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{Authors note: I was going to title this story "Not A Humiliatrix," because as you will see, although many humiliating moments would happen in my interactions with Amy, I steadfastly believe there was never anything inherently bitchy about Amy.  She was simply a natural young woman innately aware of the awesome sexual power in her possession and confident enough to use these powers to her advantage.  Enjoy this one.  -James Pendergrass -}

Miss Amy

By James Pendergrass

Copyright James Pendergrass - April 2009.

I met Amy in business school.  We were in the same class and the same study group.  It was an intense, pressure-filled two-year program.  Adding to the pain was the fact that our class was 70% men.  Needless to say, women were hot commodities.  And Amy was the hottest commodity of all.

The best way to summarize Amy was to say that she was a sophisticated and well-bred young woman.   Everything about Amy was petite except her hips.  Amy was just over five feet tall.  She almost always wore high heels.  Her body was quite slender and feminine.  Everything about Amy was feminine.  By that I mean her neck, her waist, her wrists and her ankles were all narrow.  She had a pointy chin and a pointier nose.  Her head was quite small, surrounded on both sides by beautiful, straight, long brown hair.  It was obvious she spent a good amount of time on her hair; the highlights of lighter colors were flawless.  She had long eyelashes and never, ever was seen at B-school without makeup on.  Most girls with this sort of physique tend to be lacking in the breast department but Amy had a nice firm set of beautifully developed Cs. 

Amy had a snappy personality.  I wouldn't say she was particularly vocal, but she wasn't quiet either.  Her views on business weren't exactly brilliant, but she never said anything stupid.  Her comments were usually well measured.  She was the type of student who stayed within herself but projected confidence when forced to stand in front of the room and give a presentation.  Her hand-gestures were wonderful to track as she delivered her carefully rehearsed lines flawlessly.  Men gravitated toward her and she seemed perfectly comfortable with the attention.  Rumors connected her with various men at the school, but they were all unsubstantiated.  She had her share of girlfriends, but wasn't a gossipy type. 

Amy drove a BMW and always dressed with great style and grace.  Other than her impressive collection of high heels, she usually wore skirts.  Once, on a Saturday when we had a project due, she wore blue jeans and holy shit did her smoking lower body ever fill those jeans with precision and grace. 

Like most men, I was totally smitten with her beauty and her personality.  It wasn't that she was particularly brilliant; she just carried herself like a woman - sweet as sugar, but not afraid to crack a joke.  She didn't take herself too seriously, but at the same time she knew that she was a petite little babe.   

As I got to know her, I began to realize that in some ways she was quite vapid and materialistic.  She loved buying Prada bags.  It seemed to be her main hobby.  When I asked her what music she was interested in, she mumbled something about Cold Play.  Her main goals were shopping, and finding a marketing job that would pay her a six-figure salary, in that order. 

In the first year of school, we were in different groups.  I barely knew her and more admired her from afar.  Then, in the second year, we were placed in the same study group.  I got to know her better.  Most people in business school were in their late 20s.  Amy was 27 and I was 32, having suffered a few additional years in the real world before deciding I could use an MBA.  The added experience gave me a real-world edge on many of my classmates.  At some point or another, I summoned up the courage to ask Amy to dinner.  Much to my delight she said yes.

The first date went well.  We ate sushi and the conversation flowed freely.  Amy wasn't the most interesting girl in the world, but her beauty and general affect more than compensated for her lack of an apparent edge.  Her movements were precise and well coordinated.  The simple act of pushing her hair back from her forehead or clearing her throat was so lovely that I was soon transfixed.  I loved the way her hair flowed so gracefully around that narrow neck.  Each time she turned her head I caught a glimpse of those perfectly formed tiny little ears, each with a good-sized diamond stud in her pierced lobes.

Our first date was a success!  We both enjoyed ourselves.  I made her laugh a few times.  When I dropped her off at her posh condo, she permitted me to give her a peck on the cheek.  Outside of that I didn't want to push it too far.  I had a good thing going and didn't want to be overeager.

Upon completion of our date, I was amazed with the painful tightness of my balls.  I had no choice but to exceed the speed limit when driving back to my apartment.  When I arrived home I barely had to touch myself before I exploded all over the place.  The big wad of tissues I used was unable to contain the mess and I spilled my own seed on my pants and the floor.

The second date was even better.  We met for cocktails and talked for hours.  She seemed more relaxed with me and told me more about her family.  They were quite wealthy and lived on a huge piece of property west of town.  She was an only child.  Again I was almost overwhelmed by her beauty.  At one point she left to use the ladies room.  When she returned I admired the way she moved across the room.  Her hips swung to and fro with such efficiency and purpose.  I studied her perfectly toned legs as they propelled her smoothly back to me.

When I dropped her off I was hoping she'd invite me upstairs.  Especially after we kissed deeply.  But then she seemed in a rush and I was left in a state of heightened excitement that could only be resolved with a late-night date with Rosy Palm.  Once again I was amazed at the intensity of my orgasm.  I was in love!

After that we went on one more date.  I'm not sure why, but I was probably too pushy during the date.  I revealed too much about myself.  Maybe I came off as somewhat of a slob.  Maybe I came off as a bit desperate.  Whatever the case was, I could feel her withdrawing from me.

She then proceeded to ignore my phone calls and emails for a week.  I feared I was sunk!  But I wasn't about to back off that easily.  Amy was too big a prize.  Let me first say that I realize this is a somewhat animalistic thought, but I do believe all men think this way:  Her vagina, though out of sight, was constantly on my mind!  It could only be so perfect!  I pictured it nestled there beneath her little skirt and her tiny panties, a perfectly formed lower-case "v," with the thin slit serving as the gateway to a narrow cavern of Female - the most luxurious cavern the world would ever know.  I imagined how incredibly soft the skin must be and how Amy must take such incredible care of her prized possession.  I could picture the way her panties must hug her snatch - from it's formation at her naval all the way beneath her perfect ass - the way the flesh must undulate so gracefully away from the surrounding area.  I found myself wondering if she shaved her pubic hair entirely, or if she groomed the hair so that it formed a neat triangle.  I pictured her sitting spread-legged on a chair in front of a mirror after a shower with her eyelashes pointed downward in rapt attention as she deftly manicured her perfect little cunt with the utmost attention to detail.

A week after our lousy third date, I spied her walking alone across campus to the parking lot.  I decided it was now or never.  Even though the writing was on the wall I wanted answers. 

I walked quickly and admired her beautiful, pert ass as it moved in the confines of her miniskirt.  Today she wore leather boots, which was a break from her usual high heels.  Man was she a nugget!

She turned her head as I approached and I could see the slight hints of a negative reaction.

"Oh.  Hi James," she said politely, but with a noticeable lack of affect in her voice. 

I won't bore you with the details of the first five pained minutes of our conversation, but let's just say Amy was less than enthused with our last date.  She felt I was a tad pushy and I made her feel uncomfortable with some of the things I revealed about past relationships.  I argued a few points with her but it quickly became a debate about semantics.  The point was that Amy was no longer interested in me.

Maybe I should have just let it go.  But that's not really the way I am.  Plus, I was totally infatuated with Amy and I didn't want to give up without a fight.  I also felt she was hiding something from me.

"Look Amy," I began.  "It's okay if you don't want to date anymore, but I just have this feeling you're holding back on the truth.  Are you sure there isn't more that you aren't telling me?"

Amy stopped in her tracks and faced me.  She placed her legs neatly together and huddled her arms close to her body.  "Okay," she said as though she had come to a major decision point.  Her voice and posture changed.  It became much more pointed, less evasive.  "Do you really want to hear the truth, James?"


"Even if it offends you?"


"Are you sure?" 

A hint of sadness filled her eyes, as though she felt bad about what she was about to say.  I could see Amy was having second thoughts about her change in course.  "Amy, don't be afraid to hurt my feelings.  Just be honest with me.  I can take it."

She took a deep breath.  How is it that a beautiful woman could look beautiful by simply inhaling the air around her?  "Okay, James.  Don't take this the wrong way.  You're actually a really nice guy.  But you're not the type of guy I would ever consider spreading my legs for."

The truth hit me so hard.  I just stood there. 

Emboldened, Amy continued. "I swear I'm not trying to be mean or anything.  It's just the truth.  You're not an alpha male.  I don't think you have it in you."  I saw her eyes drift down momentarily; the implications clear, before she refocused on my face.  "I'm sorry," she added.  "You're a good guy and I want us to remain friends, but that's it."  With that she turned and walked abruptly away.

I probably should have left it at that.  Instead, I decided to get brave.  If Amy had the guts to make such a statement, I reasoned that be so quick to let things go.  After all, she happened to be right.  I was no alpha male.  I had certain tendencies that my readers are well aware of. 

She was in the process of climbing into her BMW when I caught up to her again.  "What is it?" she said with a note of irritation in her voice, while at the same time focusing her sweet smile on me in an effort to be as kind as possible.

"I'm sorry to bug you again," I said, somewhat breathless from chasing her.  "Look, you're right," I said.  My face turned red.  "If you have a moment, I have a confession to make."

"A confession?" The corners of her mouth curled upwards in curiosity.

"I just wanted to say that you're more perceptive than you let on.  You're right.  I'm not an alpha male," I stuttered.  "I more the submissive type."

I was about to walk away until I saw the look on her face.  For the first time, her tense expression faded.  Her facial muscles relaxed and she gently nodded her head while her smile widened.  "I know," she said.  "I could totally tell.  You are way too impressed with me."

"I can't help it," I countered.  "You're stunningly beautiful."

She nodded her head in agreement and paused.  I expected the next words out of her mouth would be "Thank you."  Instead she surprised me by saying, "I thought it was cute the way you fawned all over me.  It's not a trait I'm really looking for in a real relationship, but I assume I can count on your loyalty, right?"  She raised her eyebrows challengingly at me.

"Absolutely," I said.  In truth I wanted her to know she had more than my loyalty!  I would gladly clean the dirt from the soles of her high heels if she told me too.  Instead I said rather meekly, "Whatever you need, just ask."

"Thank you," she said.  "I will."

I again prepared to walk away, but Amy stopped me again.  It was as though she suddenly realized the true intent of my commentary.  "Wait, James," she said, smiling mischievously.  "Do you mean if I need ANYTHING at all I can count on you?"

This was getting interesting.  I could see the gears turning in her head as she began to realize my true intent.  It emboldened me.  "Amy, your wish is my command," I said as earnestly as I could.  I bowed my head slightly in deference to her, a subtle indication to her that I consider her to be above me in the natural order of things.

Her laughter sent mixed signals.  Did she think I was just kidding, or did she realize now that I was submitting myself to her?  Her next comment left no doubt that it was the latter -  "Glad to know I can count on your [she paused] obedience."  Her eyes locked on mine.  It was obvious to me she understood the situation to a tee.  She became confident and serious.  "Say, James, I'm curious.  Tell me.  After our dates were over, when you went home, did you like, touch yourself?"

"Yes, I did."  I looked down at my feet.

I felt her finger tuck beneath my chin.  Just the feel of her touch sent a jolt through my body.  I felt a rapid swelling in my pants.  "Look at me when I talk to you," she said with sweet, feminine authority.  This was perfect!   

Our eyes met.  "It's okay, James," she said.  "I think it's cute."

"Really?"  I felt light-headed.

She laughed.  "Yeah.  I mean, it's also gross.  And perverted.  But cute."

I didn't know how to respond to that.  She released me chin and our eyes locked again.  I stared into her deep brown eyes and was overwhelmed with the moment.  She looked as though she was analyzing me, but she also looked quite pleased with things.  She continued to stare and smile, letting her words sink in.

"I should probably get going," she said, reaching into her Prada handbag and grasping the keys to her 330ix.

"Wait, Amy," the words poured out of me. "I live five minutes from here.  Want to come over and I'll show you what I did after each of our dates.  You don't have to take any clothing off.  You can sit comfortably on my couch and watch me.  It would be my way of honoring you."

Amy took a deep breath and a step away.  She laughed nervously.  "Wait, let me get this straight.  You want me to come over so you can masturbate while I watch?" she had a note of incredulity to her voice.

"I'm sorry," I said.  "Forget it."

Amy appeared to catch herself.  She smiled so sweetly I wanted to melt.  Her eyes drifted down again where she no doubt caught site of my tented groin.  "James," she said laughing and putting her hand over her mouth, then removing it.  "You know, it's okay.  Don't feel bad.  I totally understand where you're coming from.  And I'm touched.  A little bit grossed out, but touched."

"It would be a great honor, ma'am." I said, lowering my voice.

Amy laughed.  "No, you can't call me ma'am.  I'll tell you what, James.  From now on if nobody else is around you can call me 'Miss Amy.'  I think that conveys an appropriate amount of respect."

"Yes Miss Amy," I said.  "Thank you, Miss Amy."

Amy looked down at her tiny wristwatch.  "Okay, this is getting a little bit weird," she said.  "I have to go now."

"You know I would never lay a finger on you, right?" I said.

"Of course I know that," she laughed.

I stood there, red-faced while she got into her car.  I waited until she was buckled up and she turned and looked at me.  I waved meekly.  Amy responded by blowing a quick kiss, smiling knowingly, and then driving away.


The parking-lot interaction with beautiful, sweet Amy was I could think about for the next few days.  I saw her in school from time to time, but she was busy and never made any time to talk with me.  I figured that she had her fun and was moving on with those alpha males she apparently was more interested in.  It was really disappointing to me because I was sure we had established some sort of innate understanding and she had seemed to enjoy herself.  Still, as the days went by, my hopes for additional encounters faded.

Then, on a Thursday afternoon, I was sitting outside the school hall smoking a butt.  Suddenly, to my great joy, Amy was there.  She had snuck up behind me.  She wore an incredibly sexy maroon-colored, velvet mini, matching heels, and a tight blouse that wrapped smartly around her svelte upper-body curves.

"Smoking is bad for you," she said.

"Oh, hi Amy." I blurted.

"What happened to Miss Amy?" she teased, good-naturedly.

"Hi Miss Amy," I said.  My heart began beating faster.

"Remember the other day when you said, "Your wish is my command," said Amy.

"Of course," I said.

"Well, I command you to stop smoking." She put her hands on her hips.  Goddamn was she smoking hot!

"Okay, I'll stop," I said.

"It's what I want, so I think you should stop.  Unless you're not true to your word."  She raised her eyebrows.

"If it's what you want, then I have no choice," I said, heart rate skyrocketing.

"No choice," she smiled.  "I like that."  I could see the gears were once again turning in her pretty head.  She was mustering up the courage to say something.  I waited patiently until she delivered the words I was hoping for.  "I actually don't have class for three hours," she said.  "I was meeting Professor McClure about my start-up.  So I was thinking, since I have some time and don't feel like going all the way home, what say we head over to your place?  I want to take you up on your offer from the other day."  She focused those teasing eyes on me before delivering the knockout blow - "I figure could use a good laugh."

I had all I could do to keep from coming in my pants on the spot!  The way she was so casual about the whole thing.  So confident.  So breezy!  She sat on the low concrete wall next to me and crossed her legs seductively.  She dangled her red high heel in front of me and raised those eyebrows. 

She followed me to my little apartment.  I was shaking with excitement.  This was too much!  Once inside, she sat on the couch while I poured her a glass of water.  When I returned with the glass, she had opened my laptop computer, which was on the coffee table next to the couch and had turned it on.

"I want to see what kind of websites you visit," she said, flashing a smile at me.  Then, noticing a sour look of concern on my face, she added, "Oh relax, James.  For our relationship to be - how should I put this – effective, you can't be keeping any secrets from me.  Why don't you take your clothes off while I check your Internet history," she said, not taking her eyes off the screen.  "Mine stay ON," she added, in case there was any doubt.

While I disrobed in my bedroom, I heard her voice in the other room.  "When you're ready, come kneel in front of me, okay?"

"Yes, Miss Amy," said hoarsely.

Amy stared bluntly at my crotch as I reentered the room in my birthday suit.  She made me turn around, so she could get a nice view.  She whistled condescendingly before saying.  "Gosh, you're hairy, but overall not bad.  Let me get a good look at your penis.  Stick it out."

I kneeled down and front of her as her eyes studied my prized organ.  She nodded her head as though it was confirming something she previously suspected.  I figured she might comment on my lack of size.  After all, I'm not the most well-endowed.  I'd guess I'm five inches on my hardest day.

Instead she said, "Don't you think you ought to get some tissue so you don't make a mess on your carpet?"

"Yes Miss Amy."  And I was off to the bathroom and back again in a matter of seconds.

When I returned, she resumed her visual examination of my groin.  Finally, she shuffled her little butt on my couch until she was satisfied with her positioning.  "Okay, you can play with it, but I don't want you to cum yet.  If you cum without my permission, I'll leave and we'll never do this again.  Clear?"

Once I began stroking, Amy turned her eyes back to the history files on the Internet.  She had uncrossed her legs and now sat, perfectly poised, high heels together as she leaned forward and clicked the mouse pad with her slender fingers.  Occasionally she glanced at me and smiled while shaking her head in mock disapproval.

Finally, after what seemed like eternity, she sat up, turned slightly toward me and used both hands to put her hair behind her shoulders.  "I have to say, James, and don't take this the wrong way because you ARE a nice guy.  But you're also a complete penis pumping jerkoff, aren't you?"  She burst into laughter at her own joke.

"Yes Miss Amy."

She pushed her hair back from her head again and focused in on me.  "The girls at school always try to predict who are the studs and who are the jerks.  You were the subject of much debate.  Me and Tina were totally right.  Lucy, Emily, and Michelle were wrong.  I can't wait to tell them all!"

"Please don't," I said, panic suddenly enveloping me.

"Relax, James."  She stood and smoothed her skirts.  "It's our little secret.  But I want to make you suffer a bit.  Only because I can.  I feel like some frozen yogurt.  Stop masturbating, put your clothes back on, and let's go."

I held the door for Amy, and took the wheel.  On the way to the store, Amy laid down some groundwork for what was to become the nature of our relationship.  "You know, James.  I'm a busy girl.  Between school and my start-up, it's hard for me to find time to shop for groceries, clean my condo and run errands.  I could really use a good gopher boy."  There wasn't the slightest bit of sarcasm in her voice.  She was dead serious.

I took a deep breath.  "I can totally be that person, Miss Amy."

"Good.  I will appreciate the help.  Now you do realize everything will be 100% on my terms.  I will ignore you for weeks at a time.  Then I might need you for several days in a row.  Who knows, right?  You should never call me for any reason.  Ever.  Got it?"

"Yes Miss Amy."

"Good.  I will call you when and if I need you.  You should be ready to do whatever I need you to on a moment's notice.  Understand?"

"I understand."

"Good."  She pondered, clearly quite pleased with the arrangement she'd just dictated to me.  "How do your balls feel right now?"

"They are so sore, Miss Amy."

She giggled.  "I think I like them that way.  Tell me, why are they so sore?"

I blushed, not sure what to say.

"It's okay," she encouraged me in a soothing, feminine voice that made my balls ache even more.  She put her hand on my thigh.  "I need to hear it.  Tell me why your balls are so sore, James."

This was an important moment between us.  I struggled to get the words out.  "Because you're so beautiful.  You are dressed so nicely.  You smell so nice.  Your body is so," I paused.  "Incredible."

Amy listened intently before responding.  "I really have you?  Don't I?  Tell me, what part of my body makes your balls the sorest?" 

I knew the answer, but was afraid of saying it for fear of making Amy uncomfortable. 

She smiled, narrowing her eyes.  "Go ahead, James.  I want you to say it.  Don't be shy.  Which of my female body parts makes your penis the hardest, and your balls the sorest?"  She squeezed my thigh and slid her pinkie down to the edge of my groin.

"Your vagina," I mouthed, amazed at Amy's confidence.  "Every part of your body is perfect, but your vagina is the center of your, uh, power.  But your feet also...those high heels.  I just want to worship them for you."

Amy giggled again.  "Good to know."  She sighed with pleasure.  "You're like totally be in heaven, having a babe like me boss you around, huh?

"Yes Miss Amy."

"Good.  Get used to it then.  Because I could really use the free help, and I'm more than willing to use you for my personal gain.  Are you okay with that?"

"Yes Miss Amy."

"Just so you know, I won't feel the least bit sorry for you when I make you do menial chores for me.  And I especially won't be sorry about sexually humiliating you since you obviously enjoy being dominated by women so much."  She laughed at the windshield in front of her and sighed contemplatively.

"This makes this an ideal relationship for the both of us then.  I get your total servitude and you get the pleasure of serving a higher power." 

The ice cream shop was excruciating.  Miss Amy ordered a small strawberry frozen yogurt.  Then she made me sit there across from her while she slurped down the frozen treat seductively, her little tongue darting out and sliding its way around the cone.  "Try not to cum in your pants please, James," she said, wiping the corner of her mouth with a napkin.

She insisted we hold hands on the way back to the car ("you can pretend you're really my stud muffin").  Amy took her middle finger and massaged the inside of my palm with it, laughing the whole time.  My nuts had become so sore I had to squeeze my legs together on the ride home, a detail that did not escape the observant Amy.  "I don't understand guys like you at all," she said.  "All I have to do is be near you and look at you," she laughed.

When we got back to my place, she decided to take pity on me.  "I don't want you to think I'm a bitch," she said.  "I think you'll find me to be a perfectly fair master."  She paused to let that word sink in.  "I think you deserve a reward for your obedience.  My class isn't for another hour.  Let's go back inside and give you some needed frustration relief.  How does that sound?"

"Great, Miss Amy!"

"I thought you'd like that, slave boy."  Her patronizing look of superiority was priceless.  We both felt it.  We both knew it.

Back inside, Amy permitted me to take my clothing off again and kneel before her.  She was totally at ease with her new role as she slid one of her high heels beneath my open legs so that the tip of it was pressed just below my anus.  The front of her narrow ankle pressed up on my sore nuts and caused them to splay lewdly apart from one-another.  "Does that hurt?" she asked.

"No, Miss Amy."

"How about this then."  She took her foot back and gave me a decent kick in the nuts." I grunted, and she smiled.  "That felt good.  I could use a few more of those, but maybe some other time, when you aren't as obedient as today."  She pulled her foot back and placed it next to her other foot.  "Tell me when you're going to lose it, James."

"I'm going to lose it, Miss Amy!" I said ten seconds later.

She laughed.  "Your face is turning all red.  I wish I had a mirror.  Shoot your mess in the tissue like I know you've been wanting to."

I proceeded to do just that.  This particularly intense orgasm lasted almost a minute.  I came so hard I went momentarily cross-eyed. 

"Wow," she said.  "That was quite a tribute."  Her smile lit up the room.

"," I panted.

Before I could catch my breath, Amy put her hand on my shoulder.  "I think it's time we test your loyalty, James.  Since you didn't get to have any ice cream, I think it's only fair that you get to eat a milkshake," she waited for me to comprehend where she was coming from.

I didn't really like the idea.  Amy was so perceptive that she could sense my reluctance.  "Oh, come now, James.  It'll be good for you.  A special protein shake.  You DO want to please me, don't you James?"  Amy did something absolutely incredible.  She pointed directly at her crotch, the small rise in her mini-skirt just below her belt.  "You DO want to please IT, don't you?"  Her voice was not at all unkind.  It was firm, feminine and coaxing.

"Yes Miss Amy," I was forced to admit as I felt the power of her words and actions, and weakness came over me.

"Good.  Hand me your protein shake.  I want to personally feed it to you."

I did as I was instructed.

"I think this is a wonderful sign of my complete superiority, don't you?  This way you get to do something disgusting that you don't want to do, just to please me.  Now, open wide and stick out your tongue.

In case there was any doubt whatsoever of the situation I was in, Amy reached gently down between my legs with her free hand and gathered up my balls like a pair of grapes.  I felt the pressure increase until I felt a dull pain in my stomach.

"Now, lean forward a bit.  Show me how eager you are to please me!  That's it!  Show me how much you want to eat your load, James. [Speaking directly in my ear]  Slurp it up.  And chew it on it a bit.  Open wide so I can see.  There we go.  Perfect."

I gobbled up my snack like a starving boy from a third world country who hadn't had nourishment in several days.  Amy didn't let up.  "Make sure you eat every last squirt.  Perfect."  She placed the toilet tissue down on the table, while continuing to grip my balls.  With the hand that had been holding the tissue she took my chin.  "I think sperm is probably quite healthy," she said.  "What do you think, James?"

"I don't know, Miss Amy." I said.  The truth was I was in the middle of the most intense sexual experience of my life.  My mind wasn't working.

"I think it has to be really healthy," she said, clearly mocking me with her silly self-debate.  There's got to be tons of protein and nutrients in all that semen I just made you eat.  You should really thank me.  I just fed you a well-balanced diet.  It's probably better than the crap you usually eat."  She laughed triumphantly in my face.

For the first time since our encounter, I saw a sign of Amy's bitchy side, as she effectively closed the deal on our relationship.  With elation blended with dread, it hit me - in a matter of an afternoon, Amy had proven herself to be a divine, young dominant Woman.  "Thank you, Miss Amy," I said.  Tears of joy formed in the corners of my eyes. 

Amy pointed down to her vagina again, still nestled out of view.  "You need to thank it as well," she said, elevating her voice.  "Say 'Thanks Amy's vagina!"

"Thanks Amy's vagina!"

"It says you're welcome!" Amy said.  She released my balls and stood, dusting her hands off after the completion of a job well done.  She checked her watch.  "Oh, looks like I'm late for class."

From that day onward, I was Amy's property.


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Game of Stamina

I was bored as hell tonight. It was probably going to be one of those nights where nothing was supposed to happen but I couldn't have been more wrong. Tonight will be the night my whole life changed, for better or for worst.I'm a typical 23-year-old guy who loved to go out on weekends, meet different girls in clubs, and then just fuck the shit out of them in the end. Pardon my French, but that's the way I am. I think that's the way any guys are, whether they admit it or not. We, as boys, are...

4 years ago
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A Change of Attitude

My husband told me I wasn't spontaneous. He said our sex was getting routine. I couldn't believe he would say that to me, but after I was done being pissed off, I began to think that maybe he had a point. I've never been very bold sexually, and I've always thought sex belongs in the bedroom at night. Steve made sense, I was being ridiculous, and I could see how I was becoming boring. I decided to show my husband a new me.I spent the next few days surfing the Internet for porn while he was at...

4 years ago
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Hot Experience with my cousin Sahana

Hii here I go with my fist and best exp I had with ma cousin Her name is Sahana and she is 25 2 year yelder than me But fantastic gal I must say. She dint had any relation before she used to come visit my house Most of the times. Well as I never had any relation with any gal I always used to dream abt those fantasies and musturbute. But this is what happened was real and true. Once sahana had been to my house with a plan to stay for one week When she cam she changed a lot dat time she was 21...

1 year ago
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A MotherInLaws Valentine

(Mother-in-law fills a need)Julie's water broke at 3:00 a.m., and Luke's day went more or less downhill from there. Despite April's journey down the same canal a year and a half earlier and rigorous attendance at Lamaze classes, Julie's cervix remained stuck at three centimeters for most of the day. At 4:00 p.m., when the baby's heart began showing signs of stress, the exhausted mother-to-be was rushed to the OR for an emergency Caesarian, and Luke was left alone to prepare himself as best he...

3 years ago
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Right Under Your NoseChapter 13

JOHN After I hung up the phone. All my exhaustion from the week vanished. I was amped up. I felt like running laps and I hate to run. I realized that I was woefully unprepared and needed to put in some serious hours to be ready for Friday. First of all, I didn't have much of a plan for the date. I said it was going to be a surprise, mainly because I didn't know what we were going to do in the first place. But that worried me less than then dominance/submission thing. Fantasy is not...

2 years ago
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Kabhi Sautan Kabhi Saheli

Hi guys my name is Archana. I am 25 years old. I was born and raised in India and then I finished my college abroad which is where my parents stay. I have big boobs, sexy legs and I am very curvy. I have an appetite to wear short skirts, hot pants, crop tops, high heels etc. When I came back to India I applied for a job as a Personal Secretary. My boss’ name is Sridhar. He is tall, handsome, well built and has a very long dick, maybe around 8 inches. He is really a beast on bed. Third important...

4 years ago
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Rachel the Secretary

Rachel the SecretaryIt happened at the end of the 90’s. A big sale had gone through, so they had finished up early to celebrate. There were seven of them all together: Rachel herself, the other secretary Louise, Roger the Sales Director, his second in command Marcus and the three Arabs who worked as senior technicians.Roger had insisted they all dress up very smartly and paint the town red with a huge party. He was a force of nature that both repelled Debbie and fascinated her: despite a young...

2 years ago
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New Car With Extras Continued

Mercedes unexpectedly enjoyed her drive home that evening, despite the fact that she was held up in a traffic jam for almost two hours. Her normal twenty minute journey had grown five fold. Her mind was elsewhere, repeatedly reliving the moment when Kevin took her completely by surprise and covered her face and cleavage in a steady stream of cum. She couldn't stop herself from laughing out loud forgetting momentarily that she was ALONE in the car. (I hope no one saw me, she thought). It was...

3 years ago
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Birthday Blowjob

Sit back and relax, let me take you on a journey. I’m going to blow your mind, as I suck your cock. It’s your birthday after all. Let me give you the best of gifts, ending with a creamy mess. With you sitting in your comfy chair, eyes closed and slow breathing, I kneel before you with an excited grin. I want to please you, the best I can. I drop kisses down your chest, leaving you with a pleasurable desire for more. Don’t worry though, I’ll get there. My lips trail down your soften skin,...

2 years ago
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Cubicles heels and dirty men

It's 730am..Tuesday morning and I've just spent the last hour and a half inside a toilet cubicle. .x dressed and hooded with my favourite 2" diameter  dildo for company was my fifth visit in the last 6 days.. This time what with it being so early I was alone throughout and simply laid across the toilet seat on my back which then made my stockinged legs reach vertically towards the toilet ceiling. .with my red soled black Mary Jane platform heels high above me I felt very dirty yet very...

1 year ago
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NewSensations Charlotte Cross Charlotte8217s Husband Shares Her Anally

Ready to make her husband proud, big tit and juicy ass Charlotte is a very happy wife who loves being dirty and slutty has finally the opportunity for another man to bury his cock inside her tight big ass. After making her call letting him know she has her extra special lingerie and butt plug inside awaits stud Codey to enter her hot hungry mouth for some good face fucking and then inside her dripping wet pussy has her lubed, primed and ready for every hard inch to plow thru her extra hot tight...

3 years ago
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The Queer Emporium

I grew up in a very homophobic household. My macho rugby-playing father thought Noel Coward's effeminacay was an insult, while my mother would be equally disparaging about the overt bisexual mannerisms of the lovely Marlene Dietrich. I suspect that if I'd sported a Gay Pride lapel bage back then I'd have been shown the front door.The 1960s in Britain was a repressive era, although the first refreshing winds of change came in 1967 - five years after the Cuban Missile Crisis - with the...

1 year ago
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This situation evolved a few years ago when I taunted my man by telling him I would love to have sex with another man while he watched. “Can you handle that baby?” “Fine by me baby as long as there is no fucking. Oral sex and outer sex only. That leaves lots of options for your sexual pleasure, and mine. You are mine to fuck exclusively. Though another man watching me fucking you would be a huge turn on. Are we on the same page baby?“ “Yes we are. Let’s make it happen. Can you organise a...

1 year ago
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10 year reunion

I couldn't belive it had been 10 years since high school already .So I packed a few things and headed out for a 9 hour drive back to my home town .Planned to stay at my moms and get a double visit while there.I got all dressed up and headed over to the school,I was getting caught up with everyone,we did the pic thing had a nice meal and after we all went to the bar just down the street for a few.A couple of drinks later, two girls and I were sitting at the table we started to talk about sex...

2 years ago
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The Online Lusty Virgin Girl

So there was this girl called Ambika whom I met on social media. We texted for a few days first and then we wanted to meet. So we planned on a date kind of thing and then we met. I saw her before on her pictures on social media. She was quite cool, looked small with a hair bun. I love hair buns though. She had a nose ring which drove me crazy about her. I already started liking her seeing her pictures. She doesn’t have that great body but I like it. I don’t like people having huge boobs or a...

4 years ago
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Dutiful Husband

Five minutes to go-home time. Yahoo! The day had lasted about eight hours too damn long. Nothing had gone right, I managed to spill coffee all down the front of my new shirt, and to make it all so much better, I had a job-shadow all day. I was really looking forward to dragging my ass home and taking root in a chair in front of the tube all night. Five minutes left before vegetative nirvana, when... RING!!! (Okay, it was really more of a BLEEP!!, but you get the idea... ) Fuck. Probably...

2 years ago
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Phyllis is your average mature lady. 61 nothing special to look at a fat belly and saggy boobs. I met her on a dating site and found out that she was a widow who had not had a man for a few years. After a few online chats she invited me to visit her at her little ground floor flat. After a little while chatting we had a bit of a cuddle and I started to feel her tits through her top. She was soon moaning softly and took hold of my hand and placed it between her legs. I started to rub her cunt...

3 years ago
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Drinking Milk From Mangalore To Bangalore

Friends, you are reading this sex story on indiansexstories dot net Hi, Friends, this is Rajesh, presently 38 years working as an Engineer in an MNC, and settled in Bangalore now. I am fair in color, well built with a gym body and most important with an 8-inch dick. I was aware of the woman anatomy at that age by reading sex books and watching porn, but never had any chance to see a woman naked, but was longing to see a naked woman and masturbating myself thinking about it. This is an incident...

4 years ago
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Meri Modern Maa Ne Diya Mujhe Diya Naya Papa

Hi this is Aakash mere family me hum tin log hi he mummy , papa and me . Papa business karte he to pura din bahar hi rehte he or kabhi kabhi to2-3 weeks tours pe hi rehte he aj me apni real story batane ja raha hu ho 6 months pehle hui thi iski heroine he meri maa jiska naam he vanshika or hero he mere cousin bhaiya jiska naam he anup (name changed) Meri maa ki umar he 38 but wo muskhil se 30 ki lagti he or uske 36,30,36 ki figure murde ke lund ko bhi jiwit kar de. Wo regular gym jane walo me...

1 year ago
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Harry Potter and The Order of the Sex Appeal

Chapter Three by Simon Fear As the days dragged on at Grimwauld Place Harry was beginning to get anxious about going back to Hogwarts. The one thing he hated was the fact that he still could not bring himself to talk with Ginny Weasly, or Hermione. After having witnessed them having sex together and seeing their beautiful naked bodies, he always found himself blushing and turning away when either one of them approached them. Harry had shown his best mate Ron the charm that George...

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Heaven Sent Chapter 3

Etan didn't get much sleep that night. The events of the day had sent his mind reeling and he tried to make sense of it all. Had she just been a homeless woman sitting on that park bench, it would have been a lot easier. But an angel come down from heaven?Still, she knew things about him no one else could possibly know. Things in his past that he had long since forgotten, things he never told anyone. And what was this about knowing he was into BDSM? NOBODY knew that part of him! He made sure...

2 years ago
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The Style Show

THE STYLE SHOW My name is George, and after graduating from high school, I landed a job in a major department store in my town. It was only three blocks from my house, and I was able to walk each day to work. Now, I do not have an athletic type of body, in fact, I am rather slim to the point that I have been called skinny by many of my class mates! But, I am 5'-8" tall and weight just over 115 pounds. My first job at the store was a clerk in the men Fashion department. I had...

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Barford File 2 The Betancourts Chapters I and II

I. Dirty Deeds A heavily-weathered and worn Station Wagon settled into a parking space next to the Golden Homes Retirement Apartments complex in the city of Bullchester. The noisy, old-school engines of the seemingly ages-old vehicle then went silent. Arnold Betancourt was the first to emerge from the vehicle, his seemingly perfect brown hair nothing more than a wig that hid a thinning layer of his own natural mass of graying follicles. The well-groomed brown mustache beneath his...

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Thesis by Caitlyn Masked ------------------------------------------------ I started writing this story in February of 2020 and didn't finish it until late April. Proof reading took until June. It's by far the longest I've ever worked on a project as most of my previous writings came in a single session or at most over a few days. I want to especially thank my precious Tygress Kitty as without her reading along and giving me her opinions, I'm not sure I could have finished this. ...

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Part 31 Love and Lies

Of the Adventures of John and Holly Part 31: Love and Lies Holly: Please be home. Please be home. Please be home. I went to the one place I could think of. I hadn’t been there long so Jack was the only person I knew. I’d rung his door bell 3 times already and was just turning away when the door opened. “Holly! You’re back already,” he said as he opened the door. “Oh my God Holly. What’s wrong? Why are you crying? Come in.” I barely got in the door before I collapsed...

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A Tuesday To Remember

It was much like any Tuesday for the last year, except when I came in my wife, Deena met me at the door coming from the garage. She grabbed my arm and started leading me into the living room as she said, “You better say yes, yes to everything.” I had no idea what she was talking about as she led the way. I could see there was someone sitting on the couch in the living room, and I asked if we had company. I couldn’t think of who it could be, but I was soon to find out.I walked in and saw a good...

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After my 10th I was sent to North India for studies. Once in two years I visited my home town. I was there for 7 years. Right now I am working in Alappuzha. What I am going to write is a true story that happened to me. While I was studying there my eldest brother got married.I could not attend the function since we were allowed to home only on vacation that also once in two years. When I came home on vacation, my brother had the first baby. My sister in law was lean but had big breasts. I could...

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Double Booked

“Can I help you?” the woman at the front desk of the hotel asked. “I have a reservation. Tonya Benton.” The woman’s smile faded a little as she clicked away on the computer. After a few seconds, she said, “I’m terribly sorry, but we don’t have any rooms available.” Tonya gave a shake of her head, tossing her red curls, in disbelief of what she’d just heard. “What? I have a reservation. I made it a month ago.” “I see it in the computer, but I’m afraid we had a software glitch that caused us to...

1 year ago
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Solace Rosanna Ch 23

First, I would like to thank you, Faithful Reader, for sticking with the story. I would also like to send a special thanks to those who took the time to vote. That really meant a great deal to me. Perhaps I should have posted this work in Romance, as it was probably not as spicy as most would have liked. But I am a novice at this and will think before I post next time. Until then, happy reading and writing to you all! –Alacia I would also like to apologize for the late posting of this part. I...

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Sex With Hot Bhabhi Part 1 Jyoti Se Mulakat

Hello, friends this side Vikas from greater Noida. I am 22, currently not working anywhere done with graduation and seeking for a job. I am a regular reader of ISS from last 5 years. This is my first story hope you like it. My height 5.11″, weight-76, wheatish colour, tool 6″ which can satisfy any girl and bhabhi/milfs. Any girls/milf living in greater Noida can contact me which will be totally private. Now, coming to the story.I will narrate my story in Hindi as all the discussion between me...

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My Ultimate Fantasy MTSMSSBBW Fourway

Originally, my plan was to feature only true stories from my own sexual history, here. However, at the advice of one of my Xhamster friends, I am going to publish what is, for me, the greatest unattained fantasy I have. Obviously, this is not a true story - although, I wish it were. The other individuals in this story are invented, with some aspects inspired by people I have known or have seen in videos. I hope you enjoy; I realize this is an extremely specific fantasy, and not for everyone. My...

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Jaqs Sexual Pleasure

Anyone who has read "charity glory hole" will know that Jaq was awarded a prize for raising money for charity. Jaq was told to write down a sexual favour that she would enjoy as a prize for raising the most money at the gloryhole. The favour was written down and placed in an envelope, the envelope was to be opened the following Friday and Jaq would get her favour on the Saturday.Friday arrived and we headed off to our swingers club for the evening, even I did not know what Jaq had requested. At...

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Stacy Lancaster Stacys First Swing pt15

As Betty attacked her sex with both hands, the building wave of ecstasy within Stacy crashed down in climax. Stacy let herself wail and scream as her orgasm wracked her body. In truth, it wasn't actually one of her strongest climaxes but the swinger had been able to bring her off a lot faster than she would have believed possible.Jared too recognized the signs of what was for his wife a moderately powerful orgasm. She had a broad range, from pleasurable little sighs to earth-shattering...

2 years ago
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Fortune Cookie Revised Part 52

Fortune Cookie 1 (Revised) Part 52 Paula had enjoyed her trip around the car museum at Caister. It was inside the local castle and did have a few sports cars among the exhibits. She had to settle with just Alex for company as her mom and sister spent the morning looking round the town of Caister. They eventually moved onto the North Norfolk Railway and spent the afternoon looking at the locomotives and riding up and down the line. It was during a stop for petrol on the way back to...

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Being a Good Neighbor

Alana moved in next door about four years ago. Surprisingly, the ladies in our friendly little neighborhood didn’t take too well to the divorced 35 year old brunette with the nice body. While not particularly stunning, Alana was nonetheless attractive in her own right. With an ass that you just wanted to grab every time you saw it and breasts that were significantly oversized for her 5’3′ frame, the rumors about her began to swirl immediately. Supposedly she had walked out on her husband and...

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Amandas Journey Day 2 Part 3

Chapter 10 I spot a trash can nearby and run over to it, lean over the rim, and vomit. I know every pair of eyes in the lot were drawn to the sound of running high heels, but all I'm able to worry about is keeping my hair out of the stream of vomit. Jennifer rushes over to find out what's wrong, and a kind young man inquires if I'm ok, and hands me a bottle of water. Who say's chivalry is dead? Jen reassures the good Samaritan that I'll be fine, as I rinse my mouth. I...

2 years ago
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Daydream in the Library

It was a sweltering day in the city. Adriana’s heels clicked on the sidewalk and she silently thanked the breeze that played against her stockinged thighs as she hurried up the steps of the library. She was nearing the top of that mountain of stairs, slightly winded from the stack of books she held tight against her chest when the whistle rang through the summer air. It was enough to set her heart racing and her feet clash against each other. As she threw out her arms to catch herself, she...

Love Stories
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Henry and LnczeChapter 5 Lnczes initiation

The following day after our evening meal I felt very much better and Ra'chel declared me fit enough to sit up and have some visitors. "Most days after our main meal, we either sit and make items for ourselves or visit our neighbours or they visit us. We haven't done it since you've been here because you were too ill to take it in and everyone understood that overstressing you could retard your healing. Everyone, of course, wants to check you out — and check that J'cob did a good job on...

3 years ago
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Holy Shit

Introduction: Disclaimer: this is not my story found it on the web and want more people to see it I was walking down the street one day and I heard a load noise behind me. I turn quickly and saw the grill of a BMW coming right for me. There was no time for anything. I didnt even have time to scream. I thought HOLY SHIT!! as loud as I could in my mind. Thats when it happened. Everything stopped. There was no sound, no movement, no nothing. The car was about one inch from me. I walked out of the...

2 years ago
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Ellies Private Punishment

At exactly 8 o’clock Ellie rang the doorbell of Katherine’s house. The correctional officer opened the door. Ellie smiled but Katherine remained stern. “Come in, Ellie,” Katherine said in an officious tone. Ellie stepped across the threshold wondering if she had made the wrong decision. She was expecting to be welcomed by a smile and a welcome kiss, maybe more. Then a glass of wine followed by her discipline session. Not this welcome from a hard-nosed correctional officer. “Go through to the...

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I Thought Someone Was Hurting You

I Thought Someone Was Hurting YouCat was walking all the way to Jade's house to work on a science project, it was 90 degrees outside on a Saturday afternoon. When Cat finally reached Jade's house, the door was unlocked."Jade?" Cat asked walking in."AAAAAAAH FUCK!" Cat heard Jade scream from upstairs."JADE!" Cat screamed, she heard a couple rough slaps."You like that slut?" said a semi-familiar voice."Oh my god, someone's up there rayping Jade!" Cat screamed trying to find something to grab. She...

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Younger Cousin

This is a recolection of what happened to me when I was a young lad rapidly approaching puberty and just discovering that my cock had another function other than peeing. I was sent to stay with my auntie for a week while my parents were away attending business meetings. I hated staying with her because she lived in a remote area and her two daughters were a royal pain in the arse, been a town boy I was used to going out with my mates into the town and doing lads things. While staying with her...

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Family Guy Meg fucks Chris

Meg lay asleep in her bed like she did every morning when her mom woke her up for another day of school. Meg shook the morning grogginess from her head and headed for the bathroom. She took her usually place in front of the toilet for her morning piss. She let out her long stream while rubbing the base of her shaft and thinking about the day to come. After finishing she hopped in the shower and turned the hot water on. The feeling of the warm water on her nipples brought her semi-erect cock to...

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Community Three SigmaChapter 14

Dana’s turn: I’m over at Tina’s house, sipping coffee with the mommy mob after our NASA foray. “We have a pretty good idea of how everybody else did,” Susan said. “How’d it go with Terri? I mean, she HIRED Jerry.” I looked at Tina’s face for a reading. After all, Terri’s HER daughter. No, check that. Terri’s EVERYBODY’S daughter. Nobody in the community treats Terri as anything less. Same goes with the other – it used to be ‘girls’, but since Derek showed up – ‘kids’. Well, age-wise,...

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chutyion me maza loota part 2

Chutyion me maza loota part -2to dosto aap ne pada hoga app ke mail mile mujey bahut khushi hui app logo ki demand par me aage ki gatna batane jha rahi hu dance floor par gaye jaha par kiran humara intajar kar raha tha.jaise hi kiran ne hum tino ko dekh kar pasme aya anita se pucha tum kiya logi beer ya wisky to anita ne muje pucha mene kaha me to pepsi lungi to beach me nikita boli ek kam karo aaj hum sab hi wisky pite hai maine mana kiya aur boli nahi mene aaj tak drink nahi le boli...

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The taxi home with not mum

We were waiting outside for are pre booked taxi, myself and mum had been to a friend’s 50th birthday and was heading home. We were waiting outside the venue on a lovely summers night it was just before 11.30pm and we were talking about how nice it was to catch up with old friends, and how funny it was to see Dave still hitting on mum after all these year, even if it was a good friend of dads. We were both merry standing around waiting for are taxi to turn up. Mum was still a very attractive...

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Kiss Me Goodnight Sergeant

CHAPTER 1 Mid afternoon Ed Bacon closed the stationery shop that was also a licensed Post Office, Lotto Agency and newspaper agency. The Town Clock chimed out three peels and the sound of children being released from school rang out in the distance. The inhabitants of North Crossing, population 2700, and farmers and fruit and vegetable growers from surrounding areas preferred to shop early, so the shop opened at 6:00, five mornings a week and from 8:00 to noon on Saturdays. Those hours...

2 years ago
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Altered Fates Gamblers Anonymous

Gambler Anonymous by Bashful [email protected] George Hamlin was a compulsive gambler. He had a disease just like an alcoholic except, he craved the high he got from winning a bet instead of the oblivion that getting drunk brought. Like most compulsive gamblers, George wasn't very good at it. He constantly lost and then he would take long shots to try to get even. Of course, he never did. Every once in awhile, George would hit a good number or pick the right horse but he...

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South Indian Girl Jyotir Sathe Choda 8211 Part II

Hi bandhura kemon achho?Ami sei unknown person jar galpo Akash post korechhilo. Amar lekha “Chhatri ar ami” and “Punjabi maye Sunitar sathe chodachudi” asha kori tomader bhalo legechhe. Aaj ami aar akta story niea asechhe. Jyotir sathe amar chodachudir kahini. Bochhor dui ager ghatona. Ami tokhon banglore a akta company te chakri kori. Company ta khub akta boro noi. Okhane akjon Receptionist chhilo jaar naam Jyoti. Jyotir age aai 27-28 chhilo. Forsha tuk tuke, height 5’6” dekhte thik thak....

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The Rose Garden 9

“It’s OK,” Andrea assured her. “We have more ointment for whatever is sore, and the boys still want to play with you.” Beth bit her lip at the thought of more punishment in store. “I’m a bit jealous,” Andrea continued. “The boys have never been this enthusiastic about a new volunteer recruit before. You must be something special.” “She is,” I laughed, and Brian nodded. My old friend had seen many initiations in the rose garden, and Beth’s was becoming the longest and most passionate he...

3 years ago
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Butt Buddies Probing Deeper

“What do we do now?” I ask smiling.We are still bent over the bed, with our new toys in our respective asses.“Well, we leave them in a while and then take them out. So, why don't we go watch some of the new Netflix series to pass the time,” he says, pulling me off the bed by the hand.I grab my favorite soft blanket and follow his fine newly-stuffed ass to the couch. Our butt plugs are snug as a bug in a rug in their new homes. Hottie husband makes a mad grab for the remote (as usual) and finds...

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Wash n Blow BBBBTS

Big Boob Bed Time Stories....I had just got a new SUV about a month ago. I had not driven it more than 200 miles before it need to be cleaned. I was driving along Curtis Ave when I spotted a sign on my right for a car wash. A local high school cheer leading team was washing cars for $10.00. I checked my watch. I had some time before I needed to get back to the office. I put on my turn signal and pulled in.I smiled as about 4 cheerleaders started to wash my SUV. I rolled down the window and gave...

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A Crazy Encounter

This is a story about how close I came to having sex.I stood in the mirror of the bathroom, fixing my hair and straightening my appearance. I was at a restaurant late at night, where I had stopped to take a break from my long, solo road trip to see my family. I pulled my hair back into a side ponytail and zipped up my green jacket. I took a sideways step, trying to conform the tampon I had just inserted in myself to fit my comfort zone. I was applying some chap stick when a woman emerged from...

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The AdministratorChapter 5

It was some four months later from when they first opened for business that Doug could honestly say that the business was operating as it was intended. The applications they were receiving covered the gamut of businesses people wanted loans for to start or expand. The ads they had placed were the reason for this influx of applications not all of which were approved. Besides doing the initial interviewing of the applicants Doug would also review the completed credit checks they ordered on the...

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Gold digger wanted to get pregnant against my will

I was a single guy during the first few months of 2001. And that's the way i wanted it to be. However, being a horny 19 year old guy, i still needed to get out some frustrations from time to time. So one night out of boredom, I had decided to try an online dating service just for shits and giggles. I signed up, posted a couple of pictures, and went shopping for dates. I had always thought of online dating as shady, and kinda lame, but in those days in kind of was. This was before meeting...

2 years ago
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mommmy and heavean

Little Lucy went out into the garden and saw her cat Tiddles lying on the ground with its eyes shut and its legs in the air. She fetched her Dad to look at Tiddles, and on seeing the cat he said, as gently as he could, "I'm afraid Tiddles is dead, Lucy.""So why are his legs sticking up in the air like that, Daddy?" asked Lucy as she fought back the tears.At a loss for something to say the father replied, Tiddles' legs are pointing straight up in the air so that it will be easier for Jesus to...

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