Notes On Oneida free porn video

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“History is more or less bunk.” Henry Ford

“Well this history isn’t.” Holly Rennick

“Those who don’t remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” George Santayana

“Might we give this one another try?” Cindi Barton


The upcoming NEA Iowa Conference for Teachers of Language Arts is soliciting papers dealing with “Language for Leadership.” If I get something accepted, District will foot the bill and it will count as a professional activity in my annual review. Otherwise, I have to go to PTA meetings. What I’m going to write, “Cohabitive Control by Misogynist Dominance, the Oneida Story,” might be more interesting than the “FDR’s Fireside Chats” that Doris Mullins presented last year.

The Oneida community, New York, was one of the more successful utopian communes in history, “Christian Perfectionism” shielding themselves from sin in the 1800s.

Because Adam and Eve were created innocent, and we, as their children, have no shame, we’re innately sinless. “The church on earth is now rising to meet the approaching kingdom in the heavens, and to become its duplicate and representative on earth.” Man might thus live his life purely. (Sorry for the sexism, but that’s how they put it.)

The Oneida community was of interest to HG Wells, Aldous Huxley, Julian Huxley, and George Bernard Shaw, the latter appending “Experiment at Oneida Creek” in his “The Revolutionist’s Handbook” to his “Man and Superman.” Thus my topic has literary merit.

Today, Oneida is a silver company, but the original community was good in both business and what they called “complex marriage.” It’s such a shame that the art is lost. Not the silversmithing art, I mean to say, the other one.

My paper will analyze the use of language by Oneida’s father figure, John Humphrey Noyes, 1811-1886. First, though, I want to get the chronology in order. I’ll do the deconstruction later. I took “Deconstructionism and Postmodernism” as an English major.

There are books on the subject and an archive of original documents at Syracuse University. For those wanting a more scholarly study, there’s Martin Richards (2004) “Perfecting People: Selective Breeding at the Oneida Community (1869–1879) and the Eugenics Movement,” New Genetics and Society, 23:1, 47-71. It’s on the web. Check out the illustrations.

I won’t load my paper up with references, though, since who cares?

I’ve asked my colleague Cindi Barton to check me out. She teaches science.


For heaven’s sake! Why did I agree to do this? English majors like Holly should stick to how to use the semicolon, or whatever. As a scientist, let’s say I discover a new element doing the strong-acid-plus-sugar demo — “Safety glasses, everyone.” — maybe I’ll write a paper. I could call it “Cindium.” Maybe “Bartonium” if it’s radioactive. “Br” is taken, though, but I think “Ci” is still available. I have this chart.

Anyway, my comments are inserted between the

*** Cindi Begins

and the *** Cindi Ends

. Holly’s just insecure about sex. That’s why we’re buddies; we balance each other. For reading over her notes, she’s promised to take me to the Sizzler.

Holly, back over to you.

*** Cindi Ends


John Humphrey Noyes was born in Brattleboro, Vermont in 1811. His forebears arrived from England just 14 years after the Pilgrims. Noyes’ father, a successful businessman and Congressman, had become an agnostic while studying theology at Dartmouth. Noyes’ mother was an aunt of Rutherford Hayes. Sixteen years younger than her husband, she was strong-willed and deeply religious. She taught her children to fear the Lord, praying before John’s birth that someday he might someday become a minister of the Gospel.

In 1826 New England religious revival hit its peak, but young Noyes was cynical. He entered Dartmouth, graduated with honors in 1830, and spent a year studying law.

*** Cindi Begins

This guy pronounces his name like “noise,” but it’s spelled “No” plus “yes.” He’s out to pull the old switcheroo.

I’ll refrain comment about an older father, a younger mother and a growing boy. I can hear Mrs. Noyes when Mr. Noyes was at his office. “John Humphrey, dear. Come upstairs and work this whalebone under my bosom so it fits me better.”

So we’ve got his number. Things look grim for Holly’s deconstruction, or whatever she plans to do with this. When I go to NEA, I run into my principal on the elevator and we skip the papers.

*** Cindi Ends


The Second Great Awakening swept northern states in 1831. All could enter heaven by repenting of sin. At the request of his mother, John Humphrey attended an event, but shrill he was at unmoved, but then suffered a feverish cold that led him to think of death, humble himself, expect the Millennial Kingdom, end his study of law and enroll at Andover Seminary.

But he found the Andover students too worldly and transferred to Yale, a hotbed of anti-Calvinistic Perfectionism, an offshoot of Wesleyanism offering a path to holiness by inner salvation. He was ordained as a Congregational minister.

In 1834 Noyes spent three weeks in New York City during which he fluctuated from manic euphoria to depression, and just days after that, announced that he’d reached a state of sinlessness. Perhaps because a sinless world might be difficult for organized religion, his license to preach was annulled.

Noyes found the succeeding three years difficult as he wandered around New York and New England, expounding with little success his unorthodox beliefs.

*** Cindi Begins

This is why I’m a Catholic. We’re not perfect. Maybe I let a guy undo a few buttons because we’re just fooling around on the Hudson’s Bay blanket and then he slips down my jeans and, well, you know. Confess it.

If it was your brother, maybe you don’t give that detail to the Father, is all. Some Fathers mess up with the celibacy thing. They’re not perfect either, but they should definitely not have sex with the Sisters.

Myself, I never ask about a guy’s religion, but I can tell. Another Catholic will never look at Mary above my bed. I got that picture when I was little. A good Catholic will cross himself afterward.

*** Cindi Ends


By 1836, Noyes’ thoughts had coalesced. By his calculation, the Second Coming had already occurred in 70 AD, so it was high time for him to implement the benefits, a Biblical Communism in which property was owned jointly. More revolutionary than Marxian economics, however, would be the end of exclusive marriage. As there’s no marriage in Heaven, the faithful may love each other fully, and those who love each other in communal association must be allowed to love each other physically, “not by pairs, as in the world, but en masse.”

Perfected unity results where each is married to all in all manners. “Free love” was a term Noyes believed himself to have coined, but as the label was soon purloined to represent licentiousness, with which Noyes had no affinity, he entitled it “complex marriage.”

“In the holy community, there is no more reason why sexual intercourse should be restricted by law than why eating and drinking should be ... Experience testifies that the human heart is capable of loving more than one at the same time.”

*** Cindi Begins

I agree it’s not about shame, but to make it like snarfing down a Big Mac?

Sex is fun when it’s a little bit possible and a little bit risky. Take Aaron in my Life Sciences, for example. He’s not confident with girls. My bending over turns him beet red. My risk wasn’t much, just allowing him a peek. His risk was brushing me when hanging up the wall chart of the nitrogen cycle. Three or four times, as nobody was watching. He’s an opportunity that awaits. I’ll do the No-Yes to steer him along, but let’s be honest; it isn’t as we’ll be going to McDonald’s.

*** Cindi Ends


Noyes’ 1837 denunciation of marriage in his radical The Battle-Axe and Weapons of War newspaper temporarily cost him most of his followers, but his effort snared Harriet Holton, granddaughter of the Lieutenant Governor. After she started to financially support him, Noyes proposed marriage in which they’d selfishly possess one another just for a time and then grow to higher dimensions.

“By this marriage, besides herself, and a good social position, which she held as belonging to the first families of Vermont, I obtained money enough to buy a house and printing-office, and to buy a press and type.”

During the decade following, Noyes published a series of newspapers promoting his views and helped arrange the marriages of his sisters to two of his adherents, Harriet to John Skinner and Charlotte to John Miller. He gained the loyalty of his younger brother George and later, his own mother.

The Putney, Vermont community came to be. John Humphrey was the boss. “I would never connect myself with any individual or association in religion unless I were acknowledged leader.”

Putney communism “included all property of family living and associations” Some 37 members lived in three houses, maintained a store and worshiped in a chapel. They ran two farms and supported themselves.

In 1841, Noyes and Harriet initiated the complex marriage aspect by enlarging their marital relations to include George and Mary Cragin.

*** Cindi Begins

I knew it! Who comes back into the picture? Mr. No-Yes. We don’t need to be rocket scientists to see his design. Sex, a community activity; he’s said so. So whom does he recruit? His mom and his sisters.

*** Cindi Ends


“Male continence” meant the man inside the woman for periods of over an hour and withdrawing without ejaculation after the woman experienced multiple orgasms.

“I conceived the idea that the sexual organs have a social function which is distinct from the propagative; and that these functions may be separated practically. I experimented on this idea, and found that the self-control which it required was not difficult; also that my enjoyment was increased; also that my wife’s experience was very satisfactory, as it had never been before.

“We begin by analyzing the act of sexual intercourse. It has a beginning, middle, and an end. Its beginning and most elementary form is the simple presence of the male organ in the female. Then usually follows a series of reciprocal motions. Finally this exercise brings a nervous action or ejaculatory crisis which expels the semen ... Suppose the man chooses ... to enjoy ... the reciprocal motion, and yet to stop short of the final crisis ... If you say that this is impossible, I answer that I know it is possible, nay, that it is easy.

“I appeal to the memory of every man who has had good sexual experience to say whether, on the whole, the sweetest and noblest period of intercourse with woman is not that first of simple presence and spiritual effusion, before the muscular exercise begins.

“As propagation will become a science, so amative intercourse will have place among the fine arts. Indeed it will take rank above music, painting, sculpture &c; for it combines the charms and benefits of them all.”

Noyes, the rationalist, was troubled by any waste of semen. In sex not intended for procreation, the expulsion of semen was illogical. Celibacy didn’t solve the God-given need. Nor was a women’s safe period method a good solution, as she’d be unavailable too frequently.

With Noyes’ technique there was minimal risk of pregnancy. At most, 31 accidental births took place in a community of approximately 200 adults exchanging partners as often as twice a week over 20 years.

*** Cindi Begins

Is this for real? Everybody with everybody might make some sort of sense, but the guy not coming? “Reciprocal motion” is what it’s all about.

Holly thinks I’m too much into sex, but it’s not all the time. Guys are two types: those who shoot before you’re ready; and those who’ll wait. That’s it. We’re talking minutes, though. An hour? No way, Jose.

Some say Tibetan Buddhism aids male control because the point of sacred sex is to raise men’s kundalini energy by metaphysically re-absorbing their sperm and sending it shooting up their spinal cords into their brains and thus achieving blissful union with the Goddess.

What? Maybe some Yogi can pull this off, but not a red-blooded American.

Women are thought to be “shaktis,” empowering incarnations of goddesshood that validates the male spiritual experience.


This new-age “karezza” thing says that there should be long, tender, restful pauses, alternations of “storm and peace.”

Well, whoop-ti-do!

Perhaps Noyes applied some sort of numbing potion. Maybe he recited the books of the Bible backwards to keep from inseminating. However he did it, it seems to be an art as lost as that of scrimshaw.

But maybe Noyes was half right is that sex ranks “above music, painting, sculpture, &c.” I can’t sing, can’t paint, can’t sculpt one bit, and still do just fine.

*** Cindi Ends


All members were subject to criticisms of the whole, usually directed toward traits, thoughts or acts detracting from family unity. Women were afforded opportunity to discuss sexual expectations and to criticize the physical performance of a partner. An individual repeatedly criticized could be denied desirable partners.

Mutual criticism represented the centerpiece of community life. Noyes, himself, was exempt.

Harriet Noyes wasn’t exempt, though “Mrs. Harriet A. Noyes was criticized. It was thought she was deficient in severity; it would do her good to scold sometimes. She should improve in sitting up straight.”

The youth needed guidance. “A spirit has prevailed among them of running together in cliques, leading to anti-improvement and superficiality. Last evening a note from Sarah Burt was read confessing a spirit of false love and insincerity and a desire to separate herself from it. This led to a general criticism of that class of girls. Their condition was attributed in some degree to novel reading.”

*** Cindi Begins

Where Noyes got mean was allowing complaints about a guy’s performance. The best of guys can just foul up. Tell them that it’s OK. My brother and I were terrible at first, but we just laughed because we loved each other.

*** Cindi Ends


In 1847, the Putney group agreed that the Kingdom of God had arrived.

Noyes had treated a Harriet Hall for tuberculosis and dropsy by holding a séance and sexually sealing the spiritual cure. After her husband’s complaint, a civil grand jury indicted Noyes for adultery, and investigation led to a second count based on conversations with both supporters and those who’d defected.

Emma and Helen Campbell, 24 and 21, could legally surrender their virtue to John Miller and Noyes. Miller writes, “I was quite pleased to find Emma at our house. The only thing that displeases me is that she is too much afraid to stay and will not make herself at home.”

Fifteen-year-old Lucinda Lamb was one of three “flowers of the village” plucked by Miller, and Lucinda, more enthusiastic for full participation, went to Miller’s brother-in-law George Noyes.

Things were getting too complex, as even complex marriage wasn’t didn’t allow a girl that young to fellowship with not her father or brothers. As Noyes thought it should, he left.

In later years, Lucinda’s picture, black hair pulled above her head, appears in the archives of the faithful. Her remaining in the community suggests that George did a good job.

*** Cindi Begins

Many 15-year-olds take charge of their own sexuality, though not always responsibility, why some may need some help.

*** Cindi Ends


Forty-five believers followed Noyes to Oneida Creek between Utica and Syracuse, New York where they purchased 23 acres. This promised land was nearer the Canadian border, just in case.

What was practiced at Putney occurred in greater scale and less restrictively at Oneida. By 1849, there were 87 members on approximately 40 acres of partially cleared land with an Indian sawmill. The community purchased additional real estate, established a variety of craft industries, built a communal dwelling and appointed administrative committees.

By February 1850, membership was 172 and not recruiting new members. Nonetheless, by a year later, there were 205.

It seemed to be working, as John Miller reflected to George Cragin, “I think I can say with Mr. Noyes, that exclusive love with me is a thing gone by. Two years ago we ... had to have our watch constantly on duty to prevent our social building from being burned up by the fires of jealousy ... It never enters our heads that we can offend anyone by the expression of love.”

*** Cindi Begins

So they all lived happily ever after. But you know it’s not going to work out because here we are 150 years later, working our butts off.

*** Cindi Ends


As the community explained, “It is regarded as better for the young of both sexes to associate in love with persons older than themselves, and, if possible, with those who are spiritual and have been some time in the school of self-control, and who are thus able to make love safe and edifying ... It is not desirable for two inexperienced and unspiritual persons to rush into fellowship with each other; that it is far better for both to associate with persons of mature character and sound sense.”

Tasks to instruct the virgins, the “Central Members” considered closer to God. A male Central Member would pick a virgin of about 14, but some as young as 10. Noyes often insisted on being the first.

Female Central Members past menopause initiated the boys until mastering continence.

As Noyes reflected, “The plan proposed last fall of introducing the young men to the freedom of the Association through the more spiritual women has been attended with difficulties. Mrs. Cragin lost her equilibrium in the attempt to carry it out, and there appears to have been an unhealthy excitement in Perkins and perhaps others, which has ended in grudging discontent.”

“The transition of the young men from the hot blood of virginity to the quiet freedom which is the essential element of our Society is emphatically the difficult pass in our social experience. The spiritual collapse of Julia Hyde and Sarah Dunn, perhaps also of Sarah Campbell, Mrs. Worden and Louisa Waters may be mentioned ... The weaker party needs protection from the untamed lion.”

*** Cindi Begins

So how does this work?

Hiram: “Gosh, Aunt Carrie, I’m not sure what I’m to do.”

Aunt Carrie: “Don’t you worry. That’s why the Central Members chose me.”

Hiram: “Aren’t you a Central Member?”

Aunt Carrie: “Certainly, young man! Now my garters.”

Hiram: “Like this?”

Aunt Carrie: “Yes, but try not to tremble. God wants you to be perfect.”

Hiram: Sorry. “It’s just, you know, I’ve never actually seen...”

Aunt Carrie: “God made me perfect.”

Hiram: “My heavens, Aunt Carrie!”

Aunt Carrie: “Just checking. About like your father. We talked to him in Mutual Criticism”

Hiram: “So I get on top, like we practice in the Children’s Wing?”

Aunt Carrie: “You do?”

Hiram: “The girls don’t let us push in, though. They want it to be Mr. Noyes.”

Aunt Carrie: “You just lie flat and I’ll do the work.”

Hiram: “What if I spill my seed?”

Aunt Carrie: “It’s not a problem, due to my seniority qualification. Ready?”

Hiram: “Mom says she’s next.”

Aunt Carrie: “You can’t sleep with my sister until you have your continence perfected. Don’t be like your father.”

Sounds pretty good for our Aunt Carrie, don’t you think?

*** Cindi Ends


Noyes allowed greater freedom to followers he thought ready. An 1849 letter from Mary Cragin to her husband reports Noyes’s suggestion that, “if Mr. Bradley is in a good state ... he has liberty with Ellen and Philena if he wishes. Sarah [Bradley] will no doubt be pleased to help her husband fellowship with others ... Also hint to those girls that they exercise some conservatism, and not allow themselves to be made too free with by all sorts.”

Noyes likewise withheld authorization for sexual relations, as Mary notes, “With regard to the state of things between you and me ... he thinks best he will give me that attraction which you desire; and until he does think best, as there is some excellent reason for withholding it, let us say, ‘Thy will be done.’”

A letter from Noyes’ son Theodore to medical student Anita McGee. The power to regulate or withdraw sexual privileges, “by common consent delegated to father and his subordinates, constituted by far the most effectual means of government. Father possessed in a remarkable degree the faculty of convincing people that the use of this arbitrary power was exercised for their own good.”

*** Cindi Begins

Mr. No-Yes: “No, Mary, you can’t with your husband. Yes. Mr. Bradley, you may with Ellen and Philena. Have Mrs. Bradley make the arrangements.”

Mary: “Thy will be done.”

Having shown how to remember the spelling of John Humphry’s surname, here’s a trick for the community: “Fellows, join up and you can marry more than one Ida.” (And I’m not even a Language Arts teacher.)

*** Cindi Ends


The men had their problems. William Perry was accused of “sensual self-seeking and concealment,” including hiding evidence of venereal disease in his overly-free relations. Those suffering from what Noyes called “the rooster spirit” and unwilling to conform were expelled.

As women who were younger and more attractive might be overwhelmed with demands, a more-Victorian recruitment evolved.

“Persons shall not be obliged to receive under any circumstances the attentions of those whom they do not like. They abhor rapes, whether committed under the cover of marriage or elsewhere ... Every woman is free to refuse every man’s attentions.

“It is best for men in their approaches to women, to invite personal interviews through the intervention of a third party, for two important reasons: viz., first, that the matter may be brought in some measure under the inspection of the community; and, secondly, that the women may decline proposals, if they choose, without embarrassment or restraint.”

Details were worked out amongst the ladies. “If there is any doubt in the minds of those who are asked to give invitations as to the propriety of the visit they are to consult any one of the following persons: Mrs. Dunn, Mrs. Leonard, Mrs. Thayer, Jane Kinsley and Harriet Allen. All women carrying invitations shall report to these women, who will keep a record.”

*** Cindi Begins

I try to be a matchmaker for Holly. I’ll drop a few hints: not “Mick likes your eyes,” but maybe something about Mick liking a certain author. Maybe set up a double date. My brother and I used to double at the drive-in. My date and I got the front and I’d straddle, facing the rear, and my brother’s date, the same way on his. He could read me even if I was only silhouetted. Holly’s too inhibited, though. Plus they hardly have drive-ins any more.

What relates to Oneida is that somebody else trying to schedule you can get complicated. Probably Aaron could write a computer program where you’d say how often you wanted to and your first choices and it would email everyone the schedule. To test the program, we’d start with two names, Aaron and Cindi. When it said we should sleep together, I’d say, just pretend. I’d say that he had to take off my blouse, though, us not computers ourselves.

*** Cindi Ends


Mary Cragin’s untimely death in a boating accident in 1851 brought Noyes personal crisis, as she was indeed his favorite woman. Excerpting from a letter to his own wife, Harriet.

“Do you not think, as I do, that my falling in love with Mrs. Cragin was what drew me out of commencing bondage to you and gave us all a send-off into Communism? ... What if I was in danger of being surrounded and taken possession of by Mrs. Cragin, so that I could not be a free medium of the community spirit or do my duty to the young in behalf of the ascending fellowship? It seems now clear to me that this was the meaning of Mrs. Cragin’s withdrawal.”

*** Cindi Begins

Mr. No-Yes’s first extra-marital conquest. Can’t you hear his authority? “Fear not, my dear Mrs. Cragin. My seed is secured within my loins, promising you ecstasy upon ecstasy. Love me only as you would love Christ Jesus.”

After Noyes “married” Mary, so to speak, he ruled that she needed to knock it off with her husband. “Thy will be done,” she conceded.

*** Cindi Ends


In 1850 and 1851, grand juries heard complaints about the Perfectionists. Ten indictments loomed, one precipitated by the severe whipping by member Henry Seymour of his mentally disturbed wife Tryphena. She had been “crying nights, wandering about, frightening the children, and talking incoherently.” Tryphena had one of the first locals to join the group, accepting with difficulty the sexual obligation.

In January 1852 The Observer launched a crusade against Noyes, the Tryphena publicity fostering comparison to the polygamous Mormons, Noyes feared, proposing a temporary concession: discontinue complex marriage until public feeling moderated. “To be able to conform to any circumstances, and any institutions, and still preserve spiritual freedom” was the goal. New effort would be devoted to the “abolition of death.”

As part of their reimaging, the Oneidans invited 80 surrounding families to a strawberries-and-cream party. More was involved than strawberries, however. As Noyes observed, “It seems to me that the likeliest way to quash those indictments is to set the [plaintiffs] to work as our attorneys, and pay them well for it.”

Tryphena’s case was settled out of court, Oneida paying asylum expenses and $125 per year if she were well and $200 if she remained “unsound in body or mind” after discharge.

Oneida announced resumption of complex marriage and Tryphena eventually overcame her disorder and returned to the community and her husband, by whom she had a child. Henry was noted for his horticulture.

In another of Oneida’s court cases, a young member found the atmosphere uncongenial and demanded $9,150 for $150 of property put in and $1,500 per year for six years of wages. A month after his succession, his father wrote to the community, “I did not for a moment suppose that he had any idea of attempting the absurd project of extorting money from the community ... I did however discover, before I parted with him at the depot, that he had what appeared to me a fearfully wicked spirit, and thought that I should not be surprised to hear that he had committed a fearful crime.”

The would-be extortionist denounced Oneida as a “spiritual and social despotism ... constantly violating the most sacred laws of God and Man,” and calling upon “Merchants, the Press, Bench and Pulpit” to unite in “wiping it out.” The call failed. The young man was Charles Guiteau, afterwards the assassin of President Garfield.

*** Cindi Begins

Tryphena gets institutionalized and her Henry gets to garden.

Perfectionism makes more sense, though than Mormon men who wear special underwear and get to populate their own universes. Plus they all get to be Elders. A Mormon wife is like living in a time-share. A Perfectionist wife would have been more like a whole hotel. My church is just as bad about females, but we aren’t excommunicated for pointing it out.

Putting complex marriage on hold? Either it’s OK with God or it isn’t. You don’t let The Observer set your Commandments. It would be like this: The Pope says that God says no abortions, but Pro-Choice is whining so the Pope allows that God’s looking the other way.

*** Cindi Ends


Work that strengthens heart and brain:

Work that makes earth bloom again.

Music, bursting, joyous, free,

Charm of order’s melody.

Love, sweet mystic fount within.

That gushes heaven, and keeps from sin.

Thanks for thy gifts, O God, above:

The sacred three, Work, Music, Love.

John Humphrey Noyes, September 11, 1856

*** Cindi Begins

His ideas about sex were at least interesting, His poetry’s awful.

*** Cindi Ends


The three-story red brick Mansion House was begun in 1861, its towers and decoration, the style of the day. Its eventual-200 rooms spoke of a big family. At the Mansion’s center was a hall with a stage for evening meetings, plays and concerts. Around a central core were sitting rooms and individual or double sleeping quarters.

In 1867 Oneida boasted, “Beside the central mansion are five large buildings, one for a general dining hall, one for baking, one for washing by machinery and canning fruits, and others for various industries ... Whatever is required by comfortable livers, to meet present and future wants, is in abundance ... Their barns are as extensive and complete as any in the land. There is stabling for over one hundred horses and cattle.”

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Note: the author encourages unauthorised reposting, sequels, and blatant plagiarism of this work. NOTE FOUND ON YOUR WIFE'S VANITY Hank, I can't do this any more. I love you, but you're not the man I married. Everything I did, I did for you. But now I realised you didn't give a shit about me at all, you cheating ass. So from today, we're going to start again. We're going to finally start a family, with three kids, a cat and a dog. And you're going to be utterly faithful to me...

2 years ago
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Note Found In The Principals Office

Note: The author encourages unauthorised reposting, sequels, and blatant plagiarism of this work NOTE FOUND IN THE PRINCIPAL'S OFFICE By Wyrdey Hello, Mr. Principal sir. You probably have some questions. That would be only natural: after all, you returned to your office after lunch to find this note sitting on your chair. You probably think that this is some kind of romantic gesture - maybe your wife is doing something special. You wouldn't be totally wrong. I mean, this note...

2 years ago
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Note To Self

Private journal of Anna Volakas Monday 22 nd September, 2014 I feel strange writing this down. No, not strange … guilty. I don’t know why I feel that way, because it doesn’t make sense; but I do know what’s causing it and maybe if I put it on paper then it won’t be in my head any more. Then maybe I can sleep again at night. Let the damn paper feel guilty. But here’s the thing: I’m not completely sure I want it out of my head. How’s that for messed up? Pretty frickin’ perfect, I should think;...

3 years ago
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After sipping the last of his Earl Grey, Alexander sat before his desk and sighed. His candle, freshly lit, revealed a man of many accomplishments. His workspace was lined with gold bound editions of the volumes upon volumes of text he authored in areas ranging from logic to mathematics to children’s literature. He had spent many years translating the Bible to his right into four different languages, and his ashen face reflected the rigors of his work. Years had been taken from him and his body...

2 years ago
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Note To Black Women White Men

Dear Black woman, I want you to know this. I’m in love with you. I think I’m in love with you. I want to be in love with you. Am I in love with you? Can I love you? Can you love me? I don’t know. So many questions. Who am I? I’m the Brother with the Ivy League MBA who’s leading a Fortune Five Hundred company into the twenty-first century. I’m the Brother who’s smiling at you on the bus while wearing my Sean John’s. I’m the Brother sitting in class at our town’s community college, making goo-goo...

4 years ago
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Note to a Lover

Before I settle into bed, I often think of you. I undress slowly, unbuttoning my shirt, the lull of sleepiness surrounds my body and mind. My delicate fingers push each button through each hole with waited effort, and my mind wanders to thoughts of you laying on the bed watching me undress. I turn to you. I like seeing your smile, a mischievous smirk. I want to show you all of me. To feel your eyes on me, to see the excitement in them as my shirt opens to show you my full breasts supported by...

3 years ago
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Note left in the kitchen

I’ve come home tonight and walked in the door to find the house quiet. A single light over the kitchen bench highlights a piece of paper with my name on it. The message inside includes some instructions:Honey,Follow these steps to a tee and you'll be rewarded.But if you step outside what they ask, you'll never know what could have been.Your instructions are simple:StripShowerTie hair backLay on the bedBlindfold onHands behind your head to the bed frame Legs spread…and waitOh, and you have ten...

2 years ago
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Note to Self

Private journal of Anna Volakas Monday 22nd September, 2014 I feel strange writing this down. No, not strange ... guilty. I don't know why I feel that way, because it doesn't make sense; but I do know what's causing it and maybe if I put it on paper then it won't be in my head any more. Then maybe I can sleep again at night. Let the damn paper feel guilty. But here's the thing: I'm not completely sure I want it out of my head. How's that for messed up? Pretty frickin' perfect, I...

2 years ago
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Freaky February Part Three

I sat on my bed and said, "Mom, we have to talk about how we deal with this. Daddy jacked off into my mouth and I don't know how to react to things that you probably do all the time." She sat up then, gave me a hug, which was strange since I was naked and she was only wearing bra and panties. I listened to my voice say "Jennifer honey, I don't know what to tell you. It's probably not fair to you, but watching you and Bill last night was the hottest thing I have ever watched...and I have...

3 years ago
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Beating the Odds and the Evens

BEATING THE ODDS AND THE EVENSCHAPTER 1I always considered myself an average guy through my first thirty years.  I had some bad breaks and some good ones.  But since 1929 it's been like heaven on earth.  Everything seems to have fallen into my lap, and most of it has been serendipity. Let me explain.I come from a small farming family in Valdosta, Georgia.  I was an only child, but my folks were nice people and my childhood was normal.  Things began to change shortly after I finished high school...

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Fucking My Sexy Aunt And Her Sister 8211 Pt 5 Fucked And Satisfied The Maid

For those who don’t know me, my name is Jay (changed) currently 30 years old now well settled in my own business from Mumbai. This is my 1st story (part 5) and many more are going to come. More about myself. I was 150kgs till the last year. Then suddenly somebody from my business friends motivated me to get fit and be healthy as he had faced the consequences of being overweight. And so I started my journey. A year back in Sept 2017  I joined the gym and started freestyle workouts for losing...

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8216Dicking8217 My Hot Teenage Saali 8211 Part 2

From childhood, she had been a control freak, i.e., she wanted to be the one who decided anything. For example, she decided when to get her ears pierced and where. I’m sure she decided at what age she’d lose her virginity too. So it was a big deal when her boyfriend dumped her. She was in denial, opting for break-up sex and whatnot. This went on for a few weeks till she started to realize that it was over between herself and her lover. I witnessed my hot ‘Saali’ (sister-in-law) cry for the...

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Teen Show Faith

Finn didn't bother knocking as he burst into his sister Gracie's room. She appeared to be watching television, but he put a dismissive hand up, already anticipating her outburst. Gracie: "Get out of here!" Finn: "Chill out, Gracie. I just need your phone charger, stop being so melodramatic." Grabbing the phone charger from her desk, Finn noticed Gracie sitting in front of her television. There was an old book open in front of her, as well as candles, a wooden board with some odd...

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Crystal Gets a Makeover

When Crystal Harper thinks about her life she wanted to cry. She was rapidly approaching her fortieth birthday, she thought, having recently celebrated number thirty sixth. She was a divorced mother of two teenage boys, Matt and Kevin, and she has been struggling to make ends meet, ever since her moron of an ex-husband left her after a one night stand with a drunken slut he’d fallen in love with. Tom Harper rarely paid child support and when he did, it was always late. As a result, it made it...

2 years ago
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Saving Elite Magazine

-1- I can’t get enough. I never want it to end – sex with a black man. But it does, in time. Fatigue sets in and our bodies give out. There’s always a nice nap, or a good night’s sleep, or simply a walk on the beach to take a break before getting naked and going at it again. My life’s work, my destiny, has been pleasing black men. I give my body, all of it, for them to take, to use, to gather pleasure from. It’s one reason I was so sad to learn my old place of employment – Elite...

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Annie runs out of petrol1

Annie knew that she should have filled up with fuel before she left the motorway, but who could have imagined that the weather would get so bad and that she would get diverted down so many back roads because of the accident.The fuel gauge was showing nil and the warning light was flashing on and off as she whispered to herself “please don’t stop…please don’t stop”. But, then the inevitable happened. The car chugged and spluttered and she was stranded in the back of beyond and the rain was...

2 years ago
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Why do all my girlfriends seem to love fingering m

Could they tell I would love it? Is it because I fingered and fucked their asses?Wifey: she loves taking a bath together. Every time she makes sure we have red wine because she knows how much we both enjoy it. We love soaping each other down and washing each part of each other's body. With out fail as she soaps up my balls and strokes them clean she'll reach one handle down and "clean" my ass. Next thing I know she's fingering my butt and loving the pre-cum that drips as she does. She never...

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Hank Wakes Up The NeighborsChapter 4

The next time Guy Gilbertson showed up at Mina's house, sure enough, there were several men present. Among them was the parishioner who had originally disclosed the affair to Hank. His name was Seth, and he was an open homosexual, which was why Pastor Gilbertson had him expelled from the church. "Now, Seth, Murray, Roger, Jim, and Lewis will all fuck you as they please for a couple of hours, while I tape it, slave! How does that sound, slave?" Mina asked him. Guy did not much desire the...

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The OutsiderChapter 7

At the start of 1974 after just over two years of married life I was single again and this time intended to stay that way. Once again I put all of my time into work, spending many unpaid hours on unofficial projects. The only activity I did outside work was my sports and a lot of that was for the works team. Much to my ex-wife's chagrin I was never a social animal, so the only people I knew were my work colleagues. My marriage and its failure had taught me not to mix business with...

1 year ago
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Family Sinners

FamilySinners! Family sex fantasies are so hot for so many reasons. I love the thought of always having a few babes around to suck me off or ride my cock, and filling those roles with hot moms and gorgeous sisters is the kind of scandalous that makes me get all drippy. They say it’s illegal because you’d end up with a bunch of inbred monster children, but honestly, I wonder if it’s just prudes trying to ruin our fun again. Incest is called the ultimate taboo for a reason. FamilySinners is not...

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Trials of Wendy

"Mmmmm..." I woke up with someone's face in my hair, his breath tickling my neck and morning erection poking against my butt. "Hmmm..." he sighed as well, squeezing my left breast through the old half-slip I liked to sleep in. My panties were missing and I spread my legs, lifting the top one and curling it over his. I liked the way he hugged me and I didn't want to open my eyes. The alarm hadn't gone off yet, but how early it might be, I had no idea. I didn't want to know and I'd...

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COUPLES A Gay and Lesbian Tale

COUPLES (A Gay and Lesbian Tale)« I hope I won’t wake you, I may come in late”, said Margo as she walked into the living room.“No problem. Come in when you want to. Just remember to lock the door”, answered Tom without looking up from his newspaper. They both had separate rooms anyway.“It’s girls’ night out and …”, started Margo, then stopped as she saw that her husband had no interest in what she was doing or where she was going. “Harry might come over later to look at the lawn mower I’m...

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A Unique type of bond

This story is completely fictional! Ever since we were little, my younger sister and I always enjoyed each others company. Our parents died in a car accident when we were teenagers and we had been on our own ever since. Now, much older we had drifted apart some since she moved away to college and I started my own business. After a few years of being estranged, we would reunite in a whole new way. It was a cold winter when my sister Leila returned home. Since my divorce a few years back, I had...

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It was a cool morning with not a cloud in the sky as Ray drove into the parking lot at Horsehair Pond. Ray Daniels could see that there were eight cars already parked here. He looked but couldn’t see anyone fishing at this sixteen acre pond which caused him to assume the people who owned these cars were either walkers, joggers or bikers and they were on the trail that started here and ran through the large forest preserve that encompassed this area. Ray was hoping that the break they had from...

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Indiscretion in the Pool

After a week and a half in the all inclusive resort, I was going a little stir crazy.  The band sounded like the one from the previous evening and the cocktails weren't going down as well as usual.I decided to take a wander and get away from masses for a bit.  I walked a little way away from the bar and to the smaller of the complex's pools.  The water looked inviting in the moonlight.  I looked around, there was no one about.  The pool was round a corner from the bar and no one could see me. ...

Group Sex
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Lauras Story an Interracial Lesbian RomanceChapter 220

Laura had not seen Karen for months. Not only did she work in another part of the company, at another location, but their relationship had become so... depraved, Laura thought-there was no other word for it-that both of them seemed to tacitly agree to suspend it, for a while or for good, until they could somehow move it in a healthier direction. At least this was what Laura felt, since they had never discussed it. Further, they always seemed to come together just when one or the other was...

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Corporate Sexual Shenanigans

We live in Cary, North Carolina, just outside of Raleigh. I had been married to Wally Burton for thirteen years. Wally is the nicest man who ever walked the earth. I just love him to death. Wally was the captain for Tidewater Industries, flying their Beechjet 400. As for me, I worked as the personal director for the Old Southern Bank. We were both born and raised in North Carolina. We had no children, so with our combined income we were doing quite well. Wally never drank because he was always...

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Essies New Employee

As I left the main gate of the base, I gave the guard a final salute. With my Honorable Discharge in hand I headed for San Antonio. I would be spending the night at Essie's condo and then on Thursday I would apply for a job at Ward and Ward Co. Ward and Ward Co. is wholly owned by Essie Ward. 'Who is Essie Ward', you may ask? If you haven't been following my story from the beginning, Essie is my love. What started out as a cougar/cub relationship is now a full blown romance. I fell in love with...

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Eric Olafson Neo Viking Vol 1Chapter 26 Astrid

I had slept a few hours at Uncle Hogun’s and went to the clinic to check on Litfas Arnske and I found him, in a low gee bed. Two elders, Adolph Lindbergh and a young man perhaps two three years older than me was with him, most likely Sif’s brother I had not yet met. As he saw me, he first smiled and then his face dropped. “You have saved my life, and it looks like my very own daughter has tried to end it. The daughter I promised, my honor is in shambles and I am not sure I want to live...

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The Experience

At thirty-four years of age, Katie was well aware of the sexual adventures her body was capable of… or so she thought. She and her husband watched various hard core porn movies together frequently, she had a few assorted toys that she used on occasion, she openly chatted online about her sexuality but even though her sex life was satisfying, she felt that something was missing… there was something more that she could be experiencing. Katie had an online chat buddy, Sam. The pair talked about...

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BangBus Becky Bandini Cinco de Mayo Bus Fuck

Becky Bandini was walking to work when the Bang Bus pulled up. They were giving away free Tacos for Cinco de Mayo. Becky tried one but she did not like it at all. Anyway they offered her some cash for a quick Cinco de Mayo quiz. Becky wasn’t a girl that would say no to money. Now they offered more cash for a traditional tittie flash. Go to work or earn easy money? It was Cinco de Mayo after all. So Betty flashed her big tits. Now the ice was broken. It was easy to lure her into the Bang Bus....

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Return Of The Brown Blogger

Part One: Brown Eyed Bears Okay, remember how my first scene ended with me throwing up on the camera? Not good, I hear you say. Not so fast, say I. Turns out this was not a career ending move, rather it’s the scat equivalent of the money shot. Becky is on the phone and enthusing over the ‘up and chuck’ scene. “Sales of that clip are going great, they all love that POV moment when you introduced them to your lunch. You’re a star, hun!” Yay me, dad will be so proud. Thing is I am pleased....

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Stolen Days Ch 05

A Few Stolen Days Ch. 05: The Night Travis could have sat in the luxury of the fog of their great sex for an eternity, but as he wiped Brandi’s brow he thought of the champagne and the refreshment that would sure give her. He went in to get the bottle, even as Brandi, little more than an exhausted lump on the deck, could only watch after his action. He filled the glasses afresh and returned to hold it to her lips, since her hands were still trembling from the intense sexual exertion. As he...

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CharadeChapter 2

It was a reception at the Rittenhouse Hotel, about 3 or 4 months ago, that I was first introduced to him. Kim was dressed in a clinging black dress that showed no line of bra or even panties. I had not seen her dress that evening, but I was a bit uneasy about her being there with nothing on under that garment. We had no sooner walked in then she pulled me toward this guy with rather long, greasy hair and introduced me. Lavell shook my hand and I felt the pressure he was trying to exert, he...

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Healer © Sven the Elder Jan 2002 I knew her through the office of course, that and helping her manage and learn to use her computer in the facets of her new job. She was a quiet, slim, slightly mousy woman in her forties. Divorced, slightly bitter, but otherwise not the sort of person you'd look at twice if you passed her in the mall. I was working on her computer's connection to the network. We'd had new network cabling carried out and while most of it was to a very high, extremely...

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Her Special Massage

 You enter the bathroom not wearing a stitch of clothing. The aroma of orange blossom greets you as you go to the bath and slip into the warm bubble bath. Sitting back and placing your head on the rolled up towel, I walk over. Wearing only a pair of white skimpy bikini briefs, I hand you a glass of champagne.You note the bowl of hot water with the orange blossom oil bottle, floating in it on the corner table. The candles give off a soft glow to the room.I return and kneel at your feet and pour...

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"Your father has had an accident!" Mom said as she threw her coat on after hanging up the phone in the kitchen. "What?" I shrieked as I jumped up from the sofa scattering all my homework across the floor. I rushed to grab a jacket as Mom told me that we were heading to the hospital. The nurse that called didn't give us any information so we didn't know what to expect until we got there. I had to calm Mom down as she almost ran a stoplight which would have gotten us into a collision with...

1 year ago
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Club Fantasy

It's been a long week. Wake up, sit in traffic, work, sit in traffic, sleep; rinse and repeat for five days. But it's finally the weekend. You texted me earlier and invited me out to a new club for the night. I have to admit, I'm not exactly a club type of person. I'd rather chill at a bar and have a few good beers and few more good laughs. But, hey, time with you is still time with you.I pull up and I'm greeted by what looks like an old warehouse sitting in the middle of what's been turned...

2 years ago
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The Branson KidChapter 1

Author's note: This story is written in dialect, but it is not the kind of thing that one usually sees. I have been doing some more research on the subject, and this is the result of that research. At the time of this story, people did not use contractions. For example, no one said "I'm," instead, they said "I am." Likewise "can't" was never used, instead they said "cannot." "Won't" was "will not." All in all, the language would have sounded very stilted to us in the 21st...

4 years ago
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A young turkey hunter scores with a farmers

The night before I went turkey hunting I had to go check in with the owner of the land that I was hunting on. The field I was scouting was right next to his old farmhouse, and had a broad meadow that tucked far out into the corner. I saw a couple of birds down there, a hen and some long beards. I pulled up the dusty driveway that bordered a horse pasture in my rusted Toyota pickup. The evening sun was beating down on the valley green pasture, and the horses grazed peacefully. The farm was owned...

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Girlish DelightsChapter 33 Veronica Visits

Following the good advice of his older wife, Princess Ayda, the Emir had invited his sister in law, Veronica, now Countess of Bargoed in her own right, to visit the Golden Palace to see just how well her sister and niece lived. While she was impressed by the private Airbus 480, and by the opulence of the harem's appointments, and by the attentiveness of the ubiquitous staff, she really disliked the claustrophobia of knowing that she could not just walk out of the door and stroll down the...

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My Husband Send Me Out On My first Solo Gangbang

My husband has made me do a lot of gangbangs over the years. In all of them, he has set them up and arranged the guys and been there to make sure I was safe and things didn't get out of hand.This one was quite different. I was off of work in preparation to study abroad for a year, and I asked my husband TC if I could fly across the country to visit my family, since I wouldn't have the chance to see them for a long time. At first he said no because I wasn’t bringing in any money, and it would...

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The Birthday Gift

The text on his mobile was clear enough:- Meet me, 10am, Friday 19th November, Birmingham Metropole Hotel, Room 472 xx OMG was she serious! Adam’s mind had gone into overdrive:- Could he make that day? Would he go? Should he go? If he did, would she like him? Would he like her? What would he wear ? DAMN NO! His moral conscience was so strong too. He couldn’t possibly go, he shouldn’t go, what about his real life? Cheating was not something he could do – he would tell her he couldn’t make that...

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A Nanny Femtastic Chapter 11

A NANNY FEMTASTIC! Chapter 11 We walked to the harbour and found the boat. There were too bulky security guards checking people as they entered. The boat was in fact a massive cruiser! We joined the queue, it was obviously not a little gathering. The other women were dressed in classy whites and float summer dresses, we looked like too cheap hookers! “Trinity this was a mistake, lets go,” I said. “No come on honey who gives a fuck.” She linked her arm in mine and stood provocatively with her...

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Early morning fuck

My name is Jon, I woke up early one monday morning when I was a teenager at about 3 am with a raging boner feeling wide awake and horny.I didn't know what to do about it so I got out of bed in my boxers and no shirt I had about an 8 inch cock fully corked sticking out of boxers. I walked over to my parents' room, I stood by my mom's bed. She heard me tip toe in and said with her eyes closed "What is it honey?"She opened her eyes and saw the predominant bone in my boxers. Her eyes widened, she...

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What in the Hell Was ThatChapter 48

Mr. William Earl Wardell walked into our suite following our two buffet carts. With him was a tall, slender woman who I guessed to be at least half his age. Next to her, was a young girl who I guessed to be thirteen, at most. Next to her, was a girl I guessed to be close to Shelly’s age. Too old I decided, to be Ms. Wardell’s daughter. She looks good and she’s smiling at me. I’d love to make her smile even more, if I get a chance to give her a body to match Sherry’s. They were followed...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 5 MichelleChapter 21

October 26, 1991, Chicago, Illinois “We have to do something!” Kara said quietly. “And right now!” “I agree. The problem is, there is only one person who can help, and calling him is extremely risky.” “More risky than THAT?” Kara said, nodding in Jessica’s direction. Jessica was sitting in one of the basket chairs, with Ashley in one arm, and one of our large wine goblets, full nearly to the brim, in the other. On the floor next to her was a mostly empty bottle. Kara had found her there...

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The Descent of Inanna

Exile alone would never have driven me mad. My entire life, I had felt distant and out of place. Only Sin, with this teasing green eyes and quick smile had ever made me feel loved. I had loved him since we were children. When he chose prison, rather than to be exiled with me, my heart was broken. It was only by chance that I found the humans and pure coincidence that I, who was so out of favor with my own people, was readily accepted as their goddess. Though I fed on blood, I was more loved...

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Granny calls escort Service True Story

I had a female friend who ran an escort service. One winter night she called me and asked if I'd do her a favor. She had just received a call from a 66 year old widow who wanted to have a man visit her and asked if I'd call her.I had never done anything like this before, but was excited by the idea. I told her, "Yes." I'm 24 years old at the time.The woman explained to me that her husband had died over a year ago and that she had not had sex in all that time and was "very horny and needed a...

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Arlene and JeffChapter 338

Landfall Space Academy As the two stepped through the entrance, the academy computer greeted them by name after comparing their full bio scans to their application scans. Before it could go on, Diana spoke up, "If it is possible, we would like to room together. We come from similar planets and our backgrounds are analogous as well." The computer made no comment about her request other than to give them their building and room number. A slot opened and two new comps slid out of a wall as...

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Andy TaylorChapter 13

Recovering from her reverie, Andy focused on the painting Barbara had taken from her artist's case. It was a nude painting of herself seated in a chair with Jack standing behind her and Kelly standing next to him. He had one hand on Andy's shoulder and the other resting on the glorious curve of Kelly's hip. Andy's hand was touching his. She just shook her head and said, "Bobbie, that is utterly incredible! You have Jack and Kelly exactly right, but what did you do to me? I can't...

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