It Started With A Coach RideChapter 3C free porn video

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After some time we rose and even showered together, I had no razor and made a mental note that in future I would keep a razor in my car. We ate breakfast sitting in a booth in a roadside café and she sat as close as she could. Our journey back was made singing along with the music on the radio. We pulled in at her mother's home just about eleven and Caroline came running out of the door as if there had been an accident.

"Oh mum, I am so happy, Marco wants to ask you something, I want him to sleep with me always."

"Sweetheart that is an awful long commitment to ask any man. Do you love him that much?"

"Yes, I have told him both you and I love him very much and you can sleep with us as well."

"Caroline, Margaret has been no trouble at all, and when she is with me acts just like any other woman of her age. What she says is true, I think if she stays with me she will be all right, in fact I know she will."

"No I can't have that, but I don't object for you to come and stay with her in the unit."

"In fact that would also solve a problem I have, my mother wants me to find her a place to live in the city. If I moved in here she could have my apartment, but I don't want Kate or anyone else baby-sitting Margaret. I will take full responsibility for her."

"Margaret, what Marco just said, would that be what you want."

"Yes and he would be near you also and he could fuck you too."

"Margaret you must not say things like that, not where other people will hear, that is only between us no-one else." She said now visibly blushing.

"So it is a secret, that he fucks you too." She said in a whisper.

"Yes a very very secret thing." She said to her daughter.

"She is right you know, it would be handy having you around then we both could look after her. Also at the right time for I was going to start looking for another nurse as Kate is returning home and will be leaving the country in a months time. I suppose I could give her a months holiday and then you could move in almost immediately, but I would rather you let me do a few renovations first. Is that acceptable to both of you. Margaret that would mean Marco will come to stay with you in about a week."

"That is a long-time mum, but I like it that he will come here."

"Welcome to your new home, you have certainly won Margaret over. I would like to make the unit a bit less clinical, but please come and see her as often as you want."

"Thank you Caroline, I will treat her well."

"I know you will."

"I must go and get a shave and clean clothing; I forgot to take anything with us." I said as I left the pair of them standing by the doorway.

"Where have you been, I have been worried sick. I thought you had been in an accident or something." Gran said as I walked in.

"I have been home seeing my mother, I'm bringing her down to live in the city, she is on her own where she is. I'm tired and just want to have a sit down after I shave and change," I replied.

I was saved for the telephone rang and I left her to it. When I came back into the lounge she was no longer looking upset, but looking at me funny. "That was Grace on the telephone; she and Caroline want to take you to see my grandmother, what have you been up to the matriarch herself is involved. I have to come too so it must be something important. We have to go over straight away." She was now up close and I pulled her close to me.

"Gran I haven't forgotten you and I like you very much and have appreciated your concern. Have no doubts about me, you started me on this path, I hope I never cause any disrespect to happen to you."

"Wow a speech, what is happening?"

"This," I said slipping my hand up her dress and cupping her mound.

"Now I know everything is all right, now let's get over to mum's."

"Give me five minutes I have to make a phone call to my mother first."

She left me alone in the lounge and I telephoned my mother. I let it ring for I knew she could be outside, so I gave her time to answer. She was breathing as though she had been running. "Start getting your personal things together, you're moving down tomorrow."

"I've put the house up for sale, as you said. That was where I had been and I was just returning."

"Good ring them back and tell them it is vacant possession, then ring the auctioneers and ask them to sell everything else, or give it to Jenny. She can either keep it or sell it; it's up to you now mum. Pack all your personal things and send it down by courier, I'll give you the address where to send it." Which I did.

"I can never be ready by tomorrow, can you give me two days son."

"OK day after-tomorrow then, I have to dash see you then." I hung up. I had to push her or she would never move.

With Granette driving we headed for Graces house. Caroline was already there and we piled into Granette's car, for the short journey to Ethel which was the matriarch's name. Her home was modest compared to her daughters but expensively furnished and Ethel looked not much older than her daughters. I was expecting a pottering old woman, but here was a sprite elderly woman moving around feely under her own steam.

After the introductions and she gave me a good looking up and down we sat down around her dining room table, with a coffee in front of us and plates of biscuits in the middle.

"I think we should tell Granette about Margaret first, she has been kept in the dark all these years and didn't know she had a niece." Which she asked Caroline to explain.

Granette just sat there and her chin seemed to drop lower and lower as the facts came out. She was even more surprised that I knew before she did.

"Marco is taking on a really severe responsibility and I think that he should be included into the family trust. So it is up to you to say yea or nay."

All of them said "Yea."

"Marco from now on an allowance will be paid into a bank account for your living expenses. I believe that you are willing to live in the unit where Margaret lives and let your mother live in your own apartment, that is very commendable of you and I agree entirely. It is nice to have a son who appreciates his mother."

"Thank you Ethel, I honestly don't know how to even begin to thank you."

"It's us who should be thanking you, you I believe have helped my daughters and grand-daughters, we thank you. Now you lot get out of here, I want to talk to Marco for a few minutes alone."

Like sheep the three of them left it was obvious who ruled this family and it appeared I have been admitted into it.

"I believe Margaret has improved vastly since you and her met and that you had her out a whole night on her own."

"Yes I took her up to see my mother."

"I wasn't told that bit," she said rather taken back. "Are you that serious about Margaret that you had to take her to your mother to show."

"Margaret is fine when she is with me and I think she is a lovely young woman, who I would like to be around."

"Would you marry her though?"

"Yes I think I would, no I would, but I would like to get to know her a bit better."

"Well you'll get to know her if you are shafting her every night, won't you?"

"I have no intent of shafting her every night as you put it. It's Margaret I like, not just her body."

"My you are very protective of her, I like that. I am sorry I upset you. You take care of my little grand-daughter, which I believe you will do, no matter what I say."

"Now what about my other three, Oh I know, you just have to look in their faces, you have them eating out of your hand especially Caroline. The only thing you haven't helped is me, now what do you suggest for me."

"I don't know, you haven't asked me to help you?"

"Would you if I did?"

"Yes why not, I'm sure you're not suffering from any communicable disease, which if you know all about the rest then you will know that I hate condoms. So what difference are you to your daughters, or grand-daughters."

"If I asked you to ease my frustration here and now, what then?"

"Sure, I would say how do you want it on your knees, back or sitting over it."

"I couldn't have got a straighter answer could I? Not today, but I may call on you; will you come and see me?"

"Yes but I won't leave Margaret all night on her own."

"During the day, will be fine. As you have found out Caroline's crowd, which incidentally is my social group have more than its share of frustrated women. Go and help them, but be discreet, between us we can tell you who is in need of help and who is just playing you on. I see you are not accustomed to hearing women speak so openly about their frustrated sisters, but mark my words all I say is true. I'll give you one in particular is Carmen, I'll have her call you, she is a hot-blooded Spanish elderly woman whose husband is impotent but very rich. Help her out as a favour for me. I'll make sure she shows her appreciation if you will do this for me. Now go with my daughters we will definitely be meeting again."

Waiting for me were my women and we returned to Grace's home. "What was mother asking you?" Grace asked but I knew the question was for all three.

"She only wanted to know how much I thought of Margaret and how many times I'd fucked you all?" I said with a laugh.

"Did she really ask that?" Asked Grace.

"No but she implied that I should continue to keep you happy for she hasn't seen you three so full of life."

"You're sure that was what she said?"

"Yes you ask her yourself, and who is Carmen, you said she was in the restaurant but I can't place her?"

"She has asked you to help Carmen! They are good friends; I wonder if it was Carmen that approached mother?" Caroline said now the three of them were huddled around in woman's talk as I sat back and waited.

"Marco, your apartment is finished, why don't you go over and see how they decorators have fixed it up, while we chat. Use my car," Gran said throwing the keys over.

I would never have recognised my apartment if I didn't have the right address. Gone was all my mix and match furniture which I had slowly collected, replaced my not new but good quality pieces. The carpeting was new and all the walls and surrounds painted. The whole kitchen had been resurfaced and my old refrigerator replaced with a dual door unit. All the cupboards were stocked. Except for of my clothing everything was ready to start living in it. My mother will be happy to have a place like this to live in.

There was a light tapping at the door and when I opened it. Heather my next door neighbour was standing there. "I saw that you had decorators in and I was wondering when you would be coming back. Then I heard you when you arrived and I just called to see you."

"Do you want to come in Heather?" I asked her for I saw she was a bit nervous by the way she was playing with her door key in her hands.

She stepped in and looked around. "Oh it is very nice indeed; this must have cost you a lot to have this done."

"Its for my mother, she is coming to stay here, she will be here the day after tomorrow."

"Oh, I thought you would be living here," she said in her English voice, I could see the disappointment on her face.

"Oh, I will still be around though."

Her face lit up again.

"You looked worried there for a minute, are you that keen to have me here so we can continue from where we left off the other day?"

"I feel so much of a hussy, I have thought of nothing else since then," she said looking up at me.

"You'll do yourself no good thinking like that; you'll only get yourself all frustrated."

"I never felt so alive that day, and went around feeling you still inside me. I want to feel like that again," she said. Now it was out I could see she was waiting on an answer.

"You want that feeling again, Heather?"

"Yes, I do."

"Go back into your apartment and get into bed, leave the latch off the door and I will be in in five minutes. Now go on and be a good girl," I said almost treating her like a child. I was surprised that she smiled, turned and exited out of my apartment. I said I would cut myself off from my past life but I promised only Rena and Margo's group and this was no new pick-up. This was Heather, who really needed someone to care for her.

I locked my front door and walked next door into Heather's and into her bedroom where she was under the quilt, pulled up to her chin watching me. I noticed her clothes were neatly piled on a chair by her side of the bed.

I slowly undressed, I was teasing her, I don't know why for I knew she was almost like a bitch on heat. When I turned to get into bed this was confirmed for she moved quickly grabbed my penis in both hands and opened her mouth and devoured the complete crown into her open mouth. I felt the heat of her breath and the action of her tongue as she moved it from side to side under the tender underside.

"I knew that this was something new for her by the way she was handling my hard penis. It was she who started it and she must have been thinking of doing this for a while so I let her get on with the way she wanted to play with it. I just stood at the side of her bed with my hand gently resting on the back of her head as she took and gave pleasure to me. Who would have thought the prim and proper old-fashioned dresser that she was would love to suck cock the way she was. I wasn't complaining only remarking.

Now she was moving her head back and forth making me feel like I was fucking her face. If I'm to fuck anything it will be in the right hole, so I gently eased myself from her mouth and got into bed with her, pulling back the covers at the same time. Her natural reaction was to cover herself by holding her arm across her chest, but I held the arm away and looked at her, medium-sized breasts, whose nipples were standing out. It wasn't cold so she must be excited for her nipples to have reacted that way. I dropped my hands to her waist and lifted her up and placed her on my hips.

"You are dominant today Heather, see if you like this way."

She may have seemed coy but she knew exactly what to do and within seconds she was lowering herself slowly down on to my phallus. Letting out a long sigh as she slid down until her bottom touched my upper thighs.

"This way is even better, and I can watch you at the same time. Am I pleasing you Marco, I want to please you," she almost pleaded.

"Yes heather you really do." I wasn't lying either, it felt so nice buried in this mature woman, who I think has just realised what sex is all about.

Now she started to ride the cock horse rising up and plunging herself back down, her hips really working. She had a hand on each of my shoulders and using just her hips was thrusting herself on to my hard cock. It was her own pace, she knew what she wanted to do so I left her to it just holding on to her waist as she pounded away. I must admit it was very pleasurable having a woman do all the work and what I got was the pleasure, maybe in future I will adopt this with all the women, also it is less strenuous for me.

I knew she was climaxing, but a big one was coming, the way her pace increased, how she was really trying to get the last millimetre of cock into her body. I too felt myself climaxing almost from the soles of my feet rising up my cock and then exploding inside she carried on for a minute after and then collapsed on to my chest. I wrapped my arms around her waist and held her close until I heard her breathing return to normal also I felt her heart beating against my chest, or was it a combination of both our heartbeats.

"That was so much better, but I now feel exhausted," she said lifting her head. I planted a kiss on her lips and she returned the gesture, but she was still panting as I eased her back on to the bed. I covered her up and got out, dressed and left her sleeping. I put the latch down on her lock and closed the front door softly as I left. I tried it to make sure it was locked and then returned to Gran's car.

When I got back the three women were still sitting around the table. Soon after we split up and I returned to Gran's home.

I arrived at my mother's home at midday, she was sitting in an almost stripped house with only a suitcase beside her. "Oh Marco, I hope I have done the right thing. The packers left an hour ago with all my personal items and they will be delivered tomorrow at your apartment."

"No mum, your apartment, forget about this place, you know yourself the turn-over in this place makes it difficult to have long-term friends, you are now on your own. In fact you will like your new next door neighbour, she is like you, a single woman. Also you have me, I will be in and out all the time, so you won't be lonely or with no-one you know. Say goodbye to this place and let's get going."

She went and gave the spare keys to Jenny, who came out to wave us goodbye as we headed for the city and a new adventure for my mother. When she entered the apartment her hand went up to her mouth and she looked at me in bewilderment. "Is this really yours?"

"Do you like it?"

"Oh I think it is wonderful, and you have all the cupboards stocked too." She just dropped her handbag and hugged me and showering me with kisses. "Why did I wait so long to come down, if I knew it would be like this I would have come earlier."

Then she went on a tour of inspection, holding my hand and dragging me with her. When she got to the bedroom and saw the king-sized bed she just looked at me. "Stay the night with me, Marco, I want you tonight." Again she threw her arms around my neck but this time she was pressing her lower body against mine.

"Mum that can wait, I'm hungry, I will order a Pizza for tonight you can do as you wish from tomorrow."

While I ordered the Pizza's mum made the coffee and found her way around her new kitchen. The pizza eaten we showered and went to bed, nude, there was no hiding anything between us now, we were lovers and that was all.

I manoeuvred her until I had her on top and once I was inserted into her I must say warm love hole I let her slide down. Now she automatically assumed the same position that Heather had taken, and now I watched my own mother abuse herself on my cock, her hips were thrusting and her movements were demanding to be satisfied. Even though I had fucked my mother a few times now I hadn't seen her getting her satisfaction, I loved her and loved watching her really give her all. Making her happy was the greatest achievement I could possible attain. Her large breasts being moved about beating against her body and they seemed to have a mind of their own. To stop her hurting herself I reached and took one in each hand, but that didn't slow her down as she finally attained the relief she was looking for and fell into my open arms.

The love I felt for this woman was totally different for the love I had for any other. I had become very protective for her and wanted nothing ever to spoil our special relationship. We were still lying cuddled like this when I was awakened by the telephones consistent ringing.

Unfortunately there was no extension in the bedroom so I had to go into the kitchen to answer it. It was Grace," Marco, get down to the main hospital as quickly as you can there has been a traffic accident involving Caroline and Margaret. Please come quickly," she said crying.

Mum was up and standing beside me, "What is wrong Marco?" She asked, following me as I started grabbing my clothes and getting dressed.

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An 18 year old and his baseball coach Part 3

A recap. I am an 18 year old high school student on the school’s baseball team. Coach H, my baseball coach, is in his late 50’s, has a hairy athletic body, and a large veiny cock. Coach H caught me masturbating in the locker room after a late Friday practice. He told me that masturbation was natural before he joined me. We ended up in his office where he fucked me in the ass after tongue fucking my hole. Afterwards Coach H told me that that if I felt like masturbating with him again to...

3 years ago
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Cheerleaders New Coach Part I

Mr. Crete’s new student teacher was Jessica Calhoun, a former all state cheerleader from the next county.  Jessica was an excellent English major, and she was an outstanding teacher-in-training.  However, her real talents were as a cheer coach who could choreograph the most innovative cheer and dance routines.  Jessica was quickly assigned the role of varsity cheer coach as part of her student teaching assignment.Jessica was able to recruit a handful of junior and senior girls as cheerleaders. ...

2 years ago
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Schoolgirl Black Coach the Water Boy

This a re post of an earlier story. The pictures are not the same model do help the imagery of the story. Melissa strutted through the gym as the basketball team worked on their drills. Coach Washington watched as the teen girl parade past his team. Damon his best player ran into another player as he was distracted by the hot white chick as she shook her tight butt in front of the team. Coach thought to himself now there is another white bitch that needs to learn to not tease young black men....

1 year ago
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My Racing Coach

(This will be from the racer's prospective, than the coaches prospective.) Coach: I am excited, the race is this week, a week I have off from college, thanksgiving. I'm 25 and I'm at the terminal now, my client right behind me. My muscles bulged, as he strained to carry the gigantic packages. Airplane attendants asked me if I wanted help, and I declined it, wanting to show superiority. Danny: The entire flight through I snored, and when I awoke, my crotch had a nice warm feeling, the canvas...

1 year ago
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Helped by my coach

To be perfectly honest, I was a bit ashamed and felt like a weirdo when puberty hit. I was pretty late bloomer, but when puberty hit it did so with force. My voice changed very quickly, my body got a lot more muscles, and most of all my cock grew huge. My trouble started when the other guys in my sport teams saw my cock in the shower. Funny how someone's body part can make other people either hate you or admire you, some at the same time.I felt like an outcast, since my cock while soft was...

3 years ago
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Caught By Coach Part 2

Jim and Amy rushed to Jim’s house after Coach William released them. Amy’s pussy stayed wet as she could still taste Coach’s cum on her lips. Jim was in a state of half arousal, half confusion as he had just sucked his Coach’s dirty cock after he fucked his girlfriend. He was embarrassed that his cock got so hard watching Coach saw his cock in and out of Amy’s pussy in addition to licking another man’s cum off her ass. “Hey, are you ok baby?” Amy asked her boyfriend as soon as they got into...

2 years ago
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The Coach

You’re not sure why you’ve been called to Coach’s office. You recently celebrated your 18th birthday and are on the cheer leading squad. There’s a game tonight but you’re not the captain of the squad and usually Coach is preoccupied getting ready for the game. Tonight is a critical game too, your opponent is your school’s long time rival and a win means playoffs, while a loss…well it’s too terrible to even think about…but a loss means the end of the season! You knock timidly on Coach’s door...

1 year ago
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An 18 year old and his baseball coach Part 6

It was the last Friday baseball practice of the season. As usual I hung around until the other students left before I went to the coach’s office. Coach H was sitting at his desk doing some paper work when I came in. I closed the door behind me and walked over to the sofa. Coach H quickly finished and put the papers way. As he got up off of his chair he started to unbutton his shirt. By the time he as at the sofa his shirt was off and his pants were unzipped. I pulled off my shirt and...

1 year ago
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Mom And The Football Coach Chapter 1

It was the start of the high school football season at Central High School and Coach Johnson was looking over his initial roster of players. He recognized a few of the names from the previous years–some of his best players were on it. Of course, he had lost some good ones as they graduated this spring and were now playing college ball or had moved on. But he was still pretty pleased with what he had to work with this year. There were positions to fill, just like every year, but he had a good...

2 years ago
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Coach John

This is a story I have had in my head for a while and decided to act on it, please let me know where I can improve as I am not a writer by trade. Thank you The story is going to be a long story with multiple parts in the end with each part adding to Tori's sexual experiences. It's starting with an older guy and Tori at age 16 so if that is not your thing don't bother. She may get to be 20+ in the story when all is said and done. The story is not a 3 paragraph nonstop sex text fap story...

1 year ago
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Coach Jamisons Lesson for Kayden

My therapist and I was able to convince my parents to put me on puberty blockers, but they would not budge on getting me the surgeries to make my full transition. They insisted on me waiting until I was 18 so I would be “sure” … I thought it was so ridiculous at the time, but I was glad they were at least somewhat supportive, some people don’t even have that benefit. The result being that I had just the slightest of rise on my chest and no hair anywhere on my body. I ended up being a little...

2 years ago
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A teen his coach and a teammate

It wasn’t hard for my Coach to seduce me. After all, I was young, horny and inexperienced. Some one touching my cock, anyone, was a dream come true. The first to touch mine was my soccer coach, about 20 or 30 years older than me. It was exciting and flattering that an older man took such an interest in me. The first time he sucked my cock was after a practice. He was giving me a ride home and it started with his hand on my thigh, I think when I didn’t protest, it was like a green light for him...

3 years ago
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Dee Maple My hot coach training session

It was my last year in high school, the magical summer was over, I still spend some time at casper house and especially enjoying my anal romance with ram who kept delivering amazing orgasms, feeling me up with his greasy cum and humping me day in day out when the family was out, he was doing my biding and i liked it, but still i needed someone to dominate me and make me feel like a true whore, an anal slut, a dirty cum filled bitch. As it happened a new coach was hired and we saw him during...

3 years ago
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Jaq On The Coach Trip

Our local soccer team had reached the semi-final, and Jaq and I decided to attend the match.Coach travel seemed to be the best way to get to the match. I arranged match tickets while Jaq arranged the coach travel. The match was taking place on Saturday afternoon; as the week commenced, we became excited about our trip to the game.Saturday arrived and we arrived at the designated pick up for the coach; a lot of supporters were also there. The majority of the supporters were males of varying...

3 years ago
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An 18 year old and his baseball coach Part 10

It started like any other Saturday evening visit with my baseball coach Coach H (He's 58 and I am 18). He gave me a beer to drink while we watched a video of the coach having sex with his ex-wife. When I was sufficiently relaxed and horny Coach H asked if I would like to make video with him. Seeing how erotic the videos of him and his ex-wire were I said "Why not". Coach H lead me to another bedroom. In the center was the bed with several video cameras on tripods pointed at the center of the...

3 years ago
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An 18 year old and his baseball coach Part 9

(A short story encounter that I’ve been thinking about while I’ve had writers block)It started as a usual Saturday evening meeting with my baseball coach at his house. He gave me a beer and we watched a video of the coach and his ex wire having sex. After the beer relaxed me we went up to his bedroom. As we started to undress Coach H told me keep my underwear on and to get under the bed sheets. I climbed into bed first. I noticed Coach H still had his underwear on as he walked over to the...

4 years ago
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The Coachs Tradition PART 5 Finally

It has been a while since my last story which was two parts, and now we're finally on to part 5 of the long running saga! Sorry it took so long to make a new one!To those of you who don't believe this is real, take it as fantasy, though I assure you it IS in fact real. Though obviously memories fade so the stories are all based on what I can remember happening.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Graduation day had finally come and me and James'...

2 years ago
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Coach Ryan

Introduction: High School Fiction Hii, I am Jenna a senior student at my high school. 18yrs old. I have long black hair. Hazel eyes, Luscious lips. Long slim legs and a very toned body. 36C boobs, Puffy nipples. Tight pussy and a round ass. I love to play in the sports teams, the sense of rivalry mixed with fun, passion and victory turns me on. I am in the girls football team, on the swim team and I do play more indoor and outdoor sports. There were Girls Football Team tryouts happening for...

2 years ago
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Coach Smith

Coach SmithHigh School Fiction.Hii, I am Ashley a senior student at my high school. I have long blondish brown hair. Brown eyes, Luscious lips. Long slim legs and a very toned body. 36C boobs, Puffy nipples. Tight pussy and a round ass.I play many sports, I am in the Girls football team, On the Swimming Team and i do play more indoor and outdoor sports.There were Girls Football Team tryouts happening for the Captain of the team. Brit and Me, We were the two competing for the captains post.Coach...

2 years ago
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Coach said training always pays off

With bags in hand we got in the elevator and headed up to 4th floor and room number 415. Coach Jim slid the key card and opened the door. Bob and I ran in and jumped on a bed, claiming this bed to be ours. Both coaches just laughed, told us that bed assignment was left up to them, and it was time to clean up and get ready for bed. Bob was my new best friend. We had a lot of things in common. We even had birthdays in the same month. He and I are both going to be eighteen next month. Also, his...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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The Coachs Tradition Part 4 Part A

This is the 4th part in an ongoing series. This is all true.-------------------------------------------------------------------------After the long night that Coach, James and I had, we all took a long hot shower, and James washed us all up and down. A few days had passed since we had come back from states, and the Coach and I hadn't interacted as much as we both would have liked. James had called me up a few times late at night and we would have some phone sex, but since we both lived with out...

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put it in coach

It was the spring of my freshman year in college when I got my first blissful taste of chocolate. Growing up in tiny Spearman, Texas there wasn’t many Black families around, as a matter of fact I don’t remember any Blacks in my senior class. When it was time to go to college, I decided to stay close to home and attend college, so I settled on a small college in the Oklahoma panhandle about an hour drive from home, it had an enrollment of only 3500 students. My freshman year was full of late...

3 years ago
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The Coach

You're not sure why you've been called to Coach's office. You recently celebrated your 18th birthday and are on the cheer leading squad. There's a game tonight but you're not the captain of the squad and usually Coach is preoccupied getting ready for the game. Tonight is a critical game too; your opponent is your school's long time rival and a win means playoffs, while a loss...well it's too terrible to even think about...but a loss means the end of the season! You knock timidly on Coach's...

3 years ago
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Coach please put me in

I had just been through pure bliss. Now it was my turn to return the wonderful favor the coach had just performed on me. I slowly and softly placed my mouth around the head of his cock, lightly licking all around as my mouth slowly slide down his cock. I heard a soft moan, I wasn't sure if it was coming from me or the coach. I couldn't believe how wonderful it felt to have his cock in my mouth, it was so warm and silky feeling and I couldn't wait for it to erupt that load of "feel good juice"...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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put it in coach

It was the spring of my freshman year in college when I got my first blissful taste of chocolate. Growing up in tiny Spearman, Texas there wasn't many Black families around; as a matter of fact I don't remember any Blacks in my senior class. When it was time to go to college, I decided to stay close to home and attend college, so I settled on a small college in the Oklahoma panhandle about an hour drive from home, it had an enrollment of only 3500 students.My freshman year was full of late...

1 year ago
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The Coach

It all started when Coach caught me screwing Ted under the bleachers. Ever since we hooked up last month at a party, Ted had kept bugging me for another fuck. He was cute enough and I didn't have anything steady going on right then, so I met him after football practice and let him lead me under the stands. It was kind of wild because the hot afternoon sun was shining through the bleachers painting everything in zebra stripes. The light played over us in a strobe pattern as we moved beneath...

3 years ago
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When Coach Walked In

He said nothing as I walked to my locker, opened it, and exchanged my gym bag for my school bag. But as soon as I locked it, he walked over. It was Dillon. "Is it true... what you do?" he asked. "Depends on what you're asking," I said. "My girlfriend won't do it, but I really wanna get a blowjob. I have money," he pulled out his wallet from his back pocket. "It's fifty, right?" "Half up front, and half after you cum," I said. He pulled out twenty-five dollars and handed it to...

1 year ago
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Waterbury Hills High School Coach Tim joins in the locker room fun

Everyone was at school bright and early on Tuesday.  Kyle and Jon said hi to Rachel, but then she disappeared.  The seniors on the team decided that they wanted to take over a remote section of the lockers just for themselves, sort of Upper Classmen Privilege.  That was fine, as everyone still ended up in the same showers.Practice was again grueling as the August heat wasn’t about to let up.  Towards the end of practice Kyle noticed that Coach Tim was saying something to Coach Barb.  He could...

3 years ago
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Dee takes on the football supporters coach

We had booked two seats on a coach to see our local football team play away. We had chosen the non family coach as everyone on this one was over eighteen (pub stops on the way to the match) and the other coach was for families. The game was one of the furthest trips of the season and the trip would take about an hour or more depending on how many stops were made.We arrived at the football ground and Dee was quickly checking out the other passengers as we waited for the coach to turn up. There...

4 years ago
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My swim coach turned me gay

Years ago, when I was much younger. I was a young, aspiring swimmer on a local swim team. My coach was a fit, older man. Probably about 30 years older than me, in his forties I'd guess. Coach began having me over to his house to train. When in his pool, it was common for him to have his hands on my body as he described proper form. It was late in the evening one day, and was just the two of us in his pool. It may have been innocent enough, but the coachs hands would occasionally brush against...

2 years ago
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My Wrestling Coach

One day in my senior year, because of skipping my last class with my girlfriend to go to her place, I was late for wrestling practice. And our coach, a former Olympic wrestler, was not happy about it. As punishment, he made me spar against him all practice long. And he threw me around like a rag doll. I was a big strong boy, but Coach Strong was as big as I was and his speed and technique were light years ahead of mine. He whipped my ass and once practice was over he made me do the...

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Coach Carter and his Catcher

Keith's first and last season as assistant softball coach/assistant football coach at Westside high school was unofficially coming to a close today, which was the last day of school for all students.  He knew the day he was hired that he probably wouldn't be stuck coaching high school sports for long, and sure enough he'd gotten the call he'd been waiting for from Georgia Southern, and starting next week he'd be back in college, coaching football full time.  They weren't a top program, but they...

Straight Sex
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Oh Coach

I attended a small university in the Midwest where I was a decent basketball player. During my first year I was redshirted and basically practiced with the team and kept statistics. During that time, I got to know the coaching staff well and was able to play on the team while working on my degree in athletics. After I graduated with my BA, I stayed on to do post graduate work for my Master’s degree and with my additional year of eligibility continued to play on the team. In the second year...

1 year ago
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The Coachs Chance Encounter

Eddy McCants rolled the rack of basketballs back into the athletic storage room at Liddell County High School. After coaching the varsity boys to the final four in the state tournament last season, he had a good feeling that his team would make it at least as far this time around because he had three returning starters. The six-foot-one-inch light-skinned man walked into his office and waited for his assistant coach. He propped his size twelve feet up on his desk. He and Coach Jones discussed...

4 years ago
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Running With My Coach

Running With My Coach I had been on the track team in grade school and apparently I was pretty good. I was to enter high school in September. The coach asked me to join his team even before I got to high school. He asked me to go running with him and his wife every morning all summer long to get into shape. Since I loved to run I said yes and my mother was pleased about it too. She was afraid that I would sleep in until noon every day all summer long and then keep her up all...

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