The Palpable ProsecutorChapter 22
- 4 years ago
- 24
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A small body was lying on top of me and giving me kisses. The little woman was grinning from ear to ear as she gently woke me. Izzy said, "You didn't even notice last night." She took my hand with that said, and passed it over her nude rounded bottom. "I'm totally open for you. Just spread me out and take me. You know we're going to do it, so why not now?"
I flipped her over, picked her up, placed her across my knees, and smoothed her cute bottom. I gave it a good whack, let her squeal, and did it again. The second slap brought a different kind of response, almost a moan, and the third good whack had her shuddering. I think the midget came.
I pulled her up to sit on my lap and kissed her. "Patience, Little One; you know that I consider doing that stuff special and that it should be between two people who are planning to be together forever."
Between kisses to my lips, the little imp said to me, "Don't we both need to practice?" [kiss] "Shouldn't we figure out how to do it?" [kiss] "Doesn't it hurt men if they don't get to be with a woman?" [kiss]
"You're tempting, Izzy, but I still want us to wait. I somehow just know that there is someone who we should wait for. Let's give it a little more time and see what happens."
Isabel got up and stood in front of me, raising her short nightshirt so that I could see her hairy center. "I really do want it now, and feel I'm missing something every day. I'll wait, but not for much longer."
I went to the kitchen and found Juanita, Connie, and Dora sitting at the counter. I poured a cup a coffee and sat at the counter with the ladies. Connie said, "Dora told us how you saved the people in the restaurant. You know that you're not in the Marines any longer, and you don't have any big guns either. You had to take a gun from a man trying to kill you to disable the other two men. Were the people you saved worth it? Do you even know who they were after?"
I sighed before saying, "We think so, but we don't know for sure since there is no one left."
Juanita said, "Dora says that Missy was there last night. You know she helped your dad get his business started. I know he paid her back every penny with interest, but she was one of the reasons your parents were so successful. She always loved you two kids and always called you 'brats'. I think she took you to the beach and pools more than your folks. I hope we've given back to her."
I smiled at the thought of Aunt Missy and said to Dora, "Make sure you show her how happy she makes us for still being around for us to love."
Dora said, "I'll tell her exactly that. She'll get the idea."
I asked my sister, "Why does Missy have to have such heavy bodyguards? Did she do something to piss someone off?"
Connie and Dora looked at each other, and then Connie said, "Missy had a man who she really enjoyed for a while, and then he began trying to use her group of escorts to distribute drugs. You can imagine how that went and the guy then turned up in the surf. His cartel thinks it was Missy who had the man done away with, but she insists it wasn't her people."
Dora said, "Those men could have been there for Missy, but probably were there for the Bojoir scumbags. Those private dining rooms come in handy very often. The third one is smack in the middle, but holds about half of what the other two hold. Use them as you see fit if you're there. We shift waitresses around as soon as we open a private room, so we're usually okay."
Connie said, "The best part is that no one from your staff or customers was hurt. I know you're glad Chuck was around, but you know he doesn't fit in over there."
Dora said, "I know, but I want him even if the girls don't. I think Gabby wants him, but Beth has a real hardon over the whole situation. Her sister needs to go out and earn the money if she wants to be a partner. We'll even use her in our rotation, but I'm not willing to give away a half a million for no reason. I'm sure Chuck would put up a half million if he wanted in, because I know he has it."
Dora swiveled her chair around to me, and asked, "Want to buy another place together? I still have about five mil from our trusts, so I know that you have nearly twice that. Want to go into business together? I know how to do it, and I'd bet half the employees where we are now would come with me. What do you think, want to try?"
"I'm not interested in hurting your friends and business partners. I'm probably not cut out for the entertainment world. I'll find my place, and I'm sure it will work out for me. There are all kinds of businesses to be in."
I stood and said, "I'm going to the gym and dojo, Ladies. Come with me if either of you want to come work out and pratice some martial arts."
You could see their reluctance to the point that Dora held her hands up with her fingers crossed. I put my workout clothes on, gathered my keys and ID, and used my phone to call Sandra. I told her, "I'm going to the gym right now and then the dojo if it isn't too late for you."
The woman was ready and said she would meet me at the gym.
We were both stretching behind the treadmills before we got on them a few minutes later. I was telling Sandra how I enjoyed running outside more than on the treadmills. She said we should plan on running together on weekends.
I was surprised that Sandra had her own weight routine that was similar to mine, although mine was heavier with more reps. She began doing my after workout stretching with me when I was finished. Sandra said, "You were obviously watching and trained by professionals. You'll have to tell me about that."
We moved from the gym to the dojo. I took Sandra to a back part of the big work room since it was later in the day, and told her, "Follow my moves, and I'll show you how to position yourself to get each form's maximum benefit. It's very relaxing and will give you greater flexibility."
We had just begun when Master Choi brought two young men to me and asked if they could also follow. I began again and slowly went through each form, making sure each person gave their bodies the maximum stretch. We did this for almost an hour before we all stood facing each other and bowed. I told the three following me, "I'll try to get some gentle music for you to listen to. Each of you should develop your own music so that you can go through your forms with ease. Some who see you will call it dancing, but this can be the most lethal dance in the universe. You're teaching your body to go through these movements and to strengthen those necessary muscles."
Choi took me aside when we finished, and said, "Think about coming in daily to teach for a few hours. I'll pay well and also enjoy working with you. You have many moves that are difficult to defend against. You and I will work on those."
"I'll call you and at least talk to you about your offer, Choi."
Sandra said, "I know we're sweaty but how about taking a girl to breakfast?" when we went out to her car.
I smiled and said, "There's a Waffle House right up the street. Is that good?"
She said, "Perfect," and got into her car. My Impala was nearby, so we both drove to the Waffle House and walked in together with our seat towels still being used to dry us. We had some juice and coffee, and ordered. I wanted their heavy breakfast of biscuits, sausage gravy, eggs, and some extra biscuits on the side, along with a glass of milk.
Sandra was grinning at me as she said, "I don't think I can eat all that, but then you're bigger than me. So tell me about your training regime."
I glossed over how the injury had occurred and explained how I had been out of it from June through October. That's how my body had dwindled and my core had shrunk. I had been eating heavy and working out daily since then. My goal was to get my body back into the condition it was in before the incident.
Sandra was sipping her coffee, when she asked, "Tell me about this incident."
I really didn't want to talk about the whole thing again, but then Sandra seemed genuinely interested.
I began at the beginning and detailed everything I remember up until the blank in the hospital. Sandra just listened. When I finished she said, "So you were in on the big three quarters of a billion heist from the gangsters of that area. You say that you didn't get any of the goods, but you sure took some abuse over it. Is there anything else?"
This babe is very knowing and feels things the same way I do. I told her how I had been duped into assisting in helping to recover thirty-five million that two different factions wanted. I told her the version about how I saw this was a setup, abandoned the whole thing, and took a train home.
Sandra smiled, "That's a very good story, but you need to work on some parts of it. By just watching you, I know that you figured out how to save the money from the other factions and sat back watching them do each other in. Your sixth, or what you call your seventh, sense saved your butt, so you figured out a way to get the cash and get it out of there. I'm sure that I'm close to the truth, and don't expect you to ever tell me, but I love the intrigue. There's too much money to deposit and too much to enjoy, so you have to figure on small amounts to move around for many years. I'm sure there are agencies watching your accounts so you have to use those too in order to lessen suspicions. You're my kind of guy, Chuck. I have some of that money too, but not ten cases worth."
Wow, that money is all over the place.
We had a great breakfast together. Sandy said, "I want you to think about something. I'm going to need some very personal bodyguards and some mental help to handle some of Dad's business. You have it in you, Chuck, but you may not want to deal with this level of people. You won't disappoint me, although I'll regret it. Think about it and let me know while we work out every day, Chuck. I know that you see my bodyguards, and I see a couple of very inept Agents trying to follow you. We'll have company whenever you and I are together. Dad asked if I wanted to put you under surveillance, but I told him you were already being watched. He likes you a lot, Chuck, and wants us to be more than just workout buddies. Let's work on it."
I watched her get in her BMW and leave, along with two cars that were watching her. I had another cup of coffee, peed, and left to drive home. The car following me was so obvious that it hurt. I saw another car watching from a further distance, however. That would bear watching.
I took a short nap after lunch that afternoon, and then had a snack before I put my old gi on before going to the dojo. Master Choi was finishing some youth lessons, as were a couple of his trainers.
Choi asked, "Are you ready to begin teaching?"
"Let me try to see if it's as rewarding as you are trying to tell me it is. This is doing something useful, and I do need to be useful."
Choi said, "Okay, I see you're wearing a teacher's white belt, which is perfect. How about conducting a continuous Tai Chi class between now, and say nine this evening?"
"I need music, Choi. Tai Chi needs to be learned with the gentle sounds that warriors heard many years ago."
Choi said, "I have many CDs, but no good player. Go get one and I'll reimburse you. Hurry, though, as there are many students who could use forms to learn their discipline."
I hustled to Walmart and found the perfect boom box that had some built-in speakers and two detachable speakers. I bought that, along with a twenty-five foot electrical extension cord. I quickly listened to the various CDs Choi had, and found a couple that were acceptable.
I set the box up with the CDs, and began to form to the music. It was like drawing bees to honey. People began coming to join me, watching my movements, and then doing them with me as I slowly did each form over and over until I sensed the group following were ready for the next one. I began doing my own forms that heightened certain parts of my body. It was neat to have people join in, although some had other things to do and dropped out.
There were classes for various disciplines throughout the dojo meanwhile, until the only group still enjoying the movements were with me. Choi and the instructors joined in the last few forms as we listened to the gentle strings.
I spoke to those still there. "Tai Chi has many uses, but it is mostly to relax the body and mind so that you can make good decisions in life. It's something that you can do as a group just as we have, or you can do by yourself in your own yard. Go outside and do your forms when it's raining some morning, and let it cleanse you as nothing ever has. Find your own music and you'll learn even more. I'll have more music next time. This has helped me as much as it has helped you."
I watched as the students left along with the instructors. I wound up the speaker cords and stored all the equipment in a locker. Choi thanked me and told me to fill out a W-4 for taxes, but I said. "I have many things to work through right now. I need this as much as your students. I'll be back tomorrow and maybe you can entice more to spend a little extra to learn how to control their bodies. I'm doing this for me as well."
I stopped by Steak and Shake for a fat hamburger and a large shake on the way home. I think I could have eaten a couple of burgers, but what I really wanted was a real grouper sandwich from down on the docks. I was going to get that done. The other thing I wanted was to get a produce basket and rope to catch a few baskets of shrimp like we did as kids. We actually did that all the way through high school. Get that full moon going and just scoop the shrimp up that flow under the bridges. We always had fun throwing the small ones back and separating the huge ones. We would rinse them through some fresh water and begin cleaning. What a mess. Juanita made sure all the shrimp carcasses went into the compost pile. This was a multistep process, because you had to clean them first, strip the tails, and de-vein them. You can get the job done quickly if you have a bunch of buddies because you're all talking about the various foxes and who rates a ten down to a five. No babe ever gets below a five to guys. Even the skinny ones with no tits and butt were still a five. Hell, they had all the working parts even with braces in their mouths; young males are very crude.
I should probably try to reconnect with the guys I hung out with so that we could do some of our things again. We needed to be teaching their kids how to do it if they had any.
One of my acccounting classes seemed to be a problem, so I re-read the assignment and was still confused. I went over the chapter word for word and couldn't get what the question they were asking was. I called a counselor and described what I was having problems with. She read the question, then the chapter, and said, "I'll call you back; I don't understand either."
Sure enough, the instructor said, "Forget that question," when she called back. "Even the course resident doesn't understand it. You did good to call in instead of just bluffing. I see you have a very high grade going into graduation. Finish this class and the other one, and I'll applaud you when you get your diploma."
That was cool. I finished the test and knew I'd get a hundred percent on it now. I went straight to the other course and finished all four lessons and the exams in less than an hour. I was going to go back to the tough class, but decided to cash it in for the night.
I stripped down and was about to slip into bed. I remembered what I had promised and went into Izzy's room. She surprisingly had a queen-size bed and moaned as I slid in next to her. I could feel her nude body beneath her short gown. She put my hand over her breast, wiggled her cute round butt into me, and went back to sleep. I kissed her on the neck and went to sleep too.
What was going on? Someone was playing with my very hard dick. The only person who ever did that was Dora, and she wasn't here. That's when I realized that Izzy was handling the merchandise. She was sitting on my legs with both hands wrapped around me, slowly moving her hands up and down. It felt good, but I wondered what she was getting from it.
The tiny woman moved forward and began rubbing me up and down her slick, moist crease. This was interesting. She would slide me past the hole, then find the hole with my tip and push in a little. She would only push in an inch or so, but she would go in farther each time. She really liked to rub the soft head over her exposed clit. She stimulated her clit as she became braver, then shove down on me to get more of me into her. She began to move back and forth on me when she had about two inches inside her. Her moaning was stimulating, and I was afraid I would be blasting all over her.
She finally lay down on me and just moved me in and out of her while kissing my neck and moaning. I could feel her juices building as she continued to get more and more of me inside her. She finally rose up with her eyes closed, her mouth open, and jammed down on me, swallowing every millimeter of me. This had a multiple effect. Izzie's pussy caught fire and she began spasming to the point that I thought she might pass out. The stimulation was more than I could control and I began to blast the tiny woman's insides with loads and loads of pent up sperm.
Izzy let out a long, loud almost scream that was recognized by all as being from a wonderful orgasm. She sunk down on me and began kissing me over and over until I held her to quiet her. She kept saying, "So good, so good, so good. I knew it, I knew it, I knew it."
The good thing was that I didn't go soft. The bad thing was I had planted a tremendous amount of sperm into this tiny girl. Izzy pushed herself up with smoky eyes, and said, "That was so good, and to think you have been hiding that from me."
I cautioned her, "You do know that I just put enough sperm in you to populate Cuba, don't you, Izzy? Do you know where you are in your cycle?"
"I do, and I'm about to start my monthly, so that's why I'm so horny. You have given me something that's wonderful and beautiful. We made love, Chuck. I used you to find out how to get you in me and then just jammed the last half into me. That was so good it made me spray us with my juices. Look at us, you speared my hymen and we're bloody, but it's so good. I love the way you feel in me, but I don't think I want to do any more. I'm really sore. Help me up, I need to go to the bathroom."
She said, "Come, part of my fantasy is we take a shower together,. I want to handle you and I want you to touch me intimately."
We showered and I washed her intimately as she did me. The tiny woman said, "I didn't know if you would fit, but I figured that I should be able to enjoy you if my mom could take my dad who looked huge, and all us kids came from her. You see? Everything fit perfect."
The little darling put one of my T-shirts on when we were clean and dry, and I went to my room to get some shorts and a T-shirt for me.
There was coffee, but there was also Connie and Juanita. The two of them both said, "So you finally did her. She sounded like she enjoyed it."
Isabel came bouncing into the kitchen and hugged Juanita, and then Connie. She said, "He fit just fine. I did all the work while he was asleep, and then just jammed him in me. That was so good and my body liked it because I kept spasming around his huge penis."
Connie said, "Hmmm, huge penis, huh? Maybe this needs checking out."
Juanita sighed, "I used to dream about your daddy doing me since he had the biggest one I ever saw."
Izzy kissed me again and reached down to give me a squeeze. She told the two women with us, "Be ready to hear me do a lot more screaming while I use this man up. It's going to be some crazy loving around here if he gets a girlfriend, because she's going to have to share."
I stretched and said, "I need to get to the gym, so I'll be back in a couple of hours."
My workout partner wasn't there today, but I sort of figured she might not show. I'd almost bet she suspected me of having helped myself to the missing money, and was trying to play detective to find out how I got the money down here without the others finding it. Considering her family history, I figured her staff might be better than the trained chimps the military had working the case now.
I did my regimen, and then went to the dojo, but didn't do Tai Chi this morning. There were some people doing forms, but I felt like I needed some time on the bags. I kicked those suckers until my feet hurt, but I also used my elbows, knees, and fists. It was a very satisfying workout. Before I left I told Choi, "I'll work with those who want to learn and practice Tai Chi from five until nine Monday, Wednesday, and Friday evenings. I think any who want to learn should be able to be here during those times. You may advertise that for those three days a week, and every other Saturday, for a while. Charge for those. I may do some Tai Chi in the mornings, but that will be for me and others can join me while I'm involved. That should be free or part of your students' workouts."
"That's good, Chuck. I want you to begin teaching some of your defensive moves along with those disabling moves you were taught to the advanced students. The Corps teaches better moves than many disciplines."
I went home and cleaned up with the intent of finding someone to help me style my hair so my scars don't show as much. The shops around Pinecrest were all nose in the air places, so I knew I had to look elsewhere. I asked Connie and she said the shop she used had mostly older stylists and should be able to help me out. She called them for me and I could get in right away if I would get there now. I ate an egg and bacon sandwich on the way to the salon and arrived at eleven.
You always have to go through some of the gory details of surgery and how I thought I might wear my hair to help hide the scars. The stylist gave my low sides and back a regular haircut, and told me that I needed to let the high sides and top grow out more. She told me to come back in two or three weeks to get the back and sides cleaned up.
I walked out feeling good like a guy always does after getting a decent haircut. I wasn't paying attention until I noticed a car pull out at the same time I did, and make the same turns. I thought I might go to a gun shop and range, and wondered if this person would follow me to the Florida Gun Center in Hialeah. This was the store and range Dad always liked. I knew Dad had several pistols, but I'd bet most of them were lost on the boat that was destroyed in the storm that killed him. I needed something just for myself, so I was determined to find what was best.
The store had been remodeled at least once since I had last been there. They still had a card on me and an electronic record of my visits before joining the Corps. I explained to a salesman that I had just recently been retired and was looking for something for personal protection. He suggested a Berretta 92fs since I had used the M9 for most of my time in service. The Corps had recently begun using Glocks especially to train foreign forces. I asked the salesman for a price comparison between the two guns.
They were both about the same price, with the Berretta slightly more expensive. The Glocks that I looked at were the 17 and 19. The 17 had a just slightly larger body than the 19. The salesman said, "Come on, a few booths are open so let's do some shooting to compare. Buy some ear and eye protection now if you don't have any so you'll have it when you come to shoot."
I bought the protection, along with what the man called a serving of range reloads. He showed me the features of the Glock and then handed me the weapon. I dropped the magazine and cycled the receiver a couple of times on the seventeen. I filled the magazine, adjusted my ear protection, then picked up the pistol and slid a magazine home. I used my usual shooting stance after cycling the slide, and began firing at the twenty-five yard target with my usual rhythm. Fifteen rounds and all close to center; I was impressed. The gun felt good and came back on target easily. I dropped the magazine, and cleared the 19 before beginning to refill the magazine. With fifteen rounds in the weapon, I checked the salesman to be sure he had his ear protection on and raised the gun and slid a magazine in. I slid a round into the chamber and began raising the gun on target. The salesman had put up a new target so that I could compare patterns. I said, "No comparison really," when I finished emptying the magazine. Both are good guns but the 19 seems to be more accurate. It's a fraction lighter and smaller, but the grip is the same and feels good.
The salesman asked, "Want to shoot some more? You have another seventy rounds to use."
"I'll do that, but I want to do it with the gun I buy. Let's go make a deal so that I can use my new gun. I know I'll have to wait a couple of days to pick the gun up, but that's okay. I'm good with that."
We made the deal for the gun, filled out all the paperwork, and also filed for a concealed carry permit. He said mine would go right through since I had just retired from the military. It would still be about four to six weeks. I used my debit card for everything, including some cleaning supplies and a hundred rounds.
I had cleaned the two pistols that we had used while he had been filling the paperwork out. He asked where I learned to clean a Glock. "One of the things we were doing in Afghanistan is training the police force and some of the military units. They have the Glock 19 which seems to work well in their environment. You have to teach them how to clean them as well as shoot them."
He nodded and we took a new pistol from the box and compared serial numbers. He came back to the booth with me and helped me load magazines. He asked, "Long or short? I always think that I won't have any trouble shooting close up if I can hit something long. Try some one-handed shooting too. Have you ever shot with your left hand?"
"Good idea for all of that. Let's go long first. It's been a long time since I've shot left-handed, and then only on a range."
It didn't take long to use up seventy rounds with someone loading magazines while I was shooting. This was fun, but I'd have to buy a bunch of magazines in order to go through rounds as fast as I did this time around.
We went back to his counter, where I quickly stripped the gun and cleaned it. I made note that the reloads weren't the usual dirty rounds you get from reloads. The man said their shop did a good job and used good powder and decent bullets. The salesman put the gun back in the box and said he would keep all my stuff together for me. He told me to pick the gun up on Monday morning so that I could get some free range time in. I left with just the receipts for a bunch of money.
I had noticed the guy who had followed me had come into the store to see what I was doing. I'm sure that he noticed that I didn't have a gun when I left.
The guy was dressed in a nice sport coat, but it didn't fit right with his shoulder holster. There was a telltale bulge under his arm. The man was well-dressed and seemed to carry himself well, so he could be a fed or he could be a well-paid guy from Sandra's company.
I stopped on the way home to get a Big Mac and a shake as my afternoon snack. I was surprised that I wasn't over tired and needed a nap. I guess my body is improving.
I noticed Izzy keeping her distance from me and that she was walking a little funny at home. I guess she didn't want me to do anything more right away. I'm not that big, but it does prop up the ego that a girl liked the fun and that you were big enough to put her out of service for a bit.
Connie commented on my haircut and told me to shower to wash all the loose hair off. She said, "You've filled out pretty well, so we need to go buy you a couple of suits. We'll go to the Men's Wearhouse and get you a couple of cheap suits. They are doing their 'buy one get one free' deal, so it's a perfect time. They do have nice stuff for a mass merchandiser."
I showered and put a pair of Dockers on with my nice slip-on shoes. Connie didn't take long to pick out two very nice suits that were priced well below what you would expect. I told the tailor, "I'm going to be wearing a shoulder holster most of the time, so I'll need a little extra under the arm on my left side," as he was marking up the suit coats. The man didn't even flinch as he used his chalk to draw a gun on the side. How about that; it wasn't a problem to get fitted correctly.
We went to the fancy mall where you have to spend too much to buy things. Connie was looking for evening wear and made a couple of nice selections. She told me, "I buy stuff here because they never have two dresses alike, so I'll never run into myself when I'm entertaining. Like tonight, I'm accompanying a Hollywood executive to a formal event. He likes me to look special for him and to not show a lot of cleavage. That's a little tough for me to do, but you see that I just found the dress for him."
I noted the dress was almost four hundred dollars. She bought a hundred dollar pair of shoes and a small clutch purse that was also a hundred. "You're spending six hundred dollars for this one date, Connie. How can you justify that?"
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It was a couple of weeks after our evening of fun with my wife Lucy and her friend Sally that she asked me if I wanted to do it again, "sure" I said it was fun, so a date was set for the following Friday night.I got home from work and was sitting at the kitchen bench having a beer when a knock came at the door, that will be Sally I thought, but in walked Lyn, I had met her a couple of times, then another knock, this time it was Sally. Then a few minutes later another knock, this time three...
Paul's eyes stared in horror at the syringe Bill was holding. Once that was injected into him, he'd start down the path that led to total servitude. "Hold still," commanded Bill. He reached out and grabbed hold of Paul. Despite all his efforts, Paul could not get free from Bill's iron grip. Paul felt the needle being pressed against his arm and he knew it was now or never. He bit Bill as hard as possible on the arm, drawing blood as he did so. Bill bellowed in anger, but didn't let...
Gorgeous sales rep Casey Calvert visits spa masseuse Eliza Jane to sell her line of Essential Oils from Brazil. Eliza already has a supplier, but Casey wants her to sample hers before she decides. Eliza is swamped with work, but she lets Casey rub a dab of oil on her temples. Casey softly lists all the features and benefits at the same time. Impressed by her sales pitch and convinced of her product’s purity, Eliza agrees to indulge in a five-minute demonstration massage. Casey follows...
xmoviesforyouStar Pt 5: Comeback Star Part 5 of 5 Interviewer: I’m once more at the home of Dave and Karen Gerrard to discuss Karen’s comeback film, a spy spoof called ‘Jane: Blonde?’. To start with, I must say it’s been a while since all three of us were together. Dave Gerrard: Well, you and I have met four times in the past two years. Interviewer: Yes, for each of the films you have directed since ‘Emily’. Each one better than the one before, I thought. DG: Thanks. It’s been a steep learning curve...
Méléna vient de confesser qu'elle couche avec le marie de sa soeur ... et sa soeur participe.Bonjour a tous et toutes je m'appelle hėlėna j'ai 25 ans et je suis acro à mon beau frère qui est en couple avec ma soeur . Régulièrement je partage leurs lit pour mon plus grand bonheur. Et celui de ma salope de soeur qui aime me voir devenir de plus en plus cochone.Je suis une blonde 1m65, 56 kilos. J'ai un petit cul et je fait un 95 D .Ma soeur, elle est comme moi mais en bien plus salope la seule...
For the last couple of days Virgil was contemplating over everything that Connie had told him. He knew what everyone looked like, everyone but Paulie. Virgil had put the drugs in the fresh produce boxes that were delivered to Kay’s restaurant. From there Sonny took over. Then the damn place burned. He never did figure out how or who burned it. He knew it wasn’t Sonny or one of Carlo’s men. Barzin was already dead. And he was in the process of taking over identity of Barzin and he didn’t burn...
Sometimes Kristof Cale needs a little bit of a pick me up, and he knows the girl for the job. He can always pick up the phone and have Marilyn Sugar on her way over in just a few minutes. Marilyn takes just long enough to deck herself out in some simple but sexy lingerie beneath a simple but sexy dress, and then she heads to Kristof’s place. When Marilyn arrives, Kristof is waiting for her to put on a show. This bubbly blonde is happy to deliver! She takes her time stripping for both...
xmoviesforyouA Walk in woods Part 1 - AbductionOne fine May morning a few years ago my wife Michelle and I planned a walk in the New Forest, in Southern England. It's called "New" because it was planted by William the Conqueror as a hunting park. Although it is a tourist area some parts are quite remote, and these were the bits we liked walking.We had set off from home early, taking a picnic in our rucksacks and, as usual, a small camera. Avoiding the usual tourist hot spots, we parked off the road in a...
The Brave ForceBy: Londebaaz ChohanThe Murphy’s Law states that if anything can go wrong, it will go wrong and at such a God forsaken time that nothing could hurt more in life.Leo was unable to understand, if something was wrong with him or what, because as he was growing in age, his interest in men was much more than in women. It was not until late that his bisexuality got materialized. He was younger than his sister Mia by almost 1 year but his sister was much taller. Of course; he had...
The story I am going to tell you is a true one. It happened to me a few days ago and since I was out of fictional ideas I decided to write this one although it has been edited slightly. The woman involved is a neighbour of mine, in fact she was the mother of one of my friends. The friend (Jake) was not my best friend, but since we lived close to each other I did know him best and saw his family frequently. Since we live close to each other my dad takes me, my brother and Jake to school and...
Chapter 7 That night they both told Lilly how she came to him and started at his dojo. All the training that May has gone through, which was far more that what Lilly had guessed. She told May she was proud of all she had learned and that she needed to slow down a bit before she hurt herself and May agreed. It was late and they both decided to stay at Bryans since he offered them the bed. In the room May wasn't thinking and went to a droor and pulled out to nightgowns and threw one...
My wife of three years, Samantha, had been on my case all morning. She was working today and I was tasked with collecting a mattress for the new bed base that she had purchased on GumTree. I was then to collect my younger sister from the bus station. Samantha was 23 years old and a blonde who stood 5ft 7ins tall. She had packed on the weight since our wedding, and was now a little chubby. That had had an effect on our sex life with her having a reduced interest in mattress gymnastics. Myself,...
“What happened to you?” Michelle asked as I finally returned. I had gone home (next door to be precise) to change out of my wet clothes following the torrid squirting orgasms I had produced in Michelle. The sight, taste and smell of her deep orgasmic fluids filled me with immense satisfaction, not only because I had stimulated her to that level, it was a satisfaction gained from sharing the moment, being there with her and for her as she exploded and gushed so gloriously all over me. “I was...
I met a new friend the other day and invited her over for the weekend . Well she spent the weekend, we went swimming in the pool, she was a little taken back that I went in naked and after a bit she took off her suit, she had breasts just a bit bigger than mine, her nipples were light pink and not as big, she was shaved but had an assume landing strip. I asked her if she had ever had sex with a girl and she replied I have never had sex with a woman but have always wanted to. I moved over to her...
We are supposed to meet tonight, but I am so scared. ‘What am I doing? Am I nuts?’ I question myself, as I get ready to go on my secret date with Tom. I have tried on every outfit that I have in my closet and settled on a pair of casual black leggings that show off my large booty. I am going to pair it off with a black blouse with sheer and beaded sleeves with a low scoop neck in the front that accentuates my voluptuous bosom and a nice pair of black beaded stilettos. I left my hair long and...
Dan and I had been best friends ever since grade school. It was kind of odd because I was always a nerdy geek and Dan was a muscular jock but the most amazing thing about Dan was the size of his cock. It was 14 inches long and as big around as a pop can. You might ask how I knew this. I guess it’s not normal for straight guys to notice the size of another guy’s dick, and especially when it’s hard, but I did. I first saw it when he was messing around with a girl at the back of...
Chapter 01: The Curator’s New Position Sue quickly questioned her career choice. Archaeology was a lot more Joe Accountant than Indiana Jones. After finishing her degree, she went straight to field assignments figuring that was where to find the action. When some of her finds appeared in archaeology journals credited to the dig leader she knew it would be a long hard road establishing a reputation of her own. The glass ceiling could even be found in remote locations, and a whole culture of...
this starts at work in the post office years ago. I have worked there and with this women for over 25 years her name we'll say is D. She was Married I was a widower losing my wife five years earlier. D was always very friendly and touchy feely but she was a little depressed for a long while and after asking what was wrong at least a dozen time she finally told me one day in the parking lot. She said her husband was totally ignoring her after their daughter left for college and they work...
This past weekend I was sk8ing on clouds (smokin meth) when I decided to go to an adult store that bad as I walked in & explored movie's,books,& toys so as I'm in the toy section I hear a woman's voice say "This was my favorite when I used it on my lover" & turn to see her & low n behold it was my ex GF Samantha. As I say Hi she says looks like you're getting ready for some fun, I still have dreams and thoughts about our kink rondeau's smokin,choking,strokin,& pokin. Those...
I had just finished my first year of college and my mom and dad insisted that I go with them on a quick summer trip to visit one of mom’s old college buddies in Austin, Texas. Normally, I don’t mind such gatherings, but for some reason or another, Austin just didn’t appeal to me. I had been there many years before and didn’t find the city attractive. When we arrived, there were the customary hugs and greetings- since our family is Hispanic. (You have to love a culture that embraces hugging!) I...
First Time‘I’m doing this on my terms now, not anyone else’s,’ Beth decided. She’d had enough of Allan controlling her. She was in total control, and yet, she felt obligated to satisfy his watching fetish. Beth imagined that Allan might dump her somewhere down the road if she was unable to provide exactly what he wanted and needed from her. This was her opportunity to deliver. She fully intended to prove to Allan that she could turn heads, create erections and desires, and yet keep completely true to...
Wife LoversAfter dinner with the girls I was in the shower recovering and getting myself ready for bed. Three times with Emily today was fun, but I was hoping I could muster enough stamina to please Lee. I heard the door open and a few seconds later Lee stepped into the shower”can I share this with you “she said . She wrapped her arms around me as we kissed, feeling the water run around and down our body’s. As we washed and ran our hands over each other's body I thanked her for sharing Emily with...
It was almost 3:30pm by the time I turned off the highway onto the unmarked dirt road. The road wound around hills and through thick copses of Western Larch and Lodge Pole pines, both of which increased the farther we traveled. The jostling woke Billy up finally so that, by the time we rounded the final curve in the road, he was wide awake. The town's main street boasted a town hall, post office, a general store, a motel and a small diner/gas station; the school was farther in and tucked...
Hey, I ‘m going to continue narrating my sexual experiences . Thank you for the responses. As for the one’s asking for sex, please don’t take your time and effort out to send a message. Now coming to the experience, it was a rainy afternoon and as I agreed to meet two friends of the autoguy near the estate I decided to go there. I had no umbrella, so I was drenched in rain. They were waiting for me there. One of them asked me if we can have sex in the rain and I agreed to it. They guided me...
Although it wasn’t quite dark, I relaxed into my fugue state. I couldn’t hear Emily. I called her name a few times but there was no answer. I took a quick nap until it was fully dark Actually I overslept by a couple of hours and it was well after midnight when I woke up. I treated myself to a refreshing mug of tea and relaxed back into my fugue state. It was all quiet still. I felt a knot in my stomach at the thought Emily might not be there. “Emily,” I called out. “Are you there?” “Seamus,...
Day 12I awoke after another night of Sally being a black cock slut. As I slid out from under the sheets I could smell Leon on her, in the bed; his musky smell filled the room. I headed towards the shower and turned to see her laying with her legs slightly parted and his dried cum still covering her pussy and on the sheet below.She was waking as I returned to the bedroom and gave me a smile as she rubbed sleep from her eyes. We didn’t say a word about last night although our heads must have been...
“MORIEN!” With bloodlust in her eyes, Violet Star Commander Kitanoriya roared. Her brown aura lashed belligerently at every direction, barely restrained its fluctuation from, otherwise, spreading and breaking apart the planet. “You will die for this, Morien!” The space in a radius of tens of meters around General of the Armies Nikari froze. All the worldly attribute energies in the tens of meters range had transformed to a region of forever cold, a show of his restraint. Up in the sky, His...
It was my Sophomore year in College and once again my girlfriend was too busy with homework to spend time with me. We hadn't done anything sexual in a while so I was feeling deprived and extremely horny. I needed to jack off like crazy but my roommate was in the room so I went to the bathroom in the food court building.It was a quiet place. There was only one guy in there and he was at the urinal. I figured he would leave soon so I sat on the stall and took my six-inch erection out and started...
Now that I have been a member of the Grant team for a few months, I have learned a lot about the other members and clients. It truly does feel like a second home. There is so much to be offered when you’re at getaway, as they like to call it. I found out my third time there, that they have a gym, a spa, a large indoor pool, and a cafeteria. Grayson truly thought of everything. Last weekend Grayson informed me that a group of men were interested in me. That, when they saw me they all just knew...
Group Sex(The good Professor’s submissive side is unleashed, and her Dom and herself are in for a wild ride) I’m really enjoying myself, as anyone in my position would. I have this very hot MILF professor that has let me fuck her in every usable opening, and I still have some time left. On top of that, she IS enjoying herself, though I’m not going to point that out…yet. Seems I’ve cracked open the submissive side of Stacey Putnam, so I decide to continue the enjoyment by seeing HOW submissive she...
The last emperor of Ori had over a dozen children. He also had many enemies and those would stop at nothing to see him suffer. His governors were corrupt and traitors and his generals and senators were as bad. When his children began to die he had to do something. His oldest son was the last of his children and when he was assassinated and that drew the line. His dead son had a son and two wives. The emperor made plans and a story was told of his grandson's death in a fall from a horse. The...
Ashe laid in bed next to Claire. Ever since they got married, waking up and rolling over to see her beautiful wife had been one of the highlights of her day. They would spend almost an hour laying there, making small talk and just enjoying each other's company. Then it would only be ruined when Ashe had to leave for work and Claire would get some more sleep before getting up to eat and do some housework. “Ashe! You’re going to be late again!” Oh right. They would do that now but, after running...
Chapter 38. Medic I heard the shots coming from the principal’s office. I hurried down the hallway and ordered all the teachers and students to get into a classroom and lock the door. Before I got to mine I saw that the special education teacher was having trouble getting her students into her room. I had to chase one down and drag him back. The shooter saw me before I got to my classroom door and fired at me. I didn’t have time to close the door before he got there so I grabbed my fire...
Sues continued quest for big cock's regardless of what they're attached to.. Sue decided that since her first adventure on the dark side was successful she would try it again.. About 8:30am she headed to another town close by in the opposite direction from the other one so to maybe find more complete strangers.. Again she found a black neighborhood bar with a few cars in the parking lot and went in.. Took A bar stool and ordered a beer.. She was surveying the half dozen black guys...
- By the Window and the Torchlight As I ran up the stairs, carefully choosing my steps not to produce any sound, I could hear the metallic clashing of blades filling the air downstairs. Here, only silence. My group of the most skilled assassins was still assaulting the main corridor of the castle's upper level, defeating the last guards that uselessly defended the royal chamber. Our work there was done already, and I had King Leandrus the Fourth's blood all over my right hand since it had...
In my little college town is a place near the warehouse district, it's very discreet and exclusive. On the outside it looks like any other building, you enter through an ordinary door into a lobby. You present your invitation and show your Identification and then you are admitted into another room. In the second room you are told to read the wall, where you find the rules of the house. To summarize it says that you will submit to sexual acts and refuse no advances, no one speaks except in very...
My wife, the kids and I were visiting her nephew and family in the mountains of N. C. one Thanksgiving in the early 60s. They lived in an old Mill Village in one of the Mill houses that had been slightly renovated in recent years. When they were originally built, they had no electric lights, no running water and no inside toilets. They now had electricity and water inside and two bathrooms had been added to the rear of the house on the back porch with entrances through the two back bedrooms...
Took a little longer than expected, but it’s here. Also, I haven’t yet found an editor for my story. So, please go easy on me. I use the common spell check, so I know there are still some errors. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ She squeezed her arms around me even tighter, and then stopped. I looked down at her and I saw that she was asleep. ‘Ah.. Well.. It was fun.’ I thought to myself. I wrapped my arms around her legs and back and gently picked her up and walked towards her room. As I laid...
Since my uncles accident, She walks around wearing a bath robe and nothing else most of the time its not even tied. She says my uncle hasnt touched her since he lost his sight. Last week i was sitting around with blue balls from all my aunts pussy and ass shots and told them i was going out . I went up took a shower when i came down they must of thought i was gone my aunt kiki was blowing my uncle. my uncle was facing toward me, and kiki had removed her robe, ass up in the air thou id seen her...
Spells R Us: The Fine Print by Jennifer Chapter 1 The door creaked open, and suddenly, the harsh bright lights flipped on. The figure entering the room dropped her suitcase to the floor as her eyes met mine. "Oh My God!! You guys make me absolutely sick!" the angry girl in the doorway said. "Carol!" I gasped in shock. "What are you doing here? I thought you went home for the weekend!" "I had a change of plans, and besides . . . what difference does it make?! Damn it . . ....
Miranda, Columba, and I slept the sleep of the dead, but only after I asked Columba, "What if Joseph comes home and finds you up here instead of in the master bedroom?" I saw my question was hurtful, and Columba smiled very sadly, "David, Joseph and I have never slept in the same bedroom. Even when I still thought we had a chance to be like ... other ... couples, he always slept apart from me. Don't get the wrong idea about my husband, David. He is a wonderful man, who is truly devoted...
The New Girl in the Firm by Semiater ( [email protected] ) I stood in the corner of the ballroom sipping cheap champagne that the tuxedowearing waiters passed around with dour smiles on their faces. My feet achedfrom the heels I was wearing, I'd worn fashionable shoes instead of somethingmore practical and all I could do was dream of the time when I got home andcould put my feet up. The party had been going on for little more than an hour, I had on a niceblack skirt and a white blouse and...
The chronological order of my stories is now listed in WifeWatchman’s biography. Feedback and constructive criticism is very much appreciated, and I encourage feedback for ideas. This story contains graphic scenes, language and actions that might be extremely offensive to some people. These scenes, words and actions are used only for the literary purposes of this story. The author does not condone murder, racial language, violence, rape or violence against women, and any depictions of any of...
Part VIII - Actionable When Sharon awoke Sunday morning, she saw it was a little after eight - too early for Jocelyn by any standard, and certainly now. She slipped out of bed and padded silently into the bathroom. She closed the door and slipped off her knee-length nighty and panties. She glanced in the full length mirror mounted on the door. She had managed to drop a little more weight, so that her waist was slimmer than ever. Her breasts had filled out a little more over the...
July is my favorite month as it’s beach weather in New England and I love the beach — and, of course, sex! The month had started with a few great swingers' parties but nothing worth recording as it was my husband and I who had fun together.But I also had fun on my own. I met the gym boys for a threesome, but it ended faster then it started. I love those guys, but it’s becoming routine and I hate routine.Then there was Nate (see Stanley Cup Part Two). I was absolutely in love with him, and he...
CheatingI had come to Cleveland to attend a national science conference. Researchers from all around the world, from every possible field of science were present. It was an educational bonanza. I was very excited to meet scientists working in my field and bounce some ideas off of some of them. After day one was through, a few friends of mine decided to usher in the evening and a day well spent at the nearest bar to our hotel. It was a quaint little place with dim lighting and a rustic charm. There...
Jodie Adams is an attractive young woman in her early twenties, with a magnetic personality and heaps of sex appeal. She has come from a wealthy British family and created celebrity status for herself as a model. She is an ‘It Girl’ and the tabloids follow her every move at all the best parties and media events. Jodie has a defined, chiseled face, perfect cheekbones, big blue eyes, and a cute nose. Her feathered blonde pixie hairstyle is almost white.Her perfectly tanned endless legs are...
Straight SexMy parents, the social workers and my teachers all insisted that my ‘excessive introversion’ would even out once I went to college. Something to do with a more open-minded environment and myself finding ‘my own’, whatever that meant.They were all really wrong. I’ve attended this college for almost a year now and still haven’t made friends, or even just talked to anyone outside of required interactions that mainly have to do with my major (sociology) (“Please can I get an extension on that...
BDSMPart 3: A good portion of the next part of the drive was in silence. My asshole captor had a wide smirk on his face, but seemed a bit lost in both his thoughts and keeping his eyes on the road, while I leaned towards the other window (trying to put as much physical distance between him and me as possible) and tried my best to ponder my fate and eventual escape plan. This man was clearly planning to do something sickening to me, and that happening is something I would have to wrap my...
Created by Patricia51 and Linda_s Two cops help a new mom move on with her life. Special thanks to Patricia51 and LadyCibelle. You guys are wonderful friends! LadyCibelle is the best editor I have ever known. And thanks to my newest friend, Roxanne Appleby. Her stories are suffused with warm-heartedness and caring, which I hope I can show in the stories I submit from here on out. This is the follow-up to ‘A Chat’. In that story, Sue Adams accidentally caught Michael Gibson Junior practicing...