Creating the New You Salon Part Two
- 3 years ago
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With Angelique and Consuela returning, angels and mortals gathered for the continuation of the Cleopatra Tale.
"So how," I asked, "in a royal bloodline that must have been chock full of Simon's blood, did a brother and sister produce an angel for you?"
"Subterfuge coming out of necessity," Nick answered.
The privacy, the lack of guards, pleases Nick as much as it surprises him. He has brought his daughter, Hippolyta, conceived with his longtime companion Hista, when meeting Ptolemy publically, and the coincidence causes the reaction he anticipates, but it has been a hope rather than a certainty. Hippolyta could be a younger sister of the Macedonian Pharaoh and, more importantly, nearly a duplicate of the leader's sister. That the incestuous offspring of the royal lovers have been a disappointment understates children whose problems begin with severe retardation and get worse. Exactly like the ancient African situation but with a greater effort at secrecy, and with a solution which needs to be even more discreet.
In the small, intimate albeit luxuriously embellished chamber in which Nick and his daughter meet the Pharaoh and his sister/wife, Ptolemy gets right to the point. "I have heard of your exploits, Nickodemus, which have been plentiful and diverse. I have heard of your healing, of your teaching, and most importantly of your easing discontent at the eastern edges of our empire. The last of course got you an audience with me, even if its purpose, that of a reward concomitant with our appreciation, you declined."
"I accepted your medal, Great Pharaoh, and it is enough," Nick replies. "I did not do it to gain riches, of which, I must admit, I have plenty, and feel a more charitable distribution to more needy persons would be a better use. The medal will actually prove useful, though, in gaining easier acceptance of my loyalty to you."
Ptolemy nods. "Good. But of course we are no longer in court, as you see. We have heard of other exploits, perhaps more rumors, that you have had many lovers, and they have been particularly fecund. These offspring seem to have remarkable health and intelligence, and they even follow in your ways of producing abundant offspring themselves."
"I admit I have a weakness for feisty women, and my appreciation for them, unlike most men who have a need to defend their masculinity against these challenges, I have discovered can be quite seductive. Even so, you may be surprised to know, what with my wandering eye and other, more productive parts, that I have had a steady companion, a woman to whom I always return, who never fails to excite me whether in or out of bed, and to whom has bestowed upon me several strong children, the first of which, and one of my proudest achievements as father, has joined me on this journey."
"Who are you?" asks the Pharaoh's sister, giving invitation for Nick's daughter to finally speak. The woman can't stop gazing at her younger doppelganger as if gazing into a most flattering mirror. Not only does this creature appear younger, but has a most enticing body, both voluptuous and firm, two traits the older one has never had.
"Hippolyta, great Queen. I am most honored to stand in your presence. Father promised me a reward if I completed my studies with excellence, and I must say, this surpasses anything I could have imagined."
"What did you study?" asks the Pharaoh.
"Practical things such as accounting and negotiations of Father's business. All sorts of law, including business and land and criminal and even moral. Philosophy, especially politics. And history. I learned a lot about you and Egypt and the Greeks and Macedonians and Rome and other more obscure peoples. Politics often combined with history in those discussions."
"Interesting," says the Pharaoh. "And your father taught you all this?"
"He is a wise and knowledgeable man. He did bring in others, experts, especially religious ones, but also those involved with business and well-travelled people or people who emigrated from places with different cultures and history. He tends towards the Socratic method over Aristotelean rhetoric, although I needed some foundation of knowledge to know what questions to ask, or to respond to his questions."
The brother and sister looked to each other for agreement. They nodded and the Pharaoh spoke. "Hippolyta will stay with us. You must leave without her, return home without her."
"Of course I must do as you say," Nick responds, hiding his joy in solemnness. "All I ask of you is to keep my daughter on a long leash, not put her in any sort of jail. She understands discretion just as I do. She will not respond well to imprisonment, and ... neither will I. Give her some freedom, as much as you can tolerate. Let her keep learning because it will make her happy. Do this and you will have a most compliant and enjoyable consort."
"It is good you make such demands in privacy," the Pharaoh scowls. But a sigh emerges when he says, "I understand. Just one more thing. How do you know how well she might respond to us?"
"She is a virgin, my lord, but has shown passion and given passion to those of her own sex. And she has been instructed in pleasuring men, but in a way that kept her intact."
"Let me demonstrate," says Hippolyta, removing her toga like dress to reveal her naked voluptuousness, her full, firm tits, tight abs and full, firm ass. Kneeling in front of the Pharaoh, she lifts the golden silk skirt that hides his rising penis, the size of it, expanding in her mouth, has medium length, perhaps six inches, but a narrowness that her hands easily encircle. She pushes down, sending his glans into her throat.
Noticing his sister/wife moving eyes from Hippolyta's amazing body to the middle of Nick, where an impressive tumescence lifts the fabric in front of it, he tremulously yells, "Go now, Nickodemus. Leave my home. Leave the city."
Nick bows, winking at the sister, before departing. He makes no eye contact with his daughter. They have other ways of communication.
Moments later, Ptolemy roars, "Gods!" and pumps his seed down Hippolyta's throat. She rises after drinking the last of his ejaculate and straddles the sister's lap, sharing the Pharaoh's seed with her in a lengthy and passion-rising kiss.
When the kiss ends, Hippolyta strips away the queen's clothing, kissing each bared place, especially thick nipples on saggy breasts. Not at all sensitive, she ends up chewing on them to get a moaning response. Only then does she finish the queen's unveiling, and send fingers inside a loose and moistening but still dry vagina. The fingers draw out more lubricant from the queen. She kisses down the queen's soft tummy, not fat but not muscled, until her mouth reaches the queen's sex, and she begins the tease that will grow the older woman's passion into the greatest the woman has ever experienced. Fingers aid the tease, while her other hand, which have replaced her lips and teeth, vigorously pull and twist nipples.
In the time it takes Hippolyta to bring his sister to the peak of pleasure, Pharaoh has his cock restored to full erection. He kneels behind the fine ass of this facial twin of his love, and the hand that had masturbated himself places his narrow cock at the entrance to her vagina, a remarkably small entryway. He discovers difficulty pushing through.
"Father," Hippolyta communicates telepathically. "It hurts."
"Imagine me at last succumbing to temptation. Imagine it is my cock, wet with your saliva, penetrating you as we stare lovingly into each other's eyes."
Her eyes close to allow the imagined moment more substance, and it works. Her pussy dampens, ending the abrasion of Pharaoh's thankfully narrow glans. But one pain gets replaced by another. She breathes deeply as her father instructed, using the exhalations through the tube formed lips to blow against the extremely sensitive tissue of the queen's clit. "Fuck," she mutters quietly as Pharaoh bottoms out, and instead of giving her time, begins sawing in and out, albeit slowly.
"Gods, you are a marvel of tightness," he groans, grabbing hold of her breasts and pulling on her nipples. The new pain actually helps her, as does the distraction of returning to the Queen's pleasuring, becoming aggressive in her tongue's attack on the woman's clit, and the rubbing of the textured place behind the Queen's pubic bone. And by the time his careful sawing becomes frantic fucking, and her efforts have filled her mouth with the Queen's spend, pleasure mostly supplants pain. She is a woman of passion and sensuality after all. But this would not be her first time orgasming with a cock inside her. That would have to come later, so to speak. And when Pharaoh releases his second spend, it actually feels irritating, almost burning, on her tender interior.
"Sshh," the queen murmurs when she sees tears in her new lover's eyes and hears subdued sobs.
"I didn't know it would hurt so much," Hippolyta admits.
"We shall bathe together. I have oils that will soothe you."
"You are used to this happening?"
"My husband can be cruel to virgins. He enjoys their tightness, their friction, their groans, their muscular reactions."
"Ooh," Hippolyta moans.
The wife chuckles, "And he loves the taste of virgin blood."
"Sick fuck," Hippolyta thinks as the Pharaoh licks her pussy. "Why couldn't he have done that before he fucked me, the cruel fuck?"
"You will train them," her father tells her telepathically. "It will take skills with these arrogant asses, but they will learn how best to get pleasure when you are given pleasure. I know you will succeed."
"Too bad I can only give him the pleasure this one time," Hippolyta murmurs to the Pharaoh's sister.
"Yes it is," says the queen, revealing her own enjoyment of this kink. "Have you finished dear?"
Of course she asks when it just starts getting good for Hippolyta.
"Yes dear," he says. "I have never tasted better. I will tell the eunuchs to prepare the bath."
He rises and kisses his sister/wife, tongues exchanging the taste he enjoys. "Mmm," she says. "She is delicious."
When he departs, she commands Hippolyta, "Lie down," tapping the pillowed couch she sits on. "It will take a while to prepare the bath."
The queen lies atop her. Their kiss becomes passionate, mostly through Hippolyta's skills. Hands explore the remarkable flesh of the young woman. When the kiss ends, the queen's mouth takes up the exploration. She reveals remarkable skills, finding just the right pressure, almost too much, on the breasts and nipples of her young lover. Fingers replace her mouth when it travels down Hippolyta's tight abdomen and reaches her pussy. Lapping at the remaining mix of virginal blood and female lubricant, she moans her joy at the flavor directly tasted.
Irritation keeps Hippolyta from thoroughly enjoying that tongue, and soon she loses its pleasuring altogether. The queen bends her legs back until they frame her torso, lifting her ass, which the queen's mouth explores, licking and sucking and biting. This creates its own pleasure, not quite as stimulating, but not adding irritation either. When the queen's tongue rims her asshole and plunges inside, the pleasure becomes especially piquant.
The queen chuckles at her sigh. "He will enjoy opening this passage as well."
"I hope he makes it ready," Hippolyta thinks, unfortunately aloud.
"He will take it when he is ready," the queen pronounces.
"Father explained I will make far better company if I am not abused."
"We shall see," the queen smirks.
"Can you bring me your unguent," Hippolyta pleads telepathically to her father.
"I will make it so," he replies. He has his spies, unfortunately one of them sacrificing his balls, but also fucking the queen when she needs his long thick cock on occasion.
The queen returns to her feast of pussy, her skills once more demonstrated. Unfortunately, irritation holds back orgasm. "I thought your father claimed you to be a passionate creature," she complains.
"My tender flesh keeps me from it," Hippolyta explains. "I will cum for you often. I promise. And I will give you even more pleasure than I did earlier."
"Let's bathe," the queen orders with a touch of irritability. She leads her lover or sex toy by hand naked to the bath. Only two eunuchs witness this, and they are in the bathing room. One has a flap rising from an impressive erection. "Later," she mouths to him. Both women watch the twitch and expansion. "Go," the queen orders them away.
"They are eunuchs?" asks Hippolyta. When the queen nods, she asks, "But that one was erect."
A complicated smirk becomes the queen's only response.
The water does soothe Hippolyta's tender inner flesh. The fragrant air also seems to relax her to near sleep. But Hippolyta remains awake, and even more importantly, talking. During the lengthy bath, with the eunuchs appearing occasionally to dump fresh hot water to keep it warm, Hippolyta gradually coaxes the queen to open up to her. Court gossip moves to politics and to philosophy and eventually frustration.
"Why do I feel ... so ... close to you?" the queen wonders, pulling this naked woman into her arms, back against breasts, kissing the woman's neck, so much like hers even if, below it, everything's different and so much better, the two soft firm and substantial breasts she kneads being two impressive examples. "I have heard your father has power few if any humans possess. Have you inherited this power?"
"You have no reason to fear me," Hippolyta explains, leaning her head back to kiss the older woman. "I may be my father's daughter, but I am as human as any woman. You are the goddess here."
"Of course," the queen chuckles. "I am blessed as only the wife and the daughter of a pharaoh can be."
Hippolyta hears the irony and chuckles daringly with her lover. "I think you need this," she says. "You need me. You can trust me. I have no agenda, nothing to fear in anything we may say or do together. I am not of the court. I am not friends with any who might embarrass you, whether advisors, priests or priestesses or even the Pharaoh, at least in revealing anything of what we say or do. You can be yourself. You can tell me anything you have always kept hidden from even your husband. You feel close to me because I respect you and your thoughts and you seem to enjoy mine."
"I do. You put my teachers to shame. Not just in your intelligence on a remarkable variety of subjects, but in your brazen arguments. They would never have dared to counter me as you have. And, instead of feeling threatened, I feel ... enlivened, like emerging from a sealed tomb to take fresh air."
The two eunuchs return with their heavy barrels of water. "Set them down," the queen commands. "We are done."
They do as commanded, grabbing towels once the barrels have been set down. The one with the earlier hard-on dries the queen, his member once more revealing itself, while the other efficiently dries Hippolyta without such reaction. Hippolyta notices the queen whisper to her eunuch and the eunuch nod. The one drying her cannot see nor seem to hear this exchange.
"Come to my chambers," says the queen after dismissing the eunuchs. They have covered her with a long and ornately decorated robe, but have left Hippolyta naked. The queen leads her by hand, and the handhold feels quite intimate, through a well decorated sitting room, with bronze and marble statuary and masterful tapestry softening the walls. She notices a barrel full of rolled papyrus at the corner near where they enter a surprisingly small, dark room with a bed hardly wide enough for two.
"My husband's bed and bedroom are at least twice as big," the queen explains answering the unasked question as she sheds her robe. "It is the place of copulation, not here. At least as far as he knows."
Again as if mind reading, except it is Hippolyta this time, she scoots onto the bed and spreads her legs. The queen crawls between them, kissing her pussy, before shifting around until her own pussy gets attention while she attempts to, once and for all, coax an orgasm out if this ... friend.
"Yes!" Hippolyta exclaims not long after, muffled by the queen's pussy, which, though filled with juices, both saliva and pussy, has only begun the teasing journey into ecstasy. The slow build aids the queen's concentration on bringing forth the first orgasm from her new lover. It is both delicious and ecstatic, producing plentiful juice and a trembling of both body and interior.
"Make me cum," the queen moans, thrilling at the thrill she has bestowed on her lover.
Hippolyta acquiesces, strumming the queen's rigid clit with tongue while rubbing the g-spot and adding a quickly wetted thumb to fuck her asshole. Perhaps not as explosive as the earlier orgasm, it easily ranks second best to any other.
Hippolyta finally gives into sleepiness, which has threatened her since the bath, while the queen gently explores this amazing young woman, gently and carefully so as not to awake her from her innocent expression. Though she knows she is plain, and this young woman looks just like her, she has rarely if ever seen such beauty.
"Hippolyta," she hears and awakens. The erection succumbing eunuch stands beside her. The erection, a thick and long one, begs to be touched. "Show me you can do to him what you did for my brother," says the queen, sitting up with spread legs, her hand caressing the impressive shaft and pulling on the glans.
"My pleasure," Hippolyta grins, shifting to sitting beside her new lover. Her lips enclose the plum sized glans. Her tongue swishes around it. He groans.
The queen giggles. "Do not cum inside her, even if she proves nearly irresistible," she orders the eunuch.
"Ungh," he groans as he nods, his eyes wide, watching the young woman press his glans against the entrance to her throat and then, suddenly send into down her gullet.
As both audience watch amazed, the queen rubbing her clit with one hand while the other dips into some substance in a wide brimmed cup poured from a gourd sitting beside it on the bed, and shoves her wetted fingers into her asshole, Hippolyta fucks her mouth onto the tall, pale, leanly muscled bald man. After several strokes, she pulls it out into her mouth to fill her lungs with oxygen via her nostrils, her hand stroking the dripping shaft as her lips and tongue work their magic on his glans. Again she sends him into her throat, grabbing his hand and placing it at the back of her head. He understands, pulling her into him, fucking her harder, but loosening his grasp when she needs to breathe.
After a third time, the queen orders breathlessly, "Enough!" and spreads herself open, pulling her legs wide and high. After reaching the drenched cock, she adds the unguent to the mixture and leans back onto her elbows. "Fuck me, Heracles!" she exclaims.
His rigid member does as ordered. He places the glans at her back hole and pushes. Everyone watches the thick plum disappear within the small hole, Hippolyta amazed and the other two thrilled. "Deeper," the queen orders tremulously. "It hardly hurts at all. Rub my clit, sweetheart, and shove your fingers inside me."
Knowing the substance being used, Hippolyta wets her hand in it. Her thumb squeezes and rubs the queen's clit as she pushes two fingers inside the hungry twat.
Once his impressive cock fills the queen's back passage, she orders him breathlessly. "Fuck me." After a couple careful if long strokes, she demands, "Harder, harder than you ever fucked me before!"
The queen moans and groans as the eunuch bashes against her soft and loose butt. Hippolyta adds another finger and then the last one, completely filling the loose space of the queen's vagina. She pounds them into her lover almost as hard as the eunuch pounds his cock into her. She can feel him bash into the back of her fingers which seems to add to his pleasure and the queen's as well.
"Fill my bowels with your hot cum!" the queen growls while shuddering, almost convulsing, with exquisite pleasure. "Yes! Fuck!" she roars, feeling his hot cream explode within her rectum. Her seizure abates, leaving tremors, becoming more and more occasional, the last of them occurring unconsciously. She has passed out.
"How long will she be out?" Hippolyta asks the eunuch.
"Don't know. Never happened before," he tells her admiringly.
"Heracles, hunh?"
The eunuch shrugs. "Pharaoh humor."
"Can you get me..." she gestures towards the container.
He nods. "She wants me to guide you to your chamber. I'm afraid I'll have to lock you in. It's comfortable though. She also suggested I keep my hands off you. But what could she do, cut off my balls?"
They share a laugh. "I like you," she says. "You're funny."
"I like you, too," he whispers in her ear and kisses it.
"Enough of that," the queen grumbles sleepily. She stretches and sighs. "Come here, Hippolyta."
The young woman crawls into her arms. They kiss softly, but tongues enter mouths and things get more passionate.
The queen sighs when their lips part. "Put that weapon away and show Hippolyta her room," she orders. The flap of cloth covering his erection only hides the flesh and not the impressive dimensions. After another kiss, she pushes her lover away, fighting reluctance. "No playing you two, and Hippolyta?"
"Yes my queen?"
"I'm trusting you with my secret."
"Of course. Thank you."
Another sigh as the queen's eyes traverse her lover's body. "Cover her up and go," she says, watching as Heracles encloses Hippolyta's delicious body in a modest robe. A belt, cloth of the same color, cinches it shut from lusty eyes, of which there are two sets.
Three nods and smiles, the queen's the saddest, and her lovers depart her chambers.
Heracles leads Hippolyta to her room, smaller yet brighter than the queen's. "This looks nice," says Hippolyta.
"I'd love to tuck you in," Heracles murmurs, "but the walls here have ears. And I wish I didn't have to lock you in, either."
"That will change," Hippolyta says, pulling him down for a kiss. "I'd kiss something else goodnight, but I'm afraid it's a bit soiled." They chuckle. "Bring me the unguent as soon as possible," she whispers.
"Expect a knock," he replies, "twice and thrice and it will be me."
Before she can ask when, he pushes her gently into her room and closes and locks the door.
Soon after she hears a couple taps and nothing else. She hides her body in the robe as the door opens. A young and pretty Nubian slave enters carrying a platter of food and a goblet of wine. "Mistress wishes not to be considered a bad host," she reports submissively.
"Thank her," Hippolyta nods, watching the pretty slave place her burden on a table.
The young woman nods without expression and immediately exits the room.
"She probably can't thank her without permission," Hippolyta thinks.
Several minutes later, she hears the coded knock. She smirks as she opens the robe to the visitor. "Come in."
She smiles at his blush. "You have cleaned yourself?" she asks, moving towards him and caressing his hardening penis beneath the rising cloth. His hands full, he cannot defend himself.
"I cannot close the door," he tells her.
"I guess we have to wait until we play with the mistress," she pouts. "I hope to feel your mighty weapon deep in other places."
"Not until he takes your anal virginity. Luckily, except for the one time, and he does it with little lubricant, he will not invade it again. He never does with his wife, which makes it the safe place for me to fuck her, and if we ever do, you as well."
He sets down the board which contains a large carafe of water, a bathing bowl, a chamber pot, and a small stack of clothes.
"Here are your clothes and other clothes the queen has discarded over the past few months."
"Thank you. I imagine you brought me these on you own initiative."
"I think both master and mistress prefer you with nothing on than perhaps the robe which can be easily discarded."
"Probably. So will the queen be upset?"
"No. She gives me these..." he blushes.
"Not to distribute to others?"
"Some, but I..."
"You like the feel of them."
"She likes me in them too sometimes."
"The more powerful, the kinkier it seems."
"It does seem so," he replies, grabbing the empty plate and goblet. "I should go."
"I know," she sighs, giving him a kiss and a squeeze before he locks her in for the night.
It takes a while, over a year, for Hippolyta to gain Pharaoh's trust. His sister/wife not so long. That Hippolyta hasn't become pregnant discourages all three, the mistress much less so, but the queen lets her know that it always takes a lengthy time for her to get pregnant, and those times have increased over the years.
During that time, things change between the women and Heracles. At first, the anal fucking only occurs occasionally, when the queen gets horny. But almost from the start, the Pharaoh has stopped fucking his wife, preferring the body and the pussy of his mistress. Instead of getting envious or jealous, the queen realizes the opportunity for much bigger cock, with a much better lover, can now safely fuck her pussy. With the skills of her mistress combined with a master cocksmith fucking her, she has never gained such thrilling satisfaction.
And in a passionate moment, while the two women rub clits together and the queen gets shafted by Heracles to the point of cumming, when he is supposed to ram his impressive penis into Hippolyta's anus, he misses and fucks her pussy with abandon. That it's intentional needn't be admitted.
"What are you doing?" the queen mutters, feeling the shaft rub against her clit. The thrill of it, with her earlier orgasm still enthralling her, lessens her fear by quite a lot.
"He missed," Hippolyta giggles within her moans. "Too late now," she growls as she cums, their eunuch cumming soon afterwards.
Minutes later, after Heracles finishes and rolls to the side, Hippolyta comforts her mistress. "Pharaoh will never know."
"How can he not know?"
"My pussy will not remain widened by Heracles's wonderful cock. Feel," she insists, pulling the queen's fingers into her pussy. "Feel how I tighten and my hole grasps at your fingers. Father's concubine taught me this, to bring pleasure. But it also has another benefit."
"But why... ?" the queen begins to say, but seeing Hippolyta's wry smile and Heracles guilty glance away from her, she shakes her head. "Never mind."
When trust finally comes from Pharaoh, he allows his slave girl to travel. That her first trip will be to the great library in Alexandria doesn't surprise him. That his wife wishes to accompany her there does. Of course, having the queen present will make the presence of a woman in such a male place, a place exclusive to male scholars and priests, a thing to be allowed.
To the curious, and royalty begets curiosity, they invent a story in which Hippolyta becomes their daughter, to whom a grave warning from a seer, that for her to be raised within the walls of the royal palace would prevent her from surviving into womanhood, has placed her in secret places to be raised by trustworthy families, priests and scholars, which makes her first, surprising appearance in public at the library believable.
There, her half-brother awaits discovery. He looks like a much younger and more handsome and vigorous version of Ptolemy, but not as much similar as Hippolyta looks to her mistress to need to be claimed as some lost son.
The two half-siblings meet almost violently, both lost in a scroll that has referred to another scroll to which they search distractedly. After many apologies, they begin to talk, and the queen joins the conversation, and that familiar feeling, a sort of lightheartedness accompanying brilliant discussion, greets her as it had greeted her that first time bathing with her lover.
Demetrius, son of Sofia and Nick, gets brought back to the palace, meeting priests and advisors to the Pharaoh, and of course with the Pharaoh himself. That his precocious female slave joins the conversation the bright young man seems to inevitably create doesn't surprise him. In fact it kind of turns him on, her feistiness and surprises making his life much more interesting ever since they met. But, by the end, having his wife join in does surprise him even if he is aware of her intelligence, and his apparent annoyance with both women hides his amusement at their challenges to the defensive men he surrounds himself with for their advice.
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"I do," she admits. "And I think our little slave girl should fuck him as well." When he looks angry, she reminds him, "You have yet to conceive a child with her, and you know how infrequent you made me pregnant. We are not young, my husband. We must make all efforts to ensure the continuation of the dynasty."
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Hello everyone my name is Pallavi…! I am form Pune and I have written this story to share the life altering incident that happened to me 8 months ago, it’s a bit long I guess but interesting also I guess…. I was working with one of the top automobile company in this country and earned too much, that is when I got married but I always gave the priority to work than my hubby which led to fights between us and the end result of it was divorce. Due to which I was really depressed I mean I had just...
My husband is the project manager for a large hotel chain, and is often sent away to exotic destinations to oversee the construction of luxury resorts. I’m usually left to fend for myself, but from time to time, he’ll bring me out towards the end of construction so that we can enjoy some time together. His current project is in Brazil, Rio no less, so I was ecstatic to get “the booty call”, as I affectionately call it. An extra bonus – it was carnival time! When I arrived, I landed right in...
Quickie SexPart three:At 3.30 am my laptop pinged informing me that I had mail. Curiously I opened the laptop and clicked on the mail icon. It was a mail from Becky with a very large attachment.I clicked on the attachment and an MP 4 Movie file began to download. On the email was written the following words.“Honey I've sent the video the guys have just made fucking me. They’re both downstairs having a drink and getting their breath back then we’ll begin round two. Both these guys have huge cocks, but...
Made my older sister my mistress (ami amar boro bon ke rokkita banaisi)this how it started. 2 years ago my elsder sister Urmi(she is 34)got divorced.her husband left her with no money.she had 2 little children and nowhere to go.i am a sucessful bussiness man, naturally i start helping my a 27 years old man and very good looking man(ppl say) .i started to pay my sister house rent and gave her a monthly allowance.i also paid all her bills (amar boro bon talak pawar por, oso-hai hoye...
IncestHello, indian sex stories dot net friends! This is the second installment of my incident which happened in Chennai. This incident turned me into a more sexy and slutty submissive sissy boy. Thanks for the wonderful e-mails guys for my previous story. After the first day, I was fucked couple more times (almost every day) before I came back to Chennai. After few months, my uncle visited Chennai for some business deal of his and he wanted to stay for a week this time. He came to our house and...
Gay MaleWhen I woke up Sunday morning, I instantly flashed on the events of last nights 'New Years Eve',...with Michael. Before my eyes could even focus I was reliving the encounter. The curtains were slightly drawn,... the sunshine of the new day was casting across the room,... a new day is here, it was indeed. ' I crossed that line last night '... I said to myself. ' I actually kissed Michael '... followed closely behind,... as my mind reminisced. My head was a bit groggy from the wine we...
Dosto Haye meri Choot ka 6 bhag lerker phir hajer.To passport clerk aour Luchman sey sey chudwaker aa rahi thi to dil mien socha ari O rajni tery pass to kamal ki cheej hey.Bina paisey diye Passport bhi le liya aour Majey ki chudayee bhi kerwali. Ab chahey aik hi admi sey 1000 bar chudwaow ya 1000 admiyoon sey aik aik bar , bat to aik hi hey. Ab muhey rajdhani jana tha apney kagaj leker ki vija lagwa sakoon apney passport per.Ab to merey sarey kam yoon ho rahey they jaisey permatma ney keh diya...
Passion In James County IX Indiscretions By D.C. Roi Chapter fourteen Melissa dragged herself out of the shower, dried herself off and got dressed. She spent the morning doing chores inside the house. Tom had returned home from his extended trip, but he left almost immediately on another one. She had barely been able to talk with him, much less do anything to work on mending the problems in their relationship. In the afternoon she went to the office and tried to get some paperwork done....
Suzanne showed up again late in the retreat and stayed with us all the way into Pennsylvania. By then many things had changed, and she was a lissome widow with many randy admirers. But when I first saw her again, she was still the captain's wife, and we were out trying to kill Cornwallis. That was the plan. We would circle around the British, come up from behind and ambush the headquarters company. Foster's company, of course, got the scouting job, and we actually found Lord Cornwallis and...
“Get dressed my slutty little slave; we are going to the truck.” Those were the words I awoke to in the very early morning darkness after master’s arrival. As I grabbed a quick shower I thought about the afternoon and evening just past; as he had promised before his arrival, master had indeed done just as he pleased with me. He seemed to know from the first moment exactly how to show me that I was his; how to make me feel my servitude to him deeply. He had made me meet him that afternoon...
I got to school the next morning, and met up with Cass. Everything seemed fine, she was her normal self. We went to the entrance, got undressed, and went inside. That's when all hell broke loose. We walked in, and noticed people huddled in knots at various points along the corridor. We went to one of them, and took a look. People were looking at something that had been hung up on the walls. GodDAMMIT! Someone had gotten a camera. Somehow, they had taken a picture of Cassie-not all of...
Pacing back and forth, my five-inch stilettos tap click click click pause click click click against the tile floor. I play with the black tape covering my nipples, anxiously awaiting my turn. There is no greater high for me. No drug could ever come close to giving me this feeling. Heroin, cocaine, pot ... could never do this for me. I need to be watched. Crave to be watched. How many eyes will be raking over my body tonight? How many hands will reach out to touch me? How many cocks will burn to...
ExhibitionismI fought my way through the halls trying to make my way to Tina’s locker. I felt someone pinch my ass and I’m ready to give the son-of-a-bitch a once over. It’s Ian. “You fag!” I chide. “You skank!” He said. Ian grabbed his books heaving them up so I can see his black painted nails. We talk a bit and then I tell him I want to find Tina. He wishes me good luck knowing all the shit we’ve been going through. I trust Ian. He’s a good guy. “Paula!” Tina said when she saw me coming down the hall. I...
"The Sadistic Ways of Ms. Langenkamp" by Traveller CHAPTER: 1 Jenny Stanton was having the worst night of her life. But the worst was yetto come. She had broken up with her fiancé after finding out that hehad been seeing another woman. She went over to his place to surprise him witha bottle of Chateau Margaux, 1994. She was dressed in her high heeled slides,black thigh high stockings, a tight mini skirt and a sexy blouse. The lasttouch was a gorgeous pearl necklace. She literally walked in...
I was very worked up waiting for Miss Morgan to call me. Her earlier attentions in her office were incredibly hot. She had me on the edge when we were so cruelly interrupted. I was wanting more that night. I dressed up cute for my darling professor. I went with my favorite dress, a short little number decorated with big sunflowers. I put on some nice dangly earrings and my little black necklace as well. My heart raced as I waited for her phone call. My mind was clouded with questions about...
Lesbian"I know you now," Miss Polly said as we walked to the post production meeting in the conference room. "It's been a couple of years—three years or more. You were the girl on the horse who first claimed Brian as your boyfriend on-air. I didn't recognize you at first." "I got f..." I squeezed Rhonda's hand and she caught her breath before she could say 'fat.' " ... a little more mature, I guess." She looked at me and grinned. "I'm sure there's a story, but I know Harvey has...
Sally noticed McCock sitting with his head held back reading the Senate coverage on his PDA, with that instrument held in his outstretched hand. "What's wrong with your eyes, Aggy?" "Nothing" laughed McCock, "it's just that my arms don't seem to be long enough these days and I am a short fellow to start with, you know." "Nonsense" snapped Sally and signalled over the waiter. "This gentleman has something wrong with his eyes. Where can I find someone to look at him?" The...
All names have been changed from their original t keep discretion. I am Mark and this is my story. Well I still really don’t understand that I was able to achieve an impossible task, something which I had cherished since I was a child. I mean literally a child. To be honest to do something crazy, which you really don’t think is possible you need to be patient… Well you also have to know how to act. At least that much which could convince people that you are telling the truth…obviously without...
IncestChapter 4 – Strippers By Dominic Durobastone Back on course, the master ordered that Phil be untied, his shoes, socks and pants be disposed of in a nearby rubbish bin and his hands be retied behind his back. This time Richard was instructed to check his dick and make him hard. Richard approached the task with obvious distaste but dared not refuse or delay. “Hail us a cab…actually two Naidu, there’s a good girl.” Without delay two cars responded. The master took the front seat of the...
If you like images to go with your story you can click for the illustrated version of this SARAH in the comments below. Enjoy...The greatest thing about my lover, Joe, is his cock. I just love it. It's so fat and hard and muscular, I love holding it, I love stroking it, I love kissing it, I love sucking it, I love feeling it between my tits, I love feeling it filling my arse-hole, I love feeling it filling my pussy.I'm 26, with long straight brown hair, and brown eyes. People have always called...
Jess watch as the four white women entered the room and took seats. She always enjoyed watching new faces enter her class on race relations not knowing what they were getting into. Her class was a non-profit class for white women who had trouble coping with black women at work and was all voluntarily to those who wish to come. The companies recommended her because after her courses, the white women came out totally different and so friendly to their co-workers afterwards. Little did they know...
I met Camille at a music awards after party. Our eyes had met at the bar where both of us were trying to get the attention from one of the overworked bar staff who were trying get as many poorly assembled and much too expensive drinks into the hands of the waving and shouting customers in front of them. Poor and expensive drinks, and seemingly never spotted by a free bar keep. It’s as good a conversation starter as any. She chuckled when i pointed this out. Finally, we were able to get a young...
Eighteen-year-old Michael threw his head back and smiled broadly while his best friend's mom earnestly worked her closed fist up and down his engorged hard-on. The many candles in the room cast wavering long shadows that enhanced the motion and the sense that what was going on in the Caldwell living room was dark and dangerous.Michael shifted his position to the side of the couch and pulled Beth by her shoulders to get her into a position where he could more comfortably get a hand behind her...
Before I tell you the story, you have to know a little bit about my family. Me, my sister & my parents live in Rourkela. We visit Our ancestral home once every year & sometimes on special occasions. In our ancestral village the family of my grandfather’s siblings is there, who we are pretty close with. We visited our village in the summer of 2005. May 10th board exam was over & there was a marriage of one of my uncles in our village. Manas uncle was around 35 years old at that time. He is a...
IncestAs some of you know, hubby and I have been experimenting with male chastity. It's been going on a few months now so I thought I'd write about the experience so far.The Beginning.Hubby has been hinting / nagging for ages for me to get my lips pierced. Finally I relented and agreed that I would as long as we went to another town to get them done. In the end we chose a weekend in Glasgow.We agreed that as it would take a long time for the piercings to heal we would have to really reduce the...
Looking around the room, John Rose saw twenty-odd students, all in uniform, textbooks open, bright and attentive. Junior students had to take his classes, but these students were in their final year, their final semester. They were here because they wanted to be. While he enjoyed teaching English, his real passion was history, something he shared with them.It was his favourite class.He sat relaxed atop the raised desk at the front of the room, his muscular frame topped with short black hair,...
Spanking"They're lovely kids mum.""They're your brother and sister Danny.""Yes."They were happy kids, a boy, and a girl, beautiful children who would be spared the terror I endured as a kid. They'd never lie in bed at night listening to their father raping and beating their mother as I had and as I lay in the hot sun watching them playing happily, I decided to try to be a surrogate father to them, at least until mum met a nice, decent man and remarried.I turned onto my side and looked at her, it was...
IncestRebecca This was bad with a capital B. "You didn't see this," I told Paul, "You don't know what's inside." I put everything back in the envelope and handed it to him, "Hold onto this, and if anyone, anyone, tries to take it, destroy it immediately. I'll get clearance to take it out without further tests. Wait until you hear from me. It won't take long." I walked back over to the tech on duty. "That envelope does not exist, you are not to log it in or mention it to anyone, you...
When Trina and Cindy arrived in the kitchen, they found Jim sitting at the table sipping a drink. He offered them a glass of wine and had them sit down. He then presented them each with small, black, jewelry box. Trina knew what to expect, or at least she thought she did. The rings she had requested had very small diamonds. They really weren't much more than diamond chips. When they opened their boxes, the girls' mouths fell open. The gold rings Trina had picked were the same. But instead...
It's the weekend, and I get a call from my girl She is going to swing by before work, and grab some lunch with me by the pool. I make a couple sandwiches, and cut up some fruit. I set it all out, and go change into my swim trunks.As I drop my clothes to the floor I notice someone standing behind me. It's my sexy little girl. She just turned 20. Her 5' 2" frame is filled out. She always says that her breasts are too small, but I think that they are perfect. Her smile could make any mans heart...
It's been a month now, with Carly working as a personal assistant for Andy at one of the office locations for a bank. Andy was exactly her type: blue eyes with smooth brown hair and a chiseled jawline that sometimes would be scruffy from not shaving after a long day at work. On top of that he had a body of a model. Carly would stay up late at night just imagining herself running her hands across his flat set of abs, down to his crotch which she dreamt was huge.On a day like any other, she...
What is it about Shemale Vids that makes them so goddamn enticing? Honestly, it might be a question for the stoned philosophers and horny social scientists of the world. Me? I’m just your friendly neighborhood PornDude. I may not be able to tell you why you’re so attracted to pretty girls with bigger sausages than your own, but I can certainly turn you on to some good pornos starring the well-endowed broads. Some dudes consider themselves ass men, others are fond of the titty, the thigh, or the...
Shemale Porn SitesNew tale I caught the Ryanair flight to Sassari, comfortably, with time to spare and only my hand luggage. It was my first trip abroad alone and I was n't certain just how intense the airport baggage search might be so I had carefully selected what was in my bag so that there would be nothing odd that would show up on the airport scanner, I knew that the metal clips of a bra would stand out as would any metal make-up tubes: a male operator might not spot them but a woman certainly...
Hi, I’m Kannan 26 year old male, unmarried, from Chennai, working in MNC. I would like to share some of memorable sexual encounters I had in my teens :-) Yes, I was only 18 when this happened. It was my final year of schooling, and I was living with my parents in an apartment in a well know locality of Chennai. Savithri aunty was our neighbor living in the opposite house in the same floor, living with her husband. She was around 35+ at that time, and they had no kids. So she was very...
Holiday-away play-time together So Mr Boyfriend Jake and I (one of his sluts) decide to go for a cheap city-flat/apartment holiday-away together: to try cohabiting for a two-week break. Here is the very sordid story of what happened (part 1 of at least 3) As all we wanted to do was fuck, there seemed to be not much-point in going too-far for the holiday away ! A change of location was easily done with hiring a flat in a communal-dwelling that was going cheap. We went round there...
I decided to take a shower, and get dressed, and save the sexy energy for later that night. When I was done, I walked into the kitchen to eat breakfast. The first thing I heard when I got into the room was mom growling at me. “You make sure you mind your daddy Sissy or there will be hell to pay when I get home!” In my mind I shouted, ‘Oh aren’t we a bundle of joy this morning.’ I will momma, don’t worry.” I left for school. Even momma’s foul mood could not change my happy mood. I...
I thought I would share something that happened to me when I was 16, that has stayed in my memory for years. We lived in the north of England when I was growing up. And although not rich we had a cleaning lady who came during the week, she looked after me during the school holidays while my mum and dad were at work. I thought things might change as I got older, but they didn’t trust me to be in on my own all day, probably get into trouble or something. I was an only child, and I’ve always...
"So--you still wanna blow me?" He asked again. I looked at him "I--don't know--Ive never done it and I don't want to be bad."He smirked "practice makes perfect"I rolled my eyes "I can't- I'm too chicken" I admitted, even though I really wanted to have his dick in my mouth. His lips tasted so great why shouldn't the rest of his body? He just stared at me, "I, can't make the first move" I lied through my teeth. I could, if I wanted too most of the time. But I was so afraid I was going to screw up...
Straight SexIn the large research complex of the Baxter building, a portal the size of a large doorway swirled open, its shape a raging torrent of a circle yet calm, while a group of people made their way out of the passageway. “My goodness how disorientating, a world with five suns, I wonder how the life on that world deal with so much solar radiation.” Wondered Reed Richards out loud, typing notes onto a small digital notepad while the rest of the Fantastic Four stepped out with him. “Yeah, five suns...
The principal was at the podium getting ready to address a transfixed audience. I noticed with some unease that several of the female staff members and some of the female students were in tears. It turned out that Rita and Nita, the two beautiful objects of my lust, had been killed in a car crash the previous evening. They had accepted a ride from an older college guy they knew who lived nearby whose attorney father had bought him a new corvette. He had been been drinking and As he drove...
His name was Norman. Twenty-seven at the time and very hot. I being only sixteen at the time and never even giving a second thought to having any chance with him. Ha! I was so blind. Sometimes I wish I knew what he was thinking at the time. Norman and I had a very good friendship for not knowing each other very well. I'm usually very shy with people. Unable to be loud or open. But with him it's different. Anyways waiting on a mutual friend. ...
"Hey, what are you doing?!" You turn to see the daughther of the woman you were currently fucking standing at the doorway of her mother's bedroom in shock. You have had your power for about a year. Any woman you talk to will be compelled to listen to every word you say. That is how you were fucking a blonde MILF who had never seen you before today. You were feeling rather horny and were walking past her house when you saw her watering her lawn. You approached her. "Hello, young man,"she had...
Mind Control“I have to leave now. Anyway, thanks” and Swathi hurried towards the living room. I was taken back and was also little worried. I followed her but I did not stop her. She stopped near the door. Picked her bag and looked back and waved bye to me. I was really dejected and she laughed loudly, “Just wanted to check your reaction. Just look at your face,” and she kept laughing. “I will change in the meantime you can lock the doors and switch of the other a/c.” She asked me – “You have...
Within a week, Shelby and Jennifer moved in with me for good. We went out and bought a pink canopy set with pink sheets for Jennifer’s princess room. We let her choose a few decorations and the three of us finished her room. I had brought Ryleigh and Molly into my office and explained to them that Shelby would now join us as our newest employee. Ryleigh jumped at the idea of having some help and volunteered to start working nights since her husband worked night s as well. That way, they...
It was a quiet evening. Most of my work had already been completed for the night, so I was in the living room reading, some old sitcom playing as white noise in the background on the TV on top of the small bookcase full of movies. He was in the other room, finishing up some project or another for one of his classes, drowning out my TV sitcom with anime music. As I neared the end of this particular story, I took my laptop off my lap and placed it on the coffee table in front of me. Deciding I...
CHAPTER 9: As I watched my ex-best friend across the room, he looked down, no, frustrated. If things worked the way I hoped, depending as I was on my own impromptu planning, I’d be changing that look he was wearing quite significantly. Oh yes, yes I would.I saw her come in. She was short, she was chunky, she was plain looking, and she was mine.“Okay, Jimmy, what’s all of this about? Why the tone of voice, the urgency,” she said.“You remember me telling you about my wife and ex-best friend?” I...
CheatingSo, just beta testing this new idea and see if people like where this is going (Chapters for Gilded in Gold and By Night, My Love will be posted next week) thank you for reading and leave comments Chapter One I’m that girl you just love to hate. You know, that one girl in your group who always laughs the hardest and has the snarkiest comeback. The one that has the bigger boobs and always rubs your face in it (the fact, not the boobs). That one girl who knows everybody’s business, even yours,...
VII: Tammy Timmy had chosen to remain dressed in the catsuit once he had gotten back home. He was a little concerned over the absence of his mother, but he surmised that this was another of her late evenings and didn't think much more of it. He just drifted upstairs, still basking in the glow of his Mall experiences, and went into his bedroom. As Rita had music playing in the car during the ride home, it was at the debutante's suggestion that he place the vibrator he had been given...
It was 1864 in North Carolina and Charlot was alone on the plantation. Her husband was fighting for the south and she did not know where he was. The yankees were camped five miles away. Charlot feared for her life. She went to bed that night and burned a candle in her cold room. It was almost winter and soon the snow would come. She wondered how she would survive the hunger. Her slaves ran away with all the livestock. Maybe the soft light would sooth her fears. She drifted off to sleep thinking...
InterracialI sat in the hotel room and waited. Shortly after the agreed time the door opened, and in walked Mistress leading Hubby by the hand. I stood and bobbed a curtsy.They'd been downstairs having a romantic dinner, she dressed in a dark blouse and skirt, he in smart jacket and trousers. We exchange some pleasantries - yes, room service was good thank you. Dinner in the restaurant was lovely, the wine excellent and the service in the Country Manor as good and attentive as ever. Mistress poured...