Birdmen Fatal BoozeChapter 7
- 3 years ago
- 26
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Dammit! Still nothing in the newspapers about the Birdmen. There wasn't even a mention of the destroyed booze convoy. What did it take to get a little publicity? Helen and James tried to soothe Karl. James said, "Sir, you can be sure that the malefactors know the name 'Birdmen.' They are well aware of anything that costs them that much money."
"Yeah, James, I know that intellectually, but my gut still wants the public to know that somebody is fighting the Mob."
Helen said, "You could always write a letter to the editor. Any bets on whether or not it would ever be published?" They all laughed at that.
Karl said, "OK, I'll quit pouting. What do you guys think about paying a visit to Acme Solvents?"
Helen said, "That's fine with me."
James said, "Ah, yes. Owl would like a chance to stretch his wings."
Karl smiled and said, "OK, let's get ready and meet at Black Widow."
There had been no problem getting the address for Acme Solvents from the telephone directory. Owl drove to help him get familiar with the car's handling characteristics. Hawk was in her customary gunner's seat, and Eagle was in the back, this time.
The arrived at their destination after midnight, so they expected to find the usual watchman, but nobody else. To their surprise, 8 trucks, marked "Hancock Foods," were being loaded with drums of chemicals, presumably alcohol of one sort or another. They parked at an out-of-the-way location and climbed to the roof of the storage building the drums were coming from. Making their way to the loading dock, they found that the first truck was nearly loaded, but the others were only in the early stages of loading.
A quick conference was held to decide how to handle this unexpected situation. There were 12 men on the loading dock, two with Tommy guns. There was a driver in each truck, making a total of 20 men to be dealt with. This looked like a job for the calthrops. There was only one exit road, so putting the calthrops there would catch all the trucks. Owl raced off to place the calthrops while Eagle and Hawk looked over the situation in more detail.
A drum full of alcohol weighed around 350 pounds, so it was a heavy job to get the drums into place in the trucks. It took 5 men to manhandle the drums into place from the storage warehouse, so there were times when the two goons with the Tommy guns were alone on the loading dock. That was obviously the time to attack them.
There was a very dark strip of shadow cast by the loading dock and the two were standing close to this edge. A sharp blow to the knee by a nun-chuck would break the man's leg and paralyze him with pain long enough for him to be silenced permanently. This was a job for Hawk and Eagle because of their long familiarity with the weapon. Meanwhile, Owl would remain on the roof over the door to attack the first group of men to exit with a drum of solvent.
Owl returned with a report of the calthrops being in place, and the plan was explained to him. Owl moved into position while Eagle and Hawk made their way to the loading dock's shadow.
Everybody got into position and waited for the laborers to return for another drum. Hawk and Eagle struck as soon as the last man had entered the warehouse. They had not counted on the fairly loud cracking sound made by the breaking knees, but nobody seemed to pay any attention. The two victims dropped to the dock, deep in shock, so they did not cry out. They were quickly immobilized and gagged with tape. They were dumped into the shadow which had been used by Eagle and Hawk and temporarily forgotten in favor of more pressing subjects.
The first group of 5 laborers came out of the warehouse, and Owl dropped onto the back of the last man out. He was pushing the cart carrying the drum, and he was flattened to the loading dock. His head whipped down hard enough on the concrete to break his nose and chin and render him completely unable to fight. Hawk and Eagle swarmed up from the shadow and joined Owl in reducing the other 4 men to unconsciousness with one blow each. Owl and Eagle used their hands, but Hawk appeared to delight in using her feet. She was quick enough on her feet to take out two of the four men being attacked.
These five were taped and dumped into the shadow, and the cart with its drum were pushed off the edge of the dock. The drivers in the trucks were sleeping, so they never saw or heard any of this happen. The heroes stood to either side of the door, waiting for the other crew to bring out a drum.
This crew was also quickly knocked unconscious, taped, and dumped into the shadow. Each of the truck drivers were similarly treated, and all 20 men were loaded into the back of one of the otherwise empty trucks. Owl then drove the truck up the access road far enough to find the calthrops to puncture its tires. He drove a bit farther on flattening tires--far enough to block the entrance gate. This would slow down the emergency vehicles when they finally arrived to fight the fire the Birdmen planned to start.
Eagle and Hawk were sitting on the loading dock with their feet dangling off the edge waiting for Owl to return. Owl showed up, and Hawk handed him the Tommy gun she was holding. She said, "As the newest member of the team, you have the honor of opening some of the solvent drums the easy way. Those are lead bullets, I already checked, so you don't have to worry about sparks."
Owl grinned and nodded his head. The three went into the warehouse and Owl proceeded to shoot holes in solvent drums until his 100-bullet magazine was empty. Eagle handed him the other Tommy gun, and Owl repeated the exercise on a different set of drums. By this time, alcohols of all types were flowing onto the floor and beginning to puddle in the low spots. Eagle tossed a flare with a time-fuse into the nearest puddle, and they ran like hell!
They had barely reached Black Widow when the flare went off. It was a beautiful sight. The flames whipped out of doors and windows. Several flaming drums were propelled through the roof to land on adjacent warehouse roofs. A chain of fires was being launched all through the complex of storage warehouses. The fire department of Detroit had insisted that a suitable open space be set aside around the building complex to prevent the spread of fire to the neighboring businesses in case of accident. Therefore, there was no danger to innocent buildings.
Birdmen calling cards and placards had been generously distributed by Owl when he drove the truck to block the entrance road. They joked about whether they would finally make the newspapers, this time. They drove off as the fire department arrived.
Karl checked the newspapers the next day and found the reports of the fire which totally destroyed Acme Solvents. It was reported as arson, but for an unknown reason. No mention was made of the Birdmen.
Karl telephoned Sgt. Alexander; he just had to brag to somebody! "Good evening, Sgt. Alexander, this is Eagle... Yes, we were busy last night... Your captain is upset? My goodness, why should a captain of the Vice Squad be upset by an obvious arson case?... Oh, dear, do you really think so?... Well, do you have anything interesting for us for tonight?... Detroit Cleaning Supplies?... Very well, we'll look into it. Thank you. Good night."
He hung up the phone and turned to Helen and James. "The good sergeant thinks that we might find something interesting at Detroit Cleaning Supplies. He gave me the address. Would you like to visit them tonight?" They nodded in agreement and stood up. "OK, let's meet at Black Widow. Owl, please check our calthrop supply."
Black Widow tooled out of the special garage and was on its way inside 30 minutes. Owl was driving, Hawk was gunner, and Eagle was in the back. He was studying a city map as they rode. "Detroit Cleaning Supplies has a warehouse on the river. That would let them unload from boats from Canada directly into their warehouse. Isn't that convenient? We might even be lucky and find a boat when we get there."
They parked a block away from their target and kept to the shadows as they walked toward it. They would have to be careful about any fires in this neighborhood; the buildings were so close together that a fire in one would trigger a fire which burned buildings for blocks around.
There was a light over the main entrance, but Eagle took care of that by the simple expedient of reaching up and backhanding it. It was now comfortably dark, and Eagle opened the door with a "master" key. They slipped in and heard a noise coming from the back of the building.
Two men were talking, but they were not loud enough to be intelligible. The three heroes slipped quietly down a short hall to a doorway leading to the rear area of the building. They went through the door into a warehouse chock full of cleaning supplies. There were buckets, mops, sponges, boxes of soap, and who knows what else stacked on shelves clear to the ceiling. It was like a maze, walking among these shelves until they finally broke out into the real working area of the warehouse.
Items were still stacked from floor to ceiling, but now it was Canadian whiskey. There must be tens of thousands of dollars worth of high quality liquor stored here! They crept farther toward where the voices were coming from, and they began to understand the words. "Look, Kingpin, I don't know where we can put any more booze. You can see that the warehouse is full. Until you move some of this stuff, there ain't no place to put it. I ain't making excuses, you can see for yourself that I'm full up."
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Hello, Readers. Linga again, back! This is the continuation of the previous sex story. Assuming that the sex story so far has impressed you, I will continue the nexinstallmentnt of this story. My coordinates, if you are interested in connecting with me, or even wanting an experience with me is available at: Yahoo!: and Hangouts at: and skype at: If you are interested in writing your story through me, that is also welcome. Of course, due credit will be given. I then moved closer to my...
IncestHello Readers. Linga again, back! This is the continuation of the previous story. Assuming that the story so far has impressed you, I will continue the next installment of this story. My coordinates, if you are interested in connecting with me, or even wanting an experience with me is available at: Yahoo!: and Hangouts at: and skype at: If you are interested in writing your story through me, that is also welcome. Of course, due credit will be given S: Seri, unna eppadi koopadrathu da? Linga...
IncestHello Readers. Linga again, back! Apologies for this long absence as I was relocating from Germany back to India.This is the continuation from the previous story. Assuming that the story so far has impressed you, I will continue the next installment of this story. My coordinates, if you are interested in connecting with me, or even wanting an experience with me is available at: Yahoo!: (only on chats as I don’t check yahoo mails) and Hangouts at: and skype at: If you are interested in...
Hello Readers. Linga again, back! This is the continuation from the previous sex story. Assuming that the story so far has impressed you, I will continue the next instalment of this story. My coordinates, if you are interested in connecting with me, or even wanting an experience with me is available at: Yahoo!: (only on chats as I don’t check yahoo mails) and Hangouts at: and skype at: If you are interested in writing your story through me, that is also welcome. Of course, due credit will be...
Hello Readers. Linga again, back! This is the continuation from the previous story. Assuming that the story so far has impressed you, I will continue the next instalment of this sex story. My coordinates, if you are interested in connecting with me, or even wanting an experience with me is available at: Yahoo!: (only on chats as I don’t check yahoo mails) and Hangouts at: and skype at: If you are interested in writing your story through me, that is also welcome. Of course, due credit will be...
Hello Readers. Linga again, back! This is the continuation from the previous sex story. The previous part of the sex story is available on top. Assuming that the story so far has impressed you, I will continue the next instalment of this sex story. My coordinates, if you are interested in connecting with me, or even wanting an experience with me is available at: Yahoo!: (only on chats as I don’t check yahoo mails) and Hangouts at: and skype at: the.i If you are interested in writing your...
Hello readers, greetings from Linga again. This sex story that I am going to relate is an interesting combination of interwoven stories that is going to be quite long and full of unexpected turns. I will try to be as comprehensive and as accurate in translation as possible as the conversations have all been in Tamil and English. I am Lingeshwaran, often called as Linga by those who know me. This experience is going to be pretty long and is not just a bang-bang-go-go story. This is going to be...
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Hii friends ami prai ei choda-chudir lekha gulo pori..Amar khub valo lage..Amar nam som chatterjee.Amar bari bankurate.Aj tomar kache amar ekta sex er experience share korbo..Jeta porle jkono meyer gud theke tos tos kore ros berobe ar chelera handel marte thakbe.Golpota suru kori.Tar age bole ni amake job er jonno kolkatate thakte hoi.Ami saltlake e thaki.College ses kore sobe software companyte job peyechi. Amra flat e 4 friend thaktam.Ami,rajuda,chiranjit ar amit. Ekdin office theke fire...
By : SexysomcHatter Hi readers amar nam subho,amar bari kolkatate.amar mail address, aj tomar sathe ekta darun golpo share korbo golpo bolar age amak condition ta bolte hobe aj theke 3 year age porjonto dhormotola te amader clothes,garments etc er business chilo amader dokan ta khub boro chilo. Amar college jokhon chuti thakto ami tokhon majhe majhe dokane bostam.r pujo te besir vag time e okhanei katatam. Kintu dokaner modhay thakte amar besi valo lagto na.tai paser foothpath er dokan gulo te...
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This story is part two of my story ‘Sucking Blue-Collar Cock in a Storm’. It would be helpful to read the first story, but I will provide a synopsis in the following three paragraphs which will allow this story to pretty much stand alone.My name is Ed, and in Part One, I described how my wife Sue and I were in our fifties and had just moved from Minnesota to Knoxville. We previously lived in a very tight knit community with lots of close friends and family so the move was rough for us. I...
CuckoldI have recently been helping out at a hotel and I was admiring the owners vintage cars. He is married to a beautiful lady who I am great friends with. Over Christmas I visited them for a party and dressed in my tgirl clothes for the two day event. It was one of those events where you knew immediately that there would be some sexy fun to be had. I had heard rumours that some of the ladies at the party liked well endowed men. When the party was in full swing I noticed the arrival of an elderly...
Gaythis story is from back when i was 16-17 and a complete virgin, but i had a crush on this boy, Jason, during the summer he worked part time as an ice cream man, driving the truck and selling ice cream. this summer seemed especially hot, and i had just gotten into playing tennis at the local park ,which had an abandoned tennis court, so almost every day that summer i played tennis and then bought some ice cream. well, apparently one of my friends had let it slip sometime over the...
It was late April and the weather matched our somber mood, dark and overcast with a smattering of rain, we sat in the front room tired and bored, Kerry would have loved to be out in the garden, therapy she calls it, but the weather was too bad and I, well I was tired having just worked six straight days and nights, I had a whole stack of jobs that needed doing but summoning up the enthusiasm let alone the energy was nigh on impossible.We supped another cup of tea and gazed restlessly at the...
Dear Mom, Oh, Mom, so much has happened! I don't know what to think, what to do. I,... I may have lost my Sydney! I guess I did not realize how hurt and humiliated he has been by letting Darrell and Martin fuck me, getting Darrell to make me pregnant, and then letting them show off their knocked up slutwife in public with Sydney tagging along. I just do not understand men! They are so focused on sex. Doesn't Sydney realize that for a woman, loving her husband doesn't mean she wants to...
Introduction: This is a mostly true story about how my sister became almost as much of a slut as me. There are a couple parts that are embelished, but the majority of the story is true. When my sister left for college she was fairly shy, very religious, and a virgin. It wasnt for lack of interested men. She constantly had guys asking her out, and many trying to take her virginity from her. She was 56 with curly red hair and 32Cs. She could be very hot if she wanted to, but she often covered it...
JANE "My cock is six inches long. Not much compared to many guys, I admit, Jane, but those six inches are very willing to take care of your little problem." I had just barely opened the store. My wife had shut me off the previous evening, 'tired from taking care of the children', - believe that and I have a bridge for sale - and my quick jerk-off into the toilet had not really been satisfying. Well, no more than usual, anyway. Some people think that being a pharmacist is nothing but...
How could i have been so stupid?Here i was, trapped by a guy twice my size and weight, dressed as a sexy secretary, just as he'd asked me, kneeling on this filthy floor, with his solid 8" cock buried deep in my mouth, gagging me.Andrew was clearly loving acting out his scenario, with his submissive tranny slut, his eyes were bulging from his head. his hips were pumping, back and forth, litterally fucking my mouth, fucking my face.i could taste the pre cum oozing from him, so much, i'd had to...
Introduction: It was the end of my long internship at an advertising agency, and I was looking forward to the kicking off the summer the right way. I would have never believed what was in store for me My friend Roger was very well off on the financial side and was having a massive party at his dads private beach house down the countryside. Knowing Roger it would be over the top and very fancy looking. My names Andy. Im 25, have blue eyes and very light brown (nearly blonde) hair. Im pretty...
Hello, my name is Tim. I am a 30 year-old married man. I have been married for five years to my wife Danielle. She is an absolute beauty of a woman. I remember when we were married, I felt like I was the luckiest man in the world. Since I am no hunk myself, standing at just five foot six and extremely lanky, I felt like I didn’t deserve such a nice, gorgeous wonderful woman.Let me describe my wife to you. Danielle is five foot seven, fair with blonde hair. Her bright blue eyes and charming...