Cleo Benedict; DominatrixChapter 4 free porn video

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Lana Dupree’s imposing presence had been greeted with the usual simpering approaches from males, desperate to sample the mature woman’s dominance, whilst being careful not to over expose their otherwise incognito attendances at the Baroque Cabaret Club. As the eyes of those men watched the strut of her tightly clad figure, in tall heels and black stockings move gracefully through the curls of illuminated cigarette smoke, their budding erections eased them into the fantasies generated by the dark rumours which abounded about her business, of which none of them were sure - it being as incognito as those males wished to remain. But there were too many rumours for some of them not to be true, and it was more than apparent that the majority of her wealth had not been via any publicly known venture, and that smug and confident smile confirmed that this was the epitome of a dominant woman who was very selective indeed about any male company she chose to allow.

Lana was always very careful about the way she dismissed the advances of those bold enough to risk it; any one of them could become a potential customer, target ... or pet, and she could never get enough of those. She’d give the furtive attempts at unwanted contact, a polite dismissal, always making sure the advancing male was put firmly in his place, but left with a teasing hope that she might see favour in them one day. There were many she would love to have taken home and dominated thoroughly, but she never allowed such pleasures from chance contacts; those in the know, or persistent enough to glean it from those who did, had a ‘business’ number through which they’d be vetted at a distance by some of her older girls, before she chanced her pleasure with them.

She had just sent one such valiant male away with a keen erection, when another equally mature and attractive woman took a seat with her. Many male eyes viewed this femme fatale with a black veiled hat with similar arousal, as she added to the mood and atmosphere created by the soft piano music playing, those eyes trying hard not to be seen ogling the magnificently shapely behind as it descended to a seat, erections boning with desire from afar, fantasising on having it descend upon their faces.

“Good evening Cleo, so glad you could make it...” Cleo’s eyes scanned the tables nearer the raised stage, and gave a soft smile of satisfaction before acknowledging Lana, and settling into a position of comfort.

“I see our prey isn’t here yet ... that’s good, but I hope he shows.” Lana heaved her full breasts in the tight silky top she wore, her nipples evident through the material, and adding extra enticement to those males in secret admiration of her.

“Oh he’ll be here soon enough, Faulkner is a man of habit, a slave to his routines ... and that’s to assist in his downfall.” Sure enough, the furtive and self conscious entrance of the normally pompous male that was Walter Faulkner, was greeted with satisfied smiles from Lana and Cleo, who sat far enough off from where he was headed to go unnoticed. He took his seat with his usual band of cronies, close to the raised stage, under the premise that any meet there was strictly business, but each of the seedy characters he sat with had no interest in the sort of mundane businesses which occupied Faulkner’s daily life, their interests lay in the entertainments which were associated with what appeared on the stage. Lana however, had more than a passing interest in a certain project Faulkner was involved in, one which she wished to add to her portfolio of open and legitimate businesses, and she would take great pleasure in breaking him to her will.

The two mature women smiled knowingly as Faulkner showed particular enthusiasm for certain risqué acts, the portrayal of the normally upright and prudish citizen he was seen to be in daily life, evaporating as he was seen to enthuse upon the sight of a big woman in black being hauled on a chariot by harnessed males, her imperious glances toward him, having him gape in obvious sexual excitement, another act involving an equally robust woman demonstrating her prowess with a bullwhip, holding him transfixed. The two women’s contented smiles at each other, were laced with a lusty contempt, Lana now intent on not just humiliating and manipulating him out of the business interest, but taking him on as a pet - he was so ripe for domination.

“Well Lana, I think we’ve seen enough ... we’ll sow the seed at the extraordinary meeting, next week ... have him squirm a little before all those influential citizens.” Lana grinned as she watched the gaping Faulkner enthuse further upon yet another risqué act, no doubt stiffly erect and longing to masturbate later.

“I can’t wait to have him in my pocket ... and held to total obedience.” The two women swept regally out of the venue, and Faulkner would have remained totally oblivious to their presence, but for Cleo taking a route which passed his table, offering him a minimal glance and sneering smile through the lacy veil of her hat ... just enough to divert his attention, and have him view her deliciously rounded rear and tall heels as she met up with the larger and equally delicious rear of Lana’s. He didn’t see her face clearly, but the smile which had his cock pulse, would aid his descent to the enslavement his alter ego craved.

Ralph was a little puzzled, but firmly erect as Lindy took control of him at such an early hour. Cleo and Miranda greeted his leashed entrance to one of the larger bedroom suites, with pleasured and knowing smiles, having that erection stiffen to an aching maximum. He’d tried hard not to show his indignation at being retired to his bed at an early hour the night before, and suffering the indignity of having his manhood caged, and being trussed to ensure that masturbation was absolutely denied. As per the lithe and youthful Lindy, the two mature women were naked but for short black chiffon negligees, their nipples poking hard and lifting the sheer material delightfully. The scent of the two women added to Ralph’s torment, Lindy having allowed him a sniff at her aroused cunt already, while his cock was released from its captivity.

Lindy had taken to dominating Ralph with spiteful enthusiasm and efficiency, pleasing the two mature women with her tormenting of the older male, which came in so naturally. She sneered as she held Ralph to kneeling obedience on the leash, while she adjusted the position of a ticking clock, already prominent in its appearance by the bed. Ralph’s inquisitive and bewildered looks, added to the smug sexual pleasure of his owners; kept from any source of media, as was becoming of a slave, he’d no idea of what was happening in the world beyond his masochistic Shangri-la, unless made aware of it by his Mistress’s. Cleo lifted a newspaper, and waved it end on at the kneeling Ralph, enjoying watching his pulsing cock salute it.

“This is a very special morning indeed my pet ... you’ll service the three of us and show your respect for the satisfaction that we’ve so duly and thoroughly earned ... and you’ll be allowed the luxury of a spend, just so’s the memory of the event is etched deep within you...” Ralph’s anus tingled with a dark excitement, as Cleo’s face developed a contented sneer while she toyed with the paper.

“This is last evening’s late extra ... such wonderful news requiring a special edition.” She held the paper up, all three women murmuring their pleasure as the headline was made evident to Ralph.

‘BROWN TO HANG TOMORROW’. Lindy pulled his leash tight as he gasped at what he knew was inevitable, but the confirmation of was so cruelly exciting ... and the women’s sadistic satisfaction with it, had him dribbling pre-cum at their callous pleasure. The girl pulled his face toward the ticking clock, her lust for sadism toward masculinity, now as spitefully potent as per her mature mentors.

“Listen ... the last seconds of his life, ticking away, each tick taking him closer to the noose ... I do wish I were there to witness it.’ Ralph boned at the lusty change of character in a girl who’d first cried when hearing the verdict, and now relished Brown’s execution which was partly at her expense. She lay back on the bed, her smiling eyes glancing at the minute hand approaching the hour, and lifted her thighs back to have Ralph sample the delicate whiffs of her full arousal.

“Lick my asshole Ralph ... I want it deep inside me when he drops to his death...” Cleo and Miranda now sauntered across in sultry fashion, a suitably flexible cane at the ready in his Mistress’s hand, to ensure Ralph marked his respect for the occasion with a worthy fluid tribute.

“Yes Ralph, a fitting reward for his disobedience ... and a lesson to be learned on the importance of it. for those males fortunate enough to remain under my control...” Miranda stroked his squirming cheeks as he thrust at the sheets, his tongue now tasting the savoury warmth of Lindy’s tight anus, her juices in full flow while she nursed her moist slot with her fingers, the immediate obedience of an older male under her complete control, bringing her clitoris high as he was coaxed helplessly toward surrender to her. Cleo smiled as she eyed the ticking clock, and watched Ralph thrust urgently at the sheets.

“ ... he’ll be bound and hooded by now, waiting on the trap while the noose is slipped over, knowing he’s innocent of the crime, knowing I took exquisite pleasure in seeing him to the gallows ... he knows he hangs for me Ralph, and he knows I relish it.” The ticking clock seemed to resonate louder in Ralph’s ears, as he thrust in earnest at the sheets with his balls tingling in readiness to spurt while his bell rubbed in blissful stimulation, Cleo and Miranda now pressing their canes against the flesh of his cheeks, Lindy sighing close to ecstasy over the demise of her former lover, and the cruel opportunities his death had opened for her.

Ralph’s tongue probed deep, in homage to a superior power, jerking wildly in absolute submission as the dull ring of the clock’s alarm heralded the victorious bliss of the women, Cleo ecstatic in her moment of triumph.

“There he goes! ... down through the hatch to know the full pleasure of the rope ... he’ll spend his load as he jerks, just as you will!” As Lindy moaned in pure ecstasy and tensed her shapely legs high, Ralph felt the venom of the older women’s canes ... and spurted his seed in a masochistic bliss of his own, the sound of the descending canes merging with the blurring jangle of the alarm, and a vision of the gallows with Cleo at the lever - as good as having hanged him personally - the seed erupting from his cock. The thrashing he received as he spent was for purely sadistic pleasure; the total obedience of Ralph Edwards to this dominant female owners was already set in stone.

Walter Faulkner felt a strange foreboding which rankled with his usual smug and conceited persona that morning, but he dismissed it as he breezed into the marbled foyer of the municipal building, two steps ahead of his pert secretary as the clatter of her tall heels resonated behind him, she there to take notes on the discussion regarding the lucrative project, and more so to note names of people who might be manipulated following it, unofficially of course. The feeling he’d had earlier returned to him, as the sound of his secretary’s heels was echoed by an unusual abundance of similar sounds, he not bothering to glance back until at the top of the polished stairway, close to the entrance of the plush meeting room. The determined smiles of more women than usual, teased his eyes.

Faulkner was not one to mix business with pleasure, but the haughty presence of so many females, mature, pompous, and exuding a certain authority in tight and acutely feminine business attire which expressed their shapely bodies, had an unwanted erection stir within him. He felt unusually nervous as he took his position at one end of the huge polished oak table, sure that his secretary was smirking as she sat beside him.

At this business meeting of founders and all comers with prospective interest in the project, he’d not seen so many female representatives, and each seemed so strangely attractive. He remained as cocksure as ever in his approach, but was unable to deny his inner sexual thoughts as the women’s smiles warmed the swell of his member as they sat, outnumbering the male attendees.

The bustling figure of Madam Lana Dupree, gained his special attention, her noble femininity expressed through bright red lips and a curt smile, teasing his inner thoughts as her curves were also carefully expressed for his benefit as she took her seat, pulling her chair to one side and crossing elegant legs clad in black stockings and waving a tall heel as she applied a little more vermilion lipstick before settling for business. Opposite her, careful not to show any association with the haughty woman at this juncture, sat Madam Cleo Benedict; her equally mature but slender figure, an obvious femme fatale, exciting Faulkner further. He was unaware of their names at this point, of course, but would soon come to know both very well.

As the meeting progressed at length, Faulkner noted how each and every woman seemed to be at odds with most of the thoughts of the males there; though having similar ideas regarding the use of the lucrative plot of land and existing buildings which was the basis of the project, they were quick to bring the males down on certain aspects, then having put them in their place, confounded them by virtually echoing their ideas. One or two of the males left, indignant at the rebukes, but signalling to Faulkner, whose influence over the matter due to his connections, would have the ultimate say, that they’d see him incognito at some point. His erection wasn’t helped after he made a point upon order, and the red lipped woman made a calmly delivered point, with a surly smile.

“I see we’re going to have to thrash this out, in order to get what we want.” Faulkner swallowed hard,.

“Well yes ... it seems so, Madam?...”

“Dupree ... Lana Dupree ... this session needs to be orderly ... with discipline.” His secretary smiled, and whispered softly.

“Shall I make a note of that sir, as well as her name?” Faulkner fumbled, and she knew he’d no answer, but he never got the chance at that moment as she made a note of the name, the slender woman opposite, adding a further point.

“Yes, we need strict order ... let’s not let our meeting dissolve into something resembling attendance at some seedy nightclub...” Faulkner’s cock pulsed, as he was sure he’d seen the wicked smile that accompanied the remark, somewhere before ... and it had his balls tingling.

“Why yes Madam ... Madam?...”

“Benedict ... Cleo Benedict ... we all need to pull together ... not be whipped forward individually like some beast of burden.” The curious remark, duly noted by the smiling secretary, concurred with knowing smiles by the other women but viewed with total bewilderment by the remaining males, had Faulkner fully erect as his memory went to the chariot at the cabaret. He dismissed the thought as quickly as he could, still not fathoming that his sordid private life was known to every woman there.

The lucrative nature of the project had his courage attempt to supersede the growing sexual undertones, which threatened to swamp his mind - and have him spot his underwear - and struggled through a speech regarding his thoughts on the companies and contacts that should be involved; those already in his pocket, of course, in valiant fashion. This was not how Madam Dupree saw it, and she’d see that he came to her way of thinking in no uncertain terms. As he paused for breath and received a limp applause from the make quota, the mature woman grinned confidently, and looked him in the eye, having his cock stir again.

“I don’t think any of those companies should have the WHIP hand ... there are so many others I’m aware of, that will, shall we say ... EXECUTE what’s required, in a thoroughly disciplined fashion.” Her emphasis on whip and execute brought his cock up rigid, and the somewhat ridiculing applause offered her by the other women, gave him a strange pleasure as he gaped at her. The strength of the applause which dwarfed that previously offered by male hands, meant he’d have to see this woman in private, in order to buy her off. Lana smiled on knowing his thoughts; he’d be bought, punished for his impudence, and enslaved in perpetuity.

The meeting dissolved without any credible conclusions, a further date set, and the masculine quota slunk away in disgruntled fashion, while the women perked their hats and adjusted their garb in sweet contentment, Faulkner the only male remaining. He didn’t need to offer what was in his mind to Lana; the mature woman strutted close and had him take in a scent he’d come to know so well, and handed him a business card from her elegantly gloved hand.

“You’ll have your secretary call me, to let me know when you’re available to attend my office ... I believe there’s a lot we need to thrash out ... confidentially of course.” His secretary smiled smugly as the mature woman strutted away, no further dialogue necessary, and Faulkner’s eyes fixed firmly on the splendid movement of her broad backside and long legs as she sauntered away with an air of pompous authority. Faulkner was a little indignant that he should visit her, rather than command order at his office, but consoled his ego by telling himself it would be a good idea to case her operation ... but there was something else that drew him to her, and his cock was in command of that situation.

Faulkner couldn’t fail to be impressed by the imposing and stately structure that was Grange Manor, and was duly awed as his Buick Roadmaster swept around out of the tree lined approach drive, to face a property which suited the confident woman he’d met so briefly. The underlying jealousy he felt for such a grand house was unfounded, for it was soon to become his home ... but he, never it’s owner. That sense of foreboding returned as he parked up, but was accompanied by a lustrous tingling of his balls, as he stood in the shadow of the palatial residence. The appearance of two curt and officious young women from the ornately carved doorway did nothing to quell his growing sense of sexual excitement, which had already surpassed his intended business intentions; he now realising he wanted to set eyes on Madam Lana Dupree more than anything else.

The two young women strutted with arrogant purpose down the steps, one dressed in a tight maid’s uniform which belied her immediately recognisable air of authority, and the other wearing an equally tight chauffeur’s uniform. The latter looked him up and down with a surly glance.

“I’ll take your keys.” Faulkner fumbled a little in giving them up, but didn’t question it, and the young woman slipped into his car and drove it around a shrub lined lane, to he rear of the house and out of eight. The maid also looked him up and down, as though inspecting him, and almost sneering.

“You’ll come with me.” Faulkner erected at her tone; he’d been determined to press his authority when he set out, but the feelings he experienced at the cabaret, took command of his demeanor, and the business issue suddenly became secondary. He boned rigid as the woman who’d sat opposite Madam Dupree was in the hallway to greet him with a contemptuous smile, which was echoed by the maid on the door being closed behind him, and locked with a key ... he would not leave until dealt with satisfactorily. Cleo stood tall in a full length black dress, it’s tight embrace of her curves accentuating her femininity, her smile of authority illuminating her dominance superbly. She was to waste no time in making positions clear, as he was ushered forward by the maid and watched Cleo’s magnificent rear jostle in the dress as she ascended before him.

“How long have you enjoyed being a submissive male?...” Faulkner’s anus tingled with the shock, and the abruptness of a question, the answer to which he knew he couldn’t deny ... and neither could he answer; simply gasping and swallowing hard. Cleo smirked with satisfaction as she continued to climb before him in dominant elegance.

“You’ve been seen at the Baroque, seen and studied ... and it’s more than obvious to any woman that you crave the strictest feminine guidance...” She paused at the top of the stairs, and with a curt smile at him, as he fidgeted awkwardly in searching for a feeble response of denial which wouldn’t come, and he took in a sharp intake of breath as she lifted a stern rattan cane from a selection in an ornate vase, as though it were routine.

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Chloe -- the G Man - 2004 She was in a padded cell unlike anything she had known. It was on the smallside, but not cramped. The walls were padded in a soft white. The lightingwas warm and illuminating, coming from a mirrored ceiling. On one wall wasa ?couch? formed into it seamlessly. The wall curved out and then back to thefloor to provide the seat. The floor was covered in an off white spongy rubberlike material. Firm enough to be stable to walk on but with enough spring toprevent injury....

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Taras Big Adventure

"Uh, oh," I said to Tara, "Looks like we have finally been caught and I think they want to finish what they started on the dance floor. Do you want it?" My wife, Tara, is always trying different things to "keep our marriage fresh" as she says. Her latest kick is having sex in public. Well, not exactly in public but places where we might be seen, usually in the backseat of our SUV which has tinted rear windows. She's a bit of an exhibitionist anyway and I like watching guys watch her so sex in...

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vacation 13

It wasn’t truly morning yet when I awoke to your moving on our bed. You threw back the covers, swung your leg over me and ground your sopping pussy onto my face as you leaned over to take my rapidly hardening cock into your mouth. You ground your cunt on my face, getting yourself off on rubbing against me, hardly letting my lips and tongue contribute. You sucked my cock with an urgency that I had barely felt when we first came together after being apart for nearly 5 months. I hardly had time...

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Caleb 28 Healing

I was assaulted by a wealth of sights, sounds and smells. The sudden mayhem was overwhelming. I was at a wedding, in India. Everywhere there were bright colors, flowers, and people dressed in formal attire. There was a lot of red. I knew it wasn’t my wedding - or rather that it wasn’t Jeevan’s, whose memories I was experiencing. In it, he was about ten years old. Why this was a memory he didn’t want me to see became apparent when I saw he had continuously stuffed his face throughout the entire...

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Kate Hot Asian TutorChapter 3 The Project

I was still holding his cock with my right hand as I looked up at him. I jolt of fear, pleasure and excitement ran through my body and I couldn't move a muscle. There he was, with the slyest grin I have ever seen, holding his webcam and filming me while I was giving him another blowjob. "Why are you stopping Kate?" I was completely stunned. I didn't what I should do. If I stopped, he would definitely send those pictures, but if I continued, then he'd have more images to blackmail me...

1 year ago
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Moms Milk Part 4

I finished my run and returned home to an empty house. Mom and the baby were dropping off Dan at the airport for a three day business trip. It had been a week since I had been alone with mom.As the shower water ran over my body, I closed my eyes and lathered my dick, reveling in the thought of getting lost in her large, milky breasts. I stopped before I went too far and rinsed the soap off my hard dick. By the time I had dried off and put on a pair of gym shorts, mom was pulling into the...

4 years ago
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Troy Maria and Me

“Admit it, you do want to fuck her, I can see by the way you look at her, it’s true isn’t it ?” We were in the car, on the way home from a friend’s barbecue. We had left early as my wife, Maria had not reacted well to the amount of time I had spent chatting to Vikki, one of her best friends. Vikki is a very tactile lady, always touching your hand or wrist when making a point in conversation. Also she gets more and more flirtatious as the booze flows. “No I do not want to fuck her, we were just...

Straight Sex
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Lesbians Dildo Mobile Club 8211 Part 1

I am very very thankful to ISS for publishing my stories and giving me always guide line and rectifying all my faults. Thank you ISS I am not a mobile engineer and neither the thoughts in me are real, may be real or may become real in future but my reader should excuse me if they think I am giving bluff.We three friends after graduating in mobile technology got jobs in foreign in the same company. Myself Honey 22 Yrs. Age with 34B-24-34 figure,height 5ft 4 inch most introvert type. My friend...

1 year ago
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Male pets can be so much more troublesome

Rory lay in his kennel, puzzled and upset. The action that had brought him here should not have happened, and he was at a loss to explain it. The three days a month after the drugs were withdrawn and he became sexually active had been over for almost a week: he’d been released from his long, boring sojourn in the pen and the normal routine had resumed; he would not be kept chained to the kennel again until he was next allowed to ‘come on heat’ - as he’d come to think of it. Yet here he was...

3 years ago
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My YouthChapter 26 Pacific NW

The big move... Ah, the Pacific North West. Trees, clear, clean water everywhere. I sold my small car in favor of a Mitsubishi pickup with a set-in camper. The camper was nice with a queen pull-out bed over the cab and a kind of cramped double bed the dinette made into. I had a double burner cook top with oven, ten gallon water and holding tank and a evaporator A/C on the roof. I loaded my dive gear, TV, stereo and clothes and headed north. The drive was looong and my overloaded truck had a...

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Spizoo Norah Nova Cockhold Lover

Norah Nova is very hot and wants a big cock and is going to get it today. She is sitting on a large sofa with her legs open, waiting for that big cock, when that cock appears she does not waste time to put it in her mouth, licking it, sucking it and putting it to the bottom of her throat, also licks your balls, and now She wants to put your dick in her tight pussy, she bends exposing her pussy to receive that big cock deep inside her pussy, she sucks and licks that cock again and again from...

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by Diomedes “Forty, and for an extra ten you can fuck my little ass as well”, Paula gave a giggle and smiled up at the man. She was nineteen but looked younger, much younger, and she played on it, her short hair, small bust and the way she dressed all served to make her look more like a sixteen-year old schoolgirl. The man nodded in agreement and handed over the notes as she took his hand to lead him to the alleyway. Something looked familiar about him, but then again all suckers...

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The Girlfriend

The GirlfriendBy Nikkie Silk Chapter One“It looks like Sam has a girlfriend at last.”“Huh, what?” My attention was fixed on the rugby on the TV and I really wasn’t paying attention to my wife.“I said, numbnuts, that a giant sinkhole has opened up in the high street and it’s swallowed the pub and all the customers.”“Oh, OK.”Rolling her eyes, she said, “What did I just say?”The game was on a knife edge and I couldn’t tear myself away. “Um, you’re going to the pub?”A cushion thrown at my head...

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EvilAngel Maddy May Orgasmic Anal Gaping And A2M

Wearing high stilettos, tattooed cutie Maddy May peels pink panties off of her plump ass. She masturbates and plucks a rose-shaped butt plug from her hungry asshole. Pro stud Mark Wood shoves his big cock up her rear, making her gasp in heat. When she gives him an ass-to-mouth blowjob, he plunges his cock down her throat. Maddy bounces on Mark’s meat and buzzes her clit with a vibe. Her pink sphincter gapes, and she experiences a screaming anal orgasm! The deep buttfucking climaxes with...

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Seductive Sonali Hired And Fucked Hard

Hello everyone, my name is Harman and am from dehradun…Am 34 years old..Married for last six years years to a sexually disoriented lady. I have my business setup. I am a reader of iss for many years and few of my stories were published also..I am narrating my experience after almost a year and half…I had few pleasurable experiences with two iss readers also…So not to bore u all..Let me begin with my latest and amazing experience.. Few months back I sent a message to one of the lady who is a...

2 years ago
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Krystenah the puppy Begs for Relief

I could see him standing in the threshold, relaxed, but expectant. The neighbors were around and I greeted him by his name. He smiled but didn’t return the greeting. When I reached the top stair, I saw that he grasped the cat by its handle. Its braided tails hung silently along his leg. My thighs tightened at the memory of the last flogging he had given me and how the tails had painted my back, ass and thighs. He smiled. “Hello, Master,” I said, and smiled back. “Undress, Puppy,” he said. I set...

4 years ago
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Equal Shares Ch 42

It was a bright, refreshing Christmas morning. Stan and Anne had agreed to meet at Denise’s cottage since she was going to be cooking the first real holiday meal for their unorthodox family. Anne insisted on getting there early for breakfast so that they could all open their presents… as soon as possible! There was, of course, no snow, but it was chilly. Stan rang Anne to ask if she wanted a lift. She gratefully accepted, so he drove around to pick her up. Anne was ready and waiting when he...

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Eric Olafson Midshipman Vol 4Part 67 ERIC

A week had passed since the big event on Pluribus and Union Week was over. I did spend a very strange and special night at the Saran compound, emerging myself in a dark and not openly discussed aspect of Saran society and culture, but I did learn a lot and I had been my female self. But I was glad we were back on the ship. While I enjoyed meeting my family and thrilled to see Narth again, the big party was not really my cup of tea.And what happened at the Orgie were memories for a different...

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Moms Hawaii black sex

My mother was born and raised in Shreveport la well in the year 1985 her and 3 friends went to Hawaii after the graduates early from High school it was late January almost February. Well they arrived and there foal was to get laid her and her friends went to the beach dressed as slutty as possible G string swim suits and all. Well with 2 days left they still haven’t gotten laid. Well they were about to leave the beach it’s about 6pm they are leaving these 3 guys walk up to them 2 white 1 black...

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I fucked Nikki every chance that I could.  She was ready and willing to take cock at any given moment.  I took full advantage of her married pussy.I was using another man's spouse as my own, committing adultery.  I was having a full-blown and open affair with a married woman.  I took her in, with full knowledge of her corrupted past.   Nikki was a cock craving whore, and I wanted to see what I could get from her for myself.  I wanted to see how far Nikki would take her perversions.  I wondered...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 167 Road Less Traveled

Those windbags are going to get a real shock when try to break into our suite only to find two MPs pointing their guns at them. “So where are we heading now Molly,” asked her as we were crossing over the Rockies toward California. She messaged my goggles we were staying in Salt Lake City tonight. She wanted to see the Great Salt Lake before we headed to the Redwood Forest, which was the last place she wanted to see on our sight-seeing car tour of the U.S. The changes to our itinerary would...

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Naughty English version

Prolog(Please forgive me my bad English!)This Story is a purely fictional Story, based on an Idea from my xhamster Friend Sophie.(Sophie)A small ready-to-wear clothing store will close its doors. The manager, a woman of about fifty, red-haired, with a body still well preserved by the vicissitudes of time. The manager, Charlotte, wears a dark gray skirt under which she wears stockings held in suspender belt. Charlotte loves to wear lingerie for any occasion, to feel beautiful and sexy. Today she...

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First Time Fictional or is it

Hello, I would like to share my experience with the bi/gay life style. I am a small frame male. Older men would hit me on when I was younger, that is talking thirteen years old and on. Let me tell you I was never really scared, but no man was going to touch me. Sometimes when I would hitch hike I would end up some guy sliding his hand towards my leg. I would either say let me out or tell to forget it. I guess I was lucky no one took advantage of me.I never let anyone touch me till I joined the...

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A very merry Xmas thanks to a MILF call

Okay, if you read my story 'Something on account', you'll know that I had a big surprise waiting for me at the office Xmas party in 1978 when I was 17. Completely unexpectedly, I had received the best blow job I had had to date - and it was from Joan, the company accountant AND three times my age!Well, you will also know that I mentioned that there was another mature lady at that party. Lisa. In the UK, there is an old saying... "As fit as a butchers dog". What that means is that the butcher...

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TeenPies Kandi Quinn Kandi Coated Cream Pie

Kandi was taking on the brave task of retrieving her sisters belongings from her nasty ex boyfriends house. She got in swiftly, gathered her things quickly, and was about to make out like a bandit. As she opened the front door, uh-oh there was Peter. He was pleasantly pissed to see this little bitch in his house, but when he found out her reasoning he was a bit more happy with it. Yes she was getting her sisters shit, but she secretly hoped she would run into Peter since she always wanted to...

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Some Kind of HeroChapter 83

I was up in time for my usual morning routine Friday. I didn't want to run the property line today, not with all the equipment sitting around, but I did the treadmill for a few miles and then the StairMaster for a few more. Mrs. Trinh had omelets and orange juice for breakfast, and was very chipper, almost dancing around as she served. Today for the first time she slipped in to eat at the table with me without my having to prompt her to. After breakfast I went back downstairs and then into...

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MylfDom Mia Lelani Maid For Submission

When our stud needs his house cleaned, he calls a special service to send over a maid with the thoroughness he requires for the job. They send the impeccably hot Asian babe, Mia Leilani, and she seems to fit the bill. He tells her that she must call him Master and cannot look him in the eyes as she cleans. When she slips up, he punishes her, spanking her ass with a black leather crop. She moans as he spanks her on her hands and knees. Then, he picks her up and fucks her hard on the kitchen...

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Doctor and a very naughty patient

I couldn't put it off any longer. Having to go the doctor for a swab of my downstairs was something I didn't relish but it was only every 2 years, I had had a reminder letter and I knew it was time to make the appointment. I rang the doctor's requesting a female if possible but that meant waiting another couple of weeks and I wanted to get this out the way so I booked in with a new doctor, Dr Smith. 'He has no doubt seen hundreds of pussy's, so no need to be embarrassed', I thought to myself. I...

Straight Sex
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Dog Show GirlChapter 6 Take That You Swine

Of all the readily available animals found around the farm, probably the pig is the one that the outsider would be least likely to call "lovable." In our jokes and imaginings about barnyard bestiality, we usually picture a sheep, a cow, a goat, or perhaps a horse as the animal partner. Surely no man or boy, even one so depraved as to pollute himself by bestial practices, would be attracted to such an ugly, smelly, filth-wallowing, swill- eating beast as a pig. But farm boys know better....

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The Bite

“No, she’s been asleep for a bit, is everything ok?” “Ummm... yes. I’m super sorry to bug you. It’s just that something is in my backyard! I hate having to call!” “Yikes, like a person?” “No! It sounds like an animal but definitely not a cat!” “Shit! I’ll be right there!”, I responded and grabbed my keys heading for the garage. I had just finished a swim and had put on some linen pants and a tshirt, but hadn’t put on any underwear. Fuck it, I thought. Priority was to get over there...

4 years ago
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Sex On My Bed

This story is the sequel to 'Sex on the Beach' or can stand alone as it's own story. I hope you enjoy...You have no idea what you're in for tonight, burned in my head. Either she's going to be extra clingy or she won't have anything else to do with me after I'm done with her. I'm going for the latter, unless she's a total freak and enjoys every nasty second I'm going to put her through. Only time will tell if that's going to happen or not. In the meantime, I'm going to enjoy a beer and hope...

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A weekend fucking my girlfriend and her mother 3

Well, it's been a long time coming, but I've finally completed Part 3 of the story of Sam, Ruth and her mother, Kate. The links to Parts One and Two can be found below and although Part Three forms its own story, it will make more sense if you read the previous parts first.Part 1 - 2 - real time it's been a year since I...

4 years ago
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My first sexual experience with girl

After the experience with my friend on new years eve, I stop with playing with my anus after some time. Got a girlfriend, break up and again and again... I wanted so bad to have sex with some but never got any chance. One summer, I was solo, broke up with girlfriend few days ago, I went out with one older female friend. We knew eachother for some time, and I kinda liked her, but she was older few years and I thought I have no chance with her. We bought some beers and went into the park. We sat...

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Across That LineChapter 10

Early June— The club wasn't very active tonight, but Brad knew it would start jumping later. He and Ashley had come early, chiefly because his parents had come early to pick up the girls for a weekend with them. With nothing to do at home, and the itch eating away at them, they'd decided to come see what was happening even before the sun went down. They'd only held off a couple of weeks after their first trip to the Green Door. They'd come here twice in April and had great luck finding...

2 years ago
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Dazzled by December Lakeside Lover

Author’s Note: I apologize for the length of time between this chapter and the last, plus the title is different than what I wanted, but the original title idea wouldn’t fit. Life has a way of continuing when you don’t want it to interfere with writing, but it does, as it did with mine. For those new to the Dazzled series, December’s life followed the path of George Straight’s song, She Let Herself Go. Please enjoy this final chapter and leave a comment if you wish, as is my policy, only...

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