HoustonChapter 3: John Franck, Still Taping free porn video

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Start Tape #2

"Here we go again, Doc. Hope your dildo don't break."

I met a seventeen-year-old high school senior named Grace when I had just turned fourteen. We sort of hung out together for two weeks without ever kissing or even touching anything that might be construed as private. What brought us together, believe it or not was stamps. We both collected stamps. I mean, here I was a freshman in high school and making it with a senior, c'mon get real, right? But the stamps brought us together, first in the Stamp Club where we kind of bonded as it were. But oh, boy, after I kissed her that first time, you couldn't pull us apart. It was a strange relationship -- seventeen-year-old girls don't normally date fourteen-year-old boys for one thing. It's usually the other way around. She was attractive and intelligent, but weird in a nice sort of way. I thought she was great. She even had her own car, a 1976 Mustang.

As it turned out, she was far more hung up on me than I was on her. What she liked about me was that I was the first guy to go down on her. The consummation as it were, happened this way.

I went over to her house around six. It was a Thursday and I was there to see her collection of stamps and ostensibly to trade. I had two stamps that Grace coveted. As it turned out we didn't make any trade. Her stamps had far less value than mine. But that's the way it goes.

We ordered some pizza and watched a movie, with a few hunky guys, but nothing for her to get excited about. She was wearing this blue top cut down to her breasts and she wasn't wearing a bra. Then she had on a denim skirt that barely covered anything. In fact, I caught a glimpse of her white panties with little roses at one point. I wasn't really watching the movie, I was watching her. Remembering back, she seemed to be watching me too, but I didn't notice it at the time. It was about eight when the movie was over and we started talking.

One thing I noticed was that Grace kept returning her hands to her lap - kept touching the inside of one thigh, maybe absentmindedly, maybe with an ulterior motive, I didn't know. But she was giving me a hardon thinking about how I'd like to have my fingers doing all that walking, ya know?

Anyway, some twenty minutes into a nothing conversation, Grace looked over at me and asked, "So, Johnny, have you ever seen a naked girl? I mean in person. Did'ja ever go all the way?"

I shifted around on the chair I was sitting in as I answered her. "Uh, yeah, Grace, actually I have seen a naked girl, err, woman before."

With a doubtful expression she looked directly at me and said, "So you have, have you? Well, did you make it with her?"

I got this kinda shit-eating grin on my puss and told her, "Well, yeah, and with more than one girl, too."

Her eyes got kinda shiny and her voice dropped in tone; and what came out was husky, even horny.

"Go on, Johnny, tell me what happened."

I told her about, well not everything, but in general I told her about Barbara and Joanie. Enough so that she knew I wasn't bullshitting her.

After I'd finished telling her how Joanie had the baby, I looked up at Grace only to find her smiling and nodding at me. Then without her saying a word, she got up and walked into the kitchen and came back in a minute holding a carrot. She threw her head back, moved her left hand across her crotch, shot me a glance, and walked off to her bedroom.

I waited a minute or so as I tried to decide if I should follow or not. Remember, Doc, she was a lot older than me and I wasn't that confident, but finally I followed her into her bedroom.

Now one reason I did was that she'd left the door wide open. Grace had just finished removing her panties. I stood in the doorway staring in disbelief at her perfect figure, that awesome form. She put poor Joanie to shame. Her breasts were more beautiful than anything I had ever seen in any magazine or on any movie and I had seen a few. Her stomach was flat and smooth with only her perfect little belly button breaking its plane. Her legs were long and muscular, strong from running and working out. Her entire body was tan, the result of hours at the beach. Her slender arms crossed her body sensuously, her long fingers rolling over her tits and love mound. Her cunt was neatly trimmed; the first time I'd laid eyes on one like that. It was perfect, simmering and glistening with her juices. She let loose a long sigh and fell back onto her bed, spreading her legs wide, and she smiled at me.

Her dark hair covered the pillows and parts of the comforter; and her eyes... her eyes still somehow innocent and pure the combination serving to make them so much more erotic.

She looked at me and in a barely audible voice, said, "Johnny, take off your clothes and come over here."

I fumbled with my zipper as I tore my T-shirt off my back. I kicked my shoes away into the room, and ripped my socks off. Finally, my boxers came off and my dick sprang out and up at attention. I walked across the room, my dick bouncing against my stomach and thighs, until I stood at her side. She seemed even more beautiful close up. I suspect that might have been the pheromones kicking in on my sensory system, but who knows? I mean a naked woman in heat does things to a guy, ya know?"

"I need your help, Johnny," she whispered. "I need you to oil me down with the baby oil on the table there."

I stepped over to the bedside table and grabbed the oil. I spilled it into my hands and began to rub her stomach slowly in circles. My hands moved freely over her tanned, taught figure. The oil seeped into her skin, shining in the light of the lamp across the room. My hands worked their way up her stomach to her chest. I circled her breasts and slowly made my way up towards her nipples in slow circles. Finally I ran my finger across her hard nipples as she shuddered and moaned ever so slightly. I then proceeded to rub her shoulders and arms and sweet face.

Grace moaned once, and then said, "I believe you, you know. About Barbara and what was her name? Oh, Joanie. Yeah, I know it's true. And now that I've seen your magnificent looking cock I'm glad I came in here and stripped for you."

I didn't say a goddamn word. I couldn't.

"Have you ever massaged a girl before?"

My damn voice cracked as I finally replied. "No... but it seems easy enough."

Grace laughed. "Still growing, huh? Well you're hung plenty enough for little old Gracie here, that's for sure. Can you do my feet?"

I grunted that I supposed I could and moved to her feet. But instinct... ya know Doc, I should mention this 'cause it might be relevant. My instincts with regard to women and what they want and when they want things has been true all my life. I don't know why; it just works that way. And so it was with Grace. She'd asked me to massage her feet. Okay, I could do that easily enough, but my instinct told me to do otherwise and I always follow that instinctive impulse.

So I licked the soles of her feet and then sucked her toes as she writhed and giggled in pleasure. Next I oiled her feet and began moving ever so slowly up her calves and onto her thighs -- her inner, more sensitive thighs.

It's funny, 'cause while I was trying to decide to go down on her or not she turned over and so I continued rubbing the oil on her back, shoulders, legs and ass. Now I had the king of all hardons, but I told myself, all in good time, my man, all in good time. I truly believe it paid dividends later on.

I took special time with her shoulders and butt, making her groan in pleasure as I rubbed her down. Finally, after close to thirty minutes of my hands exploring and pleasuring her entire body, I thought Grace was ready for me to finish her treatment.

Needless to say, I was caught off guard when she rolled over. I thought she was presenting her pussy to me, but I was wrong. She reached beside the bed and picked up that damned carrot and shoved it into her snatch, while teasing her clit with the other hand. I sat on the bed and jerked off. Slowly, of course, in case she suddenly changed her mind. Still it was something to see, I mean she was hot, really hot and so was I.

Grace began moaning, and using a sort of mantra, like, "Oh, Oh, that feels good!"

She sucked in her breath and moaned as if someone was fucking her, "Deeper! Deeper! Oh, yeah, fuck me deeper. Oh yeah! That's just what I need; shove that hard cock into me!"

She exhaled and resumed her chant, ""Oh, Oh, that feels good!"

I broke my silence and approached with my stiff cock in hand. "Grace, you want..."

"Fuck off!" She yelled after opening her eyes and seeing me and my offering.

Then, closing her eyes again she continued, "Oh, yeah, fill my aching hole until you explode in me. I wanna melt around you."

Grace's hips were bucking up and down, and her tits, which were quite well defined, were quaking with every movement. The carrot was glistening with her juices and she had the bed rocking pretty good. I had quit jerking off, mesmerized by her weird actions.

I coughed and Grace looked up suddenly, screwing up her eyes to get a look at me without her glasses. She looked as if she were coming out of a trance and had suddenly recognized me. She opened her mouth but said nothing for a moment. Then she dropped the carrot, grabbed the sheets and pulled them up to her neck and sputtered out, "JOHNNY! I... I forgot all about you."

I said, "Grace, I've been standing here the entire time. Now don't get upset, I don't mind, but you know you could have had the real thing. As I was telling her this, her eyes wandered to my cock and she leaned forward, reached out and planted a wet kiss on it.

"Yeah," she cooed, "the real thing."

I made my way onto the bed and covered her lips with mine and we began a torrid kissing session. Grace wrapped her arms around my neck and began to kiss all over my face, licking my eyebrows, nibbling on my ears, running her tongue tip lightly over my lips. For my part, I nibbled on the tip of her nose, kissed the base of her throat and eyelids. Most importantly, I sent two fingers into her sodden pussy.

I kissed my way down to her breasts and began to work on her nipples. Grace relaxed and started rubbing the back of my neck and moaning softly as I kissed and sucked and nibbled on each nipple, while fingering her to an orgasm that she herself had begun with the damn carrot; which by the way, I found poking at my ass as I fingered her. I tossed it onto the floor beside the bed and went down on her -- mashing my face into her slippery slit and wallowing in her copious fluids.

I worked on her clit, pulling it between my lips and teasing it with my tongue until Grace was moving her hips up and down lightly, and when she started this, I reached down and located the carrot and stuck it into her cunt and began to slowly pump it in and out of her. Grace spread her legs wide and began to quiver with each stroke from the carrot. I moved down and began to lick the carrot, then grasped it between my teeth and started to face fuck her pussy using the carrot as my tongue. Grace went wild.

Her legs suddenly wrapped around my head, but I continued to move the carrot in and out of her. After about ten minutes, Grace began to mew softly, and begged me to move faster and faster. I responded to her wishes and began to move my head up and down as fast as I could with her legs wrapped around it. Then my cock got my attention as blue balls set in. I pulled the carrot out of her sodden pussy and began to kiss my way back up her flat firm belly to her marvelous tits stopping long enough to position my dick inches away from her hot pussy. Slowly I moved on up to her lips and just as I pushed my tongue between them, I shoved my cock into her pussy.

Grace took it well, shaking all over and thrusting her hips up to me, impaling herself totally on my cock. God I loved the feel of her tight pussy on my cock!

Our tongues met in battle in her mouth, and soon hers was cleaning her juices from my mouth and lips, then she invaded my mouth, running over my gums and teeth while I fucked her using long, slow thrusts and cupped one of her tits, squeezing it to the rhythm of my cock moving in and out of her cunt. Grace moaned and reached down to cup my balls in her hand. She soon was squeezing them lightly to the same rhythm that I was using on her tit, and I could feel her cunt tightening on my cock.

Deep within me I could feel that tightening feeling that said I would soon release my load.

"Baby," I said, "You on the pill or something?"

Grace was completely lost in our movements, and failed to answer me.

'Fuck it, ' I told myself, 'I asked, didn't I? So she didn't answer, she knew the possible consequences, she being seventeen and all.'

Her breathing began to get ragged and I could feel her stomach ripple beneath mine as her orgasm began to build. Soon her cunt really tightened around my cock and began to spasm. I could feel my sperm begin to rise in my balls just as Grace let loose with a scream and her cunt began to spasm like a wild thing around my cock. I lost all control and began to thrust into her like a wild man, and after once such thrust, while deep inside her, I released my life generating flood at the entrance to her cervix.


I continued pumping my seed until I could do nothing more but lie on top of her and allow my sperm to trickle into her. Eventually, Grace stopped moving, and I could feel her heart pounding within her chest while her pussy still clutched my cock. Soon my cock began to soften then it slipped from her pussy and lay crushed up against her slit.

Grace finally moved, rolling me off over her, and kissed her way down to my cock, where she began to lick and suck on it. Soon she had it totally clean, but ready to be covered with her juices again.

She smiled up at me and said, "You know, "Johnny, you're the first guy to make me come. Can we do it again in a little while?"

"When will your parents be getting home?" I asked.

"Jesus!" she exclaimed. "Get dressed! My mother will be here any minute. She'll kill the both of us."

I was already off the bed and pulling on my pants. It turned out that we'd just finished dressing and settled back down on the couch looking at the stamp collection when the door opened and her mother walked in with an armload of groceries. I leapt up and helped her with them and she seemed genuinely pleased by my actions and said nothing of our being alone in the house together. When she learned how old I was, she forgot all about our possible sexual activity. In fact she told me I was welcome anytime.

"Oh, Doc, one more thing about Grace and me; I mean we fucked steadily for quite a while. But the mere fact that a senior and a senior girl at that, would go out with a freshman, did wonders for my reputation in High School. A number of girls who normally wouldn't give me the time of day started talking to me and when I was able to talk back to them without mumbling and fumbling, but in a sensible way; well the die was cast. I never needed a car while in High School. The daddies of the girls I was banging took care of all my transportation needs.

The next woman I dated was Deana. She was a natural blond, a born flirt, and the best kisser I have ever known. I thought it was a miracle, a hallucination or a practical joke when she kissed me at a summer party my sophomore year. For three months we were very happy together. Her parents were very cool about it -- one time her dad actually caught us on the living room floor. My shirt was off and she'd unbuttoned my pants. She was sitting on top of me, her own shirt unbuttoned and her hair all messed up.

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Chapter 3: John Franck, Still Taping Videos

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Total Transformation Salon and Spa Cathleen and John Part 4

TOTAL TRANSFORMATION SALON AND SPA - CATHLEEN AND JOHN (PART 4) When the next Saturday arrived John & Cathleen couldn't wait to get to Total Transformation Salon & Spa. All week, they had enjoyed fantastic sex pretty much repeating what had happened the first night. The more sex they had, the more horny they became. Kelly & Lori greeted them in the reception area. "So... how did it go?" Lori asked. "Amazing," they replied in unison. They all giggled. They...

1 year ago
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Total Transformation Salon and Spa Cathleen and John Part 2

Cathleen was curled up in the leather chair near the fire when John arrived home from work that night. She had a glass of red wine in her hand and another for John sitting on the side table. John could see that she was wearing her sexy pink satin robe. Unbeknownst to him, under the robe, she was wearing nothing but Kelly's red thong and her new blonde muff. And he could see that she had really made herself up. Like any guy, John loved a woman's eyes made up... and Cathleen had...

3 years ago
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Three Square MealsChapter 11 Are three eager young women better than two John finds out

“Come on” Alyssa said to Sparks, “Let’s go see John and tell him we’re headed to Olympus Shipyard”. The beautiful young blonde offered her hand to Sparks and she led her into the Commander’s ready room. “Course laid in and we’re on our way Commander!” Alyssa told John, with a mock salute thrown in cheekily. “Very good XO” John grinned at the playful teenager. “Why don’t we get you settled in to a room” John suggested to Sparks. “This must all seem pretty daunting at the moment”. “You got...

2 years ago
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Three Square MealsChapter 7 John gets used to his new ride

John wondered what could be the problem. The After Action Report he had submitted to Federation Command last week, had made it pretty clear what had happened aboard the Corvette. He was unsure what kind of trouble the young Latina could be in, as there was certainly nothing in the AAR that implicated her being responsible in any way. “What kind of trouble?” he asked Alyssa. “Calara said she was being accused of ‘dereliction of duty’. She mentioned something about a possible court martial!”...

4 years ago
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Spelunking With John Part 1

It was a couple of weeks after our fishing trip and John had tried multiple times to get me alone for some more fun.  Unfortunately, our conflicting schedules wouldn't allow for enough time to do much of anything.  It was a mutual friend Bob that called us both and mentioned going up to the mountains where he lived, that solved our problem.  Bob had already invited another mutual friend of ours Steve, and they were hoping that the four of us could get together for the weekend.In the week before...

Gay Male
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John and Brianna part 5 at the beach

It is a couple of weeks since the visit to the club. It was now Fall and the weather was getting colder and it was getting darker outside.Brianna likes to run, but this day the weather does not look very good, but it is still dry, so she decides to go for a quick one.  During the run, the clouds are closing in quickly and before she knows it the rain is streaming down and within minutes she is soaked to the bone.When she gets home finally John is also home. She is shivering all over, and he...

Straight Sex
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Total Transformation Salon and Spa Cathleen and John Part 8

The following Saturday, Cathleen and Heather arrived at Total Transformation. The changes in Heather had certainly progressed. Through her tight yellow button-down, it was undeniable that her breasts were developing well beyond that of a male. And with the shirt rubbing against her sensitized nipples, it was obvious that they were there and that they were excited! Cassie noticed again that the buttons on Heather's shirt were on the women's side - subtle but a conscious choice. Below,...

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Three Square MealsChapter 8 Can John and Alyssa save the troubled Latina

The Invictus followed the course laid in by Alyssa, making quick and determined progress towards Port Heracles. The communications officer who contacted them sounded surprised that the Assault Cruiser was a civilian vessel, but such things were not totally unheard of. He granted them docking clearance for docking bay four. The Invictus stalked closer, before gliding into the docking bay under Alyssa’s careful hand. It was a tight fit, but with her skilful guidance they avoided any mishaps....

4 years ago
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Libby John First Time Ch 02

If it offends you, common sense rules, don’t read it. As John untangled himself to stop the alarm he had visions of throwing it against the wall and watching as its many small parts bounced around the room. He dragged himself out of bed chuckling quietly at the satisfying mental image, his legs feeling as if they each weighed 150 pounds, his arms aching in that overused manner that reminds you that you have done more than your body is prepared for. His thoughts on his shower and what he had to...

2 years ago
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Joyce And Debbie Joyce And John

I first met Debbie during year one at the university. We shared some classes and lived in the same accommodation block, but weren’t close, just acquaintances. We lost touch in year two because I moved off-campus into a small flat that I rented with Maria, another classmate. This flat-share worked well and continued into my third year. However, during the spring semester, love or lust must have been in the air; Maria decided to shack up with her boyfriend. I would probably have done the same had...

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Dads friend John

Sometimes I would call at the club on Saturday night and meet my parents to walk home together, that when I met John who seem to take a shine to me unknowingly to me at that time. From the time I use bump into John regularly became friendly with him, I didn’t think much about it at the time, but John use to put his hand on my shoulder. When touch or massage my bottom accidently on purpose. I didn’t object though I must admit I liked it. Some evening I’d meet John in town by chance, he’d...

2 years ago
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Coach John Part III

All of the characters are fictional and have no link to real people, and they are fictional, I also do not condone this behavior in real life it's fictional. Part III is in rough draft mode and will post here shortly. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- June 12, Year-End High School Dance After the team finished practicing John and Tori remained on the field to "work on her swing." John offered extra one-on-one tuition to individual players on the...

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The Chauffeur 18 John

By: PABLO DIABLO Copyright 2019 CHAPTER 1 When I woke Thursday morning, I was energized thinking about the event scheduled for tonight and the potential for the ‘after' party. Looking at either side of me, both Dakota and Jennifer were facing away from me. Jennifer had kicked off all the covers off her body, whereas Dakota was all cocooned up in them. As stealthy as I could be, I got up for my morning duties in the bathroom. I decided while I was in there that I would take a shower to...

1 year ago
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Three Square MealsChapter 24 John and the girls grow closer as they discuss his powers

John stood aside to let Jade enter the room first and she smiled at him in appreciation of his gentlemanly manners, as she sashayed into the room. John followed in her wake, enjoying the view of her spectacular dark green body as her hips swayed in front of him. He smiled to himself when he saw the hand print on the perfect round curve of her bottom, the evidence of their shared lust where she had encouraged him to spank her beautiful asscheek. He stopped leering after the Nymph to look up...

3 years ago
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John and Brianna Just Your Normal Neighbourhood Couple

John and Brianna are just a normal couple, living in a suburb of a small town. There is nothing special about them. They are living in a normal house, both have a job and they both have a car, which they can park on the driveway of the house. They have a nice lawn in the front and a large fenced-off garden in the back with a small swimming pool, which was not used very much.Both are in their late forties. They have two kids, both of them are in college now quite some distance away. They come...

Straight Sex
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John and Brianna Part 3 The Complete Sauna Experience

Late in the evening, when it is getting colder, they move inside. The moment they are inside, John grabs Brianna's ass and pulls her close and kisses her. Brianna pushes him away."Sorry John, I guess the pool made my pussy a bit sore, so I am afraid it won't happen again tonight." She kisses him, but he looks quite disappointed.Now Brianna lets her hand slide over his dick. "Don't look like that, John. I know what you want, but I might have something else for you."Brianna pushes him...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Pastro John Visits School Teacher

Pastor John enjoyed his success and decided he would try his luck with a harder target.He selected Janet, a school teacher who would be available during the long summer holidays. Janet was unmarried and that caused John to wonder why. Could she be a secret lesbian or had she been hurt by a man? Still, in order to find out he had to get closer to Janet. She was part of his charm hug on meeting in all circumstances.Janet was probably about 39 - 45, naturally blonde hair, slim (so slim she had no...

4 years ago
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John CarterChapter 10

The funeral had been a very private affair. It had been held in a small chapel in the Arizona town they called home. The body had been laid to rest in a small corner of the local graveyard. Beth’s mother and the Carter Clan were the only ones in attendance. The rest of the town respected their wishes and did not attend. The public memorial service would be held when her father left the hospital. The entire town would be invited as well as her colleagues from the hospital. In the mean time,...

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Three Square MealsChapter 13 John and the girls enjoy the quiet before the storm

The crew of the Invictus sat in the Officers’ lounge, cuddled up on a big sofa watching the stars. John sat in the middle, with Alyssa sitting sideways across his lap, Sparks and Calara sat to either side of him. The evening had been a great success, with the girls loving the delicious dinner that John had whipped up and they relaxed sipping wine together. “To our new chief engineer!” John said, raising his glass. “Welcome aboard Sparks, it’s great to have you here!” Alyssa and Calara...

4 years ago
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John Nee Rosy Kee Dhkadhak Chudayee Kee

Hi! Mera naam Vinod haa par mee apnee nickname Suckhot01my email se apnee nett dostto see chat kartaa huu. Voo apnee chudeeyee kee story mujhee brief mee batatee haa ferr mee us chudeeyee par ek spicy story develop kartaa huu. Meree saree stories sacch haa readers manee yaa naa manee ye un par nirbhar kartaa haa. Meree abhee ek nayee net frend baneee haa.Uskaa naam ha- Rosy. Ab aagey kee story Rosy kee Shabdoo mee-Hiee , mee Rosy Mumbai see huu.Meeree hott nd horny frends ek hott gal readers...

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John CarterChapter 13

John leaned against a boulder watching the evergreens sway in the breeze. Occasionally, handfuls of snow would cascade down from a tree. The snow in the area was over two feet deep and powdery. The footprints that Rover made when he had charged into the woods were visible as dark spots in the snow. He could hear the few birds left in the woods singing. It was peaceful and as quiet as nature allowed. It was never perfectly silent in the woods. Leaves rustled, birds sang, the wind blew, and...

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Staceys Road Trip With John

John was a HGV driver and spent most of his working week away from home sleeping in his lorry at night. From Monday morning to Friday evening, his only means of contact with Julie, his wife of eight years, was either by phone or video calling, which he did nightly. This tale took place in the middle of summer. It was a Wednesday and John was collecting goods from a regular customer in south east England and would be delivering them to a customer in Manchester the following day. At his...

4 years ago
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Mistress and John

Chapter 1?A car just pulled up,? announced my cuckolded husband, Richard, standing at the front window.  My new client, John, had arrived promptly on time.?He’s carrying a gift bag.? John noted.John and I had been communicating via email for several weeks. He knew what was expected of him. Arrive at my address precisely at the assigned time, enter the opened garage door then close it. Strip naked. From the shoebox on the table, put on the blindfold then grab the handcuffs and cuff yourself with...

3 years ago
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John CarterChapter 4

Doug strode into the room with an undisguised sense of authority. He was a short man, with a neatly trimmed mustache that exaggerated his frown and short black hair that gave him a distinguished look. He looked around and noticed a man changing the sheets on the only bed in the room. He cleared his throat and asked, “Where’s John Carter?” Nurse John turned and examined the intruder. He didn’t know what to make of the man. He answered, “He’s in the next room reading to the Wilson girl. She...

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John Carol Ch 02

Author’s note:This is the second part in a three part trilogy. I usually try to make each part stand alone but in this case it’s better if you’ve read part one. This is a long story about the beginning of a relationship between two unlikely people that find each other and live through some trying times. There is sex sprinkled throughout but it’s not your typical stroke story. If you like the story and want the concluding part three please let me know. This story is intended for adults over 18...

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An Evening With John

I'm pissed. My damn internet service has been down for days now. I called them on Thursday and was promised a service call on Friday, well it is now after five in the afternoon on Friday and still no service call. I called my ISP and they tell me now that they had an emergency with a tech and he couldn't make the call. A nationwide company and they don't have an extra tech for one call? What, they couldn't contact me to let me know? I know BS when I hear it. I might have to switch companies,...

Group Sex
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John CarterChapter 6

John stood in line at the cafeteria with his tray full of food on the waist high shelf in front of him. It was a standard southern cafeteria where you push your tray along a shelf, selecting the items that you wanted to eat. The person behind the counter would serve up a single portion. At the end of the counter, you paid for your meal based on what you had taken. More often than not, a person would select a lot more food than they could eat. John looked at his tray and wondered how he was...

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Three Square MealsChapter 21 John is in for a treat with his naughty redhead

John and the girls sat around the dinner table having just finished a nice meal together. Everyone had been famished after working up an appetite in the busy day, but John noticed that Sparks was the exception and had only nibbled at her dinner, not eating much at all. “Not feeling hungry honey?” he asked her with concern. “I am,” she said coyly. “I’m just leaving plenty of room for later.” She looked at him lustily under hooded eyes and he decided they had waited long enough. He stood up...

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Three Square MealsChapter 32 They finally meet Calaras family Can John win them over

The Invictus slipped effortlessly out of hyper warp in Epsilon-Eridani, and the crew watched from their places on the bridge, as the holographic map displayed the bright yellow star at its centre. There were two wide asteroid belts that ringed the system, and one single huge planet that was labelled Jericho. “Nearly home Calara,” John said with a smile as he watched the brunette’s reaction. “It feels like so long ago when I last visited, but it’s only been a matter of months!” she replied,...

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