearing nothing, giving Maura a hug and whispering in her ear, “I can’t wait to taste you.” She replied, as she gave my erection a squeeze, “This old dyke has never had a cock between her legs,...
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Kasey was the first person to get to play with Suzanne. They got to suck on Suzanne’s toes the last time they fucked Suzanne’s husband. Now Kasey wants more. We find Suzanne and Kasey on the couch making out. This has been a long time coming and they are loving every second. When Dan shows them how hard his cock is they wanna play with him too though. They assume the position on their knees and Suzanne shoves Kasey’s head down on the cock. Kasey is trying to show off for Suzanne and I think we...
xmoviesforyou8PHE0013 Word Count 229 ********* Day 13, Sunday The next morning, Kinny felt more miserable and had less energy than before. He forced himself to eat and to drink water. He popped parasystemol until he became concerned that he might pass the meds to the baby. The grocery drone arrived at 9:45 a.m. Kinny pulled the box inside, checked it, and left it by the door. He fed the baby the old-fashioned way. It surprised him that he had energy for this but not for that. He fed...
Chloe Temple and Katie Kush are having a competition to see who can blow the best bubbles. Chloe keeps on losing. She swears that it must be the bubble gum. When Chloe’s stepbrother Kyle Mason sees what they’re up to, he tells Chloe that she needs cum to blow good bubbles. Chloe asks where she can get some cum and Kyle tells her he has plenty. He assures Katie that there’s enough for her, too. The girls playfully argue that Chloe has to protect her stepbrother from easy girls,...
xmoviesforyouAnyway, enough useless information… onto the story. It all started a couple days before my grad party. Allison was spending the weekend here with Jill (as they often did) which kept Jill out of my hair so I had no complaints about all of the extra noise. Allie is a very interesting person. I’ve always had a little crush on her, but I could never act on it because of the 3 year age difference. She’s just the cutest person in the world. Long, breast-length blonde hair, sky-blue eyes,...
Becky and Zinnia had returned to Bloomsbury Square and my sole dining companion that evening was Matilde, and very fetching she looked in a gown exposing her fine shoulders and the upper slopes of her breasts. I remarked it was a dress wasted on a single male. She smiled at me from across at the table, leaning forward so I had an uninterrupted view of her cleavage. "I'm displaying what you are forfeiting, Jacques; but Caroline is a worthy winner of your heart and I bear her no ill will. In...
"The Intervention" By: Simonne Danielle © 2008 All rights reserved [email protected] FANTASY: Imagery which is more or less coherent, as in dreams and daydreams, yet is unrestricted by reality. INTERVENTION (noun) - To interfere, usually through force or threat of force, in the affairs of another. The greatest obstacle in the treatment of the addicted person is denial. One way to overcome denial is through a formal Intervention. During the...
She had beautiful shoulder length fiery red hair and innocent green eyes. Her long fingers grasped the edge of the door, and watching me intently. The silk flimsy green nightgown revealed her big perfectly round breasts. Her larger nipples were hard and poking deliciously through the fabric. She smiled shyly as our eyes met from our lustful exploration. "He is ready, miss" she whispered sweetly, her voice like wind through the leaves. "Thank you, you are dismissed, please see that you...
Now after sometime we again feel that something burning inside. My cock again erecting and by movement of my cock she again start kissing shaft and getting wet mouth of her, speed of my shaft for erection got pace and it was again hard like a rock. During that process she caught that snake by its neck and direct me to stand up and drag me to her room viz a viz my room also while. We were approaching toward room she caught my penis in his hand and also rubbed it slowly slowly after reaching in...
IncestShe sat quietly with her golden body glistening in the California sun listening to her favorite sounds of the ocean and the voices of the the two people she loved. She hadn't intended to love them. She wasn't looking for love. She had been online for a long time and fought to stay away from the online thing. She had been online long enough to know heartache and misery came from most online relationships, if you could call them relationships. She smiles seeing the beautiful figure of the woman...
Group SexIs it wrong to re-fill the energy she used in the gym, hitting my hands when trying to land a punch on me? When the girl jumped into my arms, crying, she had beaten the living shit out of every boy and girl who came into the suite that had ever sexually abused her. I did find that Crimilda wouldn’t stop until all of them were bloody, bruised, and had long gotten hit enough times for them to start begging her not to hit them anymore. When they were all crying and cringing, Crimilda turned in...
The new house was what we had always aimed for but the work involved in getting it to the state we wanted proved to be greater than anticipated.Exhausted, we had barely enough strength to kiss each other goodnight before submitting to the arms of Morpheus that night. So I was surprised and somewhat annoyed to be woken by Harry's grunting; grunting as when we were enjoying the culmination of a long session of intense love making and he was on the point of honouring my gripping pussy with spurts...
SupernaturalSo without farther wait. Fellow Gothics, Punks, and Rejects. Crazy Ass Life Ch.1 I love the peacefulness of a cemetery. Especially at night, I was reading all the names on the headstones as me and my friends walked. Jimmy Scribbner, Zach Stepnezki, Allen Lucarrio. "Earth to Cody, you want this or what?" Ally asked me. "huh..oh...ya." I said taking the pipe. I took a drag of my cigg then took a hit from the pipe. I tapped the pipe out and handed it back to her "you guys want to go...
It was MONDAY morning and TJ Toms a 34yrs. mother of two was just getting to work unlocking the front door when from behind a woman grab her. TJ yells in shock only to be slapped across the back of her head. Stunned she feels a gun barrel at her ear. OK SHUT THE FUCK YOU BITCH OR I WILL HURT YOU GOT IT? TJ nods her head and they go inside. GO OPEN THE SAFE! TJ walks to her desk there to the mangers desk getting two sets of keys and opens the safe. Pushing TJ inside the woman fills a bag with...
Testimony of Shiu Lin, Female, 24 ???????????????????????????????????????????????? Testimony of Shiu Lin, Female, 24 In the hospital my friend showed me the burn marks about her mouth, nipples, and genitals. She whispered she was sorry she had named me. But I forgave her, because under torture one will say anything. I knew I would be arrested as soon as I returned home. I resolved to accept the hard times to come with dignity and fortitude, according to our teachings. Nor did I...
As I drove Angel into the Westin reception area, an attendant rushed to open my door. I supposed it was the first McLaren he'd seen. He seemed very surprised when my door opened up vertically and he stood there with his mouth open. The young man said, "Welcome to the Westin, sir. Are you planning to check in?" "No, we're here to meet someone." "Can I park your car over here next to the other Mercedes?" Looking over, I saw two SLK's and agreed he could park her there. I walked...
There she was. Just like always. Standing in front of her bedroom window. I wondered if she even knew that she was standing where I could see her. Hell, did she even know what she was doing to me? I would sit in front of my window for hours just waiting to catch a glimpse of her through hers. Nine times out of ten, I was able to see her. Today was no different. I came home from work, took a shower, and went to my room. I sat in front of my window and waited. I did not have to wait long. She...
January is my least favourite month. Part of it is because of the passing of my friend Lew, but in truth, mostly it is because of the weather and the limited daylight. This particular Saturday was the last one of the month and the weather was quite miserable. A south-easterly gale was blowing up Georgia Strait and the intermittent rain was soaking people in seconds. And, it was cold; raw, damp, cold. It wasn't a difficult decision to finish my usual Saturday shopping trip and head for my...
Hi… this is Kiran from Aurangabad Maharashtra . I am 4.3 feet in height and had a skinny body with dick size 3 inch normally and when its erect it is 5 inches with flat stomach… [email protected]
BDSMJuly’s midsummer heat stuck. It stuck to the blades of grass. It stuck to Sumire’s beige romper. It stuck to everything and anything like a sweltering bog. Sweat drenched her underarms as she set up her easel and foldable chair. Even at her elevated vantage point, the muggy draft painted her body with its salty sheen.Wiping her brow, she gazed over the stacked rows of terraced rice paddies below, bristling with the vibrant orange glow of early evening. The sun cut through the low-riding...
Love StoriesHi guys, this is Raj Rambo. Back with the continuation to the second part, Touching after a break. To enjoy more, please read it before this one, because without wasting time, I will go right into the story. I was sitting on the side of the bed naked. Resting my hands behind me for support. My hard dick was all wet with saliva mixed with my cum. I was breathing heavily. I just had my first orgasm after a week full of sexual cravings. My dick was pointing to the sky. Slowly losing its hardness...
“When you are up to it, meet me at the training grounds.” She nodded and I went outside to ask directions. I thought that the grounds might be near the barracks and was proven correct by one of Allard’s men. I had been resting to recover as much of my strength before I started exerting myself again and thought that enough time had passed for me to return to my normal training regimen. I began stretching and continued until I felt comfortable enough to start working hard. Micro-focusing on a...
Just a short recap from the last chapter. After that wild vacation, my hubby and I had a good talk before any misunderstanding should arise. We both agreed that we would have a heart to heart talk every night before bedtime. He told me that he would like me to carry on with Eddie as long as I still wanted it. He said that he was his best buddy and he trusted him, so he had nothing to fear. Moreover, he knew that our love and bond was solid strong and nothing could come in-between us. After that...
Wife Lovers“Then I remembered I’d been here in other dreams. But usually, there was a water polo game. And a girl who could talk with her eyes. And she’d say ‘Can you see what I’m saying?’ Then the horns kicked in. And my shoes began to squeak.” -2NU, “Ponderous“ Lady Maria Louisa Francesca de San Finzione paced around her Great-Grandmama’s study. Once Capitan Ortega had brought her and Stavro back to the castle, it was decided that it was the most secure room in the castle since the dungeons...
It was Janice commenting from the floor that she was hungry that brought us to our senses. We decided to head down to the mess hall just to spend a moment outside the pod and I got back into my ship uniform although the girls all remained naked. I looked at them in surprise and Tina smiled. "You've seen it all already, and we know you like to look at it." I shook my head but all of us proceeded to leave the room. Just outside we could see the door to Green five open and a rather slickly...
I leaned against the rail of the hotel balcony, rubbing my forehead as I stared down at Mom and Aunt Liz. As had been happening to me all day, for a moment, I was sure that I'd seen something that couldn't be there. Then, in the blink of an eye, everything was back to normal. Which was itself, of course, anything but normal. At the moment, I looked down at two ordinary middle class white women in their late forties. Each of them carried a little extra weight. In my mother's case, to be fair, it...
IncestMy ship was dry-docked in Singapore for 3 weeks, n i was lucky enough to meet a gr8 girl first nite ashore, Lin, half chinese/ half malay, n fucking sexy. I slept at her flat most nites and the sex was awsome. She shared with a girl called Meena, a hostess on Singapore Airlines, but until this special nite i had never met her. Anyway, this nite as we got back to the flat Meena was in too, taller and bigger tits than Lin. Well we got on very well, the drink flowed, talk turned sexy, and Lin said...
Becky Bartell proved to be an invaluable ally. She had been an Absolute for almost a year now and hadn’t worn a stitch of clothing either on Campus or off Campus. This had made her incredibly tough in the psychological sense and a support that Katrina was going to lean on heavily. She was also very organized and hard working. She also liked all four of Katrina’s basic proposals for BSC so her first job had been to organize a partition for people to sign with these four basic proposals at the...
Note : This story is complete fictional!!! Never try to do it in real live! At thirteen Peter learned how to jerk off and had been jerking off ever since. In the beginning he had only done it once a day, but two years later he was doing it two, three times a day or more between rising in the morning and falling asleep at night. He always did it when he woke with an aching hardon. Later in the day something would stimulate his cock, and he would be at it again. If he could not get to sleep at...
IncestThere's a warm summer breeze blowing across the lake, carrying with it the sounds of playful laughter from our closest friends. A roaring bonfire burns bright in the background lighting up the night. Everyone has their own little groups huddled together talking and laughing. I'm standing next to my best friends talking and laughing about all the cute guys that have shown up for the evening. Then a man named "Steve" approaches me from behind placing his hand on my forearm. I turn to see who it...
Hello, I am robin my age is 28; I am new in this site. I want to tell you my true experience with my cousin Russell. It happened 6 months ago. I study in a college in 12 classes, and live in college hostel. My uncle’s house is in the same town of my college. My parents live in village. In every weekly holyday i use to go to my uncles house. Russell is only 6 months younger than me. So we are like friends. Russell did not continue his study after 10. He helps his father in his business work....
Gay MaleSAVING AMY PART 4: SCHOOL'S OUT "Nancy, can you come in here for a minute?" The young woman saved the file she was working on and got up from her desk. As she walked into her father's office, she couldn't help glancing at the amazing view of the city it commanded. They had been in these new premises for a few weeks now, but she was still struck every day by both the opulence of the furnishings and the stunning location. They were a testament to the astonishing success of the family...
I, Tramster16 agrees to the following rules, and will adhere to them faithfully:I will submit my mind, body and soul fully to Big Black Cocks (BBC) as often as possible from now on and for the rest of my life in all of the following ways, as well as those not listed.1. I am no longer dressing for myself. I am no longer dressing for my gender. I am no longer dressing to pass as a woman as most sissy boys are prone to do. I am dressing for other men, Black men. I am dressing to attract and please...
Old Foster glanced at his watch and eased back in his plush high-backed chair. It was 2:15 in the afternoon and the appointment was for 2:30. Plenty of time yet. Impatiently, he got up from his desk and hobbled to the window and peered out. After a moment's reflection, he moved back to his desk, plopped down hard in the chair, and began leafing through his calendar for the fifth time that afternoon. A moment later, he pushed the calendar aside brusquely and began tapping out an impatient...
Wednesday morning arrived without ceremony, in just the same way every other day before it had done so. But this day was different. I sat up in bed, my satin night-gown rustling against the sheets, and inwardly watched the flood of memories from last night. I knew I was no longer the person I had been. Dave was now so different. Heck! Diane was so different too! I heard the shower door shut then Claire stepped out of the bathroom, a towel wrapped around her middle and another turban...
Doe is my teacher and she is so hot. She has good size tits and great legs. Im probably her favorite student. She has long black hair and a long face. I walk into class and see Doe sittin on her stool in front of her desk working on her computer. Doe is wearing a button up white shirt and very tight jeans. "Hello John" she says an I quickly reply "Oh hey Doe" and go to my seat and start working on my project. I hit a problem and say "Doe can you help me I'm having a bit of a problem?" She looks...
On Friday early evening, my sweet Ana called me, saying she was going to be a little late; some guys from the office had invited her to a local pub for some drinks; so she would meet me at home…Ana arrived late that evening. I was at the kitchen, opening a wine bottle. She was smiling and I guessed she was in a good mood… I offered her a glass of red wine and then grabbed her from behind.She moved to our patio and I walked behind her grabbing her soft boobs. Then I put my hand under her skirt...
Brian was up and out of the house early. Sabrina knew what he was up to and she found herself trembling. She wasn't sure if she shook with anticipation or fear of what her son was going to do to shame her. His statement about a guy he knew came back to her, slamming into her mind with a force that quickly brought a blush to her cheeks. "All he talks about is pussy." her son had said. Brian knew boys and girls all over the neighborhood. She knew he was fairly popular and it was natural...
Hi Guys, This is Haarshini again back with my Third part. Thanks for your comment that’s encourage me to write my next part of my experience. For those who don’t know me please read the first two parts before reading this as there is no time for introduction again sorry guys. More over I want to make a point clear that I am not a call girl or Bitch. Let me move on to the story. After the enjoyment with Mr. Sharma, I came home had a shower and took rest for some time. Sanjay came then and asked...
Dosto ap na maree story parhee ho gee forest main didi ki chudae aj mai usee ki aik or kahanee bata raha hoain. Maree age 22 or didi ki 23 ho chukee thee. Mai sunyy or mare didi. Dosto forest ki chudae ka baad maina or maree bahn na khoob chudae kee ghar a kar, aik din maree bahan na kaha kuch new karna ka mood hai, maina bohat socha or bola acha kisee din akala hoain ga to aik new chudae karoon ga taree, 3 mahina baad mujha asa moqa mil gaya, ghar main mai or didi he tha, Didi na mujha chalo...
‘Ted, you got it wrong. Sure I feel for Judy, but I am not in love with that lady. Love feels different.’ I think I have told him that at least three times, but he always came up with new arguments. ‘I don’t care what you call it, infatuation, affection, fondness, or whatever, I say you are in love with this lady. I speak from experience, my friend.’ I guess he does have some experience. Ted has been married three times. But I disagreed. ‘Look, Ted. That lady is twenty-four years older than...
Void Lord cackled with delight as the files he secured were uploaded to his deck. He quickly made a copy, to be stored in a small storage device, imbedded into his brain. While it may have seemed distasteful, the man was, if nothing else, pragmatic. He knew that if he was ever to be outed or caught, his deck would be confiscated and the data he took would be back in its owner’s hands. He had several such incidents, where he’d been in some close scrapes, having to abandon his gear. Most...
A Christmas Tale (The Fifth) Chapter 01 Walter and Laura Walter. "An introvert yes he's definitely a bit of an introvert," I say to my wife as I look out of the window into next door's back garden. "Who is dear?" I look over to my wife of nearly sixty years, she's currently standing at the sink and is straining cooked black currents through a muslin cloth. "The young lad next door; Graham I believe his name is." "Oh yes I watched him the other day, I think he was building...
By : Jeet951 Hi friend’s mera naam Rehan hai mai odisha ka rehne wala hoon. Mai apne bare mai batadoon, mera age 26 hai,height 5.10 inch hai mera lund 7 inch lamba aur 3.5 inch hai. Mai iss ko bahut pehle se padh raha hoon. Isiliye me aaj meri apni sachi story batane ja raha hoon. Ab deri na karte huye apni story pe ata hoon. Mai jahan rehta hoon mere bahal wale ghar mai ek family rehti hai, unke ghar mai maa,baap,2 beta aur ek beti rehti hai. Beti ka naam Pinky hai uske bare kuch batadon,uski...
alot of "strait" guys love shemale porn.I was one of them.Pre-internet I discovered shemale porn but it was hard to find.I had girlfriends but the sex was never great.like many i was more concerned with cumming to soon than actually enjoying myself.Plus,as a porn watcher my fav was anal.My girlfriends fav...not so much.after 25 years i realized that i was most unhappy when i had a girlfriend.even then I had bought and worn nylons and enjoyed anal dildo play alone.then came the net.and i bought...
Having ran for what she felt was hours, Mysticemmy crept into her room so not to give away which room she entered as she heard the 3 couples, Jake and Tanya walk past her door talking loudly but not enough so Mysticemmy could make out what they were saying. Creeping back to her bed, oblivious to the amount of spunk and pussy juice covering her and how wet her pussy and as were from the fresh humiliation. Noticing Jeni in her bed, Mysticemmy couldn’t help but feel compelled to curl into Jeni....
Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. If you are not of legal age for your locale or object to the idea of reading about incest, please close this page now. All characters are older than sixteen. Prologue If you looked at me and my wife Ginger, you would make many assumptions about us like we’re the average American couple. In many ways, we are. We have three children, all teenagers, a house in the suburbs, and a dog. I work as a welder. However, looks can be deceiving. We are not the...
Again, it was Enid who came toward the clearing first, still riding the piebald mare. She went into a canter and then had to pull hard on the reins as she saw that Frank was not alone ... that there was a body lying on the ground. “What did you do?“ she yelled, jumping down from her horse and running to stand over the obviously dead man. “I saw you with your pistol out!” she said excitedly. “So I knew there was trouble. Did you shoot him?” she asked, breathless. “I didn’t hear a...
Gustavo looks similar to Tupac from his mouth, nose, nose ring, eyebrows, and mainly everything else. His body is on point, too. The only difference is that Gustavo has cornrows and dark greenish-gray eyes. Nikita is beautiful with kissable lips, slanted and exotic looking eyes, and naturally thin eyebrows. Her ears are left natural because anyone who lays an eye on her, including herself, can see how appealing she is; no earrings are needed because it would interrupt her beauty. She is as...