A Jump To Heaven's Gate free porn video

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Taylor was born and raised in Grayson, Kentucky, a rural, scenic little town with a population of about 4,000.

He’d had a fairly typical small-town American life, was handsome, outgoing and popular and played wide receiver on the football team in high school. He’d dreamed of playing in the NFL, being a superstar athlete, marrying a supermodel, or marrying his namesake, Taylor Swift, Taylor & Taylor ... Oh, he could see them, hand in hand, walking on a glistering beach, under a crimson sun, their names written in the sand ... Taylor & Taylor...

He’d marry Taylor Swift, and he’d be making millions, playing in the NFL, breaking all of Jerry Rice’s receiving records. He’d be on TV commercials. He’d be somebody. Somebody GREAT. That was his dream...

But that dream didn’t pan out, and his varsity teams stumbled to losing records, didn’t even qualify for the playoffs, and he wasn’t recruited by any colleges, and his grades weren’t high enough to earn him any scholarships.

Aside from football, it was largely parties and girls that occupied his time in high school, not too much else. Books had never been a priority.

However, he had developed an interest in science, and became infatuated with the field of neuroscience, obsessed with the idea of him becoming a world-renown neuroscientist, having taken a shine to the topic after watching a few Sam Harris YouTube videos.

After enrolling at Eastern Kentucky University and failing to make the team as a walk-on, he completed his bachelor’s in pre-med (with a minor in frat parties, binge-drinking). Upon receiving his diploma, though, he again didn’t have the grades for a scholarship to med school and went further into debt as he struggled through a neuroscience PhD program at his alma mater and worked part-time stocking shelves at Walmart.

His drinking, which had been a weekend, party thing through high school and college, became an everyday thing for him. He’d begun drinking his coffee splashed with Jameson Irish whiskey, shotgunning 3 or 4 Busch beers with lunch, and pounding 6 or 7 shots of Jack Daniels or Old Crow or Jim Beam bourbon alongside dinner.

Despite his heavy alcohol intake, he was functional, never getting too buzzed where he couldn’t show up to school or work, get his tasks done, though the quality of his PhD research, papers was erratic, and he’d regularly be involved in shouting matches, sometimes shoving and in minor physical altercations with coworkers at Walmart, but nothing severe enough to warrant termination.

After eking out his thesis, completing his PhD, his dissertation, his defense, which he considered to be a work of unapparelled genius, an ingenious work severely misunderstood and maligned by his advisors, Taylor packed his belongings into garbage bags, crammed all his stuff into the trunk and backseat of his blue Ford Focus, and drove from Richmond to Louisville to seek work and fulfil his dream of being a famous academic or a wealthy researcher or highly regarded scientist at a multinational corporation. But, to his chagrin, he had trouble finding ANY work in academics or research. At all.

He lacked work experience in the neuroscience field, yet he had just graduated, and many employers wanted a candidate with prior work experience.

This infuriated him. How was he supposed to have 2 or 3 years of work experience when he’d spent the last few years completing his studies? It was indeed quite the conundrum...

The job search left him with a sour taste, and soon he’d developed a disdain for his country, America.

His whole life his parents, teachers, the TV told him of the virtues of a college education and that once he had a diploma in his hand, then he’d have a great job, a house, wife, kids, picket fence, et cetera.

And he’d done that.

Yet here he was, with a fucking PhD, and still no one was giving him an opportunity. No one was giving him shit, and door after door slammed in his face, application after application was rejected, and no one seemed to recognize the brilliance of the online research he’d done and published on his blog and spoken of on his YouTube channel, which had nearly THREE HUNDRED subscribers...

Further and further he sank into credit card debt, trying to simply pay his rent, car, buy food, and his debt compounded, started piling high as a Himalayan mountain- this on top of the six figure sum he already owed in student loans.


It made him more and more bitter every day.

It wasn’t only the economics of America, it not being the meritocracy he thought. He also hated the atmosphere, the political correctness, the bickering, the Twitter battles, the liberals and conservatives whining at each other while people like him barely made end’s meat. It was gross. It was stupid. What had this great country become?

Fed up, Taylor began to look elsewhere, look eastward, far east, to China.

China was the next great superpower, he posited. It was inevitable, with its large population, 600 million strong middle class, its manufacturing base and high-tech society and bullet trains he’d seen on YouTube videos.

He marveled at China’s ever-expanding economy and ingenuity and admired how the government of China got things done. How the people there were so united, so together, had such purpose. China reminded him of America back in the 1950s, when the country really was great.

Taylor had read online of the abundance of work, business and financial opportunities in China and began to study Mandarin.

He started applying to jobs at companies and think tanks, thinking he’d be highly prized, considering his PhD, but all he could find was work teaching English, mostly at training centers and public schools, and many of those jobs consisted of singing songs, dancing and playing games with children, which wasn’t for him, someone of his abilities and education.

Initially he was disappointed, but his spirits lifted when he came across a job for a position at a university near Beijing.

The job was for a “university lecturer”, and while it consisted mostly of teaching conversational English classes, it did offer possibilities of “research” and grant money for projects. Taylor figured it could be a gateway to bigger and better things and sort of liked the idea of being a “college lecturer.” It sounded very distinguished. Surely, he’d be highly respected.

After a brief Skype interview, in which he was asked only a couple basic questions about himself, he was hired, sent a contract.

The work visa process for a “Z Visa” was a pain in the ass, cost him nearly $700 in assorted fees, but he thought of the old adage, “It takes money to make...” and he sucked it up, went further into debt, deeper down the hole after shelling out an additional $1000 for his plane ticket.

Finally, though, after 2 months, he had secured his visa and boarded a plane, for the first time ever, and sat squished into the middle seat, in coach, and flew from Louisville to Beijing, on four connecting flights, for a total of 6,853 miles and 28 hours, crossing clouds, mountains, oceans and timelines, on a preternatural journey to begin his new life...

Despite seeing videos, pictures online, Beijing was nothing like he could have imagined. It was colossal and awe-inspiring in a way that was almost like prestidigitation. He was overwhelmed, speechless as he groggily walked through and out of the sprawling, shiny new Beijing airport.

He then boarded a lemon-yellow cab, handed the cagey flattop driver a slip of paper with the school’s address and buckled up as they roared off into the brownish dusk, en route to his school.

Taylor whiplashed and shook with the vehicle as the driver tore through the city streets and highways like a bat out of hell. Panning his jetlagged gaze around in the backseat of the cab, he couldn’t believe how many people there were in Beijing, people in such massive clusters, swarming and teeming everywhere and anywhere, streets, roads, buses, buildings, everything peopled, jam-packed, huddled masses, bunched in, packed like sardines, fucking swimming, brimming, spilling oceans of humanity. There were probably more humans on one city block, bus or subway train than in the entirety of his hometown.

(These Chinese people must really be horny and fuck a lot, he pondered. How else could there be such masses of them... )

Beijing city went on for infinity and was eclectic, varying the spectrum from battered weather-worn gray blocks of Soviet style apartments that sat directly adjacent to ritzy high-rises, and towering glass office buildings, KFCs, shopping malls and supertall skyscrapers situated next to squarish traditional Chinese homes, Hutongs and pagodas and slanted roof Asian temples, the city a truly extensive mix, a striking contrast of old and new.

Taylor’s eyes lit up when he thought he spotted a UFO. But it was in fact a circular black drone that whirred by his taxi’s window and soared off and sliced into the gray haze of the chunky sky, and Taylor sat enthralled, his head cocked back, staring out at the cityscape full of flickering neon glows from endless rows of immense structures, the city’s dusky radiance like something from a sci-fi movie...

It was truly mesmerizing for him, a small-town kid, to arrive in such a dizzying, bustling metropolis ... I mean, he’d been to New York City once, but this was another thing altogether, a place this alien, busy, populated and massive...

For the first time in his life, he felt like he was on the verge of greatness. For the first time, he felt like somebody, and he thought of his classmates from high school, still in his hometown, still at the same DQ. Those nobodies still not doing shit. If only they could see him now! He was in fucking CHINA!

His university was on the city’s satellite outskirts, Beijing’s never-ending, expansive edge. The campus in what used to be a farming community that was becoming urbanized, developed. Along the roads were tiny lots growing vegetables and ramshackle tin houses and restaurants, small groceries, street side vendors and boxy crumbling concrete buildings.

On nearly every street were newly built mobile phone stores, at least one or two phone stores per block.

Red banners and Chinese flags hung from nearly all buildings, and there were giant billboards featuring Chairman Xi smiling and PLA soldiers saluting at nearly every intersection.

The most prevalent thing, though, in the area had to be the construction. Construction on a scale Taylor couldn’t have exactly imagined.

There were half empty, half torn down, half constructed, newly constructed and about to be constructed structures situated on each street. There were newly built, mostly empty houses, office buildings, office parks, schools, stores, and some of the stores had fake “Starbucks” signs plastered on their fronts and mannequins standing inside the vacant buildings.

Constant cavalcades of mud-caked construction vehicles, semitrucks rumbled around every road, their tailpipes belching big black clouds of fumes that floated and dissolved upwards. The trucks drove furiously, honking their horns at one another, with purpose.

The trucks’ cargo rattled like storms and the trucks’ clangor bled into and mixed with the ubiquitous construction sites’ drilling, the clanking of heavy machinery, and the two harmonized, sounded a mechanical din.

The half torn up buildings and rubble all around first reminded Taylor of a tornado hit town, but the gray skies and ocher dust and local people in ratty clothes and facemasks sort of gave the place a Mad Max vibe...

The university was nice, though. Like a little oasis amid the bipolar fracas of construction and decay.

The campus was green, with many willow and poplar trees, lush foliage, violet and pink flowers dotted about its sprawling grounds.

The buildings appeared sleek and modern, Taylor thought, at first, while being given a tour of the campus by the middle-aged gruff admin lady who’d received him upon his arrival to campus, the lady’s lips not moving much as she spoke and her conservative, long gray pleated dress and her bowl-haircut, her bottle size eyeglasses reminding him of a Mormon, or a cult member...

Peering, looking closer into the buildings, though, as they walked briskly, Taylor discovered that many were empty or half-built inside ... The school was only 10 years old and still developing, he figured, like the surrounding area, like anything, really; it was a work in progress...

At least his apartment, on the far edge of the campus, was, well, suitable. It was a basic but clean, spacious 2 bedroom on an upper floor of an 18 storey building.

But it had a few issues...

It as well looked a lot more posh on the outside than it was inside, its outside like a tall red-brick building, maybe a hotel or condo; but its inside had wires hanging from the ceilings in the hallways, and the hallways weren’t lit at night, one needed to use a flashlight to navigate the corridors, and the elevator kinda freaked him out because it still had peeling plastic wrappings on its inside walls and was plastered with ad stickers and graffiti scrawled about and phone numbers written randomly about the elevator car’s silver metal walls.

The elevator also had a persistent odor of secondhand smoke as security guards from the building, as well as Chinese university teachers, would smoke cigarettes in the elevators, and hallways, too. There were often cigarette butts strewn, stubbed out on the elevator floor.

(Fire hazards had always freaked him out, and the fire hoses in the hallways didn’t appear functional, and where a fire extinguisher was supposed to be encased, in a glass box, next to the elevators, there sat only a 1-liter plastic bottle filled with water ... It unnerved Taylor, but the building was built of concrete and likely less flammable, or so he hoped... )

The building’s construction was sorta scary too. Although the apartment building was newly built, there were several cracks, fissures running up the walls in Taylor’s apartment, which he hoped were only superficial, those cracks.

The furniture, especially the bed, was hard and uncomfortable. Buying several additional pillows, cushions, and a bed mat, helped.

The road next to the apartment complex was a two lane highway, and it was a bit annoying, with semitrucks and construction vehicles barreling down it, at all hours, and the trucks would constantly pop jake brakes and blare, honk, and beep high decibel horns at one another and at every other vehicle nearby.

Earphones, earplugs, and a white noise app helped with the beeping from the trucks, but the sounds were so high-pitched, they could still be heard slightly...

What’s more, Taylor had several bouts of diarrhea upon moving to China, nearly once or twice a week, having loose sloppy shits or other stomach issues, and he quickly developed breathing problems, too, chronic coughs likely attributable to air pollution in the area, the air leaving layers of brownish dust that coated everything in his apartment, especially out on his balcony, the dust stubbornly present and persistent, no matter how much or how often he cleaned.

Still, despite the flaws, his life in China was an improvement, a big step up from Walmart and the shithole apartments he’d lived in, with their paper-thin walls and bowing ceilings that squeaked and squealed like a pig being slaughtered. Even the slight rattle and squeal of the honking trucks was better than hearing that neighbor lady’s baby’s shrieking and crying or the young couple who were always screaming and cursing at each other, and for sure better than hearing and smelling his last roommate’s farts.

And it was WAY better, too, than the double-wide he’d grown up in.

For the first time in his life he was able to live alone, with no family or roommates. He finally had a bathroom all to himself.

Best of all, the apartment, utilities were free, so he couldn’t complain, and he enjoyed that he was the only foreign teacher at his school, the attention it gave him, how tall it made him feel, and he loved his light, 10 hour per week schedule teaching classes of docile Chinese students, most of whom just slept or played on phones while he stood at his podium, reading from the class textbook or from a university provided PowerPoint.

Upon reaching China, Taylor was so elated, so high on the country, he barely drank, cutting back to a beer or two, maybe, at night, sometimes not drinking anything for the first time since high school. Of course, it did help, too, that the local beer tasted like piss and the national hard liquor, baijiu, tasted like foot fungus sieved through a stinky sock.

Taylor found himself enjoying his semi-sobriety, was sleeping far better at night and had gone down a couple pant sizes.

Life was good. He was in China! He was out in the world. He was a man of the world. An international traveler. A somebody. He was finally on his way to doing something, something great!

One of the best parts of his job was living on campus and not having to drive or own a car. Not needing a car was a blessing. He was saving tons of cash not having to pay for gas, insurance, maintenance, and all the other shit car owners get raped for, and he finally was earning enough money to pay off a portion of his student debt.

Thanks to his light teaching hours, he had enough time to study Mandarin, and was at it, diligently, swiftly becoming much more conversant, discovering he had a flair for the language, its syntax, characters and tones coming naturally to him. Perhaps he’d been Marco Polo in a previous life...

With his rapid rate of improvement, his linguistic skills were soon up to snuff, and he’d decided to venture out, see the local sights. But, after the lengthy trip via bullet train and several subway stops, Taylor’d been dismayed to discover that Sanlitun, and most of the expat bars, foreign restaurants in Beijing had either been shut down or had gone out of business.

“Where were all the expats, the parties?” he pondered. The few expats he did encounter on the streets looked paranoid, with eyes of shit, or they looked dead, more like zombies than humans, walking hollow with thousand-yard stares...

Beijing turned out to be far more boring as a city than he expected, no parties or much going on. There were police everywhere, many in riot gear, and he’d been stopped twice by the police, randomly at subway stations, to have his passport checked, questioned like a criminal on his comings and goings.

He left disappointed. He decided to stick more around his local area and be more adventurous, have a “real China” experience. Fuck those walking dead expats and fascist cops in Beijing. He’d learn more Chinese, anyway, talking to Chinese people.

Inspired after seeing a video on YouTube by a South African guy called Winston, who’d explored China via motorcycle, Taylor decided to do a bit of the same and bought a secondhand motorcycle from a Chinese coworker, a short guy with a weirdly sloped forehead, and Taylor excitedly strapped on a Nazi SS style helmet he’d gotten along with the bike and revved up the engine and set out to explore the local village near the school, riding off feeling like he was Indiana Jones.

To Taylor’s surprise, even in the village, there were security cameras everywhere, several, atop poles, on every block, cameras attached to buildings, cameras hanging from bridges. He wondered what could be happening here in the outskirts to warrant such surveillance...

Also, to his surprise, he discovered the local townspeople weren’t very welcoming of foreigners. Whereas his students or the city dwellers were either friendly, polite, or at worst apathetic, those in the village, stared and pointed at him like he was a zoo animal, and many gave him dirty looks, were passively aggressive, and one toothless old man in raggedy blue slacks and blazer spit at him, shook his fist and yelled something about “Panmunjom!”

After hearing the old man curse at him, and understanding a few things the locals had said about his personal appearance (him being fat, having a big nose) he started to regret learning Chinese...

He tried not to let it upset him, thinking it must be similar to America, how in hicktowns, parts of hillbilly Kentucky, people were ugly and racist but in big cities like Louisville, or metropolises like New York City, LA people were more educated and way cooler, generally. It’s probably like that anywhere, China included, he thought.

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I knew I wasn't finished for the day, even after the long day I'd had. Since Kitty and Chalise had cleared the rest for takeoff, they'd all be sure to be climbing into the cockpit, as it were. I knew that Cate was still discussing the events of the day on the phone with Kitty and Chalise, as she often did, so I was waiting before going to bed until she was available. I figured I'd have to dedicate tonight to either her or Shani, although I was pretty sure I'd be spending it with Cate. As...

2 years ago
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Welcome To Kirkgate

I reached the bus stop just in time and boarded the empty vehicle, panting for breath. The driver looked at me in exasperation as I fumbled for my wallet and dropped change all over the floor. I wouldn’t have said I was drunk but the couple of beers I had had were certainly taking their toll. Just about regaining my composure, I apologised to the unimpressed, middle-aged man behind the wheel and paid my fare before retreating to near the back of the bus, well out of sight.  Given the size and...

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Demon Surrogates

It’s a clear spring night outside the bedroom of Mr. and Mrs. Wallace’s windows. The warm spring air has just come in for the season, pushing out the frigid air brought about by winter. With their apartment almost ten stories above the city below, the bedroom window is wide open letting the nice air in. Mrs. Wallace is lying on their bed, lost in a deep sleep. Her blonde hair covers her pillow, while the covers are down enough to show the outline of the nipples, sitting on B-Cup breasts under...

3 years ago
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Welcome To Kirkgate

I reached the bus stop just in time and boarded the empty vehicle, panting for breath. The driver looked at me in exasperation as I fumbled for my wallet and dropped change all over the floor. I wouldn't have said I was drunk but the couple of beers I had had were certainly taking their toll. Just about regaining my composure, I apologised to the unimpressed, middle-aged man behind the wheel and paid my fare before retreating to near the back of the bus, well out of sight.  Given the size and...

1 year ago
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DREAMGATEWAYS By Geneva A man has a complex dream with women characters that gradually assumes reality. Note. All of my previous stories have used a little ancient magical book that has wonderful effects. This is an attempt to try something different. There is magic here, but absolutely no books figure in it! START Walking home this evening through the crowded market I watched the wonderful variety of people going about their lives, but I noticed the women especially,...

2 years ago
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The Surrogates

He wandered around the reception Hall of the conference, nodding recognition to people he met last year. He remembered who they were, though often not their names. If he remembered them, they might also remember him. That was the trouble. He was looking for a very special woman. He didn't know whom, but he would be certain when he found her. He didn't want people who knew him see him picking that special girl. That could lead to complications. He had an acute sense of smell, trained perhaps...

3 years ago
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Vixen Relegates

Taylor Wilkins sighed with pleasure as he released again into Vixen's pulsing pussy and squeezed hard on her left breast as he did so, his right hand rubbing at her belly. "Damn it, girl," he gasped as his balls emptied, "don't you ever get tired?" She was still humping and gasping, undulating in his grasp, her vulva aflame. "Um," groaned Vixen as she wiggled her shapely ass back into the man's hairy groin. "More, more." "You listening," Wilkins asked as he rolled to his back,...

1 year ago
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Erica Olafson Journeys of the Tigershark Vol 9Chapter 22 Meeze investigates

He had been here once before, time of other realms had no meaning here. The ground he stood on, was a polished hard surface of highly reflective properties and stretched into every direction and into infinity. The universe with all its clusters and superstrings reflected in it from the infinite sky above this surface. This was the Plane of Eternity, a place beyond the Omniverse itself. Lumis remembered when he was brought here the first time. Then, he did not listen to the name of Lumis....

1 year ago
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All hail Celeb Gate! I remember the first time I visited celeb.gate.cc, their design and overall presentation was pure shit, which made me quite sad, since who does not want to see some hot naked pictures of celebrities? Well, today, their design has completely changed, for the better, and while I think that they could have made a darker layout instead of pure white, I can’t complain since their content is fucking hot.When it comes to the content CelebGate has to offer, it really does not...

The Fappening
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I walked to the ledge and looked over. I was tired, tired of trying, tired of keeping a peace that would never hold. Tired of being in the middle or of being forgotten. They didn’t understand all that they were truly doing to me. He didn’t understand all that he had done. I was tired of fighting this forever losing battle. So I was going to do what I had thought of often. But even though I thought of it often, I never really thought I would do it. But things change. I’m ready now. People say...

1 year ago
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The surrogate

It was driving Julie Morgan crazy! She couldn't seem to have an orgasm without first imagining herself being viciously raped by an unknown attacker. She had read all the books on female arousal, and even though they all repeated the mantra that just because you fantasize about something, doesn't mean that you really want to go through with the said fantasy! This was all well and good in theory, but for Julie it was becoming almost an obsession! When she first started having sex at eighteen, her...

2 years ago
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Sex Surrogate

Ch1 Splashing water over my face and staring into a large bathroom mirror, tired from the long evening I had last night where I had a conference of over one hundred guest in which I talked to them about my job. No I wasn't a call girl, I've never stripped, I've never worked in a brothel, and I don't do advertisements. I'm basically a psychologist who helps out men, women, and also couples with disabilities to perform during sex. As a sex surrogate most of the time I teach intimate...

3 years ago
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The interracial Sexual Surrogate

Introduction: It is about a poor childless young black couple that desperately wants a child and the wife is unable to conceive. My wife is so good at having children, and we already have six! She has offered herself through a local service then finds out that the couple in need is black! The Sexual Surrogate There is just something that is so sinfully erotic about pregnant white women whos lovers, are black that is so appealing! To see pictures of an attractive naked white women knocked up...

4 years ago
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Sex orgy with foreign delegates

Hi guys and gals thank for all your appreciation and mails which forced me to write anther experience of mine which I made it happen with my boss for all those who have not read my previous story this is who I am. My name is Priya Agrawal. I am a 23-year-old single woman working in a multinational software company in Mumbai. I originally belong to Punjab but I am in Mumbai for last 5 years. Talking about looks I ‘m an extremely attractive young woman with 170 cms height and milky fair...

3 years ago
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Jump Start

Jump StartBy AleeEveryone who practices BDSM got their start somewhere. Somehow. Maybe it was you or your lover trying to spice up your bedroom play by acting out a scene from a mainstream TV show. Or perhaps you were seduced into the lifestyle by a more experienced man or woman. My start? I guess you could call it a ‘Jump Start’. I imagine it’s a little different from most folks, I think. It’s such a vivid memory that I think about it often when I’m by myself, hooded and chained in my...

1 year ago
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The interracial Sexual Surrogate

There is just something that is so sinfully erotic about pregnant white women who's lovers, are black that is so appealing! To see pictures of an attractive naked white women knocked up with child,.. in the arms romantically of black men can be a most stimulating sinful experience! There are even white women that fantasize about having black seed pumped into their ripe and ready wombs and becoming pregnant by them! This story is set in the 70s and is about a poor childless young black...

3 years ago
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The Oblivion Gates

‘Thank you for finding J’skar for me’ Jeanne said ‘don’t forget about me when you reach the University, maybe we could help each other out some time…’ Her voice trailed off, offering me something I was sorely tempted to take. She was 5ft 4 with a lovely face, deep brown eyes and glorious red hair cascading down her back. She also had just right tits, not to big and not to small. Plus I was a horny Wood Elf who hadn’t been laid since I’d left my homeland. ‘Now that you mention it’...

2 years ago
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The Pact A Master PC TaleChapter 37 Behind The Gates

The winding driveway that led up to the roundabout afforded Althea a chance to see a good deal of the grounds. The first thing she noticed once inside the gates was a guard shack large enough for two men and their weapons. She hoped she didn’t shudder too obviously. She also noticed a huge atrium between the house and the pristine blue lake. It contained, obvious to her, a championship sized swimming pool and a separate out-building looked to hold a steaming hot tub. There was a massive...

4 years ago
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Heavens Gate

It is that cold time of the year for us in the State of Georgia, February being its damp, dreary self. I’m always glad to see the back of this month and I look forward to the warmth of Spring when I can wear less clothes and let the sun touch my cheeks with its rays, making my pale winter skin glow with health once again. I’ve been between lovers these past few months, since last July to be exact. No guy seemed to fit the bill for me, perhaps I’m too finicky…who knows. And to be quite honest,...

1 year ago
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Fresh out the gate

God I luv men:)As I mentioned in a very detailed way in my last story, I had my first gay experience with who I thought was the man of my dreams. We tried dating but it was more physical than anything. Anyways I was man hating and was back to being straight for a while. At this point in time I was fresh out of college and working. I worked for a Guy that did construction and landscaping. He liked me a lot so he gave me a job at good pay. Everyday it was the same routine and I needed a break....

2 years ago
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Earths CoreChapter 23 Enemies At The Gate

“Err ... excuse me, sir, Kartion Ram”, Molian meekly interrupted, adding the honorific title common in Kingdom Earth. “Joining the transport outside of New Earth would be impossible. Our group can only lead as far as the other side of the pathway to the surface of the earth, since a return trip isn’t guaranteed”. “Are you saying that I’ll never get to see again my young Martial sister?” Hagen flapped her wings in a huff. “I- I don’t know”. Molian hurried to say. “All I’m aware of is that...

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A Night in Gateway

Over 50 years later, the 900 year old demon lord meets an attractive half elf, Chalise, in search of a cure for those falling ill to evil. Shion finds that he can imbue her with his demonic essence, which will in turn, give her the skills she needs to cure the innocent. They began to travel together and before long, fell closer than thought possible. ******************************************** Chalise stormed into the room, for once, not angry with the events of the day. “Shion!” She...

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Introduction: Poor Milly abducted to become a surrogate. Not even her own eggs are used and no idea the father. Her Fate … well, best you read oops .. forgot Id published before. Anyway, for those that missed my little epistle … [b][Milly inseminated Ah Mr and Mrs Jameson. Im Drss. Dragonmage, but my friends call me Misty. Hi Im Don and this is my good wife Melinda. The handshakes were firm and purposeful. Please take a seat, while I explain the procedure to you. She waved towards two...

4 years ago
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My Fiance a Sex Surrogate

My fiancé, Randy, had been a sex surrogate to his stepmother for his father who was away on work most of the time. He wanted to continue his sexual relationship with her after we married. He contended that their physical relationship was central to both his and his stepmother’s identities. This made me pause in accepting his marriage proposal but I did. This story is about our meeting to sort this out. Our solution may help others if they find themselves in a similar predicament. I, Kimberly,...

2 years ago
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The Surrogate

The Surrogate The feminine sultry voice on the other end of the phone was familiar but for the life of me I couldn't place it. It was quite obvious to other party that I was having difficulty and I could sense her enjoyment in the situation. The conversation, if that is what you would call it, had lasted a little more than 5 minutes when she finally ended my torment. "Since you obviously have no idea who this is and you're still too proud to ask, I'll go ahead and get right to the...

4 years ago
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The Gateway

The Gateway By Valragon Chapter 1 "I am the Alpha and the Omega. The first and the last. The beginning and the end. Seek and you shall find. Believe and you will know. Here I am. Can you hear me my child?" her voice echoed deep within my thoughts. "I hear you!" "I am you and you are me. You were lost but you found the way. You are home now. Reach out and be reborn. Together we are one. I am here. Can you feel me my child?" she called to me in my dream. "I feel you!"...

2 years ago
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My Fiancee was a Sex Surrogate

I will share this unusual story which may help other men and women who find themselves in similar predicaments Our solution may help them. work through this. I, Kimberly, will tell the story from my fiance's, Randy, perspective since it begins before I entered the picture. A year after Margie married Randy’s father. Randy is speaking. My father died tragically six months ago in a car crash in the country of Qatar. I did not deal well with it the first three months but did...

1 year ago
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Sexual Surrogate

From my point of view, nothing had changed.I mean, even if I am a smart-ass, I've always been a nice guy.  So when I left work one night, and Angie from the Parts Department had a flat tire, I didn't think twice about offering to help.  No, she isn't some hot, young woman that I was trying to impress.  She and I are both in our late forties.  Sure, it was cold out, and the snow was going to make it tricky to place her jack, but I wasn't going to leave her to do it herself.Besides, I knew there...

Office Sex
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The surrogate

Milly inseminated "Ah Mr and Mrs Jameson. I'm Drss. Dragonmage, but my friends call me Misty." "Hi I'm Don and this is my good wife Melinda." The handshakes were firm and purposeful. "Please take a seat, while I explain the procedure to you." She waved towards two chairs across her desk. "Would you like a coffee before we start?" "I'm too excited for coffee I'm afraid." Melinda giggled. Drss.Dragonmage smiled. "That's perfectly natural, after all it is your first time. Now as you already know...

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Glassy streets shimmer in the aftermath of a recent spate. Lifeless tarmac shining like ribbons of obsidian under a here-and-there smattering of yellow-lighted street lamps. If the cold rain hadn’t already emptied them, the late hour would have.A dark figure, hunched for warmth, skits along with a determined stride, furtively ducking through a black door marked with four white exes. A puff of misty breath swirls in his wake.Once inside the brightly lit lobby, he blows heat into his hands then...

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The Neighborhood MILF Cori Gates

I’ve been trying to work out a little more lately, because ever since I turned 50 my body is starting to show it’s age a bit. Whether it’s sagging boobs or a little extra flab on my thighs, it’s obvious I’m not twenty years old anymore. I’ve been going to the fitness center pretty early about three days a week. Showing up at 4am, I seem to have the place all to myself. At least I did until recently when Cori, the manager also started her workout routine that early as well.Cori was a couple...

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Ashwini Subjugated

Im a married guy travelling in a crowded bus… A middle aged woman, a stranger, is standing in front of me…She is a luscious woman wearing a sari… Her blouse is drenched in sweat and shes perspiring profusely in the heat…Im standing Very close behind her… My stomach is pressing against her back which is bare since shes wearing a low cut blouse…My cock is pressed against her ass… I try to control my erection, but in vain…She apparently senses my hard-on but doesnt make a move… Besides, thrs no...

2 years ago
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Jump through

“James strongarm, wake up!” A cute young woman stood over the sleeping boy. Saliva driped onto the paper beneath his head. He hummed in tired relief as his eyes slowly curled open. James looked roundround at his classmates that sat there bored and working as his teacher invaded his perimeter. “As James was awake and obviously listening he can answer the questions posed earlier!” She announced to the class prompting him to stand. “What is embalming?” James fidgeted and squirmed on the spot as...

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JumpStarting Time

The moment that Dr Joe Philby had been working towards for decades has finally arrived. He can hardly believe it. All the other scientists said it couldn't be done, but with the team's genius, a slice of good fortune and the application of a little serious effort, Joe is finally ready to take humankind to a whole new step. The time machine is ready. "Good luck, Joe," Bennett says to him as Joe places his safety goggles over his eyes. "Thanks, Benn," he replies to his old friend and colleague,...

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Jumping Through HoopsChapter 4

Lucy was going to have to avoid Karen or go crazy. But how was that going to be possible when the teenage blackmailer was now living in Lucy's home and had free run of the house? Lucy felt like she was losing grip on her sanity. She was faced with so many situations that couldn't have been imagined in her worst nightmares. Now they were destined to be commonplace until she was rid of that girl. It was hard to believe that less than 24 hours had passed since she first set eyes on Karen. As...

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We could still hear the moans, and the panting on the porn, but neither of us were paying any attention. I was so hot because I had made Jo come over and over. She was glowing, her eyes were bright and oh so blue. She was enjoying the aftershocks that our little vibrating friend was so eager to let her have. I could tell she was aching for my pussy and I was aching to let her have it. She grabs me around my waist and pulls me on top of her, pauses for a few soft wet kisses, and then guides me...

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