Money!Chapter 17 free porn video

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I woke up at precisely five-forty-five. I was going to run by myself, but Dora sat up and said, “I want to run with you.”

She dressed and went outside to stretch out with me, and then we began walking faster and faster until we were jogging and then running. As we reached a good pace, Dora said, “You taught me this and I’ve been running for a lot of years now. I feel close to you every time I run, Chuck, and know that you probably feel the same way. I’ve always known we were special, and Mercy and Missy confirmed it. We are two very special people aren’t we?”

“Oh yeah. Sis. The more I learn of our heritage, the more I wonder how crazy our parents were.”

Dora intentionally bumped into me, and said, “They were special, and still are even though they’re gone.”

We were able to cool down and use the gym room to do our lifting regimes although Dora only used the machines. Our shower was full of teasing, but didn’t get out of hand because I was pushing to be at the airpark early.

We had coffee with Steve, Glenda, and Chuck, and then left the patio before the sandwiches arrived. We stopped at a Mickey D’s to get a breakfast sandwich and were at the airpark by seven. The lady at the desk handed me a logbook and said, “Your aircraft is already out front. Go finish your requirements.”

The 172 was sitting there ready, but no instructor was in sight. I went ahead and did the preflight and had put Dora in a rear seat when Steve walked up, and said, “I wanted to be your final instructor, so let’s get this thing in the air.”

Two hours under the hood wasn’t tough, but Dora was having trouble knowing that I was comfortable flying blind. I landed, and Steve took over and then took off on a vector to another location. Steve said, “You’ve done everything anyone could ask for, and you’ll now be instrument rated,” when we landed at our home field,

Dora asked, “How does that help him to his goals?”

Steve told her, “Chuck can now fly for us to get more hours while doing courier work. He can begin learning helicopters when he has spare time. It’s all important and will all count toward his ultimate goal.”

I wish I knew what that goal was.

A man said, “Come upstairs and do the written exam on the PC up there,” when I brought the airplane logbook and my personal logbook into the office. “We might go for a short flight under the hood afterward.”

The written exam was on what was in the book and what I had been doing. The Examiner read the grade when I finished, and said, “I need to fly with you at least once, so let’s get something and go flying.”

He told Betty at the counter that he wanted an airplane without a hood. He smiled and said, “He says he’s checked out in a King Air. Give us one of those.”

The man was trying to interrupt me the entire time I was doing the external preflight, but I was using the binder with the individual inspection points pointed out. I had him sit when we went inside the cockpit while I shut and secured the door. I had the first checklist and went through it a step at a time. The startup was smooth and I kept reminding the Examiner to fasten his seat belt. The man didn’t listen and he acted like he was flipping me off when I pointed at the seatbelt.

I went through the shutdown procedure and got up from the left seat. I told the man, “I’ll have to request another Examiner who will follow a command pilot’s directions. I cannot allow you to fly with me without wearing the appropriate seatbelt and shoulder harness.”

The man smiled and said, “You did everything exactly right. I would be a passenger with you anytime. Congratulations on passing your instrument rating.”

I was grinning as I watched the tow motor push the King Air back into the hangar.

Steve came to me, and said, “Come on, your sister has your luggage on board and we’re all waiting for you so we can take off. You’re going to experience something that very few will ever have opportunity to be a part of.”

Dora and I were seated in seats facing the back of the plane, but we were in front next to the galley. The cockpit door was open and I heard the chatter, along with the opening of the flight plan that was confirmed at flight level six zero zero straight through to Honolulu, Hawaii. This wasn’t a massive aircraft, but must have space for a huge amount of fuel. The times the pilot was giving were ridiculous as there was no way for us to be at those checkpoints by the stated times.

We were quickly off the ground and seemed to climb forever, and then something happened that made us feel as if we were in a vacuum. The sound softened, the little guys in car seats seemed to be at ease, and the passengers were all chatting and discussing Hawaii.

Chuck came to sit on a couch across from us, and said, “I think we’re already above Mach 2. Isn’t this awesome to know that the military can’t fly above Mach 1, but we can. This aircraft has the ability to slide through the air and not disturb it the way other aircraft do. Let me check with the cockpit and see how we’re doing.”

Chuck went to the cockpit and spoke to the pilots and then came to sit with us again. “We are at Mach 2.77 and the pilots are thinking we might skim 3.0. I’m hoping the skin temp stays low enough to handle the speed. As it is, we have to use extensible vortex generators to kill our lift and bleed off speed when we’re ready to land, because this aircraft is so slippery it wants to keep on flying.”

I was astounded. “You’re saying this plane is flying over two thousand miles per hour, Chuck?”

Chuck nodded and said, “Amazing, isn’t it?”

I told Dora, “It’s got to be about five thousand miles from Tampa to Hawaii, but we’ll be there in two and half hours. This is too much for my addled brain to absorb.”

Dewey came forward and said, “What are the odds that this crate might have some booze? Just thinking of how fast we’re going is giving me the creeps and a thirst.”

Brandy and Tiani were immediately up and fixing drinks. Some mothers were getting the toddler-sized kids some sippy pouches while other mothers were nursing the tiny ones. Some were soon crawling around on the floor making you smile to see how active they were. I heard guitars playing in the back of the plane, and realized that a lot of kids had guitars out and were playing some blues.

I looked at Dora and said, “Now do you understand why I love these people so much? Here we are flying with them as if we were part of the family going to Hawaii for who knows what reason. This is special, Sis. We have more to do in this life, but I don’t know what it is for me yet. Let’s enjoy it.”

I looked around and saw Mercy’s smiling face as she thought to both Dora and me, “Enjoy us as your family too.”

We landed in Hawaii at three o’clock Tampa time, which was six hours earlier or ten in the morning in Honolulu. It actually wasn’t Honolulu International, but another CS&S owned busy airport outside of the city near resorts. Two buses met us to take us to the house that was going to surprise me in size and what it represented.

I was introduced to several people, and one was a very large woman who had a very large partner, husband, boyfriend, or someone, but very large person named ‘Bear’. She was Crystal and said to me, “I’m supposed to have someone give you flying lessons in one of our whirlybirds. Have someone call me to tell me when, and I’ll set it up.”

Dora looked at me and said, “You’re really going to begin learning how to fly helicopters?”

“I wasn’t planning on doing it here, but I might as well. No sense in wasting time.”

The house we went to was massive, with a detached garage, and a couple more nice homes separated from the big house. There was a building near the house that I was told was a music studio, and I wondered why they would need that.

The inside of the house was amazing as it resembled the big trailers Steve lived in and the patio, but larger if that was possible. The view out the back was spectacular. Dora and I went out to sit in a couple of chairs next to each other and sat staring at the ocean. Dora said, “Can we just move here and look at that view forever? I want to see the sunrise from right here tomorrow morning. This is magnificent.”

Dora went to help the women get some food ready to snack on and begin feeding everyone lunch. They kept trying to shoo her away, but she said she was required to help whether they liked it or not. The more she associated with Chuck’s women, the more she began to fit in as she was a sexy bisexual who knew how to stimulate other women.

Dora later asked me, “How long do you think we’ll be here?”

“I’m not sure, Sis, but I’d say two or three days at a minimum.”

Mercy came to us and said, “We’ll go back in three days. We’re here to drop Chuck, Lisa, Bonita, and Lizzy off. They need to work on some music. That means all of Chuck’s women will be staying too, of course. You can stay if you want, but there will be some intense music production going on.”

Steve came over to us and said, “I want you to get your first couple of lessons from a guy who is a real guru when it comes to helicopters. I’ll also pair you up with some more awesome instructors when we get back home. DeDe will be lining up some of the courier flights meanwhile. You’re going to be so busy that you’ll have to ask someone what your name is.”

Dora grinned and said, “I guess that kills the idea of talking you into coming to work with me.”

I was taken to the airfield for my first helicopter lesson in the morning. A guy who looked to be old enough to be my grandfather was crawling all over a small helicopter when I arrived. He bounced off the side of the aircraft and stuck his hand out. “I’m Charlie, and I’m going to give you your indoctrination flight. I’m told you can fly fixed wing pretty well, so let’s begin.”

Charlie explained this was a turbine driven aircraft the same as some fixed wing were turbine assisted propeller driven aircraft known as turboprops like the King Air. The turbine couldn’t be very big because the entire aircraft could fit in the luggage bay of a big aircraft. Not quite, actually, but it seemed that way.

I was given a card to do a preflight inspection and didn’t have a clue as to what everything was. I was shown and made to go over each item numerous times, repeating what it was and it’s function. It took over an hour to get through the preflight, but I understood the importance of learning the way I was being shown.

I thought I would be like a co-pilot when I was seated in the right seat of the helicopter, but that’s when Charlie let me know that helicopters are different and the pilot normally flies in the right seat. He said ‘Fly us’.

That made me laugh, as we did a repeat of the external preflight, one step at a time, and repeat. Charlie showed me how to gently move the controls and to think of what we were going to do and how we would be doing it when we finally had the engine started and the rotors spinning. I almost peed my pants when the aircraft seemed to leap into the air, but latched onto things with a death grip. Charlie held the aircraft steady and then went to a small grassy area where he set the aircraft back down on the runners, and said, “Let’s try that again. Remember, gently, and move your hands and arms even more gently. I suggest you rest your right forearm on your right knee and just hold the stick with your thumb and one or two fingers. And don’t try to physically move the stick. Just think about doing it and it’ll happen. That will help avoid the overcontrolling that the death grip you put on the stick is causing. When you hold the stick that hard it’s tough to stay in the same county for a minute, much less hover steady in one place.”

I must have sweated a bucket by the time we made it back to the front of the hangar where we started. I now had to learn the post flight inspection which was as detailed as the preflight. These crazy things were complicated. Charlie took me to the cafeteria in the operations building where we each had a sandwich and a cup of coffee. We talked about why I wanted to learn to fly helicopters, and to fly in general. I had to admit that I didn’t know what my final goal would be but there was a lot to learn before I could get there.

After lunch we fueled the helicopter and then I did the preflight inspection in the detailed manner he had shown me earlier. He had me go through each step to start the turbine and what to watch for on the gauges. Some were similar to the King Air, but most of the gauges were totally different. I talked to ground control this time, and was given a position to access the runway instead of going out to the grassy area.

Charlie explained that they needed to keep track of all aircraft, including helicopters, if the airport was busy. I was to access the runway and fly down the centerline, and then lift off to climb and turn onto my flight path. I’m not sure how it was happening, but I was actually flying this thing and Charlie was watching me to make sure I was doing exactly as he had been showing me.

We went to a very large open field and practiced landing at various spots that Charlie pointed out. I spent about an hour hovering and attempting to keep the helicopter from rotating. Charlie had me point north, then rotate 90 degrees at a time while staying in one place. After a few minutes of that my hover control settled down and I was able to avoid overcontrolling the pedals, which rotated the nose of the helicopter, as well as the stick. Charlie’s tips and tricks really made it a lot easier. We made a couple of flying dashes from one end of the area to the other with a full stop, rotate, and fly the other way.

I was wrung out again when we landed back at the airport, and went through the post flight inspection and refueling by the numbers. Charlie said, “Okay, be here at eight in the morning and we’ll work on some other facets of flying these birds.”

The little girl chauffeur showed up and drove me to the estate in an Escalade. She told me that most of the women had gone into Honolulu for a quick couple of hours shopping trip today. I was mentally thinking, ‘who cares’ after the grueling day I had learning to fly something without wings. Well, with “swing wings”, which is what Charlie called the main rotor blades, because those are the real wings of a helicopter. He called regular airplanes “stiff wings”. Huh.

The first things I did were take a shower and put some shorts and a t-shirt on. I was greeted by Dora, Trixie, Dixie, and Etta when I walked out to the patio area. I smiled as Dora handed me one of this group’s favorite drinks. Trixie and Dixie told me, one at a time, that they had been teaching Dora about her gift. Etta told me, “You have the gift the same as your sister. We want to teach you to use it.”

Dora grinned at me, and I heard in my head, “You can’t hide from these kids. They have some form of antennae that tracks you down like a GPS.” I just stared at her, and then Etta told me without speaking, “And we can usually hear and see with you. Think of something to each of us and you’ll see.”

I did a mental ‘Eenie, Meenie, Minie, Mo, ‘ and all four females began laughing. Etta asked, “Are you making your mind up about who you will choose?”

Without making a lot of it, I asked, “So I can converse with others who have this gift without making a sound? What else can I do with it?”

Etta said, “See that woman playing with the two tiny boys? Tell her to do something that would be out of the ordinary from what she’s doing.”

I didn’t know what to tell her, so I mentally thought to her, “Look all around you for something you think you’ve lost. Smile and go back to playing with the boys when you have completely turned around.”

Holy smokes. She began looking for something and ended up turning completely around, smiled, and then went back to playing with the little guys. Marion and Virginia came up to our group, and sat with us. Marion verbally asked, “Are you learning how to use your gift? We saw how you told that woman what to do. Have you listened to someone yet? Listen to Dewey; he always has something going on in his head. It’s usually too boring for us to listen to, but you might like it.”

I stared at Dewey and listened. He was working on some numbers in his head that would justify the expansion of one of the local hotels. The more I listened, the more I realized this could be used with anyone. I was being amazed when Etta said, “Each of us will teach you a little at a time. I want you two to know that you can talk to each other over long distances. You have two women in Miami who you are close to, Dora. Focus on them and listen to what one or the other is thinking. Do it now.”

I closed my eyes too when Dora closed hers, and focused on what she was thinking. I was seeing a magnificent restaurant with chandeliers and waiters in tuxes. The woman whose eyes Dora was looking through was telling a man in a tux to make sure the people in the corner were treated special.

Dora’s eyes popped open, and she almost spilled her soft drink. “I could see the restaurant and knew exactly what was going on. How is that possible?”

“Your gift is strong, Dora.” Etta told her. Use it for a better way to understand others. Use it to be a better lover with these women. I think all of us here who have this gift are excited that you’re a part of us. Come, let’s have supper.”

Dora and I sat at the table, stunned at what we had just learned. Dora said, “This is almost too much, but I’m now searching your mind for all those things I don’t know. I have to stop, and you have to find out how to block me and others. How can this be, Chuck? I know Mom could always find us and always seemed to comfort us. I know that I felt Mom telling us that we would be taken care of and that she loved us when she and Dad were taken from us in that hurricane. It was as if she was there with us. I now know that she was.”

I reached out to Peanut to see how she was doing. The little darling was lonely and feeling down. I tried to fill her with my love and thoughts. The tiny person was soon smiling and getting ready for bed, knowing that she would have a good day tomorrow. I needed to do that often so my little race car driver was at the top of her game.

Someone was wedging into my head, and I thought black thoughts. Just the color black and I seemed to be able to reach out to turn the sound off. Missy came up behind me, and whispered in my ear, “So now you’ve learned how to keep others out.”

The evening was nice being able to visit with all those who were there. Chuck, Lisa, Bonita, and Lizzy weren’t there, and it was explained they were in the studio with Elmer, the recording and sound engineer. I told Dora that I had to be at the airport at eight in the morning, so we went to bed early. We worked on discovering what made each other happy, and loved each other for what was probably not that long a time.

The next day was busy, as I spent all morning doing one exercise over and over again, and then I did another maneuver over and over until I could do it all with my eyes closed after lunch. What amazed me was how I could almost control the aircraft by thinking about what I wanted to do. I was beat by five once again. Charlie told me, “You’ve learned well and will learn even more back on the mainland. Fly with Joy whenever you can, because she has the best touch. You’ve learned fast and will be able to fly on your own very soon. Listen and learn, my friend.”

The folks going back to the mainland talked about when we would leave that evening. We wanted to takeoff from the airport no later than eight in the morning. We would stop in Friday Harbor to let Dewey and family off, and then fly home. Steve said he had meetings and Sue said she was due to go to Ireland to check on an expansion going on there. These people were movers and shakers.

Dora told me, “I really need to go back to South Beach. I’ve had my break and I’ve satisfied my itch for my brother. Don’t let our fun keep you from finding that one and only, Chuck. I would be looking, but my two girlfriends are about as complete as my life can be. I might send one of them at a time up to visit with you. I know that they both think they might be the one to capture you.”

We were on the bus and then at the airport very early the next morning. I tried to pay attention to the cockpit preflight, but the two men up there were really fast. We were in the air before eight and had reached FL650 very fast. The two women who were attendants came around with breakfast sandwiches for us. Dewey demanded all the men be served Bloody Marys. Some of the women objected and wanted some too.

I was amazed that the plane could land and takeoff on the short runway that Friday Harbor had, thanks to the speed-killing vortex generators. I promised Dewey that I would be back soon to enjoy a salmon meal at his favorite place to eat and drink.

We were landing at our little airport a short while later. It was already late in the afternoon, but Dora insisted that she needed to get home. I had her call for transportation and requested a King Air to take her home. DeDe took me to the pilot’s room and said, “You can drop a courier envelope off in Key West after you drop Dora off. I’ll have a courier pickup meet the plane. You won’t need fuel, so take off and come home. There isn’t supposed to be anything returning. You will usually have someone who handles the packages so that all you do is fly. Finish up tonight and come in by eight in the morning for your courier flights tomorrow.

A limo was at the airport to pick Dora up, so we kissed goodbye and promised we would get together very soon.

I lifted off and was soon settling in Key West. The courier van was there and the man had the iPad that showed me he was the right guy. I was back in the air within ten minutes and landed back at home before eight.

My car was in the parking lot, so I could take care of a need. Hunger had me go to Park Place diner and have a decent sized steak. This was perfect as now I had actually worked for CS&S and was scheduled to do more tomorrow. When I went into the Holiday Inn Express at the business park I was told, “Sorry, we are full up. I know you’re Steve’s friend, but we don’t have any spare rooms.”

Well shoot, what to do, what to do?

I went to the patio and it wasn’t but nine. There were people there, but the person who I was happy to see was Sue’s mother, Beth. I explained that the hotel was full and asked if I could stay in a room here. She was excited to have me stay, and I was shown to a room that she pointed out was next to hers. She said that Steve and Sue had immediately gone to bed because of how tired they were. I could hear how tired they were from the moans, groans, and screams that came from that end of the house.

I instantly was in shorts, T-shirt, and flip flops, sitting at the bar having a clear liquid drink with Tiny and Ruth. Tiny said, “I hear that you’re going to take the first few days of the courier flights. That is a great way to get some time. I think you’re going to be surprised at how much you will travel. We’ll continuously have three separate aircraft in the air delivering packages. You should be home at least one out of three nights.”

I wanted hours; I was going to get them.

I finally turned my phone on and was astounded to find that the mailbox was overflowing. The text messages were equally jammed. They were all from Sandra.

I dialed her number and waited. Her voicemail greeting came on and I left the message, “I’m back on the mainland. I’ll be awake for another half hour. Call if you want to talk, otherwise I’ll talk to you later.”

My teeth were barely clean when the phone rang. “Where in the hell have you been? I’ve needed you and you weren’t available.”

“Nice to talk to you too, Sandra. I think we already had a conversation about what you and I wanted.”

“You asshole. I need you right now when I call you, not in a week or longer. I had to have my men do things they didn’t like to do. This is crazy; why do I have to beg?”

“You don’t, Sandra, you only have to ask nicely, and then tell me what and why. If you’re dealing with people who are going to hurt you, quit dealing with them. I’m not in that business and don’t want to be in that business. I’ll give you a number you can call but you have to pay them some big bucks to do your dirty work.”

“Why are you being so difficult, Chuck? I thought you loved me. Can’t you do this for me?”

“I like you, Sandra baby, and thought we might have a future, but you’ve taught me to not love you. I enjoy your family, but I don’t enjoy how demanding you are and the way you want to pull my string and I become Chuckie on the spot. I’m trying to learn some new life choices. I think we’re done for tonight. Goodnight.”

I ended the call and shut the phone off. Enough of that shit. I used my gift to search for Sandra and found her in Miami throwing things around because of her temper. Her mind was filled with not nice things that I listened to while she kept going back to wanting to kill someone. Well, I wasn’t going to do that for her. I had already done enough for her to give me a long stay in the slammer. No more.

I was settling down to sleep when Beth came into the room and mesmerized me with her enormous chest. I love playing with her long nipples and huge breasts, and she enjoyed my ever ready love instrument that kept filling her with what she called magic elixir.

Waking at five forty-five with a luscious mature version of Sue Sharp is certain to get your blood flowing. I couldn’t help but feast on her magnificent breasts and I moved farther south to enjoy making her liquid center Niagara Falls while she squirmed and moaned. Beth was continuously coming when I finally wedged myself into her snug female center. Her hip motor was really working as she was thrusting up to me faster and firmer than I could push into her. The inevitable happened and I sprung a leak that was captured by her internal plumbing.

Beth gave me some of the most intense kisses I’ve ever had. It’s amazing that this woman was so blessed with raging hormones, although moving toward being a senior citizen. She passed out, so I did my triple S and dressed for a busy day. Not knowing whether I would be back tonight, I put some extra jeans, knit shirts, underwear, and socks into a gym bag and went to the patio.

Glenda was having a cup of coffee with Tiny, so I joined them. Tiny said, “Are you ready for some flying? This is going to be busy and almost non-stop. Remember to stop, get a room, rest, and sleep when you reach ten hours. Steve and I talked about this and we figured that you should take a week off every three or four weeks. Besides getting your hours, you’re going to be making some really nice money that’ll make up for the cost of the training you’ve had.”

“I’m excited to do this, Tiny. You don’t know me well yet, but you should know that I’m very intense when I have a direction. I’m going to enjoy this, but I’ll have to go to a store to get some decent clothes. I’m sure the company doesn’t want me to only wear jeans all the time.”

Tiny laughed, and said, “The owner of this company conducts business with some world leaders in jeans and a T-shirt, so you should be fine.” Tiny got a credit card out, and said, “Use this for fuel, meals, hotel, and any other expenses you may have. I’m told you will have a military aide with you as an escort while carrying some packages. You’ll also occasionally have someone along for the ride between two points. Remember to call me if you have any problems.”

Glenda smiled at me and said, “You look happy this morning. I’m glad that Tiny told the hotel to tell you they were full up so you would be staying with us. Steve has an early meeting in DC this morning and left here at five. Sue was also gone already this morning.”

Tiny said, “Grab a couple of sandwiches and get out to the airpark. I’m sure your King Air is sitting there waiting for you.”

I drove to the airpark thinking about how sneaky it was of Tiny and Steve to do that, but it did put me in a room where I could leave my other clothes. My pistols and money were safely tucked into the secret pockets of the car.

I parked the car with the other pilots’ cars, and walked to the office. A girl I didn’t recognize was there, and she said, “Your schedule is changed a little,” as soon as I introduced myself. “You’re to fly to MacDill AFB and pick up an escort as well as the courier package. Your flight plans are all detailed on this sheet of paper. Here are your logbooks and there is your airplane. Good luck today.”

I did the preflight outside and inside and went through the startup procedures by the numbers. I punched in the information to get to MacDill and realized that I needed to fly around Tampa International’s airspace to get to MacDill. I’ll bet the air traffic controllers for the two locations went nuts.

Landing at MacDill was neat, as there were fighters on the ramp as well as a line of tankers and a variety of aircraft. I was directed to taxiways that brought me to a building off to one side of the operations area. I was told not to shut down as the courier would come to the aircraft. I set the parking brake and opened the door to let the steps down. A car brought a man who was armed out and who had what looked like a salesman’s sample case on wheels. He got into the aircraft, and I directed him to either sit in the comfortable passenger seats or the right cockpit seat. He chose the cockpit seat and buckled up while I shut and secured the door. I scanned the gauges and then requested taxi instructions as soon as I was back in my seat and buckled up. I leaned back and reached around to push the button for the coffee maker. I told the passenger, “It’s your job to get me coffee while we’re on our way to Oklahoma.” He smiled and nodded.

Same as Money!
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The best sex I Ever hadE23part1of1

This is the disconnected ramblings of a lady musing about a long lost and obviously missed former lover. The best sex I ever had Part-1-of-1 I’m a woman in my thirties. I like my clerical job at the local hospital and my creative endeavors on the side. Though I’ve gotten my fair share of compliments in life from past lovers and heckling construction workers, I’m far from perfect in appearance, only an eight. But I do stay fit and keep up the basics, hair, nails, skin, and etc....

2 years ago
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Celebrity Trainers Kristen Stewart0

Codes: MF, nc, rape, Mdom, mast, BDSM, kidnap, abduction, bond, Disclaimer: This is fiction, it did NOT happen. Fantasy is legal. This story does not advocate violence against women. If you have any suggestions for this or any other future story, please email me. Don’t forget to spay and neuter your pets. Hope you enjoy the story. Story: Robert Pattison was still recovering from the breakup. Kristen’s affair caught him by surprise. What resulted was a mixture of grief and anger. And...

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Son Make His Mommy A Slut Part VI

Hi everybody I am back with the sixth part of my story “Son Make His Mommy a Slu. I don’t know exactly, how many dicks were entered into my mom’s sex holes (mouth vagina anus) that horrifying day. But after that day my homely conservative mom became a complete slut. Because I used to fuck my mom daily when I am horny and my friend’s and my dad’s friends also used to come to my home to fuck my mom. But my mom never complained anything to anybody because I know my mom is also enjoying our fuck...

2 years ago
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Jackie Slut Wife

My wife, Jackie, well what can I tell you about her. She is 5 feet 3inches tall, has a 34c bust, a tiny waist, and long, shapely legs for her height. We've been married for seven years and have no kids; we decided that we didn't want a family a long time ago. We like the good things in life too much to give them up. Over the last few years our sex life had taken a bit of a dip, it’s still good, but, has become a bit routine and the same. We were quite adventurous early on in our marriage, and...

1 year ago
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Veronica too

Tall like 6feet , long curly dark hair reminds me of a hot summer day on the beach Santa Cruz, California.Beautifully Blue eyed italian freak, we meets an drunken deep thinkin'. she removes her skirt before sitting on my face, pulling my hair erraticly swaying her hips fast onto my face splurging large warm saliva thick pussy spit, get up she sits on my dick, twerking her ass back an forth , back an forth.An without standing an agile spin then reverse cowgirl taunting when twirling her tight...

1 year ago
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DevilsFilm Paige Owens Kiara Cole Cum Swap Cuties

Kiara Cole and Paige Owens are sharing a delicious banana split. To make the experience even more fun, they start tasting the ice cream from each other’s mouths, and licking the same spoon. Next, they put whipped cream on a banana and devour the long treat together. Since they enjoy sharing so much, Paige says that they should try cum swapping. Kiara loves the idea, saying that she often gives her boyfriend Alex Mack a blowjob in the morning… they can blow him together! Alex is...

1 year ago
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Unprotected Sex

Unprotected Sex an original story by CutePatti Part 1 Sue and I had been dating for over a year. We were both seniors in high school, had wonderful families and friends we cared about a lot. We were both good students, got along well with the teachers and had very happy and normal lives. At least until recently. What can I say. Things happen out of nowhere that can turn your whole world upside down. Not that we aren't still very's just so many things have...

1 year ago
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The Irish Cuckoldress

"I finally got a date with her!", I shout loudly as I walk home. Of course the people around me have no idea who or what I am talking about, nor do they care. Her name is Claire and is an absolute Goddess. is 6 feet tall, blonde, big titts, long legs, and a body that a porn star only has. She is beyond beautiful and pretty. I have tried for months to get a date with this amazing wonder like woman but have always been rejected due to...

3 years ago
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It Really Does Happen

This story is copyright 2009 by (lipsticked11).? All rights reserved.? No reposting without permission.It Really Does HappenI am owned by a dominant couple and their niece and used as a live-in maid, cook, and sexual slave.  My name was Michael, now I am Michelle.  This is my story:When I was 35, my wife Connie and I lived next door to another married couple, Denise and Steven Taylor.  Denise was in her early-30’s, blond, with large breasts, long legs, a small waist and a gorgeous face – a...

2 years ago
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Remember that One Really Smart Kid

[23:53] Tjampion: Is everyone here? [23:53] nar8tor: not yet. waiting on durden. [23:55] System: User "Durd3n" has just connected. [23:55] Durd3n: Wazzzuuuup!? [23:56] Tjampion: Now are we ready? [23:56] Durd3n: hey guyz! Sry Im late. Crzy nite! [23:57] nar8tor: yes. ready. [23:58] Private message from Tjampion: Are you seriously friends with her? [23:59] Private message to Tjampion: she grows on you. [00:00] Durd3n: wat r u waiting 4? [00:01] Tjampion: Sorry. I was just...

3 years ago
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The challenge

Preface For almost a century no one was able to overcome it. Many remarkable men had been beaten at some point by the ultimate sex contest: The Challenge. In a remote southern China village, you could find Yuan, the last shrine of the Xing jiao (the act of sex) cult, ancient creed based on the practice of sex. Its masters were considered authorities and were politically influent. Worshipped by roughly 100,000 devotees, lived a life of sexual plenitude since it was stated that followers had to...

2 years ago
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Daughter and Dad Part 2

Introduction: The continuing adventures of Jim and Anita Anita woke the next morning in her Dad‘s bed and searched for his body heat. It wasn’t there, and she struggled to wake up. They had slept in a spoon position through the night. On more than one occasion she had been woken by the sensation of his hard cock easing itself between her ass cheeks as he relived their lovemaking in his dreams. By wiggling her ass just the right way, she could move it into her crotch so that his cockhead rested...

4 years ago
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Daze in the ValleyChapter 27

Sean, Walt, Adam and Mary were sitting at the table when the four girls went inside. "About time," Mary said. "I was about to roast Adam's wienie for supper. We're thinking pizza but we didn't know if Sarah or Allie might have food allergies. Adam said it hadn't come up in conversation. Imagine that." Allie and Sarah still looked shell-shocked and Rachelle looked pale. Her eyes were still red. "Everything OK?" Sean asked. "Rachelle's father is coming over and bringing dinner...

3 years ago
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Failed exam

"Fuck!" you curse silently looking at the mail from your physics teacher. As he promised he sent the results of a final test, the one which will decide what grade you will receive in the final year of high school. You got (in your school they are using 1-5 scale, where 5 is the best grade) 2. So you passed...but barely. Considering your other grades you know that you needed to get at least 4 to had a chance to get into the college without entrance exam (and with a scholarship). For a moment you...

1 year ago
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With Strength and SteelChapter 12

"Holy hell," I said softly under my breath as I turned the Sedan onto the two-mile long driveway, my keen eyes surveying the miniature castle nestled between huge manicured gardens and an overflowing lot of cars. The dwelling, I refused to call it a house, was almost obscene. A boxy construction of dark stone and gold-painted woodwork that only looked good on old Victorian mansions, with bright light flooding from it's multiple huge windows that looked out onto foliage and statuary not...

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Life Lessons Ch4 The Cruise

It’s been a month now since we started our lessons and workouts with Mr. Johnson. I could not believe the change in Frank, he has gained almost 30 pounds of muscles and I have moved up a couple of weight classes. With the weights, running and fucking Sharon, and Mr Johnson added last week some boxing lessons as well. He said as long as you walk this path with woman there will be times that you will need to protect yourselves. Seeing that Mr. Johnson has not steered us wrong yet Frank and I...

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Firestorm Part 2

They were magnificent, she thought. Marie watched the two ponygirls literally rolling around in the grass. Luxuriating in the softness of it against their skin. She was a little surprised that they were still in their restraints, however."Do you ever let them out of those harnesses?" she asked Ray."Of course. They have to be cleaned, you know. The leather starts to smell if it isn't clean regularly and so will the ponies. I'll show you later."She couldn't take her eyes off them. They were so...

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Devlins StoryChapter 14

Devlin didn't know whether to scream or laugh. It was ludicrous, but it was humiliating at the same time. The light turned green and she turned onto the on-ramp and accelerated north onto the freeway. All things considered, it had been an afternoon she would just as soon forget, except that it made a funny story. After she and Danny had had lunch she had gone over to the Athletic Club to load the things she'd need for her trip. Ordinarily she'd pack and spend the night at the Athletic...

1 year ago
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Annies Little Man

My dad had died when I was ten and it had been just me and my mom since then. Mom worked quite a lot to support us so the neighbor lady, Annie, would look in on me now and then to make sure I was okay. She didn’t have any kids of her own so she said I was like part of her family. Her husband traveled a lot for business and she was always happy to have someone to talk to. She even learned how to throw a baseball so she could play catch with me. Annie became very good at it. I missed my dad and...

First Time
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The room was dark with only candles illuminating the tables as I walked inside the restaurant. My heart was racing as I contemplated what I was getting myself into. I had agreed to meet a couple at the restaurant to see if I met their screening criteria to join them in a rendezvous for sex. This meeting was set up via an online chat room and we had never seen each other. We planned to have dinner together and then decide if we were compatible and we would take it from there.My eyes almost...

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Rebeccas IntrigueChapter 4

It was a couple of days before Bradley called. Rebecca had spent them taking the odd walk in the park and alternating between being bored and doing a little work. She was glad of the distraction and agreed to lunch. "When are you going to show me this palace of yours?" he asked, after they'd fished around self consciously for a while. "No, no!" she shook her head. "I know what you have in mind." "You do? Tell me?" "I think the only room in my apartment you have any interest in...

4 years ago
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Super FluChapter 21

Junior woke before dawn, his internal alarm clock waking him as it had done so many times before. He climbed out of the truck, working out the kinks the truck seat had put in his back. Stepping around the truck he nodded to Cole, who was yawning. He stepped around the truck, watered the lawn and rubbed the last remains of sleep from his eyes. Shelley gave him a good morning kiss, followed by a yawn. "Get in the truck and catch a few winks," Junior said. "You too Cole, I'll take over the...

4 years ago
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Weekend Chores 5

Mom had always had bad migraine headaches growing up.  In high school, she'd even started taking medications, but she complained about the side effects.  The only other non-medical solution they found was a head massage or brushing her hair.  Grandma could really relax her when she rubbed her head and brushed her hair.  I remember Grandma coming to stay for Christmas and helping Mom relax during all of the craziness and pressure of the holidays.I came home Friday from college to find Mom lying...

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The Three Musketeers

Having graduated from college I rented an apartment in the city that I was required to move to. My dad was a disciplinarian who believed that you had to earn everything you got in life. When I was in high school, he told me that if I wanted to attend a college I had to get a scholarship to pay my own way. That being the case, I worked my arse off to attain the required marks that enabled me to do so. The company that sponsored me at college obviously required a return on their investment, and I...

Gay Male
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CumBang Jenna Foxx 08162018

Jenna Foxx paid a visit to what she calls a “bestie”…but, in reality, he’s a fuck buddy. She was feeling horny and found a sexy outfit to surprise him with, but it was Jenna who was surprised! When she arrived, a bunch of dudes were huddled around a big-screen TV, and they were watching a porno! Not just any kind of porn, either…it was a girl blowing a bunch of guys! Jenna could tell it was making the dudes horny, and maybe instead of fucking her besties in the...

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The Gloryhole

This is another true story told to me by a friend and he wanted me to share it with you. Hope you enjoy. As I was growing up I was very close to my mom. My dad worked alot and it was my mom that I had around most of the time. Ever since I can remember she and I shared everything. My mom is an average looking woman. She is about 5.5foot tall. About 130 pounds and nice wide hips and I am guessing "b" cup boobs and jet black hair with blue eyes. She looked good in bikini-she was not hot but she...

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Master PC The ProtectorChapter 25 Truth and Consequences

As I watched Linda and Li drive away, another car pulled into the spot they had just vacated. I turned to go back to my other guests and a voice called out to me. I turned to find Chloe bounding in my direction. She nearly bowled me over as she leaped into my arms, wrapping her legs around me. Her lips locked to mine and her hands clung at me like a life line. I held her for a second, letting her maul me while I steadied from the imbalance. Chloe pulled her lips from mine long enough to ask,...

3 years ago
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Helping out a girlfriend

I was sitting at my desk at work when a friend of mine called, whom I had not seen for months. We had been close for a few years and lately our paths had not crossed. She had fallen in love with a guy and I was still just dating a few guys. During the call I found out that she and her boyfriend had broken up and she wanted to go out and see if we could re-connect. It’s funny how many of these types of nights I have had in my young life (oh, I am in my mid twenties). Girlfriends are tight, but...

4 years ago
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441 after Montys cherry5

441 [Cc52] after Monty`s cherry.5The story continues see 437,to 440. At breakfast as she served the food, a smiling Bessy was moving a little carefully, hoping madam didn’t notice. Monty however did and asked if she was all right… blushing the woman thinking quickly said she had, “slipped and marked herself getting out of bed in the night!”, to which her mistress said that, “if it is a problem I could get doctor Gordan to have a look at you tomorrow, he`s coming to see me.” the cook quickly...

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A Friend of a friend asked me if I’d have a chat with one of his friends who was going through a depressive time, as I’ve been known to suffer from depression at times he thought it would be useful to him to talk to someone who would know how he feels. I agreed and this Tuesday night I met him in a pub outside of town.As I walked in I saw a sad man sat at a table and went over, “Carl?” “Yes” “I’m ****” we shook hands and I got a drink and sat down, as we talked his troubles poured out of him, I...

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Mistaken Identity

It was a great party, the booze flowed like water, the food leapt off the plates into hungry mouths, the music was clear, but not deafening, the lighting low and seductive and the guests happy, merry and getting very fruity. Who said forty-something's didn't have fun? The party was actually to celebrate my twentieth wedding anniversary, Louis, my wife, and I had decided to hold a fancy dress, masked party so that only each person's partner would know for sure who was who. It was the sort of...

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Amys Night

I've been with Amy for over three years, and it was only recently that her moral upbringing was tested. She was a virgin up until three months ago. For 22-years she was religiously conscious and very prudish. A trip to the mall would change that in her pretty quickly. Amy's a lifelong dancer: 5' tall, 105 lbs, shapely legs and ass, blonde hair with blue eyes and full lips. She barely French-kissed she was so innocent, and many was the time I used to stare at her lips and imagine driving my dick...

2 years ago
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Thanksgiving at the Robinsons

I could feel my prick spasm and my balls tense as my jism began to rise. I sat there at the table looking around at the faces surrounding me like a deer in the headlights of a truck. I knew that I was about to cum any second but there was nothing I could do to stop myself. I was beginning to pant and I knew that everyone in the room must know what I was about to do. When I'd first accepted Cheryl's invitation to Thanksgiving dinner at her folk's house during school break I'd never even...

3 years ago
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A Nice Experience with My Aunt

Hai! My Name is Herusen I had a nice experience, with one of my Aunt I still remember that nice experience. It was happeneds in when i was studying in UG. Once My aunt(uncle wife) visit our house with her kids for vacation. She was in the age of early 30s, a typical south indian fatty lady, with very big booms and tits (38-34-38). . On first day night everybody sleeping, iam studying for my semester exam on terror. After finish my reading and iam plan to go to sleep. At that time i am looking...

1 year ago
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Fucked My Sexy Maasi

Hi!My name is Pranv and after your great response to my previous stories I have decided to tell you another encounter which happened two weeks ago with my maasi(aunt).My maasi is 38 yrs old and has a very great body.38 CC breasts,huge butts(gaand) and a nice height.I am in class 11th,have a 7’cock,a good height and slightly whitish in complexion….My maasi stays with her two sons very near to my house and her husband is in the army so remains out of the house for most of the time.Now the actual...

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Bellaire BellesChapter 15

The entire evening was about sex. Everyone in the house was having it in some form or another. Only Bree and I kept away from the main orgy going on downstairs. The only reason we knew that it was continuing was the screams and groans of passion that filled the house, and likely the neighborhood as well. Bree and I spent time together just getting to know each other's bodies. I wasn't ready to take her virginity just yet, but she was more than willing. We fell asleep in one another's arms...

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Artist in Residence

Artist in residence By bojok71 Authors' notes: this story was written for a friend of mine. It's basically a family wanting daughter transition story. That said it's unique! It's not as sexual as my other works (as someone who was sexually abused, I will not write about child sex in any form). The story also relies heavily on dialogue. As it is written in first person, a description of the actual transition is given at the end. NO PEAKING! It's also non Stepford. While I have...

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Learning to Live a Little

Learning to Live a Little   I want to tell you a story, one that didn't happen to long ago. Unlike a few of my stories, this one could very well be true...We shall see what you think when you are done reading it. It takes place at my girlfriends house, she is the one in the photo with me. She stands about 5'2" and weighs barely any more than 110 pounds when she is sopping wet and has her hair down. Her tits aren't the biggest in the world, but they are amazingly firm and feel great when you...

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A Fortunate BlizzardChapter 2

In my suddenly darkened bedroom, Kelsea nuzzled my ear and whispered, “Neat trick,” just as I had started kissing along the nape of her neck. But it was not of my doing. And soon I heard a cry of alarm and then faint thud from down the hallway. Zoey’s voice rose up, laced with a bit of pain - “Hey! What happened to zee lights!?” I broke enough away from Kelsea to make a better survey of what was happening. Not the easiest thing to do when I had a beautiful woman in my arms and her hand down...

4 years ago
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Indian Couples Erotic and Loving Threesome with Husbands Close Friend MMF Part 2

Anil saw Neena standing naked, close to me, after I stripped her completely. He got up, slowly removed his kurta, came forward, held her hands and caressed them affectionately. He closely scrutinized her body from top to toe. He wanted to have the feel of the entire body of the woman he had craved; for the past several months. He moved a little and took her in his arms. Not knowing exactly how to react, she simply let Anil’s arms envelope her. They were in a face to face, body to body embrace....

Group Sex
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Impressions Ch 06

Gin walked down the sidewalk, groceries, sci-fi novels, and crayons in a bag under her arm, on the way to Aren’s apartment enjoying the unseasonably warm sunny spring weather. It had been three months since they had returned from the beach. The semester was so crazy and she and Aren were having so much fun, the time had flown by. She couldn’t believe it was already spring break. She was happy to have some downtime to spend with Aren. Lately, the only time they had together was while sleeping,...

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First TS sex

I think I was near my 35Th birthday and, believe it or not I had never had experience with a transsexual. I had plenty adventures with men and liked it very much as well as with women. Decidedly I was completely bi.As I wrote in previous stories, I’m writing about near 30 years ago. It was not as common as today, no way thinking to come out of the closet.I was working with a engineering group, developing housing projects and our working hours were far from normal. I was preparing a presentation...

1 year ago
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Bla Book 3 Wrinkles in TimeChapter 9

Elaine pronounced her final case of the day. The Bard Geoffrey was in accord with her decision and the court attendant went off with the two petitioners to ensure that the Goddess’ pronouncement was carried out. She blinked back weariness, trying to get her eyes to focus. “Too much sex and not enough sleep, goddess,” Jeff said gently. “You should talk!” Elaine said, grinning. “You and Terri broadcast your lovemaking throughout the manor. No one gets any sleep when you two go at it!” Jeff...

2 years ago
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Shhh We Canrsquot Let Them Hear Us

Zoey had just finished taking off her makeup and started brushing her still wet hair. She had just gotten out of the shower and was in nothing but a towel. That’s when she heard a loud “Brink” noise coming from her window. The initial sound frightening her and caused her to jump smearing her already messy makeup. She hadn’t a doubt in her mind who it was. She opened her bathroom door taking her right into her own room. It was then, when she heard another sound coming from her window similar to...

3 years ago
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The Gadget

"The Gadget" by Cj Wenhurst "I've got it." John said, putting the last dab of solder on a small printed circuit card. A small stubby antenna was attached to the end of what appeared as a modified bulky remote control of some sort. Jim sat back in his small makeshift lab with soldering iron in hand as the small trail of smoke from his last connection twirled up and around the soft florescent shop light. His chair creaked lightly on it's wheels as he leaned back and admired...

1 year ago
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A Second ChanceChapter 7

My first time through, we weren't poor. Daddy was the County Prosecutor for a few terms ... until the big Mink trial. He didn't get reelected the term before the trial ... I don't even remember if he ran. Anyway, he was in private practice when this particular opportunity presented itself. In 1950, a local mink rancher bought a product from a really big chemical company and was guaranteed the product wouldn't harm the mink but it would kill the particular mite the mink had. Mink coats...

4 years ago
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rich boys love 33

when i was outside of school i called harvey on my cell and said "babe please get a taxi and drive me home" harvey said "are you okay babe" i said "not really my fingers kill and so does my back" harvey said "okay see ya soon" about 15 minutes later my dads car pulled up infront of me my dad got out and said "what wrong with your fingers and your back" so i told him "miss carlton made me write lines and clean gum of the bottom of the desks" my dads looked angry and told me to...

3 years ago
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A Thanksgiving to remember

a slightly altletic build. It was thanksgiving morning and as usual we went to my aunts house around 12 to join the family for some fun before we ate dinner. every one was sitting around in my aunts home, it was a huge house with many rooms and pool outside. It was far to cold for the pool. I got bored so I deiced to go to the den and watch some football on the big screen. I got down into the large den that was in the basement of the house and it was quite dark and secluded with a...

1 year ago
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Turning my best friend gayPART 2

Weeks went on and I was getting nowhere with Mike. Sure, a couple of nights each week we would find ourselves parked in the trees off of some dirt backroad, talking about the girls we wanted to fuck and masturbating to them, which still got my heart racing as I watched Mike stroke that beautiful cock, but I still wanted more. Now and then I would jokingly bring up sucking each other, but a quickly replied “nah” always dropped the idea in its tracks. To this day I don’t know what brought...

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crossdresser fantasy

hi - my name is franny and i am a pantyhose addict - been that way since puberty wearing my mothers clothes - but lately, i have really indulged myself with buying spree at macys - loading up on hosiery . shapewear . dresses and heels - can never seem to satsify my fantasy of transformation to a woman - what would really put me over would be to entertain horny men and it might go something like the following wishful thoughti like meeting others on line who have the same passion i do for...

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Bad Dolls Have More FunChapter 3

Toshima was radiantly happy today because it was the day she was going to the beach to swim in the waves and bounce the ball on the beach with her friends Miss Lee and Miss Yoko. She had been friends with them for a long, long time. It seemed like they had always been friends. Mister Sanyo, her father's boss, had given her a nice present of a swimming costume and she had worn it several times for him because he liked to play with her bottom inside the single piece suit. She didn't mind at...

3 years ago
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An Airmens Love

I sat down upon the shiny leather of the bar stool and sighed. I had been stood up again by another blind date that my well-meaning friend had set me up on. I swirled the small straw around in my drink and breathed deeply. Maybe they came, saw me and then left, because I am not what they want, I though grimly. This was the third time I had been stood up. I thought that I was decent looking and that maybe my personality would mean more than looks. Guess that I was wrong on all accounts. I...

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