Himura BattousaiChapter 32: Extra Story--Yahiko's Fight (Middle) free porn video

(Yahiko leaps from the roof with a mighty yell. Unfortunately he lands, on his feet, but rather painfully.)
Tsubame: Yahiko-chan!
Yahiko: I told you not to call me that!!
Tsubame: Sorry!
Yahiko: Throw away any stupid thoughts of stealing! Or else Myoujin Yahiko of the Tokyo samurai is your opponent!
Fighter: You brat! I'll make you eat those words!!
(Yahiko blocks his stroke, then gives his a blow to the stomach. He follows it up with a strike to the face, knocking him out.)
Yahiko (thinking): I can do this! I know enough to use it!
Fighter2: You--
Yahiko: Come on!
Fighter3 (striking him from behind): Don't push your luck! Now you're surrounded!
(They beat him. Tsubame looks on, aghast.)
Mikio (snapping his sword back in its sheath): Huh. I didn't have to lift a finger.
Kenshin (watching in silence):...
Sanosuke (kicking him): Whadduya mean, '... '. Are you just gonna sit there and watch?
Kaoru (seizing him): Exactly! Yahiko's in danger!
Kenshin: Just calm down.
Kaoru: I won't calm down! He may be rude, but he's my only student!
Kenshin (pulling her ponytail): Wait. Yahiko hasn't noticed that we're here. Our appearance would be very unnatural.
Kaoru: But--
Kenshin: Someone who is always rescued cannot become strong. This is Yahiko's fight. Unless he asks us for help, there should be no interference from us.
Sanosuke (thinking): "A lion pushes its own child into a thousand ravines," huh? But... Tsubame: Stop it... stop it, Mr. Mikio! He has nothing to do with this. I'll give you the key!
(He snatches it away from her.)
Mikio: Hey. The kid's nothing. We've got more important things to do.
(They stop and walk off, following Mikio.)
Tsubame (rushing to Yahiko): Are--are you all right?
Yahiko: Dam... dammit. One on one I coulda...
Mikio: Tsubame! (she freezes) From now on, remember who your master is.
Fighters: See ya, Yahiko-chan.
(They leave.)
Tsubame: I'm sorry. It's my fault you got mixed up in this. I'm so very sorry...
Yahiko (standing up without her help): From the molds they can make a real key in less than a day. They'll carry out their plan tomorrow evening.
Tsubame: Yahiko-chan! I mean...
Yahiko: It doesn't matter. I couldn't stop those creeps. I am still "chan." (slowly walking away) You didn't drag me into this. I stuck my own neck out. So don't worry about it. (thinking) I can't tell the police. They'd make her an accomplice. And I'm not asking Kenshin or the others for help. I don't want to bother them with these guys. This is my fight!
(Kenshin and the others watch him go.)
The next morning
Yahiko: Well... that's about right.
(He has taken a wooden clothesline and hung planks from the crosspieces.)

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