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Four shuttles quietly set down so they had a clear view of the barn, office and caretakers' residences. As soon as the doors opened, two lions eased out of the lead shuttle and quickly disappear into the darkness. Three Security team members followed, headed for the building where the horses and dogs were kept. Another group headed for the building where the doctor and male caretaker were sleeping.

A light was still on at the back of the other caretaker's residence. "Cathan, Sorcha, Ciar, come with me," said Todd, as he headed toward the lighted window. Peeking in the window, they saw three women drinking coffee and talking. All three looked as if they were ready for bed, as they were naked.

"Cathan and Sorcha, go inside and see what their reaction is. Let's stay actively linked." Todd and Ciar watched as Cathan and Sorcha quietly entered the building. In a few moments they were standing in the door of the room where the women were talking. A few seconds passed before they noticed Cathan and Sorcha in the door. One caretaker immediately reached for her belt then stopped when she realized it was out of reach. Another gave a muted scream as she had covered her mouth. The third woman looked like she was ready to bolt for the door leading outside. The sudden appearance of strangers made all three uneasy.

"Good evening, ladies," said Cathan and Sorcha, as they watched the three women look them over. "Anneke, Krystelle, and Taysha," continued Cathan, causing them to gasp as they heard their names, "we are not a threat to you. We are here to rescue the women held in the barn. You can come with us when we leave. In fact, we would like you to."

Anneke started to speak, but Sorcha said, "Anneke, hear us out before you make a hasty decision."

"We are certain that you have many questions and concerns," continued Cathan. "There is not enough time to consider those now as we need to act quickly. We are going to take the women in the barn to a location where they can recover. While they are recovering they will be free to decide their futures. It will be easier to accomplish this if you assisted us in releasing their restraints and getting them ready to leave. Everyone will have a much brighter future by leaving here." She paused for a few moments. "If you choose to stay here, you will be dead by tomorrow evening." The three women looked at her with disbelieving expressions on their faces.

"Yes," said Sorcha. "The people who own this farm have sent a group to destroy it and they will arrive tomorrow. This group has already destroyed several other farms your owners operated or had an interest in."

"We aren't expecting anyone else," replied Taysha firmly.

"You wouldn't be. The group is waiting nearby. Their instructions are to kill everyone and destroy everything. They will arrive in the morning; their intent is to torture some of you before they begin the destruction of the farm. Once they have completed their mission, there will be little or no indication that any of you were ever here. Our information indicates that they will die here along with everyone else."

"They won't be able to do that. The security system will alert us of their approach and keep them out," exclaimed Krystelle.

"Not when the people who hired the raiders control the security system." The caretakers frowned. "The male caretaker gave a drug to those in the barn with their evening meal. Your evening pill contains the same drug. Once you take the drug it will make the job of the raiders very easy, because you will sleep late into the morning."

"Why would the other caretaker do that?" asked Anneke.

"The other caretaker is the brother of one of those leading the raid."

"That son of a bitch!" replied Anneke. "I always wondered about him. He did everything he was supposed to, but never took any initiative. Whenever he was around, he always watched us. It gave us a creepy feeling."

"How do we know we are not trading one form of slavery for another?" demanded Taysha.

"You don't. All you have is your instinct. Besides, if that is what we were planning, why would we be here, talking?"

"You said you are offering to take us as well," said Krystelle.

"Yes, we think that is your best choice," replied Cathan. "We believe that the three of you are just as much a victim as those in the barn. You will have the same opportunity to decide your future. Our medical facilities can provide the care you need to counter the treatments you have received."

"I had pretty much given up hope of leaving here as a free person, or even alive," said Krystelle. "From the records, the last caretakers were modified before being sent to a slave auction for S&M clubs."

"How soon do you plan on leaving?" asked Anneke.

"As soon as we can get everyone on our aircraft," replied Cathan. "The sooner the better."

"When the women exit the barn, it will set off the escape alarm."

"We are aware of the alarm, and are making arrangements so that that doesn't happen."

"I am willing to go with you," said Anneke a glimmer of hope appearing on her face.

Krystelle said "I'm in."

Taysha quickly followed with "me too."

"Good. We think you will be very pleased you made that choice. What other passive restraints are on the women?" asked Sorcha.

Cathan said, "Todd, Ciar, come on in. They are anxious to leave now that they think it is possible."

When they were all inside, Anneke said, "Each barn resident wears a collar which enables the security system to track their movements. Additionally, everyone here has a RFID device implanted behind their ear. We were told that everyone who resides in the barn had a second chip implanted in their body. There is an RFID detector located on each door of the barn. If one of the residents leaves it without an escort, it sends an alert to the monitoring center. Their punishment is that they lose a finger from each hand while everyone watches. If it happens several times, then we are punished. For us the first time is a brutal whipping. Fortunately none of us have experienced any of that although we were shown videos of previous punishments right after we arrived. From our monitors we can see all the activity in the barn. When a forbidden exit occurs, a silent alarm sounds both here and at the remote location. We do not have access to the security devices or systems. The only reason we are certain they work was because of a demonstration the owners gave us. We run a weekly test on the system for the office."

"Group, we have gained control of the monitoring system," said Edana. "Cathan's Clan can now go to meet Enya and Máiréad. We can negate the RFID on the main door when we use it. We don't want to do that unless we are using the door, as indications are that it is randomly tested from an external source. Our AI doesn't have enough information yet to fake the test. We will only use the main door."

"Group, the doctor is sedated and ready for transport," said Caoilinn. "The brother of the raider is sleeping soundly and will remain asleep until tomorrow morning."

"Have Star go ahead and teleport the doctor," said Ciar. "Someone needs to monitor the other one until we are ready to leave."

"Anneke told us the collars have sensors in them. If they are removed for any length of time, it will trip the alarm. The collars also give position information to the system."

While their exchange was taking place, Cathan was quickly leading the three caretakers to the barn along with her group. Once inside she opened the door to her friends' quarters and looked around. Her friends were lying with two others. All of them were touching. "Enya. Máiréad," said Cathan softly as she touched their shoulders. "It is time to go home." Then she said slightly louder, "Enya ... Máiréad."

Both opened their eyes and screamed. "Guys, it's only me. I've brought some friends. We want to take you to a new home." As Cathan spoke, both of them jumped into her arms. They were crying as they held her tightly. The commotion had awakened the other six women who looked on apprehensively on seeing strangers with the three caretakers. Those in Cathan's group pushed friendly and comforting thoughts toward them.

After a few moments, Todd said, "Cathan, we need to get this moving."

"Enya and Máiréad, we need to leave here as soon as possible. Would you introduce us to your friends?"

Once the introductions were complete, Cathan said, "Ladies, we don't have time for a lot of explanations. We came to take you to a place where you will be free to decide what you'd like to do about your future. There will be medical staff available to assist with any medical problems you have. Enya and Máiréad are almost like my sisters." Cathan's eyes glistened when she said sisters. "Now, we need your assistance in getting everyone else ready to leave."

"First we need to remove your collars," said Sorcha as she stepped behind Máiréad. "Please hold still while we take them off then we will show you what we want you to do." The women watched as Anneke and the caretakers showed everyone how to remove their collars. Sorcha took the collars and placed them on a blanket where the group had been sleeping. Ciar activated a thermal pack and placed it in the center of the pile of collars while being careful not to touch any of them, before covering them with another blanket.

"As soon as the collars are off, place them on the sleeping platform just like you just saw me do," said Ciar. "It is critical for this to be done in every room and as quickly as possible. The thermal packs must not touch the collars."

"Now," said Todd, "there are 11 of you who know the other women. Two of us will accompany one of you to each room. Wake the women then remove their collars and place them under the blanket with the thermal heat pack. We will take care of any cuffs later. Once the collars are removed lead the women out into the hall. Place them in one of the lines and have them hold hands. Other members of our group will stay with them while you gather the rest. Once everyone is lined up in the hall, we will leave on our aircraft."

"As soon as we are airborne, we will tell you a bit more about us and where we are going," said Cathan. Both Enya and Máiréad kissed Cathan's cheek as they gave her another hug. They still had tears of happiness running down their faces.

The care givers and caretakers went into the hall. Máiréad lead the group, using hand signals she pointed toward a row of rooms to tell them where to start. Cathan started to remind them that they could talk now, but decided it wasn't important as she watched them begin. She was impressed with how efficient they were with hand signs and anticipating each other. It took them a little over an hour to get all the women lined up in the barn.

Once everyone was in line, Todd, Sorcha, Kurt and Christine each took the hand of the first woman in a line and led them toward the door. Cathan, Anneke, and Darcy monitored the women as each group moved out the door. As the first women in a column stepped clear of the barn, a light in each shuttle's door came on. Within a few steps of leaving the barn the four lines of women began to diverge toward their assigned shuttle. Many of the women began to shake as they neared the shuttle door, they could see the lighted interior through it but couldn't see the shuttle itself. On reaching a shuttle, the Security team member leading the women immediately stepped inside. Once inside, they directed the women to take a seat. It took only a little of encouragement to have them fill the seats at the back of the cabin first, as each of the four shuttles would be nearly full.

Once the four groups from the barn were inside and seated, those serving as sentries pulled back toward the shuttles. As the sentries left the building containing the horses, they opened the gates and led the horses outside before turning them loose. Once the sentries were inside the shuttles, the doors closed and they silently lifted off. In each shuttle, two caregivers were directed to begin serving drinks to everyone onboard. Once everyone had a drink, the caretakers and caregivers in each cabin said, "Ladies, the drink we have just given you contains an antidote to the drugs you have been receiving. All of us now need to drink the liquid. But first, let's do this." Each caregiver and caretaker stepped over to a woman and exchanged drinks with her. Once the exchanges were complete, each of them began to drink. As the caregivers and caretakers drank the liquid, so did the Security team members. The other women sat holding their bottles and watched as the caregivers and caretakers, along with their rescuers, drank the white liquid.

After finishing the drink each caretaker and caregiver placed an arm around the waist of the Security team member standing next to them, pulling them close. After a few minutes, a few of the others began to drink and soon more of them began to follow suite.

"Ladies," said one of the Security team in each shuttle, "we saw some of you shaking as we moved toward the shuttle. We are not sure why you were shaking, but we can guess. What has happened in the last hour was likely quite a shock for you, especially leaving the barn. If our actions scared you, we apologize. We felt we had no choice but to get you out of the barn and off the farm as quickly as possible. As we noted earlier, the drink contained agents to counter the effect of the drugs that you have been receiving. Initially, the agents will block the effect of the drugs. It will take some time, but you will sense the change and see it in those around you. These agents will then assist your bodies in expelling any remaining drugs. We drank the liquid as well to show you it was safe."

A holographic image of Cathan, Anneke, Enya and Máiréad then formed in each shuttle cabin. This let everyone see and hear them. Several of the women gasped as they watched the 3D image form. As soon as the image had stabilized, Cathan began to speak, "Ladies, first there is no restriction on talking. If you have questions of us, just ask. We will either answer your question, or find someone that can answer it. It may not have registered yet, but you are free. We are not taking you somewhere else to enslave you. Our trip will last about four hours. We are going to a place where you can stay while you decide your future. During our trip, you will notice your thoughts becoming clearer, as the effects of the drugs diminish. We have medical staff on each shuttle who can take care of any immediate medical needs you may have during the trip. It appears that some of you are due to begin labor. Our EMTs can assist you here, but the facilities at our destination will make it much easier for you to deliver."

"You ought to introduce yourself," said Sorcha.

"Oops. My name is Cathan. I suspect that you don't know anyone's name. So let me introduce the eleven people you are familiar with first." After the introductions, she continued with, "We will introduce ourselves as we speak. Our destination is a unique settlement. On arriving, one of the first things you will notice is that nearly everyone is naked. This is because we are a clothing-optional society. We only wear a covering when a task requires it.

"The second thing you will likely notice is the stature of those there, and to some extent ours. By Earths' standards we are all quite tall and are very similar in appearance. There are other differences which we will tell you about later." As Cathan was talking several members of the Security team had taken off their tactical suits before returning to the main cabin.

"We can dim the cabin lights to make it easier to sleep," said Ciar, drawing everyone's attention. She had just returned to the cabin in Alpha4 after removing her tactical suit. As she walked down the aisle, a woman reached out to touch her, so Ciar stopped. Seeing the woman hesitate, she gently took the woman's hand and placed it on her bare hip.

"Oh my, your skin feels as soft and smooth as a baby, but your body is very firm. Who are you? I have never seen anyone like you." Ciar's muscles rippled in response to the caress. The gentle touch had caused her nipples to swell slightly and her labia to moisten.

"Yes," said Ciar, noticing the woman looking at her swollen nipples, "we are quite sensitive to any affectionate stimulation. As to where we come from, that doesn't have a simple answer. Most of us were born on Earth, but we are now really from another galaxy. I think if Enya and Máiréad told you about their background, with Cathan continuing the story from the time the three were separated, it would answer many of your questions. Cathan's path to becoming one of our species is, thankfully, not the path all of us took." Cathan stuck her tongue out at Ciar, causing many to chuckle. "Never fear, Cathan, I still love you."

"Yes, and I love all of you, too."

Enya and Máiréad took turns in sharing their background with everyone on the four shuttles. They told about growing up together, much like three sisters, doing almost everything together, and about how Cathan's parents were as close to them as their own parents were, perhaps closer. They told of the fun they had on vacations with her family, until the last one. They described their capture and abuse. Their eyes filled with tears when they told of Cathan's parents and sisters dying at the hands of their captors. The story ended with them being sold to a baby farm. They had lived there for about a year before being transferred to the farm they had just been rescued from.

Cathan then told them of her experiences after her friends were sold, about her time on the freighter and her subsequent rescue. She related how at first she had felt like she had lost one yoke to gain another but that her apprehension about her rescuers had lasted less than a day. She told about meeting the women who were now her spouses. Todd blushed when she told of how she felt and reacted several months later when she saw him the first time. The story finished with her explaining how her clan came together and about the subsequent rescue of Todd's unit, along with some others, in Afghanistan.

As soon as Cathan stopped talking, Anneke raised her hand. Cathan nodded to her. "You used some terms that seem out of place. Before I go further with my question, there are a couple of things I would like to share about me. I am not sure where we are going, but I am indebted to you for getting us out of there. In college, I earned a degree in animal psychology and I never anticipated using that knowledge the way I have had to at that farm. My specialty was how to maximize livestock performance by managing their environment. Apparently, the people that owned and operated that farm liked my work. A couple of months after I graduated I was still looking for work when I received a DVD. A note with it told me to watch the DVD and then read the letter. The DVD was of me participating in sex shows with multiple partners and animals. It showed me entertaining both men and women sexually and much more. In every scene, it appeared that I was freely participating and initiating the activities. While I like sexual interaction, I do not remember doing any of what was on the DVD. The enclosed letter gave me the choice of going to work for them or seeing the DVD being sold on the Internet and in sex shops. It took me a week to decide that I really had no choice.

"Once I accepted, I was told how to arrange my personal affairs for an extended journey or absence. When I had completed that I was told to call a number. I called the number well before the time limit and the next thing I remember was waking up restrained on an exam table. I looked around the room and saw that I was in some kind of medical treatment room. Shortly after I awoke, a woman came in followed by a doctor. The doctor told me that it was time for me to begin my treatments. When I started to respond, no sound came out. He then told me not to worry as my voice and control of my limbs would return in a few days. All I could do was lay there and watch as he made several injections into different parts of my body. By the time he was done my breasts, nipples, clit and labia were larger and ached. He finished by giving me two shots in my ass. Once that was done he told the nurse to put cups on my breasts, labia and clit for a day. As a result of the treatments my breasts, nipples, clit and labia are now considerably larger. One aspect of the treatment he gave me is that it is now difficult for me to wear any fitted clothing. A few days after they let me up, they had me take part in sex shows. We filmed three sex shows a day. Every evening I had to serve as a companion for a guest. As a companion, I was, essentially, the guest's sex slave or toy. I am still surprised at how compliant I was, but suspect it was a part of my treatment. My second stop was the farm. I don't know what the women here think of me and how we cared for them. The day after my arrival I was shown tapes outlining our responsibilities, and what the punishment would be for not succeeding. The whippings I mentioned earlier were the mildest punishment given to a caretaker. The person who was there before us was a tyrant. He was more interested in using those in the barn than he was in caring for them, or doing what the owners wanted. Sorry, I'm going into too much detail."

"I think," said Cathan, "there are people in our group that would be interested in everything any of you can tell us about how you came to the baby farm. There are people at our destination who have had experiences similar to yours. You may find sharing with them helps you regain your footing."

"Thanks, I think that may help. The questions I had were: What do you mean when you refer to your species? Also, you referred to spouses, like you had several. By the way you worded some parts of the story, it sounded as though you were telepathic and we know that is not possible."

"Thank you for a great set of questions," responded Cathan with a smile. After answering the first two she continued with, "As far as telepathic ability goes, yes, we are telepathic. Being telepathic is an important aspect of our family bonding. Some of us are more telepathically proficient than others. When the presentations are made tomorrow or the next day, a demonstration will be given that should convince you that telepathy is real. Not everyone is telepathic. You indicated that you didn't think it was possible. That belief probably comes from what you have seen or read on Earth. If you were really telepathic on Earth, who would you share that knowledge with?" Cathan paused. "I suggest, you would tell no one, except maybe another telepath. To do otherwise would probably be worse than living in the barn on the farm we just left."

Anneke looked thoughtfully at Cathan, and then said, "I agree with your last comment and that my question was driven by things I have read. I will be looking forward to the demonstration. As to the other comments, I look forward to learning more. Will they really answer all my questions?"

"Yes we will, or guide you to finding answers in our library."

"We think you will enjoy the learning experience." Anneke jerked at the voices she heard and looked around. She noticed that Ciar, Cathan, Todd and Sorcha glanced at her and were smiling, while seemingly focused on other people. After a few moments, Anneke heard, "We thought we would give you a demonstration of telepathy now, to thank you for helping us get everyone out so efficiently. Seeing the three of you with the caregivers really helped settle the others. Thanks." Anneke broke into a large smile.

"You're welcome," she thought.

The few verbal exchanges seemed to break the ice, and the women began to converse with each other. When they heard a question asked of a Security team member, they would stop and listen to the answer before continuing with their own topic. Many had lived together for several years, but were never permitted to talk. Breaking the rule before Anneke had led to some horrible punishments which were much worse than the whipping Anneke described.

When the shuttle doors opened on An Clochán, the Security teams assisted the women as they exited. Once everyone was standing outside, Connie said, "Welcome to An Clochán. My name is Connie and I am one of the doctors here." She then proceeded to introduce Betsy, Judy, Gail and the other EMTs. "I am going to go over several important items, then we will get some rest. For tonight we have set up temporary accommodations for you. By the time we have finished your medical evaluations tomorrow we should have your suites ready. We will give each of you a complete medical evaluation, which will begin in the morning right after breakfast. All of those who are near-term will be evaluated first. Once we complete the evaluations, we will review your status with you and provide recommendations for further treatment if necessary. Unless we uncover something urgent, reviews of the results will likely not start until the next day. EMTs and a doctor will be staying with you in the temporary area.

"Our meals are taken together in the dining hall. A chime will sound one hour before the meal starts, so you have a chance to exercise and freshen up beforehand. Once we have completed your initial medical evaluation, you can go any place on the site you want to, if you meet one condition. That condition is: you need an escort. Any resident here can be your escort, if they are not involved in something else. Just ask. Why do you need an escort? Because all of our emergency procedures are dependent upon telepathic communication. We are on Mars, which can be a hostile environment without the envelope we have covering us."

Her comment resulted in stunned looks. Connie said, "I can see from your expression that this is a surprise. It is true. We are currently within our habitat on Mars. This will be more obvious when it is daylight. Now if you will follow Gail and Cathan, they will lead you to your temporary quarters."

Máiréad said, "Cathan are we really on Mars?"

"Yes. We should have noted that earlier, however we chose to bring you here as your initial stop as it provides you with best access to medical services. Our alternative would have been our space ship."

"We are just surprised," responded Enya, "as it is a shock since everything seems so normal."

"While it does appear normal, there are risks as this is a hostile environment. We will do our best to ensure that its hostility doesn't tarnish your stay here. Please adhere to the safety rules. Now we would like to show you to your temporary quarters."

Gail and Cathan pointed out the dining hall and recreational areas as they passed them while on the way to the temporary quarters, which were basically two large rooms. One was arranged like a family room, with tables, couches, TV's and computers. The second room was filled with beds. A set of temporary showers and restrooms were at one end of the second room.

"Ladies, before many of us leave to get some rest," said Gail, "we need to mention a couple of other items. In addition to the medical staff, several residents will be here with you all the time. Their purpose is to make sure you have everything you need. I see that all of you are lactating. We have a special way of exercising and expressing our milk at the same time. It is probably much more comfortable than what you have been experiencing. We will have the exercise equipment here for you by morning. As Connie mentioned earlier, we want to start your physicals right after breakfast. We should be able to finish all of them between breakfast and lunch. Our data indicates that you roomed together in groups of four. We would appreciate you coming to see us in those same groups of four. If you want, we can schedule appointment times at breakfast. Now sleep well."

"Enya and Máiréad, our teams have some work to do in the morning, so we will see you at lunch or shortly thereafter." Each of Cathan's Clan gave Enya, Máiréad and their roommates a kiss as they left.

As they were headed toward their shuttle Todd said, "Why don't we sleep on the shuttle during the trip back to the farm?"

"Good idea," replied Sorcha. "We'll get more sleep that way and I'm bushed."

"If we do that, we need to pick up the other women for this part of the operation," added Ciar.

"We ought to dump the idea of you all confronting them," said Todd. "There isn't any benefit and it adds considerable risk."

"I agree," said Keira, surprising Cathan's Clan.

"That is quite a change, but the change is fine with me," said Cathan.

"Yes it is. I've had more time to think about it. While I think it would give me some satisfaction, I don't want anything to trigger those memories unless it is absolutely necessary."

"I agree," added Mona.

"I think Todd's assessment is correct as well," said Edana.

"Well we still need to monitor the site," responded Christine. "Based on what we know, I don't suspect we will need to do a thing. I'd just as soon leave them stranded and let nature take its course."

"So we are agreed that our intent is to just observe unless circumstances change," said Todd.

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The difficult part of being mission support is the waiting around. Ensign Antonio Williams wasn't going to learn if he didn't lead. Now two squads of DECO Marines were on the surface for the purpose of capturing the culprits who had abducted Tony Williams from a New York jail. The targets of the Williams' raid were aboard a private yacht cruising Lake Superior—Gichi-gami to the Ojibwe. My part of the raid was diversionary. Imagine that a man, his lion and his wolf are walking down a back...

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Thunder and LighteningChapter 25

It was summer before Jerry returned to the store. He used a cane to walk and moved with the kind of care associated with old men. His left arm and half his upper body was in a cast to allow his shoulder blade heal. His bullet wounds had healed, but on occasion the scar tissue pulled when he moved. Despite the fact that he had lost body mass, he remained a big powerful looking man. Entering through the back door, he was greeted by everyone and welcomed back to the shop with coffee and donuts....

2 years ago
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A Case in Point

A CASE IN POINT By Karen Albright PROLOGUE A hush fell over the court room. The jurors slowly filed into the room and took their seats to the right of the Judge. "Good luck!" My attorney commented as the Judge began to speak. "Does the jury have a verdict ?" "Yes we do Your Honor," replied the jury foreman. "We find the defendant not liable for the support of the child of Janice Edwards" "Congratulations," said my attorney. "That was the most difficult paternity suit...

4 years ago
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Sexual Shenanigans of the Trump Administration Tomi Lahren

“shame she isn’t a virgin the President. Our clients like virgins too." The president by the name of Donald Trump looked the girl over. She was young, in her twenties, small well formed breasts, blonde shoulder length hair and skinny body. Her clothes consisted of a T shirt and canvas trousers. on her feet she wore old leather sandals. “What's your name?" asked the President. “Tomi Lahren from Fox News" the girl answered. “Well Tomi Lahren, you belong to us now. Our organization has...

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The Line Between

The Lines Between The Line BetweenBy Jeremy Binder  He did not consider himself a masochist, at least not based on what he heard or read.? Yet, she softened his resolve.? He was putty in her hands, so to speak, and she played him like a puppet, slowing stroking his cock and his mind until every thought that raced through his mind turned toward his one perceived need.? Orgasm.? He desperately needed to cum, or so he thought, but she had long ago taken control in that arena. An onlooker...

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The feeding of sissy

I hold a prominent position in a world wide business firm and make a six figure salary and had been divorced for several years. I met Wendy through a newspaper add in the singles columns, she was a knockout looking gal. We dated for some time and she moved in with me. One night when we were out having drinks she ask what my deepest secrets were. She would share hers with me in return if I told her mine. This took a lot of convincing and a lot of drinks. She went first telling me she prostituted...

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Carnie Tales In Technicolor

I never imagined working at a carnie, joining the ranks of society’s oddballs: the clowns, the “mystics”, the giants and dwarfs, and the creepy redheaded puppeteer twins. But here I am, looking ridiculous in a straw fedora, a big red bow tie, and old-timey suspenders, a vision cut from the 50s, celebrating the end of summer, fireworks painting the midnight sky with thunderous bursts of colorful light. Your strange steam punk troupe, Airship Craven you called it, a mishmash of characters that...

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outdoors is best

From an early age, Being naked outside was fun. Having to do it secretly was key, and the thrill of avoiding being caught made it even better. After that age when I discovered jerking off, the reward of cuming made the experience something to remember. I was at the 'barely legal' age when I decided to push the boundrys. At one of my prefers locations, a streak length of a half mile was possible, as it was dense forest. Many times made it without being scene, but with some close calls.One day,...

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Just What She Needed

I wrote this for a friend after that "Ask me one question" trend got around to her and she asked how I would torture her, I told her I could explain it better in a story, so here it is, hope you enjoy it. This is my first BDSM story, any feedback would be greatly appreciated. “I'm fucking done with men in clubs! He was such a fucking loser! He couldn't keep it up long enough for me to even get into it!” I said over the club music when my friend Grace asked me about my most recent 'night club...

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Back to the coffee shop

A couple of days after Blackpool we went down to our local coffee shop again. Kylie wasn't working but as we knew all the other staff this wasn't a problem. The manageress served us, she knew what we wanted as we go in there so often. She wasn't working this day but had popped in to see some of the other staff about business. As we sat down she came across to talk.Her name was Helga, she was Slovakian,25, 5' 5" around 12 stone, bleached blonde hair and very pretty. She was talking about this...

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An Eye for an Eye

Laura and I had been married now for over five years and to me it seemed like we were still on our honeymoon. We were still making love daily and sometimes more than that; we still cared for each other as much as we did on the first week we were married. I was so much in love with her that when I was quietly working (I am a translator of law books and other official documents) I would often take a break and dream about her and how we were going to make love when she came home back from...

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Ladies Melons

The only time our family ate watermelon was if someone else brought it. I never saw my father eat any watermelon. The women in the family would wolf watermelon slices and politely pull out the seeds. The Culp family up the road on the hill had a family farm. They grew corn for the critters, vegetables to feed the hungry hoard, strawberries for Mrs. Culp and watermelon for the local farm boys. Mrs. Culp was cooking, yakking on the party line phone or working Dallas (father of ten kids) on her...

2 years ago
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The Pact A Master PC TaleChapter 35 Wedding Plans II

Upon their return from the Caribbean, Stacy and Joanie promptly formed a troika with Sara, determined to make our wedding something spectacular in a Master PC kind of way. Nervous in a way I cannot really describe, I made sure I was privy to all discussions as soon as I returned from the airport, having reluctantly put Liz on a plane back to L.A. “What do we always need to worry about when planning weddings?” Sara said, pencil in hand. “How many babes at the bachelor party?” I...

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Cherrys Exploration

My nerves were on edge and I had not slept very well. Nerves and excitement were all balled into one in the pit of my stomach. How many times in the last few days, since I agreed to the meeting, had I thought of excuses to back out? Every time I thought of one excuse to back out, three more reasons to stick to the agreed meeting came to mind. The clock seemed to creep to the next minute. He had said to dress slutty, so here I sat in my red forty-four DD bra and red see through panties on the...

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Bhabhi Ki Behan Ko Ghr Pr Choda

Hi..Friends ye meri first real story hai…Mera naam mohit hai mein 23 saal ka hu nd 2011 mein meri engineering complete kr chuka hu…Nd right now i am working in a call centre in jaipur as a it spoc. Hamre ghr mein papa,mummy,bhaiya,bhabhi nd mein rhte haistory aaj se 3 months phle ki hai…….Meri gf k sath bahut .Fght chal rhi thi…Mein..Mere office mein busy rhta tha nd uss se tym nhi de paa rha tha..Issliye…So uss ne..Mujhse kuch days k liye baat krne band kr diya tha…. So…Mein…Bahut tensed rhta...

3 years ago
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Zak Is Interrogated By Olivia Part 3

“Zak, I am getting a better understanding of you, and you are bisexual. In private, you are a different person with taste, including a love of wearing feminine clothing.”“I am glad that you understand how I feel. I love the feel of the silk panties against my penis, and during the day, I get so aroused that I masturbate at work. I almost got caught a couple of times, and that scared me. Like wearing thigh-high and looking at myself in the mirror. I wear a half-slip, and I usually have an...

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Courtneys feet pt3

I called my dad to come and pick me up after my fruitful adventure at Courtney’s place. My dad is super chilled about everything, with the whole divorce thing going on with my parents, he was the one I preferred spending time with. He rolled up just a couple minutes later and I hopped in. ‘Girlfriend?’ He smiled. ‘Not so sure yet…’ He didn’t interview me anymore after that, he knew as I was a teenage boy I enjoyed my independent privacy, instead he asked about what new sports I was in to...

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Horny for a stripper show

A group of nice ladies had decided to go to a male strip club for one of our friend’s birthday. Diana wanted to celebrate her brand new forties in that way. I had never been to one, but had heard plenty stories about what heppened at those places... We all were having a good time, plenty of drinks to get loose our inhibition. All the male dancers were younger guys in their mid twenties. Mainly were white, but there was two hispanic type and two huge black ones…All the guys got totally naked...

3 years ago
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Plague Survivor Second Story

I muttered as I again failed to change the settings on the generator. It had been left to start at dusk and run for three hours a day, that's it. I could not seem to change the timing of that at all. I had, of course, been able to bypass that. But then I had to remember to go out and shut it off, manually. Fred Saunder's son had been a clever man it seems. He had wired the house, put in the generator, and programmed a simple computer to run it. It operated off a separate large fuel tank,...

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Table Games

Table Games Chapter  1 By SG [email protected]        7:59 turned to 8:00pm on the digital clock and my hair and makeup were done. I smiled to myself, I was actually going to be on time for a change. Hopping in my car I headed off to Shakers. Shakers is the largest dance club here in our small college town. The bar itself had just reopened after nearly half a year of renovations. To try and recapture lost customers the club was doing big promotions every weekend and all through spring break....

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My Dream Cruise

The last of February my husband and I went on an all-expenses paid cruise to the south Caribbean. I want to share with you what happened on that cruise. All of the story is true, only the location where we live has been changed.To begin with, my name is Nancy. I am a 4th grade teacher in a community of about 2,000 so I have to be careful. I am bi and my husband David is well aware of the fact. He supports my lifestyle and wants me to be happy. We have a very open relationship and at least once...

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My Husbands Fantasy About My Friends

I think they do.My husband has for years. He has made it very clear that he is attracted to a few of my friends. I can’t blame him. I do have some very attractive friends. I love teasing him during sex, it's funny how he gets so worked up over it.After all, it’s just a wild fantasy, something that will never happen. All my friends are respectful and classy. I just couldn’t see anything ever happening with any of them and my husband.I have several close female friends that I have known for many...

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Chemical Concocktion Ch 02

The following is a work of fiction and contains pornography. If you are under 18, stop reading now. For those who continue reading, please realize that this is fiction and outside the realm of reality. In other words, if you take this stuff seriously, you need a psychiatric evaluation. Feedback and criticism is highly appreciated and you can email me through the link below. I was in shock. I was lying on the floor, next to a beautiful 18 year old girl. The girl was a high school student...

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Donnas Three Sons

DONNA'S THREE SONS(by Eros) Chapter 1. On a hot June day in Los Angeles, Donna Mason looked out her living room window and watched the gardener mowing the front lawn of her house. He was naked to the waist, and he had a broad, hair-matted chest. The sight was turning Donna on like crazy. The guy was in his fifties, and he didn't even speak English. Donna knew she had to be pretty hard-up to get turned on by the gardener. He'd never attracted her before. But she'd been almost three months...

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My Wife And I Made A Slave Of My Colleague 8211 Part 7

Vidya got up by 9 AM and kissed Sujith on his chest and bit his nipples lightly to wake him up. Sujith pulled her face close and kissed her lips like there’s no tomorrow and cuddled her. He went down to her butt cheeks and kissed her just below her spine which gave her chilling a moment. Vidya: Somebody is too moody today. Sujith: Very much excited to see the condition of our slave. Vidya: Haha first you got to finish your morning work. Now lick my asshole motherfucker. She made him lie on his...

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A Jump to Heavens Gate

Taylor was born and raised in Grayson, Kentucky, a rural, scenic little town with a population of about 4,000. He’d had a fairly typical small-town American life, was handsome, outgoing and popular and played wide receiver on the football team in high school. He’d dreamed of playing in the NFL, being a superstar athlete, marrying a supermodel, or marrying his namesake, Taylor Swift, Taylor & Taylor ... Oh, he could see them, hand in hand, walking on a glistering beach, under a crimson sun,...

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My Little VentrueChapter 15

~~Jack~~ Every time he woke up, it was a shock. Julias had said a Kindred doesn’t really sleep, cause how could a corpse sleep? They just become a corpse, and when the sun sets, they un-corpsify. Each and every time, it was like someone jammed adrenaline straight into his heart. He sat up in his bed with a jolt, and could feel the Vitae spike through his system to wake him with its unnatural power. But then it settled. He’d grown more comfortable with his new body, its strange, thinned and...

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Trolled by the Game Part 2 of Commission

The water rose as it glowed. A strange low thrumming echoed through the cave. I stepped back, the light banishing my reflection as the water began to overflow. No, not overflowed. It twisted, swelled, shaped into a tendril. Reached. I ran, instinctively loping down the tunnel to the outside. Panting, giant breasts swinging, orangutan-arms reaching the floor to give me a boost, spittle running from the corners of my mouth. My new body was strong but it was not built for...

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The Battered LampChapter 34 The Prison of the Sheikha

Saturday, January 29th – Khoshilat Maqandeli, The Hidden Realm Christy poured over her spellbooks. Six shall be one, the Marid defeated. The old, Jann's prophecy echoed in her mind, teasing her with some half-remembered spell she had read in one of the spellbooks Alice Bailey had penned. Sable yawned beside her, covering her mouth with her hand. "Oh, sorry, Mistress." It was late. The two witches sat in the antechamber of Kyle's quarters. The door was guarded by three separate...

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I played the clip sent to me. It was a compilation of 3 short scenes of some seconds each. It began with the words "SAMPLE. INTERNATIONAL COPYRIGHT. DO NOT REPOST. " An image of my Mom's arrest sheet, the same on I'd seen that Dr Shangwal had accessed, followed. My heart thumped and my feelings of guilt, fear, and shame mixed with building arousal all came back.The first was Mom in the police station. She was clothed, in the same attire she'd been arrested in, standing handcuffed behind her...

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The Succubae Seduction 2 The Twins Chapter 17

Chapter 17 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Prodigal Daughter Eldon’s phone ringing startled him awake. “Wha—?” He rubbed his eyes and sat up. Mandy groaned and rolled away from him, but Shlee whimpered and cuddled up closer. They were together on the floor at the foot of the bed. Sonia and Shelly were near the front of the car, by the fountain. His mom and dad had the bed and didn’t seem to notice Eldon’s phone ringing. By the time he pulled it from the glove compartment...

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Ashs New Career Pt4

Chapter 5 Beatrice was the first to regain her composure. Not because she was over how amazing Ash looked, but because as the director of this shoot she needed to be professional. "Alright Jolene, I believe you can take it from here. You got the shooting schedule right?" Beatrice asked trying her hardest not to stare at her son too much. The change was shocking to be honest. Never in a million years had she thought Ash would come out looking this good. "Yeah, right I'll get my...

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Cousin Wife

I am 29 years old, well educated and professionally very well placed. My current assignment is based at New Delhi. I have always been an Internet buff and from day one, encouraged the usage of low cost communication tools like IM and chat tools like ICQ for communication between regional offices and my HO in Delhi. In January 2001, one evening, while on yahoo messenger, I came across a woman and said a very polite “Hi” to her, and was not at all surprised when I got a reply back from her and...

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I saw them as they appeared in the station entrance, dragging pretty much the sum of their lives in two heavy suitcases. They looked tired and stressed and in the case of the youngest, close to tears, a pathetic sight, though I don't mean that in the nasty way some do, just worthy of pity I guess. "Hi Dad." Said Tina my daughter. "Thanks for coming to collect us it's been a hell of a day." "So I gathered." I replied before drawing the pair of them into a hug which seemed to open up...

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Turned into a slut

Turned in to a SlutIt all began innocent enough. As usual Tim's mom grabbed her six-pack ofbeer after she finished the dinner dishes and retired to her bedroom forthe evening. We gave her about a half hour before we slid out the backdoorto burn a joint. Back in his bedroom we played video games for a whilewhen Tim asked me if I wanted to check out the prono's his brother hadgiven him when he moved out a couple weeks ago.Of course I was game. What teenage guy would say no. He pulled a box...

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Loris and MorgChapter 5 Windshift the Voices in My Head

The black house cat was in the process of getting a drink from the stainless steel bowl in the bathtub ... explaining exactly why the waterbowl was in the tub instead of next to the 7 day feeder is beyond the scope... Ok, ok, ok... Enquiring minds want to know. I said I ok ... don't get so pushy... The waterbowl is in the tub because I have a problem keeping clean water next to the feeder for the three cats ... to say nothing of the difficulty of stopping one of the little bastards...

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DialADomme Dating Service

DIAL-A-DOMME & DATING!Nora Gennaioli smiled at the sweet guy across the table from her as she absent mindedly drummed her long nails on what was left of her egg roll. It was fascinating about Alpha males and Beta males, she thought. Alphas were good in the sack, and Betas were good at nearly everything else that you needed?Most women had to make a choice, like her friend Libby Owen, who’d been impregnated by Santos Stuciano right before his skull was crushed by a rival gang member wearing a...

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My Pick of the Pics

"Hey, Greg, you're a real 'boob-man, ' right?" asked my sister, Ally. "Well, there's a question. Yeah, I have an appreciation for the female form. Why do you ask, little sister?" "Um, maybe you would like to judge a contest?" "A 'boob contest?'" "Yeah, just some girls who would like to see what a guy thought of their boobs, you know. I mean, the girls have all seen each other, they want to see what a guy thinks." "Gee, I'm your guy, for that, sis. Oh, anytime, anytime, at...

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Drunk Surprises Are The Best 8211 Night With Petite Girlfriend

Hi, this is Sid again. This is my second story on the site. Both are real incidents. If you have not read the previous one, you can check it out. A little bit about me first. I am 5’10 tall and have an athletic body with an average sized penis. I am from Mumbai. Coming to the story. One night my girlfriend and I were invited to a nightclub for an event organized by one of our friends. We decided to get a few drinks before and then meet everyone at the nightclub. Once we got there, it was a very...

2 years ago
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FaithfulChapter 17 A New Life

The Conroys, making their home at Pirate's Luck on the Eastern Shore, remained disappointed that the loyal sentiments rampant in some parts of Somerset and Worcester counties had made so few inroads among their neighbors in Queen Anne's. They had entertained James Chalmers several times, and both of the family's young ladies were very tired of hearing about his excessively verbose response to Paine's "Common Sense" or his grandiose plans for raising a Tory legion, which he, of course,...

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Hubbys old flame

It was the last wkd in April I met up with an old flame off mine on a night out, just as my partner was away with her mum and k**s... I got a message from the lads on a Saturday afternoon to go out on the lash which I hadn't been out for a while so I agreed to meet up and have a good blast.. Later on that afternoon I hit the gym for an hour session to get all pumped for my night out that I was looking forward to hey you got to look good in a shirt lol..abit later on I was looking we'll pumped...

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Cassis ass

Cassi and I had anal sex once before when we first started dating. But after the first time we didn't really do it or chat much about it for a while. Then the night after movies we chatted a lot about it and eventually with a bit of help from my stepsister we managed to have some alone time together at my parents house.Cassi and I rather quickly made our way to the bedroom where we undress each other. Once naked I laid her down on her back and made my way to between her legs. I started muffing...

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RoadToGlory Friendrsquos Korean Wife Part 2

Later that night we arrived at Sunny’s place and David was waiting for us in the lounge. We all gathered around in silence as the room fills with David’s emotions. After a long silence David finally spoken, he had asked Sunny why she cheated on him while holding back his anger. Sunny responded by telling her husband how he left her unattended. David replied in Koreans and the two began to argue. After a while I stepped in to give my side of the apology. David didn’t want any of it that night...

2 years ago
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Letter from Santa Monica

LETTER FROM SANTA MONICADear Shoeblossom:I go into Grandpa’s room, worried because I know he’s upset with me—I’m a bad girl, and deserve to be punished! I’m wearing my drop-seat pink Dr. Denton footie pajamas, and Gramps looks very displeased with me.?Nipper? he says, as I climb in his lap, ?You’ve been touching yourself and having impure thoughts, and Grandpa doesn’t like that.? Grandpa takes up his big wooden hairbrush, and I protest, crying that I’ve been a good girl. Oh no please no.But...

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SurvivorsChapter 2 Twilights Last Gleaming

"I like the look of that one," Samantha said as we stood at the shore-end of one of the docks. The one she nodded toward was a custom Princess Motor Yacht nearly a hundred feet long. It was not the biggest boat in the marina, but it was definitely in the top ten percent. I looked around for a minute as the ladies made appreciative sounds and then decided there was no time like the present. I walked down the quay a little way to look at the boat's name. "Caroline II," I said out loud....

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Dave ndash A Stop at the Pub

I was up my usual time and the smell of fresh coffee filled the kitchen when a bleary eyed Florence walked into the kitchen taking baby steps trying to wake up, she plonked herself down at the table and looked up at me, “Morning Davie” she sighed softly and I was thinking that the smoke last night hit her hard.I poured her coffee and she had her head bowed inhaling the caffeine fumes.She finished her coffee and had perked up considerably and she was ready for her shower and as she got up from...

2 years ago
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Why Your Wife Always Knows Best Part Two

Chapter Four Sarah stared down at Jim from his old body, and said, "Alright dear, you broke our agreement and you must be punished. For the next three weeks you will be a female and you will be subject to my whims and desires." Jim tried to protest but a swift wind carried him to his bedroom and he swiftly seemed to be put to sleep. The next day he awoke clearly in his wife's body, he looked around Sarah had already gone to his job, so he had to play this by ear. He figured he had...

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Bimbotech Gift certificates

"This is going to be so much fun!" said Valerie as they waited for the elevator. "I can't believe the guys actually came up with this idea on their own!" "Yeah, last Valentine's day I had to drop hints forever that I wanted diamond earrings, and what did Rob get me? Those dangley plastic hearts, the cheap bastard, and a negligee!" said Tracey. "I guess a month without sex taught him to put more thought and more cash into this year's present. At least I hope so. I've never...

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