My Brother s Birthday Surprise
- 2 years ago
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I woke up during the night when a tiny body snuggled up to me. I knew it had to be Izzy, and I did tell her we could sleep together. She had snuggled her butt into my middle, pulled my arm around her to put my hand over her small breast. She is just so tiny. It's so hard to believe that this tiny creature was the same age as Dora and me. I really have to search for someone for her.
I had the thought of 'why not me' as I lay there listening to Izzy begin to softly snore? Why not this cuddly little creature if she were to remain as friendly and in such good humor all our lives. I would hit thirty in a not that many years and really did need to put some roots down. She was such a cutie that she should be a candidate for that magic place in my home. The problem was that I just wasn't in love with her or anyone else. I wanted that special someone who takes my breath away every time I see her. I fell asleep thinking of what I was looking for.
I was wide awake at six, so I put my clothes on to go running. I saw that I might not be running the streets this morning when I went to the kitchen. It was raining very hard. Oh well, I'll just run up to the gym and run on the treadmill before lifting.
There was a pretty big crowd there in the early morning, which told me that there were others like me who preferred to run and work out in the morning. I kept thinking of what I could do with the money while I was idly doing my forty-five minutes of running. I wanted to get rid of it because it represented a lot of trouble for a lot of people. It's totally nuts to be so concerned about a pile of money no one knows you have. Was I the thief now? I took the money from the people who had stolen it for the second or third time. There needs to be tracking devices on the money so that there could be a history. The remainder of the two hundred sixteen cases was slowly being pilfered meanwhile. I wondered how much was left and how many CID guys have some.
I was still mulling over what to do with the money when I joined a group doing Tai Chi forms. This was probably a great way for office people to begin their day. A gorgeous, model quality, woman was in the row ahead of me. She was very graceful and gave each form her maximum effort to gain from the stretch. I had been forming for nearly an hour, so I finished what I was doing and went for a drink of water. The woman who I had been watching followed me to the water fountain. She said, "I could feel you watching me," when I stood up. "You are a very radiant person to be able to make people aware you are watching them."
I laughed as she bent to get a drink. I told her, "I don't know about being very radiant, but I did enjoy watching you form. You gave your body all the energy needed for each of the forms. It was very inspiring."
Turning to leave, the woman said, "Aren't you going to ask me my name or flirt a little to find out how we might meet again?"
Whoa, Buddy. This was a very forward woman.
I smiled at her, stuck my hand out, and said, "Charles – Chuck – Miller, and I live near here."
The dark brown-haired vision grasped my hand, and said, "Sandra Meretti, and I live a few blocks from here as well."
"Well, you asked for it, Sandra, how about dinner this evening? I'm good with any kind of food, so you name where you would like to eat."
The woman smiled and said, "Follow me out to my car and I'll give you my card with my address. Is seven a good time? I can make the reservations."
It had stopped raining for a while, so we went out to a black BMW that appeared to be a couple of years old, but was beautifully shining. She said, "I like to begin my morning at the gym as well," when she handed me her card. "How about we plan on meeting at six to six fifteen from now on? We can do our workout and then some Tai Chi together in the morning. It really gets my day off to a good start."
"I agree and will look forward to this evening as well as our workouts, Sandra." I watched her drive away from the parking area.
Now that was strange. I don't think she is going to be the person I want to wake up next to for the rest of my life, but she sure will be a pleasant friend while I'm looking. The more I thought of it the more I was amazed at how forward she was.
I spied some big dumpsters used by the merchants as I drove from the parking area, so I drove over that way, tore the throwaway phone apart, and pitched some of the parts in each of the two big containers.
I showered and put some jeans and a T-shirt on at home. After eating, I made the suggestion, "How about I sponsor a trip to Walmart so that I can get some T-shirts and some regular walk around shorts. I can use them for running too, but I need some casual clothes. I should probably look for a new phone and we can go to Best Buy to get me a new laptop. I suppose the house could use a good desktop, but we'd have to figure out where to put it."
Juanita pointed at her little desk in the corner of the kitchen. She said, "That place already has a keyboard drawer and some shelves underneath. All we have to do is get a PC with a large monitor. We can put the monitor on the wall so that we don't give up any desk space. Can we do that?"
"You bet. We can take my car and fill the big trunk up."
We went to Walmart first to see what they had as far as shorts and T-shirts. The girls picked through a bunch of T-shirts and found a dozen with pictures of cars, airplanes, motorcycles. I didn't care other than I wanted a variety of colors. I found the shorts and found three pair with cargo pockets that looked like they would do the trick. Juanita found a housedress that she liked, and Izzy found a couple of pairs of short shorts she thought that she would look good in. She also found a couple of T-shirts. We made a pass through health and beauty aids for the girls to pick up some things. I didn't notice at the time, but a large box of Trojans, as well as a family-sized tube of KY jelly made it into the cart as well.
We looked at the phones, but I was conflicted between moving up to the IPhone 6 or looking at the new Samsung. I decided to keep what I had. I asked the two girls what kind of computer they wanted. I told them that we could get either a PC or an Apple. I had an Apple laptop that needed to be replaced, but the computer should be what they wanted.
They both said Apple, so we checked out and went to Best Buy. These people have everything. We found a new IMac that had a twenty seven inch screen and was what we wanted. The desktop had both the Apple OS and Windows. We also bought some software along with a good UPS. We made an appointment for the Geek squad to come and install the computer and monitor.
That's when Juanita added, "Can we have a TV in the family room so that we can see it from the kitchen?"
I laughed as Juanita never asked for anything for herself. We went to where the TVs were, and I kept looking at some of the huge screens. I said, "You know, you could have it on the far wall so you could see it from anywhere in the family room if the screen is big enough. I'm going to get that big one." The two ladies giggled at each other because of their excitement. We went back to the Geek squad to make an addition to the order. I had been sneaky today and had paid for everything with cash. I think I'll use up some of the cash for the improvement of the family home.
Our last stop was the Publix grocery store where we filled up a cart. I was ready for lunch. We had to stop by a Cuban bakery for a couple of long loaves of Cuban bread. It always smells so good in there. These people also make a type of German peanut coffee cake that I love. They don't always have it, but they just so happened to have some today. I hadn't had any in eight years, and wanted to start eating it in the car like a five year old.
Juanita hugged me when everything was in the house and where we wanted it. She said, "Having you back home is the biggest treat I could have. This is wonderful."
Connie was a late riser again today, and came down to have her breakfast while I scarfed some coffee cake to hold me over until lunch. We were just about to eat when there was a pounding on the door. The NCIS guy pushed his way in with another guy behind him. The original guy said, "Okay, where's the money?"
"I'm sorry; I don't know what you mean. Where's what money?"
"You know the ten cases you emptied."
I looked at the two guys and said, "Well, Guys, let me tell you a story. This deal smelled fishy from the beginning. That was a nice airplane ride up to DC, but the first problem was that truck was just sitting there with keys in it. I drove it to the Armory and even had the kid there help me load the money, but I felt so weird about what was happening that I pulled those cases off the truck and put them back like they were. I was about to leave with the truck when all hell broke loose when CID guys started crawling all over the place. I walked out of there right past the petrified guard. I walked until I found a taxi that took me to the train station. I rode back to Miami and caught a taxi home. Were you in cahoots with that 'Curious' guy who had to be with CID for them to be sitting there waiting for me? Who were those people in the limos?"
The two men were becoming deflated, so I asked them, "What were you going to do? Take the money and run? What were you going to do with me? I think you two should be thankful that you don't have that money. Those CID guys are going to be all over you. Leave me out of it as all I was is a spectator. Just like I told you when you set the airplane ride up; I felt you were just going to use me and then throw me to the wolves."
The original NCIS guy noticed the new stuff, and asked, "Where'd you get money for this stuff?"
"Hang on a sec, and let me get something to show you. I went to my room and picked up my bankbook and brought it back to the living room. I handed it to the man and said, "Check out the balance in that thing."
I then used my smart phone to check my bank balance at the Naval Credit Union. I showed them my savings account and my regular checking. Even I was surprised to see that high of a balance, but it was time for my first retirement check.
The man's partner said, "Christ, where did a jarhead get that kind of money?"
I told him, "Easy, you don't go out drinking all the time and you don't chase the bar floozies. I studied for my college classes and my training levels, and saved my money. I'd go have a steak at the NCO Club and stop in for a beer sometime, but never more than a couple of fifty-cent bottles."
The original NCIS agent said, "I guess you don't need the money. We found out this house is in your and your sister's name. Someone said you were driving a Mercedes C-Class. How did you afford that?"
I waved for the two to follow me, and took them to the garage, "Come look in the garage and see my five year old Impala. The Mercedes was a loaner. I would never spend fifty grand for a car."
"Whose Mercedes was it?"
"Man, you're nosy. It belongs to my sister and her business partners. They wanted me to go to work for them, but I don't think I want to work the hours they work."
The second guy was still being nosy, and asked, "What do they do?"
"You're out of questions, Friend. They own a club over on South Beach. They have a restaurant, lounge, and dance club with entertainment. Go there; it's the first club on the south end of the strip."
The guy said, "I know that place. It's a gentlemen's club that supposedly has talent to rent, and you didn't want to work there?"
"Not twelve plus hours a day, seven days a week. I'm still recovering from getting kicked in the head. Ask me next year when I'm healed. Now I want to eat lunch and take a nap if you don't mind. Do yourself a favor and ride around with me if you want to follow me around. I'll even call when I'm going somewhere so you can come over to get in my car."
The second guy made a mistake when he said, "We saw you go to the gym and the dojo this morning. Then you and the ladies went to Walmart. I lost you after that, but you obviously went to Best Buy. You're too boring, so I guess we're going to have to become detectives."
I told them, "Look, go to DC and get with the CID guys if you want some of that money. You'll figure who is straight and who's crooked. I'm sure the next big heist of those cases is about to happen. You just have to ask yourself, how much is enough?"
The two looked at me confused, and left. I picked the bank book up and glanced at the last entry. Holy shit, look at all that money. Who the heck needs to work with a balance like that? I can't believe Dad could have made all of that, and I knew he had several multi-million dollar life insurance policies, but the balance still shocked me.
Juanita said, "I can finish your sandwich now. I'll press it with your sister's."
Sister's? Where was she?
Dora came from the side of the kitchen where the outside door was. She said, "I was waiting for those two creeps to leave. Watch them, Chuck, because they were in the club trying to look around last night. The guys called me to advise me of a couple of characters with cheap suits wandering around. It was easy to tell they weren't players by the way they were sipping their sissy drinks."
I waved at everyone, and said, "Sit, let's eat. It's almost one and I haven't had lunch yet."
That got a laugh, but what caught everyone's attention was Dora asking me to come to the club tonight because she was on. I told them all; "I'm having dinner with someone from the gym and dojo tonight. Maybe I'll bring her out to the club to show her off."
Dora raised an eyebrow, and Izzy had a disappointed look. I reached over and patted Izzy's arm. "I'll be home at a reasonable hour and I expect my bed warmer to join me. This is just an acquaintance and not someone I'm planning to chase. I'm going to have a nap before my afternoon snack now."
Dora made the comment that I was unnatural because I didn't put young men's interest in their proper order. She did follow me into the bedroom and lay down with me. She lay sort of across me and gave me some kisses instead of me hugging her back. "I'm disappointed that you aren't working with us, but I do understand. Beth was extremely haughty by the way she talked to you. I may know the reason. She has an eighteen year old sister who is like a twin to her, but younger. The young lady apparently has somewhat of a following and is very active in the Dallas area. Beth wants her to join us here, but not have to pay the full fee of a half mill to be a partner. She apologized to all of us when she found out your family was putting up the half mill for your partnership fee, but didn't bother to get in touch with you. She thinks her sister should be allowed a partnership without the fee. I don't think her pussy is lined with diamonds."
I had to chuckle at that. Sis snuggled to me, and said, "Sleep, Big Brother. I love you and hope we stay close."
Sis was gone when I woke about four, and Izzy was laying with me with a blanket over us. I kissed Izzy on the neck and she flipped over to kiss me lips to lips. She said to me, "Thank you for letting me lay with you although it isn't for the reasons I want yet. I know we will do it, but just not when. I hope it's soon."
Juanita was standing in the doorway watching her little girl with the boy she had raised. She softly said, "You should get up and have a snack before you have to get ready to go out tonight. Do yourself a favor and call the young lady to confirm the time and maybe the location."
I called the cell phone number on the card and it was immediately answered. Sandra's voice sounded strained, but she thanked me for calling as she had forgotten to get my number. Then the turn down came, "I'm so sorry, Chuck. My father is demanding his children attend him tonight. He's not a man to take lightly. He's made it plain that this is for family only, so you would not be welcome. You can still use our reservations or I can cancel them."
"Cancel them, Sandra. We'll try to do this again soon."
The lady said, "Very soon, and I hope you're at the gym in the morning."
I told Sandra, "Have a good time with your father. It's important to show your love for him while you still have him. Enjoy."
I heard her voice catch as she said, "See you in the morning," and hung up.
My laptop was on the kitchen counter, so I decided to Google Sandra. There she was, complete with a Facebook page. There were several references to Bonito Meretti, so I thought that was worth a look. It was actually worth several looks since there was a hell of lot of references that kept saying how Bonito Meretti contolled several Sicilian and Latin families in and around the Miami area. He had been implicated in dozens of missing gang leaders over the years, as well as a major article that he had been instrumental in controlling several gangs that had been on the verge of warring with each other. The man sounded as if he used his might to keep the peace.
I looked at the Wiki and he had three children, with only one living in the Miami area. The others were working in Hollywood as a minor actor and an actress. One last blurb was Bonito had been diagnosed with throat cancer a couple of years before, and was thought to be terminal. His Lieutenant, a Marco Polo, was thought to be head of the Miami operation while Bonito was recovering from treatment.
There finally was a mention that 'Sandra Meretti' was being groomed to become the true head of the organization and would take complete control during 2016. I wonder why I didn't see any bodyguards or even if there were any if this were so. The NCIS idiots should be very careful if they are spotted trailing me when Sandra and I are together. That's just what I need, more problems that might be totally uncontrollable. Being under attack twenty-four/seven in Afghanistan was sounding better every day.
I looked at her Facebook page and found the usual information about what schools she had attended and graduated from, and current employment. Sandra was listed as the corporate Treasurer and CFO for Magnuson Shipping. I pulled that company up to see what the world knew about them, and it was a wholly owned subsidiary of BM Trucking, which was in turn owned by BM Enterprises. Magnuson didn't have a current CEO and the Treasurer was acting in that place at this time.
I wonder if the ship I sold the truck to was owned by Magnuson. It would be fitting, but I was now sorry that I left the gun in that glove box. Hope it helps someone rather than causes trouble.
Dora called and when I mentioned that my plans for the evening had fallen through said, "Why don't you come over for a while since I'm managing tonight. You can still visit with your sister even if you won't work with or for us. You don't have to stay late. Come and have supper with me and just watch how I make sure all the areas are working. You can go home early so you can get your beauty rest before going to work out."
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My name is Raj. This is story of my friend Rani She lives in Mumbai From here onwards she will narrate her story. Main ek married female hon. I have one son. Who is studying in S.Y.J.C.? I am 35 years old. My figure is 44-30-45. I m fair and height is 55. My husband works as a production manager. The problem is that he works in night shift. From past two years he is at night shift. He leaves home exactly at 8:00 pm and comes home morning at 8:00 am. My son earlier was in boarding. But from...
I was up and in early the next day and found promotion orders to lieutenant on the captain's desk. There was also a note that lieutenant colonel Quincy had seconded my suggestion to give field promotions to staff sergeant Patterson and McBee. The general and the Troop commander arrived and I called both men to the office. They accepted and I gave them the day off to start the process. The company did maintenance and cleaned equipment and I saw Mr Darken and Amberjack off. I had a lot to...
I love being in Kerala, I have to tell many but I’m only telling you all what that happens after my husband have left to Singapore. Until he comes back I should be here in Kerala or back to Mumbai (he told me do what I like)Anyway after he have gone, I was alone on the upstairs. I’m staying upstairs in Jenna’s house and she with c***dren is staying down. Day after he have gone I slept downstairs in the living room’s couch because I have gone to drop my hubby to the railway station late night in...
Part One Officer Schroeder stepped into a cubicle and approached his friend and colleague, detective Davidson. Schroeder had been on the force for a dozen years and grown a large belly in the last few years. His size didn’t temper his interest in helping people, and he was still a formidable force in his dress blues. Despite his age, he still had a full head of black hair. He placed a picture and miniature tape recorder on the desk in front of Davidson. “Have a few minutes to spare?” the...
EroticTammy Janet Stickney As the only son, my dad had looked the other way whenever I pestered my sisters, kind of a wink and a nod as I screwed their closet door shut, or put paint in their hairspray bottle. By the time I was in my first year at high school, (I was 14) I had quit growing, but my sisters had not. I was now smaller than Cheryl...
"Tina, can I ask you a question?" Lynn asked, obviously unsure of herself and the sexual landscape she was embarking on. "Oh, sure. Anything." Tina was lounging around the family room wearing a t-shirt and not much else. "How many men have you slept with? Tina thought, "Oh, I've lost count because of my old profession. Maybe a couple of hundred? Not all of it was on film." "I mean slept with at one time? I guess I mean in one session or maybe in one day." Tina made no secret of...
It is a dark era for the Jedi Order. The Sacking of Coruscant saw the Jedi Temple obliterated and hundreds of them slaughtered. Those that survived have withdrawn to their ancient homeworld of TYTHON, where they take advantage of a fragile peace to rebuild. It is here that a new hope emerges. A young padawan, strong in the Force, journeys to complete their trials and become a Knight of the Republic.... SWTOR: Path of the Jedi features an alignment system that measures the amount of Light Side...
I'm not sure how this happens to me but here another true story in my life.I love playing and watching soccer (as it called in America)Every where else in the world its called FootballEvery four years they have the World Cup.Were the best 32 teams in the world compete.I was born and used to live in Germany.I know a little German but not much.I always cheer for the German Football team and Team USA.The German team (Deutschland) as its better known is very good in FootballI watched all most all...
Sooby and I had set a plan in motion to seduce her younger sister Tooby into having oral sex and if our plan worked having intercourse or the first time with me. Sooby was a lady I have been seeing for a few years on and off. She was a beautiful, young 25 year old, medium dark woman from the Caribbean who had just graduated from college and was working for a hospital. She was a great person, sexy woman and she was an outstanding piece of ass. Her sex drive was endless and her willingness to...
InterracialI am trainer for a girl group of 9 10-12 y.o. girls. I know them far well because I do this job for two years now. But it is disgusting for me. These pretty little chicks seem to be little toys of their parents. All the way they talk about fashion and music. Sports is only a favor for their fashion requirements and their daddies. The only thing I really enjoy is each shower after the training session. My eyes eat each babyish pussy and everytime my pussy becomes rather wet dreaming about a 69...
From her fourth floor office, Miranda watched the street below. Hard sunlight created deep shadows and a breeze half-heartedly stirred leaves on the trees. A black London cab stopped at the opposite kerb. The lone passenger was a tall blonde in a summer dress. Her arms and shoulders were bare and tanned, her legs toned and shapely. Miranda saw the jut of high breasts and the breeze whipped her dress up around her thighs. She tilted her head into the breeze, her blonde hair fluttering from her...
LesbianIt was kind of last minute planning, but I didn't think that would be a problem. My target was not dangerous to an adult male. It was Driscoll, and I was pretty sure she wasn't. I needed to wrap up this case the next morning, and if I wanted all the perp's caught, I needed more info. This looked to me like a way to get it. First, I needed to call Wilson. I used his personal cell number. "Wilson." "Hi. It's Sam." "What's up, Sam?" "Did you get that group organized that I asked...
I told the women what I had done, and we all laughed at the antics of the town marshal. Now that this business was settled, I was ready to go to the county seat to collect my $125 bounty money and to pick up a set of wanted posters. That was planned for tomorrow. However, I still had an appointment with Helen that night. The next morning, I left for Arbuckle, the county seat. That was a three-hour ride at a fast lope, but I wanted to get there and back all in one day. I really hated to leave...
Final He humped me fast and furious. His cock hitting me all over my ass before finally burying himself into my very wet large cunt. As he thrust and pounded and his precum spurted into me, I could hear the sound of Meat Loaf ringing in my ears. “Like A Bat Out Of Hell”! My body shook and danced to the beat of that wild brute on my back and to my shock my fear had vanished and the tell tell sign of a climax started. How could I possibly enjoy this rape but I was. I even heard myself shout...
He came to the poolside and gave me a welcome kiss and commented, “Wow he said I can feel there is some tension there – is there a problem?” “Nothing that a glass of wine and a good man can’t fix. Have a swim and then you can fix it for me.” We sat naked by the pool and he asked what is the matter, you are as tight as a drum. We talked about the facts for a minute or two. Then I said, “Come here, I need some TLC.” Being old friends he knew what form of TLC I wanted. As he kissed me he slipped...
Typical of most couples of the 80's, I met my wife in college where we partied, dated around ( fucked who ever we could) and eventually got our educations. I was thrilled to finally get that computer engineering sheepskin from University of Miami - and before graduation I had a job at the home office of a major cruise line. I bought a townhouse in Ft Lauderdale and Sharon moved in with me and found a job at the local hospital. We married 4 years later and life was good. Miami Vice was...
I came home and found my twin sister propped up on the couch reading a book. She didn’t even acknowledge my entrance into the living room; she was too engrossed in the book she was reading.I started to say hello when my eyes beheld a sight that gave me an instant hard-on. Her undies had ridden up into her pussy and provided a glorious sight for an eighteen-year-old boy— a camel toe! I just stood there gawking and feeling my hard-on throb. It was something that I had never seen before. But my...
‘Tom, are you there?’ ‘Ed?’ Tom asked, over the static. ‘Yes, Tom, I’m….’ Thunder cracked violently above the house, cutting Ed out. Tom held the phone away from his ear while it passed. ‘Give Gracie our best.’ Ed came through the receiver, once more. ‘Ed, tell Marion that we miss her.’ ‘Will do Tom, is there anything else?’ Rubbing his chin a moment, Tom thought. ‘Yes Ed, there is one more thing,’ but the line was dead. *** The following evening, in his study, Tom pushed himself up...
I’ve watched and admired my neighbor from afar since I first became interested in girls. Her husband is a few years older than she is and away on business a lot. I help her do things around the house just to be near her. Her body is gorgeous to say the least and I’ve often fantasized what it would feel like to hold those huge titties in my hands. As I finish mowing her yard and put the mower away I hear her calling my name.“Scott, I need to ask you something.” I watch as she makes her way to me...
Dearest Miss,As I think of you, I say to myself, "My God, Jampu, you are such a little bitch." I continue to berate myself as if talking to my reflection in the mirror.'It is no wonder that Miss hesitated when you approached her, asking to be her sub. It is as if she could see what a problem you might become. How could she know that you would be so much trouble for her? Perhaps, she had had others begging her domination. She perhaps understood that having subs comes with difficult...
LesbianOnce inside the room it was almost impossible to see. His eyesight wasn’t perfect but it was the light level concealing the occupants of the room not at all aided by the fog of cigarette smoke hanging in the air. Central to his current malaise was an overwhelming urge to sit down. Most of these seats taken by other patrons with the exception of the sofa giving itself to him at that moment as somebody rose. So he made a line for it, lowering himself into the soft leather trying as much as he...
“Well if they did, they won’t be going far then. The swamp and camp will stop them fast,” said Flet in a mumble. He started snoring in a not so soft manner. Brena had heard the men speaking and waited for them to finish. ‘A swamp, and a camp? That’s easy enough to get around.’ she thought. Brena went back to the road and carefully crossed it, making sure the cloak stayed between her and the watchful guard when he was looking down the other way. The hardest part of the crossing was the fact...
Ryan Walsh was a thirty two year old man and his younger sister, Sylvia, was twenty nine. They'd always got a long but wound each other up so much sometimes like all brothers and sisters do.They both lived with their parents and were very close. They'd talk about their recent relationships and help each other out. They'd always help one another when they were in trouble.One evening Sylvia took a long hot bath and hummed to herself rubbing soap all over her body. Unknown to her that there was a...
Incest“Well, hell,” Thea said as she wiped the beads of perspiration from her face. “I guess ‘spring’ is here, huh?” “Yeah. It’s supposed to be cooler at higher elevation,” I replied. We took a few minutes in the shade by the rocks before rejoining our boyfriends. The four of us had driven up into the pass to hike. According to the weather report, the last coolness of a fading winter was supposed to continue through mid-week, but they were wrong. Actually, from our view from Eagle Point, where we’d...
Your soft thick thighs I kiss and lick making my way to your succulent pussy lips. While I'm kissing your thighs you rub your soft semi-hairy pussy in a circular motion. Our eyes all the while watching each other not sure what's to come. But it looks as though you have been wet for a while thinking of me tongue fucking you. My mouth is already watering with anticipation of your sweet taste. I rub the hair of your lips with my fingers and start working my way up and down, stroking you as...
Matt and I had close to a year already in our affair and as time would pass, I would realize that it started to be more than just sex and pleasure for me. Well the fact that he would man-handle me and pleasure me so much was definitely a bonus. One night at about 11 o'clock at night he sent me a text telling me he had some cousins who came and visited him out the blue. He told me that they were planning on staying some time, he said maybe even a week. I asked why was he telling me this and he...
Cheating WifesThe following journal entry was difficult for me to write, and I'm on the fence about what it all means to me. I know the lifestyle can lead to bad things happening and as much as I enjoy most of it, what has just happened have left me mentally distressed the last next few days. I feel the need to write about these events hoping. I hope this journal entry won’t be my last for a while, but maybe this will help me sort out my feeling. So, here it goes. It took a few days to write this, because I...
ReluctanceChloe got home from work over an hour later than usual. “Oh, I called in at the tattoo shop. Look.”she said, lifting up her red leather mini-skirt. “Max took out my old cunt rings and put in these bignew 6 gauge silver titanium rings. Don't they look so fucking slutty, Dave?”The four new rings through her labia, two on either side, were at least three times the size of her oldones. They were, indeed, incredibly slutty!“Max told me not to change the ring in my pierced clit hood because it would...
The crossing in the sleigh was wonderful. As we rode along, I studied the historic old buildings that lined much of the way. I thought about the men who had left their families back home, and had come to the New World to find work as lumbermen. I thought about the camps where the men would labor under dangerous working conditions. Many of them had perished as river rats. Those were the men who had climbed out onto the pileups on the water, in an attempt to free jams, so that the fallen trees...
—A Flash Story— The darkness lay in my mind, thicker than a peasouper fog. A dull throbbing on the back of my head marked a spot where I had received a hard blow. Who hit me? Why did they? Where did this happen? And, where am I? All answers to my questions eluded my frazzled mind. I understood I was a prisoner. How I knew this, I cannot explain with words. You see, at this point, I had yet to open my eyes. My eyes fluttered open, and the darkness in the room neared that in my mind. I could...