Notes From A Secret Admirer free porn video

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Author’s Foreword—

This is my ninth posting to Literotica and my first posting in the ‘First Time’ genre. The following is a true story. You are invited to visit my profile’s archive to find my previous postings, I hope you enjoy them.

John W. Adams, Jr., November 23, 2008

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This posting is going to involve me tripping and stumbling down Melancholy Boulevard, it parallels Memory Lane and is much less pleasant to drive. If you’re not in the mood for some mutterings about my long-gone days of youth, back-click out of here and find something more exciting to read.

That said, and presuming you’re still here…

As per normal operating procedure on a Friday morning after work, I stopped by the College Street house to pick up my mail (if any) and to catch up on the news with my kids, grandsons and ex-wife. My idiot ex-brother-in-law Roy was there along with his even more idiot wife Betty and their middle child Dusty. I think Dusty is fourteen and a freshman in high school. While I was there, he was expounding at length to Nancy and his mom about the mystifying annoyance in his life—some girl thinks he’s cute and has been leaving secret admirer notes in his locker. Dusty was torturing his brain trying to figure out who she is. I know how the kid feels.

His laments triggered a long-dormant memory within the brain of your humble author. I too used to receive secret admirer (herein SA for brevity) notes back in the dark ages known as the mid-1970s when I was Dusty’s age. I got one in my 8th grade year, eight during my freshman year and two in my sophomore year.

The single SA note in 8th grade was received in February 1975, a week before Valentine’s Day. I was attending Rome City Middle School (herein RCMS) at the time and a chick slipped it into my locker through one of the vent slots stamped into the door. She said among other things that she thought I was ‘devilishly handsome’ and had ‘heartwarming blue eyes’ and wanted me to meet her at the Valentine Day’s Dance that Friday. Then as now, I don’t dance—I don’t know how and have no interest in learning. Dancing is to me something to be watched on American Bandstand, which was still running on Saturday afternoons at the time on ABC-TV. She didn’t leave her name or tell me her locker number so I could write her and suggest an alternate place to meet. I didn’t go to that dance, not that I wasn’t interested, but our family went out to eat that evening. No other SA notes were forthcoming and nobody confronted me about not attending the dance. Life went on.

There is something you need to understand about my high school system. East Noble High School (herein EN) is centrally located here in Kendallville and is supplied with ninth- to twelfth-grade students from my small hometown of Rome City, as well as Avilla, LaOtto and Kendallville itself. All us RCMS kids went from having maybe sixty classmates to over 350 as part of EN’s graduating class of 1979, and it was rare to have more than four or five of your middle school mates in a given class with you. It’s my understanding that EN’s system is unique, when I explained this to others in Arizona, Delaware and Tennessee, they thought it was strange to bus kids to a centrally located high school building in the next town.

To continue— I first started getting SA notes as a freshman in mid-September 1975, three weeks after starting the school year. This chick told me she thought I was ‘quite cute’ and liked the way ‘you don’t back to the bullies who heckle and berate you in class.’ She mentioned I was in two of her classes, but didn’t say which ones, and said she wanted ‘to get to know you better.’ She hoped we could exchange messages and eventually come to know each other through correspondence before she would agree to reveal her identity.

It seemed to me at the time that she wanted me to blindly pour my heart and soul into my messages without knowing one damned thing about her. I was instantly wary, I had come too close to getting burned in seventh grade by two guys a year ahead of me at RCMS wanting almost the same thing. Two numb-nuts had gotten hold of some pink, flowery and perfumed stationery to write their messages on, and I might have fallen for it had it not been for their obviously masculine handwriting. The fake SA notes were discarded and, about a week or so later, the 8th grade guys confronted me about my lack of reply. I told them to go fornicate a mallard and that was that.

As such, in reply to my freshman SA, I wrote a polite semi-businesslike letter and said that I was flattered by her attraction and interest. But I spelled out the reasons you read in the previous paragraph and stated that I preferred to do away with the games. ‘I’m not saying you would, but I don’t want to fall victim to such nonsense again,’ I wrote. ‘Please sign any future notes with your real first and last names so we can proceed from there.’ My message was folded in the time-honored tradition—vertically five or six times before being folded into a triangular shape, like an American flag is folded during a military funeral. Then I slipped it into her locker through one of the vents. To this day I remember her locker number, it was 1227.

Her second SA note was waiting in my locker upon my arrival the next morning, and her tone was something of playful amusement. She said I was ‘manly’ for ‘demanding’ to know her name and said she could not supply it just yet. ‘You’ll understand as we get to know each other better,’ she explained. It was signed just like her previous missive with ‘Your Secret Admirer.’ This note had been adorned with smiley faces and arrow-pierced heart-shaped doodlings with ‘John ‘n Me’ written with the heart. She even thought to omit her name from her cutesy artwork! I mean, she could’ve given me a bloody clue!

My reply was less friendly and more terse. I repeated my position about needing to know her name and reasons for same. Then I implied the priority to write any further replied would be ‘put on the back burner’ if she did not comply. It was folded into a triangle and slipped into locker 1227 on my way to class.

Her SA note number three was more of the same, plus a bit more. There were more romantic doodlings, more amusement in the tone of her writing and she asked a few questions I wasn’t about to reply to on paper. Such things have a way of circulating to people of lesser ilk, intended or not. She told me to ‘be patient and play along, at least for awhile yet’ and promised that I wouldn’t be disappointed when ‘the big reveal’ finally arrived. This was also signed ‘Your Secret Admirer.’

This was not what I wanted to hear and it annoyed the hell out of me! Why fuck around with the silly games?! She was going to have to reveal herself to me anyway if she hoped to turn her letter writing campaign into something more like a teenage courtship. Why not simply do it sooner than later and save everybody the mystery and stress? Furthermore, I considered it unfair—she knew at least something of me, yet I knew nothing about her. So I was not in the best of moods when I wrote my reply number three and delivered an ultimatum. ‘From now on, your messages will be unfolded only far enough to read the signature. If it doesn’t contain your real first and last names, I’ll fold it up again and take it home for filing. The contents will be unknown and no reply will be sent. When you finally do decide to tell me who you are, I’ll go back and read your previous messages. But not before. Tell me who you are and let’s move on from there.’ It was delivered and I went about my business.

Note four took two days to come. As promised, I opened it, looked at the signature and saw her typical ‘Your Secret Admirer’ where her name should be. It was promptly refolded and stashed in my pocket. When I got home, I filed it in my handmade cedar box (about 2/3 the size of a typical textbook) bought in Cheyenne, Wyoming in August 1972 during a trip m
y mom, grandmother, cousin, brother and I took out there to visit family. No reply was written or sent.

Note five came four days later. It too was opened just to read the signature and refolded and ignored when I didn’t see what I wanted to see. It was also ignored. Note six came four days after that. I was running a bit late and I shoved it into my pocket to read at lunch—presuming she signed it properly.

Enter the accomplice. A blonde RCMS chick stopped me and had two non-RCMS girls with her. I’ll refer to the blonde as ‘ZZ’ to respect her present-day privacy, who is to say if a former East Noble classmate might stumble upon this Literotica posting? Anyway, ZZ said she saw that I’d gotten another SA note and wondered why I hadn’t replied yet. I told her I was holding true to my word about reading just the signature and ignoring the rest if it wasn’t properly signed. One of ZZ’s two-chick entourage pointed out that my SA might have good reasons to deny my request at the present time. ‘Maybe she does,’ I countered, ‘But I have equally good reason to have my request be honored. No reply will be forthcoming until she does.’ ZZ turned to them and said I could be ‘notoriously stubborn’ about such things, and I accepted that as a compliment. Hall passage time was drawing to a close and we parted company for class.

SA note seven arrived three days later. It was treated just like its predecessors and filed in the cedar box. Note eight was waiting for me upon arrival at school the Monday morning of Homecoming Week. It was checked for a signature, refolded and stashed in the cedar box that evening. Homecoming Week progressed—East Noble lost the football game to the Angola Hornets, dammit—and I’m told the dance afterwards went well despite the loss. No further SA notes came in the days and weeks following Homecoming, and ZZ and her two-babe entourage did not inquire about them again. Life went on.

In November 1976, I was dragged away from EN and incarcerated at Central Noble High School in nearby Albion—I hated that fuckin’ school as it was populated mostly by farmers and illiterate rednecks! They talked about John Deere and Allis-Chalmers tractors the way car guys discuss Fords and Mopars! My family moved to Arizona in June 1978, then to Delaware in May 1984, then back to Indiana in March 1985, then I married Nancy in June 1985. We had our daughter in September 1986, our son arrived in December 1988, and we bought the College Street house in July 1992.

Now it’s December 1993. I’m 33 years old, Nancy and I have been married for eight and a half years, our son just turned five and we’ve been in the house for sixteen months. Nancy asked me to go through some of my boxes of stuff stored in the utility room to make room for ‘more storage.’ If by this you think my stuff had to go to make more room for her stuff, you obviously have a deep and solid understanding of female logic. Give yourself a gold star.

So I pulled down a large box. Inside I found a smaller box surrounded by stuff. Inside that smaller box is another box surrounded by more stuff. Inside that box is another box because the inner box is quite old. Inside that old box is some stuff and a small cedar box carefully wrapped in plastic and sealed with at least thirty feet of masking tape. I gingerly picked up the cedar box as old memories came flooding back. Most of the masking tape had long since dried out so opening it proved easy. Opening the lid revealed a set of car keys to a 1956 Packard Patrician sedan pilfered from a derelict in a junkyard, the glovebox emblem and the clock assembly from that Packard, an age-petrified seventeen-stick pack of Juicy Fruit gum with six sticks missing, a small electric motor from only God knows where—

And eight pieces of paper folded into triangles.

I felt my mouth go dry as I picked up one at random. It had ‘To John’ written on one side within an arrow-skewered heart. On the other side was my own handwriting with ‘#4’ written on it, even then, I was pretty anal about dating and filing things. The old cardboard box which had contained the cedar box had been packed by me in October 1976 in anticipation of the detested move from Rome City to Albion. The contents of both boxes hadn’t seen the light of day in nearly two decades.

I gathered up the triangles and arranged them in chronological order. My task forgotten, I began to read through my long-forgotten SA notes. The wording of the first three came back quickly. The tone and wording of notes four through eight, as yet unknown to me except for the signatures, were more sobering. Note four was pretty much the same as the first three, I guess my SA didn’t think I was serious about not reading and replying to them. The tone of note five was bewilderment and had a plea to write. The bewildered tone was much more pronounced in note six, and there was more pleading for me to write to her. All of note seven’s tone was urgent pleading, and there was even an undertone of desperation.

Note eight, her last one, had a tone of hopeful resignation. I’ll relate as much of it as I can remember…

First paragraph. ‘My dearest John,’ she started out, ‘I am both saddened and disappointed by your continued silence.’ She drew a frowning smiley face here with two tears coming out of each closed eye. ‘ZZ told me about some of your history during middle school and I understand your hesitation to trust someone you don’t know. She says it’s unlikely you’re not reading my notes because you are ‘too curious’ about me not to. I’m wary to accept her word on this because I overheard what you said about ‘I meant what I said and said what I meant’ that time ZZ stopped you in the hallway. My dad says that a lot too and he’s not one to change his mind once set on a course of action.’

Second paragraph. ‘Still, ZZ knows you better than me since you two went to RCMS together, so I’m accepting that she knows best. So I’m writing on the assumption she’s right and that you are indeed reading my notes but not answering them until you get what you want.’

Side point—she shouldn’t have done this, I did indeed mean what I said about reading just the signature and ignoring the rest if there was no name. It could be my SA was inadvertently led astray be well-meaning but inaccurate advice.

Third paragraph. ‘It’s a strange feeling to have you stand by your convictions even when they are working against me. I feel like you’re slipping away from me, my darling John, and I really don’t want this to happen. So I’ll propose a compromise instead. Friday is the Homecoming Week football game against Angola and there will be a dance afterwards in the gym. Instead of telling you who I am, I would like you to meet me at the dance. I know from ZZ and a couple of others that you don’t dance and that’s okay! We can just sit together and talk, get to know each other and groove on the music. Maybe after awhile, if I’m lucky and you get that comfortable with me, we could slip onto the dance floor for a Fonzie dance. The thought of finally having your arms around me makes me tingle.’ She underlined the word ‘tingle’ and drew a smiley face with a round mouth and five-pointed stars where the eyes should be.

Historical side point— the term ‘Fonzie dance’ was slang used by EN students back in the day for the kind of dancing you saw The Fonz doing on the old Happy Days sitcom. Basically it was just a slightly swaying hug no matter how fast or slow the music was playing. Not really a dance, I know, but it was the only kind of dance I was even remotely interested in back then.

Fourth paragraph. ‘I’ll be wearing a blue denim jumpsuit with a gold macramé belt and a yellow plastic flower in my hair above my right ear. That flower will be yours to take home so you can always remember the first time we met. Do guys keep keepsakes like this?’ She drew a bewildered looking smiley face with a question mark above it. ‘I hope you are indeed reading my notes as ZZ says. And I also hope you come to the dance to meet me. But if you do
n’t reply to this and you don’t attend the dance, I’ll presume you are not interested and I’ll stop bothering you. After all, my darling John, I like you SO much that I’d rather see you happy with someone else than merely content with me.’ She then signed off with her typical ‘Your Secret Admirer.’

You have no idea how hard it was to read that. The first time I knew my secret admirer wanted to meet me was eighteen years after the fact.

I got two more SA notes early in my sophomore year at EN, before I was dragged kicking / screaming / swearing away to attend Central Noble. The brand of paper was different from my freshman SA, as was the handwriting. This person was bluntly told to provide her real name or not to bother me. Her reply was giggly, girlie and gushy as she said I was ‘quite a catch’ for being so ‘stand-up honest and forthright.’ My reply was snarling and unkind, as I demanded her to give me her real name and do away with the stupid games. I did not hear from her again and I left EN five weeks later.

To this day, I do not know whom my freshman SA was. It has been thirty-two years and I do not have the slightest clue. I didn’t think to ask ZZ at the 25-year reunion back in July 2004—not that she would remember it or tell me if she did. I suppose it is possible she was one of the two-girl entourage with ZZ that time she stopped me in the hall just after note six was received. But that’s just a guess. It wasn’t ZZ herself because, on more than one occasion back in our middle school days, she told me ‘I’d love to date you, John, if I wasn’t seeing someone else.’ Never mind that I never saw her with anyone else, I know a polite brush-off when I see it.

Whoever my secret admirer was, I wish her all due happiness and success. I really do. I hope she found a man to make her tingle as I never could. Perhaps if she had been more accommodating and I had been a helluva lot less stubborn, we could’ve clicked in a way I always wished Nancy and I had clicked, yet never did even after twenty-one years together during our now-failed marriage. My parents explained to my brother and me years after the fact that the move to Albion would never have happened if he or I had a girlfriend at the time. If the move to Albion hadn’t happened, Nancy and I would never have met and my life history could have been much more fulfilling and complete.

Too bad I’ll never know.

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Copyright © 2008 by the author, John W. Adams, Jr. All right reserved.

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Shower admirer

I was living in Bristol for a few months at the start of the year and going to a local gym pretty much daily. Now, without sounding like an egotistical twat, I'm used to people staring at my junk, especially in sweatpants when I'm at the gym:Some guys get all aggro and start trying to lift more weight, some girls try and sneak looks so their boyfriends don't see...some people just don't give a fuck and will openly stare. It's all good.Anyway, this session I'd become aware of a little twink...

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Slippery Admirer

I love to oil up my young slim men. Oiled up so they were nice and slippery. They always are when wet. I like to take my time as you lie on your belly; close your eyes and let me run my hands over your back and shoulders easing away everyday tensions. Spending time, as my warm hands glide over the smooth velvet skin. Your bum cheeks are next for manipulation. The heels of my palm kneading both paired globes which gently pull apart so looking down I can see your budding pink halo. My hands may...

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messaging with an admirer

I thought i would share this because this interaction really turned me on....i want more of you to share with me and message me for chats like this....i finally let in one night when he came over begging to fuck me in the ass....i let him fuck my pussy first and finally got so excited when he started sliding the head of his cock on my asshole i was so turned on i let him pop the head in and out telling him he could only put the head in that was he started by just sliding the head in...

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Letter To An Admirer

'Letter To An Admirer' By Jennifer James [email protected] Dear Michael It was on a Saturday and I'd been going through a week's worth of emails that had backed up. I quickly deleted the spam and gone through the correspondence from my friends and acquaintances, and I'd saved the new emails till last. There was an introduction from a new local crossdresser, with a typical picture of a 'girl' with visible beard stubble and hairy arms in a bad wig with uncut...

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The Devils Pact Sidestory Marys Admirer

Note: Thanks to b0b for beta reading! This takes place between Chapter 49 and Chapter 50. Thursday, September 11th, 2014 – Theodore Mitchel – Colorado She was the most beautiful creature in the world. Those lovely, red curls. Eyes the color of emeralds. I had fallen in love with her the first time I had seen her, wreathed in flames. A Goddess. My muse. The woman that would be my queen. Mary. Was any name more sublime? For the last year, I had watched her on my television, drinking in her...

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Notes on Oneida

“History is more or less bunk.” Henry Ford “Well this history isn’t.” Holly Rennick “Those who don’t remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” George Santayana “Might we give this one another try?” Cindi Barton HOLLY’S COMMENTS: The upcoming NEA Iowa Conference for Teachers of Language Arts is soliciting papers dealing with “Language for Leadership.” If I get something accepted, District will foot the bill and it will count as a professional activity in my annual review. Otherwise, I...

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A Secrete Affairthat went wrong

Robert had become my secrete sex partner, he's somewhat kinky. He only wants to engage in sex acts out doors or in basements. We both were students in the same urban college, but resided in different dorms. Not once had we ever had sex in our respective dorm rooms. Robert stood 5'8" tall and weighed close to 190lbs, he wasn't heavily built, yet he was well defined. His penis was average, about seven or eight inches long and 1 to 1 1/2 inches wide, balls the size of a peach stone that hung in...

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Affair With Married Secrete Friend In Discrete 8211 First Love Making

Hello friends, this is karthik here again. This is a continuation of the first part published on the topic “Affair With Married Secrete Friend In Discrete”. First part is more about how we started the affair. Here let me describe how wonderful was our first love making session. It was awesome, I get tempted even today when thinking of what happened on that day.we grew very strong relationship just like a real husband and wife. We use to meet whenever we get time. chat for the whole day through...

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My secret was not so secrete

It was a few months after my sexual assault by Charlie, Bruce and Daniel. I was staying much to myself as I continued my classes I was still the my ninth grade. The three ruffians had taken numerous of me being sexed by them in numerous positions. When they wanted me again a picture would some how end up in my locker or posted to the students info board. Most would have a note saying ' ... meet where we ran ... '. I knew it was the wooded area behind the track field so I would head there and...

4 years ago
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Miss Marks The New Head Mistress The School Secretarys secret spanking desires Part One

“If you don’t ask – you don’t get.”That’s what Amber Fox, Amelia Marks’ secretary, kept telling herself.The thirty-two-year-old woman with the flowing red hair had been unable to get the experience of watching Amelia Marks caning those two naughty Year Eleven girls in her office out of her head. It had been a couple of weeks since Miss Marks had punished Emily Richardson and Chloe Williams in her office and a couple of weeks since she had invited her secretary to witness the girls’ punishment....

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Jacks Big Secret

Last Entry: Bobbi Sue?s Diary, May 2003 I'm a dud diarist. I've only made nine entries in mine since May 2000. And when I reread what I wrote, I realize that I'm too thick-headed to keep a diary. I mean: I must be the most na?ve girl living in North Texas. It's embarrassing to look at the entries. I should have cottoned on to Jack's big secret long before I did. First Entry: Bobbi Sue?s Diary, May 2000 Jack is my best guy friend, so I wish knew more about him. But he's k...

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Hannahs Secret pt 1

Meeting Hannah that afternoon was one of those bizarre events that convinced me how important it is to say “yes” to life, to be open to what presents itself and to not have expectations. I hadn’t been to New York City in over twenty years, and in fact, rarely leave my off the grid cabin in Maine for any cities. I shop at a local food co-op in our small town, pick up mail at the post office, sometimes get a bowl of soup or a cup of coffee and exchange greetings with friends and neighbors then...

Straight Sex
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Mera office ka secret ashiq

Hi, mera naam Neelam hai. Main 24 saal ki hu. Meri height 5.4 hai, average complexion aur figure 32-28-34. Main Delhi mein government job karti hu. Meri job lage abhi kuch hi mahino pehle lagi hai. Mera office theek chal raha tha. Subah office jaana, waha friends ke saath gappe ladana, kaam karna aur wapas ghar aa jaana. Jaise hi mujhe salary milti main dher saari shopping karti aur city ghoomti. Main Instagram pe har weekend apni pic daalti thi. Bohut saare likes aur comments milte the. Kafi...

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Lysandras Secret Desire by Michael Knight

The bright morning sunlight reflected back at Lysandra as she tilted her morning newspaper towards her for a closer look at an article that caught her attention:HOUSE SITTER WANTED Must be clean, professional, Bondable Some light cleaning duty, applicant must be willing to live on location in a three Storey Estate House, Free Room & Board Wage expectancy to be discussed. Apply by writing to: Margarete 365 Riverbend Rd. Hill valley.The Job was perfect, just the thing she needed to alleviate...

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In a Secret GardenChapter 19

I'd hate to admit it, but we wasted a pretty big chunk of the next two days before Amy and I gave up and quit the search for finding an entry into the final chambers for now ... and we just admitted defeat and handed over the entire project to our resident contractor, Jason who certainly understood mechanics better than we ever would. Besides, we still couldn't even figure out how to get the downstairs electricity turned on and that was starting to drive me nuts. "Of course you...

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Petras 2nd sexy secret about Alex

In fact, Petra found out two sexy secrets of Alex in the year after their first time together.The first sexy secret for Alex is whether what had happened between them was real or just a dream?In this story she will unveil some more of the sexy secrets of Alex, which she slowly discovered. First sexy secret As Alex does, Petra fondly remembers how she suddenly surprised Alex in bed after tugging her in.As always she had kiss-closed Alex eyes. After a big kiss on her fore-head switched off the...

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The Strangers Secret Game

CHAPTER GUIDE _________________ 1. The Ad 2. The Glory Hole and Invitation 3. The Participants 4. The Intro 5. The Game (1st Half) 6. The Game (2nd Half) 7. The Bukkake Finale 8. A Night with “K” >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> CHAPTER 1: The Ad >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> It’s been over a year since my divorce from my wife. We met each other in high school and dated throughout college. We got married the year we both graduated from our university. She went to med school...

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In a Secret GardenChapter 20

If I had even the slightest doubt that our resident retired biologist would leap like a kangaroo for the chance of directly furthering his esoteric researches into the wonders of duckweed, those fears were put instantly to rest the moment I started discussing the tentative idea of a chain of ponds stretching across three former house lots. Overjoyed would be an understatement. He nodded his head and shook my hand a lot and expounded for at least half an hour on the wonders of aquaponics under...

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My sweet secret made servant

author : male 35 Hay friend . this is my first true secret sex stories with my little made servant . but it is not all of my secret sex . my secret sex store is full of sex experience. i promises i will tell this time to time. now my stories is starting. my name is omit hassan . it is the time when my age is 35 years . i am married person’s and i have only one 5 years old daughter. we both leave in my government apartment in khulna bangladesh. we have a made servant too. the name of my...

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The Secret Cheerleader Vote 1

_____________________________________________________________________________________ This is going to be a series exploring the events resulting from Carly’s bet with Zane. It is based on a true story and a lot of what you will read actually did happen. However, some of it involves delving into the minds of other characters, so, we'll call it fiction. I'll let you decided for yourself where the truth lies. After getting Carly’s younger sister in bed with him, Carly was now obliged to set...

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Nude Secretaries Day the New Girl

Monica Kelly smiled at her boss as she filled his ivory mug with steaming hot coffee. Albert nodded at her in gratitude. He was on the phone with an important client, and his dutiful secretary knew just what he needed. She poured in two teaspoons of sugar and two creams, just the way he liked it, and stirred. Although Albert listened to his client's words, his attention was most definitely on Monica. He loved the way she tied her jet black hair back into a tight ponytail. Her attire was...

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Family Secrets Arent So Secret

My mother had this "thing" about putting on her clothes last when she prepared for work every day. Well, since the clothes were last that meant she wandered around the house--filling her coffee cup, doing makeup, waking us kids up for school---completely naked. She is 16 years older than I. Five-foot-two, then around 140 pounds, and measurements of 34C-30-38, she was a very VERY sexy woman. I had no problem sneaking a peek at her every morning as I stepped into the shower... her...

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My Widow Professor 8211 Part 5 Teacher8217s Darkest Secret

Hi, my cutie pies. How’s the day? This is a continuation of my story. Please read the previous parts to enjoy the story. But before I continue my story, I would like to thank the ISS team for publishing my story. I got to make many friends who read my story and send their valuable feedback. Some became very close friends of mine. Thank you very much for being my buddies. Here I continue. The next day I was fidgety. It’s been a long wait since I proposed her. And after yesterday’s incident, my...

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My Secret Life Introduction

The work itself is enormous, amounting to over one million words, the eleven original volumes amounting to over 4,000 pages. The text has a frank discussion of sexual matters and other hidden aspects of Victorian life make it a rare and valuable social document. According to Steven Marcus, it is virtually the only source for information on London's houses of prostitution, in which Walter spent many hours. It has been described as "one of the strangest and most obsessive books ever...

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The Secret Cheerleader Vote 9

Zane reflected on the events that had taken place the night before. Bella had finally surrendered herself to him. She had thought she would be able to just have sex with him and get everything she wanted. Instead, she had surrendered herself to him totally. More importantly, she had surrendered to him recording everything, so she was essentially his slave now. His pet. His toy, to play with however he chose. As a result of that surrender, she also became the “property” of the rest of the...

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Secret Salons

When people enter a barbershop or salon the most extreme thing they think might happen is for them to leave with a bad haircut or styling, something that is annoying, but will grow out given time. 99 times out of 100 that is exactly what happens. However few people know there is a war, of sorts, going on and it is being waged by a secret cabal of salons, not on each other, but on everyday thought, everyday people. Some of these secret salons do what they do deliberately, others by...

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Vanessas Secret Part 2

Vanessa's Secret Jason Morgan Part 2 Vanessa was back at Antonio's manor wearing the ultra-revealing maids outfit, serving him and his friends. Antonio was talking to his friends table and she had just brought them on their glasses of beer. The plates of food she had just made were on the counter cooling. They were just about ready to serve. She waited a few minutes and went back out, doing her curtsey as the obedient docile maid holding a large pitcher of beer. Some of their...

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A Motherrsquos Secret 5Sharing It

This is part 5 of the story of a mother who has done a taboo porn video to support her k**s. Her are links to the other four parts. Please enjoy and show your appreciation by thumbs up. was Cindy’s birthday and everyone in...

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Suzi the pig fromEssex part 1

It was a nice late summers day, getting towards the end of the afternoon. I’d met Suzi a while ago when l moved into the area- it turns out everyone knew Suzi! She’d tried it on with me, but l couldn’t do it, she was mature and saggy in the wrong places- her tits just flopped when she took them out for me. But you know,once a man has an erection, there’s only one way to get rid of it! I let her jerk me off in the pub toilet, at least l could close my eyes and pretend it was a hot young lady and...

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57From cheating housewife to who knows what last

57 From cheating housewife to who knows what? Pt4 Jack appeared at his normal getting home time, he seemed a bit on edge, so after the meal when he went to feed the fish, his pride and joy, I went out and we sat on the bench that only an hour or two before Eddy and I had shared. He said he had been told he was nominated to go to Berlin for a month`s course, however he wanted to talk to me before he agreed to go. We discussed the options and agreed to him going and he brightened up a...

5 years ago
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"Listen to me. No, no, listen", I paused, sighing as the man across the desk opened his mouth to speak. "Larry, for fuck's sake listen to me. You know me, alright? The studio knows me. The people know me. Have I ever let you down? In the ten years I've been with you, in the...nine movies I've been in? No, I haven't, have I? And you know my speciality, my talent, my...mimicry, right? So come on, just tell me what you think" "I don't know, Bob, it's a hell of a risk. What if you get...

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Story frome my fan girl

I know I'm not the best looking girl on the planet. I wasn't back then neither. I was flat chested with boyish looks. I was friends with my crush Kyle and he treated me like one of the boys and not one his girls. Kyle wasn't a pimp but girls seemed to fall head over heels for him and I was one of them. He was gorgeous and resembled Keanu Reeves as the years gone by. Kyle seemed to be drawn to girls with large boobs. I barely fitted into an A cup while growing...

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So, what is it about the hentai on this website that makes it "hentai from hell" exactly? I don't see any hellish ghosts on the page haunting it and terrorizing the cute babes that can be seen here. In fact, I do see a few, but those aren't anomalous, the animators put them in the purposely. All kinds of demons are found in here, damn. Some are tall, some are short, but they all have massive dicks that are just too much to take for these typically submissive girls.Do all men really want to...

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