Domme In A Box Domme s Story
- 2 years ago
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Nora Gennaioli smiled at the sweet guy across the table from her as she absent mindedly drummed her long nails on what was left of her egg roll. It was fascinating about Alpha males and Beta males, she thought. Alphas were good in the sack, and Betas were good at nearly everything else that you needed?
Most women had to make a choice, like her friend Libby Owen, who’d been impregnated by Santos Stuciano right before his skull was crushed by a rival gang member wearing a garbage can and wielding a steel Louisville Slugger. So Lib married Marlin Quiggle, the nice bookkeeper at the Imbert furriers?life wouldn’t be exciting, but the kid would eat.
Nora, whose mother was Mistress Plumley of the Plum House of Suffering in East St. Louis, knew that you COULD have your cake and eat it too. When she’d married Tineo Gennaioli, the weedy owner of GennaCarpets, the first thing she’d done was lock Little Tinny in a chastity belt, turn over the bank accounts to her, and she’d fucked all the handsome losers she’d liked?while Tinny wept in a corner!
Tineo had the sort of tough-businessman look about him, but at home he was just a whiny little bitch. Tineo's grandfather had started the carpet business, his dad had expanded it, and Tinny just sat?around...and begged Nora for sex. And as soon as Nora announced that Tin was no longer going to be able to watch televised sports with his friends (enforcing this by putting Tineo in diapers in front of them at a Super bowl party) he collapsed.
When he made a bad business decision (and there were so many of them) Nora would make him lay his penis on her ironing board, and then secure it to the board with long needles and pins until he couldn't move. And then shock him a bit with her iron! "Think you might've held off before over-purchasing 1000 yards of Canyon Cliff and Pebble Path frieze there, Tinny?" and as she'd say "Pebble" the iron came down on Tineo's sensitive foreskin.
Eventually, about nine months into their marriage, Nora put a guiche piercing on Tineo's penis, and then stapled it between his legs, so it was unrecognizable, and he had to sit down to pee, like a girl. She utilized his other orifices to make up for it, and his mouth and anus were quite busy when Nora felt like having get-togethers during her years attending St. Louis University across the river.
Nora perceived that the less Tineo got to cum, the more appreciative he was of was uncanny how quickly that worked out. All she put him through--making him stand naked in the snowy back yard while she and her girlfriends threw snowballs at him, or when she tied a hornet's nest to his balls (Thanks to her friends in the Etymology Department at school) Tineo had it rough, but he still appreciated his golden girl!
Yes, Tineo had been a loving husband, and after he’d died, Nora had enslaved his brother, Sausalito, for a time?but after GenCarpets went under, she set off for greener fields, and that had left her here in Buttermilk Falls, and Nora knew she must concentrate on the unprepossessing specimen in front of her.
Benny Price smiled at Nora a little shyly. It was their?third date. "Are you enjoying the Moo Goo Gai Pain?" he asked. Nora's mouth was full, but with her dirty blonde pixie cut and the enthusiastic way she gave him a thumbs up while simultaneously holding her gave Benny butterflies in his stomach, as his mother used to say.
Nora resembled the impossibly beautiful girls who used to come into Paco's Tacos, when Benny was bussing tables, working his way through NYU...Cheerleader types, model girls...the sort that he never got to even speak to!
They'd met at PainCafe's Dial-a-Domme night. Similar to speed-dating, Dial-a-table had phones on each person's table--one person to a table--and if a dominant girl (at a table with a black cloth) called a submissive male (at a white-clothed table) she could get him to look over at her. If he liked her, she'd command him to go upstairs with her, into one of the PainCafe suites.
Dial-A-Domme night was quite an expensive date-night, but Benny had?received?five free nights because of a mishap that had occurred with his rental of a dominant robot some weeks before. "I really want to meet someone" he'd told Petronella, the PainCafe's manager, and she'd suggested this.
Benny had gotten a painful caning the first night from an overweight black woman. He had been reluctant to go to her table when called, but felt he shouldn't be too picky. It turned out that she was husband hunting, and thought that Benny would forgive her physical inequities in his desperation to find a dominant girlfriend.
?But Benny didn't mind being alone that much, if he couldn't find the right girl...Still, Loyola had taken him upstairs, ordered him to strip from the waist, and she really did a number on his ass, and then made him go down on her before peeing all over him. She'd then offered Benny her number, but he’d declined, running from the suite before Loyola had another shot with the cane.
The next time Benny had gone to Dial-a-Domme, he'd looked around anxiously for Loyola, but she'd not shown up.? He hadn't expected his phone to ring again, and when it had, he'd looked over to find a MAN beckoning to him. A strange, punk rock looking dude, at that. Benny was sure this was a mistake, but the guy had called again and again, and so finally Benny had gone to his table.
"Do you need a Master?" the guy had asked Benny. He was tall, with a Cro-Magnon forehead, and no hair save a purple Mohawk. He was about twenty-one and a little pimply.
Benny had tried to explain that he was in search of a female, but the guy actually pointed to the slight tent in Benny's pants. "You know what you really need. Let's get up to a suite and I, Master Toejamb, will show you the error of your ways."
Benny had had to admit, he found Master Toejamb quite compelling. When they got up to the suite, Master Toejamb had ordered Benny to strip, and then immediately he'd kicked Benny in the nuts, which made Benny re-think his hasty proposition. There was a little bell in each PainCafe suite which you could ring to summon staff if a session got out of hand, but Benny was too winded to do this...
When Master Toejamb realized, just as he was enthusiastically about to whip Benny's butt with a piece of razor-wire, that Benny was running for his clothes, he pronounced Benny "bourgeoisie" and stalked out of the suite immediately.
But when Nora called Benny on the fourth night, he was so thrilled. He'd noticed her, a beautiful girl, kind of short, maybe five two, with the pixie hair, and big perky boobs in a small but demure sweater dress. She clearly knew a lot of people at the PainCafe, and Benny was amazed that she was at the Dial-a-Domme event.
And when she called him, he nearly shit a brick. He gaped over at her, and she nodded cheerily, and said into the phone "Yup, come on over, if you don't think I'm fat or something." Fat? Was she kidding? She and Benny talked at the table for nearly an hour, and she was a dream. They both loved miniature golf, Hootie and the Blowfish, and re-runs of "The Honeymooners."
Benny had thought that she wouldn't invite him upstairs, but then Nora had crooked her finger at him. He noticed that her legs were long and beautiful, under the sweater-skirt, and she had a full, heart-shaped ass. When they got in the suite, Nora had stepped up to Benny and begun kissing him, necking with him as if her life depended on it...and he got quite horny as she pressed her little body against him.
But then she'd backed off. "Now I want you to strip, and kneel before me." Benny obeyed, and Nora pulled up her dress and pulled her panties aside to show her clitoris...she stroked it a bit, and Benny's hand instinctively went to his own equipment.
"No! Keep your hands on your knees, Benny" Nora said crisply, and he obeyed reluctantly. He watched her stroke and rub her clit for nearly forty-five minutes before he forgot again, and his hand strayed to his penis.
This time Nora shook her head resolutely. Every suite in the PainCafe was well equipped with canes, whips and other implements, and Nora had stood up and grabbed a cane?and whacked Benny's dick lightly, but of course it had made him burst into tears.
"Benny, you've just met me, but I think we could have a future if you have more self control." Nora said with good natured annoyance. "Do you think you'd like to see me again?"
Benny was still holding his dick and moaning, but he smiled weakly. "Yes, Nora, I really would."
So she'd taken Benny's Platinum Visa card down to the PainCafe's Dungeonopolis Gift Shop, and brought back a small plastic chastity belt, one that didn't allow erections, and Benny had put it on, and given the key to Nora, a girl whose last name he didn't even know.
Nora had then taken Benny's number, and told him she'd call. He didn't hear from her for nearly a month. During this time, Benny, a habitual masturbator, had had to suffer while looking at hot secretaries, Frisbee playing party girls in the park, tits and asses everywhere... and no jerking off. He wondered if she would ever call him, and actually called Petronella, who'd tartly told Benny that if he didn't have faith in Nora, she would provide bolt cutters...but a mature man waits.
Nora had finally called Benny, and they'd gone on what was their second date... a quick movie and then coffee with ice cream. She was even more beautiful than before, explaining that she'd gone out of town to the?Bahamas with her friend Roger. "We're like, friends with benefits, you know." but she'd thought of Benny often.
Benny was absolutely compelled by her. Nora was about a decade younger than he was, twenty-six or so, but, despite her youth, she read the New Yorker and the Wall Street Journal, and knew almost as much about business as Benny did! He wanted to take her out the following night, but she wouldn't give him her number, just walked out of the coffee shop, telling him she'd see him soon, and she disappeared for another two weeks.
And now they were at the Yen Ching Diner, Buttermilk Falls's most expensive Chinese restaurant. She'd called Benny just the night before. He had not had an orgasm in five weeks and was feeling it badly....but he didn't want to upset her...and he really enjoyed seeing the little of Nora that he had so far....
"Now tonight, I think we can go back to your place." Nora said with a smile. "I know you've been looking forward to that, big guy."
After Benny got Nora situated with an Amstel Light in his living room, he stood, expectantly?wondering what would happen now. He was so horny. Horny because he’d not had an orgasm in nearly six weeks, and also because he was so thrilled by his beautiful companion. Did she really like him? She made him wear this belt?but maybe she was just fucking with him, right?
?Benny, if I unlock your belt without cuffing your hands, do you think you’ll be mature enough to control yourself for a little handling?? Nora asked with a smile. She thought so, but you never know. Benny did have a weak chin, as Tineo had.
Nora remembered how she’d met Tineo?she’d been going from bar to bar, waltzing up to young couples with a basket of roses. ?Would you like to buy a rose for the lady?? She only charged a buck per rose, and this thrilled her customers so much that they didn’t notice when she snaked odd credit card receipts (or entire wallets) that were sitting on the table?
Tineo had been with an adoring blonde, but Nora recalled that he didn’t appreciate her. The girl was telling him how great he was, and he was simpering?but when Nora bent down, he’d slipped her his card, and then of course she’d realized that men are never nice to girls who are nice to them?.an interesting rule.
But Benny was very nice, and he looked as if he could be trusted, so Nora allowed him to undress, and she sat back, laughing as he cowered before her in his little belt, with his penis pushing, almost breaking the plastic sheath.
?Now you have to be a good boy and keep your hands by your side.? Nora said mockingly, as she pulled the key out of the handbag. She considered pretending that she’d lost it, but she didn’t want Benny to burst into tears as Tineo and Sausalito had when she’d played that little prank. (Time after time, and they never figured out she was kidding around with them!)
Nora also brought out a small bottle of lotion. ?Really, I should wash this little bugger? she said as she rubbed lotion casually along Benny’s growing member. ?But, I know you want a little fun first?it was a long month wasn’t it??
?Almost two months? Benny said mournfully, and immediately regretted it, because Nora shot a long stockinged leg out and TWHOPPED him between the balls. Benny fell to the floor, crying and Nora got up and looked down at him regally.
?Bitch and moan, eh Benjamin?? Benny was lying on his side, crying and his dick, still hard, was dangling on the floor. Nora took her six inch stiletto heel and drove it into his engorged glans, nearly stapling it to the floor.
?Almost two months? Nora said in an exaggerated whine. ?You just can’t understand what a spoiled little bitch you are?you’ve probably been pumping that nasty little thing for twenty-five years, and it needed a break. You could get urethritis, which causes you to have to wait to pee, from too much masturbation, you know.?
Benny looked up at her, agog.
?That’s right. One of my slaves was a urologist, and he told me that.? As she said ?That?, Nora stomped his glans again with the long spike heel, and Benny began screaming in pain. Finally, Nora went and sat down on the couch again, sipping her beer.
Benny got up, and wiped his face. ?I-I didn’t mean-didn’t—?
Nora looked bored. ?I thought you were different from the others.? She leaned over slightly, and Benny saw her beauteous cleavage. Nora flicked his now quite sore cockhead with a long blue nail and he screamed.
?Tell me why I shouldn’t just get up and leave.? Nora said briskly. ?You just want to jerk off, beat your meat all the time. Why should I play with your dick at all?? But as she said it, she began stroking and toying with his penis a bit, and his dick grew in her little white fingers rather quickly.
Benny was having a hard time keeping his hands at his sides, but he was doing it. Nora had noticed that Benny had kept his hands at his sides even when he’d fallen on the floor. What a good submissive! He didn’t touch his cock when she was stomping it, either. Tinny and Sauce could never have that kind of self-control. Poor things.
?P-please give me another chance.? Benny begged, tears rolling down his pudgy cheeks. ?I-I promise you can trust me. You really can.? Now his dick was drooling precum and Nora was rubbing it as if it were a magic lamp.
?I tell you what, Benny. I am really angry about how you acted tonight.? Nora said, as she drummed her pretty blue nails up and down his now quite purple shaft. ?But if you’ll take a small punishment from me, I’ll—I MAY give you another chance.?
?A-anything? Benny said, his hopes arising. Was he going to be whipped? Benny could take it. Did she want him to perform on her orally?maybe trading fifty orgasms for her for one little one for him? Whatever she wanted?and he was dying to see her naked.
?I’m going to lock the chastity belt on you tonight, and tomorrow Spinny—Doctor Spinoza Stride, my urologist friend, is taking me to Dubai for a month. If you can survive that four weeks like a good boy, when you get back, we’ll go on another date—that’s all I can promise you.?
?A-a month?? Benny asked, his eyes widening. A month? Without any sex at all? No self-sex, no fooling around with Marly, the homely girl down the street? No playing grab-ass with his secretary? No dommes? Night after night of lying in his lonely bed, his penis bulging against the vicious cruel chastity device?him breaking down and going online, and getting all excited and getting to do NOTHING about it? One month.
Nora sat back and crossed her gorgeous long legs, and Benny watched her boobs go up and down as she breathed, watching him decide?reading his mind.
She casually reached out her fingers and toyed with Benny’s cock again, rubbing it faster and faster, he began breathing as she rubbed?he wondered if she was going to give him a gratis orgasm before he had to do his thirty days of hell?if he decided to do it.
Nora rubbed, Benny’s eyes closed, but then opened as she leaned over and he saw her beautiful, full breasts?one had a rose tattoed on it, he noticed as she bent over.
?Well, Benny, are you going to go back in the cage?? Nora asked as the massage continued?
If I say no she’ll stop right now, but if I say yes?what the hell. ?Yes! I will go back in the cage, for a month, or as long as you want, Nora!? Shit, that was a stupid promise.
Suddenly, just as Benny was about to spurt, Nora pulled her hand back and his dick just bounced up and down. Involuntarily, his right hand left his side, but Nora grabbed it quickly, and pulled Benny across her knee.
He heard her fumbling in her bag, and then she found something and showed it to Benny. ?This is a bedroom slipper. It’s really good for teaching self-control in the nursery.?
Benny never thought a bedroom slipper could hurt this much (he didn’t know that Nora lined it with lead, as if it were a blackjack) and he sobbed miserably, especially when the ?slipper? hit his testicles.
Finally, Nora stopped, and then she led Benny to the bathroom and pointed to the tub. Benny got in, and Nora turned on a freezing shower, and she scrubbed his cock and balls until they were clean, and Benny was even more excited.
She’d brought the belt in the bathroom with her, and after Benny was allowed out, Nora ordered him to stand by the sink. ?Go limp? she said. He couldn’t do it. Nora lifted up her heel, and removed her shoe and WHACKED Benny’s cock into the sink with the heel four times, and he was tiny (and bleeding).
Nora rubbed stinging iodine on Benny’s cock, and then re-locked it in the chastity device. ?By the time I return, you’ll be chaste about three months, ninety days, and you’ll finally have an attitude I can work with.?
Nora gave Benny a long kiss goodbye, right before she walked out the door, twitching her adorable little ass?
Benny Price stood disconsolately in his living room, naked except for the hated chastity device, and wondered what he was in for?besides another thirty days in crotch-prison!
Nora walked off and hailed a cab, thinking that Benny Price, possibly would be adequate husband material.
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FemdomThe day that her husband left for work again out of town, Ben was standing at the back door of Jenny’s house waiting anxiously. Jenny knew he was out there and made him wait. This new feeling of control, of dominating Ben was exhilarating, and she didn’t feel guilty because she was giving him sexual experiences he would not get with any girl in school. When she finally let him inside, he was beaming with pride.“I didn’t touch myself, Miss Jenny, but I sure wanted to. I ache something awful...
FemdomThe coffee cups and dishes on the table suddenly came alive as Jenny slammed her fist down on the table. “Dammit! It’s just not fair!”Her neighbor, Sylvia, sitting across from her was startled. “What’s the matter, Jenny?”“It’s not fair; David travels for work all week and when he comes home he’s always horny, which I guess is a good thing because it means he’s not cheating on me when he’s away. But we don’t make love anymore, he just climbs on top of me and he’s done in a flash and then goes to...
FemdomI came directly to this job those two evenings from my full time job at he hospital. I stayed until the clinic closed at 9 PM and had to stay until the doctor completed his charting before I could leave. Some days depending on how busy they were in the morning I did not get out until 11:30 or midnight. On the nights I worked the clinic job my husband did moonlighting working on clients computer systems until late at night. Some nights we would not see each other until we woke up together the...
You wonder how do you get yourself into these situations. Dressed in only black fishnet stockings, garter belt and stiletto heels, you lie on the bed on your back. The leather cuffs on each wrist are tight but not uncomfortable. Two feet of chain, wrapped over the bar of the headboard bind one to the other. Each ankle is cuffed separately to each bedpost. You smile, still breathing hard from the recent love making session where he ravaged you lustfully. You must have climaxed at least 3 times...
Introduction: Pretty RN wife is abused by her boss at work and made his sex slave It had been a long and expensive summer season with Ron and I buying a new boat and taking an extended vacation. By the time we returned home we were neck deep in debt and wanted to get everything paid and caught up before Christmas. I took a part time job working at a clinic that performed obstetric and gynecology services for young girls with financial need. The largest numbers of our patients were teenage girls...
The chilled Champagne tingled in her mouth and spread through her with an emboldening power as she relaxed in the warm bath. A wry smile emerged as she surveyed the room. Scented candles, flowers, and warm fluffy towels folded to perfection.He'd been an excellent study. She'd had to be strict with him in the beginning. Zero tolerance to any male ego, or any lapse in his concentration on serving her. She'd whipped and spanked him raw in order to get him to where he was, but goodness, it was...
TrueThe chilled Champagne tingled in her mouth and spread through her with an emboldening power as she relaxed in the warm bath. A wry smile emerged as she surveyed the room. Scented candles, flowers, and warm fluffy towels folded to perfection.He'd been an excellent study. She'd had to be strict with him in the beginning. Zero tolerance to any male ego, or any lapse in his concentration on serving her. She'd whipped and spanked him raw in order to get him to where he was, but goodness, it was...
TrueI'd like to share a story about how my husband completely blew my mind and how I returned the favor. Ok let me give you a little back story here. A few weeks ago I put on my sexiest lace thong and noticed it fit really loose so I tried my black pair. They nearly fell off of me. I thought that maybe I had lost some weight so I found a pair of normal panties and they fit just fine. Afterwards I went to put on a pair of my thigh-high stocking's and I noticed a long runner going down the right...
I'd like to share a story about how my husband completely blew my mind and how I returned the favor. Ok let me give you a little back story here. A few weeks ago I put on my sexiest lace thong and noticed it fit really loose so I tried my black pair. They nearly fell off of me. I thought that maybe I had lost some weight so I found a pair of normal panties and they fit just fine. Afterwards I went to put on a pair of my thigh-high stocking's and I noticed a long runner going down the right...
I was thankful when I was lead over to a wooden dining chair and told to sit. She joined the handcuffs behind me in a manner that was llse and comfortable. My legs were wobbly from having so much strain on them and from my cumming and to be honest; I really didn’t pay that much attention to what she was doing.When I looked up, she had brought another chair around directly in front of me . She unstrapped her harness and her dildo and stood before me naked to the waist. Her breasts were at...
This is the script for what I am looking for. There are many more ideas that may wind up as a sequel to this, but for now…. Let it be known that this is the start of a hookup I am looking forward to soon. Let me know if you think this sounds like a nice start to a weekend. And please let me know how you like this!I looked at the text on the phone. It was short and to the point. “I am top. You will be the sub. Safe word: Uncle.” My heart pounded as I slid the phone back into my pocket...
Well my partner had been out of town for a few days and the lady across the hall and i have grown almost like real girlfriends. We'll shop together holding hands, our rings still on i might add, smiling and laughing as we talk, have coffee and just snuggle up and watch tv. It's pretty nice since my partner prefers me to be home and do all the household things that she just flat hates to do. It's part of my submission to her to be her house bitch but that's another story :). As i type this...
On two different occasions in my life I was blessed to have with live a couple of beautiful women. In the first, Sylvia, my GF was a tall tan blond with really long legs, short blonde hair, a 36D chest and nice but "boyish" ass. Her Gf was from Paraguay. An inch shorter than me, but in heels, still taller. A China-Doll brunette named Maya. She had an oriental appearance with medium brown skin and green almond eyes. Her body was absolute perfection with 34C breasts, 22 inch waist and 35 inches...
You wonder how do you get yourself into these situations. Dressed in only black fishnet stockings, garter belt and stiletto heels, you lie on the bed on your back. The leather cuffs on each wrist are tight but not uncomfortable. Two feet of chain, wrapped over the bar of the headboard bind one to the other. Each ankle is cuffed separately to each bedpost. You smile, still breathing hard from the recent love making session where he ravaged you lustfully. You must have climaxed at least 3 times...
Fetish"Hey everyone!", I chimed. It was genuinely nice to see them. Nikunj with his premature potbelly and scruffy beard. Dev in his characteristically casual hoodie and flip-flops. And Saloni in a thin black dress and jeans. As always, she had made an effort to look nice - but not too fancy. Her wavy auburn hair - she coloured it regularly - was drawn to one shoulder, leaving the other side of her dark, smooth neck bare. Her lips were a dark purple and went nicely with her hair. My eyes dropped...
"Honestly, it's too tight. But I like it." "You love it, you dirty dog. Tonight I want to see those filthy panties in your mouth while I ride you." I closed the window. Saloni sometimes played it too fast and loose at the office. She had absolutely no regard for the risks involved. What if someone walked by and happened to see our email exchange? About how I was wearing her used panties to work today? That would be the end of our careers. Saloni - who, as usual, was sitting right in...
I awoke the next morning to the smell of bacon and freshly brewed coffee. Is Chris cooking? I looked over at the bedside clock, I had slept until just a little past noon. Slowly, as I begin to wake up in earnest, the previous evening’s activities flooded into my mind. The restraints, my dominatrix outfit, our extreme facesitting session, and Chris licking his semen from my pussy. Looking back, the events of the previous evening seemed almost surreal, and I struggled to make sense of...
“C’mon Chris, let’s go to the bedroom. And don’t forget to grab the bottle of wine and glasses.” I took Liz’s hand and we made our way into the house while carrying our bathrobes. It felt so avant-garde walking naked beside my best friend with my husband in tow. The whole situation seemed very surreal and I was struggling to make sense of it. Two months earlier, Chris and I agreed to change our marriage and he consented to give me total, and complete control. At times, that omnipotence was...
Each of the five big lucious female judges is sitting on the face of and smothering a male even while presiding over these cases. "Lets see our first case then" announced one, who's ass was pressing down heavily on a man underneath her - he was being crushed, suffocated and humilated to death all at the same time. A young woman aged 21 entered the courtroom, and a man in his 40s with a pair of worn girl's panties, probably hers and fresh, stuffed in his mouth. "The young woman is named Jenifer....
Adult HumorIf the notion of TS Dating gets you all hot and bothered, well, perhaps you’d better strip down and turn the AC up before we get into this following review. Then again, maybe it’s better if you stay dressed and ready to go out, but I guess it all depends on whether you’re shooting for an incall or outcall tonight. Do you want to bang a shemale in your own bed, or would you rather go somewhere else, so your wife doesn’t wonder how all the bedsheets got so completely caked up in santorum? Ah,...
Escort SitesThree things can happen in a marriage and two are bad. I’m experiencing one of the bad things. It’s called divorce. Hi! I’m Mike Dawson. I go by M.D. What am I doing now? I am now sitting in my girlfriend’s Sunday school class at a protestant mega-church. It’s a class for divorced singles. The speaker is telling them how men don’t understand their wives and moms, and there is one reason for the awful divorce rate — MEN! So where did this start? Last night, we made the night club circuit. We...
HumorMistress Angela had been recommended to me by an acquaintance who had served her several months ago. He told me she was a beautiful woman in her 30’s. She had long brown hair, dark brown eyes, and a slender body that bordered on athletic. Her client list was long and impressive, but she was extremely strict. My friend had become overly frustrated during a session and had turned aggressive. She whipped him like a dog and banned him from returning. Although I was hesitant, he had assured me...
There are many things that change how people live and nothing is really the essence of the dating and marriage. It is marriage brings balance in people's lives and make sure that you are ready to change how you live and life map. A dating site is one of the places you should check if you are looking for a system; a dating partner brings your way.It is very important to know that a changed little in life more and more effective so don't miss the big picture. Most important thing is that many men...
Hey to you all, what's up? :)First of's your Inner Game going? Have you had the chance to work a little bit on it? What was your way to start working on it: was it sports, hanging out with the right people, another one, or more of them combined? I wouldn't mind if you'd leave your comments about how's your Inner Game going and how are you working on it, because honestly, I'm curious about it and it would make me feel very...comfortable and happy to know that this Inner Game thing is...
Fortunately, not all of my friends were like Helen. Gemma was another girl that I hung out with. She was a cute blonde with a great personality. She was funny and always had a good comeback; while she wasn't in the best cliques, she was certainly well liked. Ken and Helen started going out, and after seeing them together for a while, it made me realize that I wanted to ask Gemma out. However, before I did, I decided to ask my mother about it. "Mom, how do I ask a girl out?" I asked...
Hello, my name is Jessica and would consider myself to be a successful woman. I am vice-president of an accounting firm, have my very own house, and just bought a new jaguar. All in all, I'd say I was doing all right for myself. However, the one thing that I am lacking is a man. I am a very independent woman and a slight feminist, but most women have that need to be held by a loving husband. However, my lack of a man is not because I'm not good looking. At 28 I'm no model, but I still...
Maid had served Ms. Treat for six months. Its training over that time had been rigorous and methodical. After the first meeting with Ms. Treat, maid learned how to address its Mistress properly, how to ask its Mistress questions in the proper form, then to never, ever look directly at Mistress unless so directed, and lastly it learned its positions of "inspection" and "punishment." After instilling the basics in maid, Mistress Treat then instructed maid in the fine art of maintaining...
January-February 1979 At lunch on Monday, people started getting their sheets and there was chaos as many people discovered that their boyfriend or girlfriend wasn’t on their list, and some rival of theirs was on their boyfriend’s or girlfriend’s list. I found it amusing. I saw Melanie laughing hard when she got her list. I walked over to her. “Steve, I love you. Thanks!” “You’re welcome.” “Did you run a real sheet for me?” I pulled it out of my pocket and said, “Your first match is a...
Roger stood at the head of the table with the carving knife and fork in his hand. He looked down the table and considered how truly thankful he was. His wife sat to his left, her sister to his right. She sat at the opposite head of the table. Some of their children sat at the table with them. Some of the younger children sat at a separate table, since they couldn’t all fit at one table. Yes, they were a large and happy family, but the journey here had not been easy. And The Plan had not...
Do you know that moments that often appear in the stories, movies or Disney cartoons? The good old ones I mean…:) When a girl has a flower in her hands…tears its petals one by one and does that” he loves me/he loves me not” thing, all the way, until the last petal? Have you ever seen a woman who seems like always being a dreamer…like she is physically there where she is, but her heart, mind and soul always seem like being in another place…with someone else?Do you know that women that are always...
She arrived at my building about ten minutes before our scheduled appointment and so I was a bit startled when I heard the intercom buzz. You see, I live in a secure building and you have to be "buzzed" to get in by one of the building occupants. I like this feature and it was one of the main reasons I lived here."Hello?" I replied into the intercom."Hello, I'm Pamela from the maid service," she said."Oh okay, come on up," I said and I buzzed the door to unlock it for her. I had called Dirty...
Office SexAuthor’s Note 2: Although this fantasy can be read independently, it was written as part of a series. For full enjoyment, please read “The Barbie Lez Fantasies: Week 1-93”. *** Have you ever had one of those fantasies? You know, the ones that feel so real you begin to wonder if you are actually imagining them. Well, I do… because I have them all the time! Sometimes, they turn into a story, but mostly they remain trapped inside my brain. That is, until now… I’m a workaholic. Most...