Money!Chapter 4 free porn video

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I remembered it had been somewhere around one in the morning by the time I crawled into bed. I looked at the clock to see it was already just after seven. I needed to get going, so I got up, dressed in my running and workout clothes, and checked to see if there was coffee made yet. I guess the girls were on Connie's schedule, so I took my house key, let myself out, and stretched out before beginning to walk until I was running. I went a little farther before turning around and going back home today. This had been a good hour's run. I was sweating profusely, so I went to my room, showered, put another set of workout clothes on, and went down to the kitchen. There still was no coffee, so I imitated Juanita and manufactured a pot. I made a bowl of instant oatmeal so I would have something in my stomach while it was brewing.

I was finishing my oatmeal and coffee when Juanita came in. She smiled as she asked, "Did you visit with Isabel when you got home? I didn't hear any noises."

"No, Dora wore me out by showing me her business. It sure is a lot bigger than you would think. There is a restaurant, a bar, and a dance club that also has a floor show. The place has three floors and was crazy busy. I was so tired by the time I got home that I fell asleep almost before I could get my clothes off."

"Well, you need to help her out. She is determined to lose her cherry, and she has chosen you. Go work out and maybe you should throw her over your shoulder and take her to bed when you come home. Make love to her and tell her that you are not the man for all time for her, but love to make love to her. We'll see if she understands."

I grabbed my house and car keys and went out to my new ride. I stepped on the brake and pushed the button after opening the door and sitting in the driver's seat. The car started instantly. I let it warm up while I put my seatbelt on. The backup camera monitor came on when I put the car into reverse, and I used it to back up until I could use the horseshoe drive to get to the street.

This was different since I was using the car for a normal task, an everyday use. I parked the car sort of between the gym and the dojo. I stretched out again since I had already run, and used their weights for a solid forty-five minutes of lifting. I kept the weights down and did more reps than some would, but it felt good to me. I noticed my arms were thickening and that my body was beginning to feel more normal.

The Oriental man who I met the day before was finishing with a student when I entered the dojo. He asked the student if he might want to do some Tai Chi with us this morning, as it was a chance to stretch his muscles out and have his body learn some repetitious movements that will be valuable with his discipline.

This was perfect, as it was something I needed to train my body to be better at being prepared. All my training had been for immediate action, but I now needed to learn to savor each movement and enjoy how my body responded after each form's conclusion.

Mr. Choi worked with me for an hour, knowing that I was relaxing and enjoying the graceful movements and becoming more relaxed with my body. I thanked the master for his instruction when the student left. He said, "You will be ready for me to teach you to spar very soon if you can let your mind and body drift with the forms. You make me happy to teach you. The man here today learned something new as well. He found out there were many movements to learn and many ways to perform each move. Maybe you would like to lead some Tai Chi classes. It would be good for you. Think about it and let me know."

I encountered Izzy while she was dusting in the living room when I arrived at home. She smiled at me and said, "My door was not locked last night, and no one came to visit. It might have been my fault, as I was so excited that I fell asleep. Remember that I don't lock my door."

I grabbed the tiny woman and picked her up as she squealed. I gave her a kiss and told her, "You're a delectable morsel that I will have to sample slowly in order to find all the goodness in you, Izzy."

She was almost swooning when I put her down. I saw Juanita from the corner of my eye, and asked Izzy, "Is there something I can have as a snack? I need food of some kind, but I'll take a shower first."

It was already ten in the morning, so I had used three hours for physical training. I wouldn't have much time for anything else but my training, eating, and being at work if I worked for the girls at the club. I needed a job, but would I really be an asset to the girls? I would go back again tonight and stay a little longer. They wouldn't get out of there until after five if the club didn't close until three. That's a seven day a week gig. I hoped the girls were making money with their operation.

Connie came downstairs in a flowing see through gown and robe that was beautiful after my lunch. I was sitting at the table, so she came and sat on my lap with her head on my shoulder. She said, "Dora said that you stayed until just after one last night. You need to make sure you get your rest. You look like you're filling out, especially your arms. Keep eating heavy and be sure to get enough sleep."

"So you went by the club last night?"

"I did because the driver told me the date room was double booking all over the city when she picked me up. They sent me on two more quick dates that worked out well. I finished up at the club about four and had some prime rib that the girls had saved for the staff. I brought some home for you. You can warm it up for your lunch. Are you going in tonight?"

"I was thinking about it, Connie. I'm not sure I want to work from five in the evening until five in the morning seven days a week. I know the girls want me to be a part of their business, but that's a bust ass schedule and is as bad as the military was. I know I need a job, and I'm sure the girls would pay me well and give me lots of benefits like the car, and a lot of personal attention from the way they act. I don't think I can handle the twelve hour shifts right now, and I don't know how long it will be before I can."

Connie smiled and said, "You need to talk to the three of them. All three don't work every night. They take turns, and one will work half the night and another will finish sometimes. There are usually two of them there all the time, but occasionally only one. I think they had specials last night and felt that all three needed to be there. Beth and Gabby almost went out for dates as it turned out. You could make a couple of hundred grand a year without working but a couple of hours most nights and an occasional weekender if you were a girl. Do you know that Dora, Gabby, and Beth each had a half million saved up from escorting when the three went into business. They each put up a half million, and that place has grown from there. I'll bet they're each knocking down a couple of mill a year now."

"Holy smokes, Connie; is there that much money in that business?"

"Chuckie, my boy, there's gold between a smart woman's legs. Knowing that pussy has a value and that a lot of men are willing to pay for it is all that's necessary to know. Being discreet in how you market it is most important. It's important so that the customer knows he can't be traced and the escort will treat him in a manner that he will want to come back."

"That's amazing, Connie. I guess I never looked at that business the way you see it. Did you and Mom work together?"

"Oh yeah, we did a lot of parties together. I was really young then and a lot of the men liked the idea of fooling with some kid their own kid's age. The two of us used to have some good times, then come home and fuck your dad into a state of unconsciousness. Your mom and I would spend another few hours snacking on each other to get our cookies enough to the point where we were satisfied. Your dad was a fuck machine, but he was only good for three or four rounds. We both constantly loved on him, but the man would be loving your mother when he woke up in the morning. Those two were true lovers, and he then began the business that became so successful"

"How do Dora and I know that Dad was our father?"

"Oh, that was easy. Your mom didn't take a date for over six months until she knew that she was full of a baby, when she wanted her first baby that turned out to be you. She did the same with Dora. She had her tubes tied so there would be no accidents when she was born. You have no idea how much that woman loved your dad and you kids. Your Mom took you two with her every day because she wanted to be at the business with your dad all the time. That the two of them died together was fitting. I know you still hurt from losing them, but please know that they loved you two kids far beyond what was normal. Your folks were good even with the crazy business your sister is in. Talk to the girls and tell them your worries and fears. Say goodbye and have them come for the car if they can't pacify you. You can still go buy your own. You know the old car I drive doesn't have many miles and it's only for me and Juanita to get groceries."

I hugged my aunt to me and softly said to her, "I think I'm as bad as your dates. You are so beautiful that it is easy to want to be with you intimately."

"Well, not today, Buddy. My Mother Nature aunt is visiting for a few days. We can fool around in the shower if you want to do that, but I want it to be a long, slow, loving adventure when I pop my nephew's cherry. Now go ravish Izzy so that she doesn't go crazy on us."

I thought about how funny this all was. The three women, in addition to the drivers, the call center women, and Izzy, all offering and I wasn't taking any of them up on their invitations. Was it because it wasn't my idea? Was it because I was afraid that I wasn't up to the task? I hadn't had a piece of ass since that lovely in Germany. What was it, over a year ago? My last stateside assignment was completely devoid of female troops. It didn't include any female troops because of the severity of the mission we were going on. I could make my life a living pussy legend right now, but I was holding back because I would enjoy a woman more if it was consensual and welcomed.

I ate the prime rib for lunch, along with some more black beans and the forever pot of rice on the stove. The prime rib was delicious, even warmed up in the microwave.

My nap was very pleasant. I woke up with Izzy holding my hand over her tiny breast. I kissed her neck and it was as if I had pushed a button because she flipped over so fast that I was surprised to find our lips together. The tiny woman said, "I'm not sure why I want you so much, but I do. I fantasized you would be the lover who made me a woman from the time I heard about you. No man looked at me as a woman, but you recognized me as a true woman as soon as you looked at me, and I knew the man I had fantasized over was the man to make me that woman. I used to think that you would take me multiple times, and then tell everyone near and far what a wonderful woman I was. I realized that wouldn't be good, so I changed my fantasy to you finding me a man to keep me forever. I know it's silly, Chuck, but I've been in love with you for over four years and wanted you to make me a woman for that long. You need to do it soon, my love."

What do you say in response to that?

I pulled her close so we could kiss. I think she felt my tears because I felt so unworthy as they fell from my eyes. I told her, "Isabel, Izzy, you are so special and so innocent, I feel like I'm some kind of leper to even be hugging you like this. Please let this be something that happens between us because it's inevitable and not anything forced. I'll come to you or you come to me. We can sleep together without the final penetration and wait until it is the right time. Will you let that happen?"

It was Izzy who was in tears now. She passionately kissed me, and said, "You are going to have a bed warmer now. Thank you for giving me permission to snuggle with you."

"Okay, little woman, I need to get up and have a snack. I should eat something like a supper before I go to see my sister at work."

Connie came in while I was eating, and said, "Be sure to call to make sure who might be there this evening. You still need to speak to all three at once again, and tell them of your concerns. I'm sure they've thought of them too."

I was showered and dressed by five, so I called my sister's cell. She sounded groggy when she answered. I told her that I wanted to talk this evening and she told me that she would be in by six. She told me, "Tonight is Gabby's night, but I can have Beth come by too. Do you need all three of us?"

"I don't know, Dora. I guess you and I have to talk first, then I can talk to your partners when I know what I'm talking about."

Dora said, "How about meeting me at the Village Inn on the south end of the island on Fifth. You'll see it right after you get on the island. I need breakfast, and you can always eat. I'll see you at six."

We amazingly went from right away, to five, to six in a flash. I had plenty of time, so I drove to the appointed place at a slow pace. I had to pass the restaurant to find a place to do a U-turn, and I was able to come back and park before entering at five-fifty-seven.

I walked into the restaurant and looked around to make sure she wasn't already there. She wasn't, so I asked the hostess to give me a corner booth. She didn't like the idea of a single taking up a six place setting, but she gave me what I wanted. I assured her there would be more than me.

Dora walked in the door at just a minute after six, but wasn't decked out in her club finery. She saw me and headed my way without waiting for the hostess. I got up, hugged her, and we kissed like cousins. A good start.

A waitress brought us coffee, water, and menus. Dora inhaled the coffee before saying, "Last night was unusual as it was busy from the opening bell, and included all phases of the business. You know none of us girls was able to get to sleep until after seven this morning. We almost had a fight over who had to work tonight, but it was Beth's turn, so she's there although in a fog. Tonight should be peaceful after a night like last night. So talk to me, Brother. What's on your mind?"

"Exactly all that, Sis. I don't think I can do this six days a week. Working from five to five, or six or seven in the morning, is too much like the Marines. Do I really want to do that as a civilian? Are we talking five/six/or all seven days a week? I have to be able to find something where I don't have to work twenty-four seven again. I'm still recovering, and not ready for daily twelve hour shifts, Sis. I don't want to disappoint you, but I think this is the time to say it all."

My sister now had a fork full of pancakes that she had crammed into her mouth. She continued chewing until she finally swallowed, took a drink of her coffee, and then said, "I wouldn't want you to try to work twelve hours a day, seven days a week. Beth and Gabby don't work those hours either. We try to alternate every night except when there are promotions. Last night was a little off the wall, and we all ended up staying the whole night. It was a good night and I swear it was one of the best weekday nights we've ever had. Every aspect of the business was busy. The escorts were doing two and three dates in the time they're used to doing one. They knew the value and the business that was waiting, so they made up for it. Our aunt probably did six or seven last night, which probably made her a minimum of ten grand. It made the company about ten grand as well, of course. Do you know that we did enough chauffeur business last night to totally write your car off? We could have cleared about a million last night if we had another fifty girls and twenty-five cars."

Dora looked at me, and said, "That doesn't resolve your problem though, does it? I know you can't work those hours because we can't. All the guys have others who work on days they don't. It's the nature of the beast, though. I have the guys alternate between a forty-eight hour, four night week, and a thirty-six hour, three night week. It's good if they get out of there in less than twelve hours. If not, tough. That's what the business requires. As for as your job; you will need a couple of assistants who will take the slack up for you. Beth, Gabby, and I will know they are trustworthy and will take care of business if you bring them on board. I wouldn't want you to work more than four nights a week, if that. The three of us girls haven't figured out what you would cost us, but we thought that we would keep you in bed a lot of the time if you were to live with us. That's a fucked up way to operate a business, isn't it?"

I was chuckling as my sister had a worried look on her face while she continued to stuff her mouth with pancakes. I was on my second plate of steak and eggs.

Ta da! Two gorgeous women walked into the restaurant and came straight to our booth. One sat beside me, and the other beside Dora. Gabby was the one next to me, and she said, "So does your brother want in, or is he waffling?"

Dora looked at me, then at Gabby, and said, "Waffling, but he has good reason. Both of you listen to him for a few minutes, and then you can have your say."

I told the two the same story I had given my sister. Both women were sitting with their mouth open when I was done. Beth said, "We didn't figure on you to work every day and every hour the joint is open, but we didn't present it that way, did we? We wanted you to be responsible, but didn't tell you how to be not responsible for some of the open hours. I agree that you can't handle that many hours with that much responsibility. How do we do this?"

Dora said, "We want what a man like Chuck can bring to our business. He can keep everyone together, and be able to show our security staff how to control crowds without having to break noses or bones. My feeling is that we will have to budget a hell of lot more so that Chuck could hire men of his choosing who could fill in for him while he's not there. He might have to be like us and be as close as his cell phone, but he wouldn't have to be on site."

Beth made a stupid statement in an angry haughty manner, "Well, we're giving him a fifty thousand dollar car, so he should give us some fifty thousand dollar service."

I pulled the house key from the fob, and tossed the fob on the table. "Here's your fucking car. I was on my way to buy a car when you forced this one on me. Have your fucking fifty thousand dollar car run your fucking business for you. Good day, Ladies."

I got up and walked out of the restaurant. There was a taxi sitting at the entrance that I waved down, got in, and made his day to get a fare back to Miami where I had him drop me at a car dealership. It was a Chevy dealership, so I ended up with a five year old Impala for under ten grand. It didn't take that long to get everything done. They argued with me over whether or not I could pay cash or if I had to finance the car to get the deal they gave me. I drove the car away from the dealership after having them charge my debit card.

I had shut my phone off as soon as I got in the cab, as my sister was already calling me. I didn't want to hear it. There sat one of the Hummer limos when I pulled into the house driveway, so I stopped, backed out, and drove to a nearby Holiday Inn Express. I rented a room and went to bed for a good night's sleep.

I woke up about five thirty and felt rested. I was over my mad now, and felt I could meet with them again, but I wouldn't be their butt boy. I drove home and parked by the garage after noting that there was no limo at the front door.

The front door burst open as I went to it, with my sister running toward me. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Chuck. I didn't mean for you to ever hear something like that. I didn't know Beth had that kind of resentment that you would be working with us and we would be supplying you with transportation. God, Chuck, I want you to have that damn Mercedes just because I want you to have it."

"Don't need it, Sis. I bought a car for less than a fifth of what Beth didn't want to give me. Listen, I'm sorry I flew off the handle, but I'm still a little touchy. I don't want you girls to get bent out of shape over this. You did fine before I came home, and you'll continue to do fine if I'm not part of your business. I don't want to be a part of it. You girls have made it work so far, so continue to make it work. I have plenty of money and I'm perfectly able to find a good job. I'm almost a college grad, so maybe I should finish that and then go out and market my talents. I still have some recovery to do, so I'll do that first. I love you, and thank you for trying to give me a good job, Sis. It just isn't in the cards at this time. Can I take you back to South Beach or to your apartment?"

Same as Money!
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In the journey of life we meet lot of people, many people’s among them were, rough, inhuman and selfish but many are friendly, helpful and generous, we began with a small hi – hello relation and suddenly reach in depth. This happens to me after I took voluntary retirement from one of Central Police Force. Lost my wife just after I left my job and my both son were employee in Nationalized Bank and other in Indian Railway. I began my single lonely life in my house, which I built after I got the...

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Nigger Life

I was sitting at a rundown bar, having a drink when she caught my eye. White girl, early 20’s, a little overweight, hanging out with another girl. Jen, as I later found out, was barefoot, with black heels on the floor next to her bar stool. I must have been daydreaming, staring at her feet as next thing I know, she walked up to me and said, “you have a problem, my feet hurt”. She was very rude, talking down to me, you could tell she had been drinking. I couldn’t help but look down at her...

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How My Crossdressing Began

Let me find where to start. That may sound like a simple parameter but for a few reasons, it's less clear. I recall as a c***d being magnetized to the colour sales junk mail delivered to the house weekly. Pictures of women in underwear fascinated me and I even collected a few of my favorite cut outs. I even recall making a paper bra to try on. That didn't go too well I don't think. My next step was peeking at my mums underwear drawers for things that looked like the ones in the pamphlets....

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Sex Encounter With Aunty And Her Sister Part 8211 1

Hi, I am Arjun.5’8″ height, Brown in color,Atletic body.Working in a small company in Hyderabad. This is a real story happened in 2011 . I am a regular reader of ISS. So I thought of sharing my story also in this platform. Coming to the story the name of the heroine in this story is Vani(name changed). Age 32. 5’5″ height, white in color. Big boobs.Bouncy buttocks.Juicy lips. she looks like heroine nitya menon twin sister. Even though she is a motherof 3 teen age boys she doesn’t look like a...

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My first time sucking

I was working out of town and staying in a nice hotel. My work day was done and I was in my room resting. I soon got tired of sitting around and decided to take a dip in the pool. I put on my swim suit and a t-shirt and was off. As with most hotel pools, it was not very crowded, probably ten people or so, I did not count. I found a lounge chair, took off my shirt and jumped in. After a few minutes of swimming a few laps, I went to the shallow end and sat on the stairs that led into the pool. I...

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Chubby Chaser

"I want to be broad," I said to the Djinn. "You want to be a broad?" he asked me like he didn't quite get the concept. "Yeah," I said. "Look at me. I've been like this my whole life and I'm sick of it. I'm tired of being a shrimp. I'm tired of being a nobody that no one even notices. I want people to look at me and just stop still in admiration." I hated my body. I was always the skinny guy. The one that was eighty pounds soaking wet and had muscles like rotten string. I...

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Introduction: Things go from bad to worse when an orphaned 17-year-old takes shelter from zombies in an empty house. Technically fanfiction (The Last of Us), but I dont think you have to be familiar with the game to enjoy the story. Written for a friend. The house is empty but not dusty. Something tells you not to mess with it, but youre exhausted and starving, and it doesnt make sense not to rest in the only shelter for miles away. You move the furniture in front of the doors and take your...

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When I was still in high school in the midwestern USA as a teenager I was shy as Hell! Because of bullying parents who couldn,t care less if I knew beans about sex I had to rely on a close friend to learn about masturbation and how to suck cock. I Wasn,t necessarily homosexual more bisexual though drew the line at taking it in the butt! I still wanted pussy yet if a girl had made advances to me I,d likely have run off! There was a girl I,ll call Ruth who transferred to my class after half...

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Daddy loves you part 3

Lexi's favorite food is mac-n-cheese, so that's what I am making. If steak was her favorite food, I would be at the grill right now. She is my princess, she really controls my whole life. I live for her. I'm stirring the mac-n-cheese when I hear her come down the stairs. I can smell her perfume, before I see her. God she smells amazing, it's intoxicating. I love it. She wraps her arms around me and kisses my back. "Hey handsome." "Mmm hi beautiful," I reply trying to focus on lunch. "I...

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Picked up guys in bowling alley

After telling a few xhamster friends about this story, they told me I must add it to my profile stories, So here it is. This story took place years ago when I was in my mid twenties. Back then I was always on this porn site called, "". It has since closed and become something different. It was a sex site with personal cameras. I would go on often, and had many followers. There was one guy in particular that I chatted with every day. Even though we never met, somehow we thought it...

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My first Time35

Before I get into the details let me describe for you the players in this incestuous tale! Lisa is about 37 years old now and stands about 5'8" , deep dark hazel eyes, with soft straight hair to the middle of her back! My cousin was a cheerleader, danced numerous different dances, and participated in countless beauty pageants from birth up to placing 2nd in Miss Teen NC competition! She is about 3 years older then me,but even as a pre-teen she had developed nice looking big tits that you...

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AssParade Alina Belle Alina8217s Underwater Fuck

Alina Belle’s big ass is as hot as the sun today so she decides to take off her shorts and get into the pool. She plays with her ass and jiggles it in front of the camera before we go underwater to see what’s underneath her bikini. Shortly after Luke comes in and starts fucking her exotic pussy. They get out of the pool and that’s when things get heavy. Alina shakes her ass for the camera while getting fucked so you know this one gets real hot. Listen to Alina moan with joy...

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Jess is a girl

Jess is a girl Jess is my name They try to tell me I'm a boy all the time But today something changed it aint hard to define Now they know Jess is a girl, and was all the time I was watching girls with my eyes I was envying their bodies, couldn't hold it I was praying to God every single night But now they know Jess is a girl they know Jess is a girl finally came out as a woman - like that Got tired of the charade finally knew it was time to change used to...

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Jesse and Marie and the WindChapter 13 Winter Is For Healing

Jesse pulled up in front of the Emporium and parked. He made no move to get out. Instead he turned to Marie and asked, "Are you all right now? Maybe we should take you in to Laramie or Cheyenne." She was grateful and comforted when she heard the love, concern and worry in his voice. "I can get us into Laramie in four hours tops," he added. She felt it come from deep inside her. Marie felt a great dark wave anger build up at the way he tried to run her life for her. No man would ever run...

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The Farm LegacyChapter 12

Diana was cooking supper. Hal was keeping her company. Nick was changing. Helen came into the kitchen, walked over to Diana and sniffed her. "Mmm," she said. "Hal seems to have done a pretty good job." Diana burst out laughing. Hal went puce. Straight faced Helen went over to him and sniffed him. "So does Diana," she said. "Mum!" She ruffled his hair. "She washed your hair too. Very good!" She stood back. "Was it fun?" she whispered. Hal nodded still quite unable to...

4 years ago
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Rachel Fucking the Tourist

Fucking the Tourist My name is Rachel; I'm from London, England. I moved to the United States to start a new beginning. Living in sunny California I thought I'd see movie stars everywhere I went. I was wrong but not disappointed many of the people here in the San Francisco, Bay Area are nice and fun to be around. One night, I ran into a fellow Britt named Peter. He was asking for directions to get back to his hotel. I knew how to get him to his hotel, but I wanted to take him home with me. I...

3 years ago
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Aunty Seduced Me In Train

Hey people, this is Rajesh. With so many incidents about my sex life I have uploaded here and have got such wonderful response. Thanks for all the effort you people have put in. Here I am to narrate an incidence, which happen to me when I was 19 years old. I am 33 now and this was with my aunt. She was kind of loose character and my mum did not like her a bit. Her name was arpita aunty (name changed). She was a family friend and wife to my dad’s best friend Jai uncle. Arpita aunty was fair and...

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Young Life of White TigerChapter 11 What is it with Bullies

I thought after my first day of school, that I wouldn’t have any more issues with bullies. Silly me, of course there would be others in school. The fact that I might get caught up with another was much more surprising. I am a placid type of person. I might have the skills to look after myself, but not much bothers me. So unless another stupid ape took a swing at me again for no reason, there shouldn’t be a reason why I would be involved. Also in the back of my mind was the suspension issue...

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“This girl must be lost,” Kurt said, having picked out the lone figure coming towards them with his binoculars.Spence grunted and turned his attention towards the tall scrub on the eastern edge of the grassy hill they were camped out on. From where they were crouching, they had a commanding view of the entire escarpment that stretched out for miles all around them. He squinted for a moment trying to focus, before blurting out, “Is she—?”“Topless? Yes she is.” Kurt handed the camo-patterned...

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Can always tell Lesbian or Lesbian CuriousPT2

Layla left Sammantha's house early before the rich sub had woken up, and went back to the dorm. She showered and got ready for her next seduction. She dressed casually in a t-shirt and jeans, her hair in a pony-tail, and grabbed her duffle bag of toys. She drove to Clara Walsh's home just before lunch. A tingle went up her spine as she considered her plan for this seduction. Unlike the aggressive approach that worked so easily for Sammantha Jones, a much more delicate approach was needed if the...

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BangBus Eden West Baddie Gets Fucked

In this update, we pick up Eden West. She’s in town for spring break. We can’t help ourselves and ask her to flash her tits. She agrees after we flash the cash. She steps inside the van to get naked. She has a nice tight slim body with the perkiest tits. Jovan gets sprung when she’s all oiled up. She takes his large girthy black cock in he mouth. She worships his juicy cock with the tight pussy. She milks the dick with her greedy pussy. and she gets a nice load all over her...

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Fast and small

These events are all true, though I have changed my friends name to "Isaac". Now, lets get onto the fucking story before I bore you all to death with my non-sexual texts. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This story takes place around the early 2000's. In a town called Columbia, Maryland. My names Declan, I'm a chineese asian, age 12. I have a best friend named Isaac,...

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New Immigrant couple

I received a call from Anita, she said she wants to do some shopping on Saturday and will be free after mid-day till 9 in the evening. I asked her 9 hours with me alone, she replied in a whisper, why you think its too much. I giggled and in my sexy voice said, I wouldn't mind mid-day to mid-night. I could imagine she was blushing as she said Shawn will be back after mid-night but I thought I come home earlier. Why don't you ask him to pick you up from here, I am sure he won't mind if you are at...

3 years ago
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Be Careful What You Wish ForChapter 9

Susan did not get to have dinner with John. That night Barry had come home after being fired by Gordon and Susan had told him what Gordon had done to her and how she'd had to defend herself when one of his clients had gotten violent. Instead of feeling outrage at Gordon and offering her comfort Barry had called her a stupid cunt, told her that she had fucked him out of the best job he'd ever had and then he had struck her. Susan had left the house and spent the evening in a hotel and the...

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Categories: MC, FF+, modification, reluctant.????????? ****????????? Note_1: The below story contains adult material. Do not continue reading if you are under age 18 or are offended by such material, this is a pure fantasy. All the other characters are pure fiction.Note_2: the story is based on Unseen_Unread picture story that can be found here.Note_3: Darkheart, shockwave and Lady Psy are used with the artist's permission.????????? ****????????? Chapter 1: fun and games.Michelle...

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Adventures of Diana and Mike The Neighbors Wife

It was a warm, sunny day and I decided to go outside and tend my flowers. Mike and I decided to give up our apartment and rent a house in the suburbs. It gave us much more privacy and I liked to spend more time outside gardening. Even a dominatrix can care for such delicate things as flowers. As I was digging, I heard a splash from next door. I peaked my head over the bushes and saw my neighbor's wife swimming in their large, outdoor pool. I was jealous because my house didn't have one, but...

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jack and I together again

So, a few of you have asked about where things went with Jack. The story of our first meeting took place about two years ago. Since then my business in NY has kept me busy and I have only been able to see Jack twice. We stayed in touch through emails and would text a lot. When I got back to NY I couldn’t stop thinking about the sex he and I had. I did make up my mind that if I was ever going to be with a guy again it would only be with Jack. I felt like I found the perfect match. My...

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Lift Dene Se Kabhi Kabhi Meva Bhi Milta Hai 8211 Part 1

Hi to all ISS readers, mera nam kinjal (this name is for boy and girl both, and I’m a boy) hai aur me vadodara, gujarat me rehta hoo. Meri yaha pe job chal rhi hai meri age 25 hai height 5’10” mera look and nature milne par pata chal jayega :-) . Ye meri pehli story hai I hope aapko pasand aayegi kuchh galati ho to pehle sorry.Aap muje apna reply bhej skte hai mera mail id hai: Ab me story par aata hoo, baat ek week pahele ki hai uss din muje company me kam ki vajah se sam tak rukna pada. Mera...

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A Father Helped Son to Look at His Mom

I used to spend a lot of time on the computer in our house because of work. But as my son Nikhil started growing up, he started getting interested in the computer too. Initially, he would wait patiently, but grudgingly for me to finish with the computer, before he could start working on it. But by the time he became 16 years old, he became more demanding. And kept saying that he needed the computer more than me, as he had to use it to discuss his school homework with his classmates over the...

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Scarborough pub pull another drink later

Our night in Scarborough, part 2 Well after MrsC and us recovered from the open air spontaneous stranger sex, we made a move to another pub on the sea front, the place was packed out with people spilling out onto the street but we managed to find our way to the bar, We all needed a drink after what had just happened, after being served we shuffled to the corner of the bar Tony and MrsC now got to chat and get to know each other smiles all-around knowing what had just happened, MrsC realised I...

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Ravaged in Broad Daylight At 18 Ch 03

After the four men left, Mark was too stupefied to move, and just laid on the grass while thinking about how incredible the last twenty-four hours had been. Just the morning before, he’d been a virgin. Now, he’d had two cocks rammed up his ass, had sucked two cocks, given a hand-job to another man, and received several blow jobs. And as if this wasn’t surreal enough, much of this had been immortalized on video. Mark was terrified by this latter detail. Would the older man use it to blackmail...

4 years ago
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Cult of Incest 2

Introduction: more incest Sorry about the confusion in the last story. Moms name is Cathy, Dads is Johny, my sister is Kassie and mine is James. Ill go ahead and say the story still has spelling problems, I havent sprung the cash to get word yet so I will try to fix em for you. Please only good comments ————————————————————————————– Nympho –Someone, normally female, that eats, breathes, & lives for sex. She dreams about it, often playing it over so much in her mind that something she...

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Back in Vegas

In retrospect, it probably wasn't the smartest thing I could have done. After 18th months of marriage, I found myself alone in a hotel room in Las Vegas. My second wife, my 28 year old trophy wife, had left me for good. Our marriage had been one long simmering argument about fertility and starting a family. She had desperately wanted to have k**s, and I thought that I was doing everything I could to facilitate that, but at the ripe old age of 55, I was the obvious weak link in the whole...

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Jens lets her boyfriends mate join the fun

“Fuck off that was a penalty Shaun, they won, and they won fair and square” said Ryan, slurring over his words thanks to the free-flowing booze of the night. “well I think that ref was a blind prick but it’s getting late and if Jen finds you pissed on our couch again she’s going to fuckin kill me mate” replied Shaun. Signalling that it was time for his friend to leave before his girlfriend Jen got back from her girl’s night out. Though the slam of the taxi door and the click, click of heals...

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The Boss Has His Way

My name is Phil, and at 43 years old I am the vice president in charge of acquisitions for a large venture capital firm located in New York City. My team goes out into the field to investigate potential acquisition candidates, and although I traveled a lot before my promotion to vice president, I haven’t had to go out of town much in the last seven years or so. Instead, I have relied on my team to bring the necessary documentation back to the home office for my review. However, the bad economy...

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Anal Fisting Guide

HOW TO FIST OR PLAY LARGE, ANALLYI get asked quite often how to “stretch” or train oneself to take larger toys and fists. I normally say the boiled down, simplified version of… “It is just a matter of relaxation, muscle control, plenty of lube, along with time and determination, and caution to do it right, at your body’s own pace.” This is the unabridged and detailed description that I have compiled from several sources over the years, so that I could have it in one place.Putting things in your...

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Flying the redeye

As I was waiting for my bag to arrive, Ylena secretly blew me a kiss from across the carousel, mouthing thank you as her boyfriend was pulling her bag off the line. I winked at her and couldn’t help reminiscing about what happened on my “Redeye” flight…. I arrived at PDX for my late-night flight to Boston the customary “two” hours before the flight departed. The airport was empty at 8:00pm on a Tuesday night in July. After passing through security, I headed for my gate. I arrived at the...

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Doc Ch 18

Early the next morning we had breakfast with Grandpa, and the rest of the family. Judge Mitchell showed up at the stables as we were hitching the mules to the wagons. ‘Clay, I need to speak to you before you leave. Do you have a minute?’ he asked. Going over to him, I said, ‘Sure, Judge. We was just getting ready to go. What can I do for you this morning?’ ‘The telegraph we sent to Fort Laramie hasn’t had any results as of yet, so here is a warrant for Jack McCall. I’m also giving you ten...

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