Travels of an Aristocratic Odalisque
- 4 years ago
- 26
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The story is written as a series of highly descriptive vignettes. Each scene is meant to conjure a vivid and detailed image. It’s a learning exercise in descriptive creative writing. It’s hoped the story will inspire creative photographic series or video. You will find helpful links at the bottom of the file for reference and my contact information.
One quiet evening in the countryside patches of evening mist begin settling where the white tailed deer feed on fallen apples at the edge of the woods. He enjoys walking expertly past the trees leaving the deer undisturbed and unaware. Strolling down the edge of the trees to the large white mansion he can smell the cut grass and a slight aroma of her cigarette from the open window on the second floor. The rest of the house appears dark, as the help has already left to open the house down south. He finds the electronic surveillance system and phone system as he left them. A recorded message will assure everyone she has driven herself to the winter house. There will be no interruptions. He ascends the stairs and turns down the hall to the open door. A light in the small adjoining boudoir reveals a small trail of cigarette smoke. This was almost too easy even considering all the surveillance and planning over the past months. It is much like any of the jobs he did over the years accept this time the target will live and prosper under his protection.
The object of all his plans is an elegant, aristocratic woman with not much on her mind this evening. She is sitting on a short-legged antique chair as usual in front of her ornate make-up table. The table sits below a small Tiffany stained glass window in one corner of her palatial boudoir. A large three-sectioned mirror permits her to view front and both profiles as she applies her make-up. He can guess what she might be wearing as he approaches the door. She has on black lace panties, a matching black demi-bra, garter belt, black stockings, black 6-inch designer heels, and black opera gloves. Long dangling earrings sway with her every move. She decided not to dress completely this evening and go to town. He knows her domestics have gone to her house down south to prepare for the season. They won’t expect her for weeks, as her habit of occasionally entertaining alone. She is expecting no one but her vanity feeds her habit of dressing and daydreaming. She starts her ritual of putting on evening makeup including alizarin crimson lipstick, blue eye shadow, old-fashioned mascara that runs, and eyeliner. She fancies herself an artist in her attention to detail. Her vanity and haughty sense of superiority is evident in her expression as she sits back to light her elegant slender black cigarette holder. As she draws on the holder, her cheeks hollow and her expression gives her the appearance of an exaggerated underbite with a tiny chin. Her preening normally takes over and hour and she is intent on each detail. She sits back again to admire her work and takes a long draw from her elegant holder. The white smokes twists and swirls upward in front of the mirror. She holds the cigarette holder out of the way of the mirror to see herself, with her palm-up and index finger extended in a feminine gesture. She smiles and laughs as she thinks about her last blackmail victim.
She remembers how she met the bureaucrat at a party her mother had last season. A pale, middle aged balding man with a paunch in an ill-fitting tuxedo. He was a typical bean counter and gatekeeper. Controlling him was essential to the plans of her employer in‘The Group’. The term ?iron triangle? hardly seemed to apply to this specimen without a modifier such as ?soft underbelly?. Lobbyists, bureaucrats, and politicians all in bed together from the times of the Romans she thought as she glided across the floor. She prided herself in the thought that she never had to go that far to achieve her objective. Her mother and members of The Group had come to rely on the lady’s ability to charm and seduce these old fools. This one was particularly resistant to the Group’s overtures and required the lady’s special type of influence. She recalled a phrase from her studies of art-history ?Clothes, Pose and Expression? as she smiled at him. She easily lured him away to that special room with the cameras behind the mirrors. She was always careful to wear a large brimmed elegant hat to cover her own face. It always surprised her a little how willing her victims were to repeatedly submit, as she demanded. She smiled as she recalled how the bureaucrat begged her to stay with him and then much later how conveniently he blew his own brains out after the scandal. The game was so easy for her. She suddenly wakes from her daydream and notices in the mirror a movement behind her.
The man dressed in black with a mask steps out of the shadows. He looks like a cat burglar and walks silently towards her. The elegant woman is momentarily frightened and screams. He smiles and raises a leather-gloved finger to his lips. He tells her in a calm, cool voice that no harm will come to her and that he intends to protect her. She composes herself and challenges him. She distracts him with her holder while reaching under the table to activate the alarm. He smiles and assures her they won’t be disturbed. She hurriedly reaches for the gun fastened next to the button and points it at him. He assures her again that the weapon is harmless. She drops it on the floor and glares at him. He then hands her a large envelope full of photos and documents.
?Here you are my dear? he says with a smile. ?You will understand completely in a few minutes –take your time?.
?What is all this?? she says while opening the envelope and dumping the contents on the floor. ?Who the hell are you?? she demands.
Her eyes fall on a tape cassette like the type she uses on her phone. She recognizes and her blood runs cold. Attached is a transcript. It outlines her part helping the Group blackmail a key official. It was a conversation she recorded in case something ever happened. The tape was in her safe, or so she thought. She then notices photographs of herself in places she should not have been and with people she should never have met. Hand written notes from her and lab reports of DNA analyses point to her presence in various locations. Her eyes then fall on a list of her accounts around the world. Her brow furrows as she takes a draw on the holder and looks up at him.
?You stupid bastard! Do you think you will get away with this?? she demands. ?They know I am loyal and would never reveal anything! These people are more powerful than you could possibly realize and they will kill you!? she threatens.
?Don’t be absurd my dear. You may come from one of the best families, but that won’t protect you. Your influence on those officials and payments overseas would be a global embarrassment, if it went public. You know too much for them to continue to trust in your discretion. You know it would cost them billions and set plans back by years. Worse, it would expose people who want to remain faceless to the public.? He explains.
?What do you want for all this? What can I do to make this go away?? she says playing a little coy.
?I have admired your work for years my dear. You have talent, beauty and intelligence. You simply must be completely obedient and submissive.? He explains smiling down at her.
He steps forward and brushes her hair back from her eyes. She feels his touch against her neck and recoils. She contemplates his words as she puffs on the cigarette holder. Her eyes move from his face to his hand then she turns her head toward the mirror. He admires her elegant features and glamorous makeup as the light shifts across her face. She acknowledges her situation in view of the documents. He examines her trembling reflection in the mirror. She cannot conceal her anger.
?What do you want me to do then, you filthy bastard!? She inquires.
He leans down a little and cups her right breast in his gloved hand. Her eyes grow wide, then angry.
?Lift your lovely tits out of that bra and let them drop? He whispers in her ear.
She looks up in astonishment and feigns anger. She grudgingly moves her gloved hands up and folds the cups under her large, pale aristocratic breasts. As she rolls the fabric down, her creamy, pale skin appears, next her puffy large nipples and then her breasts tumble over the fabric and onto her rib cage. Her nipples harden with excitement in the cool air of her dressing room. She draws from the holder and her nostrils flare. The smoke rises and curls in front of her reflection.
?How beautifully pale and full they are!? He states loudly. ?The will look wonderful with some crimson lipstick on your nipples! Now, cover your nipples and aureole around them with lipstick and do it quickly!?
?NO! you’re sick!?
?Must I remind you just how precarious your position is with the Group. The transcript you made of your conversations with the Leader would be very embarrassing. He would do anything to make sure you keep silent, perhaps permanently.?
She sits with a frozen frown in contemplation trying to squeeze back her tears. She haltingly picks up the lipstick in one trembling gloved hand and cups her right breast with the other. She paints her nipple with a thick coat of crimson red and then hurriedly duplicates the large red coating on the other nipple. She dramatically turns her head away towards the mirror with tears of humiliation and defeat on her face.
?Now sit up and arch your shoulders back so I can see just how beautiful your tits are with your nipples painted and erect.?
She slowly complies and her huge pale breasts jut out even more over the folds of her black lace bra. The contrast of her pale white breasts with the black lace and crimson red lipstick looks fantastic to him.
?Now jiggle those fine tits and make them dance for me!?
She oscillates her shoulders forward and back several times which makes her breasts wobble. Her breathing becomes heavier and irregular as he inspects her. She looks away into the mirror and glares at his reflection. She draws on her cigarette holder and her cheeks hollow. She looks down at the dressing table and then shuts her eyes as she exhales thick smoke across the surface.
He unfastens and steps out of his black trousers. She opens and shuts her eyes as she draws on the cigarette holder again. Her mascara is lightly streaked with tears down her cheeks, her lips full and pulpy and cheeks flushed.
He steps up in front of her, exposes his member and it springs out at the level of her nipples. He pushes the tip into one of her painted nipples and the soft puffy flesh yields to him until only the ridge of the head is still visible. Her eyes pop open and she glares up at him.
?Now I am going to teach you how to ‘nipple fuck’ for me. Cup your closest hand under your tit and lay the other gloved hand on top of your tit sandwiching it in between. Squeeze it gently between your hands until the flesh protrudes out toward my cock. Then push forward pumping your nipple onto my cock and gently release your squeeze so I go deeper into your tit. Let’s get started now, set the holder down for the moment.?
She set the holder down and glares up at him. She obeys and squeezes her tit between her gloved hands until in bulges out toward his cock. A muffled whimper escapes from between her pursed lips. He pushes deeper and she haltingly inhales. Her breast flesh folds around the shaft, up to his pubic hair. The smoke slowly twists in front of the mirror framing her obscenely extended breast flesh. He gently begins to short thrusts into her flesh and both breast jiggle. She shuts her eyes and wrinkles her brow as her head makes little involuntary nods and earrings sway like diamond pendulums. He cannot believe how warm, soft and wonderful she feels. He breathes in and feels intoxicated by her perfume. He watches her magnificent form involuntarily dance in the mirror. Muffled whimpers grow into grunts, gasps and yelps from her painted lips. He pumps deeper and faster in and out of her breast. Then he withdraws and admires his work for a moment. Her breasts heave and jiggle and she looks up at him in anticipation. He switches to the other nipple and orders her to continue. She hesitates and begins to cry.
?Now, use your hands to stroke your breast flesh up and down the shaft. Otherwise, we will move on to your first lesson in oral sex.?
She clasps her hands around her breast flesh with his member buried in the folds. Each time she pumps her hands he thrusts to meet them. She is panting and trembling when he finally withdraws from her second breast. His member is well painted with lipstick and her breasts and smeared. She looks at herself in the mirror with her mouth agape. Her hair was out of place, her nostrils flared, her eyes moist, lips swollen and puffy, her cheeks and neck flushed.
?Well done my little tit mouse! Relax and take a few puffs from your holder to calm down. ?
She picks up the holder and draws on it. She shuts her eyes and exhales. She can’t stop trembling or panting now.
?Set the holder down and hold you tits together to make a fuck tunnel for me now, TIT MOUSE. Have you ever done that before? Never mind, I will teach that as well!?
She presses the swollen mounds together making ample cleavage. He inserts his member between her breasts and pumps furiously between them. The end of his member pops in and out of her swollen cleavage. She watches it, grunts and curses as his member strikes her chin. She turns her head away and sees him smile in the mirror. She begins to cry and pouts with tearful eyes in the mirror. He withdraws and watches for a few moments and tells her to have another cigarette. She fits a cigarette into the holder with trembling hands, lights it and puffs. He watches her swollen chest heave in the mirror and smiles.
?You bastard, are you satisfied now? She curses. Her chest rises haltingly with each inhale now
?You’re feeling unusual sensations now in you nipples and tits each time you take a breath?
?How did you know that? What have you done to me?? She demands.
?Don’t worry my dear, it simply means you are sufficiently stimulated to benefit most from what comes next. Now put an extra heavy coat of lipstick on your lips to make them good and slippery and easily smeared.?
As she looks into the mirror, she realizes what is coming next. He can see her mind working as she looks into the mirror and applies the lipstick. Her eyes dart up at him and back to her lips several times. She fumbles with the cap, sets the lipstick aside and picks up the smoldering holder. She draws on her holder leaving a smear from her over coated lips.
?Do you have any experience with oral sex? He asks watching her expression.
?NO! NO! YOU FILTHY BASTARD! NO!? she exclaims and then whimpers.
She looks away and shuts her eyes. She begins to cry softly.
Startled by his loud demand she turns and faces him bravely through her tears.
?Now lean forward and open those painted lips, SUCK SLAVE!?
His member is inches from her lips. She looks absolutely gorgeous in the mirror with the smoldering holder in her gloved hand and elbow leaning on the dressing table. She opens her lips slowly and the thick lipstick breaks open to reveal her trembling tongue. He places the end of his member in her trembling mouth almost far enough to make her gag. She recoils and turns away. She visibly shakes and slowly moves back to her ordered position, opens wide and presses her lips around it.
?Now I am going to teach you a three part movement that you will slowly master for me. First, extend your lips as far as possible by saying ?GOOOH?. You lips will end up in the shape of an ‘O’ out past the end of your nose.?
Her eyes widen and she protrudes her lips to their full extent down the shaft. She makes a red smear along the shaft as her lips obscenely protrude.
?Very good Suck Slave! You will hold them there for count of 3 before proceeding to the second of three parts. Now pull your lips back by saying ?GUMMM?. Your lips will end up back over your teeth and squeeze my cock.?
Her lips fold back forming the word. Her lips again smear his shaft as the travel back.
?Now, continue practicing those two motions in rhythmic fashion. You will stroke outward and hold for count of three, the draw back quickly and back out for another count of three.?
She begins moving her lips in and out ?GOOOOO---GUM-GOOOOO---GUMMM? cycles. He watches her earrings sway in the mirror through the smoke trailing from her gloved hand. Her lips obscenely extend past the tip of her nose over his member and then fold back as if she were toothless. She involuntarily rocks back in forth slightly with each cycle and her earrings sway in rhythm. He pushes into her throat to meet her lips. She pulls away to catch her breath. Her lips are smeared and his member has distinct red rings along the shaft.
He complements her on how quickly she learns and tells her to take a few puffs before continuing. She glares at him and curses him. Her lips close over the end of the holder and her cheeks hollow. She blows the smoke out in halting fashion.
?NOW, take it back in your mouth and this time you must add a new motion. I want a lipstick ring at the base of my cock this time.?
She withdraws the holder from her lips and rests her trembling elbow on the table. The smoke twists and rises in front of her profile in the mirror. He watches her image as she opens her red lips and haltingly moves her mouth up the shaft. He tells her to extend and hold her lips out. She complies, shuts her eyes tightly and squeezes out a few mascara-streaked tears.
?Now, extend your tongue out past your lips as far as you can. I want to see it in the mirror now.?
She complies with this and her tongue extends over and inch beyond her lips. She holds her tongue against his member in this position for a few seconds and wonders what is next. He admires her profile and carefully examines the motions of her breasts heaving, her hand shaking, her earrings swaying, her chin trembling and her eyes welling up with tears.
?Now pull both your lips and tongue back by saying ?GUMM?.
?GUUMMFF?! She mumbles.
?Now, repeat the three movements in syncopated rhythm. GOOOOOO----Tongue-GUM-GOOOOO?.
He can see her mind working on the last instruction for a few moments. She begins rhythmically extending her painted lips ?GOOOFF?, darting her tongue out and then dragging them back in along his shaft ?GUMMFF?. A tiny strand of saliva escapes from her mouth, hangs for a moment and then drips on her breast. He watches as she obeys. She shuts her eyes tightly and whimpers. He tells her that she is the most beautiful thing he has ever seen. She produces more and more saliva and tears until zigzag lines of mascara trace the corners of her eyes down around the wrinkles of her mouth. She makes slurping noises while saliva dribbles out of the corner of her mouth and down to her collect in her cleavage. He feels her wonderful lips extend out around his member and pause. He feels her tongue force its way against his member and out past her lips. As soon as her tongue strains to reach it’s full extent he can feel her lips tighten around him and stroke backward. He tells her to move faster. Her eyes widen and nostrils flare and she struggles to breath. He pushes his member deep into her mouth and orders her to continue. Her nose is pressed against him and she tightly shuts her eyes. The ?GOOH? and ?GUMM? motions cause her to close her palate against the head of his member. She is now shaking with anger and little grunts staccato her ?GOOO---tongue-GUMMM, GOOO----tongue-GUMMM? rhythm.
Suddenly, she tastes him and her eyes bolt open wide. She tries to withdraw but he cruelly holds her head in place. She struggles and makes garbled protests. He bumps her forehead and commands her to swallow and continue. She shuts her eyes tightly and swallows. She struggles for a moment then resumes her rhythm. He orders her to swallow again and continue. He watches as her expression in the mirror as it turns from disgust to rage and then to forlorn. She shuts her eyes and her throat contracts in several swallows. Her earrings sway as her head moves back each time. She opens her eyes once more when she can no longer sense his ejaculations and she continues the rhythm. He finally releases her and she jerks backward.
Her swollen chest heaving and shoulders shaking as she looks away into the mirror and weeps. She takes a few last puffs on the holder to kill the taste in her mouth. She struggles to put on a show of magnificent composure and fights back a stream of tears. He notices her panties are quite wet and orders her to take them off. She stands and her huge breasts wobble. She is absolutely breath-taking with her face beautifully painted. She stands there trembling before him and feels weak in every fiber of her body. She drops her panties on the floor and stares at them. He tries to take her by the hand and she jerks away cursing him.
He orders her into the bathroom where his washes the saliva and lipstick off his member. She stands there trembling in wait of his next demand. He then orders her to rest her elbows on the counter top. She shakes her head and begs him not to violate her any more. He promises that he won’t hurt her and she may even find pleasure in it. She shuffles over to the counter and assumes the position while quietly whimpering. He slowly moves his hands up her thighs and then massages her labia. She is quite a sight in the mirror with swollen painted breasts hanging and her painted face in tears. He gently inserts a finger and strokes upward and around inside of her until she grabs his arm and pulls him against her. He can feel that she is fully swollen and ready. He then moves around behind her and gently enters her. He starts slowly with half insertions and builds momentum. Her legs jerk slightly as if in spasm. She groans and shudders as he fully enters her. He thrusts forward and her breasts slap the marble counter top. Her legs weaken and he moves under to support her. He slows to half insertion and cups her breasts. He increases the cadence of violent thrusts until her breathing is deep and gasping. He then grabs her hips and thrusts and lifts her over and over. She arches as he brings her to orgasm. He can feel her spasm around him and her stomach convulse. Her legs buckle and she then goes limp in his embrace. He scoops her limp body up and carries her to the bed. He gently rubs her tummy for a few moments. She looks at him with lust in her eyes. He then beckons her to climb on top of him. She crouches over him and lowers her hips. He partially enters her and pumps rhythmically half way in and out to build her excitement. He then slams all the way into her again and again. She collapses on top of him in convulsive orgasm. She kisses and sucks on his shoulder. They rest in their final position for a while- listening to each other’s hearts.
She opens her eyes some time later as if awakening from a dream. She then gains her composure and tries to escape by asking to go the bathroom. He catches her trying to open a window. She struggles and bellows out that she will never do that again. He tells her to get in the shower with him and clean up. He soaps her down and gently washer her off. They get out of the shower and he dries her off. She dries and combs her watching him intently all the while. She decides to try a different tact to escape and asks if he his hungry. The go downstairs and he cooks for her while she assists. She attempts to grab a knife to stab him but he easily evades and neutralizes her. They carry the wine back upstairs. She falls on the bed and pretends to weep. He watches as she pretends to fall asleep.
A few hours later, he orders her to dress in her bustier again and fix her makeup. She grudgingly complies and lights up her holder to calm her nerves. He produces the video camera and begins filming her. She is incensed and demands to know what he thinks he is doing. He replies that the first time was dress rehearsal and this was a real take. He suggests that she may use one of her hats if she likes. She stands and walks to the closet. She reappears wearing an elegant wide rimmed hat with veil. She sits and picks up her holder. A forlorn look sweeps over her face as she goes back to applying makeup. He moves to get better framing in the mirror of her cleavage. She throws a lipstick at him and it skittles across the floor. He orders her to go pick it up. She stands and glares at him before walking to the corner of the room. He tells her to lift her breasts out of the bustier. He watches through the preview screen as she lifts her now swollen breasts and they spill out onto her chest. He then orders her to jiggle her shoulders and strut back. She thinks to herself that all her years of dance lessons have led to this. She begins in a burlesque strut and her huge breasts obscenely wobble. He orders her to dance and show her talents. She objects and protests that she knows nothing of this type of dancing. He laughs and accounts for her all he knows of her dance training and encourages her to demonstrate her reputation for teasing men. A feeling sweeps over her as she remembers the last party she attended. She struts, grinds and bumps in burlesque style. Each time she passes close to the camera she looks directly at it. The video camera almost melts. Seeing she is a bit winded after her exhibition he asks her to sit back down and catch her breath. He tells her she is absolutely incredible and he has never seen a woman with so much talent, intelligence and sex appeal. She tells him to go to hell and lights her cigarette holder. As she is occupied with her activities he moves up next to her for a close-up. She looks up into the camera and then down at his stiff member. A look of surprise, then terror, then rage, and then sadness sweeps over her face and she mutters ?not again?. She removers her hat and curses at him -she is an outstanding actress.
?I hate this you know!? she protests to him. Her lower lip quivers as she lifts the holder up to draw from it. A billow of smoke flows from her lips and she jerks her head away. The earrings dance and sparkle at the end of her lobes. Her shoulders slump and she looks down at the floor. He notices her chest starting to rise and fall with greater amplitude. She turns her head towards the dressing table, and grabs the lipstick as she sits up angrily. ?I well and truly hate this, you bloody bastard!? she exclaims. ?I suppose you want me to use this again,? she says as she holds up the lipstick.
?Of course I want that again and everything else.? He states in matter of fact tone. He is amused by her anger and show of resistance. ?Lets see if you can improve on your last performance my little tit-mouse.?
?DON’T YOU DAMN WELL CALL ME THAT? she blurts. She secretly is amazed at her own lack of composure. He reaches out and squeezes her breasts. She moans and pushes against his hands.
?Oh dear, don’t yell at your partner and protector my little tit-mouse. Perhaps you should get up and dance some more once you paint your nipples. I know you can belly dance so give that a try this time.?
She looks defeated as she coats her nipples with crimson. She then stands and walks to the center of the room. She stands there with her holder poised in front of her lips and glares at him. Her hips begin to slowly gyrate and she moves her arms in gesture. He watches through the video camera as her enormous pale white breasts wobble.
?Dance over here and get down on your knees.? He says as he takes a seat in her chair.
He watches as she moves from side to side and edges toward him. She continues to dance and go down on her knees before him. He moves the chair forward so she is between his legs. ?Now nipple-fuck me like I taught you?
She cups her breast and pushes her nipple against the end of his member. He holds it with one hand while filming her with other hand. She begins pumping the folds of breast flesh over his shaft and glares up at him. Her holder in the corner of her teeth, she puffs and exhales. She loves the sensations that sweep over her now as she works.
?Ah, you are a sluttish little tit-mouse? He says. ?Now suck me off and swallow it like an obedient harem girl.? She releases his member and drops back down to where it is level with her mouth. She takes the holder from her lips and exhales. Her eyes close as she takes his length into her mouth. She hopes to bring him off rapidly and get it over. She begins bobbing her head and he stops her by grabbing her hair. He pushes it into her throat and she gags. She strains to close her lips around it and stick out her tongue. He withdraws a little to accommodate her movements. She soon swallows all of his semen and collapses on the floor sobbing. She almost believes her own performance as she gets caught up in the emotion. She begins to wonder if he knows the protests are a performance to put him off guard.
One morning he tells her to get dressed for a walk in the country. She looks puzzled but obediently goes to her closet. She reappears dressed in slacks and sensible shoes for walking. He leads along the tree line and up into the forest. She wonders what is to become of her now. They come to an old barn along the country road. He opens the large door on the end of the barn overlooking a freshly cut field. Inside is an airplane. He tells her to get in. He ties her arms to the seat and blindfolds her. They taxi out the barn and across the field. They take off and turn several times. The fly for what seems to her like days- landing to refuel and eat. Finally, they land on an island with a large house. He takes her up to a room and opens the door. It looks exactly like her own boudoir back in her house.
He appears each night and makes his demands. She angrily protests each task but dutifully swallows him each time. She performs perhaps 5 to 6 times a day. She notices one day while dressing that she can’t fit her breasts in any of her bras. She squeezes them into a bra and a dribble of white liquid appears on her nipple. She stomps over to where he is sitting and demands to know what he has done to her. He explains that is an ancient technique used on odalisques to heighten their sexual sensitivities, increase their breast to enormous size and make them more pliable. He smiles and hands her a leather bag. She opens it to find a small dual electric breast pump with an electronic controller. He directs her to sit down in front of her mirror and instructs her on its use. Her nipples extrude into the clear cups with each cycle but nothing happens. She is quite excited by the sensation. He then flips a second switch while the pump is cycling and small electric shocks begin to surge through her nipples each time the distend into the clear plastic cups. She jumps and reaches to remove it but he catches her hands. He ties her wrists behind her and increases the cycles. She moans and jerks to the rhythm of the suction and little shocks. Milk begins to dribble out of her nipples with each cycle. She rolls her head and moans. He caresses the back of her head and pushes his member into her mouth. Wide-eyed, she obediently performs her task. He explains to her that the hormones she swallows are absorbed in her intestine, are transported to her liver via her portal vein. She continues to perform and listens intently. He goes on to tell her that the hormones are partially metabolized and then move out into her circulation. He further explains that the daily stimulations activated her lactation centers in her hypothalamus and pituitary. She swallows and looks up at him. He praises her performance and explains that the hormones she swallows are finally converted to estrogens by the enzyme aromatase in the adipose tissues of her stimulated breasts. She looks into the mirror with a mixed expression of satisfaction, amazement and fear.
One day he calls to her from the TV room. Almost completely submissive to him now, she hurries into the room. She is dressed in her usual lingerie uniform, nylons and heels. Her makeup has become more and more sluttish. She now wears a maternity bra with open nipples. He is watching her first blowjob on the big screen TV. Seeing herself twice life size on screen and struggling to swallow him makes her fall to the floor and weep. She asks what he is going to do with the DVD. He tells her he will do nothing with it if she cooperates fully. She inquires what more she could do for him. He tells her to follow him. He leads her to a bookcase in her library. He presses a book on the top shelf and the wall opens. He asks her what the room is about. She becomes red-faced and curses him. She demands to know how he knew about the room. He laughs and says he can make do with her equipment inside and forces her inside the room. The room is large with a high ceiling. It looks like a studio except that there are no windows. The walls as stucco-covered brick with various fasteners bolted to it. There is a block and tackle suspended from the ceiling with fasteners bolted to the floor below it. Several heavy chairs are arranged around the room with straps and ropes laying on them. In one corner there are several cabinets displaying electrical and mechanical devices. She stands cowering near a wall looking sideways at him. He inquires again what she did in the room and whom she tortured in it. He reminds her he has done extensive research and monitoring of her behavior. She begins in a stammering voice to relate how she seduced and dominated others. He asks how she likes her new role. She curses him again and begins to weep. Her lactating breasts seem to weep as well. It seems her hormones have dramatically altered her behavior. He orders her to sit in one the heavy padded chairs. He fastens her wrists with straps on the back of the chair so her hands are held out above her head in a ?hands up? gesture. He walks over to the equipment and rolls a table over to her with a large breast pump bolted to it and electrical boxes with leads. She shakes her head whimpers.
He tells her that he wants to know how she got people to agree to submit to her wishes in the past. She shakes her head. He suggests that she used a worm program like Green Lantern. Her eyes flash and she curses him. He attaches the breast pump and electrical leads around her nipples and flips on the power. He turns a dial and she jumps hitting her head against the pad behind her. He asks her again to relate how she blackmailed and coerced her employees, ruined their lives and families. She looks at him with astonishment and exclaims that no one would every dare tell him these things. He turns up the power and her breasts jerk upward. Milk begins to flow from her large puffy nipples. She begins to pant and writhe in the chair. She pleads with and blurts out that the group would not let her live if she told him. He turns off the power and moves in front of her. She obediently works her lips and tongue in her well-trained rhythm for several minutes and then swallows loudly a few times. He tells her if she won’t tell him then he will ask her Mum when she visits. She looks up at him in amazement and then laughs. He reassures her that her Mum will take more persuasion but will reveal all she knows to protect her position in the group. She curses him loudly and struggles with her bindings. He lifts her breasts and removes the breast pump attachments. Her nipples profusely leak as he squeezes them. She moans and begs him to take her upstairs. END OF CHAPTER
NOTES on hobbies, interests etc.:
Creative writing improvement:
?Word Painting, A Guide to Writing More Descriptively? by Rebecca McClanahan
Art & photography Web sites: The best introduction to draw realistically ever written. Based on Nobel Prize winning work in psychobiology. Translated into several languages. You probably can find this at your local public library. An excellent author and teacher of the ‘optical school’ of figure drawing. Compare Tony’s approach to the most famous drawing teacher in the world, Robert Beverly Hale, his best book was entitled ?Master Class In Figure Drawing? An outstanding source for professional and amateur photographers interested in portraits and boudoir photography
Fetish web sites:
Censored yet interesting
BabettenJaque – her technique is most extraordinary and stimulating
Bill Ward fetish cartoonist also groups 2,3,4 You will find a version of the story in the files area.
Shopping for fetish clothing, holders etc.
*Note find ?opera gloves? by search on
*Try the tab marked ‘formal’ and slender
*Breast pumps on Amazon (if you are so inclined):
1) Medela New Pump In Style Original Breast Pump;
2) Avent ISIS IQ Duo Breast Pump. Avent ISIS UNO Breast Pump
NOTE: 15 cycles per minute optimum, target 6 to 10 times a day. CAUTION: don’t chronically inflame the tissues and have regular breast examination check-ups.
Some background explanation of described techniques:
The techniques described in the story can be used to effect changes in a woman’s mood, level of sexual sensitivity, hormonal balance, growth etc. They should be practiced with care and she should get regular checkups just as a precaution. The techniques have been observed in the parts of Asia and Africa where they have proven highly effective in some cases.
1) Both male and females produce estrogens and testosterone. In women the testosterone is largely converted to estrogens by an enzyme called aromatase. There is a concentration of the enzyme in breast tissues. When your breasts are stimulated and engorged with blood the enzyme activity is heighten in breast tissue. If you have more testosterone in circulation, then it quickly is converted locally in your breast tissue to estrogens and promotes growth. Residual testosterone is responsible for increased sexual desire. This hormonal shift is supported by stimulation of the lactation centers in your hypothalamus and pituitary activated by sucking (or nipple-fucking) stimulation. The overall effects on your mood and behavior make you more horny, more sensitive to stimulation (orgasm), more submissive and increases pleasure promoting molecules in the brain. There are some older female movie stars using synthetic hormones to achieve the same result (e.g. Susan Summers).
2) The breast pump draws the nipple outward about 15 times a minute. After a few minutes, a warm feeling will wash over you and your breast will feel full. Limit the stimulation to 5 to 10 minutes each time to avoid inflammation. If you do this 6 to 10 times a day, it will keep your lactation centers stimulated and promote breast development. Women with full breasts experience heightened sexual stimulation and desire.
3) The oral technique is described in the story. The stroking stimulation is done with the lips and tongue rather than pumping your head back and forth. It gives you more control and less chance of your partner hurting your throat. Holding your partner's penis in your mouth, you first protrude your lips as far as you can by saying "GOOO". This extends the lips and closes the soft palate against your tongue - squeezing the end or your partner's penis and producing pleasurable sensation. Then next movement is to slide your tongue all the way out under your partner's penis while still holding your lips out. This stroking of the tongue is very stimulating. Third, as soon as your tongue is fully extended, pull your lips and tongue back in as a stroking motion by saying the word "GUMMM". This produces stroking sensation and pressure from your lips, tongue and soft palate. The three part cycle is "GOOO"-tongue out-"GUMMM" done repeatedly along the shaft of your partner's penis. This will produce rapid results with a little practice. Most men only produce less than a teaspoon of semen in a few squirts. Holding the tip at the middle of the tongue will prevent it from hitting most of the taste buds if you find the taste not enjoyable. Swallowing the semen 3 or more times a day will provide hormone dose that can be converted by aromatase in breast tissue.
NOTE FROM THE AUTHOR: Let me know if you like the story. I hope you find it stimulating enough to want to role play all or part of it. Alternatively, you might be inspired to illustrate the story with a photo series. Be safe and have fun! We might chat on yahoo [email protected] .
Author’s Foreword— This is my ninth posting to Literotica and my first posting in the ‘First Time’ genre. The following is a true story. You are invited to visit my profile’s archive to find my previous postings, I hope you enjoy them. John W. Adams, Jr., November 23, 2008 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * This posting is going to involve me tripping and stumbling down Melancholy Boulevard, it parallels Memory Lane and is much less pleasant to drive. If you’re not in the mood...
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OH THE WEBS WE WEAVE By Cheryl Lynn This is a work of fiction and all characters and incidents are purely a work of the imagination. Copy write in the author's name and no replication or other media duplication is allowed. May be downloaded for personal pleasure however any reproduction or use by pay sites or other commercial use is strictly forbidden. There are some very graphic scenes in this story including date rape. If you do not enjoy this type of fiction please do not read....
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I will tell you about how I got started when I worked in the Middle East and from there onwards I can tell you a lot more of what happened there. When I first arrived my new colleagues who were all British and Australian took me around the local area to show me around including the nearest big town which is where the main shops were. One thing they warned me about was not to go there on Thursday evenings or Friday at anytime because all the Asian workers were also off work. It was too crowded...
Gay MaleBetsy was at the head of the conference room jumping a skip rope, it was actually a length of CAT-5 cable, while waiting for the next applicant to come into the room. What she had thought would be easy was turning out to be a nightmare. The last applicant had gotten so frustrated trying to talk with Betsy, who was jumping up and down skipping rope, that she had stormed out of the room swearing that she had never dealt with anyone so rude. Betsy had been crushed. Ed, Ling, Dan, and Kelly were...
Revenge can be so sweet. It is even better when the other party doesn't even know that they are being fucked over and you can make it go on and on. It is almost enough that just the thought can make you climax. It started because I had an extremely lucky day. The day before, a Wednesday, I had been crossing the Safeway parking lot when I happened to notice a shopping cart sitting next to an empty parking space with a purse in it. I took the purse into the store and was just handing it to the...
Vivianne DeSilva prepares a special gift for her man’s birthday. Aside from the beautiful balloons, the captivating blonde also has something for her man beneath her formal-looking corporate attire. Vivianne finally shows the special part of her gift once they reach the bedroom. She takes off her clothes, leaving only her stockings. The busty blonde drops to her knees and gives the man a blowjob and titsjob. After the quick cock worship, Vivianne lies on the edge of the bed and lets the...
xmoviesforyouIt was twilight when Katherine started to wake up from the best nap she’d had in a long time. She was lying there reliving a vivid, erotic dream where she had been kissed, caressed, licked, fondled, when she realized it had not been a dream. The sensation of a warm body behind her, a hard cock pressed against her back, a hand fondling her breasts, was real. ‘Joe,’ she thought. The man from the bank who had kissed her in a way that made her throw caution out the window and follow him home. Now...
I sat there staring at the blank page of my diary. The date at the top of the page was April 23 but there was nothing written on the preceding pages. This was a new beginning. I toyed with the opening entry, discarding such trite quotes such as, ‘Today is the first day of the rest of my life.’, or what about, ‘Life is what you make of it.’, or ‘A pessimist sees the gutter while an optimist sees the stars.’ All appropriate for the situation that I found myself in. There was a piece of paper on...
Kendra lay back on her bed naked, legs apart and head back."Vibe number three," she stated, "full power, variation four, five minutes."A servo-arm came out of the cabin ceiling, a vibe attached to the free end, and slid smoothly into Kendra's open pussy, rotating and pumping in and out of her. She grasped the sheet as her arousal grew, her lower body arching up towards the vibe, needing it deeper, harder, faster. Then she was coming, her breath coming in gasps, and her love juices seeping...
Fantasy & Sci-FiThe honking calls of geese sounded from overhead, a prelude to their splashdown on the lake some distance away. In the circular pool, large, dark shapes cruised just below the shimmering surface of the water. Here and there, a fin or tail appeared, giving further hints of the exceptional size of the fish that dwelled in the secluded pool.The sun shown down bright and warm, slowly evaporating the dew that clung to the leaves and grass. Dara leaned back, lifting her bare breasts toward the...
SupernaturalAna was fourteen years old when she moved to America from Bolivia. Her parents had died in a car accident in La Paz, so her older sister Sofia brought her to America to live with her and her husband Todd in New York City. Todd was much older than Sofia, old enough to be her father, Ana thought. But she was grateful for having a place to live and good food and nice clothing. When she arrived at the apartment in the taxi from the airport, Sofia ran out to greet her and to hug her close since...
That weekend was the most fun I'd ever had in my life. I began to realize just how much having a family was going to mean to me, and I really couldn't wait to get back home. I didn't tell my folks about Ray, because I wanted to see the look of joy on my mother's face when I gave her Ray to hold. My stepfather had no children of his own from his first marriage, and he found out after marrying Mom that he was sterile. My son would be like THEIR son, and I wanted Angie to see their reaction....
This is a true story one of which still excites me to this very day. About 14 years ago I was home recovering from surgery bored with watching more tv than I ever have before I began to surf the chat rooms out of curiosity wondering who does this. Not a big fan of computers and social media I began checking out the married and flirting chat rooms. After just observing and not engaging in any conversation this one particular screen name caught my attention because it was obviously an...
This month’s fantasy of the month, Gina Gerson, has taken the time to describe her perfect scene. This sensual sweetheart wants flowers, elegance, and a touch of class. She gets it, with a long sweeping dress, a bed of rose petals to rub all over her skin, and Raul Costa in a tux to run a rose along her skin. Just as Gina requested, Raul takes things slow. He teases her with the rose until her nipples are nice and hard, then goes in to explore Gina’s body with sweet openmouthed...