UnconqueredChapter 12 free porn video

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The past week had been quite possibly, the most sex heavy, debauched weeks in my life.

I would have complained, except, uh. No. I wouldn’t have.

During the day, Princess Jaqueline was an insatiable as the rumors and legends about redheaded said – to the point I had to ask her several times if she was sure she wasn’t half fox spirit. Each time she had laughed, tweaked my nose, then shoved me into a darkened corner of her palace to ride me raw. During the night, I was roused from my bed by the Rose, who taught me some arts of fencing, on the seduction of mortal women, and how to refine my technique to new, rarefied heights. I was able to bring a woman to orgasm with the smallest of caresses, thanks to what the Rose had shown me.

And during the whole week, the village of Shimmatonen made their way to the north. The villagers were grateful to me and my wives and the king, Carmisan, was perfectly willing to use his entire village as a bludgeon to get me to wherever I needed to go. It gave us time to do something that June had been grumbling about for days: A chance to dock the Starshrike and take a look over her engines. They had been running nearly non-stop for weeks and they had been started in a somewhat unorthodox fashion without the guidance of their animating intelligence.

In other words, June was pretty sure I had fucked it up and wanted to see if I had.

So, while Shimmatonen trotted across the vast, tractless whiteness of the north and snows came down in light flurries, June, Chirp and Xora all clambered inside the guts of the Starshrike, looking her over. Chirp had been reading every scroll, book and tome that they could find in the Starshrike, while Xora seemed to have an intuitive understanding of ships and boats of all kinds (even those that flew through the air, rather than swept through the waves.) June herself would often times drag me from my sexual haze to get me to move a component, speak a command word, spill some blood, or do any number of arcane services that would make the Starshrike more able and ready to fly.

On the dawn of the first day of the next week, and the breaking of the snows into a brilliantly clear day, we came into sight of the northmost outpost of the entire Regency. It, apparently, had no name. No one had seen fit to slap one on the place. Which struck me as somewhat unfair – the outpost was far from unimpressive.

It was a set of four titanic towers, each one build out of solid ice, thrusting from the wilderness like the fingers of a titanic god. Each tower’s flat top was nearly as broad as the back of our dire horse, and was peppered with heavy duty magitech artillery – artillery that opened up as we came into view. Glimmering auroral ribbons were flung out by star-bright projectiles, trailing their lights in the same way a fire arrow might trail smoke. They dropped over the horizon and flared with reddish light, making the place where Land met Sunder look as if the sun was dipping below the horizon, rather than simply closing above us.

I watched the display through a set of spyglasses, with my wives and Jaquline standing around me, all of us situated on one of the balconies of Carmisan’s palace. I whistled. “What are they blowing up?”

“The fae,” Ceaith said, casually. She glanced at me. “When we go to visit them, I want my sister to stay back on Shimmatonen. Just in case.”

I nodded. “Right. How is she?”

“Oh, she’s fine,” Ceaith said, grinning. “Still trying to wrap her head around the fact that I’m a Lunar. But she’s just glad that her soul isn’t being sucked out and used to create Infused Knights.”

I grinned. “Aren’t we all...” I shook my head, then glanced over at Ceaith. “How’s the Starshrike’s engines?”

“They’re still in pieces. B-but I’d also not want to fly the unmarked, unusual magitech flying ship near a tower full of trigger happy legionaries,” Ceaith said, their voice soft as they chewed on their lower lip.

“Well, fortunately, I have a plan,” I said.

Shimmatonen slowed and came to a stop. His head swung down and he chomped down on five pine trees in one big, shattering, splintering bite. His head lifted his his immense molars crunched the trees into a fine past, splinters and bits of needles falling past his mouth and towards the distant snow-covered forest floor. I had a great view of it, swinging down from the stirrup-elevators that were slung from either side of the saddle-town. The elevators were huge, each one nearly the size of a warehouse, and we were not alone as we came down. The villagers, it seemed, had more than enough trade goods to make any stop a profitable one, and as we were lowered towards the distant floor of the forest, I got a great view of the people on the elevator around me, bustling about to make sure that the crates were stowed and lashed down tight.

The winds caused the elevator to swing from side to side, ever so slightly, which made Chirp grip onto the railing with knuckles gone even whiter than usual. Ceaith, seeing that, snorted. “Chirp. My dorkly one. You can fucking fly.”

“I-It’s still very high up!” Chirp whimpered.

Xora, who was standing as far back from the edge as possible, nodded.

“I’m not scared.” I said, smiling as I stepped over to the railing. I leaned against it, my back settled against the metal pole that made up the upper edge of the rail. “See, Chirp. Perfect-” The elevator swung and I felt my balance shifting slightly. I flailed my arms, caught myself, sat up straighter. “Perfectly safe!”

Chirp turned into their bat form and hid themselves inside of the hay at the bottom of the elevator, clinging to the wood.

At last, the elevator settled down to the forest floor. I was just about to step off before I stopped, then turned and saw that Jaquline had joined us. She was dressed in her green kimono, her bright red mane of hair draw into a tight ponytail behind her head with a green silk tie. She smiled at me. I pointed my finger at her.

“Why are you here?” I asked.

“My father sent me along to be part of the negotiation package,” Jaquline said, her voice a husky croon. “Also, my Unconquered, I do want to see what fine pieces of ass fill the Legion these days.”

“You’ll have an easy time of it,” Ceaith said, her voice dry. “Half of them are marrying yeti, they’re so desperate for poon. I mean, have you seen a yeti chick?”

“Have you?” I asked as I put my feet into the snow. The white, powdery stuff crunched around my toes. It felt nice. I wriggled my toes, grinning as I did so – though I felt a small trickle of mana flowing through my body to sustain myself against the chill.

“No,” Ceaith said. “But, I mean, they’re yeti.”

“Are you just assuming they’re ugly cause their name sounds funny?” I asked, shaking my head as I looked forward – at the vast tower of the Piss Boot Legion that rose before us. There was no sign of a door – at first. Then a seam appeared in the ice, sending out a fine spray of white powder. It carved a shape of a rectangle before the chunk swung forward with a groaning sigh. When it struck the ground, it crashed and sent up a wave of white snow, flurrying in the air. I lifted my hand to shield my face and when the flurry had passed, I saw that the massive slab had been carved on the inside so that it formed a set of stairs leading from the leading edge to the flat base. Standing upon it were a quartet of Infused Knights, their bodies wreathed in swirling ice particulates.

As one, the Infused Knights leaped, then dropped down, kicking the ice as they landed upon the slab. It skidded towards us like a vast sled, sliding and creaking and grinding, brushing aside a few trees until it came to a stop right before the elevator. As it came close, I saw that the Infused Knights – the Ice Knights – were only part of the party. The rest of the legionaries were dressed in the familiar lamellar armor I recognized from Jerin Kah’s party.

Though, uh...

Less revealing? And slutty?

And they weren’t all girls.

Their armor was painted white, to give them some camouflage against the ice. All save for their boots, gloves and helmets, which were a bright, ruby red. One of the legionaries, though, didn’t need a red helmet to be distinctive. She was in the middle of the group and looked down at us with a cold, evaluating glare – one that made me feel as if she was measuring each of us for a coffin. She had bright green skin and long red hair, which was itself blooming with rose buds and threaded with snarling, red thorns. She stepped up to the edge of the stairs leading to the ground and called down.

“Where’s Carmisan?” She asked.

“He sent me in his stead,” I said, stepping forward.

The woman rolled her eyes. “Are you another one of his sons?” She paused. “No. Carmisan is red from drink, not birth – who are you?”

“I ... my name is Sleepy Ember,” I said. “Are you the general of the Seventh Legion?”

The woman snorted. “Please. I’m not a prissy whelp like my brother. I won’t roll over dead if you use the word piss around me. My men are proud of what they’ve done – and they’re proud of their name. But yes...” She lifted her chin. “I am Ejana Back Rose Kah, Infused Knight and Generalissimo of the Piss Boot Legion. And you, Sleepy Ember, look like an eastern peasant and...” Her eyes flicked from me to Ceaith, then to Xora, then to Jacqueline.

“And ... you are the Unconquered himself,” she said, quietly.

I smiled. “Yes! I’m here to-”

“Kill them,” Ejana said.

“Great start for the negotiations!” Ceaith said, glancing at me as the Ice Knights launched themselves into the air on pillars of hissing steam, transforming the ice beneath themselves into cannons. They flung their arms wide, and from their interlocking fingers came what seemed to be a thousand shards of whirring ice. They weren’t conic spikes, as I had seen before, but rather whirring disks that wobbled slightly as they shot through the air, giving them erratic, wild patterns. I flung myself forward into the snow as Ceaith and Xora ducked behind the railing. Clangs and clungs and whumps filled the air as the ice disks embedded themselves in the crates, the boxes, and the railings of the cargo elevator. The mortals ran, screaming, for cover.

I flung myself to my feet just as one of the Ice Knights landed to my left. She kicked at my face and the snow around her came with her foot, blasting my head and blinding me. I stumbled backwards and felt someone behind me. Only by twisting on instinct did I avoid a shimmering khatar of pure ice that was jammed right at my kidney. I brought my elbow down, shattering the ice khatar. I blinked the snow from my eyes and saw the third Ice Knight was sprinting forward, dragging a wrecking ball of gathered, compacted ice behind him – a ball that grew larger with every step.

He flung it.

And it was caught from the air by the immense teeth of a megalodon. Xora chomped down and the ice wrecking ball exploded into fragments. Chirp, who was sitting on her back, leaped off and landed beside one of the Ice Knights. My Ruby thrust out with the blade of their hand, cracking it against the temple of the Ice Knight. Their metal helmet exploded off their head, opening them up for Ceaith, who leaped onto his chest and tackled him to the ground.

Ejana wasn’t joining the fray. Instead, she was inclining her head – and beside her, a man holding a standard lifted it into the air, the symbol of the Seventh Legion fluttering in the wind. Seeing it was like feeling ice water dripping down my spine – I felt my very will to fight flagging, even as Ejana flung out her arm. Rose petals flew from her wrist and began to drift down into the air. One landed on the Ice Knight that Ceaith had just knocked down – and glowed. The Ice Knight gasped, his eyes snapping open.

“Look out!” Chirp shouted, pointing at me. A rose petal drifted down near me – and I jerked my arm back. Too slow! The petal struck my wrist.

And it exploded.

I was flung through the air, smashing into the side of a fir tree. Pine cones rattled down around me, while my arm flared with golden light – my skin having toughened up to resist the blast. I saw the slow rain of petals was continuing, drifting from the heaven as Ejana watched. The Ice Knights clustered up together, back to back, and began to punch their whirring ice disks at my Lunars, who were forced to dodge and twist and scramble – avoiding not only the disks, but also the petals.

“Okay,” I whispered. “She’s good.”

“Lunars!” I shouted. “Box them in!”

“Got it!” Ceaith sprinted forward. She darted left, right, evading rose petals. Once she came close, she hissed out. “Many Eyed Strike!”

Her clawed hand flashed out and lapis blue flared around her body – and for a moment, there were half a dozen clawed hands slashing through the air at the Ice Knights. The Ice Knights flung their arms upwards, bringing icy barricades into existence at their feet. The spectral claws bit into the ice, shattering it apart and forcing the Ice Knights to stumble backwards – backwards towards Xora, who had charged forward in a looping arc. She bulled through the exploding petals as if they were nothing, and the sharp concussive cracks of each petal striking her body provided a perfect percussive beat for battle. She punched the ground and a tidal wave of pure water swept outwards. An Ice Knight kicked it and froze it solid.

Which worked perfectly for me. I sprinted forward, running up the almost sheer side of the ice. One arm was flung out to keep my balance, and I flipped up and over Ejana’s head. I landed behind her – and immediately clapped my palms together, catching the emerald sword she had drawn and struck with in a single, flowing motion. It was a long, narrow sword – blunt edged, with a triangular tip that looked designed for piercing through armor. That point was angled right above my left eye, quivering close enough that I could have touched it with my eyelashes, had a I blinked.

Ejana planted her right palm against the base of the hilt, pushing. Her feet crunched into the ice as my arms strained and I held her sword in place.

“I don’t want to fight you,” I hissed.

“My Regent has ordered your death, Unconquered,” Ejana said, her voice grim. “I gave him my word.”

“You have to know he’s a madman,” I said.

“I gave him my word,” Ejana said, again. She shoved and I actually had to bend backwards, her sword-point thrusting through where my skull had been. She twisted away, sweeping her sword around until she gripped it with her hand on the hilt, her other hand on the blade. Since it was a blunt blade, this wasn’t as dangerous as it might have been. She thrust with her sword in an overhanded style, the point coming towards my chest with lightning speed. I parried with the flat of my hand, knocking the sword aside. But she kept exquisite control over the tip – rather than over-correcting, she smoothly reset, then thrust again. Then again. Then again. Quick, jabbing darts.

I dodged, parried, backed up more, my mana flowing through me.

And then I realized-

“You’re bleeding off my essence!” I said.

Ejana neither confirmed nor denied – she instead stabbed once more, then sprang backwards as I tried to kick at her gut. She landed lightly, despite her heavy armor, then threw out her palm, letting her sword be gripped one handed for a moment. The petals exploded before they even got close to me, all at once. The concussive wave sent me flying backwards. I almost toppled over the side of the ice block – catching onto the edge with my fingers. I dragged myself up – and then felt the tip of her sword pressing to my spine.

“I have given my word,” Ejana hissed. “My orders are clear. Defend the Regency – from all threats. I have read my histories, Unconquered. Each time you take it upon yourself to end a Cycle, you know what also ends? Millions upon millions of lives. Wars of liberation are still wars.”

I lifted my head, looking up at her – her sword tip shifting to press to my forehead. The cold jade felt like it would tear away skin if she drew her sword backwards.

“The Regency may be cruel. But it is stable,” she said.

“It’s not stable. It’s hideous!” I said. “I’ve seen what’s in Iremire, Ejana.”

Her eyes narrowed, slightly. “What?”

“They create Infused Knights, they create people like you, by ripping the essence out of a hundred innocents per Knight,” I said. “Men. Women. Children. They rip it out and they cram it into loyal soldiers – so you can gather up more innocents and make more Knights. Your Regent is a butcher, Ejana!” I grabbed onto her sword, drawing myself to my knees. Ejana, her eyes widening, let her grip slacken, but I did not shove her blade away. Instead, I dragged it down, pressing to to my heart. “But without the Seventh Legion, I’m living on borrowed time, fighting a war I cannot win. I could prolong it. I could drive the butchery on for years. But I cannot win it.” I looked straight into her eyes, my own shining intently. “So, if you will not join me, if you will not cast aside your oaths to the Regent, then run me through right this instant.”

Ejana froze. Snow drifted down from overhead and I could almost hear it landing – a quiet tinkling. The rest of the battle felt as if it was a thousand miles away. Ejana’s hands shook.

“I gave my oath...” She whispered.

“I’m the Unconquered...” I said, standing slowly. I kept my two handed grip upon her sword, keeping the tip pressed to my heart. “I am the toppler of unjust thrones and the breaker of the chains. Those chains include the chains of words. The chains of honor. Give me your oath ... swear yourself to my cause, Black Rose.”

Her hands tightened. I felt the tension in her muscles, saw the gathering strength in her biceps. Then she sagged, one of her arms dropping. I released her sword and she let the triangular tip thump onto the ice. Her head bowed.

Then she lifted her head. “So ... the legends are true...” She said. She clasped my forearm. “The Sun does know what he’s about.” She bowed her head. “The Piss Boot Legion is at your command, my Unconquered. And so am I.”

I breathed out a slow sigh – and tried to ignore the shimmering sense of disquiet that crawled along my spine. Had I just convinced her?

Or had my magic just left there no room for doubt? No room for debate?

I had no idea.

Ejana and the Piss Boot Legion took us into the tower with the blinding speed of what I presumed was an exceptionally well trained logistic arm. Before I knew it, me and my Lunars and Jaquline were all seated at a large table that was itself situated in the center of a rectangular room that was surrounded by immense, one way windows that looked out on the horizons. The crackling rumble of magitech artillery provided a constant, omnipresent and entirely ominous background sound for our conference.

The table was similar to the projection booth in the Starshrike – but rather than using magic and dancing lights, it was considerably more prosaic: A glass top covered with fine lines of black paint, set above a scale model of the Land of Ten Billion Gods. As if to make up for the fact that the model was something as bland as a physical object, it was done entirely in fine materials: Gold for sandy deserts, ruby pits in lacquered wood for volcanoes, emerald beads to signify forests, sapphire gemstones for rivers. Set atop the glass were several carved figures, each one representing one of the Ten Legions, and their various elements.

Due to the scale of the table, one had to use a very long stick with a flat broom on the end of it to push the figures around on their bases. I held one stick and tried to resist the urge to swing it around like a sword as Ejana placed her hands on the knees of her armored leggings and leaned forward, glaring down at the map.

“There are nine Legions,” she said. “Of them, three are staffed entirely with pure loyalists to the Regent – they have been given their position by him, not by the Good King Bahul. They will die before they turn against him. There are three Legions who are staffed by former members of the Good King’s court – the Third, the Fifth and the Tenth. They will turn their flags the instant they are given proof that you are, in fact, the Unconquered and not a fake. The remaining two, the First and the Ninth, are the wild cards.”

She pointed. A Legion figure situated on Samsara glowed. “The First is stationed in Samsara – their leader is the last mortal general, Mongoose Stone. He is a wily one, and he never lets anyone know what he is thinking. That’s part of why he’s still alive – but also, his wife is an Infused Knight – a flame caster named Azanari. She has the ear of someone high in the Regent’s court. But this is why the First is there. The Praetorean Guard and that damned shadowy snake of the Regent, Knyfe, will be there to keep an eye on Mongoose.”

“And what about the Ninth?” I asked, trying to hide the fact I had been twirling the pushy stick around in my palms.

“The Ninth is situated in the West. They’re the smallest of the legions, but they have the most in the form of skyship support and transportation. This allows them to travel rapidly – however, there are rumors that their general, One Eyed Razor, is half-pirate by marriage and full-pirate by inclination. If she’s really robbing caravan ships and whale barges instead of following orders from the Regent, then she’ll be worse than a loyalist. She’ll be a third party.” Ejana shook her head. “You’ve picked a weighty boulder to roll up your hill, Unconquered.”

I frowned, looking down at the map. I brought my finger down, aiming at the three legions that might turn their banner to me. They were situated in a broad crescent, reaching from the North East to the South East, each one situated nearly two weeks of flying apart.

“What are their duties?” I asked.

“They’re guarding the boarder – just as we are,” Ejana said.

Ceaith, who had been lounging in her seat with her feet planted up on the table, frowned. “How bad are the fae incursions?”

“Bad,” Ejana said. “Each legion we pull off those lines is a few thousand leagues of the Land we leave entirely open to the Fae...” She looked straight at me. I could feel her weighing what I said next as if I was in a market stall and she was a merchant. But it wasn’t gold and jade coins that we were trading back and forth here. It was human lives. Whole continents worth of land. I chewed my lower lip, looking down at the map, and tried to come up with a plan. Something that would work.

I pointed with the stick. “The enemy Legions – the Second, the Fourth and the Eight – are each in populated regions of the South. They are the people who are snatching up individuals, to turn them into power for Knights. With Iremire gone, they can’t do that. This means that the Regent will redeploy them...” I nodded. “If we could move elements of your Legion here...” I brought the stick down, to a collection of passes that linked the South to the vast, rich territories near Mount Mahameru.

“To the Harpy Passes?” Ejana asked, frowning. “Across the entire breadth of the Land? Those Legions are being redeployed, according to my spies in the capital. But even considering the time it takes garitroops-” Seeing my expression, she expanded: “Garrison Troopers. They’ve been situated in place so long that each of those Legions has gotten fat and spoiled.” She snorted. “Too much time nabbing dissidents and not enough time fighting people who can actually swing a sword.”

I nodded.

“Still, even assuming the normal slowness of garitroops, they’ll be in those passes a month before we could get there. And that still leaves our northern frontier open to the Fae-”

I held up my hand, then smiled. “I have an idea.”

“Do you now...” Ejana murmured.

I cracked my knuckles. “It’s time we show the world what an Unconquered can do.”

“I mean, yes, I could,” June said, slowly pacing back and forth before me. “But ... it’d take an unprecedented amount of trust and-”

“I’m in!” Chirp squeaked, their arms wrapping around my back. Xora nodded as well, stepping up to put her hand on my shoulder. She squeezed and I looked back at her, then past her, at Ceaith. Ceaith was leaning against the wall, trying to look casual and disinterested. I coughed.

“Yeah, fine,” she said.

June shook her head, slowly. “I have no idea how you do it, Ember,” she said, her voice soft.

“Wait!” I said, holding up my hands. “Wait, where’s the Rose. Rose!”

A shadow detached from the doorway leading into June’s little room. The Rose of Versail stood there, holding a rose in his white gloved fingers, his mask clasped tight around his face. He was gently rolling the rose from side to side as his eyes regarded it. He chuckled, and I could tell he was smirking at me. “I am in as well, my Unconquered.”

“Gods, how the hell did you get in here?” June asked, then held up her hand. “Forget I asked. You know, Agates are supposed to be the fucking normal ones, right? They’re the mediating presences, the calming-” She trailed off in disgust as Rose took Xora’s hand and ducked his head down, making Xora turn so dark that her cheeks were nearly purple. “-nevermind. Fine. Whatever.” She shook her head, then turned to her desk. Over the weeks they had been on the Starshrike, June had filled her desk with the detritus of her craft, and she was able to simply pick up beakers and bubbling flasks. She poured them together, murmuring under her breath, then tossed in small pinches of crystal – smoke and roiling energies flowed into the air.

I watched, eyes wide, as June finished crafting the potion that I had asked her to make. She held it to me, then yanked it back before I could take it. She picked up a small calligrapher’s brush from the wild chaos of her desk, then daubed it in a circle around the beaker – measuring out five spaces. “Drink down to this line, then you to this line, then you to this line,” she said, pointing at me and my Lunars. “Understand?”

“Got it,” I said, then took the beaker. I sipped it – and felt it burn down my throat. The burning only became more intense as my Lunars drank it down. Ceaith had to screw up her face before she could force herself to drink it down. But each Lunar that drank it made the burning grow hotter, and hotter, until the Rose lifted their mask and knocked their head back and drank the last fifth of the potion. Once it had vanished down his throat, a glowing, multihued light flared to life, wrapped around each of my Lunar’s throats, driving straight into my chest. The light turned gold, then shattered, filling the room with sparks and hisses.

“There,” June said. “You are now tied together into one vast pool of mana for the next twenty four hours.” She pursed her lips. “I will have you know, this has only ever been tried twice in history.”

I grinned. “And both times?”

June scowled at me. “And both times ... everything fucking worked and the Unconquereds in question were fucking smug as shit about it.”

I pumped my fist. “Nice!”

The Starshrike took off with a flurry of cast up snowflakes and a hissing rattle of discarded pine cones and nettles. It banked, then soared through the air, heading deeper towards the north. A whole crew of Legionnaire artillerists were onboard – they would be unloading the entire armament of the Starshrike upon the gathering Fae cohorts that were collecting in response to the Seventh Legion’s movements. I had a great view, standing before the primary tower of the Seventh Legion – watching as the elements that Ejana had picked for our little escapade.

I had given her free reign, and she had cut things to a fine edge. We needed to leave enough of the Seventh around to ward off the Fae, while still having enough to successfully to defeat the loyalist Legions.

She had diverted all of her Infused Knights: Twenty ice knights, ten fire knights, and thirteen earth knights (apparently, that was a lucky number for earth knights.) Supplementing them were three teams with mobile vortex arrow launchers. Squat, ugly looking machines, they looked a tiny bit like a many tiered oven, but rather than slats, they had tubes. Each tube contained a vortex arrow, and they were fired by blasting air through the backs via a massive collection of pumps and steam-valves attached to a mobile boiler, each of whom was fueled by a captive fire demon fed a constant string of wood. Next, she had divvied off two companies of cavalry: Two hundred men and women mounted upon sleek, lizardy creatures called raptors. They had feathered crests and wickedly sharp talons and, according to Ejana, they could charge up a mountain nearly as fast as they could charge down them.

Finally, she had taken five companies of infantry: Two thousand, five hundred men and women with long spears and shields and short swords. They were a tough, no-nonsense group of people and I was sure that, with the leadership of the Black Rose, they would be more than effective. I watched the army gathering and felt a growing sense of excitement – an eagerness around me. It wasn’t just the extra mana buzzing through my body. There was an essential beauty to it all – nearly three thousand men and women, all in gleaming uniforms, with pennants and standards, marching and forming up before me.

Same as Unconquered
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PRETTYBIRDS LADIES ONLY NIGHTCLUB AND WHOREHOUSE JENNY'S TALE ? My name is Jensen Jigson. I was a 37 year old married father of one daughter when this story began. All the names have been changed but every word is true. I drove through the evening to the business district of Chapter City. I'd been given careful directions and told to drive round the back of a three story factory building tucked away between the two interstates and the railroad. At the top of the fire escape I ...

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Emend by EclipseChapter 15

May 27, 1975 There was a bit of a chill in the air that morning. The four young people were all wearing jackets to keep warm. The mayor was going along organizing the participants in the parade. They had the fire department with their fire truck, the EMT squad with their new ambulance, and the police department riding front and back. Sandwiched in there were the scouts, cub and boy scouts and brownie and girl scouts. The high school band was there despite the fact that school had ended the...

2 years ago
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Climbing Up

“What the hell were you thinking!?” he shouts across the table. “What the hell is wrong with you?” I’d messed up I know. It was my first secretarial job and I’d never heard the phrase before, so I just wrote down what I thought I’d heard. I thought it was odd at the time, and now I know why... “Sorry,” I said. “It was meant to say ‘ipso facto’, not ‘if so, fatso’. Can you imagine the amount of grovelling and ass licking I’ve had to do to keep the contract? A fucking shit load!!” As soon...

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Cuckold Email

Chapter one: The barI am driving my pickup on the way home from downtown Albuquerque. My beautiful wife of over fifteen years sits beside me with her arms crossed, her body stiff, jaw set like granite. The way she is dressed, so hot and sexy, would get the attention of anyone who looked in her direction. Well, actually, she has already received plenty of attention tonight. The reason she is pissed is because I stopped it.Let us back up a moment.My wife (Anna) and I (Roy) have agreed to having a...

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The Mind KnowsChapter 6

Thursday ... it was Thursday... Taking his seat on the bus, Bill tried to talk himself out of the feeling it was Monday again. Unexpected mid-week vacations really threw off his body's natural rhythm. Not that he probably had much. Also, despite what you might think, having two beautiful girls sleep with you does NOT leave you well rested the next morning, especially after a day of emotional ups and downs and traipsing through the woods. Which goes to prove real men don't need rest. The...

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Introduction: my 2nd ever story this is my very 2nd story i have made so here goes Hope you like it 5 long years i have been with my girlfriend and 5 year to the date i decided to pop the question Jennifer will you mary me After 5 years me knowing each other i thought that her reply would be yes and she would of said it straight away but jennifer said no Well those were the word that i was dreading to hear but she continued she said i want to marry you but there is a couple things that i...

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A Fresh StartChapter 115 The Bravest Man I Ever Knew

1993 I was in a good mood when I got home. Newt and the Republican Party would have done the Contract with America whether I had recycled or not, but with me involved we had a chance of toning down the harsher aspects to it. I was already pushing to keep most of the ‘family values’ crap out of it. That was a sideshow that always sidetracked the Party and played into the hands of the Democrats. My good mood broke when I got home. Bucky was staying with us, and while I really like my...

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BBC Through A Glory Hole

This is a true story.I was 19, in college, and horny as fuck. I had a car so one afternoon I drove 20 miles to the nearest city, searching for an adult video shop so I could watch some porn and jerk off my 8 inch dick until it was ready to shoot out a load of jizz. I found one and as soon as I walked in, I was the center of attention. A very cute 19 year old surrounded by at least 15 unattractive older white men, most of them at least 50 years old.I walked to the back where the peep show booths...

1 year ago
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The More The Merrier

I always considered myself just a slut, but my girl friends have been calling me a whore ever since I swallowed the cum of the tenth prick I sucked and was only fifteen. By the time I was sixteen, all the boys knew to get me to give them a blow job, was to pull out their cocks and push my head down. I loved being a cock sucker, I liked the attention I got from the boys, I loved having a stiff prick in my mouth and I really liked when they came in my mouth. The first time I got fucked was when I...

Group Sex
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JulesJordan Moka Mora Takes Measurements As Well As She Takes Dredd8217s BBC

Moka Mora gets black-balled by Dredd and his MONSTER BBC! Moka Mora works for a sex toy company that wants to make a mold of his giant dong. She tries measuring it from the outside of his pants but that doesn’t work so Moka asks Dredd to drop his drawers. Moka’s shocked by the pure size of Dredd’s cock and pulls out a measuring tape and starts sizing it up. To get a good measurement they need to get Dredd excited so Moka takes a more hands on approach and starts to stroke and suck on that huge...

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Family Affair 3

FAMILY AFFAIR IIIDon Abdul ©It was Damian's first full day at college. The lectures had been long and tiresome, and he barely made it back to his room when he passed out on the bed still wearing his shoes. After sleeping like a log for a couple of hours, his consciousness was awakened by a strange yet familiar sensation, which seemed to have taken over his groin. He was feeling warm arousal, radiating from his dick, and rippling through his crotch to the rest of his body. The more he tried to...

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Net Mommy

CHAPTER 1 I am Mary Lawson, thirty-nine, married to David for almost twenty years now, mother to Rick who had just turned nineteen. I don’t know what to say, as I’m very confused. After almost two decades of a happy and blissful marriage, I suddenly realized that I had fallen in love again, and that to a man much younger to me. Further, to make the matter worse, the man of my romantic dreams is none other than my own teenage son. My feeling towards my son, Rick, had nothing to do with a...

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The Plumber

About five years ago got a job to replace an electric shower for a woman who was pretty chatty and bubbly when I first looked at it and arranged to do it one Saturday morning . Got there early morning and she was up and waiting for me and even bubblier . A good sized woman in her early 50s she went to make me a drink while I started . She brings the drink into the bathroom and sits on the edge of the bath while I'm working in the cubicle and starts gabbing a lot . Just general chit chat then...

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We Agreed

I sit at the bar of the Renaissance hotel nursing my ginger ale. Something stronger would be nice, but it’s a lunch date. I need to be back at work in two hours tops, so ginger ale it is. Stirring my tame drink, I look around the bar area, not really seeking anything specific. You would be there eventually. As I lift my drink to take a sip, a strong hand wraps tenderly around my shoulder. On a slow breath, I look up and find your eyes. I had no idea you would be so gorgeous. Dark hair, tan...

3 years ago
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My Wife and I

I walk into the kitchen and see you at the sink. Walking up behind you I slip my hands around you, cupping your breasts and squeezing them. I whisper in your ear, “Grope of the day.” You shrug and tell me to stop. Continuing to massage your breasts I nuzzle your neck. Squealing you tell me to stop as my beard tickles you. “Let’s go upstairs,” I whisper in your ear, and continuing to kiss your neck. “I can’t,” you say, “I have to get these dishes finished.” Still nuzzling your neck my hands...

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A Stones Glow AwayChapter 4

Ledger spent the rest of that day walking as well as he could, as fast as he could manage. He paused a few times to relieve himself and drink enough water to stay hydrated. He also would stop to check that his boots were still holding up. He figured he was two hours from sunset when his legs finally started giving out. He was in a lightly wooded area now and he hadn’t seen any other farms since he had left the one earlier in the day. “Ok Ledger,” he said out loud. “We need to set up a camp...

3 years ago
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Taking Annas Virginity

Winter mornings here in Houston had been excellent running weather: light breeze, mid to low 50’s, low humidity. Other than feeling exceptionally horny that morning, that particular morning in mid January was no different. At least the early part of the morning wasn’t. It was uneventful, I had finished my run and gone into my home gym to work on some weights and stretching. It felt good to loosen up the old body. After a pretty intense workout, I stood in front of the mirror. A lingering look...

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Fucking Lonely Girlfriend In Pokhara In Hotel

Hi indian sex stories dot net folks This is katana working in mnc aged 25 years well built with 7-inch penis and white in colour I was traveling during my business deal from Kathmandu to Pokhara. In Pokhara, I stayed in hotel noor. I had the a/c room on the top floor of the building. Just opposite to my room was another room whose door was slightly open while I entered to my room. I could see a lady sitting in a chair and exploring the mobile. She was with a t-shirt and miniskirt and slippers...

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Una Noche

'Hmph, ' he said, looking at his brother flatly. 'Yeah, you'd really do something like that.' Nick raised an eyebrow, challenging him. 'You really think I wouldn't?' He snorted, shaking his head a little, a smirk spreading across his lips. Drew stared at him incredulously, pulling off his baseball cap and running a hand through his hair. 'No, I don't.' He replaced the cap, shrugging a shoulder. 'Besides, it's not like you would even want to in the first place.' Nick laughed,...

4 years ago
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The Video Hood

THE VIDEO HOODSperrington Lochmuir knelt in tired resignation. A new hood? Could there be a more onerous burden than the heavy old hood, heavy leather completely covering Sperry’s head and shoulders?Whenever Sperry’s wife Cyrilla had her big parties, she’d bind Sperry naked in the middle of the room, while everyone was still clothed and socializing. This was humiliating enough, as people wore their most formal evening clothes—designer gowns and tuxedoes –and enjoyed martinis and champagne in...

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The Pianist Ch 01

Okay, so this is my first attempt at into Erotic prose. The first chapter is mostly background and no stroke, but I hope you enjoy. Please send me feedback and let me know what you think. Thanks! * After the day Allie had, she wanted nothing more than a stiff drink. Her boss tore the ad campaign to shreds. She put two months of sweat and sleepless nights into it for him to tear it down in a matter of minutes, the bastard. He basically humiliated her in front of her peers, and she hated him...

3 years ago
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The incest video interviews Chapter 2

I did my first interview with Julie and Tom, and I loved it. They loved it too, so they put me in touch with someone else. It was a mother and son, who happened to like fucking each other. I talked to the mother, Elaine. She said they were really happy to let me interview them, and let me watch them fuck too. I came over to their place, and set up in their room. That was actually when I first met them, so it was a little awkward. They still greeted me with open arms, and were down to fuck. I...

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All the Teachers PT4

It had been one hell of a night. He walked out, of the bedroom, wearing a smile as he told himself how fun and enjoyable the night had been. Before he left he made sure he wrote her a note. He told her how terrific he thought the evening was. He also told her how gorgeous he thought she was and that he’d do what they’d done “a million times over” as he smiled. He wrote on the note that she was a sweet and wonderful woman. After he signed his name, he quietly walked out, and headed home. That...

Straight Sex
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Raksha Bandhan ka dard bhara tohfa

Hello Friends, This is Soni Bhatt, from Deharadun (Uttrakhand) Main aap logon ko apni pehali story batane jaa rahi hoon, ki kaise mere bade bhaiya ne mujhe is Raksha Bandhan par dard bhara gift diya. Leki usse pahle main aap logon ko apne family ke batana chahungi. Meri family me hum 4 members hain. Mere Papa jo ki M.P me govt job karte hain aur month me 1 ya 2 baar hi ghar aate hain. Meri mummy aur main (Soni figure 36-28-34, 17 year old) hum Deharadun mein hi rahte hain aur main 12 class ki...

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Surrender Part Five Training Michael

As soon as he entered the taxi, Michael knew he had to take Riana's advice. The pain from putting weight on his paddled behind was so intense it wouldn't let up overnight. Sitting at his desk tomorrow was not an option. The cab ride was also proving to be a test of his endurance. Every sudden movement took his discomfort to a new level. The muscles of his arms and legs tensed in a vain effort to stay as still as possible. By the time he arrived at his building, the ache in his limbs and the...

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Earths CoreChapter 33 Hundred Years Mission

‘That much is expected’. Zax thought after hearing that Bin Bin’s destination is the Savage Caves; hence very little emotion was stirred in him, a bit of curiosity to see how Bin Bin intends to handle the obstacles of the second Savage Cave. ‘Perhaps he has a safe way to open the lock... ‘ “Tour New Earth to your heart’s content, but to the Savage Caves you will enter with me in your presence or not at all”. Zax placed an ultimatum. “That’s fine with me”. Whether it upset Bin Bin or not, he...

2 years ago
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Seduction of Shanti Indian girl is seduced by we

Danny drove the love of his life to the airport and watched her board the plane with her friends. The two were very much in love, destined to be married. All the same, the next time he laid eyes on her would be after another man's cock frequented her pussy more than a few times.Shanti was one of the most beautiful women that you would ever meet. She's a West Indian girl, with gorgeous brown skin, long luxurious black hair, and a perfect face. Her body was a knockout – 32-23-35. You couldn't ask...

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My Wife Is Out Of ControlChapter 8

For a week after our encounter with Todd, our youngest kid's old schoolmate, we worried ourselves' sick. Finally, we resigned ourselves to the philosophy of "what will be will be" and had decided to move on. It was Saturday morning and Ann had just finished her shower and I had just finished my coffee when the doorbell rang. When I answered the door I was stunned to see Todd standing there. "Hi, Mr. Lewis. How you doing" asked Todd. "Come on in," I replied. As I closed the door, he...

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Shaynas World Ch 05

Shayna was in a great mood, humming as she checked a patient’s chart. She didn’t hear Paul Brant come up behind her and jumped when he said her name. ‘Shayna, may I have a word with you?’ ‘Certainly, Dr. Brant.’ They went into a empty room and he looked down at the floor then up at her again. He seemed to be having trouble meeting her eyes, so Shayna asked him ‘What’s wrong Paul?’ Paul Brant stammered, hemmed and hawwed, which was highly unlike him. Finally, he spoke. ‘Shayna, I am afraid I...

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I Shared my wife with an American sailor 8211 erotic shorts part 2

After all the bed time talk and confessing of my fantasy to see the woman I loved with other men and Nicolette somewhat taking an interest, or should I say more than an interest, in the possibly of getting it together with a man other than her husband. The American navy fleet was to spend a few days of R&R in our city on their way back to the States. I suggested to Nicolette that perhaps her and her best friend at the time should perhaps hit the town together. Now I’m certainly sure...

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Diablos Bordello A Fund Raiser part 3

Diablo’s Bordello / A Fund Raiser-part 3Once in the bathroom, Tim insisted on taking pictures of Liz soaping up in the shower. He then joined her where they washed each other. Barb and Glen just jumped into the shower. Glen took great pleasure in rubbing soap on her while she stroked his cock.Once they were dried off, Barb looked in the mirror. In washing the cum off her face, she had taken off her make up. She was a natural beauty, but working with Mr. Darrien had made her want to put her best...

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A female urologist finally crosses the line

Introduction: Being a female urologist isnt as fun as you might think, but eventually it pays off in a BIG way I am a female doctor, a urologist more specifically. When I tell people what I do for a living, they always say one thing: I bet youve got some good stories. In fact, I have only a few really interesting stories, but this happens to be one of them. I didnt get in to the field because I have some fascination with dicks, I did it because the field struggles to get doctors and pays them...

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The Sir And The Bitch

Our relationship started off like any ordinary vanilla relationship does, I think. Well, okay maybe not, this is us I’m talking about, after all, right? We've always been a little colorful. I remember it clearly though, great sex, but neither of us truly in control, not just yet. I think we were testing the waters. It was me, though, who started in on it. We are after all both switches. People wonder how we both can be switches and how we manage to share control. Yet, somehow we managed,...

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Forced to Slavery

Forced to Slavery By Heather2837 It was our honeymoon. My new bride and I were traveling to many sites in the world prior to my joining my new law firm and beginning my career. My new wife, Beth, had been my long time girl friend throughout college and when I finally graduated from law school, we took the big plunge and became engaged. She had always been the love of my life and this was just a natural continuation of our relationship. Beth was 22 years old and was a naturally...

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CuckoldSessions Tiffany Watson Second Appearance

Tiffany and her cuckold have decided to meet a new Bull at a Naughty Motel. This place is a perfect balance of vintage sleaze and cum filled carpets. Cucky is amazed at his Mistress when she exits the bathroom looking so very sexy in her slutty meeting outfit. Cucky drops to his knees to worship her feet and works his way up until a little face slap puts him back in his place. A knock at the door and cucky crawls over to answer and thank the Bull Will for fucking his Mistress. Will of course...

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Honeymoon HotelChapter 3

Dick knew he was acting like an immature teenager when he "burned rubber" pulling away from Sue's house. He had popped the clutch without thinking, his mind too full of anger and unhappiness to care about noise or wear and tear on the new car. His anger was directed against not only Sue, but himself as well. He realized Sue wanted to keep her virginity intact until the wedding; that, at least was understandable. It was all right with him, too, as long as he could occasionally score with a...

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Forbidden Desires Ch07

Her hands were tied behind her back and her mouth covered by a black gag. Her dark eyes stared up at him as he stood naked in front of her. She was knelt on the floor. Naked and her soft breasts rose and fell quickly with her breathing. He held a black whip in one large hand and she shivered at her hard look on his handsome face. She had disappointed him today, she had been late to meet him and she knew he was going to have to punish her."You know why I'm doing this don't you Anna," she nodded...

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I seduced my stepbrother PT 2

I was walking down the hall to my condo. I passed this cute little fun size redhead with a backpack. I went in & Chrissy greeted me at the door naked. Hi. Did you run into my friend Cassandra? I saw a redhead in the hall, why. That's her.You seem more cheery then usual what's up? Cassandra just fucked me. WHAT? Cassandra just fucked me. What do you mean? Fucked me, as in fuck. Chrissy bent over showing me the small gape in her asshole and pussy.How did this happen? Remember I told you Sandy...

1 year ago
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CHAPTER ONE"Joey!" Angela Banner called from her back door, straining her voice toovercome the noise of the lawnmower. "Come have a cold drink, darling!You must be terribly hot!""Sure am, Mrs. Banner!" Joey Watson shouted back, cutting off theengine and running to pick up his shirt where he had thrown it in thegrass.Angela was hot too, but the heat that was bothering her had nothing todo with the weather. Angela's house was cool and comfortable, but herpussy was steaming, steaming with lust for...

2 years ago
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Beauty Me and a Teenager Makes Three

“Sir, would you please come over and stand by me?”Marta was wearing a very sexy, almost diaphanous, black teddy that covered nothing, but set off her black leather dog collar.I wasn’t wearing anything as I walked over to where she was standing.The door swung open, and I was shocked to see a very tall, slim-figured, naked woman with lustrous, long, brunette hair hanging down her back. She was well over six feet tall, and towered over Marta. Who the hell was she? And what was she doing here?Yet,...

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Sabine Kazinsky stood at the edge of the field in the stadium in Rio de Janeiro, admiring how many seats surrounded her, hearing the invisible roar of the crowds who would be watching her in the next few days as she battled for a gold medal in the Summer Olympics. She was new to the team and she knew she needed to prove herself. Her bright, blonde hair shone in the sunlight, while her red shirt and white shorts blazed as they hugged her athletic figure. Her eyes wandered to the men practicing...

Straight Sex
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Something a Little Different

It’s almost 2 years after the Battle of the Golden Gate Bridge. In addition to being an X-Man, Kurt has recently begun teaching classes at the School. Translation of German words or phrases at the end. However, I have tried to make the meaning fairly clear in context. PROLOGUE: MORNING DEVOTIONS Mein Gott, is the sun coming up already?! Yes, it must be. The windows are getting light. Pfui! It would be so nice to remain here in bed, with the warmth of Logan’s body close against...

1 year ago
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The FatherDaughter Dance started it all

“Oh my, Honey, I would love to but I just finished my period and I’m so horny. Uncle Don’s prob…” Kelli cut her sentence short when she realized she had almost given away a forbidden secret. “Uh… so, what did you start to say?” “… Never mind, it’s nothing.” “Oh my God, Kelli,” Linda complained, “Don’t be keeping any secrets from me. I tell you everything. Tell me; what about your uncle? Tell me!” Kelli began to wonder if she should lie to her best friend. They had always been as close as...

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AssassinChapter 19

Anna was miserable. While I'd been gone, her "friend" had come early. Unexpected, it had caught her by surprise when she was out and only the fact her clothes were dark made her feel she could show her face. I was grateful that she wouldn't be asking me to perform; it had been an exhausting weekend. Still I wasn't going to let her tell me "No" when I tapped at the window when I knew she really wanted me and was only trying to avoid disgusting me or even have me reject her. "Let me...

1 year ago
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BrownBunnies Diamond Monrow Car Wash And a Creampie

This week we ran into Diamond Monrow washing cars. Her special offer was to give a free blowjob with every car wash purchase. The boys weren’t gonna let that offer go, they quickly pulled up to get their car washed. The sexy Diamond Monrow washed the car and then started choking on some cock. Eventually, our boy Peter Green convinced her to do more than just a blowjob. He penetrated her tight little pussy. Diamond got her pussy fucked in several different positions out in the open. All...

2 years ago
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Favorite Aunt Ch 8 Revised

Illusions Ben went in to the kitchen and noticed the back door was open but the screen door closed. The slight movement of air through the opening smelled of earth, grass and flowers. The musty smell dissipated quickly and he took a couple of deep breaths. Jean rounded the corner into the kitchen. "I opened the windows in the bedrooms to let the place breathe some and clear the air." She said and then noticed him standing at the rear doorway of the kitchen. She came up behind him...

3 years ago
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Helping in the Shower

My daughter, Ava, plyed volleyball all through high school, and was recruited to play for a local college. Always an attractive girl, volleyball at the college lever was more demanding than at the high school level. She reported to volleybal camp in July that summer, and by the time classes started she had lost 40 pounds and was incredible. All the girls on the team were just as fit as she, and they all looked marverlous in those volleyball shorts. During off season practice, she got upended...

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My Mum Seduced Me

I was 15 years old and, like any 15 year old, my hormones were becoming rampant. Not that I had any luck where it came to the opposite sex, I'd had a few dates, but had never got any further than a brief snogging session with my date, nor had I seen a naked female outside the pages of a magazine. It wasn't my looks that let me down, I was no super-hunk, but I had been told I was quite 'handsome', mind you that was right before the girl dumped me. My problem was confidence, as in I had none,...

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Dead Write Ch 08

This is a repost of an old romance story with a new edit. Chapter 8 Sherry’s orgasm bounced like a skipping stone, one diminishing peak after another, and then the final splash. Her overloaded senses didn’t identify the moisture on her face, until a drop fell on her lips. Reawakened taste buds recognized the saltiness of a tear. Sam hid his face in the pillow, and said, ‘Thank you.’ Unsure of what happened, she hugged him, and crossed her legs over his back to hold him as close as humanly...

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The listener

She was Pete's girlfriend. Well I say girlfriend, she was his fuckbuddy ( I think she had a proper boyfriend), but I was too young and too niave to know what a fuckbuddy was back then. I was also attached and idealistic and didn't really appreciate that later in life these things don't always happen.I had a place in town, Pete didn't. He'd taken her to the pub in the afternoon. After a few drinks they were both in the mood but with nowhere to go. They popped round on the pretence of seeing...

3 years ago
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My First Time Part 3

As Lydia had promised, on the first day of her vacation I got my first lessons in high heels. It took most of the day before I was able to walk across the room and not fall on my face, and these were only a moderate heel. I took her to dinner to celebrate and, at her request, I wore the satin thong under my jeans. Lydia could not resist reaching out and squeezing the bulge in my jeans, and her knowing that my cock was encased in satin thong made her hotter that normal. I even unzipped at her...

2 years ago
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Meri Suhagrat Ki Kahani

Hii, frnds mera naam rahul h or main up ka renhewala hu. Meri age 27, height 5,8” h. Meri mail id h- ye khani meri suhagrat ki h. Maine sabki khani padhi to apni khani likhne ka plan kiya jo m aap ka sath share kar raha hu, meri marriage love cum arrange marriage h, main apni wife ka bare m bta du, uska naam sanu h or uski height 5.7 h.   Main us k figure k bare m bta du, uska figure 34-28-34 h. Uska rang gora h or dekhne m ekdum sexy lagti h. Mere land ka size 7 inch lamba or 2 inch mota h....

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Aunt Mel8217s Dirty Secret

Last summer was one of the most exciting yet unusual summers I’ve ever had. Between getting our new dog and my niece staying with us, my life was never the same. I was an 18 year old girl who was a virgin. I’ve had boyfriends in the past but it never went anywhere. In order to get out my sexual frustrations I would masturbate frequently. Sometimes to my own imagination but mostly to porn and I like ALL types of porn. One night while I was masturbating I was trying to find something...

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