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Getting a pilot's license is more than a few flight lessons. The light sport pilot can get a certificate with only twenty hours of instruction. They fly in some of the same airspace as someone who has hundreds and thousands of hours of experience. That's scary.
I had to have a flight physical before I could begin flight school. I had taken the physical in Miami and had the completed form. CS&S were skeptical of anything from Miami and said there was a doctor next door to the trailer park who could do the FAA calls a first class medical exam and issue a certificate. I passed again without a problem and was able to turn the copy of the certificate in to the pilot school secretary. I didn't have to have to get fingerprinted as my prints were on file with the U.S. Marines, so now I was totally legal.
The cost of obtaining even the basic pilot's license is a lot more than money. It's going to cost you at least a hundred hours of your time and that doesn't cover time to read and study the additional material you'll be encouraged to get. You can finish this part of becoming a pilot it two weeks if you push it, but it's a tough two weeks.
Most flight schools will recommend going right into Commercial license training, to be followed by getting an instrument rating. You have lots of classroom instruction and a lot of reading again. The total flight time to work for your license written exam, oral question period, and a flight test requires a minimum of two hundred fifty hours for the commercial. That's at least four more weeks if you're pushing.
So you want to have an instrument rating and would like to become an instructor. You can finish everything in eighteen weeks if you are being taught by an FAA Part 141 approved school. From zero to Commercial, Instrument, and Instructor in under five months. S&S has such a school and trains the way Sun State Aviation, a school in Kissimmee, Florida, does. I can qualify as a part 61 commercial pilot when I have more hours.
I was able to get all of my solo flying, cross country, and landings completed Monday and Tuesday.
I took my exam for a basic pilot's license on Wednesday afternoon and was surprised at how easy it was. The written exam was a multiple choice format, with no questions that were designed for you to miss the correct answer. The oral exam was roughly fifty questions all based on the material I had been given to study in the beginning. The flight exam was like a lesson from one of the instructors. Up and down, fifty miles cross country, some stalls, turn around and at one point the examiner pulled the throttle all the way out to simulate an engine failure.
DeDe had given me a book to read on Monday to learn about commercial flying. I read it word for word, cover to cover twice before Wednesday morning. Needless to say, I attended ground school and spent the next few weeks getting the hours and instruction required for me to apply for my commercial license. The testing format was the same as for the private pilot, but included many topics not required for pleasure flying. You can get paid for flying with this new license. I learned a lot about weather, aircraft weight & balance, center of gravity, and lots more about gross weight, empty weight, payload, and so on, but I did pass my flight check with a total of 265 flight hours.
The old guy who was my instructor on my last flight prior to my private license was my first instrument instructor and took me through the ground school in just 4 days. There were a lot of rules to learn that required me to study at night to learn in 4 days what is usually taught in 5 days. I was flying a 172 under a hood Friday afternoon. The "hood" was a sort of visor which made it difficult for me to see anything except the instrument panel in front of me. That same instructor flew with me Saturday and Sunday, and said that he had a doctor's appointment on Monday.
I was at the airfield after a fast food breakfast on Monday and waited to see who would give me my next instrument lesson. DeDe came around the counter with an aircraft logbook and my personal logbook. "Come on," she said, "you need four hours today, and then plan for some night flying. You can do that on you own.
DeDe was an exacting instructor, and questioned me about procedures the entire four hours. She helped me plan my first night flight that I extended far beyond what she wanted. I told her, "I'll sleep all day and take off at dusk and do all my instrument landings, and then end up here just before dawn. I'm going to sleep all day again and repeat on a different route. I'll do it one more time and that will take care of my night solos and I think I'll be ready for the FAA Examiner to take me for my instrument check ride. I'll be done then, and maybe can start to learn to fly other aircraft before I begin helicopters. I need to learn and get type rated on some twins, fly a tail dragger, and land and take off on water. I think I can get the seaplane stuff over in Winter Haven. That will take a couple of days. I'll take an airplane over there to get it done. I'll work on the instructor qualifications. I know that I'm minimizing what I have to do, but I'm willing to stay at it until I have all the hours I need. I've signed up for some internet classes for the teaching requirements and am already doing okay. I really need to begin getting type certified in the King Air 350 or 200B. I have a lot to learn."
DeDe said, "Don't burn yourself out. You're pushing hard. Are you going to work on an Airline Transport Rating?"
"Yes, Ma'am, and I'll be mooching rides for a year to get the 1,500 hours requirement, and maybe you could use me on a lot of the smaller flights, or as a co-pilot on bigger aircraft that don't require a type rating for the co-pilot. I'm serious about this and am willing to fly every day until I reach most of my goals. I'll take the time to learn helicopter when I get my ATR. I want to have John's ability, as well as that of some of his protégées."
DeDe made me sit on one of the lobby seats, and sat with me while holding my hand. "What are you going to do with this knowledge?"
"I'm not sure yet, but this seems to be calling me and I think it could be a doorway for me. I don't want to be tied down to a single rote job, but I want something with variety. I might find some rich babe who enjoys jetting to different places and likes to stay moving. That would be fun for a while. I could be an alternate for an airline and fly different flights all the time. I know I'm making everyone around me nuts, and it's making me that way too. Let me get my instrument rating and I'll take a week or so to do something fun. Maybe rent a plane and go somewhere."
DeDe said, "I understand you better, and I know that you aren't hurting for money, and have a nice retirement to live off. Enjoy yourself, but don't work at it too much or it will become a chore instead of fun."
I actually craved one of Steve's and Chuck's favorite drinks that evening. I worried about that, but figured I could go back to no booze if I thought my cravings were too strong. It was fun to relax with Steve and Tiny. Missy and Kathy usually had one of the clear liquid drinks with us, and we had to have toothpick sword fights over the olives in the bowl. Kathy resolved the problem by getting a bigger bowl.
Steve said, "DeDe talked to me about how you planned to get your night solos done. You're sort of like Chuck who flew all over the country in a B-200 to finish his instrument. Get Wes, DeDe, John, or me, if I'm available, to do it if you need to be checked out in one. You're required to get a type rating for the super King Air which is more hours. You need some time in that aircraft as it is one of the best twin turboprops in the air. I'll take you up in the biplane so you can get your tail dragger endorsement next time I'm out there and you're there. You'll love that thing and realize how our forefathers in aviation became hooked on flying."
The trio of Grenaline, Donna, and Nikki were all hovering around me, pressing their bodies to my arms, and just being close. The tiny Nikki was sitting on one of my knees, with Donna on another, while Gin was standing between my legs attempting to coax an erection to show itself. Nikki said, "You know, the three of us are going to be special, with Gin becoming a doctor like Tina, Donna is going to be an attorney, and I'm planning on being a nurse. A lot of the men here have more than one woman if you haven't noticed. Like Dad with his harem, we three could be your three women."
It's a good thing that I wasn't mid-drink or I would have spit it all over the three. I shook my head and with sweat on my brow, "Um, ah, um, you three are gorgeous, but I think you'd better learn more about me. You may not like what you learn. I know I'm probably throwing the opportunity of a lifetime away, but don't we need to learn more about each other before we commit the rest of our lives?"
Grenaline kissed me on the lips with tongue, then Donna showed me she could also kiss that good, and then Nikki looked at me with smoldering eyes, kissed me and said, "All three of us are virgins, and we all want you to take us at the same time. We will be your women forever when you do that. You don't have to worry about supporting us. Dad has tons of money that he doesn't spend, and I think you have a bunch as well. Just think: three horny young nymphos to play with."
The three left and went back to sit with Sal and his women. I was totally surprised when Trixie and Dixie came to sit on barstools next to me. I think it was Trixie who asked, "What's the matter with our sisters? Lizzy is almost as old as those girls, and there is Marion and Virginia. I think a lot of guys are missing it by not being closer to Barb."
I looked at the two girls, and asked, "And what makes you think I'm shopping for women?"
The other female triplet said, "Well, you're sure showing a lot interest in those three."
"You know that I'm not trying to do anything with any women if you two are in my head and listening. I actually have a girlfriend who may come up to visit me."
They gave me the twin speak, by the first one saying, "Well, don't get", the second "too chummy", the first "with those girls", the second "until you check out Lizzy or Elizabeth." The first said, "Even Bonita could be close", the second "to the right age."
I needed to chase these two away, so I said, "You probably need to check the mirror because you two are both close to being ripe for the picking."
The two girls both blushed but smiled, and I think Dixie said, "Do we make you think that way about us?"
"Listen to my head and then go hide."
They looked at each other, giggled, and ran off.
Mercy came over and went behind the bar to make two drinks. She put one down in front of me and sat on another barstool. "You're sure attracting attention. My two devils are growing up, but they're such busy bodies that they worry about everyone but themselves. You really hit it on the nose with the two. They are amazing."
Mercy took a sip of her drink, and said, "They don't know how to recognize how focused someone can be to ignore the opposite sex. You have to forgive me, but I was listening to your conversations with Sal's girls. They're really not his, but he's more dad to them than they've ever had."
I told Mercy, "I think it's a good thing that you're listening and paying attention. I don't want to become someone unwelcome out here. I love all you people and have been fascinated by how gentle everyone is. I know Chuck seems to have a quality that soothes everyone. Steve does too, but I can feel he doesn't have that stuff inside him that lets him mentally join with other people."
Mercy leaned toward me, and said, "But you do. Mom can't believe that you've never learned to control your gift. That's why you're like a magnet to some of the girls. They feel it and want to be a part of it. Let me tell you that you can't fuck it into them."
I thought I was going to choke to death and fall off the bar chair with that one. Mercy continued, "That girl you said was your sister has the gift too. She knows she's special and sort of uses it, but she doesn't know how to control it. I want you to spend a lot of time with Mom so she can teach you the way she did Chuck. Chuck's Aunt Etta will also help you. This is important, Chuck, because you can help others with this gift and you can control things much better when you have the edge of listening to what someone is thinking."
I was serious when I told Mercy, "I do often listen to people, but only hear what I want to know. It isn't plain as day, but I know when they are telling me the truth if I focus on someone."
Mercy punched me in the ribs with her forefinger, and said, "I know you and your sister crossed a line when she was up here. That's not a bad thing, and you shouldn't feel guilty. You two love each other and that's what counts. The gift you two share probably makes your bonding more intense."
I sipped my drink, and said, "We were close all through school, and came close to doing things before I went into the Marines. We both wanted it, but knew that we shouldn't. Something was just right the other night, and we came together in an explosion. You know she has two gay partners, but I know that one isn't all that firm on being only gay. I've shared a night with her. I don't feel guilty about my sister and me, and look forward to the next time we can share a bed."
Mercy took her glass, finished her drink, and I did the same. She went behind the bar and rinsed the two glasses before putting them into the dishwasher behind the bar that was set up for glasses only. The magic woman said, "Go to bed. I hear you're going to try to sleep all day tomorrow. Maybe my mom can help you sleep."
I didn't know what that meant, but I waved goodnight to the three delectable girls from Sal's family and went to the hotel. I was surprised that Sandra hadn't called but it was an 'Oh well' because I didn't own her. She indicated that she would call me and I shouldn't call her. I lay awake thinking of my conversations with Mercy and the three girls. Damn, they were all delicious and ripe for plucking, but I wasn't going to do that and allow them to give me something precious to them ahead of its time.
I fell asleep thinking of what the three of them might look like nude.
I typically wanted to sleep late, but woke up at the usual time of five-fifteen. I dressed to run and really got into it this morning trying to think of the different people I had been with yesterday. I was thinking of the two triplet girls when I heard, "Go away, I want to sleep some more," plain as day.
Wow, that was something. I actually touched Trixie or Dixie. A voice came to me as I walking to cool down. It said, "You may need to turn your volume down now that you're learning to project. I'll talk to you at breakfast."
I did my lifting, showered, shaved, and dressed casually since I was coming back to the hotel to sleep.
Steve pointed toward the kitchen as soon as I entered the patio, and said, "You better go help Glenda. She thinks that you need some kind of special breakfast."
I told Glenda to cease and desist as I didn't need anything special. I had learned to sleep when you could in the Marines. She didn't listen, and the two of us made some of the best SOS known to mankind. The key to this is to make it with dried shaved beef instead of hamburger, with a small quantity of onions in a white sauce that's colored and flavored by cayenne or hot paprika, and served over potatoes. Yum! I was joined by Steve and several other people who recognized something special. I filled up and was amused at how the three teases came by to offer help getting me back to sleep.
I helped Glenda fix herself and her husband a plate of the special SOS on homemade biscuits. I helped clean up when everyone was gone, and couldn't get over all the help we had to finish cleaning the kitchen. I sat with a cup of coffee and had said that I was going back to the hotel when Missy sat with me, and said, "Can you help me with something? My room is just right here."
We went into a very feminine room where this mature beauty dropped her shift and displayed her totally nude body. I heard "Love me, make love to me" in my head.
I answered back with my head, "I can't; your husband shouldn't have to find out that a stranger loved you."
Missy pressed against me and said, "The love of my life can't do for me what you can and never seems to object if I give him mental pictures. It often helps him do his part, but he knows I enjoy this pleasure and smiles when I'm happy."
My clothes melted from me and we were soon involved in some serious lovemaking. I tried to pleasure this woman every way I could, and then left deposit after deposit inside her. Missy was also exhausted when I was too. She hugged me to her, telling me to sleep.
I awoke and stretched at almost noon, but I was alone. I showered, went out to have some coffee, and was almost attacked by a woman who had a very large chest. She said to me, "Missy said that you know how to make a woman happy. I need to be made happy. My guy isn't here and is probably banging the housekeeper in Costa Rica. Eat something and then take me to bed and fill me with everything you have. I love the feeling of being filled with cum."
Sue came by while I was stuffing a turkey sandwich, and said, "Don't wear Chuck out, Mother. Enjoy him, but leave him with enough energy to fly all night."
So this was Sue's mother, who I heard from Steve needed some love and care fairly often. I also knew that the man she was speaking of was her brother. It should work out for Dora and me if it worked out for them after all these years.
I satisfied a woman who wanted a hell of lot more than some wimpy young babe once again. I know I did everything possible to make us both totally satisfied and smiled when Beth stuffed one of her gigantic nipples into my mouth and told me to suck while she had at least one more good orgasm. There amazingly are some unsatisfied women around.
I slept till four and then went to the hotel to clean up to fly all night. I was planning on buying half a dozen subs from the restaurant at the airpark, but I didn't have to worry about it. There was a big sack of sandwiches and two large thermoses of coffee waiting for me at the patio.
I was given the fancy G36 Bonanza instead of a dependable old 172 when I went to check an aircraft out. Fortunately, I had done enough training in this and other "complex aircraft" to be comfortable with it, even though the 172 almost flies itself. The FAA calls anything with retractable landing gear, a six cylinder engine, or a variable pitch propeller a complex aircraft, and the Bonanza had all of these features, but the new G36 model also had a lot of bells and whistles to make it simple to fly. I did the preflight and sat in the cockpit as dusk was closing in. I spent this night going up and down to get my required night landings at fields with the proper equipment. I was exhausted when I touched down on the home runway after eleven hours of flying. I fueled the aircraft and made sure it was clean. I think I must have peed fifteen minutes because I had been determined that the last two landings before I landed at home were to be touch and go.
Generally I work out of my apartment, on the computer, but I'd had to spend the morning downtown with a major client finalizing the details of the design work I'd been doing for them. They were very happy with my presentation, which made me very happy. I was glad not to have to tinker anymore with the shit I'd done for them. And happy in the knowledge of the big fucking check I'd be getting for the month spent working up the designs to their exacting specs. Mostly though I was working hard...
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Assembly Hall, Moonvale School, Immediately Following As the light from the sun continued to dim, every single last person in the town ran inside and switched on their televisions. It was the same at the school, the Pride and all other students moved inside as fast as they could. There were a few that ran to their rooms but most went to the assembly hall as it was the closest and had the largest television in the school. As everyone filtered in the Principal turned it on and tuned in the...
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Diane first few days at her new job were pretty normal but she could tell that the students were treating her different especially the guys.Her night in the boys locker room seemed like a terrible nightmare but she had to admit that down deep she knew she liked it. That night she experienced more pleasure than she had ever had in her whole life. If it had happened with any other group than a bunch of high school football players it would be perfect.Diane knew that like any group of hormone...
I take my video camera with me everywhere. It drives my wife nuts. She has allowed the camera with us in the bedroom though. That’s the one place she doesn’t mind. She likes to masturbate while watching herself cum. It’s always been her fantasy to be with another woman. It’s been mine to see her with another woman while taping it. I always stop on Thursday nights at my usual bar for a beer before heading home. My wife works late on Thursday’s, so I get a little goof off time. One Thursday, I...
VoyeurThe next morning, Friday, Jason met Melinda at the cul-de-sac. She gave him a small, nervous smile. "Your turn today." "Yeah, I guess it is," Jason said. "Though I was tempted to let Heather take a turn instead just because of what happened yesterday." "She may already have plans for that. She's been down here already for over an hour." Jason flinched at this, remembering what happened the first time Heather did that. "Uh... why?" "Don't worry, it doesn't have anything to do...
My wifes younger sister was worked funny shift patterns and had days off in the week, I had my own key to her and her mums house so I could basically cum and go as I pleased which I often did. My sister in law ali, we’ll call her, used to have a long lay in when it was her day off she was a real looker like her mum and sister and I’d always fancied giving her a good seeing to. Well one day I called round and as usual she was in bed, I put on the kettle and made a coffee for me and her a tea. I...
“Sorry, lads, duty calls,” Danny said, flashing his cheeky grin and swinging a small backpack over his shoulders. “Those arses aren't going to fuck themselves!”“They might just fuck each other,” I pointed out. This ridiculous banter had been going on for most of the trip from Birmingham to our campsite in the Lake District. It was exhausting, but I found it impossible to stop with Danny. He always seemed to bring out the cheeky schoolboy I had never been, rather than the professional...
OutdoorThere couldn’t have been a better example of ‘damned if you do, damned if you don’t’ in human history. May was staring me down, just daring me to make the first move and spill the beans. If I didn’t, she would start, and then she would really have the upper hand. Either she would have free reign to twist the story inevitably to make her look worse than she did, or I would keep interjecting with the ‘that’s not true’s, which would get weaker and weaker with every interjection I was goaded to...
One year to the day they announced Buckle had sold the company. The new company took control almost immediately and my new employer was a large insurance company branching out into the domestic market. A year later, they offered me a redundancy package I really couldn’t refuse. Buckle had obviously done his bit as promised and I left work with a package that was half descent. Quite honestly, I didn’t have to work anymore and at forty-seven years old, I was glad. With paying up our mortgage,...
Hello friends, I’m Raj (name changed), im 25 years old and today I’m going to share with you my sexual experience with an aunty who lived in the same apartment as mine. During my college days i stayed in Mumbai with my cousins in their apartment, I was over joy to stay with them as they were the only family i had left. And in the same building there was an aunty named Sneha (name changed), who lived below our floor. She was Very sexy and had huge pair of breasts, during that time I was very...
She was old or more to the fact of age, she was ancient in terms of human life. She had walked the earth for centuries searching for the men she craved to survive on. Men of wealth and means, men of fame and fortune and men of great physical stature, she had them all over time, used them all and in most cases killed them for their life-sustaining source she needed to survive.Yet that had changed in the eighteenth century when she had met Harold. Harold had loved her and provided for her...
HorrorFrom a Triathlon to a Biathlon three-way (part 1) Danielle is my trainer. To say she is hot is an understatement. She’s about 5’ 7-8”, great ass, not a lot in the breast area but a really gorgeous face with a great ass, (I guess I already said she has a great ass didn’t I?) and she is about 20 yrs. younger than me also. Plus, she went to the Caribbean and came back with a banging tan. She does triathlons and has a personal training company. I’ve been using her services for about a year and a...
BisexualSaturday MorningI woke up at about 7:00, feeling really refreshed. I got quietly out of bed and went in to make coffee. About ten minutes later I came back in the bedroom with two cups and she was sitting up in bed with the sheets at her waist, those perky tits exposed.“Wow, you were out there naked?”“Yeah, there’s no one else around and the d****s are closed” I said with a smile.“That’s sexy, knowing you were walking around out there naked. That coffee looks really good too”“Well you look sexy...
Dr. Beatrice Murray had thought the hardest part of her job would be to raise money for her late husband's foundation. Funding deserving students from third world countries was hard enough. Dealing with a sex scandal was not part of her job description. Beatrice was lovely and desirable at 33 years old. She had married her much older husband and he had endured a lot of criticism for "robbing the cradle." They didn't care for they loved each other very much. Now that her husband was gone...
Jim Bryan sat in his boss's office and sipped coffee and listened to his boss as he expounded the idea of expansion."So, you see, it’s going to work," his boss said. "We’ll start it next week. And that’s what I wanted to let you know about. The expansion will require an officer to be in charge. He’ll be promoted to a vice-presidency, and that of course will involve quite a promotion in both position and salary. So, I want to tell you that the officer will come from this department; it’ll be one...
A Family New Year’s Eve – Part VI Please read “A Family New Year’s Eve – Chapters I, II, III, IV, and V” – before you read this (if you haven’t already.) This will make more sense if you do. Matt opened one eye and looked at his alarm clock – 8:30am. He could see the bright New Year’s morning sneaking around the window shades in his room. He closed his eye as he was trying to remember what had happened last night. Then it all came rushing back to him, his mind filled with so many images, his...
IncestThe past week had been quite possibly, the most sex heavy, debauched weeks in my life. I would have complained, except, uh. No. I wouldn’t have. During the day, Princess Jaqueline was an insatiable as the rumors and legends about redheaded said – to the point I had to ask her several times if she was sure she wasn’t half fox spirit. Each time she had laughed, tweaked my nose, then shoved me into a darkened corner of her palace to ride me raw. During the night, I was roused from my bed by...
Hi all this is my first story so please leave comments.First of all this is and 100% true story as all of mine will be.This all started to give you some back ground in and place called Ocean City Maryland.I was on vacation with my mother at the beach on 32nd street right ocean front with and great balcony view of the girls sun bathing ahhh yes.At this time I am and teenager myself and so is the young lady in this story. I met some other guys the same age as me and we all had and laugh looking...
(The sequel to Spring Break Broke My Heart) By rutger5 (An Original Story - Copyright 2012) My bleary eyes stared at the computer screen as I watched some Asian girl expertly sucking some guy’s cock. The moans sounded tinny to my ears though that was due more to the video’s poor production values than my sound system. For the past sixty hours since arriving from my family’s vacation cabin I’d alternated wracking my brain trying to think of...
(I have published this story on first. I am not the owner of every chapters, it's specified at the begining of chapters. If you see some of your work in it and you dont want it to be in, message me and I will delete it a soon as a receive the mail.) You are a boy, 18 years old. Your name is Tim and you have a wonderfull girlfriend, enveryone arround you are jalous about her. She is the perfect girl, angel face, slim with perky and perfect breast and ass. But a morning she is...
FetishIt was morning. It had been a close decision, whether to take breakfast in their room or whether to enjoy the Gynarch's Breakfast Room. In the end the chance to see and be seen had won out over the idea of being waited on in their suite. They put on their New Opportunity uniforms, short black kilts and tight, white, roll-neck sweaters. Somehow it only seemed right – the Breakfast Room of the Gynarch was where New Order had been founded, so as well as offering what they were sure would be an...
Niki leaned over the front seat of the car, watching Cyndi suck on her brother’s prick, her robe tossed on the seat behind her. Max had offered Cyndi a ride home when he had come back to pick Niki up, and Cyndi’s almost eager dart into the front seat made it clear why she wanted a ride home. “She gets you all weekend, I just need a turn to make you feel all good. Besides, she just sucked pussy for 2 hours, and drank everyone dry to boot!” Cyndi had not stopped to talk long, working her mouth...
I woke up before them and snuck out of her apartment. I tried not to disturb them and didn't really want to talk to either until I processed what happened. I especially didn't want to see that Brian guy. I wondered if he knew I was into Sarah, or that I jerked off last night while they were fucking.I went straight home. My mind was all over the place. I guess it was official, I had no chance to be with Sarah. She even covered herself up after she remembered I was there, but that stranger got to...
"Sir, this lifeform registers differently. Pulse, temperature, respiration... Sir, she's not Human." I was dreaming that I was on an airplane. The airplane suddenly disappeared and I was flying through Earth's atmosphere unaided. I felt no fear as I moved silently through the clouds, looking down upon the Earth miles below. My serene, peaceful dream was interrupted by the sound of police officer's voices. "We'll have to make sure she's registered, sir." "Skip it,...
In the first part of the story Jesse and I shared an intimate moment while she was helping me bathe. I was doing my best to breathe in and out steadily. I was also trying my best to comprehend what had just happened. My own sister just gave me a hand job and I just got to feel my her boobs as well. So Jesse finished washing me. She was beyond beautiful honestly. But I wondered if she was just going for me because of my condition or what. But it was very nice. I loved every single second of...
IncestMe ye storie paheli bar likh raha hu is liye koi bhul ho jay to maf karna or bhul sudhar ke padhna ok thanks dosto. Me Rohit 24 saal ka hu me gujrat ke ahemdabad ke najdiki gav she shop jalakar mere family ki help karta hu. Mere bua bhavnagar rahete hai.ushi ki paas me hi hamare papa ke dur ki bahen ka beta yani mere dur ke bhai or unki biwi or do bachhe rehte hai.bhabhi bahot sexy hai.slim body patli kamar 36 ke boobs ise dekh kar lagta nahi ke ye do bacho ki ma bhi hai.ise dekh kar...
My Dearest Lover, I am thinking so much about you right now... My loins are aching. I just did something naughty and sexy... I hope you like it! I shaved ALL the hair off my pussy. Ooo, Baby! Then I went in the shower and lathered up. It was hot!! I wish you could have been here. You could have watched. I could have watched you get hard. Your cock is amazing! Just thinking about your big wet dripping dick makes me want to get fucked! My tits are getting hard just thinking about...
Standing around me in a semi-circle was a half dozen naked girls of all shapes color and sizes. My pussy, that had recently been ravished by Haley my captain and the girl of my dreams, instantly began to flow with my juices. Staring into the eyes of my teammates with a look of both astonishment and confusion, I could not move from the floor where Haley had left me. Shea another one of my teammates and my roommate tossed her thick long dark mane of hair behind her head, smiled and laughed at...
To this day Roxy is the only woman I have been with that took it up the arse, let me tell you how it happened. We were on holiday in the south of France a place called Hossegor on the Atlantic coast, a few miles north of Bayonne. We had been there the best part of a week and the weather had been great which meant I had the pleasure of watching sunbathing topless with the Pyrenees in the background, only one winner in that contest, although one of the lifeguards told her off for it as apparently...
When we walked into the bar, Sally was a little nervous. Sally is my wife. She is a slut,plain and simple. She loves to fuck. When we first me, she told me that her old boyfriends had all told her she was the most fuckable woman they knew. So many men have deposited their loads of cum in her in her 46 years the she has lost count. We've decided that she was probably a whore in a past life. While she would just as soon be a whore today as well, she doesn't want to take the chance of getting...
Cheating WifesOf all the stories you have heard or read about, you have never heard this one. Yeah you might be thinking they are all the same, but the thing is, this one is special and makes it different than all the others. Don’t get wise with me, just read it. Send me an email if you like it and give me your comments or whatever. Enjoy. It begins on a Sunday morning... Her name is Katie, 21 years old, 36C, a body so perfect it would make you want to put your hands all over. Short blonde hair, blue eyes,...
IncestAs the afternoon began to wane, Sara read on and turned her body in the sunshine. Around her, people went on swimming, playing, talking, behaving completely normally, except that they were all naked, and frequently were making love in one form or another. As she turned a page in her book and began to read the next, a man's voice spoke to her. "May I interrupt you?' The man was about fifty with dark, graying hair. He had broad shoulders, a beard that reminded Sara of Steve Calvin's, and...
The look on Frank Watkins's face when Allison began ripping his guts out didn't make up for the atrocities he had visited on his daughters, but it was a good start. And it felt really, really good. I guess that qualified as ending on a high note. Saturday morning I made a surprise announcement to the family. For several weeks I had been watching the paper, going online to check values, checking maintenance schedules, and checking insurance rates. I was now sixteen years old and having...